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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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arthel: today former president donald trump's legal team learn the identity of one of the
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witnesses who will testify against trump and his hush money trial opening statements are set to begin in new york city tomorrow morning. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i have arthel neville. hi eric. it's c4 hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shumpert manhattan district attorney alvin bragg they have refused to reveal the names of their witnesses. they fear the former president will attack them on social media and inviolate the gag order intended to protect the integrity of this trial. on friday they did agreed to give one name saying if he gets on social media that is quote it. prosecutors also claim trump is violated judge gag order at least 10 times by attacking people a separate hearing is set on that on tuesday which may decide whether or not to hold the former president in contempt of court. former federal prosecutor katy standing by with what we expect on legal arguments and openings
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tomorrow good national correspondent he is in allentown pennsylvania or trouble be on the ballot on tuesday. a key senate race, hyatt brian. that is right we are in allentown consult pennsylvania it's part of the states to 22 core door it's where the majority of the states, the latino voters live. this could help decide who wins the nation's largest battleground state. the latest fox news poll shows both the president biden and trump are tied in the state a new nbc news poll out today shows a different picture nationally it shows trump with a two-point advantage over invited nationally. their race has tightened with trump's lead dropping from a five-point advantage in january. the poll also shows rfk junior hurts trump more than it hurts a
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biden. when kennedy is on the ballot, biden leads a trump by two points the poll found approximately twice as many trump supporters as biden supporters choose rf k junior. finally the most important issue voters nationally say it is inflation and the cost of living followed by immigration, threats to democracy and the economy. voters in pennsylvania overwhelmingly have told us inflation is the number one issue both candidates who are running unopposed in tuesday primary art zeroed in on inflation today at longtime democrat senator bob casey is launching a campaign tour around the state in lancaster which voted trump in 2020 his republican challenger dave mccormick campaign in state college yesterday he was endorsed by former president trump about a week ago. trump, yesterday had to cancel his first planned campaign rally since his new york city criminal trial started because of a storm last night in wilmington and a
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battleground north carolina the former president called from his private plane lesson about an hour before the event and told the crowd there was concerns about lighting in the area. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is donald trump your favorite president of all time hopefully. as you can see there are some very bad weather heading in. we are flying in and ate a few minutes they really prefer we not to men there is a certain danger to all of us. we want to make sure everyone is safe above all. >> the cancellation obviously coming ahead of tomorrow's opening arguments in the new york city trial. highlights two things one, just how complicated is going to be for him to balance campaigning in the criminal trial part also plays into his argument to support its a sub political prosecution just meant to keep him from campaigning and winning the election. we will see how this all plays out. spit it all right bryan llenas
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live in allentown, pennsylvania thank you. >> how the trial play out? katy is with this former federal prosecutor called traditional law attorney. katy, good to see if we lesser the opening statements but manhattan district attorney alvin fraga said the case is about quote conspiring to corrupt a presidential their lying to cover it up. two height damaging information public. what you think they'll send the opening arguments? >> the key issue is whether the prosecution can prove it to layers of specific intent on the part of donald trump he had criminal intent to falsify business records that is going to be an issue for them number one because of the nature of how he described those payments to his lawyer. and secondly he did so to cover up another crime. that is where you really have to question whether the prosecution can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt these payments were for the sole purpose of influence an
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election and not for any other purpose even personal purpose et cetera. the defense is going to make it clear the prosecution has a high burden here date certainly have unfortunate witnesses on which to relight to reach that burden before you talk about michael cote is the witness. he was relying on his accountants to do this. he signed these checks. that likely could be his defense he said he will testify we do not know if you will. is that a reasonable defense do you think for him to say i signed those checks i thought they were legal expenses not with the prosecution say to cover up stormy daniels. >> absolutely. we are talk about criminal intent we have to look at the mind of the defendant and how he was operating when he made those decisions. not only does he have his own attorney telling him to structure these payments but he has accountants telling him how
