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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 29, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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biden and save real hay makers for donald trump or each this network. overall, you know, he was okay but exactly what you expect at this point. put jimmy failla up there and greg gutfeld. let's see some real comedians really hit both sides. what do you think? >> todd: that's what my mom said. my take, i thought he did a pretty fair and balanced job on the jokes. and i thought he really went after biden hard on a lot of the jokes and actually got some applause in the room. what i disagreed with when he called and poignant moment because talking about dead grandfather. what he called joe biden decent. look at joe biden wants record. you make the decision at home whether you think joe biden has been a decent man these last couple years and i disagreed with that going to have to leave it there. joe concha is decent. "fox & friends" even more decent. they're now. ♪ ♪ >> steve: that was a decent toss. thank you very much, todd. 6:00 here in new york city. monday april 29th, 2024.
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welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to "fox & friends." >> lawrence: what does he need to be great? he decent what does he need to be great? >> ainsley: have to use the word great. word decent. >> steve: have to go across the stein and ask colin joest about that. at least 4 people killed, including an infant as deadly tornadoes have ripped through the state of oklahoma. the trail of devastation on the ground we're going to take you there. >> brian: plus, the anti-israel protests on college campus show no signs of slowing down. 900 protesters are arrested. >> ainsley: good sign for former president trump as he widens his lead against biden in a brand new poll. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with the friends. >> ainsley: and the gang is back together. >> steve: look at that twister, a fox weather alert.
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a massive tornado ripped through texas. just one of half dozen across that state. continue raging across the midwest and the south as well. >> ainsley: that's right. it comes as more than 120 tornadoes plowed through six states in just two days. at least four people were killed. the producers are saying that all happened in oklahoma. including an infant in oklahoma as well. officials say at least 100 others were injured. >> lawrence: more than 4 million people are still under tornado watch and 47 million are at risk for severe weather this morning. >> brian: all right, poised to tell us the latest. janice dean from our fox weather forecast machine. >> janice: yes. the good news is we don't have any tornado watches right now. we had tornado warn storm in the houston area earlier this morning. that has expired. look april tornado reports just tornadoes not just the hail and the damaging winds but tornadoes 310 reports so far. the average 253. and i will say that this was well forecast. if you remember last week we
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were telling you it's going to be a multi-day event. some of the hardest hit areas. and you can see the national weather service the storm prediction center knew exactly what was going to happen with the atmosphere. this was a well-forecasted event. you know, we do have loss of life, but i believe, you know, the national weather service and the storm prediction center and all of the great forecasters across the country really prepared people for this significant event. so, here's the live radar right now. we don't have any watches right now. but we do have a severe thunderstorm warning or seller of them along the gulf coast in and around the houston area. and then we are all looking at dangerous lightning with these and heavy rain that could cause flooding. so today is a little bit of a break. we could still see some severe weather. but, as we get into tuesday, and wednesday, some of the same areas that were hit over the weekend, this 3-day event are going to be hit again on tuesday and wednesday. so, yet again, another area of low pressure comes out of rockies. we have all of the ingredients
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we need for a severe weather set up. so we have to be prepared for the potential for more of the same. flash flood threat for the central u.s. again with some of these storms. we could see the potential for flooding along with the damaging winds and the hail. so there's your rain forecast for the plain states. several inches a short period of time is going to cause some problems. cold enough for snow across the rockies. warm ahead the system. so, again, favorable ingredients over the next couple of days for more of the same set up. here are your forecast highs today. you can see where you have got the warmth across the south. even manh mid-atlantic and nort. bottom line is this is the time of year we see the severe storms. again, this was a well-forecast setup. the storms didn't come out of nowhere. we knew it was going to happen. i know there was loss of life. but i do think that for the most part we were very well prepared. steven, ainsley, brian, l.j. over to you.
