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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 29, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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families. the biden administration got off scot-free on this one and hope it gets settled for everyone soon. >> bill: good man. good luck. before we go, on a monday, a wild sight. >> dana: what is going on lately? >> bill: four zebras got loose in seattle. they were in a trailer on a drive to montana. some folks pitched in to help wrangle them. three have been safely recovered. one is still oz the loose. i think it will be difficult to hide with black and white stripes in a green tree field. >> dana: did you see the elephant on the loose last week in montana? something is going on that happens in threes. what will we have next? stay tuned. we might tell you tomorrow. harris faulkner is next. >> harris: breaking news on the anti-israel protests gripping campuses across america.
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columbia university has just set a new rule. it is now telling students who do not leave the protest tents on campus by 2:00 p.m. eastern today they will be suspended. now you know i've had students on this program tell me that it's not just students inside those tents who are anti-israel and hateful. some of them pro-hamas savage killers. some of them are insurgents who come onto the campus and now inside the tents. so what about those? they can't be suspended. what will you do with them? today the school failed to reach an agreement with protestors who have taken over part of the campus for more than ten days now. boy, columbia is really patient with the protestors and the haters. amazing. the university has not said whether it will call in the police. growing calls for greater crackdowns on campuses. agitators in some places are
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digging in despite efforts by schools and police to clear them out. columbia now becomes, oh, kind of the example for everybody else. if there are no consequences, you know happens. it will spread like wildfire. the protesting, the encampments, from coast to coast now. this was the scene at george washington university in d.c. last night. [chanting] >> harris: that university says anti-israel -- the hateful language being displayed has no place on our campus. but they can't do anything about
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it. wow. it's a good thing there isn't a rash of other things going on at the school like drug use or some of the things that we know go on sometimes on campuses. i guess they are impotent to do their jobs and keep the rules of conduct. what leadership, huh? a jewish student from g.w. and another from columbia shared the impact of all of it. >> hearing chants calling for the eradication of the jewish state, death to zionists, zionists go to hell. i feel fear and concern for my safety as a jewish student on campus as well as my fellow jewish students. >> those things are very threatening. there are plenty of jewish and israely students who continue even come onto campus. >> harris: you can hit them where the money is. they have to live with the headlines since they don't want to do their jobs. okay. here they go. one says for jewish students, protests are fear, anger, hope
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and questions. another asks when does a demonstration cross the line? and this one, on how it is all being handled. expose differences in red and blue america. florida congressman cory mills agrees. >> you are seeing a big difference and vast contrast between red and blue states and how things are handled. at the end of the day we truly need to make sure we're more vocal to stop the anti-semitism that is going on to insure the safety for students of all ethnic and all religious faiths to be able to be safely going to and from class without the fear of assault. >> harris: well, some schools say they are starting to take action. the associated press reporting 900 people arrested since the campus protesting really picked up in full on april 18th. bryan llenas is at columbia university. bryan. >> harris, in just the last hour students in that encampment at
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columbia university behind me received a two-page notice from the university. the headline is quote, notice to encampment and what it says is the students must leave the encampment by 2:00 p.m. voluntarily. it also says those students must identify themselves to a university official as they leave, and they must sign a document committing themselves to following university guidelines through at least june of 2024 or until their time at the university has come to an end and they have received their degree. the document said the warning goes as this. it is important for you to know that the university has already identified many students in the encampment. if you do not identify yourself upon leaving and sign the form now, you are not be eligible to graduate and complete the semester in good standing. if you do not leave by 2:00 p.m. you will be suspended pending
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further investigation. the university says it will offer an alternative venue for demonstrations after the exam period and after commencement. the last day of classes is today. final exams on friday and commencement may 15th. no mention in the note of physical removals. that is any indication that they will go in and grab these students or bulldoze the encampment. the university over the last few days that's recommitted itself to saying they aren't going to allow the nypd back on campus for mass arrests again. they called it, quote, counterproductive. it comes after five days of negotiations between the university and these student-led protestors. university president said this morning in a statement to the university that those negotiations had to come regretfully came to an end without any resolution. in that statement, the president
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said the columbia would not divest from israel or server any financial ties with companies connected to israel. and now we are at this stand-off essentially. now, this is important because this all started here at columbia, the nationwide protests on april 17th. as we look at the live shots we have yale and nyu, these are both encampments that we have our cameras at and, of course, it is not just americans that are just watching that are seeing this. it is all of these encampments that will be getting their cues and all the universities are getting cues what transpires at 2:00 p.m. >> harris: as i said today will be an example for would tamp things off or sets off a further wildfire with this behavior. as we inch our way toward the deadline we may come back to you as news warrants.
