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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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it was field tested and tested positive for cocaine.capi the capitol police say this is an area frequented by various contractors and employees, and it is also very near prison processing. an officer found the bag andturn immediately turned it over to a supervisor, which is wise.y u.s. ep have opened annv investigation and will tesest tw residue further and conduct tess overcomeof a lot of strange thi. >> laura: kevin, unreal, thank you so much.ths it that is it for us tonight. remember tomorrow, michael cohen is back on the stand at the c trump trial in manhattan. f we will cover that and follow mm on social media. in the meantime, it is america >> carley: a fox news alert, an
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aassassination attempt caught on camera. gunman opened fire on the prime minister of slovakia. >> todd: that is how world wars start. team biden setting terms, with no oaudience and no r.f.k. jr. >> without an oaudience disadvantages trump. >> trump 2024 caroline levitt is here with how the former president is preparing. >> carley: looking forward to having her on the shou and calls to give harrison butker the boot. we will tell you about that. you are watch ing "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: that story lighting up the internet, i'm todd piro. we're headed back to court for
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former president's new york criminal trial. >> brooke: he paid stormy daniels to stay silent about her alleged 2006 affair with trump. former federal prosecutor robert costello said the opposite wednesday saying, michael cohen made clear this payment was his own idea. cohen is on revenge tour he blames trump for going to jail. costello told him he did not have anything on trump.
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>> i said, michael, the way this works, if you have truthful information about donald trump, that is what they are looking for, i can have your legal problems solved by the end of the week. his response, i swear to god, i don't have anything on trump. think carefully about this, i came back to this subject 10 or 20 times, every time he answered, i swear to god, excuse me, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> brooke: robert costello could be called for the defense, but nothing confirmed yet. nine lawmakers in new york city to support former president trump when the trial resumes. court will let out early due to a juror commitment and will not meet again until monday because
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tomorrow is president trump's son barron's high school graduation. >> todd: alina habba will preview the defense's case, if they put on ace case, don't miss it. >> carley: former president trump agreeing to president biden's terms for two debates. >> todd: quite a morning yesterday when this broke. will biden accept trump's request for a third debate? lucas tomlinson live in d.c. good morning. >> lucas: president biden agreed to two debates. peter doocy asked about a third debate on fox. [indiscernible] >> why not debate a third time?
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you want to debate r.f.k. jr.? >> that's enough? >> lucas: if you're waiting for an answer from the president, disappointed. no r.f.k. jr. or third-party candidate, limited news outlet, mics must mute after response. >> president trump and biden are colluding to lockup. they are trying to excludeme from the debate, they are afraid i would win. take a look at what the public thinks. according to fox news poll, many people would like to see r.f.k. jr., 43% say it is important he be there. former president donald trump about a third debate biden has not agreed to.
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please let this truth serve that i accept debating crooked joe biden on fox news, wednesday, october 2, host will be bret baier and martha maccallum. thank you djt. here is more from peter doocy in white house briefing room yesterday. >> peter: this sudden offer from the president to debate as signal you guys realize you need to change the subject after bad polling? >> this president had a pretty successful legislative tenure in the first 3-1/2 years and delivered on many things that are popular to the american people. >> peter: who will stand in for donald trump? >> who will stand in? do you want to stand in for donald trump? do you want to do that? i can connect you with the campaign. might be fun for you. >> you are saying i can debate joe biden behind the scenes for as long as i want? yes. >> that might be fun for both of
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you. >> lucas: some think it is about debating trump. >> carley: so interesting that just a few weeks ago, biden campaign said president biden would be doing fewer interviews, shorter speeches and now challenging trump to a two-hour debate and being cocky about it. make my day, you free on wednesday? they are selling free on wednesday t-shirts. >> lucas: they say that was heavily edited and told howard stern he would be willing to did this debate. >> carley: we'll see how it goes. >> todd: thank you. >> carley: fox weather alert, bracing for another round of dangerous flash flooding with some areas expecting a half foot of rain after seeing 20 inches in recent weeks and cars in minneapolis submerged in water.
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>> todd: and thunderstorms move up the east coast, janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: from severe weather season to hurricane season, it has been extreme and today we'll be concerned with the severe weather and the flooding, all along the gulf coast including our friends ineck too. take a look at it. severe thunderstorm warnings on the border of texas and oklahoma. i'm concerned with texas. you have received inches of rain in last couple weeks and today especially for houston area, talking about rainfall rem reminiscent of harvey a few years ago, this is not tropical system, this is areas of low pressure riding same frontal boundary. rare four out of five here for parts of texas toward louisiana in terms of flooding.