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>> steve: my daughter sally who lives in dallas. because of all the tornadoes over the weekend, she was planning on going to the grocery store between tornado watches and warnings and she was able to do that. >> janice: i wish she had had groceries before. >> steve: kids. >> janice: when there is severe weather. you really have to pay attention to those watches and warnings. right now, the atmosphere is volatile for severe storms. even if you don't have a watch or warning. if you have lightning in the area. that's still going to be very dangerous. >> steve: indeed. all right, j.d., thank you. >> janice: of course. >> ainsley: a live look at protesters camping out at george washington university in washington, d.c. hundreds occupying that campus. they even started tearing down the barricades. and then railing against the police presence that well into the early morning hours. >> brian: this is just spreading. the number of arrests on campuses across the country reportedly nearing 900 since last week. this coming as physical altercations between protesters
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and police erupt at ucla. usc and texas. i actually saw some at arizona state, too. >> steve: look at this. this is brand new. this happened this morning at virginia tech in blacksburg, virginia. police were seen removing pro-palestinian protesters after threatening to arrest anybody who did not leave the school when school officials say they worry the situation would become unsafe. apparently it did and a bunch of people got arrested. >> lawrence: protests spreading beyond college campuses. new orleans police officers say four officers were hurt and 10 were arrested after anti-israeli rally. this is crazy. >> brian: yeah. now turning to columbia university. right up town, where protests continue for a 13th day. students now demanding the university divest from companies that do business with israel. >> ainsley: bryan llenas is at columbia and he joins us now. bryan? >> ainsley and everyone, good morning. yeah. this is the last day of classes
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here at columbia university before final exams begin this friday and all signs point to the university doing everything it can during onongoing negotiations to get this wrapped up and settled by may 150th which is commencement day, graduation day at columbia. the university was about to come down hard on the students and namplet. led to celebrations anti-israeli protesters over the weekend. despite the criticism that she isn't doing enough to stop these protests or to protect jewish students at columbia president of the school shafik reassured there won't be any lockdowns. she promised it won't allow the nypd to come back on campus and make arrests saying it would be,
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quote, counter productive. remember more than 100 student demonstrators were arrested at columbia on april 18th, sparking more protests and encampments at universities nationwide. there have now been more than 275 arrests on saturday alone at universities total of 900 arrests at universities nationwide since this all began some 13 days ago. the student protest organizations here at columbia cuts ties to israel and divest from companies they say are enabling the war. writing, quote: columbia continues to operate as though it does not know what boycott and divest entails. we will not concede our commands for anything less than complete divestment from the genocide of the palestinian people. meanwhile the backlash continues over democrat congresswoman ilhan omar's comments that she made while visiting her daughter at the anti-israel encampment at columbia for saying that some jewish students are, quote:
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pro-genocide. listen. >> i actually met a lot of jewish students that are in the encampment and i think it is really unfortunate that people don't care about the fact that all jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate anti-anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide. >> todd: democratic congressman richie tores rebranding pro-israel jews as pro-genocide jews is anti-semitic dehumanization at work. guys, nearby, at barnard college the university says it has reached an agreement with the majority of the students that were arrested here back on aprin immediate access back to campus and campus life, guys steve it's
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6:09 in the morning. do these demonstrators make noise through the make noise through the night to hack off neighbors. i was near the george washington university protest and they were very noisy all night long. >> yeah. it's a good question. i got here at 4:00 in the morning and, to be honest, the gates were closed. it was quiet. i think the way this university is built the buildings surround the square. so, i think it would be pretty difficult. look, steve harrigan, who was reporting over the weekend, reported that these protests were pretty quiet compared to what we had seen. we will see if that gets back up again. that statement i read was over the last 12 hours. it doesn't seem like they are going anywhere. in fact, they seem pretty emboldened with the university's statements over the weekend saying that, look, we're not going to bring in nypd and we are continuing our negotiations. >> brian: thanks, bryan. appreciate it. 10 minutes after the hour. let's expand on that. look at columbia. for the most part why didn't they follow through after
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thursday? they cleared it out. then the campus went back. they let it go back. the cons are going to move in again, soon. not only were they not going to move in again. the president of columbia essentially was censured because thee brought the cops in to grin with. then they said you got 48 hours to clear out. we will negotiate. what are you negotiating? are you actually going to pull money out of any investments or israel's investments at columbia or your investments in israel at various projects that they do? is that actually going to happen? you actually think that's going to take place? so what are you saying? but the senate in columbia are actually mad at the president for even bringing the cons once. so after the 48-hour time limit comes up to pick up your tents, then they go well, there is really no deadline now. what's going to end? the encampment is only going to grow and the administration is not upset about it. >> ainsley: what about the shocking display at harvard. they took down the american flag and put up the palestinian flag.
