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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  April 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ >> i am jimmy failla and this is fox news saturday night.
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hop in. ♪ craig:t >> welcome to the cable news had party were tonight we are raising red lookups to my late great daisy who buck the hair type in the sky this week. give it up for daisy, everybody. there is. some think it's crazy to open comedy show on a dead pet but fine spirits because daisy had a great run. this kat you're looking at was 19 years old which in human years would make her mitch mcconnell. [laughter] is a bipartisan show where everyone feels welcome, i figured it would be overcome a ring energy liberals because like the precious wind turbines, she's killed tons of birds. [laughter] my wife is still be done about about my 15-year-old son lincoln seems ready to move on.
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last night we saw him on the computer checking out penthouse pet alaska airlines, one door closes and another one opened. [laughter] flies open and back. with me to discuss, daisy so much more, they are more like the pall bearers that joke was the only thing sadder than my dead kat. as a superstar foxbusiness host the sun was the last person photographed with my kat so police are going to be waiting his place. say hello to the defendants, brian brenberg. the most famous all caps of all time, the way this country is going, we are all getting sleep. >> it comedian opening for me june 22, hey girl. people always telling him you look at the character chris penn which is an unfair comparison because chris penn is then and even when he was alive, he led
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himself never go this much. to take his second, yellowjacket. >> i'm glad your kat is dead. [laughter] >> she died of embarrassment. [laughter] >> just morning everybody, this is the only kat talk your getting shot. >> you are about to find out, prior to daisy checking out, "the dog whisperer" to be on the show with us as excited about animals was reluctant. [laughter] if you got that kat material, please eat it early because there's a problem with 60, he's weirded out about us putting down daisy mainly because i watched. [laughter] the pets need to know we are not afraid to make changes in this administration. [laughter] these are all eatable moments but this is real. as i was debating what i was
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writing this monologue but to open the show on, i was like my hat getting back to the sopranos isn't sadder than politics right now, not even close. one presidential candidate is nor has telling people he can't get a fair trial and the other is outside an airport telling people he's gone. on. >> they never found the body. a lot cannibals in the part. >> i think what he's trying to say is gavin newsom, 2024. [laughter] >> that's someone's pop-up. >> the white house admits the world war ii incident never happened so it turns out biden's uncle was a passenger in a plane that crashed in the ocean so the good news is his uncle never ended up in a crockpot. the bad news is, dementia. [laughter] how does the president land in such a mind altering state? auto nobody actually has dementia but am coming to you
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because you a ton of weed. >> i think being 400 years old may have something to do with it. >> the model just beyond the warranty. >> he's past his sell by date. >> you are celebrating for 20 today and everyday for that matter. someone who's seriously tapped into the entertainment industry, how many people in hollywood heard biden's comments and check to see if cannibalism was keto. [laughter] >> biden needs adderall, trumps adderall as his father's disappointment and biden needs fuel like that. >> whatever they gave to the state of the unit was good, and almost killed him because he was like -- do you know what i mean? when he goes up message, i find it entertaining. we have a president who talks like describing a dream if you took asset and fell asleep which is not asleep but a poll shows 86% of americans are concerned about the president's cognitive
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state or his age. his uncle the moment the biden presidency lost at sea. >> give up 14%. [laughter] one 100% agreement on this. we finally have bipartisanship president trump went missing from the campaign trail to attend his court case in new york city this week but he was later spot is outside a harlem bodega where he received a hero's welcome. [cheering] >> file this under things that will never show on msnbc. [laughter] the nice thing is everybody cheered him on his now extra famous because the fbi is spying on the bones. i'm getting, most of those were prepaid wireless, let's get real. no internet connection. [laughter] every analyst on tv is trying to react to this from the political standpoint like does this mean latinos are voting trump? what i want to know is, do you think trump bought any products in the bodega the only cell and
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bodegas? how much funnier is the video? bedroom bully, you know what i mean? >> i think maybe some bodega hills. [laughter] >> they have all these names but i want to bring it up because i don't think people around the country know this, they don't know about bodegas and one thing setting them back is joe biden went to san antonio and call them photos. [laughter] politicians don't try to bond with an ethnicity does not your own because you're too many writers you can hit along the way but i do not the rest of the country knows the culture but we have because of my tact, every bodega has a bodega kat. i love a good bodega cap trump should have adopted it because he never had set in the oval
