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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> judge jeanine: all right. harold. >> harold: two things first emma marie that nzinga from italy just broke the record for 90-year-old dash: this incredible lady holds nine european records and 28 best italian and five other world titles. you go go. today is my best buddy's birthday. my son. happy birthday. i will see you in a little while. >> dana: happy birthday. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: canine companions a great organization, having a name a dana pickup contest. the yellow lab you see there. six puppies all girls. they are having a naming contest. everyone has to start with a and you can go to pup and find out who is going to win or. >> judge jeanine: have great night. everyone. >> bret: judge, dana likes dogs. >> judge jeanine: dana loves dogs and we love pizza.
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>> bret: have a good one. thanks. good evening. i'm bret baier. first of all, an upside down flag outside the home of a u.s. supreme court justice sparks controversy and a response now. political attacks turn personal on capitol hill. we'll bring you there. and the number one golfer in the world is arrested and put in jail outside a major tournament but he still makes his tee time and birdies the first hole. ♪ we begin tonight on the presidential campaign trail with the incumbent desperately trying to shore up a key voting base. according to recent polls all across the country, his support from black communities is slipping. and president biden is trying to do something about that. white house correspondent peter doocy starts us off tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret. president biden's entire week has been spent trying to court black voters. announcing new investments to promote diversity and warning about what he thinks is going to
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happen if he is not reelected. >> my predecessor is extreme maga friends are now going after diversity, equity and inclusion, all across america. >> president biden is hoping warnings like that help make up some of the 7% of black support he has lost since october 2020. >> oh, he should be worried about black voters. he absolutely should. it's his own fault for actually instituting a radical agenda that's hurting our country. probably too late for him. >> peter: president biden is working with senior advisers on the commencement address for morehouse college and hbcu. >> i think that to address that, it's important for president biden to talk to black voters, not as black voters but as voters. [chanting] >> officials at morehouse warn the whole commencement could be called off if students interrupt. >> i'm gonna let the president of morehouse, obviously, speak to whatever procedure or whatever process that morehouse wants to put in place. >> officials aren't just framing this as a fragile moment on
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college campuses but a difficult time for democracy. >> there is a quoted by the "times," financial times is he saying that the chances of a civil war around this country are around 35 to 40%. do you think the chances are that high? >> i mean, i'm not in a place to give probabilities or, you know, i don't gamble. i don't spend my time in vague vegas.i can't speak to that the president has been clear about the need to continue to fight for our democracy. >> peter: if this week's announcement that president biden will debate is a sign that his campaign is looking to shake things up, then maybe the math is, too. next week's only political travel shows how close they think november could be. it is to a state with just four electoral votes, new hampshire. bret? >> bret: peter, another big campaign issue obviously the economy. the word bidenomics has not been used much lately. but the campaign, the white house has been touting a lot of
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things, including today's historic market close? >> peter: correct. and we don't hear that much about bidenomics, or at least about bidenomics now. but the dow did close above 40,000 for the first time ever today. yesterday, when it just crossed over 40,000, they had a statement celebrating defeat, even though historically, this president has said he does not think the stock market is a good way to measure economic growth, and when he says that, he is trying to contrast himself with donald trump. bret? >> bret: i'm sure we will hear more about that along the trail, peter, thanks. for the week by the way the dow was up 1.25. the s&p 500 gained 1.5, the nasdaq jumped 2. ♪ >> bret: breaking tonight, we have some shocking and disturbing video to show you. a warning here. it appears to show sean "diddy" combs beating a woman in a los angeles hotel hallway.
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national correspondent william la jeunesse is in los angeles tonight about w. what we know about this video and the fallout from it. good evening, william. >> good evening, bret. the video is tied to explosive claims made in this lawsuit filed in november against the 54-year-old superstar by then girlfriend cassie ventura. now, at the time colmes called the allegation a false money grab. even though he settled a day later reportedly for millions and forced ventura to sign an nda. which disturbing surveillance video on or about it and i exclusively by cnn is from the intercontinental hotel in los angeles in march of 2016. it shows colmes in a towel chasing, kicking and dragging ventura down the hallway and appears to substantiate her claim of physical abuse. homies allegedly paid the hotel 50 grand for the video, according to her lawsuit, and tmz says police were never called. now the u.s. attorney in new york is investigating colmes for human trafficking and allegedly forcing employees to have sex against their will and something he called freak off parties.