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>> brian: covered in the "new york post." >> ainsley: shocking display right over the statue of john harvard. harvard has fall within a picture of it. >> lawrence: to brian's point. all of us have been trying to figure out what the nut jobs want. jill stein running for president again. she said the demand for the encampments was specifically for the university to divest from boeing which manufacturers munitions and used against the ongoing genocide against the palestinian people in gaza. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: first of all, there is no genocide going on. two, it is required by law -- required by law that israel takes the funds that they are given from the united states and invest into military contractors and contracts in the united states. they don't have a choice. number two, i don't understand the divest. boeing is giving money to universities to pay for colleges and buildings. so, you guys are comfortable with us, the taxpayers paying for it, but you are not comfortable with boeing paying for it. none of their logic is making any type of sense right now.
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>> steve: do you know what? it's not just the big military contractors. it is also amazon. it is also google that i know vests in and has different resources that is hacking off the students. why don't those students divest themselves of amazon. stop ordering bullhorns on amazon or divest yourself from google when you are looking up how to have a peaceful protest. you really want to divest in the school is not going to change. they are not going to divest. divest yourself from the school. do you know what is going to stop this? graduation. people are going to go away and go home. >> ainsley: protesters are asking for amnesty. if they are arrested or suspended they don't want that on their record because they are going to graduate and then be looking for jobs. >> brian: sorry. >> ainsley: john fetterman made the great point, don't focus on boeing, focus on hamas. they need to get the hostages home and surrender and this will be over. >> lawrence: to your point, ainsley, also.
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it's not just the students. you have got the protesters outer there with the students as well. >> brian: they should be fired. >> lawrence: exactly. >> brian: they should be fired. >> lawrence: professors created a wall around the students. if i'm the president of a university, you already have to go to online learning. now you got professors that aren't teaching class. >> ainsley: they are teaching activism instead of how to be scholars. >> brian: they had bruise bobbins on who is one of the senior professors over there for 27 years. is he actually all for this. you know exactly why these students think this. i'm spending a lot of time with the encampments. basically israel is not a democracy because they are outnumbered by arabs in that area and it's really a representative democracy they would be a minority. he looks at israel the way we look at assad in syria. if you think about this, this is a so-called incident electric actual you pay $75,000 a year to get people like that. and he is backing up the students and he is saying there
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is no anti-semitic behavior there. we have talked to those students, they are getting the barbs when they walk to class to the pointed where the president said it's not safe for jews to be on campus. so what's this guy talking about? >> ainsley: steve, did you see this at the white house correspondence dinner? i was watching another network and they had the protesters right in front of the hotel when y'all were walking in. >> steve: we had to walk through them because the police had the bike racks up and down connecticut. had you to go through them. they were very aggressive and noisy and very well organized. the organization is one of the reasons to your point about the statue of john harvard with they took down the american flag and put up the palestinian flag, now at harvard you got have an i.d. to get on campus. senator mitch mcconnell was on one of the sunday shows. and talked a little bit about how the universities need to get ahold of what's going on. watch this. >> the first amendment is important. but it doesn't give you the ability to claim there is a fire
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going on in the theater because it threatens everyone else. what needs to happen, at least, at the beginning, is these university presidents need to get control of the situation, allow free speech, and push back against anti-semitism. i thought that was largely gone in this country, but we have seen a number of young people who are actually anti-semitic. why don't they all sit down and have a civil conversation rather than trying to come to nate the talk. >> brian: used to be obvious. not anymore. >> steve: i would just like to add one thing about that. and that is to his point about the universities trying to get control of what is going on, at g.w. now in the fifth day of protest there at the yard, the administration asked the metro police of washington, d.c. go in and clear out the encampment. and do you know what in the d.c. metro police rejected the idea because they said, essentially,
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there would be bad optics of clearing a peaceful protest. so, they are weighing free speech vs., okay, the administration is saying take them out. and the cops are not going to take them out even though the people who run the show say they got to go. >> brian: not the story in texas or arizona state. 16 minutes after the hour. cnn doesn't love. this they barely ran. this but the facts are the facts. head to head in a poll that just came out. donald trump, despite the fact that he is stuck in court, is up 6 points over the -- in the national poll. now, usually if it's 1 or 2. did you go margin of error. that's not the margin of error. that shows a trend. once these trials are already started. we are now in the third week about to start. that is pretty strong numbers that i think that joe biden might have a hard time spinning. >> ainsley: head-to-head matchup 6 points. >> lawrence: look at 538. look at just the swing states alone, donald trump is beating joe biden in every state. arizona he is up by 3.