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thank you very much. >> of course. [chanting] >> let my people go. >> harris: what you are looking at right there from just a few days ago were pro-israel supporters and this is on the same campus where bryan llenas was reporting from seconds ago in columbia. those pro-israel supporters faced off with anti-israel counter protestors last week. they were banging pots to drown out all the calls to bring home the hostages that the hamas terrorists are still holding. one of the organizers for the united for israel march shared some words of peace with the crowd.
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[chanting] >> i believe we came here to bring a different narrative. >> americans are fed up with anti-semitism on our university campuses. >> harris: that very worship leader sean foye, thank you for being on the program. first of all, just describe what it is like to be out there among those people who were shouting israel go to hell and some of the things that we could hear from different crowds already across the country now. >> yeah, the vitriol and the violence and the calls for killing of the jews, the calls for -- we heard it all. it is unbelievable that this is being allowed to take place, this rot of anti-semitism on these university campuses. i will say this, there is more that are with us than those that are against us, though.
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i think we showed that a few days ago at columbia. >> harris: when you say there are more who are with you, at this very hour we're waiting for an ultimatum that the school has given the students inside the camps. i don't know what they will do about the reported insurgence who came into those organized and paid for tents. they have until 2:00 p.m. today to get out. what does it look like on that campus that you can see? you were outside really but you could see where the tents are, i would imagine. you say that you feel like there are more with you. what are you facing as you look into that campus? >> listen, we had what many jewish leaders are saying was the largest pro-israel march in the history of new york city. we had over 4,000 people with us according to the nypd estimates. our sounds were drowning out the hate on that campus. this is a big motivator for me.
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i wanted america to see listen, we won't stand for this. as christians and jews we will unite together and as a believer in jesus christ i'll stand with my jewish brothers and sisters and we won't tolerate this. i want to encourage all americans out there, it is time for us to rally. it is time for us to show up at these campuses and say enough is enough. >> harris: i want to get to this. the hate-filled video resurfaced last week, a post from one of the student leaders at columbia university's anti-israel protests. let's watch this together, sean. >> zionists don't deserve to live. the same way we're very comfortable accepting that nazis don't deserve to live. and so yes, i feel very comfortable, very comfortable calling for those people to die. >> harris: that student did apologize for his comments but fox news contributor jonathan
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turley points to a bigger picture. here is a quote from jonathan. the original radical and hate-filled statement by james are not unique. administrators, faculty and admissions committee have fostered that radical environment. not because radical views are expressed but the tolerance for opposing verge. the purging of conservatives and the echo chamber created on campuses in his quote. what is your reaction to that? >> this was the same guy, i believe, that was meeting and being cheered on by aoc. this is what you are seeing. there are members of congress, members of the higher education that are openly cheering on and championing the hatred of the jewish people. we are seeing it before our very eyes. it is literally -- this is like an end times situation that we are entering into where this nazi-like hatred is arising in
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america. this is why we've got to stand up and not back down. >> harris: it is interesting this week of passover, let my people go, let our people go is what you were cheering out in the streets. i don't think there is a coincidence just in terms of the wording and the timing of that and must not lose focus on those hostages. i want to give you a quick last word. >> the last word is we are coming to the university of southern california on may 8th. this is the next installment of this march. we'll be gathering on usc's campus. they canceled graduation for 65,000 person attended graduation because of this nonsense. we'll show up on may 8th, which is the commemoration of 1945 may 8th where the nazis were defeated in europe. so it is a day of great significance and be there at 5:30. encourage everybody across southern california and america
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to join us. >> harris: bless you. thank you. president biden got a few light jabs at the white house correspondents dinner saturday night and had jokes of his own. but the anti-israel protestors who were outside may have stolen his show. plus the historic new york versus trump criminal trial is set to resume tomorrow with the former president in focus. one big question looming over the manhattan courtroom is this. >> i think the jurors could be forgiven for wondering where is the crime? because nothing in the courtroom last week dealt with the actual charges. none of the witnesses actually testified about any relevant crime recognized by law. >> harris: former acting attorney general matt whitaker under former president trump is next.