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now, in march, federal officials raided colmes' homes, in los angeles and miami, seizing hard drives and video from cameras throughout the properties that allegedly, according to a lawsuit filed by a fellow producer rodney jones, contained compromising footage of high profile musicians, athletes and entertainers taken without their knowledge. a ventura claims she was forced to have sex at these freak-offs with prostitutes while colmes watched. now, at the time, colmes responded saying let me be absolutely clear: i did not do any of the awful things being alleged. he has not been formally charged with any crime and we called his attorney and his spokesperson has not received any response. bret? >> bret: okay. william, thank you. former president donald trump's new york criminal trial day off today. the former president spending the day at his son barron's high school graduation alongside former first lady melania trump. it is expected the defense will
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conclude its cross-examination of key prosecution witness former trump lawyer self-described fixer, michael cohen after the long weekend. earlier this week, a former adviser to cohen said he has not been truthful on the stand. >> everything that michael cohen has said -- and i read his testimony, at least the part that relates to me, is a lie. and i have documents to prove it. he claims that right there in the clip that you just put on the screen that we brought a retainer agreement, totally untrue. he didn't see a retainer agreement for at least six or seven days after that. and we have emails that corroborate that. >> meantime, former president trump will speak at the minnesota g.o.p. linken reagan dinner this evening. testimony in his criminal case resumes monday. there is new controversy tonight over this image obtained by the "new york times" from the home
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of a u.s. supreme court justice. it could cause significant problems for justice samuel alito and the entire justices, head, the panel of justices, ahead of some very important decisions. we get details tonight from fox news chief legal correspondent and anchor of "fox news sunday," shannon bream. >> picture of an upside down flag outside the home of supreme court justice samuel alito is generating calls from the left for him to recuse himself from some high profile cases. as the country awaits a slew of opinions in a series of contentious supreme court debates. >> the court suffers this historically low trust right now among the american people, and this is doing nothing to help that. >> "new york times" obtained the picture dated january 17th, 2021 and quoted a law professor who equated the flag to putting up a stop the steal sign in the justice's yard. justice alito told me today that it was yard signs that actually sparked the dispute that led to
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his wife martha ann briefly flying the flag upside down, something in which he says he had no involvement. alito says his wife had spoken to a neighbor about a sign saying bleep trump in view of where school children waited for their bus. it did not go well. alito says the neighbor then put up a sign directly naming mrs. alito and blaming her for the events of january 6th. according to the justice, while the l. titos were on a walk, man at the home with a sign got into a heated discussion with mrs. alito, quote: including the c word. she was distraught and hung the flag as it appears in that published photo. the justice offered no explanation for that gesture. most of the country got its first glimpse of martha an lit toe during her husband's heated confirmation hearings. at one point in tears. senate judiciary committee chairman dick durbin was a part of those hearings and said today that the flag photo, quote: clearly creates the appearance of bias, justice alito should recuse himself immediately from
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cases related to the 2020 election and the january 6th insurrection, including the question of the former president's immunity in u.s. v donald trump. >> there is no indication justice alito intends to step away from any case currently under consideration. bret, we'll get the next batch of opinions on next thursday. >> bret: we'll follow it all. shannon, thanks. ♪ gaza strip, israel says its forces have obtained and pulled out the bodies of three deceased hostages. meanwhile, trucks carrying humanitarian aid are rolling across the newly built pier there by the u.s. correspondent alex hogan has the story. >> aid trucks rolling in for the first time on the u.s. military's newly built pier in gaza. new images show u.s. and u.k. forces working together.