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georgia 6. michigan 3. north carolina 5. the only two states where it's really close, pennsylvania as well as wisconsin. >> brian: and it will be. it's always going to be thidgesz that voters are saying it's the economy. we had a vegan business, not your typical maga business that young lady last week was like, listen, i just have to admit under the trump administration, business is better. right now i'm struggling. the price of goods are just too much. i'm getting hit at every single turn. we had the potato farmers on last week. they said the same thing, the gas industry said the same thing. every single sector, no matter what party that they may have been affiliated with said it was better under donald trump. i think that's going to be the deciding issue. >> ainsley: they said which one in their first term was successful? which one was a failure? the majority thought that joe biden's campaign or the last three and a half years was, look at that 61 percent said failure
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for donald trump said 55% says success. when you look look at number one issue is the economy with independents, regarding who was successful in first term. independents 51% say trump. only 37% say joe biden. but, both the parties have different agendas and different interest. top issues are protecting the democracy. 57%. abortion, the economy comes in third. followed by guns and healthcare; however, when it comes to the republicans, the republicans' number one issue is the economy at 79%. immigration 71. and crime at 65. actually a majority of republicans say 54% say protecting democracy is important to them as well. two different kinds of approaches what's important to
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america. >> brian: five way race r.f.k. one poll taking it out on trump. in this poll trump wins, gets 42% of the vote. biden gets 33% cnn poll, send 16, and wes 3. the former president wins by 9 points. last week it was just the opposite. r.f.k. was taking a bite out of trump. so it's going to be hard to really understand the impact of r.f.k. jr. >> ainsley: cnn poll head-to-head biden-trump trump is ahead by 6 points if you add in stein and west and r.f.k. >> lawrence: as we get closer to the election, there is going to be regret from the biden camp for not letting r.f.k. have some sort of debate. some type of town hall because of that. >> brian: lawrence, he would have crushed biden. he would have crushed biden. >> ainsley: we're in the middle of a criminal case right here in the southern area of new york city his polls he is doing better than he was before.
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>> lawrence: they are worried about the money and the grocery store prices that they're experiencing, they don't care about the court case. >> brian: they hope a conviction turns that all around that's what they say. if donald trump is convicted, even if it's like itly to be overturned that will change things things. >> lawrence: that's the gamble. >> ainsley: i don't think it will. send soaring even higher. >> steve: defies conventional wisdom. >> ainsley: tell you more headlines. president joe biden discussing a hostage deal with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over the phone yesterday. officials saying the president also reiterated his clear position on rafah invasion. >> they have assured us that they won't go into rafah until we have had a chance to share our perspectives and concerns with them. we will see where that goes. obviously, george, if we are able to get this hostage deal in place and we are still working at that hamas has not rejected it. they are considering this proposal on the table.
