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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> henry. thank you. very good. >> bret: therapy dogs gathered on the lawn outside congress for the annual meet the pets event held on capitol hill. the event, which was hosted by pet partners, pet advocacy network and pet food institute marked national therapy animal day in a time when congress members, lawmakers, surrounded by political chaos, the dogs provided them with a nice break, where they could experience the wonderful human animal bond firsthand. there you go. tomorrow on "special report," we will introduce you to this year's recipients of the dr. charles krauthammer scholarship. scholarship. we will talk with daniel krauthammer on the show, charles' son. thanks for inviting news your home tonight, fair, balanced and unafraid. unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is the is "the ingraham a" from washington tonight. my smack down angle in moments. but, first, columbia university
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has locked down its campus. happy graduation. and it's finally, finally threatening to expel the mob that's taken over. fox news national correspondent alexis mcadams has been there from the beginning. she is with us live with all the details. they still have chanting and drum beating. alexis? >> that's right. well, some people in the city might be tired of seeing these protests. but the protesters are still amped up and ready to go outside of the gates at columbia university. university. can you check it out here. protest grown tonight laura after just a short time ago. there were some more police that showed up. this is after all the chaos on campus just overnight. the nypd has not got that call to come in just yet. they say when they do, these students could face some pretty serious charges. >> burglary in the third degree. criminal mischief. and trespassing. for the individuals that are in the encampments outside, they will be charged with trespassing
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and disorderly conduct. [chanting] [chanting] >> so although the students here are being threatened with being expelled or even extended for several days, it really hasn't been too big of a deterrent here at the university in new york city. how comfortable are they, people are asking? take a look at this video here on the screen. can you see what is going on. [chanting shut it down] >> pulling in the dinner. trying to get in more supplies and they just said how great the food looked. watch. ♪ ♪ it looks delicious. >> again tonight, the university said the students who broke into that campus building in hamilton hall and essentially took over will be expelled. but they are not really going anywhere, right? they have more supplies that they are bringing in. we will keep you posted on how things go tonight in new york
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city. laura. >> laura: gives new meaning to the phrase door dash, alexis. it's like door pully. i don't know what we will call that alexis, thanks as always. all right, the generation that came of age during the extended blue state lockdowns, including in new york and the george floyd riots, is showing us what they have learned. the adults who celebrated the passion of those who spat at the police, tore apart our cities, and ripped down our historical monuments, created what we're watching tonight on college campuses. [chanting free, free palestine] >> guy, my team, come on, link arms. ♪ chanting] [chanting]
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>> laura: remember when the january 6th smash the window, right? that was a war crime. but they do it here and it's like well, do you want another pizza? pizza? all right. despite this travesty that we are seeing on campus, there is some hope. two brave students at columbia faced off against the angry mob as they tried to break into hamilton hall. >> circle blockade around these three. three. we will move them out. let's go. >> another human chain. >> the people, united,. >> get someone wrap around. get inside and wrap around. >> is someone recording this? >> i got it. >> 100 percent assault. what is your name? >> it's better not to mention my name. name. >> you are the one -- >> laura: joining me now rory wilson and charles beck, the two students you just saw. you guys, first of all, major kudos to you. i don't know whether just to congratulate you or declare you insane for trying to face off against that mob.