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>> rei remain vigilant to potential threats to our service members that are working on the pier. >> the floating dock can handle 90 trucks per day, a number expected to increase to 150 according to u.s. officials trucks will transport it untons of supplies like deadly needly food. only a dent in the demand. officials warn 500 trucks were needed daily. >> it will be nowhere near enough to solve the humanitarian challenge there, particularly as the border crossings of rafah and shalom remain closed. >> today, a new grim announcement after israeli forces last night recovered the bodies of three hostages. >> all three were killed while trying to escape a music festival as hamas terrorists launched waives of attack on israel on october 7th. the bodies were then taken into gaza, israeli officials identified them as 22-year-old shawnee duke, a german israeli dual citizen declared dead in october after a viral footage showed her body in the back of a
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pickup truck being paraded through gaza. 28-year-old was a fashion stylist. her uncle said he was on the phone with her hearing her beg repeating the words no, and finally whispering i love you. and 56-year-old the father and grandfather. >> we will do everything in our power to find our hostages and bring them home. >> the israeli military vows to intensify its offensive in the southern city of rafah. israel also says it's expanding ground operations into jabaalia, the refugee camp in the north. bret? >> bret: alex, thank you. the state department is issuing an alert urging americans traveling abroad to exercise increased caution worldwide. it cites potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against u.s. citizens and interests. it adds it is aware of increased potential for foreign terrorist organizations inspired violence
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against specifically lgbtq i plus persons and events. up next, the world's top golfer faces serious charges after being pulled from his car early in the morning by police. we will take you there to louisville. first, beyond our borders tonight, russian president vladimir putin says moscow's offensive in ukraine's eastern car kyiv region aims to create a buffer zone but claims he has no plans to capture the city. also tonight ukraine will allow prisoners to join the army's depleted ranches. it has approved a five fold increase for fines for draft dodgers. slovac prime minister robert fico undergoes another operation two days after being shot multiple times. officials say he remains in serious condition. fico has attacked as he was greeting supporters after a government meeting suspected assailant has been arrested. and this is a live look at rome. one of the big stories there tonight, the vatican is veterans
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administration particularly reforming its process for evaluating alleged positions of the virgin mary, weeping statues other other strange phenomena. the new norms reframe the church's evaluation process certainly taking off the table where authorities will declare a division, stigmata or other event supernatural or a miracle. just some of the other stories beyond o borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ waiting for you change your heart ♪ here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ >> guys -- guys -- guys. >> you, huh-uh, stand back. >> i'm back. >> i'm back. >> bret: that was something, that video this morning from louisville outside of the course of valhalla, the number one golfer in the world facing some serious charges tonight after being arrested this morning. there you see it there. master's dhamp i don't know scottie scheffler arrested, taken into custody as he attempted to reach the site of this weekend's pga championship in louisville. he was accused of second degree assault of a police officer. third degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and not
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following police directions. there you see his photo, mugshot after being in jail. scheffler was going around traffic that was stopped because of an unrelated pedestrian fatality further ahead. he was released with a tuesday court date. it took part in his second round. he made his tee time. actually birdie deed the first hole of the terminate today. played pretty well. let's get some analysis from jim gray. good evening, jim, lost a pedestrian there, that was a very sad event. have we pieced together, as of tonight, exactly what tran transpired? >> no, not really. we do have eyewitness accounts and we do have vape. and jeff darlington on espn didm darlington did a terrific job. he was behind him. this escalated quite quickly and
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he should not have been arrested. the police officer reportedly was treated at a hospital and has some injuries. so, it's going to come out, i guess in court, and eventually we will find out. but, we have seen these instances a number of times where athletes are going in to their ballgame into the arena, into the venue and they have special permission. he was in a car that was marked. he had a tag that was marked. it was raney. it was cloudy. it was dreeshy. i think we are going to have to let this play out. scott j scheffler's character you would not recognize him in a mugshot. that's way out of character. >> bret: no, not at all. >> not the guy that anybody on the tour knows. >> bret: yeah, this is what the citation says. says detective tillis stopped subject, attempted to give instructions. the subject refused to comply accelerating forward dragging him to the ground. he suffered pain swelling, abrasions on left wrist and knee.