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to do so. in fact with regard to the falsifies of business records to claim these were legal expenses he has paid his lawyer i'm not even sure how the prosecution is going to show how that in and of itself is a false statement. that is just for that misdemeanor charge at which of course they need to prove the elevated felony offense in order to get a conviction here. eric: at the same time you have michael cohen on the stand it's all part of the cover cover-upe took money from home equity to pay stormy daniels the trump organization reimbursed him this was orchestrated by the former president. and he has a tape recording of the former president talking about cash. do you think that will weigh in with the jury? >> it is going to come down to it michael cohen's claims and dd trump essentially directed him to structure it this way but at the end of the day at michael company it is the license attorney or was the license attorney at the time giving advice about how to structure this. hush money payments in and of
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themselves are not unlawful the question was whether this was a campaign expense that was not reported as such. that is where you really have to get into the alternate potential of motivations for why trump would pay this money but what he was told and what advice he was operating under to understand his specific intent. just because the story was more valuable because donald trump was running for office does not mean the payments were made simply to influence the upcoming election. it's kind of a catch 22 the prosecution is going to have to contend with. eric: what you think the president would say if he doedoesindeed take the stand? >> i think he's going to speak very specifically about the advice he was relying on he wanted to do this lawfully. he was understanding he had the option to enter into some sort of negotiation was stormy daniels in order to alleviate this burden on his reputation to leave his family out of this issue. anything that is not directly
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relate to the election itself for even if it incidentally might impact the election if the intent was for other purposes i don't think they have proof beyond a reasonable doubt. >> finally started to put you on the spot but what is your prediction? we are like a month and a half away the jury will come in with a verdict, what he think it will be? >> there's a good chance of a hung jury here. i think it would be difficult to have eight unanimous acquittal. but a hung jury i don't think it's off the table here. we have talked a lot about the jurors and the backgrounds that they have. i think at least somebody on there, maybe one of the lawyers being analytical about the actual law and the facts here might see the prosecution has not met the burden. eric: at katy, there is the prediction will see what happens about six weeks to go covering it every day for fox news i will be there of course. good to see you, thank you. >> thank you. >> now to tragedy in michigan paid two young children were
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killed after a suspected drunken driver drove her car into a birthday party. it happened at a book club yesterday in berlin township that is about 30 miles south of detroit. the county sheriff got choked up describing the kids who were killed. >> tragedy two of the victims were pronounced deceased at the scene. this includes an 8-year-old female and a 5-year-old mail. who are siblings of each other. >> investigators say the driver, a 66-year-old woman may have been at a nearby bar before the crash. that business is now closed and under investigation. the driver was charged with the feafelony and more charges are expected. c4 students and others still added at columbia university in new york city day five of the
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anti- israel protests. they've been raging on at the feet new york city police made more than one heard arrest in the past few days to try to get them off of campus. cb cotton live at colombia university with the very latest on this sunday. cb, are protesters still there? >> hi eric, they certainly are. i can say there's a crowd of about 40 pro- palace and demonstrators who have arrived here to columbia university to encourage the student protests which are still happening on campus. take a look behind me. i want to set the scene for you guys. but we noticed over the past several days a crowd will gather here right outside this iron gate on campus the students on campus will be able to see the outside protesters and that two crowds will fuel each other. again, the student protesters heading into day five of their protest on campus. demanding the university cut ties with israel.
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during last nights protests off-campus we know that three people were detained and issued court summonses. we continue to watch tense moments play out at the protest between pro-israel and pro- palestinian voices. watch what we saw here last night. professors and leadership have allowed this to go on for so long they have turned a blind eye. they have called it free speechh that is context dependent then there is the culture of anti-semitism on campus will professors are encouraging and participating in these demonstrations. the students do not feel safe. not only do they have to go to class and worry the person sitting next to them is calling for their death and destruction,
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but also they have to worry be professors holding their future in the palm of their hand is going to penalize them for being jewish. >> i apologize about this i lost audio in my inner ear piece i didn't want to say these are protests continue as more than 100 jewish students petition the administration of columbia university to attend classes virtually while these demonstrations continue and again like i said earlier, i can see a crowd behind me of about 40 pro- palestinian demonstrators but we have been noticing over the past several days the numbers will continue to swell as the day goes on for this is part of the closest vantage point will get for the remainder of the day as the nypd is about to move the press across the street that indicates to us they're expecting a large crowd out here today. back over to you. eric: but we keep your picture up and went to point out to the folks at home you've got the palestinian flag on the right. see the blue and white balloons?