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roary, let's start with you. what made you decide to take that stand? >> well, it was pretty much on the spur of the moment. i was -- my friends got me out of bed, told me something was hang on campus. i ran over and i saw that it was pretty much chaos before smashing in the windows, massive mob gathered outside of hamilton hall. piling up chairs on the inside and that sort of thing. so, i wanted just kind of off the cuff of it wanted to show that i disapproved of what was going on. this was completely inappropriate, destroying property of our university and that this is not at all the way that we ought to conduct ourselves in any sort of discourse and so i basically -- i just wanted to register my protest against their protest, that's what i was telling them when they were yelling at me and say i'll protest your protest. i'm free to do that. [chanting shut it down] >> laura: charles, you actually got dragged away i understand at
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one point. here's what happened. watch. watch. >> you guys are the ones dragging people away. >> you are shoving me. all right. we are going to move slow. let's go. >> whole life. >> okay. thank you. >> i'm trying to get them out. don't. don't. >> why are you trying to get us out? [shouting] [chanting shut it down] >> laura: charles, one of your friends said something to you that convinced you to move away at that point. what was said? >> yeah. that's a good friend of mine who i have known for quite a couple years. so, essentially he was really just quite scared for my health and safety. you know, he sort of had a top, top field vision of it. he was afraid that if i -- if i had remained there that the crowd would have caused me serious bodily injury, even death. and essentially what he whispered to me was something along the lines of don't be
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stupid. don't get martyred for a building. sort of the -- you know, the idea that perhaps well, perhaps it wasn't worth getting that injured. but, you know, i can certainly see where he was coming from. you know, perhaps part of the sort of the move here was to -- i wasn't really thinking to be entirely honest with you about my own health and safety. i was more so just thinking of, i mean, i don't know, thinking that someone needed to say something, ideally someone at our university could sort of say that well they didn't agree with what was happening. and they understood something fundamentally wrong. >> laura: they don't want to debate, rory. sorry, they don't want to debate. they want their way or the highway. no debate at all. you guys were frankly potential road kill if you got in the way of that. and you told one of our producers, rory, that i guess you thought someone might have been following you on your walk home from hamilton hall? is that the case?
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>> yeah. it's hard to know. there were a lot of shady people going around outside of campus. there were people in the crowd there that i'm not sure if they were students. but definitely on the outside. there was footage of people climbing into john j. hall outside of campus. all in black. and yeah, there was a car that was full of masked people who seemed to be keeping an eye on us. i'm not entirely sure, but we stayed together as a group with some of our friends to make sure that we got back safely. >> laura: well, i heard both of you had a run-in with this professional protester, this woman lisa fithian. watch this. >> students of this university are free to stand here in public. public. >> yes, you are. >> we have way more of a right, we have way more of a right to do what we are doing than any of these people have to destroy this building. >> no one is destroying a building. building. >> i beg to differ.
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people broke in the windows with the intention of taking the building. so they can take the university hostage. hostage. >> do you know what? i'm glad to be here, rory. >> laura: okay. rory, or charles i guess now. we are going to be talk more about her in a element no. how did this lisa introduce herself to you? did she tell you that she was a protester, charles? >> she claimed that she actually was. was just there to make sure that no one got hurt and was just there to ensure that, you know, people sort of stayed out of the way who shouldn't have been in the way. she actually tried to sort of present herself as more of a moderating character who was there to just sort of, i don't know, ensure that things were quote, unquote, safe. she also said that she was, you know, quote, unquote, with the university in some capacity. though i had no idea what that meant, being honest. >> talked about being with the
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university. >> laura: roary, what is your message to the board of trustees tonight who could have shut this thing down a week ago? >> my message would be that they just need to get things under control and give graduating seniors their commencement. it really -- seniors, people who are seniors right now have gone through a lot in their college career. and so it's the least that they can do to just get things under control and allow people to finish up their college career with an actual graduation. >> laura: rory and charles, come to me if you need work, because we're always looking for brave students. fantastic. fantastic. good work. and thank you for actually representing normal america. all right. we wanted to learn more about that woman, our previous guest had a run-in with. here is another interaction with her. [chanting 5, 6, 7, 8. israel is a caliphate] >> documenting [bleep]
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[chanting 1, 2, 3, 4. >> we are being -- >> laura: that's lisa fithian, 63 years old, and a professional protest consultant. yeah. yeah. is that on linkedin who has been arrested more than 80 times. badge of honor for her. her causes range from occupy wall street, snore to climate change, bore, and the current free palestine, yes, they want more. now, she has been training this activist generation for years. and last night she was caught instructing students what to do. >> i can't help you with that. >> you got to flip that -- yeah. right to the wall. cameras back. cameras back. >> joining me now founder and editor. ire remarks moments before this
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interview, the nypd actually showed videos of fithian today and mentioned how the tactics of protesters have changed after training sessions with that person, that mother jones once called professor occupy. so, what benefit does someone like this woman get by training protesters is she making money off of this or just power. >> some of the people involved are being paid money. i had a piece in the "wall street journal" recently about how they are advertising for fellows to be paid $3,000 for three months of 8 hours a week of work on campuses and some of the people who have been involved, quite prominently in these protests have been paid fellows with hundreds of thousands of dollars from the soros open society foundation and the rockefeller brothers fund, so there is big money behind these protests.
