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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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there you go. >> brian: the thing is, i think kid rock is toying with us. he usually plays singles and taking the whole court. >> lawrence: i think we should me and you versus steve and kidd rock. >> what about the days when rock-n-roll superstars don't get up early in the morning when they are up all night? this guy is up at 7:00 in gym shorts. >> ainsley: hopefully steve will have the weekend with his daughter who lives in dallas and his grandson. >> brian: great. thanks for watching here. thank you for will cain working for an hour and disappearing without telling us. don't forget the radio and saturday night at 9:00. huge show. >> ainsley: bye, everyone. have a great weekend. see you on monday. >> brian: state within yourself.
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>> bill: houston has been hit again. severe and deadly storms slamming that city. four people were killed overnight. power is knocked out for more than a million causing widespread damage. the city's mayor telling folks in his town this time to hunker down, it is time. >> we have had four fatalities. stay at home. there is no school tomorrow. city employees, non-essential stay at home and work at home. >> bill: houston is in recovery mode today assessing the damage. they were hammered with flash flooding two weeks ago. frack all of this now, download the fox weather app free and on your screen right now. check out the qr code. back to houston in a moment. first we have the breaking news today and still tracking it by the moment. the world's number one golfer has been arrested on his way to the pga championship. one of the premier events in
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golf. louisville, kentucky. breaking news story. scotty scheffler. i'm bill hemmer. we didn't have this in our bingo card. >> dana: safe to say, neither did he. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the news broke this morning. we got a brand-new mug shot of scotty scheffler taken off being put in handcuffs. he was on his way to the golf course. something happened that prompted an interaction with police. >> bill: traffic was backed up as police were investigating a deadly crash outside the golf club. scheffler was not involved in the accident. this happened a bit earlier today. it was dark. it was rainy. we've seen some of the video shot by people locally on scene. scheffler is trying to get to the golf course to do his regular warm-up and i've been to this golf club before on the east side of louisville, outside of town. could you call it is
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countryside? i think you could. there are basically two lanes of traffic. one goes in each direction. and they had numerous cones that had been set up to redirect traffic. maybe scheffler didn't understand the directions. i don't know what happened. he went through an area where cops didn't want him to go through. the description we're getting is that -- hang on -- and the reporting is that the cop jumped on the car and carried for upwards of ten yards and he was arrested. the charges now, second degree assault of a police officer. that's a felony, dana. third degree criminal mischief, misdemeanor reckless drive and disregarding traffic signals. he has been released from custody and plans on playing today. the tournament is bumped back an hour and 20 minutes. >> dana: on a day when people are get ping ready to watch this weekend and add intrigue indeed. one question.
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i'm curious. remember when tiger woods was going to the course and got in the accident. then this one. he is the number one golfer in the world. got a lot on his mind. why doesn't he have a driver taking -- why don't they have drives taking them to the course where they can focus? i understand wanting independence, believe me, i get that. i also think in a way if you are the number one golfer in the world i bet his agent this morning is you will have a driver from here on out. >> bill: just had a baby girl two weeks ago. very public about his faith and christianity and religion. not afraid to talk about it at all. by all accounts he seems to be a very mature guy. a lot of people on the tour consider him to be an old soul of sorts and a darn good player and playing some of the best golf in the world. right now he is in the top ten competing for this championship. so there is still a good chance he could win it.
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>> dana: there is a reporter from espn and he said this this morning. i read from this transcript of the reporter. he said after the dragging of the police officer, whatever that looks like. maybe we'll get to see it at some point. the police officer pulled scheffler out of the car and shoved him against the car and placed him in handcuffs and walked to the police car, placed in the back in the handcuffs and he seemed stunned about what was happening. espn reporter he looked toward me as he was in the handcuffs and said please help me. this is the reporter saying he did not know what was happening in this situation and the reporter said it all moved quickly, rapidly and aggressively was his term. >> bill: i watched the video. we don't have access to it yet. the rights are private. it is floating around on the internet. you can see them walking in the rain in the dark. scheffler turns around with cop
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on both sides and says can you help me. another cop steps in and said you go over there and said i'm with the media. he said right, you go over there. this man is going to jail and that's what you see in the video there. >> dana: can we just compare and contrast for a moment? we just had a story yesterday about the illegal immigrants who on video beat up a bunch of new york police officers and were released on bail. i want police officers to be respected and protected. but you look at how a community moves quickly, maybe too quickly, we'll see. this is a developing story. we know the story in new york. >> bill: my guess is the cops in louisville were on edge because they had a lot to do and manage. >> dana: there had been a deadly car crash right in the area. >> bill: we'll see what happens out of louisville. we mentioned jim gray. he is calling everybody he knows in the golf world. he knows just about everybody.