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office. >> trump should get a kat. >> trump the administration if he does when, did this soprano so the key what the white house with a robot and pick up the newspaper he was working on the chain. america is ready for a tough guy moment. can you get behind the pitbull on the chain? >> maybe he was feeding ducks like soprano, that would humanize him a little bit. >> you famously train dogs with michael vick. [laughter] >> you don't need to dignify that. anyway, trump making rounds in harlem, opponent chris christie spot on the streets of montana. [laughter] >> also cheap shot but i can tell that joke because i look like i get paid in arby's. [laughter] who are weakening? relevant named violet who escaped from a circus in monta
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montana. she was booked after she heard a car backfire. obviously the had no effect on humans because if you live in montana, you have plenty of things backfire on you in life. i was just in montana and it's honestly one of the most underrated states in the country, truly gorgeous in montana but speaker, nobody here on this panel is an expert on circus follow the bearded lady on tender which is wrong of me to say, turns out she was a pro hamas protester but a bring up protesters because is a part of you that which is the elephant escaped in san francisco or new york where everybody was clogging bridges, maybe read a few people down? i'm advocating for pilots but if you are stuck in traffic for six hours and suddenly an elephant trampling people because the traffic jam you're probably okay with it. >> i would abandon my car and follow it. >> just travel the country.
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>> what should be animal penalty? if you're stuck on the bridge for six hours, what is the animal penalty? is an elephant, joe exotic? >> will have consequence from the police that much, would have anything from condemning this but you have speech speech rights. everybody is the freedom, if you're in traffic for six hours, you will need a bathroom. in a normal city, you want to go indoors. >> i want free bully to come up over bridge and back down into the water. >> to think i described you as a pothead. [laughter] >> do you have a suitable sentence and guideline? >> in minnesota, a pack of wolves, just let them go. the elephants are nice and gentle but the wolves, things open up. >> you are on board with the wolf penalty. >> i would like to see the lion
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that took out siegfried. >> is he around? >> auto. >> we only have two kat options and one has died. [laughter] anyway, we got a great episode coming up. danny o'connor is here to help us jump around and dog whisper himself, will help me get my dog under control here onset. >> what are you doing here? what's going on? you didn't tell me -- what's going on? you want hair and makeup? >> this week we are doing something new. you got to stick around until the end of the show to see who wins the coveted yellowjacket. it's going to be absolute, buckle up butter cup because we are doing this on fox news saturday night. ♪
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don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor.
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(man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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[laughter] got to say, ballparks other bills office. bernie to discuss, one part of the legendary robert, the curator, iconic outsiders museum in oklahoma the friend of ours, i'm talking about the legendary o'connor. i love seeing you in new york because you remind me of old new york. we have migrant time now but when you are last year, many the crimes, i haven't seen a show game in a while. >> mixed it's for sale, three for $10. [laughter] can buy one and have everything. >> technologies killing the stream puzzle because he will have that when a guy walked
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through, hip-hop new holds up a cd, does anybody sell electronics? isn't it amazing what you think about the time you are taking over the world how much security was around a cd or cassette? classical the case, i think when it comes to the border we should put whoever was morning sam goody, we don't need to build a wall, we need to build records and stick at the border, i don't think anybody could get a house of pain but was danny's top of the carport, what was your universal go to? >> the first love for me and hip-hop was everybody switch was rappers delight but i heard it, looking back i thought it was like a one off on and started to snowball. i was born in brooklyn, a few
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years in staten island and moved to california but i've never called myself a los angeles. brooklyn pride, a yankees guy and hip-hop guy so i just gravitated toward that so i will never forget the impact in the just crossed over and everybody loved that song. >> they are now called splenda hill gang. good night. stick with me. the video was famously shot in 1992, it's also in addition to a party stadium income, a bar fight. you've been and bar fights the mark they would buy a severe. [laughter] now is what it was supposed to be, there was boston the landscape at that time. we are doing them and fighting.