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you know, whether they can make more money doing other things, probably. probably. it's a combination of getting paid and i don't know living out some fantasy. >> laura: ire remarks let me tell you my two cents on this. she's like -- she is kind of in between the woodstock generation, right, and the current protest. no man's land i need to find relevant. relevant. she found it like some of them do in this deeply anti-american cohort. and this is the ballgame for them. it's not really about money for most of them. it's about taking down the country and the institutions that matter columbia thought they could play ball with these people as did all of these colleges. i will get into this in my angle. the monster coming to eat dr. frankenstein and it's ugly. >> it's a mess.
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and, you know, it's the same crowds that the black lives matter protests, at the anti-trump protest. go back to the anti-persian gulf war protest under george h.w. bush. the anti-iraq war protest under george w. bush. it's the same people out protesting. protesting. i have seen them there just like to protest. you and i play sports or go to religious service. this is an activity for these people. and, you know, until the revolution is accomplished, they are not going to stop. or until they are in jail. >> these are printed posters. not like hand made posters doing off the cuff. how much of this is astro turf. how much of this is organic? >> yeah. i think it's a mix. it's certainly the same tactics we are seeing on campuses around the country, same slogans, same tents like. >> laura: same signage. >> an on the same day.
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yeah. absolutely. very well coordinated dr. is google drives putting out talking points. they have a monday evening meeting to coordinate around the country. the ads for these fellows say you have to be available at this time every week to come meet and plan what the activities are. >> ire remarks thank you. we can rename that meeting, that online meeting they have as the doom zoom, okay? we will call it that from now on. these people are pathetic. you are not going to want to miss the angling. i especially loved it tonight about this madness plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars
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♪ >> laura: biden's spoiled brats, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: now, stories of horrible, bratty children indulged by their parents are nothing new. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> until children are punished, until they are made to stop, they're going to keep misbehaving. misbehaving. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> laura: is anyone really surprised that the anti-israel columbia brats took over on campus last night started ordering pizzas? i'm surprised at this point they didn't demand steaks from peter lugar. they know they are going to be shielded from any real accountability like they always are. university presidents today, i mean, really afraid of them? they don't know how to lead. instead they hide behind their underlings and they have a lot of un unlings who hide web as fr as. don't you love web as far as. finding a path resolution through a constructive dialogue.
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>> since wednesday, a small group of academic leaders worked in constructive dialogue with student organizers to find a path to dismantle the encampment and adhere to university policies but were unable to come to an agreement. we continue to urge the protesters to remove the encampment and voluntarily dispersed. >> laura: please, pretty please. now, most of america sees this and knows if these students were conservative trump supporters, pro-life activists? doj would have announced a ricco prosecution and alvin bragg would have ordered immediate mass arrest. negotiations? now, that's funny. >> i'm going to repeat, also, that university representatives engaged in good faith in dialogue with the organizers and maintained that dialogue as long as possible because this reflected our values as a community. >> laura: dialogue. well, the university today announced that it was going to expel students who didn't move from the occupied campus facilities, but who believes they are actually going to follow through on that? not i.