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>> harris: we can three of the his historic new york versus trump criminal trial. tomorrow bank executive is due back on the stand. he testified on friday about helping former trump lawyer michael cohen, the convicted and professional liar michael cohen, set up bank accounts around the same time cohen made payments to sex film worker stormy daniels. former tabloid publisher david pecker was the first witness that we saw last week. he testified that he spent $150,000 to buy and kill what they call catch and kill a story of playboy model karen mcdougal about an alleged affair with donald trump. he said that was to keep it from influencing the 2016 election. he also testified he had no
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interest in the stormy daniels story, although there was talk of him being the eyes and ears of trump's campaign. so he would hang around and get everybody's story allegedly. congressman jim jordan says it is all pure politics. >> when there is no crime, there is no case and why the department of justice didn't bring or the federal elections committee didn't. and bragg's predecessor didn't bring the case. >> harris: it was six years of going forth who would bring this case. nobody. trump runs for re-election, bring the case. letitia james, the attorney general of new york, alvin bragg, the district attorney of new york city sees what happens when she puts trump's name in her mouth and she gets a case and he will try it, too. thursday hearing on trump's gag order. prosecutors say he violated it a total of 14 times. matt whitaker, former acting
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u.s. attorney under former president trump is with me now. now, matt, this is kind of like a new chapter in this whole thing. it seems to go heads every week. it's the case, is the case not enough? >> well, it's good to be with you, harris. it does seem to morph into whatever is politically expedient for the left. there is no case here. we've been talking about this now for months the way that the statute of limitations were extended for misdemeanor, they didn't have a legal theory but now they have seemed to have grabbed onto the state election interference theory, which is misdemeanor as well. pair it with the documents and it turns into a felony that only extended because of covid. this is something that is for most americans it is confusing and not only hearing the evidence, there is no there there. >> harris: something gets an
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extended statute of limitations because of covid. is that normal? >> no. what happened new york decided they would extend five year statute of limitations to six years to get an extra year because i guess the courts and prosecutors offices were so busy hiding under their desks wearing masks and socially distancing they couldn't do their jobs. >> harris: but at the same time they were adjudicating criminals, right? i realize these non-cases may have gotten some extension but that's worrisome. no wonder we had such a burst of crime in new york at the end of the pandemic, wow. talk about getting it wrong. >> not only that. yeah. you have to look at new york city right now and wonder the resources of the prosecutors office. how could they be better used than this case currently taking overone's time and effort. >> harris: a million ways if you've ridden the subway. lindsey graham about the u.s.
