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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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capacity for them. but also passing through central and the rest of north america, these incredibly dangerous, darien gap, where doctors without borders are saying that sexual assaults have increased sevenfold in just the last quarter of the year, because people are not just coming from south america, but they are also flying. it's why you have this explosion of chinese nationals coming over here. iranians, russians, they fly out here and they come into a country where we can't kick them out again because biden ripped up those policies. >> neil: guys, i wish we had more time, you both articulated very well. that battle goes on and the debate goes on. just without the issue of the homeland security secretary, who stays at his job. the president happy that he is staying at his job. i hope this has no more repercussions. we shall see. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dana perino monmouth judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ donald trump flipping the script on his criminal hush money trial, going from a court to a bodega. that looks familiar is because you've seen it before, the infamous site where its previous owner, who the elbow, stabbed a man to death in self-defense, but was charged by a new york city d.a. named alvin bragg, very familiar to know you now, but finally under a lot of pressure, alvin bragg dropped the case. the former president railing against bragg's crime record on tape. watch here. >> they want law and order. they have a lot of crime, tremendous crime, where the stores are being robbed. that includes crime. [chanting "four more years"] tremendous crimes. it is alvin bragg's fault. alvin bragg does nothing.
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he goes after guys like trump, who did nothing wrong. violent criminals, murderers. they know, there are hundreds of murderers all over the city, they know who they are, they don't pick them up, they go after trump. >> dana: trump must of gotten under alvin bragg's skin. the manhattan d.a. issuing a response, defending his handling of the case, and adding that his "top priority remains combating violent crime and the office has worked hand-in-hand with the nypd to drive down overall crime in manhattan, including double-digit decreases in homicides and shootings since he took office." that however still doesn't change the fact that bragg has downgraded a staggering 60% of felony cases to lesser charges last year. meanwhile trump got a very warm reception at that bodega. [chanting "four more years"] [chanting "we love trump"] >> dana: but the media not a fan.
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one msnbc analyst comparing the former president to a caged animal, warning that he might lash out dangerously because of the trial. >> essentially he is like a caged animal, and that is a dangerous situation. he is feeling very threatened, he is out of control, so we do expect him to lash out. anybody who has covered him over the past decade can expect that. >> dana: judge? you got a kick out of that one. >> judge jeanine: i did. out of control -- do you want to ask a question? 's before go ahead be at of control. in their dreams he is out of control. this man is the epitome of grace under fire. i mean, forget about the fact that he was impeached twice, took half a billion dollars from him, indicted him four times, looking to put him in jail. this guy is out campaigning us in as court is out. and you know, this guy, bragg, i got to tell you, he is a make-believe prosecutor. this guy's job is to protect the criminal and forget about the victim. alvin bragg is the kind of guy who forgives those who rob people with weapons, but then
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indicts people who defend themselves with weapons. this guy is a pathetic example of what's going on, and he can talk about crime being down in new york, alvin bragg, all he wants. he's a fool. first of all, police are not making arrests because they are not enough of them. secondly, people aren't reporting crimes because they know that nothing is going to happen. and the idea -- i can speak to this -- the idea of downgrading 938 of the most serious felony charges and reducing felonies to misdemeanors and almost a thousand cases, 60% reduced -- i mean, this is sad. this is pathetic. but i do think it was brilliant on the part of donald trump to go back to the bodega because this is a place where an ex-con, a career criminal jumped over the counter of the owner of this bodega to stab him because the owner of the bodega wouldn't give his girlfriend a free bag of chips.
