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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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time. gretzky widely known as the greatest hockey player of all of times holds or shares 61 nhl records including most goals with 894, most points with 2857. gretzky entered the league in 197 # with the edmonton oilers where he would win four stanley cups after plague with the los angeles kings. gretzky's storied career came to an end on this date 1989 with the new york rangers. we have a lot of hockey fans and now the playoffs. it will be fun. tomorrow on "special report." the diamond and silk bill is moving forward despite heavy lobbying. we will bring you that remember if you can't catch us live set your dfr. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's "special report" fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening,
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everyone. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. jury of your fears. yeah. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ now, together the names bragg and merchan sound like a slip and fall fehrman. you know the kind that lives off filing personal injury claims, workers' comp cases against alleged wrong doers. but, what we're learning today shows us that bragg and merchan should be the ones on the defensive here because both seem intent on inflicting harm. harm against trump. and harm against the faith that we are supposed to have in our justice system. now, if you are wondering why and are almost 250 year history we hadn't ever put a president or a former president on trial, the comments from dismissed jurors should answer the question. >> i couldn't be impartial. our job as a juror, right? is to be impartial. like to be unbiased. >> do you feel like the people that you were speaking with in that jury room that you sat with
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all day on tuesday, that they can put together a fair and impartial jury because of that sense of duty? do you think that's possible? >> i'm not sure about that. everybody has biases. and, you know, you know, stereotypes in their mind. so you have to be really, you know, deep and, you know, fair person. which is very hard to do, right? >> laura: yeah, of course, it's very hard to do. and if it were joe biden on trial, for let's say, money laundering in a case filed by some republican d.a. in, i don't know, mississippi, democrats would be making the same argument that in a red state where democrats are endangered species, when so much is on the line this election, finding an unbiased jury is next to impossible. >> i was shocked. i was sitting on the second row like six feet away. and when i realized that trump
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is there it's like oh, wow. i couldn't believe it. everybody was shocked. everybody was frozen. not like frozen, no expression, nothing. we were all -- you know, he looked less orange, definitely. like more yellowish. he doesn't look angry. i think he looked bored. like he wants this to finish. >> laura: well, they started off the day going in the wrong direction with the jury selection going from seven jurors to five, dismissing two, who had already been chosen. but then seven additional jurors were seated, making it a full jury. they have one alternate and the goal is to get five more. whether any of those jurors may yet be dismissed or step aside tomorrow is anyone's guess. now, even the press jab entering about this press concedes how problematic this is. >> this just speaks to the difficulty of the task. >> nothing is normal about this case. >> playing out there in real
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time and folks are even being questioned on the spot in front about donald trump about some of those social media posts. it's very transparent here that this is a difficult process that is playing out. >> laura: then there was this caller from inside the courtroom, according to producer inside, after the juror leaves, judge with her chan stood benc, speaking with the parties. he looks very annoyed. when they come back on the record, the judge announces that juror number 4 is being excused. now, remember, as this goes on, judge merchan, a democrat donor, is considering bragg's motion to hold trump in contempt of court for violating that ridiculous unconstitutional gag order and his truth social posts related to two of the known witnesses in the trial. and, by the way, michael cohen and stormy daniels are the people. well, today, prosecutors said trump violated the gag order more than seven times. well, of course, cohen can go on
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cable news. he can trash trump with impunity. but, trump, a defendant facing jail time, he can't respond? yeah, that's totally fair. but, that is just one of the many mind-blowing aspects of this case. today, judge merchan, after relost one juror, directed the press to refrain from writing about anything you observe with your eyes. does this mean if a reporter sees a juror rolling eyes when trump's attorney gets up to object about something that that reporter can't disclose the -- rolling in his reporting? that's something he sees with his eyes, after all. would that qualify as jury tampering if trump mentioned that -- rolling without identifying the juror by name? now, one would think that our press would strenuously object to overbroad orders by this judge given that it implicates
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their first amendment rights, the right to freedom of the press. but, no. instead, the media, for the most part, are falling right in line behind merchan and keeping their eye on the prize putting trump in jail. >> precisely because he is an ex-president and not actually go lightly because he is an an ex-president. hold trump accountable. and i don't think fines are going to do it. i think he needs to sit in a cell and ponder the consequences of trying to routinely undermine the rule of law and judiciary while the intimidating citizens part of this process. he should be put in a cell and contemplate his behavior. it's clear that the regime media is not entirely comfortable where this might end up juror number two, investment banker