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supreme court's case on trump's immunity claim. >> i think the court is going to find that presidential immunity exists for president trump like every other president. you have to be within the scope of being president. i think they will send it back to the lower courts to find out exactly what actions fall within presidential immunity and what are considered personal. >> harris: one legal on other network gives a grim explanation of the case. >> there seem to be four justices who are really taking donald trump's claim of criminal immunity seriously. i know it sounds like high barbly. we are one vote away from the end of democracy as we know it with checks and balances and to say it's an imperial presidency that would be created is frankly saying it would be a king. he would be criminally immune. that is what is so shocking is
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how close we are. >> harris: that sounded pretty close to incendiary language, matt. >> incredibly hyperbolic. one of the real problems is we're one rogue prosecutor away from the end of the republic. if you look at what they are doing with the department of justice and how they used to honor a president's decisions in office and they wouldn't prosecute the next administration, this administration, through the special counsel jack smith, has jumped over all those traditions and now we have to have the supreme court decide where the outer bounds of presidential immunity is. otherwise we'll end up with a tit-for-tat with a back and forth for the rest of our lives. >> harris: they haven't indicated when they would have a decision on that. they reconvene on may nine. what are your thoughts with regard to immunity? viewers ask me umbrella it for us depending which way it would go how does it touch the other cases against trump? >> i think the one thing that
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andrew weissmann got correct is four justices believe they need to send it back to the trial court to see what actions alleged in the indictment were personal and what were within the scope of the presidential job of doing the role of president. so i think you are going to see it go back for fact finding before you ever see a result, which could come out as late as early july. >> harris: that's awfully close to a presidential election and is the delay a defeat for democrats who are in this for politics? great to see you. we have been witnessing it as a nation together. it's been two weeks. when it really got cooking. it started before then. anti-israel protestors have now taken over some campuses nationwide and are popping up at every single president biden event or appearance. they showed up at a big ticket
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one over the weekend and it may be having a huge effect when it comes to the polls. plus piles of criticism for liberal squad member far left ilhan omar. she divided jewish students into two groups. pro-genocide and anti-genocide. what a gem she is. >> what she is saying to the children are hey, if you believe in israel's right to defense you are pro-genocide. if you are pro-palestinian and out here going ahead and trying to cause violence on the street in that case you're anti-genocide. her comment is disgusting. >> harris: democrats are divided over her comments now. the larger issue is making things very tough on the democratic party. you would think it was an easy lay-up. we support jewish americans and the state of israel. steve hilton next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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>> this is often framed as a free speech debate. everyone accepts there were time, place and manner restrictions. they have a right to protest even if we criticize the message. they don't have the right to set up tent cities on public spaces and turn our cities into garbage dumps. that what we should not allow. >> harris: that was clear. president biden can't seem to pick a side on the 205th day of the israel/hamas war. is he actually with the anti-israel crowd raging on college campuses across our
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country or with the jewish students enduring their hate and threats? all of it. for months biden has been losing ground with young voters for sundry other reasons. but note it is a group that was key to his 2020 victory. what's rocking now is difficult for him. here is a taste. anti-israel protestors over the weekend wreaked havoc at this year's white house correspondents dinner. [chanting and shouting]
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>> harris: maybe it's just me. does that sound scripted to you. their chants are repeat after me in some of those crowds. interesting. a new national poll shows 62% of young voters say they disapprove of president biden's job. a massive 81% disagree with his handling of the israel/hamas war. peter doocy is at the white house. >> it seems like officials here are still kind of trying to have it both ways giving their blessing to these protestors until they reach a certain point. >> the president knows that there are very strong feelings about the war in gaza and understands and respects that. we condemn the anti-semitism language we've heard of late and we certainly condemn all the hate speech and the threats of violence out there. these protests we understand are important.
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but they do need to be peaceful. >> officials insist president biden's support for protestors is not political. we know there are hundreds of thousands of democratic primary voters who went uncommitted this primary season for this reason. >> what netanyahu is trying to do very clearly is to say anybody who criticizes what israel is doing, you are anti-semitic. are they some anti-semites? you just saw one, yeah. what i'm saying if you look at the polling, the vast majority of the american people are disgusted with netanyahu's war machine in gaza and they do not want further u.s. military aid to his government. >> president biden mostly silent himself on these protests, even though one of these encampments less than a 10-minute walk from where we're standing right now. >> harris: i didn't know they were that close together. my goodness, he could get a bike from pete buttigieg, the
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transportation secretary, a bike on over. he loves the bike. steve hilton, fox news contributor. peter doocy's excellent reporting. i want to use that as we go forward. how difficult a political decision is this for president biden, which side do you choose and support, anti-israel or pro-israel? >> by the way, i don't think we want to see biden bicycling overwhere. he fell over. he just fells over because he is not leaning in any direction. it shouldn't be difficult, harris, to pick a side against the people who committed the rape and butchery and slaughter on october 7th last year. and to support the democracy that is fighting for its existence. it shouldn't be hard but it is hard if you are like biden and totally inprince el had, weak machine politician. his whole career is following
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where the power lies and what will keep him in office. that's why he has been engaged in this pandering. he is pandering to the far left mob and look what happened. it has him absolutely nowhere. those numbers you cited in the poll, 80% plus now of young people disapprove of how he is handling situation. no one -- no one is agreeing with biden. he has managed to upset everybody. it is a total joke. >> harris: that is such a great and important observation that you make. it is not like it's 44 or 50%. it is 81%. he is bringing people on opposite sides of the issue together. that's not his goal. that means they could sit down and not vote. we want them to vote for someone. he is desperate to get the young vote back again. he needed it in 2020 against president trump. you know, as you were speaking this popped up. my team took it live. it is the university of
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wisconsin-madison, in madison, wisconsin, and you talk about those people who gathered on campuses across the country. the president of the united states has been asked to do -- i believe it's a schedule that looks like it always does in terms of commencement and sort of day of events for students who are graduating -- but you would think that maybe a few extra ones maybe if it's re-el re-election. i don't know, steve. i don't know that he wants to go to a campus right now if it looks like this. >> the thing is he should because he is the leader. he is supposed to be the leader of our country. we saw what leadership was like. we saw with mike johnson the other day being dismissed by a lot of people but he had the courage to go there and make the argument. that's what leaders are supposed to do. biden would never do that.