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and while the ex-cons girlfriend is stabbing the owner, he is cornered. he is being attacked. he is about to be stabbed. and he defends himself. and this bozo alvin bragg says after a thorough investigation, we dismissed $250,000 bail, in rikers island for three weeks, only because we went crazy, the media went crazy, the public went crazy, and the poor owner, he went back to the dominican republic. so, you know, alvin bragg is going to say "i'm a great d.a. because i'm going to convict trump," you are a fool, 90% democrats, including the jury pool. >> dana: what did you think of that campaign tactic, harold? >> harold: first of all, it's good to be back. i've been gone a week. >> tyrus: good to see you, man, you are missed. [laughter] >> harold: first, when you think about donald trump as a candidate as a candidate for office at a political candidatee
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is as gifted a political athlete as i have ever seen. i don't agree with a lot of his things, but you have to respect the business and understand how politics, the art of politics is litigating. this move here -- dana, we had a conversation about this a day or so ago, here he is in new york. he goes to a bodega. he was at a gas station a day or so before. this is as good a campaigning as you can do. weather -- some may argue or say the crowd was scripted, whatever happened there, it looked good. this is the kind of theater you want when you are in a campaign and he was able to highlight, in addition to that, an issue on the forefront of a lot of voters' minds not just in new york but everywhere, my daughter and crime. i will refrain from some of the conversation analysis around d.a. bragg, but if you look -- to the judge's point -- this juxtaposition of donald trump there versus trump, this is what is going to be talked about ove,
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so as a political move, as a political athlete, this was a very, very smart thing for the president to do. now i don't think it is going to necessarily have an impact on the trial itself, but on the campaign itself, there is no doubt, this is one of the smarter things the president can be doing. >> dana: and the image drove the news. president biden is in pennsylvania. he is swinging through there, kind of, talking about raising taxes and things like that, and i think they know it is a keystone state to his campaign, they need to have pennsylvania and the democratic camp, but how does the biden team compete with images like that? >> jesse: he can't. trump is like the white carl lewis if we talk about -- [laughter] think about how fast this guy is viewed >> tyrus: white guy fast then a black -- >> jesse: they call him white lightning. he is at a fraternity house throwing footballs. then a ufc fight with rogan. then at a chick-fil-a, black women are coming up to him, hugging him, shakes on the house.
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and then he is going to the bodega where hispanic kids are chanting "four more years." it blows up every hoax they have thrown at him. they have said this guy hates minorities and minorities love him everywhere he goes. say he is afraid to go out inside of his bunker, going to places joe biden doesn't even go. this is a brilliant tactic and if you're going to be pinned down in a place like this he pivots and takes opportunities like that. it was sick. sleepy don one day, and the next day he is a caged animal? they are just throwing stuff up against the wall. i think he's been pretty calm for facing 91 charges. i'm wetting myself if i am facing one charge. they are trying to rig this jury. they are catching undercover liberal activists lying to the judge. they are saying, you ever say anything on social be about donald trump? no, i can't remember. what about this post where you said he should be in prison?
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oh, yeah, that one. strike. and they keep throwing these on their covers at him and thank god they are doing their research on these people so far. a guy born in ireland, the jury foreman. and then my other hope, a guy born in puerto rico with grandkids. the rest of them -- dei all over their firm's websites, 20-year-old white girl who works for disney and likes to dance. this looks like trouble. i think a hung jury is the best you are going to get here. >> tyrus: listen, hashtag #whitelightning. normally the rule is to shut up and win your case. going to the public is usually a bad idea. this is the one time it's a great idea. i think president trump and his team is smart enough to know that whatever happens in the courtroom is already laid out. they know what is going on. so he is going to use this.
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his trial is going to be publicly, so he is doing things that the other president won't do, can't do. you can't have joe show up at a bodega and answer questions because it will get weird. you know. so what the president is doing is phenomenal in the sense, i think he has read the room. he is not going to get a fair trial in new york but for all those days he is there, he has free campaign money. he is making up for that loss. took half a billion away, cool, i'll take the free press, which normally costs candidates millions and millions of dollars, he is getting it every day, and as a former wrestler, he is a master at the promo. he needs to have a book called "the art of the promo." he gets in front of the mic, the crowd is chanting, cannot manufacture that. can hand out scripts for that. would see it online. we are seeing in real time a living martyr because he is dead in the courtroom but his trial is in the public and he is winning the public.