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has masters. he follows trump's truth social posts. he also follows michael cohen on twitter. and he has also read the art of the deal. the fact that he has truth social is interesting. now, i'm on truth social, but i'm a journalist. and i need to keep track of what donald trump is saying. the fact that a common person folk, real person citizen has truth social, would that be an alarm for you? >> remember, it takes only one individual saying not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to hang a jury. all is one trump needs. could it be that investment banker? could it be the fly fisherman juror? but, remember that one also likes yoga. you can't really tell, right? look, this entire process is absurd. taking all these people, these prospective jurors and the jurors who are seated away from their work. conly indicating their lives unnecessarily. the money being spent on
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security and court personnel and the press and the biden campaign they love the fact that all of this, that bragg's entire case has already drained millions of dollars from donald trump. the g.o.p.'s presumptive presidential nominee. >> i'm supposed to be in new hampshire. i'm supposed to be in georgia. i'm supposed to be in north carolina. south carolina, i'm supposed to be in a lot of different places campaigning. but i have been here all day on a trial that really is a very unfair trial. >> laura: and that's the point, isn't it? keep trump off the trail. keep him bogged down. shelling out money as biden goes out and raises hundreds of millions from billionaires. that's the style of unequal politicized justice that we should all expect in the coming years if bragg, fani willis and jack smith are allowed to wage their not so subtle campaign of election interference. and that's the angle.
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joining us now is sol wisenberg former independent counsel, fox news contributor and david schoen former trump impeachment lawyer. sol, what the surrogates of the biden campaign who pass themselves off as objective lawyers what what they are now urging is this. watch. >> what i say is safety first. the law actually has a vehicle to hold the dangerous defendant accountable and it's called pre-trial detention. when the fines come, the judge also generally say -- and i promise you, mr. defendant, if you do it again for a third time, you're going into a jail cell. i have a hard time imagining donald trump making it through this trial without landing in a jail cell. >> wow. say that again? [laughter] >> laura: look at those cackling -- cackling people on the panel. sol, your reaction to that? they are salivating over the prospect of pre-trial detention
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to detention jail for contempt of court. >> well, was that glen cersner you showed. certainly the most lunatic of the lunatic fringe of left wing commentators who has been contra trump from the very beginning. but i don't think it's very likely that he is going to be put in jail would the secret service let them do that, laura? i don't know some of my favorite right wing kooks are into yoga. that fly fisherman may be okay talking about threats to the jury i don't remember hearing about that during the kyle rittenhouse investigation. they were never worried about that process. this idea of, again, what he
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they're really focused on is trump behind bars, watch put him in jail? joey, is that what you are saying? >> why not. that's what i'm saying. yes, i get he is a former president. i get there is secret service. i get this case is like no other. but if you are going to have someone completely flouting the rules of the court, how else are you going to maintain decorum. how else are you going to maintain respect. how else are you going to conduct the trial if you don't have consequences? >> laura: david, they are really urging judge merchan not to go what they consider to be easy on trump for this contempt issue. what do yo do you think will han given this push by them again to put him behind bars during this trial? >> oh, merchan is someone who in my view throifs please these sort of folks and he loves to exert his power. is he a very insecure sort of guy. and is he a bully, in my experience with him. so he will try to do it if he
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thinks he can get away with it and be a hero. it's so abusive. these folks, including criminal defense lawyers, are cheering on the contempt process and so on, when, as you have pointed out, michael cohen gets to speak freely. they say these horrible things and any defendant ought to be able to respond to. they had a long speaking indictment in this case playing out charges that everybody can download but trump ♪ allowed to speak. the thing you pointed out earlier is one of the most dangerous. merchan literally ordered the press not to report on anything that they see. that denies the defendant his constitutional right to a public trial and the public's independent right to a public trial. these are fundamental to our constitution and to fair trial rights. >> laura: yeah. sol, what of that? that narrative was building again all day long that it's safety first. the jury has to be protected. of course, no one wants any intimidation of a juror, ever. that's completely illegal and wrong. but, saying that you can't report what you see about what
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the jury is doing? what does that mean? >> it's completely and unequivocally unconstitutional for him to do that. and then a normal case, you know, the press intervenes all the time, laura. >> laura: right. >> in there saying this is outrageous. they do it with gag orders. i wonder if we will see that here. you know, the prosecutor, one of the prosecutors stein glass told the panel that this -- donald trump is like any other defendant in any other case. but, no other defendant, and that includes, of course, a political defendant, would be charged with what he's been charged with the prosecutor also said this case is about the rule of law and whether donald trump flouted it. it's about the perversion of law by this manhattan d.a.'s office. >> laura: sol and david, this continues to unfold tomorrow. thank you, both. now, biden has his own style of campaigning.