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if we can get that in place that gives you six weeks of peace. >> ainsley: they discussed humanitarian assistance going into gaza. a louisiana sheriff's sniper killing a suspect accused of shooting six people including three swat officers this week. the suspect accuse of shooting a man during an armed robbery on tuesday before deputies say he shot two people in a car outside of a house that he was hiding in yesterday. a swat team surrounded that home before deputies say he shot three officers. two of the officers have been released from the officer while the other is in stable condition. one of the two men shot at a car, suffered critical injuries while the other is expected to be okay. the child of slack and flickers co-founders has been found after disappearing from their home in california last week. deputies say that they located mint butterfield unfurther a whited van with a 26-year-old man in san francisco's tenderloin district saturday night. the adult man hot sheriff called an adult friend is now facing
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child abduction and other charges. detectives say butterfield told them they ran ahome voluntarily. the suspect might have coaxed the teenager to run away. former president trump met private whether i florida's governor ron desantis in los angeles. now confirming during that visit desantis agreed to fund raise for trump during november's presidential election. the meeting marks the first time the pair have spoken since desantis dropped out of the republican primary. four zebras were loose while being transported. the driver was taking the zebras to montana. a witness says that she saw the doors ever the trailer flapping in the wind. she first thought the trailer was empty. but then saw the zebras approach the edge. >> brian: how did she know her zebras. >> ainsley: on the loose. see a zebra. >> brian: zebra standing on the right side of the road. isn't that amazing. if you see a zebra and on the
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right side of the road no reason to stop or rubberneck. >> lawrence: glad it's zebra and not lions. >> steve: there is the news from a to zebra. >> ainsley: one story about it and comparing them to prisoners on the loose because they were in their black and white stripes. >> brian: didn't we lose an elephant last week? >> ainsley: yeah, buy they caught that one at the gas station. >> brian: one day open up the zoos and let everybody go wild and try to grab them again. >> ainsley: your favorites, two more pandas are going back to san diego zoo. >> brian: can you open up that gate and the pandas won't move. they are lazy, they don't want to sex, they don't want to appropriate: increase in ranks for the first time since 2020. why more officers are joining the force. that story, next. ♪s. yard looking lush. which paint color matches your bold style. and with the mylowe's rewards credit card, you can save 5% every day. you got this. and we got you.
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>> steve: we're coming up at 6:30 in new york city. we have headlines for you. first up two people dead in texas after officials say 350,000-pound load detached from a trailer and pinned a vehicle on the road. look at that right there. three people in the vehicle at the time. one person was airlifted to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. authorities are investigating what caused that load to detach. also down in georgia.
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fulton county d.a. fani willis skipped a debate leaving empty podium on stage democratic opponent as she tries to get reelected in november. willis instead choosing to co-host annual, quote, self-care fair. her opponent taking the opportunity to hammer willis' decision to hire nathan wade as a special prosecutor on former president donald trump's election interference case after it was revealed that the two of them were having a relationship. happening today the last medal of honor recipient lie in honor in the u.s. capitol's rotunda. ralph puckett died in his rah warded the medal of honor. drew fire on a hill three times giving army rangers chance to.
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he was 97 years old. that is a hero. >> a true american hero. thanks, steve. >> lawrence over to you. reporting increase in their rank for the first time since 2020. more sworn officers hired in 2023 than the previous four years and few are resigned or retired. national flp president patrick yost joins us now. patrick, i'm hoping can you explain some numbers to me because every cop i talked to around the country as i travel tell me that the numbers are down. but these new stats are telling us a different story. why? >> lawrence, first, thank you for having me. if you look at the data, what it tells you is that we lost a great deal of officers over a period of four years with the dehumanization of law enforcement. what we are seeing now a leveling point. we are also seeing where american public is much more supportive of law enforcement. the reality is, good leaders make good organizations, there
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was period of time when leadership, within cities across this country were not supporting law enforcement officers. and, as a result, we saw the exodus we saw and the lack of people taking the job. what we are seeing now is the public shifting more support for officers within, you know, jurisdictions but it's not universal. some places are getting it right. others still have long ways to go before they have been able to attract the best and brightest at the level necessary in order to maintain staffing levels. >> lawrence: you are right about the tone changing because of the defund the police movement, the anti-cop rhetoric. crime has been going up. violent criminals runsing the streets. the american public have shifted. have the police department shifted the funding though for those officers? i still hear at love complaints about the salaries, cars that are outdated. when it comes to vacation time. is that changing, too? >> so, look, there is a number of factors here. we need to recognize that pay is
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important. benefits are important. stability of our profession is important to any any anyone who would be interested in taking this job is going to look at those as key factors. but they are only one part of the equation here. when you have strong leaders, leaders that support the people who they hire to do a job and when they do the job there is an expectation they will be supported doing their job. and i think a perfect example of that is just look at d.c. metropolitan police. they lost over 1,000 officers over a three-year period. speaking with those officers, it's obvious they left for a lot of reasons. they felt like public safety was taking a backseat to political agendas. when you have agencies that support their officers they are probably not dealing with the shortages that exist in cities that are still struggling trying to figure out how to find that balance. >> lawrence: patrick, we know it was a dumb idea to begin with to defund to demonize i'm glad to see there is some olight at the
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end of the tunnel. thanks for joining the program. thank you for your service. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: president trump's new york trial resumes tomorrow. eric shawn is live outside the new york state supreme court. gregg jarrett will join us with what to expect tomorrow. that's next. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done.