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>> harold: i'm going to listen to the facts, you think the jury has already decided -- i differ with you. >> tyrus: i just think the case in itself, first of all, it is a federal wisecrack doing it anyways. the other side of it is, it's designed for him to lose, when you look at, because no one else is getting charged like this. it is crazy, the statute of limitations are out. it should have been a done deal. the one time he said which trias the one time where it feels like a witch trial. regular, non, i did not pass the bar guy. >> harold: might be true what you are saying but you still have to present the case and the jury may reach -- >> judge jeanine: there is no such thing as a fair trial when manhattan is 90% democrat. the defendant is a politician. >> harold: disagree with you totally. >> judge jeanine: there should have been a change of venue in a county close to manhattan where the same judge would try the case when at least they had a 50/50 -- like in a swing
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district. new york city was selected -- >> harold: you are saying every republican has been convicted in the city of new york, they should have known they were going to be convicted because they were democrats on the jury or vice versa? >> judge jeanine: no, what i am saying is if the jury pool is pulled from the voting rolls, and they are 90% anti-trump four years ago, let's stop killing each other and make believe this is a fair trial. the only way he gets a fair trial is a politician and a political case, in a political venue, is in a swing state or a swing county venue. >> dana: okay, coming up, they might need to google a good defense lawyer. anti-israel tech workers arrested after occupying their bosses office. ♪ ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: from blocking bridges to harassing students on campus, the pro-hamas crowd has had a biggest know mike busy week of causing chaos. earlier a group of columbia student set up 60 tenths on the university of maine lawn to protest israel, and now these loons have found a new way to show off their anti-semitism: occupy their boss' office. anti-israel google staffers getting arrested after storming the company's headquarters in new york, california, and seattle, and staging a sit in at the executive offices, demanding that the tech giant cut ties with the israeli governments. >> google, google, you can't hide! >> google, google, you can't hide! >> you are funding genocide! >> judge jeanine: the anti-israel insanity did not stop there. protesters were chanting "death
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to america" in the streets of new york. piers morgan confronting an activist who doesn't think the vial chant is that big a deal. >> what do you think about people chanting "death to america" as they did in one video clip? >> i think that is a phrase may be said by an individual -- >> the whole crowd began joining in. >> i didn't see that. >> this guy said it and then the whole crowd began chanting it. would you condemn that? >> i'm here to talk about the entire -- >> you are here to answer my questions, actually. would you convey what they were chanting, "death to america"? >> i think we should condemn palestinians actually being killed. >> judge jeanine: you know, dana, i will go to you. it is very interesting how when they are called on it, you know, they are not going to admit it, and in this particular case, you've got all of these google and amazon employees, 90 google, 300 amazon come out of like a million and a half amazon employees, want to put an end to whatever business is being done with israel. >> dana: i'm not shocked that
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google is full of a lot of pro-hamas lunatics. okay, remember what we just saw about the ai thing a couple weeks ago. they want to make george washington black. like the original white lightning. you remember, the call back from the a block. it's also the highlighting of how they have hijacked the word genocide. this is not a genocide. and they don't speak up when there is actual genocide, okay? no one is talking about the sudanese right now, won't talk about that and have a conversation because they couldn't answer the questions because they have talking points that they walk into an interview with and as soon as piers morgan asked the question not on their approved list of talking points it melts on contact so that was pretty pathetic. i think that the cease-fire calls are to 2024 what defunding the police was to 2020 in terms of the political concept. and you will see of these corporations actually fall for it again. remember what they did in 2020? they bent over backwards, give you all the money. and now they have these sit ins for these employees which is
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weird because i thought everybody work from home, so who cares they are in their executives' offices. all of these employees to denounce israel, not only -- they don't just want to come at google, those employees to stop working with the israeli government. they wanted to stop working with our government. a boycott, working at the pentagon, because all of this other nonsense. they've got big problems at google. i would fire every one of them. >> judge jeanine: well, yeah, jesse, there is not a lot of them to fire. 300 out of the 1.5 billion. 90 google employees out of 182,000. i mean, do you expect fully leadership, even though they are barking themselves in the ceos office, i mean, these people really have a lot of chutzpah. >> jesse: what is that? >> judge jeanine: is like your spine. >> jesse: yiddish. >> tyrus: opposite of -- something that don't fly straight. >> jesse: 20-year-old jesse watters sitting in on