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and it's been developing over the last week. he's trying to find his mojo on the trail. well, brand new swing state polls just out. we'll tell you what they say, next. ♪ shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95.
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♪ >> laura: of course, president harry truman had his whistle
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stop tour and bill clinton, his famous bus tour with al gore and now joe biden has kicked off his gas station tour. today marked his second visit to a pump and go in two days after seeing the reception that he got, well, maybe he is running on empty? >> how are you doing, man? i got to check out one thing here. what kind of -- how about -- okay. black and white. i'm going to go order -- >> laura: crowds overwhelming. of course this was in stark contrast to the hero's welcome that trump got in harlem on tuesday. [chanting four more years] [chanting rea we love trump. >> for the first time in a long time people are beginning to wonder if trump could begin to make real inroads among minority voters. winning in new york that would be incredible. really hard. but, something's happening out
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there. new polling shows us why biden is spending so much time in pennsylvania. a state he won by just over 1% last time. according to brand new fox news polling, he and trump are running neck and neck there, ditto for wisconsin. but trump leads in georgia by six. michigan by 3. joining me now mollie hemingway, editor and chief of the federalist. byron york, washington examiner chief political correspondent. both are fox news centers. centers. i think having trump on the for several weeks he is fighting the machine and the machine is trying to grind him up. >> clearly the democratic strategy was to secure a quick and easy conviction in any one of a number of trials and also that that would keep trump off of campaigning. it's a really good strategy. it should be working so much
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better than it is. it is a real serious harm that they are keeping him off the campaign trail but, one thing we have seen with the trump campaign is that they are overcoming obstacles really well. you don't hear a lot about drama inside the campaign. you also see that these numbers that he has are not what you her democrats are working so hard to imprison or bankrupt their political opponent. >> laura: byron, the dead heat numbers in pennsylvania, what do you make of those, given, again, it was very close last time but this is philadelphia, you can just bet that every old person in a senior center is going to have a ballot picked up and dropped in the latest drop box all across philadelphia. so that's a given is the trump team ready for what the democrats are going to unleash. >> pennsylvania has disappointed republicans a lot in the past except in 2016 when donald trump
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broke down the blue wall and actually won there. it is really, really close. you are right. joe biden actually went to philadelphia today, which is like he is not going to lose philadelphia. but you got to run up the vote in philadelphia, however you can do it. overcome trump's run in western pennsylvania. fox news polls trump's lead in georgia is bigger and stronger than it seems it's ever been. and michigan is a major problem for him and it's not israel palestinian thing. it's electric cars. where it appears that the biden administration is trying to destroy the economy, part of the state and that's going to help trump a lot. >> laura: okay. mollie, we have heard a lot a lot about the youth vote and biden is going to mobilize all these celebrities again to pull the youth vote back into the fold. well, very interesting stuff going around. harvard pollster is breaking down what the youth vote looks
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like this time. now, remember, biden won the youth vote last time by 25 points, watch. younger people are angry, stressed. think the country is heading in the wrong direction. do you know what? at the end of the day they are voting for joe biden. it's been a myth that donald trump is making significant inroads here. i'm not sure i'm seeing that. >> laura: well, he has eroded from 25 points to 8 points. they're not seeing that. >> we are seeing in polls that trump is doing well with demographics that he wasn't doing as well with four years ago. but one thing i would caution republicans on is that democrats are doing a very good job withstanding that elections are won by moving ballots into ballot boxes. and so president biden has used higg federal agencies. he is giving them taxpayer funding to help get out the vote with demographics. >> laura: explain that for the viewers how they pulled that off it was brilliant. >> they're using federal agencies to help run get out the vote efforts that could be voter