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we'll talk to him momentarily. two foreign nationals nabbed after an alleged breach at the u.s. marine base in quantico, virginia. the white house tight lipped if either one is on the terror watch list. >> dana: here is what we know so far. two jordanians are in ice custody being stopped at the quantico gate an unprecedented number of gotaways at the southern border. the biden administration won't say where they are from. >> bill: a record breaking surge of chinese nationals flowing through and assaults of border patrol agents are on the rise. meanwhile as the border crisis unfolds with no end in sight, you can add the safety of our military bases to this conversation. watch. >> is the secretary confident in the safety and security of u.s. military bases not only in this country but around the world? >> he is. >> you confirm he was briefed on this incident?
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>> i can tell you that he tracks many different things all around the world. i will -- i won't get into specific things he is briefed on a daily basis. >> dana: griff jenkins is following the story live in washington. i'm not sure why the answer from the pentagon wasn't just yes. >> the white house tight lipped. they have a lot to answer for. breaking news. we're just learning about out of the eagle pass, texas. we've been covering the crisis there for more than two years. fox just moments ago confirmed that in the area outside there border patrol agents came under assault and forced to shoot a migrant. it was in the leg. all agents are okay. the migrant was taken to the hospital. now facing assault charges. i've reached out to cbp now for a statement. we'll bring you more as we get it. no doubt assaults whether in new york or eagle pass or elsewhere, assaults on agents and on americans is up. meanwhile, it was a frightening
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attempted breach at one of the country's most sensitive secure bases and what we've confirmed. two jordanian nationals were illegally present in the u.s. in a box truck attempting to access quantico two weeks ago today. the driver ignored directions to stop at the gate. they were detained and turned over to ice. no weapons found in the vehicle. a base spokesperson said they claim they were working for an amazon subcontractor. amazon hasn't confirmed that to fox. i asked the acting ice director about this. >> currently they are in custody and they are in removal proceedings. >> some reporting was that one of them had hit the terror screening database. can you shed light on that? >> i can't confirm anything like that right now. >> it comes as cbp doesn't want people to know what countries people are from. they said this. the privacy interests of the individuals in the records you
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have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in the disclosure of the information. one thing we are watching, though, you mentioned those gotaways. the number has exploded under president biden. there were more gotaways in the past three years of the biden administration, 1.6 million than the entire decade between 2010 and 2020 at one point 4 million. lastly the border picture can't be mentioned without mentioning the surge in chinese nationals we're seeing nearly 28,000 in a past seven months of this fiscal year. 8,000 percent increase from fiscal 2021 which saw 342. >> you have many migrants eluding border patrol agents. the number of gotaways spiking under the biden administration even as it tries to speed up the asylum process in democratic run cities. the sheriff of terrell county, texas with us now.
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good morning to you. the numbers are scathingering. look at the chinese migrants en counted 27,500 blows the mind. where are they coming from and why are they here, etc. and then you have these nationalities. china and mexico, guatemala, el salvador, honduras, ukraine and the list goes on and on. can you explain when it stops? >> i'll tell you when it is going to stop. when americans get out and vote and they give us a new president beginning of next year. look, that's the only thing that is going to keep this administration from continuing this practice of allowing anybody from around the world. they will allow anybody from around the world into the united states unless you are from the country of mexico. we send mexicans back to mexico. >> dana: okay. it's not a sure thing that president trump will win.