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o'reilly's office, demanding anything. >> tyrus: tired of being outside to. >> jesse: down onto the pavement. it was not just that radical palestinian activist i cannot condemn "dea "death to america," hillary vaughn chased down a bunch of house democrat last night, and they wouldn't condemn "death to america." it's the easiest thing to say, i condemn. that's all you need to say. you are going to do a little sit-in at columbia, fine, want to have a tent, fine. if you sit-in on the bosses office, like a johnny pitched a tent at my office and had a mouse gone, he would be working for laura ingraham. >> judge jeanine: forget about that, how about rupert murdoch's office? that's even worse. >> tyrus: which one? >> judge jeanine: let us know how you would react. >> tyrus: easy, thank you for coming, you are fired. it would have been over in three
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seconds. when i believe in something strong enough to risk my job or to risk judgment, i stand by it, right, so when someone asks me, are you -- do you support israel and what they are doing against hamas? 1000%, go to town, you have my support. if i didn't say that, do you support israel? i don't want to answer your question, means i don't. so the "death to america" chant, if you have the constitutional and fortitude to just say i support "death to america." i support them. i am with them. this is my line. i'm not condemning it because i am okay with it. i always have more respect for someone who tells me like it is instead of playing the game. my neighbor don't like black people, cool, i don't like him. we understand each other. we are not going to exchange sugar, we are not going to have camp -- we know where our line is. when you refuse to do a line,
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that makes you spineless and no one takes you seriously on anything. these people make these chants, "death to america," all of this stuff, blaming america and israel, palestinians and hamas' problems, why are you getting mad at jordan and egypt? why are they not opening the doors? we will take your refugees and bring you in and help -- because there's a reason for that. >> judge jeanine: 's anti-semitism. >> tyrus: there's a reason for that. >> jesse: does your neighbor not like all people are just not like you? >> harold: i don't know, jesse, for weeks i have been like, i am your new neighbor, are you coming by? still waiting. >> jesse: scared of you. >> tyrus: probably. [laughter] white lightning. >> judge jeanine: so harold, do these people not realize that their ideology would be totally rejected if they were -- and why do they keep saying free palestine? palestine is free. it is just hamas that has them on lockdown.
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>> harold: look, i don't disagree. i'm going to build on a point that tyrus made. i think, if you have a position, then defend your position. i can disagree with you and we can deal with the consequences of the position but you have to defend your position. we have a history in this country of protest and dissent and the protest that happened in the ' 50s and '60s that helped pave the new way for freedoms for women's and blacks across the country, dr. king and john lewis, they would gladly have gone on piers morgan's show and went to answer every question and every position but they were on able to get those opportunities. particularly young people who protest today who i may agree with their position or their cause, who don't understand what dissent and protest is. that young lady, bless her heart for going on the show, i disagreed with her, it sounds like she does agree with "death to america" but whatever you agree with you have to be willing to defend your position. number two, they should quit working where they are. i would have fired them, is also. you have every right to disagree with google position on anything that they do but if you want tof
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google, you probably can't do that, but you need to quit the job and then get outside and agitate and talk about what they should be doing. we had a group of people in the white house, i saw biden, we talked about this on a show, jesse on the show, and judge, they sent a letter saying how they didn't agree with what the president was doing -- quit. >> dana: they were interns. >> harold: quit. everyone is entitled to a position but we live in a country where people believe that they can go work somewhere and disagree with them and still work there and put their finger in the face, their fists in the face of those who they work for. you have every right to do that but they have every right to fire you and more importantly you should quit. if you disagree that fervently. >> dana: they should quit or be fired, and google should refuse to confirm that they were ever employed there. and the white house should say, never knew them, and make it look like they were there. >> harold: we have people protesting funerals. there used to be a decency and
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an etiquette to protest and dissent in the country. shame on people who go to a funeral. >> jesse: shame on them! shame! >> harold: i don't get it. maybe i'm old-fashioned. >> tyrus: i'm with you on that, i see the same thing. the lack of respect and the ignorance that goes with it. to that point, you get asked a question in your answer is i didn't see the video. come on here to talk about it. >> judge jeanine: i like your "bless her heart," you are such a sweet guy, harold. >> tyrus: that means something different in the south. >> judge jeanine: coming up, the defined movement republicans can get behind. cut taxpayer cash to biased npr. ♪ ♪ ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs.