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registration or voter turnout but they are targeting it toward demographics that tend to vote democrat. >> laura: and we're paying for it. >> education department is a great example of this. whereas it used to be considered that was inappropriate election nearing to use taxpayer fund to be involved in that type of activity. biden said no problem. use taxpayer funds to help me win again. republicans should not take comfort in the fact that obviously the mood of the country is one that is not excited about joe biden because democrats still understand that to win, you get the ballots in the ballot box. and so republicans need to put that same energy into ballots into the ballot box and not just take comfort in the polling. >> laura: mollie, byron, great to have you both on. all right, a striking amount, a number of outages have been plaguing our nation. what type of outages? what is this all about? the angle investigates, next. ♪
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>> laura: i remember when america as the world's sole super power was known to have the most technology on the plant. infrastructure, security systems were the envy of the world. but, last night, four states were hit with 911 outages. the latest in a series of bizarre disruptions of essential services. fox news senior national correspondent kevin corke is here with all the details. what can you tell us? >> quite a story here. so far law enforcement officials say there is no indication that the outages across four states were actually caused by some sort of a cyber attack or other militias act. malicious act. the outdamage that hit nevada, south dakota, and nevada did have the very same issues that caused problems in, say, texas, to say nothing of another one over in hawaii. that, according to loom men technologies said some of their
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customers experienced outage when a third party company physically cut their fiber when installing a light pole. the fec is investigating. if the outages are beginning to sound awfully commonplace there may be a reason for that several large companies including at&t, verizon, mcdonald's and facebook, to say nothing of instagram have all been hit with recent outages prompting federal investigations. worse yet, several air carriers haveline slammed by outages. we are talking about hundreds of flights being delayed. ground stoppages, stranding thousands in the process. and in some cases, yes, there were lines that were intentionally cut, in other cases well they remain under investigation. this is, of course, intensifying not just the scrutiny but intensifying the looks from regulators and congressional lawmakers as well. >> laura: very disturbing. >> it is. >> laura: thank you very much. >> you bet. >> laura: joining me now is missouri senator josh hawley. we have no idea whether any of these disruptions are connected
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or related. how does this show how vulnerable some of our critical infrastructure really is here? >> incredibly vulnerable. i will just say, this laura. it strikes me that more and more, nothing really works in america anymore. our roads are falling apart. bridges are falling down right in front of our eyes. pieces of airplanes are falling out of the sky. now we have got these outages yet at the same time the congress of the united states and the president, what do they want to do? spend hundreds of billions of dollars more on foreign wars, use tax dollars to subsidize chinese industry, electric vehicles, paying the chinese to make stuff we don't want. whereas our country or while our country is falling apart. if ever this was the moment to say wake up and start investing in america, it would be right now. >> laura: now, the gw parkway which is one of the major arteries into d.c., they have ripped that up, senator. this is just one little example. effects millions of people in the course of a week in the nation's capital.