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transferred to the hospital. uniform pants valuinged at approximately $80 damaged beyond repair. here is scottie scheffler after his round today. >> my sympathy goes out to the family of mr. mills. i can't imagine what they are going through this morning i feel like my head is still spinning. i can't explain what happens this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was a first for me. the fans were tremendous today. i felt like they were cheering extra loud for me today. i'm grateful we have such strong police and, you know, they are our protectors out there and, you know, like i said, we got into a chaotic situation this morning. that's really all it was. >> bret: he says it's going to be handled. you know, he did go out birdied the first hole, jim, shot 66. he said all the fans were cheering extra loud. in fact, when he left, was slapping high fives with fans with t-shirts with his mugshot on them at the end of the day. it was quite something. >> and he was shaking hands with all the police.
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the police who escorted him on the course. and he spoke very highly of the police. so it seems to be a major misunderstanding but this is a courteous, gracious, truly humble man. and didn't effect his game. is he now only three strokes back as he attempts to win the second major of the season. ancillary to what we are talking about. i just don't see how something like this can get to that point, particularly when so many other caddies and players had taken the same route gone down the same -- following the same instruction and now all of a sudden this car had an issue. so, clearly, something went awry. and there was a misfortune or misunderstanding of some sort. but this is not a guy who is looking to race into the venue and run over the police. so, i don't know. >> bret: is he major champion and a lot of people texted me and said why is he driving? these tournaments, you have been to them, they all give them cars. and they drive to their hotels and they are all marked. and they drive to the course.
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>> jimmy: that's just normal pattern for the course. these guys do take care of themselves. the caddies take care of themselves and everybody gets to the course. it's early in the morning. obviously, there was some bad weather and so forth. but this is a really really unfortunate strange story. it's put a damper over the pga. and everybody is answering and talking about this tonight. and, i guess we are going to find out in court. but to have this guy now have a mugshot for the rest of his life and i wasn't there, so i don't know we will find out but with all of the things that go on, this seems -- this seems to have escalated for no reason. >> bret: yes. jim gray, we appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you, bret. >> bret: up next, chaos in congress. as remarks on capitol hill get very personal. ♪
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>> bret: investigators in charleston, south carolina have released their findings in the death of boeing whistleblower john barnett. he was found dead in his truck in march after he failed to show up for his second day of depositions in a lawsuit against the aerospace manufacturer. his official cause of death is a gunshot wound to the head. the coroner now says the manner, quote, is best deemed suicide. a second house committee has voted to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. republicans want audiotapes of the interview special counsel robert hur conducted with president biden. but the meeting about that spun out of control last night as members traded albuquerques bart makeup and body types. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> divides in congress. more than cosmetic. >> in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. >> eye lashes plunging congress into makeup mayhem. >> i think your fake eye lashes
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are mess is up your. >> no, hold on. [gavel] >> congresswoman marjorie taylor greene chiding jazmine crocket prompting a roast of green by alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> how dare you -- aattack the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings hurt? >> move her words down. oh, girl, baby girl. >> oh, really? >> don't even play. >> crocket mocking greene. >> if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach bond bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personality -- >> a what now? >> the eye lash backlash so consuming. >> we going going to suspend for five minutes while our staff work the parliamentary questions out. >> the committee didn't even mention the reason they were there, contempt for attorney general merrick garland for more than an hour. both sides embarrassed. >> i don't think the american people deserve that. >> what representative greene said last night was disgusting.