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>> i love that. i do know that you told me but you did by the outsiders house based on the premise novel. >> from the movie of course. did you see house of pain is the outsiders? >> that's why i like you. it is not lost on you that there's the outsiders house, tomi boy records -- >> the answer is yes, i cracked it right there. i cracked the witness. officer failing. when you're putting this together, jack white donated to the cost? >> jack white came and he's a baseball guy and played in our stadium. an accurate they wanted me, the stadium wanted me to bring a
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gift basket and i'm like i'm sorry, when did i sign up? but i did it and i did because he didn't interview my he loves xhosa so i gave it to him and said i would love to come by. never thought he would come by. he came by and asked me to hurtle why it wasn't open yet i told the numbers and he said i will write you a check so six months later, i go to the show and they say billy want to see you in the dressing room so i'm like okay michael he says you like a here? i say i love it so you bought a house? reset i live at the mayo hotel. the outsiders house. you know about the outsiders house? i heard jack keane 30,000 dollars. like wow. i want to give you money, not 30,000 but -- [laughter] i won't tell you what he gave me, it wasn't 30,000 but it was a nice check.
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the 14-year-old me is still pinching myself. we in micro at lunch yesterday and we are seeing the musical, i'm a fan of the book, the movie, hit the perfect, i was 14 years old, a transplant, father imprisoned, mother too busy doing her life. that movie felt the weight i felt, the first way i could connect and if you don't have the family at home, you get outside and it was a family i was trying to build if i could just find a character in my life luck would be good the stuck with me so it's the best job i could have imagined doing what i do and it's given me purpose. >> the idea that someone could know se hinton and the author of cancer cancel culture. >> i kid. don't go anywhere. stay cold. you are the best. nobody move, we are testing
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panels self-defense with our game, rhyme and punishment. in-house robert danny boy will help write the crimes. play along at home and moments. ♪ every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically
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have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude
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for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you.
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saturday night. o.j. simpson died at the age of 76 last week but is back in the news this week because the white bronco from his infamous low-speed police chases up for sale at $1.5 million. a killer deal. if ever there was one. [laughter] object was able to avoid the joint thanks to the lyrical prowess of celebrity attorney jonathan goes to trial this hundred telling jurors if the glove don't fit, you must acqu acquit. despite amount of evidence against him, the jews went loose. live rock legend with us tonight and i white bronco which is why my wife never talks back. [laughter] we decide to play a game called crime and punishment in the way it works, what read horrible story and to rhyme their clients way out of trouble, the winner gets an override from counties.