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the dmv, virginia area. it takes an hour and 15 minutes to get what used to take 25 minutes. this is going to go on for, they tell us years. it's not clear what they're even doing. it's like four lanes are now one lane on each side. it is example of total incompetence when the federal government has any involvement in any of this. thank you infrastructure bill whatever the heck it came from. >> you know, it used to be you, laura, that our government could at least do some basic stuff. you know, after all, we did isn't a man to the moon. we couldn't do that today if we tried. the government is so incompetent. things are falling apart all around us. what did does joe biden want to do, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. send more money to other people's wars. secure their borders. my message is lee build america. it needs it. we need. our people deserve it. that ought to be our focus. >> laura: fbi director christopher wray again warned about coming threat from china sending then tens of thousands
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of people sorry they be arriving across our border. tens of thousands of chinese nationals. watch ray today ativan der built. >> we found persistent prc access in our critical telecommunications, energy, water and other infrastructure sectors. they were hiding inside our networks using tactics known as living off the land. all of this with the goal of giving the chinese government the ability to wait for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow. >> laura: regular people watching this think they have tens of thousands of more agents now in the united states. i mean, it's a reasonable thing to conclude. that we have chinese agents now in the country by the thousands. >> 26,000 chinese nationals have come across the southern border, laura, just since october. 26,000 since october. i mean, yeah, our border is wide open. it's wide open to the chinese. it's wide open to everybody. and in terms of china, this
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administration, let's not forget is literally paying china paying chinese manufacturers to make electric vehicles we don't want and sell them back at us at a huge price upgrade. a huge mark-up all while mandating we buy them. it is insane. of this country. >> laura: michigan, listen. >> while everything falls down around us. it's insane. it's time to get refocused on america. >> are you buying the biden campaign going to the gas stations saying hi i will have a burrito. doing that and trying to show everybody that he is an every man. but just on the issue of your gas powered car, your gasoline, prices, your food prices, trump just campaigns on that and the border? and also got to get people to the polls, these are just the bread and butter issues of today. >> the question is do you want
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to have a country or not? >> do you want to have a nation or not? if you can't pay for gas, if you can't pay for food, if you can't build anything in this country, you don't have a country, that's what we are down to now, joe biden would be happy if we bought everything from china, our energy, our food. crazy, wants to dismantle the country, trying to do it. long the way we got to stop it. this is what we are about. rebuilding the united states of america. >> laura: full back the essential pharmaceuticals while we are at it. did we learn nothing during covid? bring it back home. you're a leader in this. thank you. young people are filled with this odd rage and resentment today. and their teachers are become collateral damage. shocking video from one horrific attack, next. ♪
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we're moving forward with the houston dash. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. >> laura: now, the kids aren't all right. now, it should shock no one that things are spiraling out of control in our schools. after being fed a racial resentment and anger spooned fed by left wing celebrities and even the biden white house. some of our young people feel justified in taking out rage on
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anyone that rubs wrong way. scene at north carolina high school are jarring. >> do you think that effected me? >> i don't want it. >> answer we get. >> i don't want. >> do you want me to hit you again? [bleep], [bleep]. >> laura: that student was arrested and charged as a juvenile with assault on a government official and communicating threats all misdemeanors. joining me now jack brewer are ordain the minister jack brewer foundation. former nfl player. jack, it's mostly young men, but not all. why are so many of them resorting to this type of cruelty, obviously disrespect to elders and violence? >> it's tough to watch. you know, i work with young men every day. and this is a direct result of a
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fatherless nation combined with a school system that has removed god. and it's so unfortunate to see this, i think back to when i grew up. i grew up with a football player in school. i would have beat this kid up myself if he had been in a class with me and punching a woman. don't forget. this was a female teacher and a male student. and so, to think that we have a society now where we've uplifted the baby momma that raises a kid without a dad and made that seem cool and popular and now all of a sudden we have kids that are completely lawless. and this is happening all over the country we really have to do something. and the united states of america is the most fatherless nation on the earth at this time. and this is the direct result of that, laura. >> well, we reached out for comment from the school district. and here was a statement, this behavior will not be tolerated at no time is it acceptable for students to put their hands on a