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to debase someone's appearance was wrong. >> even one republican sided with the minority. >> i don't think that this is the best use of our time. >> colorado representative lauren boebert feuds with green. she voted with democrats to sanction the georgia republican. the session didn't start until dusk because someone republicans spent the day in court with former president trump. >> it was like a frat party atmosphere that was created when they got back from new york from trump's trial. >> democrats accuse g.o.p. members of drinking at the meeting. republicans deny that. it's unclear if the full house ever considers the contempt citation. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. a federal judge has sentenced a man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi's home and attacking her husband to 30 years in prison. david depape hit paul pelosi with a hammer. depape admitted during trial testimony that he broke into the
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pelosi's san francisco residence intending to hold nancy pelosi hostage. ♪ >> bret: severe weather now, at least four people are dead following storms that swept through texas and louisiana yesterday. winds reported as high as 100 miles per hour. toppling trees, blowing out windows of high rise buildings and causing transmission towers, holding power lines to crumble more than 1 million customers have been left without electricity. ♪ >> bret: investigators are trying to find out additional information tonight about a pair of individuals accused of trying to illegally enter a secured government facility. we first brought you this story last night. there are more questions about this tonight. here is correspondent griff jenkins. >> i would love to know what was on their phones. i would love to know who they were communicating with i would love to know if he they were
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part of larger network. >> more questions than answers tonight about two jordanian nationals now in ice custody who attempted to force their way into marine corps base quantico in a box troubling. fox has now confirmed they were in the country illegally. officials refused to release their identities, neither the white house nor the pentagon offered any information when pressed by fox journalists. >> still going to be really mindful of these two jordanians you are speaking of remain in ice custody and given that it is an active law enforcement matter. >> i'm aware of those reports. i just don't have more information for you. >> this incident happened almost two weeks ago. >> yeah. >> you make it sound like you haven't heard of this incident before. >> can i assure you, lucas, that we get update from all of our bases all around the world and are aware of incidents. >> griff: the only detailed information coming from a quantity toe spokesperson. the driver ignoring the direct instructions of the officers continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and
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attempted to access marine corps based quantico. the officers were able to deploy the vehicle denial barriers, prevent any further access to marine corps based quantico and detain the individuals. no indications of terror related motives but intelligence officials have repeatedly warned of the environment that we're in right now. >> i have never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. >> and we reached out again today to dhs for more information. we have not yet heard back. bret? >> bret: bizarre. griff jenkins, thanks. up next, the panel on the presidential race. plus, candidate casino. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 11 in los angeles where the virtual hearing for actor alec baldwin. is he facing involuntary manslaughter charges over the death of a cinematographer on that movie set in 2021. baldwin's attorneys say prosecutors used a sham grand
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jury and that the fbi broke the weapon used during testing. fox 29 in philadelphia as prosecutors announce charges against a woman accused of peddling fentanyl and other narcotics. investigators say they found more than 1,000 packets of fentanyl along with crack cocaine, drug paraphernalia and two guns with a plastic baggie of ammunition. and this is a live look at the race course in baltimore. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 45, our afilm i can't tell, rain, unfortunately, is likely saturday morning ahead of the preakness stakes, temperatures in the mid 60's, some tapering of the rain is possible in the afternoon before post time, kentucky winner mystic dan is considered the favorite there going for the triple crown. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ let him roam ♪ let me see the big boss run ♪ let him run.
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take a look at these numbers. there you see october 2020 and now. and then you've got the other question about the economy. and what do black communities feel, does it match where all of the u.s. in polls is feeling and, yes, the answer is yes. that there are -- the problems about where things stand with inflation, but there you see the breakdown, not as drastic as some different places. so, what about that as the president goes out to go out to
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court black voters votes. let's wring in our panel leslie marshall, trey gowdy former congressman from south carolina and kimberley strassel a member of the editorial board at the "wall street journal." all right, leslie, it's a concern. is he going to these different places. he will give a commencement address at morehouse college. it's obviously on the radar. >> no doubt. you don't want to see any kind of a drop even though i do believe that the african-american community will rally around and vote for president biden again. but, you know, there are feelings, bret, and then there are facts. lowest unemployment in the black community. 2.6 million jobs created in the more jobs created in the black community. half of the poverty among black children cut in half, you're talking about years that you have a historical high in the number of back-owned businesses that are opening and historical high in the number of sba backed loans specifically to black small business owners and i