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he is the absence of leadership, the exact opposite of leadership. running away from it and trying to please everyone and ending up pleasing no one. >> harris: there is that issue of what he would face on campus and that issue, it's primary season. how many more uncommitted, unconstructed votes will we see on primary ballots where hundreds of thousands of people are saying we aren't going to give -- democrats, we won't give biden our vote. this is the scene that fuels it, young people. your last quick thought. >> exactly. but the point about the old people. there is a fascinating opinion piece in the "new york times" this weekend, what they are taught in these universities, the core curriculum excludes relevant history. it is race, climate change and decolonization. they are ignorant of the history. what is biden's excuse and what is bernie sander's excuse? they have no excuse to be so ignorant. they're failing and we should
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call it out. >> harris: breaking news on the topic. steve hilton, great to have you in "focus", thank you. so it's monday, a fresh week and the students across america who are wanting to say they hate israel and go forth with this and protest on campuses are doing it right now again. with this breaking news we learned are more student arrests offer anti-israel campus protesting and these are happening at the university of georgia in athens. the main campus, the university spokesperson has said this in a written statement. after multiple warnings that they would be arrested for trespass if they didn't comply with our policies at 8:30 a.m. university of georgia at athens police were left with no choice but to arrest those who refuse to comply. any students, faculty or staff members arrested could also face further disciplinary action by the university.
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now remember, there is not just a permission to do this on some of these campuses, there is a complicity to do this. we look to get more information such as how many arrests were made and more video as we get it to bring it to you so you can see what that looks like as well. the president mocked his 2024 republican opponent inside the bubble of the white house correspondents dinner over the weekend. doing it one-on-one in person may be quite another thing. >> we did see joe biden able to be at the podium for ten or 15 minutes. see if he can do it for 90 in a debate against a much more energetic and sharper, much wiser and much better presidential record in donald trump without a teleprompter. >> harris: we also saw him at the state of the union. but again those two events, the white house correspondents' dinner the state of the union aren't debates.
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the liberal media went oh my goodness, happy, for biden's performance saturday night. power panel next. to abandon their pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends. i'm john o'hurley, and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 and i invite you to support puppy food bank with a $15 a month donation with your support puppy food bank can ship pet food to rescue shelters, pet food that will save pet lives. so won't you join me. donate now. and puppy food bank will send you a very nice gift.
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>> it's not easy following president biden. not always easy following what he is saying. can we just acknowledge how refreshing it is to see a president of the united states at an event that doesn't begin with a bailiff saying all rise? my weekend update co-anchor was going to join me tonight. in solidarity with president biden i decided to lose all my black support. trump's two attacks on president biden is a senile old man and a criminal mastermind. i don't know any criminal masterminds who bike to get ice cream. also it is not like trump himself is young and sharp.