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losers get season tickets to the buffalo bills. ♪ rock 'n' roll. brian brenberg, the first headline is a man arrested for hitting a walgreens work with bible on easter. how do you grind your way out of that? >> my client can't be held liable for merely sharing the bible. >> that went really well. you are going to help. [laughter] >> his mom's who came to drop bombs. [laughter] >> jumping around right now. here we go. mother and daughter accused of traveling across the country to give a illegal but injections. >> the case is open and shut, ever punish a person for what they put in there but. [laughter] >> putting some things in the green room -- that's really
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good. do you know my runoff? the law is out of whack and you can't fix your crack. [laughter] naked new mexico man arrested after allegedly flipping a light fixture off homes front porch. >> if his package is large, you must not charge. [laughter] >> the consummation. [laughter] >> the pants don't fit. [laughter] >> headline number four, kentucky man attempts to purchase a porsche with immediate million dollar check. >> that's the worst the lot must negate big check hate. >> you are saying it's classist. class warfare. i think it's a guy who read the secret. [laughter] >> we should market the author for this. yuriko. man found drunk, naked and sitting in a garbage can. >> the answer is a deposition,
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one woman's trash is another woman's convicted. [laughter] >> spoken like the host of a relationship. [laughter] >> yuriko. long island scientist busted for a "breaking bad" style lab after accidentally calling the cops on himself. >> i know my client guilty of selling methamphetamines but let's go easy on him, it's not like he mandated vaccines. [laughter] >> just a little something for the fox news crowd. >> this channel will eat up a fauci joke. rightfully so. more people trust doctor drake and doctor fauci either doctor drake to popcorn morning show host we love as well. [laughter] you've done all those shows. >> that was our manager's
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husband. >> i love that show. they would go into the hood and hang out, it was like he would come to mtv and we clambered up. i remember watching the chemical got robbed. [laughter] it was amazing. >> is there -- how many times -- the old town will be filmed the video. >> yes it was. >> a fan stole the bottle so the original bottle from the scene was put in there like or more and we did 30th anniversary show not far from it, they said let's help ourselves to the bottle so we ended up having to replace it. >> somebody walked out of the wizard of oz museum. [laughter] >> i love that.
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i give you bonus points for the mascot because this occurred in bronco, i think it's illegal. you know how long long island trip is? he's like they don't say change it, it's like i'm sorry. [laughter] all right, here we go. a naked man thrust the tree before punching a deputy in the face. [laughter] >> at the tree gave consent, there's no need to repent. >> so this is it branch is a knocking. i love that you are trying the hot tree defense. >> don't judge it until you see this cute stop. i love this. >> stick with me. christina, did you know the show would be this high? >> i'm trying to take it all in. [laughter] >> a florida woman was busted battling her mother with grades. >> the question isn't whose
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fault it, do you like your great plane or assaulted? [laughter] >> i think you are in the lead. i think brenberg can manage -- [laughter] i think kenny is the guy who tries to buy your beer afterwards. >> all right, let's see if you can bail us out. it's appalling employee shot in the leg after guacamole dispute. >> your honor, i know my client shot someone over guacamole don't send him to jail well they will ruin his holy. [laughter] >> i was worried you were going to go with the mexican -- mark i also had if this was the.
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♪ child would be over. [laughter] >> i thought you're going to go with you pullout your guns if it gives you the runs. [laughter] that's why i thought this was headed. >> go run down check out the museum in tulsa, oklahoma. the yellowjacket will be one of the end of the show. stick around a coming up, traveling across the country green it to folks like you, a behind-the-scenes peek into my life on tour next. ♪ i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen.
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still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ (vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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take a look. >> this week might everybody calm down to her golden to federal lake washington. five minutes outside of seattle so there with me on this because i may still have a contact hi from the locals. apparently space needle is filled with heroin. >> got to be honest, i thought getting my own tv show might boost but apparently not. i'm kidding, it's a sound check, we do it every week. check out. it's i'm here, good to see you. what you think? though so? could you listen to this voice for an hour are you on linkedin checking for new jobs? >> when you're not checking mike's, your making sure sage managers are aware of any logistical needs during the set. >> we like to close the show by the baby seal, the death and it sounds offputting but if you get to know the seal, everybody is
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on the side by the end of the number so we usually have a line by the stage and people want to line up it's going to be great. the lighting, i wanted to film it but bring in the whale. >> now it's up to the green room to pick out some close the mark it comes down to how much i want to make it to tonight from the ladies in the front row because they will holler for dollars. you know what goes on of the shows. >> after that, you get in the zone. >> the stage manager says you have to manage until you're on stage and then you get dressed in snack yourself around. everybody has a process. i used black heroin. >> then it's onto the stage. >> is not a drill this is the real thing. what. the performing arts center, a children's party clown like i show up to make living animals. they probably get tired of me, i was getting too handy with the
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moms. >> go time. [cheering] >> hey girls, it's good to be here in federal way on a friday night. fox gave me my own tv show but there's a town full of junkies. when you are not insulting the town, your answering burning questions. >> you're in luck, you can ask him, he's here. greg. >> of course you are taking pictures and signing lots of books. fox news loves you. >> i love you, marion. nice to see you. how are you doing, marianne's husband? [laughter] raymond? i'm going to make this to raymond. excuse me. hotshot raymond. it looks like a boy band called wrong direction.