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it's 50/50 or tied 45/46. i have a question. we've been following a lot the last couple of weeks this trump trial here in new york city. that's big news that the former president of the united states. a lot of interest in it. in the meantime tell us what's happening at the border? has it slowed down at all or seeing the same kind of traffic that you saw before? >> so here in carroll county we see people that want to abscond and want to enter undetected. they want to run from us or if we interdict them on the highway they will have us in pursuits. we saw a small decline in eagle pass, a couple hours down river from here and a lot of the activity move to arizona and san diego, california. now we start to see activity away from that area where the governor put in all the infrastructure and shifting up
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river from eagle pass. look, people still know the world still knows this administration will allow you to come into this country and give you a piece of paper that says show up to whatever city you are going to and you don't have to show up. they know that. they'll continue to come until we make the change. >> bill: bill melugin put in a foia request to find out who they are. the response is the privacy interest of the individuals and the records you requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosing information. any private -- i want you to know bill did not ask for the names or personal information. they only asked for the countries of origin. now, do we have that information or are they trying to keep it from us? >> they probably have a name that was associated with that person that hit through some sort of bio metric process. once they allow that person to
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go. a several day backlog. they are -- most of these people are being identified after the fact. that's a big problem. that's why they likely won't provide that information to us. i must say the gotaway numbers are likely higher. the reason they're higher is because border patrol agents are tied up dealing with asylum seekers. the normal people we get and catch are allowed to enter and no one to chase them. >> bill: privacy interests. privacy interests of the individual who are breaking the law sneaking into our country. >> dana: a lot of foia things. that is surprising to me. they deny a lot of them. that one is an easy one. here you go, the nationality. >> bill: good luck. thank you for coming back. >> thank you. if i can say the border patrol turns 100 in 11 days. i want to say we're behind you, they're facing a lot of scrutiny right now and they need
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american's support. >> bill: we'll mark the date. thank you, sheriff. the video we were trying to describe a moment ago scotty scheffler's arrest. let's roll it and see how much sound is on the video as well. >> stand back. >> back up. >> i'm back. i'm back. [inaudible] >> guys, dude, i'm staying back. >> here is this thing. right now he is going to jail. okay? he is going to jail. anything you can do about it period. there is nothing you can do about it. now, >> i'm media, i'm a reporter. that's all i'm doing. i want to make sure. >> you need to stand back over here.
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>> no problem. you got it. okay. >> okay. so we just wanted to share that with you. you can see it is raining. they had a big storm still moving through there now. it is dark. the gentleman is jeff darlington, reporter for espn behind the camera. the one thing i find a little curious in all of this is that he was driving a pga championship vehicle. what they do at these events is give the golfers a car and the logos are on each side of the car and you would know whether it was an official car or not. i don't know how that may or may not factored into this. it's just a fact that has been reported here. scheffler is arrested, four charges, also released. looked like he was in an orange jumpsuit in the mug shot and back at the course now. he has had a ripping career already. age 27. >> dana: number one. >> bill: won the masters, trying to win his second major in a row. >> dana: we opened the show with
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video from houston with the storm that went through there. is this the same storm system? what we didn't mention again is there was a deadly crash at that site that scotty scheffler was not involved. police are trying to make sure they have that under control when this other thing happened. >> bill: what strikes me is you have the officers ramped up because of the death that happened just maybe a few hours prior and then you've got scheffler ramped up trying to make his schedule and keep it on time. apparently there is a backup for a mile in each direction and -- >> dana: golfers are creatures of habit. >> bill: to be successful you must be. >> dana: everybody that's professional is like you. >> bill: i have advice, though, as you like to do. at some point very soon we'll see scotty scheffler on a golf course with the louisville police officers and play around the golf together. may not happen for a couple of
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weeks but it will happen in time. if i was doing his media pr. the guy is never in trouble. this is a bit of a black eye. we're watching wall street to see how things play out after the dow hit a record high. happened on our watch. >> dana: you know what? i will share that moment with you for the rest of my life. >> bill: host of making money, charles payne, will join us to make more money coming up shortly. >> dana: trouble in paradise. a fifth american arrested in turks and caicos after ammunition is found in her luggage. another american there. >> bill: harrison butker gives a commencement speech. super bowl champion that focused on faith and men and women in american society. queue the outrage from the media and the league. >> some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but venture to guess the majority are most excited about the marriage and children you will bring into this world.