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you could say that is for israel but that is columbia's colors. thank you. arthel: we have seen basically no concrete actions to get the really harmful or rhetoric calling for the genocide of jews. >> columbia supposed to be a global center of education and free speech and morality. but it's such an obvious deviance from napa. >> is a university doing enough? >> i do not pick works of thought being there for another month is sickening enough i do not even want to go to my own graduation anymore to be honest with you. >> jewish students are fearing for their safety on campus since the protest began. many of them feel the university is not doing enough to protect them. two months before the protest some students had sued columbia university alleging quote particularly severe and pervasive anti-semitism on campus for our next guest is one of those plaintiffs aaron mcnulty columbia university
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student joins us now. erin, i want to start here. how it does campus feel these d? >> first of all, thank you for having me. i think you can see a few videos and see how tense it is. how disturbing it is. and how unsafe it is, truly. arthel: and now i understand that yale students have joined the anti- israel protesters and what they are calling solidarity. what you make of this? >> this is not just a failure of academia. i think it's a trail of democracy. of morals and american values. this is what happens when you have an organization such as sj p around the country. when students are about to do whatever they want and barely get a slap on the wrist for
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doing it. sc-5 would assess jp? >> students justice for palestine. there's also jb pete that's jewish voices for peace those clubs were suspended by columbia couple of months ago. arthel: expression and varied thinking is part of the university experience. what would you say it make these protests different? >> i think it is important for people to recognize that we all have freedom of speech and that is important. this is impeding on our ability to learn. this is discrimination. this is harassment constantly. and it has been getting violent. it is truly concerning. arthel: have you spoken with students who have asked feeling unsafe on campus besides yourself?
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>> absolutely. i think we are fortunate we have a strong community. but it is constant. we are curing from our friends in group chats and even professors telling us i got called this and i got called that and i was pushed, they tried to burn my flag. last night alone we were up until 3:00 a.m. in the morning discussing what was going on. arthel: what are some things whd in that discussion? >> a lot of it is just videos of really brave students going onto campus. and them just showing what is going on. i had the chance to talk to the rabbi that was on campus last night making sure everyone was safe. i think we are just all so disturbed and scared for our
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safety at this point. arthel: you made reference to brave students going on campus. you should not have to be brave to go to school, to go to class. that's really unbelievable. >> yes it is it's the bravest thing you can do it columbia right now as a jewish student and stay at this university. and i truly believe that. it's going to class there's going to the dining halls. that to me as be is being so brd really standing up for us. arthel: a couple months ago you and nine other students filed a lawsuit against the university and a mention that at the beginning of your introduction is under title vi of the civil rights act of 1964. how would you expect columbia administrators to handle the anti-semitism on campus? >> i think they just need to
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enforce their policies. everything is written out for them. they do not have to come up with new ideas. they do not need to do much except for read their policies and look into what title vi is. and go from there. it's really not rocket science here. arthel: finally, what would you like them to do to ensure your safety so you do not have to be brave to go to class? >> i think starting with professors. we have a joseph masson and all these professors that have said vile things. but again looking at their policy and enforcing that policy and making sure that they are following what they are supposed to be following and not staying silent.