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>> jesse: there's finally a defined movement republicans can get behind. center marsha blackburn in your proposing finally cut off federal funding for npr after i got exposed as another m of the dnc peak. get this, $500 million of your money goes to a corporation that helps support the liberal ou outlet. big bird get some but that is another story. just to date no mike the other day, the senior npr who blew the whistle resigned. says he cannot work for the company's wokeness ceo catherine mar. conservatives having a field d day. exposing her left-wing tweets, called donald trump a -- since no mike thinks white silence is complicity in hard to be mad about the riots that caused millions in damage and also confused about the truth. >> a reference for the truth might be a distraction that is
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getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. >> jesse: dana perino. >> dana: yes. >> jesse: what you think of this new ceo? >> dana: one of the things we have learned from here is never accept an invitation to give a ted talk. that is number one. her tweets are absolutely wild. i have been a long time listener of npr but it has dropped off in recent years. much as other people, for example, uri berliner's original piece, when it started in 2011, if your audience -- tilted to the left but pretty much kind os conservative, 23% middle-of-the-road. by 2023, last year, it was completely different, only 11% said they were conservative, 21% middle-of-the-road and 67% of npr listeners were liberal. to me, npr has lost the greater public's trust and uri berliner,
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i think they probably did have to let him go. i think he was probably at that point knew it was coming, and she, though, has defended her old tweets by saying, in america, everyone has a right to free speech. except for uri berliner. he didn't have one. instead of, also, the other thing is, instead of saying, he made some points, we are going to take a look at them. instead they are going straight ahead and they will call anybody who doesn't support them anymore for their funding, whatever they are going to call them, i have defended npr for years but i'm out. >> jesse: dana is a definedder. are defunder, too? >> tyrus: i have an issue with the word and would like to see that change because i think the word defund has a definition in this particular time in our history that we need to not water it down. defund crippled our police force force. it families. it caused our men and women in blue to retire early. the word defund was used to
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besmirch them. ruin them. and a hold movement to basically spit in the face of our law enforcement so i see it use to defund something else, we need to remember that word. every time you hear that word, it's just like if someone used -- use the term "animal" to describe me and harold and then they want to use animal to describe big bird. no, no, no we are going to stay with your original definition. i think it is important not to use that word for other things because it waters down. we need to stay vigilant and remember what has happened. and is the last time you are walking around and see a police officer with a smile on his face? when we use that word for something else, no, no, no, defund the police. >> jesse: well, last time i saw a smile on a cop's face was when judge jeanine st walked ovr and shook his hand. >> tyrus: at the point, you want to cut off funding because of bias or whatever, i'm fine with that. this is what she is. we need to stop trying to --
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this is who she is. this is what her brand is. our federal government, which is a democrat, left-leaning government right now, if they want to let that run, it's their time, they are in office, they make those decisions. we know what they are. trying to convince us that they are going to change her or smarten her up as a waste of time. they made their mind in the sand. sand. don't listen because that is how you make changes in this country. >> jesse: go ahead. >> judge jeanine: you cannot have public broadcasting that takes the sign of one party. i agree, npr has changed over the last few years, and i respect what you are saying, tyrus, about defund, and the negative context that it has, but at the same time, i think it is appropriate for this because to take public money and try to convince people your side is the right side and the ceo saying she cried out of relief because donald trump was not elected, i mean, these people are in their
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own bubble, and they have created news that a lot of americans think is news, when it is not. when they don't care about the ordinary american. they don't care with the ordinary person thinks. these people are elitist, they are in their own bubble. they get all kinds of money from foundations and grants and everything else because they have the word "public broadcasting." they come under this umbrella of we are protected, we are fair, and we are noble, but when they are anything but that, and it is about time people took them down. and you can't, you can't come in the name of inclusion, and npr's vimission is to celebrate humany by including every voice come in the name of inclusion you cannot have journalism of exclusion. and that is what they are doing. you know what? it's about time the rug was pulled out from under them. >> tyrus: use that word, exclusion. >> harold: they don't get a lot of money, according to some of the data, but i think some of it suggested they get money, 1%