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>> steve: 22 minutes before the top of the hour. look at the size of that tornado ripping through the texas landscape. just one of a half dozen reported across texas yesterday. severe storms continue raging across parts of the midwest and the south nicole valdez is live in elkhorn, nebraska with the details what happened behind you, nicole? >> well, unfortunately here, we're dealing with just another glimpse of the devastation that really stretches across the heartland in elk horn, nebraska. we are talking about hundreds of families that no longer have a
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home after a monster tornado ripped through here. terrifying weekend for many, many americans in oklahoma we're talking about at least 4 people killed after a separate tornado destroyed the town of sulfur, oklahoma. one area that we know is reeling this morning. now working to pick up the pieces and mourning so many lives. but we're talking about so many states here, including iowa as well as where we are here in nebraska. a state that is now under an emergency declaration. something governor jim pillen issued just last night for lancaster, douglas and washington counties. the three hardest hit. surveyors are still assessing the damage here but there are victims who need some very expensive state help. we know take weeks, months, maybe even years, guys.
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>> steve: as soon as the sun comes up a better view of the devastation. nicole valdes, thank you very much. a live report from nebraska. meanwhile, switching gears, former president donald trump new york city trial resumes tomorrow with the third witness taking the stand. the judge will hold a second hearing about trump's alleged violations of gag order on eric shawn has not been gagged he talks about from the state supreme court in lower manhattan,. >> that, we do. tomorrow morning, michael cohen's banker will be back on the stand testifying here at manhattan criminal court. and we could find out later this week whether or not president trump will be punished first about tomorrow's proceedings banker will be back on the stand testifying about setting up shell company in which michael cohen used to pay stormy daniels. the witness farro testified about that friday.
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attorney sets the stage to preview michael cohen's eventual testimony hot defendant, president trump is already putting on trial. >> he is a lawyer -- or was a lawyer. and also the things he got in trouble for things that had nothing to do with me. he got in trouble and went to i will gentleman. this had nothing to do with me. >> things like that and other attacks that the president has been launching against cohen and others could cost him contempt of court on thursday. that's when there will be a gag order hearing held after prosecutors have cited 14 examples, including what you just heard of trump blasting cohen, others ends a the proceedings. he says the judge's gag order though is a violation of his family rights. and what the former president has been saying outside court echos exactly what defense attorney todd blanche has been saying inside court about cohen, quote: he is a convicted felon and he also is a convicted perjurer, he is an admitted
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liar, he has a goal, an obsession with getting trump. he cannot be trusted, he says. but, prosecutor michael colangelo acknowledges that cohen, like other witnesses he says, has made mistakes but he wants cohen to be held accountable. again, that gag order hearing will be held on thursday, the former president could face up to $14,000 in fines. steve, back to you. >> steve: all right, eric shawn, lower manhattan, eric, thank you very much. let's bring in fox news legal analyst now gregg jarrett to talk about this. imreg, good morning good mornig to you. >> good morning, steve court adjourned on friday. i don't want anybody talking about this case. they are playing over in their heads what they heard last week put yourself on the jury if you were one of those jurors who heard what you heard what's your headline today? >> i think the jurors could be forgiven for wondering where's
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the crime? because nothing in the courtroom last week dealt with the actual charges, none of the witnesses actually testified about any relevant crime recognized by law. instead, it was sort of this weird kabuki theater or theater of the absurd, steve, david pecker who ran what we nude the tabloid was sleazy, promoting and killing stories. but, steve, that's not a crime. paying people for their silence is not a crime. influencing an election is not a crime, either. that's what campaigns are designed to do. yet, alvin bragg's legal minions in court keep using the words "conspiracy" and "fraud." well, trump hasn't been charged with this. this hair brain prosecution is exactly hearing last week
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prosecutors misusing the criminal through target political opponents. >> to your point about in describing this. we have been describing this hush money for karen mcdoogle. playboy playmate. stormy daniels. stormy daniels didn't come up much last week. you got to figure okay, they are setting the table, you know, because you guys work in a linear fashion. you are going to introduce people to her, macdougall and bring in the banker, bring in ronna, his former personal assistant and go from there. at what point do they start bringing up some point in time. macdougall was irrelevant and exactly what led to the reversal of harvey weinstein sex crime
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cases, and trump falsified private business records to influence an election. but, look at the indictment. all of the alleged bookkeeping pretty need trick to influence an election after it occurred. >> steve: we got you to talk about it each day of the trial and before. gregg, thank you very much for joining us live. >> my pleasure, steve. thanks. >> steve: have a good day. a 26-year-old reality tv star reveals his skin cancer diagnosis as the disease is on the rise with younger people. dr. marc siegel is here with what you and your kids need to know. to abandon their pets.