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>> we do not have the professor here to speak for himself but i do understand your concerns your concerns for your safety by the way when you graduate? >> i am a current junior. i would have been a senior i had to withdraw it last semester. one of my classes i was able to stay in on z zoom just because f the environment. i am hoping to graduate next year if things change. arthel: i do hope you graduate. i wish you all the success it's really unfortunate you have to bear these sorts of -- this unfair treatment. thank you for speaking out with us today. take care. >> thank you. eric: it meanwhile the senate set to vote on tuesday about the house bills giving billions of dollars to support ukraine, israel and taiwan. we'll also vote on the future of
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tiktok. what will happen? will have a lot more on that at if mike johnson will survive as a speaker is "fox news live" continues for this sunday, issistraight ahead. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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eric: massive package of foreign
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aid has of the senate now after the house approved $95 billion in aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan in a rare saturday session read republicans have been divided in their support. some threatening to try to move speaker mike johnson over this bill. madeleine rivera live on capitol hill with the very latest on all of this. >> good afternoon. saturday came and went without a vote to oust house speaker mike johnson. lawmakers are audit weeklong recess. that could allow for temperatures to school or pressure to build as they hear from their constituents. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene believes it's the latter here she is on "sunday morning futures" with maria this morning. >> and mike johnson speakership is over but he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do so he will be vacated. >> knighted by billion-dollar foreign aid package include $60 billion for ukraine $26 billion for israel and
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$8 billion for the end of pacific. largely mirroring the proposal the senate passed in february. a fourth the bill would ban tiktok unless its parent company beijing -based divest its interest in the app each bill passed with bipartisan support in a series about saturday. more democrats voted to pass ukraine aid hard-line conservatives who have opposed more funding without measure to address the southern border but many republicans do not support removing johnson for as some are praising him for what they call a brave moment and what has been otherwise a bumpy few months of leadership. >> the profile the nation above yourself. that is what he did he send the other day i'm going to be on the right side of history irrespective of my job. that is what i admired so much. >> he senate is expected to vote on the package on tuesday. president biden said he will sign it. >> all right, thanks so much. arthel: eric, ukraine will quote
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have a chance at victory for but those are the words from president zelenskyy after the house passed the foreign aid bill was 60 billion to help ukraine. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is light in the ukrainian capitol with the very latest from there. >> yes it is the morning after the big reveal. of billions of dollars in u.s. military aid and ukraine held up on capitol hill for months is about to be released. russia burnt out on ukraine on several fronts that help is critical. with a leading member of parliament here for his opinion. hehere's what he said. >> that is the question of life and death. so from a humanitarian point of view this decision will help to save i think thousands of lives. plus it's a chance for ukraine to continue the fights. >> impart the new aid will be
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directed military and humanitarian to the country it's replenishing the most stocks depleted by the u.s. regardless it is given the folks here a new reason to believe. take a look and listen. >> on this cold gray day in kyiv at the swart memorial some gratitude for the new u.s. aid package to the military here with the grim reality this battle is far from over. >> america said they would give more money. >> i know. i know for. >> that is good. this is very good but. >> assist my country where people are dying, young people. it's for this generation which does not know what to expect to print what will it be tomorrow? >> we need help very much we don't do it alone. it's problem of the world.
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>> russia is the problem of all the world. you heard that from that young lady. for its part the kremlin today branding the new aid a road to escalation which will deepen the crisis. folks here see it as a possible way out. back to you. >> is interesting to hear your interviews with the citizens there. hearing it in their words thank you greg palkot. >> very deeply felt. >> thanks, take care. >> there are mixed emotions from thofthe israeli government about that u.s. joint they will soon be getting billions of dollars in aid. but anger from some some part of the military could face sanctions from our state department. where are they doing that? will have more on that straight ahead here on fox news live. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't.
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thanking that u.s. house for passing the aid built yesterday. also denouncing reports of a possible u.s. sanctions against the idf. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the very latest. >> arthel, good afternoon with the war in gaza approaches the 200 day mark is on track to receive new funding support from the united states. the u.s. house of representatives with $26 billion of funding for the key middle east ally on saturday. legislation will go to the senate's reach the president's desk for israeli officials say it could not come soon enough as threats against their country of all the part of the rising of the rounds largest proxy could increase her ongoing attacks. >> strong enough to make lots of declarations before they go into an open confrontation. >> amid new threats from
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hezbollah on high alert across the country rocket sirens were sounding along the border with lebanon after fresh israeli strikes overnight. the united states continues to work behind the scenes to de-escalate tension along the northern border were also track eight new developers of the west bank the israeli military's wrapping up her rate in the city for a third day. so far 14 people have been killed according to the palestinian red crescent there are many developments across the middle east and this very unpredictable chapter. this is the worst and most dangerous time for that region in the past few decades. arthel: very unpredictable, trey yingst thank you. eric: lesbian fox news contributor lieutenant general keith nicalek former national security adviser to both president trump and vice president mike pence. good to see you. this ages come in the nick of time to help protect israel? >> yes it really did. i think they were fine but it