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heavy rainfall going over the same areas today and through the rest of the work week and weekend. we have areas of low pressure that develop along this front and across the gulf coast bring in all that moisture and severe risk on top of heavy rain meaning hail, damaging wind, tornados for this area, highlighted from new mexico to little rock and paducah and west of the great lakes. severe storm risk for areas across texas including central and eastern texas to louisiana. there is the risk tomorrow. not only severe risk, i am concerned about flooding, flooding kills more people than tornados and that is going to get us in some areas. >> carley: all eyes on the southeast. thank you. putin and xi jinping are meeting
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in beijing. national security aid in the trump white house, he is here to react next. >> todd: that meeting is a big deal. how many democrats voted against bill to deport migrants who assault police officers. yeah, they voted against that. details after this. . choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> carley: fox news alert, putin and xi jinping are holding a meeting in beijing. putin's visit coming after secretary of state blinken's trip to war-torn ukraine. joining me is former trump national security aide john
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el elliot. this trip might have been in the works for sometime, but it is happening after united states passed aid to ukraine and president biden announced new sanctions against china. what are your thoughts? >> good morning, carley. what is happening, putin is going to meet with xi jinping, for the second time this year and first time after he's been re-elected. this is a show of force in the sense it is rebuke to the west that has put in sanctions and is a sign there is increasing access between russia and china where russia gets -- russia has been shut off from exporting oil and natural gas to the western europe and now they are having to look at other markets. the biggest market that is a
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border state is china, they want to strengthen that, there is a pipeline that is out on hold and they want approval for a pipeline going from mongolia to north russia. this is a show that there is a access they can -- russia can exploit to work with china to go against the sanctions that are put on russia and get financial and currency stability, as well. >> carley: it is all about money. from one global threat to another. a new study shows what many fear, our withdrawal from afghanistan has created serious power vacuum in the country and created a major rise in terrorist groups, particularly isis-k and al qaeda, u.s. institute of peace urging president biden to take action by launching an attack inside afghanistan to take terror
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groups out. what do you think about this threat? a threat many predicted and that as a response? >> well, carley, what has happened here, terrible news for biden, this is further evidence his botched exit is costing americans in terms of security. not only did biden turn over bagram air force base, now you have isis-k and remnants of al qaeda working in afghanistan because it is a lawless area. isis-k, they had that big attack in moscow a couple months ago and shown they have xrablt /* /* a capablity of striking and trying to get through the southern border that is wide open thanks to biden.
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this has to be a priority. we need to strike the country and do everything to close the border and realize isis-k wants to strike in the u.s. and with open border that is something biden is putting out for the american people as a sign of w weakness and we better get on it. >> carley: isis-k and taliban are mortal enemies, can you see scenario where the united states works with one group to take the other down as foreign policy does create strange bed fellows? >> not at all, they are both bad actors and if anything, we would talk and are talking to the taliban through third channels. we're never going to get with a terror group like isis-k to move against the taliban. we can give the taliban notice to say stand down we're coming
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over into your country. nothing we'll do to find an alliance tatake isis-k out with the taliban. >> carley: new fox news poll shows 64% of americans disapprove of his handling of the war in gaza and just this week he announced a $1 billion weapons deal to israel after withholding waebs last week. what do you think about that contradiction? >> biden is all over the map, he says he is a stanch backer of israel, he said that at the holocaust memorial last week. the very next day he said he is withholding arms specifically directed to be provided to israel, next day after he said he is for defense, he is withholding arms and now going back to congress to say he will provide $1 billion. which is it, joe? he's got to decide if he's
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reacting to polls. he's afraid of the muslim vote in michigan and doing pirouettes on the issue much we need to back israel 100%, get it done quickly and alleviate the humanitarian crisis. >> carley: i said it was all about money, i should say it is all about money and politics at the end of the day. john, thank you for joining us. thank you for your expertise. >> todd: house passing bill to deport migrants who assault police officers to honor police week. 148 democrats voted against it. ted lew says what we're seeing from the republican conference are messaging bills on variety of topics, none of which will pass the u.s. senate. i wonder if police officers think these are bills that will protect their lives? there are several cases of