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>> this is like santa except you dress like you shouldn't be around kids. >> the shirtless died last year. say what you want about monkeypox but it's good for the weight loss. >> meet and greet could go on for hours but you know what it's time to wrap up because there's always a sign. >> women holding up signs in the front row. these are the hey girls. >> back right but this,. >> moves in but. off to the airport to hit the next town. >> people were a bunch of maniacs. i survived. [laughter] >> we had yellow jacket where is in the audience. but we did not have in the
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beginning of the intro walking on stage, this happens no matter what my name gets mispronounced in every theater. [laughter] so it so great, putting the shoot together so high and with laser lights, employed by 20 will conflict that coupled with jimmy failla -- [laughter] please welcome mexican -- jimmy via. we had yellow jacket where is becoming a phenomenon on the road. >> first time i saw this was in new jersey, kaiser walking around and what you think are red trump hospital the actual writing says relax, it's just the hat [bleep] (it is actually funny. like a troll on a troll on a troll so i love that. the other story is you probably heard me magically closed the baby seal, started with kennedy
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and he sells it so convincingly we had a stage manager refused to work. [laughter] we do this in every city. like i started she got into it and we had a girl. i'm not working the show. [laughter] >> i'm not going clubbing with you. [laughter] >> you been hanging out with tonya harding again, haven't you? is a comic, you could probably both speak to this, on the road it's loose, it's not canceling, it's not offensive. >> it doesn't feel like a swinging the other way, starting to. >> it better. by june 22 in new jersey. [laughter] you are opening -- oh. >> i can't wait. >> performing a fox talent, it's weird to get heckled like people who have harris make. usually worst case scenario, probably better looking than one of them, no chance we are better than any of them.
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>> they want you to because it's one. they want to be offended, they are comfortable with it; comedy, where do you sense, you sense we are in the right or like censorship folks a power? >> it feels like up and curious for you, you're up there on stage always making comments about parents, do people say i thought you would be more -- >> everyone for real says you look skinnier in person. >> he goes to on the road every weekend so he can hear that. >> that was the whole set right there. i'm kidding. you do get a little bit of that on the thing and i have to issue a disclaimer because i will not say a lot of things i can't say on tv obviously. going a different direction and fox domesticated it. [laughter] a lot of women come to see me. [laughter] jimmy failla comedy rescued. anyway.
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i have more tour dates coming up. fox across coming up, my dog bit me. he will get some lessons from a legendary dog whisperer himself, cesar milan in the house when we come back. ♪ ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma
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in my life and i turned to food for comfort. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light
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's. >> welcome back. as next guest is so good at training dogs, we are hoping he can train humans on my staff next. not only has he the biggest celebrity dog behaviors in the world, cofounder of halo hundred. the crowd goes wild. i want to introduce you my dog but the humans in this building are so excited you are coming on, they started acting like dogs. >> is a good thing. >> i pet a guys stomach on the way over here. >> it was amazing. this my dog bigsby, predominantly a beagle, nine years old. our biggest challenge for him, he's a good dude, he's housebroken, doesn't get anything like a lot of dogs very
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scared so our challenge is just trying to calm him down in my question for you, is a dogs energy ultimately eating off of hours? if we feel nervous for him, his anxiety. >> that's one way, sometimes the better in a rush so it has to be an agreement between the parents on the. address that energy, try to st stay, it's okay because it makes them feel uncomfortable. >> it confirms his suspicion. it's like when i'm driving to a bad neighborhood in the bronx and i call out for the kids. that's challenge number one. challenge number two is when people come into our house, he's very friendly so i jumped. is there a way we could help them calm down? >> when they need a dog, no touch, let the dog come to you and smell you and play in your
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space and wait until the dog behaves in menu pet. >> do you think that would work on my executive producer? >> i hope so. [laughter] >> the guys a little weird. [laughter] let me ask you about halo color, i think it's helping teach dogs early on with boundaries. >> process of elimination. >> you found in your experience that you give the dog better fundamentals at an earlier age? >> most people are afraid of a dog getting lost, this is a tool that helps them make sure they have limitations because a lot of people don't risk and you know grow or learn so this will help you achieve the freedom. >> what would you say? that sounds amazing and what was best for the dog but what would you say is the biggest mistake we make as new dog owners?