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really helps out because more than anything it replenishes the stock of missiles they fired because a lot of those muscles that were used with the aero system that's a joint u.s./israeli program for you to get the missiles and bring them online they had to use a lot of those. that attack that came in just this past week was over 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. that was the largest attack and a one time by any nation on earth against israel. it's pretty massive they were able to fight it off well. they need to refit, rearm it's good the aide came through to israel but it's going to pay off in the future. eric: reuse a price iran launched so many missiles against israel they were successfully, basically un- rebuffed? >> i think everybody was a little bit surprised it's a pretty massive attack. it was what i call a very complex attack. when it mean by that is you have drones come in at verse two. you have your cruise missiles followed by ballistic missiles. the thing that got everyone's
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attention was he ballistic missiles. breakdown so much that they use them it's pretty important but the fact where they went too. the airbase is in southern israel is really close to the nuclear reactor cites you kind of state where they going? when you saw with the israelis said when they responded that's both sides said to each side we can reach out and touch you in your nuclear site. when you look at it there are five ballistic missiles that actually impacted that's an escalation. and also the fact this is the first time iran went directly against israel and israel publicly was the first time it went against iran. so they raise the stakes what everyone is doing right now we see that military taking a neat taking a deep breath and see where it goes. israel will continue to focus on fighting gaza. primarily going after rafah and hopefully finishing the job
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against the hamas leadership. eric: certainly wipe out hamas that is certainly the hope to end at that. meanwhile there's talk about that u.s. state department sanctioning eight unit of the idf. ultra-orthodox units are the been under investigation in the west bank alleged human rights investigation. an 80-year-old man arrested, bound, left out on the cold on the ground and then he died. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu called sanctioning the height of absurdity and eight new low. what is your view of this? >> it is interesting. that's a very ultra-orthodox battalion. normally the orthodox jews do not go into the military they have created a special unit to do what they do and i think the look of the demographics of israel put orthodox jews have grown quite large and israel. it's about 60% of the population this allows them to serve. but this is the first time. the first time any unit and israel has ever been sanctioned
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by the united states state department. and i think netanyahu is right. and also his opponent in the blue and white party said the same thing. why are you doing this? this happened not with gaza but actions of the west bank. everyone needs to step back a bit especially that state department and realize this is alex a fight going on sometimes fights are not fun, they are not clean these things happen and for that last few months collateral damage will happen in fights like this. or the like it or not you almost have to accept the fact it does happen. especially going to a military operation you tell people when you start a war it's never going to be cleaned pretty have to understand this collateral damage when things like this happens. it's almost like this does not make any sense to anybody especially those in israel. eric: lieutenant colonel keith kellogg thank you for your insight on that and thank you for your services. general good to see you. >> thanks eric. arthel: more money coming to new york city to tilt the flight of
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migrants in the big apple. is it enough? we'll talk to republican city councilwoman vickie paladino is up next. .. frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! [honking] how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? - it's good. - is it? aah, i don't know. it's okay. - it's okay! - yeah. - good. - you sure? i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right? let me show you something.
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. eric: new surge of migrants continue with the crisis at the southern border. customs and border patrol report the numbers in el paso and that sector are spiking. agents 81400 encounters occurred on friday alone. ronna mcdaniel is live with these crossings request good morning those numbers are slowly continuing to trickle up. just yesterday our sources say 7000 migrant encounters along the southern border happen on friday let's look at the recent activity here in el paso our video from box a drone team shows 75 migrants seeking
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asylum. they waited for hours to be picked up by border patrol been taken to a processing center. and then they will be processed and released into the united states rate cbp source shared where these migrants are fleeing from the highest population a close second to venezuela 24 drug seizures got 25 wanted individuals at the ports of entry here in el paso. $20 million worth of meth, cocaine, heroin and conventional or perceived up. we did speak to the commander of the el paso county sheriffs office who says their resources are spread thin with the crisis. federal agents who usually help them with illicit activities here are now busy. >> they are re- directed to the migrant issue. so that has an effect on investigations and the apprehensions of drugs and weapons of currency. >> it is a constant flow of
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action down here. over the past two weeks they have busted 72 different smuggling schemes. >> are right danamarie in el paso, thank you progress from the southern border to the state of new york where lawmakers have approved $2 billion in funds to deal with the migrants overwhelming big apple shelter system. the new budget aims to protect homeowners from a growing property crisis as legislators redefine the legal term of tenant to exclude squatters. vickie paladino joins me now. councilwoman, thank you for being with me. and i went to start here. new york state lawmakers passed $237 billion state budget with the 2.4 billion earmarked to care for the influx of illegal immigrants. that money i understand will go toward legal services, housing and healthcare for the migrants.