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of their budget. here is the thing. when you reach a point where you are really just comfortable around a table when everyone is just saying the same thing, just become -- we have seen this in some media outlets the last couple of weeks as they have been confronting some of these things, it gets bad. i like what this guy did. he laid out what the problem was and resigned. to your point, but in our last segment, these people going into their boss' office, yelling with a mask on their face and not really knowing what they're doing, this guy said i don't support calls to defund npr. i respect the integrity of my colleagues but i cannot work in a newsroom where i am disparaged by a new ceo. hopefully this causes some real internal conversation and even external conversation from those, even if you are a liberal and like npr, you should want dissent. if you are a conservative and you listen to conservative radio, you should want a little back and forth. so i applaud him for what he
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did, and i am not for taking -- they should have to overhaul this thing. if the money is only 1%, what difference does it make really, anyway, but i hope they become -- because npr is valuable and important, and they have gone on the left side, i agree with you, we need to get back to what it was and i was -- >> dana: of the fact it has the nomenclature of public broadcasting, they get money and funding and grants because they are seen as public broadcasting. it is not just about the 1%. there is all the corollaries. >> harold: i hope they fix it. >> judge jeanine: me too. >> jesse: harold and the judge will continue to argue in the commercial. >> judge jeanine: we just agreed! >> jesse: ahead on "the five," a little thing about john co cougar's rage. mellencamp melting down at a concert. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: john mellencamp making it hurt so good for fans who just wanted a good show. the jack and diane singer going ballistic on his audience in ohio come storming after the stage after someone apparently heckled him but he was telling a story. >> and then it got real quiet. what do you think -- [bleep]. guys, i can stop this show right now. what i'm going to do. so wonderful, i'm going to cut ten songs o out of show. >> harold: he eventually returned to finish his set and mellencamp said in an interview that fans should learn how to behave or don't come to my show. dp, you've been to a lot of concert spirits before you know, the other day when i went to the billy joel concert, the one cbsy
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screwed up when they aired it. everyone is having a great time, it is remarkable to me how many people are watching the show through their phone. and not enjoying the experience. why don't you just watch it on tv? my favorite thing that night was this girl sitting in front of us, she was online shopping while her husband is having a great time and i could see why some people in a more intimate venue like this one, where he could actually have eye contact with the people in the crowd and realized what was happening, that he was frustrated. i totally get it. i do think he actually didn't have to say much because if you listen, there are people in the crowd shouting down the hecklers. right? that is often the best way to deal with something like that, the peer pressure of other fans telling somebody to shut up. >> tyrus: i'm with him with this one. me personally when i do my stand-up shows, i always dream of a heckler because it is -- >> dana: honestly. >> tyrus: judge jeanine did when she came to my show. [laughter] i wasn't afraid that night because i had the mic. she listened to every word i had
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to say. he has every right to do this. the problem is that people buy a ticket now, they think they own the rights to the whole show, and they are the producer and the director because they bought a ticket. the guy is yelling at him, he is telling a story to set up a song of the guys like "place of music!" that is what upset him, he didn't want to be told what to do by a guy from the seat, so he walked off. that's how you raise children, also. kids won't stop talking, guess what, party is overcome hit the lights come i'm done come everyone go home and you leave the room, you wait a few minutes, one of the kids will come in like, dad, i'm sorry, can we please have a party? >> dana: this happened? >> tyrus: happens lately twice a week at my house. he did the right thing, they were published. i am pretty sure the guy didn't say "play another song!" because if he had come all is one of my kids at the show? >> harold: judge, as someone who does this at shows -- [laughter] is this the norm? >> judge jeanine: i spend a
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lot of time thinking about this because i can see both sides. it was kind of interesting, the person who yelled apparently said "play some music." he was telling a story about his grandmother. and, you know, i think whether you are an entertainer or a politician or a chef, your client, your customer, your followers, i think you try to -- you try to appease them. they came to hear music. and this guy was triggered. he was absolutely triggered. so i kind of see the public's responsive, i came for music, i didn't come to hear you talk. but you could come down either way. you really could. prime time.rue heckler >> jesse: i figured john cougar mellencamp was telling a story, it's probably a pretty good story. and if he is telling the story about his grandmother, usually the polite thing to do is not interrupt someone when they are talking about their grandmother. i always make it a point not to interrupt anybody who is holding anything, like a guitar, or a
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mic stand, safety precaution. >> harold: or a back. >> jesse: or a host. >> harold: "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> university of maryland global campus is a school for real life, one that values the successes you've already achieved. earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience and get the support you need from your first day to graduation day and beyond. what will your next success be?