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>> harris: i mean, scarlet johannson's husband, ribbing both president biden and former president trump during this white house correspondents dinner monologue. biden also delivered hit on president trump verbally and his own age. >> president biden: i had a great stretch since the state of the union. donald has had a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. of course, the 2024 election is in full swing and yes, age is an issue. i'm a grown man running against a 6-year-old. my wife jill with me tonight is worried how i would do. i told her, don't worry, just like riding a bike. she said that's what i'm worried about. >> harris: i like humor that's self-dep -- that last jab about
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himself was a reference to his infamous bike fall in delaware in 2022. one panel on another network straight up gushed over biden's performance. >> just like last year, like he does at the state of the union, steps up for these big events and proves that he is sharp and gets it. the call to action was impressive. >> he showed he was the adult in the room. >> harris: so much love. well, the former president with quite a different take posted this. the dinner was really bad. crooked joe was a disaster. doesn't get much worse than this. tammy bruce, fox new contributor, patrick murphy, former democratic congressman from pennsylvania and former u.s. under secretary of the army. how do you think the ribbing turned out for the president? there was some information in there for him perhaps.
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>> there was. look, there is -- i think an understanding that you have to make fun of it. you have to own it like it is no big deal. you can laugh, you have a good sense of humor, which is important for people to realize. but no voter in dealing with the current economic situation and the crime will think in the voting booth but that white house correspondents dinner was so good. i'm going to vote for that guy. it won't happen. his numbers, new gallup poll at the lowest approval rating of any president at this time in the last 70 years. state of the union address didn't fall down. that was good. it did not help him. worse than nixon, worse than carter. that's one thing. it is what people do in the voting booth. that won't make the difference for him. >> harris: i thought there was some information in some of that, that back and forth about trump and biden.
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he hit biden hard on something i don't know he can make up the difference. losing black voters. to me it wasn't funny as much as it was sad and what do you do if you are biden? >> it was a good line. i agree with tammy's point. joe biden he doesn't take himself seriously and that's charming, right? i've never been to the nerve prom, that's what they call it. but i would say to you american people don't really care. political people care about it. but it is a celebration of our constitution, of the bill of rights, of the freedom of the press. that's a good thing. and there is the contrast. donald trump didn't go the four years he was president. joe biden shows up. he wants to give it proper respect. >> i don't know that's necessarily good. a lot of americans cringe when we see the people supposed to be holding those people to account and they are hugging each other and having a good time and they are like a group and they are
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family. i think it's important that separation remain. that's one of the cringe factors. is this why we've got the problem we have? they are pals and not really doing a job? and yet they were very critical in going after trump and it made that event, you know, inhospitable for him which perhaps is the way it should be for media. >> harris: we'll move forward. a new poll is bad news for president biden showing donald trump with a sizeable lead over the president 49 to 43%. that is outside the margin of error, people. possibly even worse news, though, the same poll finds voters turning against biden 61% say his term is a failure and as he slips in the polls president biden is bringing out the big guns, the big names. we've seen them before and he keeps trying it. he joined his two democratic predecessors who will outshine him with feel my pain and the like.
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president clinton and obama in a podcast recorded the end of march. a bit from biden. >> president biden: i go to all these conferences that we all know. we just came back from us on his own. great help us to in the caribbean. almost every single time, not a joke. the g7, heads of state wait to grab me and get my alone saying i have to win. my democracy is at stake. their democracy. >> harris: patrick. >> i think that's true. i think we have to pay attention to what the rest of the world feels. it is all about america. what these polls and other things show you is that we're six months away from election day. in pennsylvania last week we had our primary. people aren't paying attention that there is a protest vote against president trump. nikki haley in pennsylvania last tuesday 17% of the vote went to nikki haley. 7% went for dean phillips on biden's side.
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a 10-point swing. it will be nip and tuck in pennsylvania and the major six states. nip and tuck for the next six months. >> harris: can we put those polling numbers back up? >> national polls don't matter when it comes to the election itself. it tells you about the mood of the country. when you see what matters with all the polls is the trajectory. the natural swing state or otherwise you see it continual and matching the same mood of the country, the trajectory no matter where people are. that's what you can take from this and what the campaign should take from it. no other president in the last 70 years has been in the position of disapproval as biden is right now. >> the people have been through the wringer after covid. they don't feel settled and that's why you are seeing the numbers. >> harris: the president says covid is gone when he got into office. the margin of error was more than that 6-point spread between the two men.
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i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots; i was surprised to learn so many more things. there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow.
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