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do you sanction this legislation? >> no, actually i don't. this budget that they passed up in albany so many weeds are tangled up i'm glad you broke it down for me very, very clearly. and at this point in time i am glad -- it is a double edge sword i am glad vocal is giving us money that we need. funds that we need. however the fact we are continuously going into debt at this rate is detrimental. we really need to stop the crisis here in new york. the best way is to not keep throwing money at it but to say stop, no more. are there any specifics you counsel your body should deal with the influx.
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business as usual. we are group of nine the republicans and democrats that make up the commonsense caucus. we put up against the 41 others who think this is all okay we take the money. arthel: let me look at the estimated price of new york city migrant crisis during federal and state funding. the cost in york city fiscal year 2023 -- 2025, 12 billion funding from fema 156 million that is fiscal year 24. 2.4 billion. as fiscal year 25. without a course correction what is ahead? >> most definitely at a tipping
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point. again a black hole just throwing money in. people are coming in every single day. our numbers are just growing and growing. it's like a cat chasing its t tail. you are always playing catch-up and this is not fair to people who live here, the taxpayers who live here and are struggling on their own all they are seeing is dollars by the billions. being put toward illegal immigrants that are flooding our city. i think everyone is done saying asylum-seekers these are not people seeking asylum. we are tired of saying migrants. most people just want commonsense. common sense being that right now there is no common sense we just keep letting it happen. it cannot go on.
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it just cannot go on. arthel: want to ask if i can quickly about this pilot program with the pre-paid debit cards for migrants, illegal immigrants if you will loaded with $350 for a family of four to be used for food and baby supplies and i understand it's going to be reviewed after six weeks what is your take on that? >> i said it before and i'll say it again, i am against it. we know every day americans who do not have three to $50 a week to spend on their own groceries. these people are getting it because they don't like the food. when we put them into shelters, let's be crystal clear here when they go into shelters it is three square meals a day. all of their needs are met. every bit of it three squares, the kids are taking care of between school, healthcare,
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every possible means necessary they are being cared for on the taxpayer dole so now you're going to have an additional three to $50 a week which comes out to 1350 or 1400 a month or something to that effect. i have people who work for me a single mom with two children who does not have the money to spend and they do. it's not fair it's totally not fair. arthel: i hear your frustration i also feel you don't feel you have an answer at the moment as to what to do. >> know there is no answer because so long as the democrats have control over what is going on in this state and this city, it is not going to change. i as a republican and some commonsenscommon sense democrato see this change. they are not open for any kind of conversation so there you go.
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arthel: councilwoman will have you back again, vickie paladino thank you very much for. >> thank you i appreciate it. arthel: take care. ♪
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the ra area you're gone
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♪ ♪'s before making fun of all the
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politicians washington d.c., they have the white house correspondents and gridiron dinner's politics are served up with punchlines but less i hear new york city a tradition going back a 101 years it was the annual inner circle show that's newark suppress core sayings and says oh we cannot say on tv or in the newspapers it's all for a good cause though. raising money for charity. yours are truly played at congressman tom emmer swatted the joke was he's the answer for the democrats because all they need is a white guy from long island is how you say it long island if you are from long island it was an honor to perform with my fox news colleague who played george santos. we poke fun at president biden, trump, new york city mayor eric adams and answers our barbs with his own mayor adamson crimes that are new york city because they've been arresting all the campaign donors. the size the laughs there were some serious notes. remembering to members who
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passed away her fox news radio colleague and in your post on member of the new york mayor's staff who died yesterday. it was a touching evening full of warmth and humor. a reminder that no matter what your political stripes we arewi all inng this for this countryan together. arthel: indeed. na to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are
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something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some
9:59 am
of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy.
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