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migrant attacks on police officers from florida, texas, new york and washington, d.c. to a fox news alert. assassination attempt on prime minister of slovakia caught on camera. live update on his condition and white house response. >> carley: and r.f.k. jr. says former president trump and president biden are colluding to keep him out of the. caroline levitt is live in the studio coming up next. >> i would never recommend going on stage with donald trump. it's hard to explain what this feels like. ♪ moving piles of earth, just by moving a lever. ♪ towing up to 4,000 lbs with a machine that weighs less than half that. cutting grass, clearing the way, and perfecting every inch of your land. ♪ we could keep trying to put it into words. ♪
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>> carley: fox news alert, prime minister of slovakia is expecting to be okay after being shot yesterday. that asasassination attempt was
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caught on video. here are details of this shocking story. >> it was a shocking assassination attempt caught on camera as the slovakia prime minister was greeting supporters outside a meeting. watch that video. [sho [shots fired] >> you can see and hear the gunman fire five shots at close rain before security tackles the man to the ground. he was shot at least twice. he is no longer in critical condition. the shooting was politically motivated. >> a physical attack on the prime minister is an attack on a person and on democracy. hateful rhetoric, leads to hateful actions, please stop it. >> secretary of state posted the
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united states condemns the shooting of prime minister of slovakia. we wish him a full recovery and the white house echoed the sentiments. >> our thoughts are with his family and people of slovakia. we condemn this act of violence and our embassy is ready to assist. >> the suspect is in custody, a 71-year-old activist and the prime minister held most powerful office longer than any other predecessor. carley. >> carley: thank god he will be okay. todd, over to you. >> todd: wild stuff. dates set, june 27 and september continue, former president trump will take the stage for two debates against president biden. some are stacking the deck against trump. >> so-called debate that was going to be ridiculous is going to be even more preposterous,
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theater of the absurd. >> they have a debate, it will not be a roman coliseum, it is without odd yens, that disadvantages trump. >> if trump was confident about his position, he would not be taking this debate. tod >> todd: karoline leavitt joins me live in studio. great to have you in person. you saw left wing media had time to digest debate news, that is what they came up. what is the campaign's response? >> yesterday was horrid day for joe biden. let me tell you why. president trump has been calling for debates for months saying he would debate crooked joe biden any time, anywhere. he has a firm record of success to stand on versus joe biden's w weakness and record of failure. joe biden went on howard stern
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show and committed to debate, his team was not happy about that. he is too weak to stand up for two hours and debate president trump. yesterday they pulled the trigger, they did not have a choice, what were they going to do? president trump said absolutely, we'll do one in june and august and we are pushing for four debates, one on this network in october, hoping joe biden will commit to that and we want another one in heat of summer in july, as well. >> todd: i think more debates, the better. dems did not want to see these debates, including nancy pelosi. listen. >> i myself would never recommend going on the stage with donald trump issue but the president decided that is what he wants to do. i think the format he is suggesting is a good one. >> todd: you said biden locked himself in saying he wanted
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these debates, handlers did not want it. don't you think this is a panic move by biden and his team in light of horrific poll numbers in "new york times"? >> absolutely, that i have no choice. biden committed to it. you hear democrats like nancy pelosi saying biden shouldn't do it, they know joe biden is weak and can hardly get through a teleprompter speech without slurring his words. he's heckled by angry protesters, that is why they deknow manded there is no audience. "new york times" poll has president trump leading in every ba battleground state, we are going on offense in blue states like new jersey, virginia, minnesota, president trump is leading in minnesota, as well. joe biden is on defense, we're on offense and president trump is strong and has a winning
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message and all americans from all backgrounds realizing how much better it was under leadership. >> biden setting rules, they will basically declare victory if biden remains upright during the debate. we will have you back. r.f.k. jr. is demanding to be included in the debate. presidents trump and biden are colluding and trying to exclude me because they are afraid i would win. "fox and fox news polling found it is very or extremely important that r.f.k. jr. is in the debate. president trump calling out r.f.k. jr. for his far left policies, why not debate him for voters to see and make a decision. >> the television network sent invitation to host campaign between joe biden and donald trump. if r.f.k. jr. wants to take that up with anyone, take it up with
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television noetworks. president trump is not afraid to debate anything. he is far left as you can get, especially on energy. r.f.k. jr. supports national, federal smart grid to control how long we keep lights on in our home, how long to keep the water on, that is communism, not capitalism, president trump opposes that. >> todd: more debates, the better, love to see it. we have trump v biden, awesome. we appreciate it. carley, over to you. >> carley: ohio securing election, purging all noncitizens from state voter roles and want information from biden administration to make sure nonsycitizens are voting ts november. good morning to you. unfortunate that you have to take this step, but here we are.