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>> bill: back to louisville just to update you. want to remind you this is the video we shared from espn and the moment scheffler is led away by police before the sun came out in louisville. he has arrived at the golf course scheduled to tee off at 10:08, a.m. 40 or 50 minutes from now. there is going to be a lot more interest in this tournament now than there had been outside of the regular golf world. one of the four majors, u.s. open, pga championship, augusta and british open. we get our best foursome together. >> dana: the stock market making
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history. it hit 40,000 for the first time ever yesterday closing just shy of the figure ought more than 39,800. it gained 6% this year overall. let's bring in charles payne host of making money on fox business. this happened during our show yesterday. i was watching it. we have the cameras, hemmer, watch, and then there it was, it happened. i know you think because it is a round number it doesn't matter that much. >> the dow is the worst -- probably one of the worst ways to exhibit the stock market. i go with the s&p 500. the only one on our network that does it. let's say something happened and you needed the world's best forensic expert and you had the best forensic expert someone not nearly as good and both of them ready to come on the show. which one would you pick? the best. the dow is so irrelevant for so many reasons. one of these things. bottom line is the stock market,
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i use the s&p 500, is going up. the more important thing is u.s. stock market is so amazing right now. i don't know there has been a greater share of the world's global stock markets. ist really is an oday to american exceptionalism. it is amazing. >> bill: the money around the world comes here. >> innovation. as much as some people belly and complain they are changing our lives. it is really in my mind that's where i love. not necessarily the market itself. but what it represents. it's really amazing. as we go through the industry a all lucian.
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>> kamala harris has this idea to allow first time homeowners dlsh dlsh >> how that's interagain rational wealth works. if you start with nothing how will we give people those students? it is about acknowledgement and then pushing through the actual policies that are not just about lip service but actually making a difference. >> bill: we can add home loans. that's a giveaway she is talking about. the student loans and >> dana: that's also a give away. >> there was a paper put out april 2009 by president obama saying cutting out the middleman in college. march of 2010 he signed an overhaul college loan program. now the same democratic party is saying the college loans are so high that hard working americans who don't have college degree should pay off those college loans. and now they want to do the same with home buying? if you start to pour in all that
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money, let's call it billions of dollars, the price of homes will go up. that 25,000 will be negated within a year almost instantly. and that's not where the equity is, right? anyone who bought a home knows it is a long time before you get to the principal, right? the principal where -- that you can really lean on and borrow against. you know, listen. if they really want to help black people and hispanic people, honestly, these democratically run cities give our kids a better education, please, i'm begging democrat lawmakers around the world and new york city, baltimore, everywhere in this country please stop treating black children like they are dumb. stop giving them a watered down curriculum. we don't need the gimmicks. the gimmicks don't work and always backfire. >> bill: there are millions of people watching you right now and they are saying nobody gave me a dime for my student loan and nobody gave me a dime to buy
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my first house. >> right. i'm one of them. i went to the air force and i took college courses in the air force. worked my way up. i also did a lot of things self-taught but the bottom line this is not the american way to go. we help people who need help and a beautiful thing. one of the reasons we're proud to be americans. this is not helping honestly. that's the problem. >> bill: thank you, charles. you have a beautiful day. we have the intriguing trial, karen reid, a woman accused of killing her boston police officer boyfriend and resumes today. the man on the stand is the wife of the man who found the body. we dive deeper also into president biden's decision to exert executive privilege over an audio recording that may perhaps explain a lot about his state of mind. >> department of justice is not above congress. not above the law. it is also not president biden's
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decision to assert executive privilege on audio recordings when the transcript has already been released. been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same number one selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser-etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. (♪) ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things.