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minouche shafik who heads up columbia should have been fired long ago. does anyone living and breathing on god's green earth believe she landed her job totally because of objective merit? if she were a white male with a border of trustees, even of considered hiring her? and speaking of the board of trustees, notice you haven't heard from any of them. some prestigious people including former obama dhs secretary jeh johnson, david greenwald, former chairman of goldman sachs. adam pritzker, cousin of billionaire illinois governor j.b. j.b. and a leftist organizer in his own right. and many, many other ultra liberal types have governing authority at the university as a member of the board of trustees. and, yet, they are all silent. talk about profiles in courage. every time a deadline was set for the brats to disperse, it was ignored.
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and the university just kept extending the deadline until the students decided what the heck? let's storm a building. let really make some waves. look at how real universities handle these left wing student temper tantrums. >> after some pro-hamas students kicked up a fuss at the university of florida, the school issued this statement. saying this is not complicated. the university of florida is not a day care and we do not treat protesters like children. they know the rules. they broke the rules. and they will face the consequences. love it. now, the coddled costume wearing cowards in their rei tents columbia are part of gen z. they have been schooled to believe that emotion trumps knowledge and reason. few of them ever really read, not if you count a few paragraphs from howard zen. but they do doom scroll anti-american freaks on social media and so they really feel informed. and a new survey confirms what we are seeing bust out at elite
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schools across the country. on the question on whether being american is important to young people, only 18% of young liberals under 30 said it is important to their identity. and by the way there was a 55% differently between liberals and and conservatives on that question. now, think of how the biden people responded to january 6th. they are still hunting down senior citizens. top biden officials though, they see this all, they are scrambling because they know these protests are killing them politically. but in their heart of hearts? come on, we all know, they actually agree with the protesters. protesters. >> we take this very seriously. look, as a lifelong educator, protecting students is our number one responsibility. we we take that seriously and, you know, anti-semitism that we have seen on campus is unacceptable. >> laura: sorry, dr. frankenstein, your monster is on the loose and he is coming for you, next. now, none of these privileged
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brats -- and, believe me they are all privileged at their protest had anything to do with normal americans or republicans or trump voters. everything you're see something entirely the result of the liberal establishment. they run all of the universities, they select the students. they hire the deans and the faculty. and they wanted to turn these schools into hot beds of radicalism. they didn't want to teach them the best of western civilization. they think that's all racist. they didn't want to teach the humanities, that's a bunch of dead old white guys. they didn't want to teach the truth about our history, which is rich and complex, but it is not evil. they wanted to teach them to spew anti-american bile wherever they went. and, guess what? it worked. they have taught these kids to hate their own country. hate law and order, and oppose anything that is good, anything that is decent, anything that is traditional and anything that is truly productive.
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what you're seeing on campuses is the natural outcome of liberal policies over decades. this is the fruit of their labor. and until there is a real liberal reawakening, this isn't just going to continue, this thing is going to metastasize. and that's the angle. ♪ joining me now my old boss, who is not old, but he is my former boss. former secretary of education, former drug czar bill bennett. bill, it's so great to see you tonight. i thought of you all day long as i was watching these scenes unfold. unfold. >> thank you. >> laura: what are the colleges responsible for here in how these students are behaving on campuses across the country? >> actually, what they should be responsible for and let me correct current secretary cardona said the first duty is to protect students. no, it isn't. the first duty is to educate