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could go on but i don't want to take up all the time here. so i think it's important for the president to get out there and to talk about all of these areas that the black community isn't hearing about because what they are hearing about from mr. west, who is running for president, and who is an african-american, is we need to be angry at joe biden because back in the day he put more black people in jail. that's the message that they are hearing, not the information that i gave prior to that. >> bret: yeah. trey? >> trey: i don't think inflation cares what color your skin is i don't think the cost of higher education cares about race. and, you know, bret, you will recall, president trump championed justice reform way before it was popular to do so. in fact, it's still not popular among republican primary voters to talk about reforming our criminal justice system and, yet, he did it. so, i would separate black female voters from black male voters. maybe president trump doesn't do better with black female voters but i think he will with black
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male voters. >> bret: kimberley on the economy there are a number of different factors how people feel about it. obviously inflation has been a big part that we have seen in polls. here is former president trump, then president trump and joe biden back in the debates talking about the stock market. >> they say the stock market. >> don't have time to talk about it. >> if he is elected, the stock market will crash. >> the idea that the stock market is booming is his only measure of what's happening. >> bret: all right. so, today, obviously we have the first historic close above 40,000. you look at the dow for one year, president biden has made a point to not say the direct correlation between a success and the market but if you look at the graph, it is impressive. what about that, kimberley. >> well that, is certainly a stat out there and one that some people would take some appreciation of. and, leslie gave some more stats as well, too. the problem is not necessarily the fact, it's perception. and as trey was noting,
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inflation drags down everything. the higher cost of energy, of gas, people are having a much harder time getting by. and that crosses across every single demographic. i think the other issue is joe biden is not making that case to people. if you listen to these speeches he has been giving, is he weary about talking about the economy because he knows that there is problems. and so instead he has been trying what he used back in 2022 and 2020, beating on donald trump and saying if he is elected is he going to take away your right to vote. i'm not sure a lot of black voters actually buy that. and it certainly is not persuasive for those who feel as though they have got much bigger problems that the president is not addressing. >> bret: speaking of black voters, historic black colleges and universities, senator warner was upset from virginia saying that because you are going outside of the commission of presidential debates, virginia state made history as the first
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hbcu to ever be selected to hold auto presidential debate. biden and trump should stick to the plan and head to virginia for a debate. well, fox offered a vice presidential debated hopefully at virginia state university. talked to the school. and then that official went out and the trump campaign and the former president accepted saying on behalf of the future vice president of the united states, who i have not yet chosen, we hereby accept the fox vice presidential debate hopefully at virginia state university, the first historically black college and university to host a debate. a date to be determined. i urge vice president kamala harris to agree to this. make america great again. we will see what happens as far as biden-harris campaign and whether they do take that but, leslie, it is interesting, this whole, you know, formation of how these debates are coming together. >> yeah, i don't think what president biden here did was wrong. and i think there is republican buddies smart thing. people are voting earlier. people vote different ways and
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you move it up. one, two, we have also seen studies from harvard business school and others that show that these debates don't move the needle. people that like trump aren't going to switch to biden and vice versa over the debate. the undecideds the needle hasn't moved on them. so what kind of, you know, help do this do? i don't think that we need three. i think it's good to move two up. honestly i do hope that vice president kamala harris accepts the debate that the former president with the unknown vice president on his ticket for this next time around have already accepted. >> bret: speaking of that speaking of that, let's head to a place we like to call candidate casino. and we will do this for that unnamed, yet to be named vice presidential pick. you have got $100 this chips. trey, first to you. who is former president trump going to pick? >> i have $50 on tim scott. i have 20 on elise stefanik i have 10 on mike pompeo and j.d. vansz. and i'm going to keep 10 just in