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>> we don't prepare our self with the right energy and actions. train humans so they can have the right energy and actions. >> can you just answer this -- why when one dog barks does the dog ate box down park? we are will think? they will. why is that? >> they are communicating with each other, learning about people passing by. >> that the universal language so is born out of them trying to protect us? >> an intruder can be a squirrel. [laughter] >> how much of that is protection and how much is just heckling the squirrel? >> learning is protection from of the first way of protection, alerting and then they become territorial and dominant. it's important to tell the dog as soon as you want to the
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squirrel is there, that's enough otherwise they enter into territory, too. >> that's deep because i never knew, of course i have my own dumb theories but you've confirmed a lot of my suspicions. this is a true when we have the pandemic dogs were thrilled we were working from home but cats were upset about it? [laughter] >> yes. [laughter] >> check out halo color and a stick around because the yellow jacket winner will be crowned next. ♪ weeds... they have you surrounded. take your lawn back! with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong.
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♪ no. ♪ -no. -nuh-uh. ♪ yeah. oh. yes. ♪ oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you.
2:57 pm
♪ from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ you realize if you spend enough time on social media,ter twitter is like eight fight clue for people who don't want to get hit. any hour of the debt you post anything you want on twitter there's someone waiting to fight too. post a picture of my dog it's bixby's birthday. within two, some is like to bed trump is going to that's great forps my dog as to who trump is. it is not who biden is eitheral they spelled spend a lot of time sniffing people. think they would've made friends by now. what swung back to fox newsel cosaturday night is time to give away the coveted yellow jacketli to the besstt panels on the show tonight. if i was being fair this would go to the dog. [applause] the dog stood on that for a whole break it. you were only up there for one e rap song and a couple of singles up it was impressive pricks i be for the dog too.
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>> best panels on the show tonight because of the lyrical is christina who wrapped her way into american hearts and danny boy o'connor. when the most profoundly talented culturesd dudes i know since you could have been an mc but let's talk about this.t th he is essentially saying you could have been and jump aroundn you could have been ho house of pain. >> don't get my ego going for both you we have officially m meant fromad waffle house to hoi of pain as a touring act what is your bar fight game like?t >> i have a rage.i' i'm learning to play the drums g my arms are getting stronger. cook steve phyllis's anti-semitism in any way? is there any's victim. [laughter] this is the non- winner of the jacket? >> knownot going to get it nexte time. it probably was anti-semitic but we will talk. itroba. [laughter] the slic.k who let hamas judge this thing i had no
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i wanted you to win that jacket. but you are a business guide to think it was a rice business moved freely of hutch that m jacket? what's a million reasons why g v just here for participation trophies. jenny is out in the green room.o don't you dare talk about that lady thank you, thank you, thank you for fox news saturday nighte set your dvr 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday right here in fo. news. do nottern forget to follow us a social media f and saturday night. be sure to listen tot my radio show fox across america weekdays noon until 3:00 p.m. eastern good night from new york city i'll see you next and rememberic until then if yof want to help the world but don'l you can be a republican, you car be a democrat you can be adon' libertarian, you can be an independent just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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