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students. and at times, that may mean telling them the difference between right and wrong. and enforcing it. as you know, laura, we have raised or tried to raise two sons. one of my sons, when i was about to spank him, very young age said i won't be your friend anymore. i said i'm not your friend. i'm your father. and there's a distinction. this is what the world requires right now and what's required universities. universities. you are actually absolutely right about not teaching the humanities, the achievements of civilization if they did they wouldn't be so reckless in tearing down everything that matters in our civilization. let me just quote hanna aaron in one of her greatest says she says the one great sin modern parents cannot commit is the sin of surrender. you cannot say it's a brave new world. we don't know how it works. we don't understand this
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technology, et cetera, et cetera. we throw our hands up. good luck to you. no. you teach what you know. we need to teach our children well and, in terms of a lot of those liberal kids not being proud to be an american, they need to be taught that it's a good thing to be american, comparatively, a very good thing indeed. >> laura: bill, you knew this long ago when i was a kid, a young speech writer at the department of education, and you, at the time, in the 1980s, you saw the erosion of the teaching of the great works of civilization of the humanities. you understood what that was going to do and now, 35 years later? the fruits of their labor. we see it on the screen right now in the box right next to us. >> yep. civilization is a rare thing in the long story of inhumanity that is human history. and when we have it, we need to
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nurture it and be sure to protect it. what you see in the columbia campus is nothing short of barbarism, versus what should be civilization. but it's barbarism and a false tolerance going under the name of understanding. it is a joke. glad to hear about what they are doing in florida. glad to see what they are doing in texas. one thing to hope for is that there are still parts of the country and large numbers of people who understand that to raise a child, to raise a generation, requires more than just saying yes and we love you. >> laura: you bet it. >> it requires drying lines and borders. borders. >> laura: i have a line coddled kids crumble. my kids will sometimes say other mothers say this. i just start laughing, bill. that's the worst line to use on me. me. all right, bill, cbs is now reporting that the biden administration is considering
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bringing in palestinian refugees from gaza into the united states. states. they are not being accepted for the most part in middle eastern countries whereby they could more logically go. that's the answer to these protests, your reaction, quickly? quickly? >> yeah. well, that is just part and parcel of what they have been doing. i'm sure you will see a trail of young men in their 20's and 30's coming in from palestine. that's what -- that's what the result of this is going to be. have they gotten everything wrong, this administration? just everything? >> laura: well, bill, first of all, you have raised two wonderful young sons. i happen to know both of them. i have known them since they were babies. they are great young men. you raised two wonderful kids, you and elaine. i just thought about you all day and how ahead of the curving you were for all those years and decades. bill, thank you so much. come back soon. great to see you. all right. what the judge in trump's new york trial is now threatening. yeah. it never ends.
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♪ >> laura: $9,000. that's how much trump was ordered to pay today for violating that ridiculous gag order against him. the thousand dollars for each violation. but, look, is there any doubt about how partisan this judge merchan is? it's gone now. because, towards the end of his ruling, he b bee moaned the fine wouldn't achieve the desired result. result. adding it would be prervelg to jack it up to something closer to like $150,000, a violation. well then came this threat. jail may be a necessary punishment their fantasy. like judge merchan trying out for a future spot on morning joe. joe. >> donald trump needs to go to
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jail for this. if it were any other ordinary defendant we would have had a very clear answer about the gag order and probably would have resulted in that defendant being jailed. jailed. >> if i were the trial judge, yes, i would impose jail time. >> really? >> laura: look, all of these people's spouting off on television, they all see the writing on the wall. they are not that stupid. they see that the case is going south fast. so putting trump in jail over the gag order, only option left to make him suffer and to get the visual they want for the campaign that they don't really want to have occur now, as i have said, there is no crime here. to prove the noncrime though, they are introducing all types of unrelated testimony and evidence throwing around words like conspiracy when they didn't charge a conspiracy. and this gag order is just another tactic to get trump. the hypocrisy is obvious. >> they weren't asking for jail time. the threat is lingering out there. the judge wanted to put this sword dangling over his head.