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>> something special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> president biden: i'm well-meaning, elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. >> dana: the president biden asserting executive privilege we nay never know what special counsel heard to make that assessments. the absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare to chop them up, distort them and use them for partisan political purposes. is that the standard? here is former assistant attorney andy mccarthy and fox news contributor and we don't have to talk about michael cohen now because we'll talk about this. i want to know what you think
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about biden's team's point they don't have to release this because the other side might use it for political purposes? >> i'm always flattered, dana, to be brought on for these things as if they were all high-minded legal issues. this is straight politics. it is not really -- we're talking about the standard. the standard here is what can i get away with. there is not a court that is going to resolve this. and the only amusing thing about it is that the side so easily change their arguments depending whose ox is being gored. everybody is fainting. we got the transcript so why don't you give us the tape? the transcript waves the tape. when the shoe was on the other foot and it was like we got the notes already, why not produce him as a witness? republicans screamed about that and the trump administration
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refused to make him available without a lot of hemming and hawing. this is what goes on. i think democrats do it more because they think the press will -- if not rally to biden's defense they won't be loud in protesting it. >> dana: president biden and his advisor fear releasing the recording because it will reaffirm to the american people that president biden's mental state is in decline. they definitely could make that argument. if it wasn't so bad they would release it. they must really be trying to hide something. maybe it is that bad. i don't know. >> dana, i know we aren't here to talk about the trial. look, we've complained all week all we have is the cold transcript. what you really need is to be in there at least to see and hear what's going on. it is a very different experience when you see something on video or hear it live in recording versus reading it on a cold transcript.
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the transcript is quite bad enough and why they don't want the recording out. >> dana: you have given us a ton this weekend. rest up and we'll see you again on monday. thank you. >> it has been my pleasure. thank you, dana. >> bill: meanwhile day five in the trial of bob menendez. the new jersey democrat and his wife are accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes including cash and gold bars and a brand-new mercedes. cb cotton is live outside the courthouse in new york city. where are we now, cb? hello. >> good morning. moments ago senator bob menendez arrived here to manhattan federal court where cross examination will continue of the prosecution's first witness. f.b.i. agent who testified that during a raid of the couple's home back in june 2022, he found wads of cash stuffed inside jacket pockets and gold bars inside a safe and locked closet. these items again to include a mercedes benz convertible are
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ones prosecutors allege to be the fruits of a years' long bribery scheme between the senator, his wife and businessmen with ties to qatar and egypt. the senator's could last up to two months and nadine's trial has been postponed to july. she has pleaded not guilty to the charges she faces in this case. bill. >> bill: more coming up throughout the day. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: coming through when it counted the most. watch here. >> gets it up. the pass is close. they score! the rangers take a 4-three lead with 4:19 remaining. >> dana: the new york rangers delivering a hat-trick it is called, bill scoring three goals in the third period in a come from behind win.
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eliminate the carolina hurricanes in game six second round. rangers were trailing 3-one when i went to bed. how could i miss three goals? i have to stay tuned to "america's newsroom" to find out what the heck happened in sports last night. >> bill: what a major collapse. they won the first three games and now about the lose the next three games. terrible. boom, the third period. they got a hat-trick in one period. a hat-trick. >> dana: there is basketball, hockey this weekend and the premier league is a big deal in my house. >> bill: back to louisville we have a statement now about this pedestrians who was hit by a bus and killed, all right? that happened before the world's number one golfer was arrested and taken to jail. so all this news about scotty scheffler is still developing and we'll get you the latest right after this.
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>> bill: just quickly. scotty scheffler arrived at the golf course and getting a statement from the pga they've gone through a tough morning. had a pedestrian who was killed in the early morning hours. one of the workers for the vendors at the tournament. that happened long before scheffler arrived. but you have this confluence of events with cops trying to redirect things and golfers trying to make tee times. nonetheless, he is there and will play golf. see how he addresses this. golf channel is reporting the mayor is now involved along with the pga of america and scotty has been world class in how he is handling this with the loss of life and ensuing chaos that everyone is deeply saddened by. the latest from louisville and
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we'll follow some developments momentarily here. that's that. >> they are trying to combat violence, guns, gun trafficking, etc. , which i have the utmost respect for. but when you have a law that takes essentially a one size fits all approach, you know, there are unintended consequences. we were not a threat to the island or the people. >> dana: that was one of four u.s. tourists detained in turks and caicos. now a fifth america, a florida mom, was arrested this week for the same alleged crime. the tourists face up to 12 years if prison if convicted. they are sitting down there and we have to figure out a way to get them home. steve harrigan is live from atlanta with more as this yet fifth american detained in turks and caicos. >> that's right. a lot of americans are working to try to get them home.