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teacher. my focus now is on making sure that our teacher is taken care of and has the support needed to navigate through the lasting effects of this incident. more bureaucratic the superintendent said she is recommending expulsion for the students. that kid should be hit with a felony assault charge. you want kids to stop doing this? guess what? you do this again you are going to jail automatic four years in federal prison or state prison for this. misdemeanor? be back in class whacking another teacher in two weeks. >> that's exactly what is going to happen is happening over and over again in our society where we have these criminals and that's what he is he is a criminal that he not being rehabilitated, the parents aren't being held accountable. parents should be held accountable. forced to go take anger management classes with their child. they should have to pay fines and these people should have to really face justice and it's not
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happening. i teach in prisons and jails across the united states of america. i teach rehabilitation programs. some of the most angriest men on the planet. if you don't get this at the root, if you don't address these things right now and continue to be soft on crime that we're making our nation just become dangerous for all of our society. >> laura: well, remember, remember during the whole summer of love, young people saw individuals celebrated for committing acts of violence, cruelty, ripping down statues, america is this and that, racist. that was celebrated by our society and by our political leadership. many in our political leadership. the point is we don't just have young men doing this to women. we have people videoing in the classroom, no one is coming to her aid as you said. and they are capturing it for their social media feed. that is how twisted life has become. >> it's sick. they separated us between race, laura, and this is all by
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design. unfortunately we can't overcome the sins of our pass. what we can't do is move forward. preach unity. they are not teaching these kids to love people because of the context of their character. that has completely vanished from our school system. that is the reason why we need god back in our schools, laura. they don't teach the love of christ. >> laura: we need parents. we need parents to be parents. not their buddies but parents. and obviously it's a lack. >> hold parents accountability. >> lack of spirituality in god everywhere in our society. jack, thank you so much. all right, remember biden loved condemning what happened in charlottesville? but not a peep about what is happening at columbia, university. uva vs. columbia. huh, i think i might know why. the silence, next. ♪
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my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based,
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[chanting shame on you]
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[boos] [chanting people united will never be defeated. [chanting people united will never be defeated] >> laura: more than 100 anti-israel protesters were arrested today at columbia university after setting up what you saw in that video were encampments on the lawn and causing just total chaos over the school's ties to israel. fox's cb cotton is live from just outside of campus with all the details. cb, what can you tell us? >> officers in riot gear in nypd correctional buss are both on standby after you just saw that chaotic evening here at columbia university. but this show of force, laura, has not been enough to stop these anti-israel protests from continuing through the night. earlier, we watched as officers took more than 100 students into custody. they were put into zip ties and taken on nypd correctional buses. some students even had to be carried out by officers.
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one student said on social media she wrote this down for everybody and said as this happens, officers would walk past students who would jokingly thank the officer for his or her service, and then proceed to call that officer a boot licker. that is just a taste of what the nypd had to deal with out here. this all happened after columbia university's president shafik told the university she authorized officers to come in because these students have been warned multiple times that they would face repercussions. we have confirmed that representative ilhan omar's daughter squad member she was also detained and according to some reports she has been suspended. and we're told that all the students who participated in this encampment are also suspended, which means they risk not being able to complete their coursework on time but, according to social media, these organizers say they do not care. they were willing to take that risk. and, again, those students were camped out on campus for more
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than 24 hours. the nypd is certainly working overtime to keep things contained out here this evening. several times we see protesters try to make their way into the streets. and officers have to pull them back and keep them on the sidewalk. it is just an absolute mess, laura. >> laura: wow, c.b.,thank you. all right, the arrested protesters were taken down opportunity where we find our own alexis mcadams. alexis, what can you tell us? >> hey, laura, i want to take you a little bit closer to what we are seeing downtown, we are in front of the nypd headquarters. i'm going to step off so you can kind of see. you can see the officers right here and this large crowd of people that's just been growing and growing for the past ofew hours. all demanding for columbian students taken into custody on the upper west side to be released. take a look here as they start to get excited? why? because more students are now being released from nypd custody. they have been charged with trespassing what we know so far. they are excited because now they say they will leave here,