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case he doesn't pick anyone and decides to do both jobs himself. >> bret: ha ha ha, okay. kim, 100 bucks. >> okay, 25 each on doug burgum and tim scott. i have got 20 on mike pompeo and elise stefanik and then i have got 10 on marco rubio. >> bret: all right, leslie? >> i got 40 on doug burgum and 30 each on tim scott and elise stefanik. >> okay. similar bets. thank you very much. the cage is closed. stay with us. up next the friday lightning round with congressional chaos. supreme court controversy. plus winners and losers and a special edition of "notable quotables." ♪ of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ >> the whole way it began was when the gentle lady from georgia began to lob personal attacks when she said you can't even read because of your fake eye lashes. and that's when it descended into chaos. >> you will never get an apology out of me. >> they have no interest. the entire hearing they were talking. they were laughing. quite frankly some folks were drinking. >> members were not drinking although that was the accusation. >> certainly they were having a good time. >> it was like a frat party atmosphere that was created when they got back from new york from trump's trial. >> so there is a lot that i people need to just realize that we're up here to do the people's work. >> this was quite something last
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night, this hearing. senator fetterman, pennsylvania democrat reacting to this congressional hearing saying in the past i have described the u.s. house as the jerry springer show. tonight i'm apologizing to the jerry springer show. we're back with the panel. trey, you have been in some committee hearings. this was a little surreal. yeah. >> yeah, people ask me from time to time if i miss congress last night bret made me miss the british monarchy. [laughter] >> i'm not sure we can govern ourselves watching that it's not lost on me billy graham has a brand new statue in statuary hall. go reflect time reflecting on his life and the way he conducted himself and stop acting like beavis and butt-head which i saw last night. it was embarrassing. >> bret: leslie? >> trey you and i don't often agree. it's a blank show which i'm not allowed to say on television. can i say as a woman, it's
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further embarrassing, let me tell you why. when they say women are too emotional to hold a place in the house, and i'm not talking about the kitchen. when they say that women, you know, shouldn't be attacked for the physical appearance. women attacking each other for the physical appearance and then sadly enough, there are americans that are voted for these individuals to represent us in congress. you know, i'm sorry. seriously, can i only slap myself in the head. it's beyond embarrassed. it's just so frustrating. >> bret: yeah. "new york times," kimberley, this headline, justice alito's house the stop the steal symbol on display. a lot of reaction to it as can you imagine democrats saying he should apologize and also recuse himself on these upcoming cases before the supreme court. what's your take on that. >> justice alito has already came out and explained this that he had some neighbors, things had become very antagonistic.
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they had in fact put signs out with expletives in them. some of them directed at his wife. and it his wife who did this to send a little bit of a message back. so, i think that's explanation enough. this seemed clearly aimed at the latest chapter of pressure and intimidation to try to get conservative justices to step back from cases. and you are already hearing as you just said calls that he should recuse himself. people have their eyes in particular on this immunity case over donald trump and the january 6th cases. and i think that's what this was aimed at. >> bret: all right. winner and loser, real quick, trey? >> trey: winner is scotty shelf ler, bret. you and i have both been arrested and both shot 66 but not on the same day. loser bobby kennedy. robert f. kennedy jr. he is the one thing that trump and biden agree on. he shouldn't be on the debate stage.
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>> bret: leslie? >> winner of the united states pentagon build a pier to get humanitarian aided to the people of gaza. loser, harrison butker who a male nfl player tells women thank you for your degrees, congrats, now get married and make babies. >> bret: okay. kimberley? >> winner, university of north carolina chapel hill for redirecting about $2.3 million from its dei program into public safety. double winner, kids will feel more safe and get rid of toxic policies. loser joe biden and his bogus claim of executive privilege in refusing to give the audiotapes of his interview with special counsel hur to congress. >> bret: all right. busy week. panel, thanks. make it a great weekend. ♪ >> bret: all right. it's friday and we have a special edition of "notable quotables" to congratulate the class of 2024. >> have the courage to speak the truth, even when your voice
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shakes. >> adversity is a terrible thing to waste, okay? you take this and you use it as fuel. >> it only took me 11 years, two emmys and one golden globe to finally get a degree. >> thanks for the phony degree and the ridiculous outfit. >> we wanted to make blind people equal to sighted people, look how successful we have been. everywhere you go look at this sidewalk and everybody is walking around oblivious to where they are. >> it's about the journey, the university awaits. >> make a positive impact and believe in yourself. >> you have survived no high school graduation ceremonies, no senior prom, a global pandemic, a recession, inflation. >> now let's hear it for the incomparable, indomitable, mighty class of 2024. [cheers and applause] >> bret: congratulations on graduation.
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monday, on "special report," an exclusive interview with arkansas senator tom cotton on the state of the presidential race. the crisis in the middle east, and crisis on the southern border. please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday," her exclusive guests house republican conference chair elise stefanik, massachusetts democratic congressman jake auchincloss and will scharf. remember if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. it's been a busy week. thanks for inviting us neuro i don't home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts after this beauty shot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. and it is