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>> ainsley: a 26-year-old reality tv star revealing his skin cancer diagnosis and sharing this warning for others. >> get your checked you never know i have had this on my shoulder for a year or two. i had no idea. >> that's harry from dancing with the stars.
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his message from fans comes as early onset cancer diagnoses have increased nearly 80%. what should young people look out for. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joins us now. he joins us now. good morning, dr. siegel. >> hi, ainsley, good morning. >> ainsley: some type of a skin cancer on his shoulder. why are we seeing more young people getting cancer? >> well, we're seeing more young people getting cancer because of lifestyle issues. but, skin cancer, they are getting because of too much sun exposure. and i'm so happy to see harry joyousy say this on tiktok of all places where he was 5 million followers wear sun crean screen. be on the lookout. this is hugely important. it's the number one cancer in the united states. ainsley, 9,500 cases per day. of kin cancer are diagnosed. 150,000 of those a year are melanoma. you got to watch out. nyu we developed something called abcde.
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gives you something to do. a means a symmetry different than the other. b means border. is it irregular. c what color is it? if it's dark go to doctor right away. diameter is it big. is e sen larging? getting bigger. those are what i use. i look very carefully at the mole, is it irregular or dark? i immediately will involve a dermatologist. that's what people should be on the lookout for irregular moles. >> ainsley: full body checks at least once a year. >> at least once a year as part of your checkup and unwear sunscreen. absolutely. >> ainsley: the biden administration is delaying plans to ban the menthol cigarettes again? what's your reaction to that? and why menthol? why is menthol worse? >> well, first of all, i'm worried this is a political move, not a medical move. i talked to scott gottlieb former commissioner about this and he says the administration doesn't have a harm reduction strategy for tobacco.
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it doesn't have a comprehensive strategy. ainsley, the fda banned flavors from cigarettes in 2009. but of the 48 million people in the united states that are still using some kind of tobacco products, 18 million of those have menthol in them. menthol flavor, do you know why? menthol makes it taste like it's not as harmful. but studies show it's just as harmful. just as likely to cause lung cancer. and the worst part of this is big tobacco is targeting certain groups like youth. like certain minorities. like black people, and so i'm concerned that they are pushing the pause button here during the election year at a time when there should be no pause button. menthol leads to more people smoking, especially young people. and again certain groups are targeted by advertisers. this is politics over medicine on medical monday. >> ainsley: all right, dr. siegel, thank you for joining us for medical monday. >> thanks, ainsley.
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>> ainsley: you're welcome. let's hand it over to brian. >> brian: good to see you again, ainsley. hope to see you at the top of the hour. >> ainsley: you will. >> brian: nascar's race at dover. i'll pause. >> up high, hamlin right in the middle of the racetrack takes the air of larson's nose and wins the 400. >> brian: denny hamlin winning third race of the season; which is -- which ties him with william byron for the most wins in the cup series so far this year. now to my favorite football league. spring football nfl. michigan panthers taking down the michigan showboats 35-18 yesterday. pause. >> there we go. big hole, cut back. coal burn on the run. diving for the touchdown. >> brian: fox does a great job on these broadcasts too. the nfl season continues this weekend on fox with a trio of games set for saturday and sunday. there's a lot of talent there that's a quick look at what is happening in sports. let me tell what you is next.
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4:00 am
the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's monday, april 29th. and this is "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. at least four people wer


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