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keep in mind in all five cases no guns were involved. just bullets, ammunition that the tourists say were accidentally in checked luggage. the fifth american arrested from florida went to turks and keiko as part of a mother's day weekend with her daughter trying to fly out, two bullets, 29 millimeter bullets found in checked bags and could face up to 12 years in prison in turks and caicos. for brian from pennsylvania he accidentally left some ammunition from a hunting trip in his duffel bag. here is what he had to say. >> i'm human. we are all humans. i made a very honest mistake. i had no intention or no knowledge that ammunition was in my checked baggage. i don't see where the punishment fits the crime. >> the same story from ryan watson from oklahoma. he said bullets from a hunting trip were in his carry-on baggage and said he had no idea
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they were in there. arrested in april. paid a $15,000 bond but he can't leave the island until his case works its way through the courts. >> always considered myself to be a responsible gun owner. always taught my kids gun safety and always been safety i've been very strict about. but we're human. we make mistakes and it was just an oversight. >> these tough new laws something new in turks and caicos. a couple years ago you would be punished by a fine. three governors are working hard to get these five americans home. back to you. >> dana: where is secretary blinken and joe biden? maybe play some music and get them out down there. >> he needs to define his definition of gain-of-function research. >> dr. fauci has been called out yet again after what appears to be an admission on where this covid thing may have started
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from the beginning. we'll talk to the congressman who is on this and explain it all for us coming up. biden administration moving to downgrade marijuana. some say another ploy for young voters. the consequences and the medical impact also. ♪ like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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watch. >> did nih fund gain-of-function research at the wuhan institute of virology through echo health? >> yes, research that goes on in many labs around the country. it is not regulated and the reason it's not regulated it poses no threat or harm to anybody. >> bill: that's the nih director making an admission. sick lies after years of falsehoods. they admit they funded dangerous research at wuhan. brad wenstrup is looking at this. folks like you and rand paul have been trying to get people like anthony fauci to admit this for a long time. why did this gentleman, lawrence, go as far as he did yesterday? let's start there. why? >> i think he has been a reliable source for us in answering the questions honestly and openly as someone from nih
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as opposed to others. what we saw happen this week is nih has debarred eco health alliance and the doctor from doing any type of work right now. i think that's appropriate. they were doing gain-of-function research in wuhan. this doctor said it is not dangerous in that clip but he says that because he says they are dealing with animal viruses. they are taking animal viruses and trying to make them more lethal and more dangerous toward human beings and that's the bottom line and that's what they were doing. when they did that, when they facilitated that in the fifth year of their grant they didn't file their report for two years. eco health alliance and doctor said he was locked out of the system. nih did forensics on this and they were never locked out of the system. they weren't turning over lab notes, either. >> bill: he said this is research. the generic term gain of
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function is research that goes on in many labs around the cou country. he says it doesn't pose harm to anybody and is not regulated. wow. in hindsight maybe we blew that one. are you convinced that whatever the united states did in whatever lab here or around the world, convinced you that we were a part of the origination of the covid virus? yeah, i can go this far. we were furnisheding the very type of research that can thread a human path again like covid-19. the capability exists. it has existed for sometime. we were doing it since 2015 in north carolina and china. when you create this new virus from two other viruses or maybe
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three other viruses are you making one that will kill humans? they test them on what is called humanized mice. so these are ones that respond as though it is human, especially with the respiratory system. this type of stuff was going on. i contend it is dangerous. even 2011, 2012, dr. collins and fauci said it is risky, dangerous and they were doing it at the wrong level of lab in wuhan, china. >> in 2021 quoting now fauci said the nih has not ever and does not fund gain-of-function research in the wuhan institute of virology. was that the truth or a lie? >> obviously this doctor disagrees. what dr. fauci has done and eco health lines is they are changing the definition of gain-of-function research. so what was the generic term on the nih website for quite some
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time suddenly changed after this doctor said gain-of-function research was being done in wuhan, china. they changed it to only a type of research created a pathogen to create a pandemic. how do you know that until you create it or gets out or how do you know that until you've tested it on humanized mice? now they are playing semantics with it. dr. fauci didn't say by the generic definition yes. he said no, we weren't doing it at all. now they've come up with a new definition that they changed on the nih website only after it became a topic. >> bill: you haven't given up on it. last year the hhs said no more federal grants for the next ten years for wuhan, maybe forever. we'll see what comes next. appreciate you stopping by. brad wenstrup, congressman from ohio, thank you. >> dana: fox news alert. the world's top


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