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tell us about your effort to get noncitizens off the voter roles. role s /* rolls. >> i will make sure among the eight million registered voters in ohio all of them are u.s. citizens. we did inspection based on state level data from public safety and i was able to find 137 working to remove them and refer them for prosecution if they broke the law. what we're asking for is for the federal databases from department of homeland security and u.s. social security administration to check to make sure only u.s. citizens are registered to vote. >> carley: not just a state effort, a national effort on your part, as well. tell us about 137 people, how do
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you think they got on the voter registration list? by mistake and they are just as surprised as you are or were they trying to vote? >> that is entirely possible in some cases it was a mistake. somebody here illegally on work visa, they go to get a drivers license and hand them a voter registration form. they may have checked the box that said i am not a citizen and maybe they got in the database. some cases, it may be malicious, reports of activists groups trying to get noncitizens to vote. last night i spoke to legal immigrants that are here at a church learning english. i told them, when you pass the test, take the oath of citizenship, i will be first to help you get registered to vote. make sure not to do it before then, that is breaking the law
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and makes you subject to deportation. >> carley: time to act is now, that is what you are doing. secr secretary, thank you, have a great day. good morning to you. just hours, michael cohen back on the stand in former president trump's legal team will resume cross-examination. >> todd: trump's legal spokesperson alina habba on deck to discuss, don't miss it. things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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>> todd: house oversight and judiciary committee will hold merrick garland in contempt of congress. republicans want to hold garland in contempt for failing to turn over interviews between robert her hur and president biden. they did not think he would stand in front of a jury. it will go to full house for vote. boeing could be criminally prosecuted for breaking a 2021 safety agreement following two deadly 737 crashes that killed 347 people. >> carley: cheryl casone has
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details. >> cheryl: accusing boeing of violating a 2021 agreement that protected the company from criminal prosecution over two deadly 737 max crashes that caused 346 people to lose their lives. doj alleges boeing breached an agreement. this important step means conspiracy charge filed in federal district court in texas will move forward against the manufacturer leading to criminal conviction against boeing. boeing believes they have honored terms of the agreement. we will engage with the department with utmost trans transparenty including questions following alaska airline 1282 accident, key point there. lawyer for the victim families want the plane maker held accountable. is doj going to proceed with
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criminal charges? it is unlikely. just from economic perspective. you have monopoly if you didn't have a boeing. they were supposed to be co compliance checks. we've had whistleblowers, there is investigation surrounding that problem and other issues like tires blowing out. all of this has not gone good for boeing, likelihood there will be criminal charges at this point seems far left field. >> todd: when you get into the criminal corporate combination, law is tricky, we'll see what happens there. as expected, we've seen polls, push for wisconsin is on. >> cheryl: vice president harris
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is going back to wisconsin, her fourth visit this time, she'll be in milwaukee today. it is unclear what she's going to discuss on the campaign stop. it might be inflation, we'll see. this visit after new polls show president biden trailing former president trump in five of six swing states. biden has close 2% lead over trump in wisconsin. new fox news poll shows voters on economy and immigration, two biggest issues, former president trump is better equipped to handle those issues. been on the tour, so we think she'll talk about the economy today, we shall see. she is really hitting the campaign trail, not her boss. >> carley: yeah, it will be interesting to hear what she says when she does address the economy. if you are like the biden administration has not gotten a handle how to talk about the issue. biden was on cnn saying the
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economy was good. can you imagine struggling with inflation sitting home and watching the interview and come off as liar and you have former president trump in new jersey saying the economy is terrible, ruining jersey shore summers, hot dogs more expensive. >> cheryl: i am glad you brought up that issue about president biden's interview, he did not even know where it was when he took office. he misspoke on that. inflation up 20% since biden took office. more data yesterday showed people are paying more for food at home. the report was tepid and in line. be clear, you have to get a handle on how do you tell the american people the economy is in good shape when you they are paying more for everything. >> todd: i love looking at
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polling and when you mention wisconsin, right now in the biden corner it underscores they have to win wisconsin. they are playing to a strength, if biden loses wisconsin, it is done like beyond done. >> carley: you are right to bring up president biden said twice now, inflation is 9%, it is 1.4%. he is forgetting part where inflation skyrocketed under his presidency. see how the tour goes. new york versus trump trial resumes with day two of cross-examination of michael cohen. >> todd: cohen former attorney eemergencying as possible defense witness, testifying before house saying cohen once swore his former boss was not involved in the payment to stormy daniels. >> i said, michael, if you have truthful information about