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it's there. and the thread is getting thinner. thinner. i don't think the judge has re-examined his order. i think it's poorly written and i also think it's way too broad. the inclusion of michael cohen in that order is absurd. i mean, you have someone who is making money campaigning against trump and attacking him on this trial and the judge is letting him speak but not for the president to respond. >> laura: now, of course, another great point by turley there. michael cohen is apparently, by the way, doing nightly tiktok live streams where he talks trump and the trial. and according to abc news, he even makes money off of this thread. this is who bragg's entire case hinges on? a convicted felon and liar who is trying to cash in on the prosecution. meanwhile they use this sham proceeding to try silence a president. joining me now, mike davis, former gorsuch clerk, founder and president of the article iii project. mike, cohen can make money off
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the trial by appearing on the ccp sponsored tiktok and he trashes trump, but trump, meanwhile, has to watch everything he says? >> yeah. gag orders are supposed to protect criminal defendants. they are a limited time, place and manner restriction on free speech rights to ensure a criminal defendant, not the government, gets a fair trial. what this judge merchan has done is turned the constitution on its head by illegally unconstitutionally gagging a criminal defendant. if anyone in america needs the constitutional right to speak out against the judge, the prosecutor, their staffs, the witnesses, their biases and the process, it is a criminal defendant going through a criminal trial. >> laura: speaking of knuckle heads everywhere. >> donald trump has shown acts of generosity but he is not a
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generous person. he has shown acts in front of me of kindness, but he is not a kind person. 10:00 again. same bad time, same bad channel. see you then. >> laura: i don't know what it is about the manner in which he speaks, but i find it highly annoying in addition to his content. but how fair is this to trump? he was his best friend, essentially for years. trump needs better lawyers, if that was one of his lawyers. sorry, but that was a bad selection. selection. he is just a dufus, sorry. he just comes across as a complete dufus. i guess he does have his bar license or had his bar license what do you make of that? >> michael cohen disbarred attorney, perjurer and out there trashing trump during a criminal trial. when president trump tries to respond to this goof ball, this biased democrat judge merchan
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donated to biden in 2020 donated to another cause. his adult daughter is fundraising off of this criminal trial, requiring judge merchan's recusal, how does judge merchan respond? he imposes an illegal unconstitutional prior restraint on trump's constitutional rights. >> laura: mike, i have got say michael cohen should keep that little emoji hat on because he needs one of those little cap guns too when he does that put that hat up as a backup? that's the funniest thing i have ever seen. we are supposed to actually take him seriously. well, i can't get it big there all right, mike, great to see you. what's it going to take to be trump's v.p. one of the contenders rising on the list. he's with us next. ♪
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>> laura: axios is reporting north dakota governor doug burgum is moving up the v.p. ladder. why? what do we know about him? since becoming governor of north dakota in 2016 he signed a six week abortion ban and enacted the largest tax cut in the state's history. before that a pretty successful businessman. he worked at microsoft as a senior vice president and founded a venture capital firm. he joins me now. governor, great to see you tonight. i'm going -- tough first question, gov, you are the
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governor of north dakota. i love north dakota, but how would that help trump? >> well, laura, great to be on with you, but, first of all, all this v.p. speculation is just part of a distraction that's taking away from the focus which we got to get president trump back in the white house. and anybody that is -- cares about the future of this country has got to be focused on that. we got biden's wars, biden's inflation. biden's lawfare, all of these things are interrupting president trump's ability to compete. tomorrow is he going to be on the road and michigan. that will be must see tv. right now they got him trapped in the courtroom. it's not right for america. >> laura: in august you said you wouldn't consider, governor, being in his cabinet. day stand by that? i think right now again is he going to have some people to pick from. >> laura: i get that. whoa, you said in august you wouldn't be in his cabinet.
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i'm asking you a simple question. question. have you reconsidered? i reconsider things all the time. time. there is nothing wrong with that. >> i think it's important right now for everybody to be working to get president trump elected. that's the thing that's most important. i'm not fighting for him to get reelected because of some idea of working in a cabinet. i got one of the greatest jobs in the world right now as governor of north dakota. being a governor under president trump, being a governor under joe biden every american should see what that was like. one was wind at the back and now we have this gale force wind in our face where joe biden unelected bureaucrats are trying to crush our economy. they are trying to crush energy production in the united states. they are starting foreign wars. and now we have got mayhem on august of our campuses. it's all about getting president trump elected. >> laura: well, that is a very diplomatic answer and i think it's wise, governor, very quickly, your message billionaires across this country, so many of them are adamantly supporting biden still, especially the wall street types.