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: what it is. i am a superstar. welcome back. actor nick hoffman says that if he was president of the united states, he bring back home at. >> i would also reinstate woodworking and kitchens and sewing in our schools, teach our kids -- [applause] how to make things with their hands. i loved learning to make casserole and i loved learning to build a table. all of those things you need. if you want to serve casserole, you need a table. >> tyrus: i absolutely love that. it's funny because most of my kids are homeschooled and they all have sewing classes, where they have to be outside most of the day, so all of us i think are old enough with the exception of maybe dana to remember woodshop and stuff like that. harold, are you for this? i miss trade schools, i miss home ec. i did learn how to make casserole that way. >> harold: absolutely.
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they should had financial literacy and education along with it. most kids think -- the only good thing is you can have this device, you can google how to build something and you can do it, but you still have to have a habit of doing it. >> tyrus: ikea, jesse. >> harold: i think all of this is good. i hope they bring back even helping kids understand just what happens at a sink, how do you turn it on, how do you clean things. kids don't know this stuff. >> tyrus: jesse? >> jesse: to the boys have to learn to cook the casserole or is it just -- >> judge jeanine: here we go for it >> tyrus: everybody. survivor. >> jesse: the reason they don't teach financial literacy, harold, is the economy wants us all in debt. they don't want people managing -- >> harold: who is they? >> tyrus: they are them, and you just ruined the segment. >> jesse: home ec, is that where they teach you not to get pregnant before you are married? >> dana: no, that's --
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>> jesse: isn't that home ec? >> tyrus: you were homeschooled before. [laughter] you learned everything while you held onto your mom's apron. i think we are done here. dana, judge? >> dana: i'm good beer i'm for woodworking and home ec. i made a cupcake pillow. >> judge jeanine: i think it is very important because at some point the grid is going to go down and people better learn how to survive. >> jesse: how to sew a pillow in the grid goes down? >> tyrus: five how to cook. >> judge jeanine: didn't you watch "outlander?" >> tyrus: jesse! "one more thing" is up next. come on, man. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." jesse? >> jesse: happy birthday, gigi, one years old. and you're not going to believe it. she walked today.
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>> dana: perfect timing. >> jesse: on her first birthday. >> jesse: she looks like her brother. >> jesse: they look very much alike. very proud and love you gigi. today "jesse watters primetime." jfk, lsd. jfk will not be a guest. but we will be exploring that in-depth. >> can't wait for that judge? >> judge jeanine: all right, what did he do? okay. it's going to drop tomorrow on fox nation. obviously you know who he is. a music mogul self-proclaimed bad boy sean diddy combs faces a growing list of disturbing allegations not only sexual assault but the feds are after him based on two big raids. on this special we talk about all of the trouble he has been in, about but he seemed to evade any criminal conviction. i'm not sure that's going to last forever. there's a lot of stuff in this special. be sure to watch it. and, tomorrow morning, i'll be on "fox & friends" early.
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>> dana: see you there. harold? >> harold: i would like judge's picture to be up whenever i'm talking going forward here. >> judge jeanine: why? harold harold it was a good picture. phoenix golf course benefit to benefit the ronald mcdonald house. before the golf tournament helicopter drops thousands of balls on the green below. every ball was an entry into a raffle which was won by landing in a hole. prizes clue staycations and phoenix suns tickets. the main thing is ronald mcdonald house provides free shelters for families of children traveling to arizona for medical treatment. hopefully they raise a lot of money. >> dana: cool. this is ohio man being called a hero this is migrate fear of going to any sort of game. this guy basically had quick reflexes and saved the life of a 4-year-old boy at a hockey game. the puck was coming right at him at cleveland monsters' game and andrew jumped? front of the boy to block the speeding puck with his hand deflecting it. it came so close it left ice particles in his hair. they were reunited and nasir was
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able to do the puck drop that happened at the start of the game. that wanted ha. there is a new quiz at the quiz dot fox you know i love a quiz. take it every day. takes you less than 5 minutes and we can compete as tyrus loves to do. we will take the quiz together one of these days. >> tyrus: didn't i beat you on jesse's show? i believe that i did. joggers in montana could not have imagined what caused the afternoon traffic. no, it was not me usually elephant in the room. viola escaped from the circus during bath-time and she was montana and, you know, she was just walking around town. >> judge jeanine: she escaped during bath-time. check out my live events coming up comedy tour. >> dana: look at all those events. that's it for us, everyone. have great night. >> bret: i'm ready for the quiz, dana. >> dana: the quiz is great. >> bret:


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