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donald trump, clearly what they are looking for, i can have all your legal problems solved by end of the week. his response, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. think caringfully about this, i came back to this subject 10 or 20 times, every time i brought it up, every time he answered, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> todd: alina habba, former president trump's legal spokesperson joins us now. thank you for being heir. if defense can get bob costello to say what he said yesterday, isn't this case officially over? >> well, i'm not sure it should have begun. i think the case is already over and i don't think it hinges on costello's testimony. what they have done is created a lot of noise and distraction for
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the american people, given you salacious stories. this is how they booked something at trump tower in the acco accounting department, whether they should have put legal expense. that's it. you want to show me that donald trump sitting in the white house had any idea about that or it was done incorrectly? both things i have not seen. it goes to credibility, which is important and i commend bob for what he's done and said, which is the truth. i believe without him, the case has not been proven, they are about to rest their case. i think michael cohen will be their last witness. we're on cross-examination today. thank you, bob, i think it is great. it is important for credibility purposes, i don't think they have proven a single thing to prove yet. >> carley: you are right, this
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case is simply about a paperwork error, other people say not even error, because michael cohen was trump's lawyer and filed under legal expense. so much has been brought into this case, legal experts say it is done to confuse jurors windchill that in mind, how important are closing arguments to get the jurors to focus on the simple case at hand about the filing of legal expenses? >> that's a great question. i think that closing arguments are a critical point. another thing is critical, the jury instructions. we've heard evidence come in that should not have come in and testimony outside the realm and scope of this case. the issue i have even with
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limited instructions, it will not unrings the bell and the jury heard it. it will be as confusing for them as the trial has been. i have no concern about our team knocking it out of the park. when you have a trial where there is so much confusing infor information, even with the instruction and that is back and forth between the attorneys and judge to get that done. if not perfectly done clearly and if instructions mislead the jury, you can have a devastates result. twofold, closing and jury instruction. >> todd: great point jury instruction are important getting closer and closer. alina habba, thank you, enjoy being in court. >> carley: apparently it is cold, bring a sweater. check in with lawrence jones to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." i have not seen you in what
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feels like a million years. >> lawrence: i want to hug you and talk about what has been happening. my elevator is working, i did not have to go down 68 stories, great friday eve. get ready for a showdown, the stage is set, debates are on. trump and biden agree to two matchups before early voting, not without biden's lengthy list of demands, plus on capitol hill, contempt resolution against ag garland for refusing to turn over audio of biden special counsel interview. congressman jim jordan is live on that. and at the border, biden prepares to take action, will voters look past the mismanagement and million of gotaways? chad wolf on the shocking numbers, you can't miss that. senior prank gone viral.
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illinois students hire a bagpiper to follow their principal around the school, they will be here next hour. harris faulkner, judge jeanine pirro and mcgurn stop by on this friday, that is coming up, don't go anywhere. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known
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>> carley: more than 80,000 people have filed a petition to
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hire butker over speech. >> bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues, things like abortion, ibf, surgery is i, euthanasia. a man who proudly proclaims catholic faith at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of a cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> carley: the super bowl champ has not responded to that petition. i don't think he needs to. >> todd: today the 2024 championship tees off in louisville, kentucky. several big stories to watch. tournament favorite scottie scheffler days after wife meredith gave birth to their first child. caddie got attend his daughter's graduation. rory mcilroy council pete fresh off divorce from his wife and tiger woods dealing with the effect of serious back and leg
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injuries. pga tour play announcer joins me now. doug, in on ideal world we would be able to separate our personal and professional lives but that is not how life works. how do you see intrusions of life if you will, baby, graduation, divorce, old body playing into the tournament? >> todd, only in golf we talk about diapers, divorce and driving all week long leading off to the first tee shot this morning. to answer your question yes, distractions. scotty and his wife had their baby. rory and his wife are splitting up. number one and two players in the world. despite the distractions they are going to be factors, favorites for a reason. sunday, final nine holes both guys will be near the top of the leaderboard. >> todd: with that we're up against the clock here, who wins? >> brooks koepka his wife had a baby a year ago and she is in "sports illustrated" it in swimsuit. goes back to back that would be
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story in professional golf. today. >> todd: other names we should be watching for if it's not koepka, rory. >> go check out ben-on. never won in the pga tour. number one in putting last week for the first time in his career even though rory is still the headlines. remember the name of ben ahn. i think he is a good bet this week. >> doug bell is putting his money on ben ahn for a good week. sorry, i had to do that. enjoy the tournament. everyone loves louisville and kentucky. beautiful state. doug bell will be watching it all for us. thank you very much, sir. all right. busy show. a lot to watch out for. trump court today and we got. >> carley: a little golf in the end. i love it. have a good day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: trust me 6:00 a.m. in the east


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