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i know you know a lot of these folks. what's your message, quickly tonight? tonight? >> well, i wish that they had gotten to know president trump the way the first lady and i have. have. when you see someone who cares this deeply about this country, what is he going through and what the democrats and the liberal media is putting him through, and how he gets up and fights for everyday people in america every day, and then his policies are all in the right direction. direction. if you are a billionaire and you care about your shareholders and care about your family and care about your grandkids, you had should be voting for someone that is going to bring prosperity to america and peace to the world. that's what president trump is going to do. that's what he did for us when he was president. >> laura: governor burgum, sorry it was short tonight. we will have you again. this middle school girl has courage refused to compete against a biological making. guess what? she is here next t o explain. ♪ they should be done.
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just days after the four circuit court of appeals ruled
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that west virginia's transgender sports van discriminates against becky, a 13-year-old biological male, five brade middle schoolers said enough is enough. the girls did not want to compete against a biological male in their sport so one by one during the county championships, members of the school's shot put team stepped in and then stepped out in protest of the transgender athlete competing. so not a big surprise here but bakke went on to win the contest, beating second-place by more than 3 feet, which is a lot in that sport, in those five girls who protested, guess what, they were suspended from competing in the next track meet so where are all the outrage go power feminists? joining me now is one of the middle school or her protests along with her parents. a to see you tonight. that was what i would have done. i was an athlete in my day in high school and in college and a pretty brave thing for you to do but what made you decide to
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essentially just forfeit your chances of winning? >> so really last year was when we thought about it. me and my dad worked sharing ideas and he said if i were you i would just step out. that kind of really stuck with me clear up until this year and then he started winning and it was making everybody angry and i was like well now's the perfect time to do it if i were to do it. >> let's go to your dad. look, the transgender athlete wins the competition by 3 feet, who knows if this athlete was trying his or her hardest year but that was a pretty big victory. what do you say about that "victory" sir? >> will is just -- is just the way -- the way he throws is unlike the girls. they have their stances down and they put everything into it. this is just a turn and throw to where it shows the man's
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strength is much greater than the girls. >> the vitriol being spewed of the girls who decided this isn't what they signed up for is quite shocking in the era of feminism and girl power and girls can do anything. as a mom, and i'm a mom of three teenagers, one teenage girl, what do you say tonight to mothers out there? >> it's so hard to have the courage that she's shown and just to stand up for what she believes in and for people that call her hateful, like, we've just try to instill in her love and to show love towards everyone. she did not even mean any disrespect towards this child or the family. we wanted to do it in a peaceful loving wait to stand up for what she believes in and just be a
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christian in doing that. >> apparently the only people who can stand up for what they believe in our the transgender athletes and their parents. you guys don't have any rights. middle school boys, i know you know this but our viewers don't, they throw the 8-pound shot put and the girls throw the 6-pound shotput so to explain to us the unfair advantage that a biological male then would have in throwing that lighter ball. >> well i mean it's obvious that males are physically superior to women. so in that he's going to be throwing something lighter which is ultimately going to be easier for him to throw. >> i guess you don't need a ph.d. in physics to figure that out. i'm looking at you guys and you guys probably thought your daughter is a great athlete, she's going to go to high school, probably get noticed by a college, maybe get a scholarship and you are thinking to yourself, how is this america
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, let alone west virginia? i'm thinking that for you. i don't want to put words in your mouth. >> i mean i've been thinking this for a while. as a country, if we can't agree on the differences between a boy and a girl, then what are we doing with the hard subjects? >> yeah this is why kids are learning anything, we don't know the basics, just facts, basic biological facts. you are really cool and i really appreciate your coming on tonight. i know some of the girls are filing a lawsuit. you decided to handle it your own way. thank you all. thank you so much. that is it for us tonight. want to thank you for being with us. follow me on social media and remember it is america now and forever and jesse takes it from here. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight,..


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