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laura get back out onto the streets of new york city to continue their protesting whether it's at the campus at columbia university or if it's across the streets of new york. they are expecting more protests here in the big apple. want to get you a little bit closer here so we can kind of see these students, walking out. you can see they still have some of their belongings in their hands and they are walking as well. so you can see here people are coming out. >> laura: yeah they are getting. >> listen in. [. [cheers and applause] >> how are you guys feeling about your release? >> people aren't really wanting to talk to us out here. but they are excited to be out of police custody. they say they are going to continue with that movement. just a short time ago the mayor of new york city was talking about how some of the things that were said to the nypd officers were so vile, they said it needs to be a teaching moment for people at these campuses
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across the country. they were calling those officers horrible names. they were just trying to get their protesters out of the area. we will continue to keep a close eye on the action down here. we will see if anyone wants to talk to us as they come out, laura. >> laura: alexis, we have been seeing some reporting on the funding that some of these protesters are receiving. doesn't cost that much to go from columbia downtown, takes maybe a half hour and more in traffic. any word on this like what is behind this other than a lot of hatred toward israel and pro-hamas sentiment? [cheers] >> yeah, no word yet on any funding, specifically. these people were taken down for free from the nypd, laura, right there on the bus. they didn't have to pay for a ride down. but they are paying tons of money to go to these schools. columbia, academically is very -- it's a great school to go to. can you talk to us just about it? okay. people don't want to talk. we will come closer to see if we can get anybody to talk.
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anybody want to talk about why people. >> i are harassing people and you are being disruptive and you are in the way. and i understand. okay. can you please just leave? thank you. >> laura: okay. so we'll keep an eye on what's going on down here, laura. >> yeah, alexis, that moment that just occurred. i know you are there just trying to report on it. you are not commenting on it. you are just reporting on what is happening. you were told by another individual who may or may not be a columbia university. university. you don't have the right to be there stand obligor an public street in new york city to report? really? >> i guess not. i know, we'll have to see. they have a right to protest though for sure all across campus and interrupted a lot of things. they don't want us here at this time. >> laura: well, alexis, the encampment at columbia with the tents and so forth, that violates a number ever university rules. they can't camp like that. it's not allowed. but, any sense that they are
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going to try to resume that once some of these protesters go back up town to columbia? will they try to resume that type of protest if any of them will talk to you? >> yeah. well, they might not tell me earlier we were at nypd command center and already from the drone looking down at that campus in the that square where they just removed those encampments about an hour later they were trying to put those tents back up. they said they had a makeshift shelter put up. they were trying to put in temporary bathrooms. they were there to say. they may be back as the weather gets out nicer next week. the nypd is going to be on high alert. they believe these people will be back on campus and all across the city. >> laura: temporary bathrooms, who is paying for that? is the university putting up temporary bathrooms at a protest that they basically declared to be contrary to university rules? that's what i'm saying? who is paying for the tents? who is paying for the bathrooms? i mean all of this. >> we will have to find out. i will ask them again to see if
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they tell me. >> laura: all right, alexis, go try to make friends this that crowd. stay safe my friend. great to see you. >> also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years. we saw chancemen and white supremacists and neo-nazis come out in the open. crazed faces illuminated by torches, veins bulging, chanting the same anti-semitic vile hurt across europe in the 30's. that's why today i'm announcing my candidacy for presidency of the united states. >> laura: all right. anti-semitism running rampant on college campuses under biden. he was condemning charlottesville but why isn't he condemning this or is he worried about votes? joining me now columbian university student and pro-israel activist. izzy, these are wild times at your university. what's your message to president biden tonight and other democrats who condemned what they saw at charlottesville but
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so far silent here? >> i asked all >> where are you right now? submits to be a place of liberty, freedom of speech, they using this freedom of speech for hate speech, from the river to the sea got classified by the house of representatives as hate speech? why they like to chant like this? why these seams and ladies racing from nazi germany, is recently hosting an event with a holocaust survivor who said do not call hamas not seas, they are much worse than nazis. what they did on october 7th, much worse. where are we here now? >> laura: sorry got cut short, we got to google problems early by thank you for joining us. we will continue to cover it, and jesse watters takes all from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight...


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