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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> dana: rabbit. [spooky music] >> dana: a bat, of course. >> judge jeanine: is it the with whiskers? >> dana: that's very gross. >> judge jeanine: that's a big cat. >> that's gust disgusting. so tonight on "jesse watters primetime," what do women want why are they so angry? johnny asked people what they would tell graduating college students tonight at 8:00. >> greg: all right, dana? >> dana: pursy received amazing honor from the u.k., thank you king charles so much for that portrait unveiling of%y. appreciate it. >> greg: neutered just like prince harry. are we out of time? >> judge jeanine: we are out of time. guess we will move on to some guy named bret. >> bret: thanks. do you know what i learned "the five" is not cat people. >> greg: no.
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>> bret: 100 percent not. thanks. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight the key prosecution witness in the criminal trial. concluded his testimony and the prosecution rested its case today. but, before that former trump attorney and self-described fixer admitted to stealing 10s of thousands of dollars from his boss' company. when the defense took over, cohen was followed on the stand by one of his former legal advisers. now, there has been a request by the defense for the judge to dismiss the case from the bench. correspondent nate foy is outside the new york state supreme court again tonight, good evening, nate good evening, bret. todd blanche requested that the judge dismiss this case on the grounds that prosecutors did not prove that trump falsified business records or did anything illegal to influence the 2016
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presidential election. the judge reserved his decision and trump spoke about that while leaving court tonight. >> hopefully the motion to dismiss this trial will go through because this trial is disaster for our country a disas other for new york state and no. >> after a week of testimony michael cohen is off the stand and prosecutors rested their case. now it's the defense's attorney with trump's lawyers calling bob costello who testified about consultant work with co-en in 2018. costello told the jury michael cohen said numerous times that president trump knew nothing about the payment to stormy daniels. earlier cohen acknowledged he knew during those conversations his attorney-client privilege prevented costello from sharing any information with president trump. but cohen previously told the jury he lied to costello because of that fear can hen admitted to
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stealing $60,000. red cinch for helping improve trump's position in a poll. when asked by trump attorney todd blanche, quote, you did steal from the trump organization based upon the expected reimbursement from fed fish cohen spawned with the affirmative yes, sir. >> this is a witch-hunt. this is crooked joe biden worst president in the history of our country by far, by far to damage his political opponent. >> while serving as trump's personal attorney, cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars from other clients. one of them communicated with cohen only six times. this supports trump's position that all payments to cohen represent legitimate legal expenses despite his limited work for trump in 2017 cohen says all those payments rye up bursted him for the deal. closing arguments will happen next week. trump's team indicates that costello may in fact be their
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final witness now. he will take the stand again tomorrow when his cross-examination resumes at 9:30. trump's team did not say publicly if trump himself will testify but our legal analyst say that's unlikely. bret? >> bret: nate, the atmosphere around the court, he has had a lot of supporters show up and do basically mini press conferences outside. today it seemed to be that they were bombarded by people yelling at him. >> absolutely right. anti-trump protesters were screaming during that press conference. several dozen out here in the park across from the courthouse. there are also some supporters of the former president; however, today there were definitely more people who are against him. >> bret: okay, nate foy outside the courthouse. thanks. >> reeling from the revelation that michael cohen stole money from the trump organization. >> shocked we are hearing it for the first time on day three of
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cross-examination. >> argument to be made actually you are opportunistic thief. >> stealing $60,000 through fraud which would be larceny in new york state is more of a crime than falsifying business records. >> some reaction to today's testimony in the cross. let's get some analysis from former assistant united states attorney andy mccarthy. andy, i know you were in the courtroom today. your thoughts on the end of the day here as the prosecution rests definition gets ready to get to the end of their case. >> i think it got very contentious at the end, bret, there was clearly a lot of tension between bob costello the witness called defense case and judge merchan. the ruling seemed to be a little bit erratic. bob costello is a defense lawyer, obviously didn't understand how the same
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questions seemed to produce sustained objection and overruled objection sear at tum and he got a little bit exasperated and then the judge got exasperated because bob got exasperated. >> bret: the judge according to forbes judge merchan to costello you don't give me side eye and you don't roll your eyes when there is a witness on the stand, if you don't like my rolling you don't say jeez. you don't say strike it. are you staring me down before ordering the courtroom to be cleared. >> that back and forth and you make an interesting point how far, how much leeway he gave stormy daniels for example in testimony. her testimony do you think in retrospect that the defense should have rested before you got to costello? >> oh, i don't think so. i think is he an important witness for them. the fact that he had tension with the judge doesn't necessarily hurt the defense, i don't think.
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the thing to remember cohen testified that he lied to costello. the thing is, when costello speaks, you know, cohen could have said i don't remember what i told him or asomething lo long those lines cohen said he lied to costello. costello gets into the witness chair with a presumption that he is telling the truth because the other guy already admitted to lying to him. i think that's helpful for the defense. >> bret: all right. so, you know, in totality, when you see all these been presented so far getting close to underlying crime was or saying the business records that trump directly said you had to list the business records that way? the big thing is bret, there is other crime. argument some of the business are falsified.
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whether you can pend that on trump. they have very broad law in new york that he could have caused someone else to do it. so they may have an argument on falsification, at least with son-in-law things, especially the invoices, but, on the other crime, there is not a shred of evidence that trump was even thinking about the campaign let alone that he willfully violated them. the important thing as far as trump is concerned, as far as taking what the prosecution is giving him, if trump were the person that prosecutors he would have used campaign funds to pay the ndas no reason to think he wouldn't have done that and put legal expenses on fec disclosures as they put legal expenses in the business records. so i don't think there is had any evidence that trump was even thinking about the campaign laws let alone that he willfully violated them. >> bret: very quickly, the expert that the defense wanted
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to bring i guess brad smith the fec expert the judge is saying no go? yeah, pretty outrageous, too. the judge allowed prosecutors to elicit from cohen and pecker that they respectively, cohen pled guilty to two campaign finance charges. and pecker had a non-prosecution agreement. so he is essentially let the jury be instructed by cohen and pecker on the law and here you have brad smith, someone who actually knows campaign finance law and merchan is keeping him off the witness stand. bless bret andy, it's interesting perspective from inside of that court, we appreciate your time tonight. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: breaking don't the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court the icc says is he seeking arrest warrants for israeli and hamas leaders everybody their actions during the seven month war.
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he believes benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister along with three defense officials are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. the u.s. is rejecting those claims and the ucc is israelis and palestinians in their response. here is state department correspondent gillian turner we reject the arrest warrants against israeli leaders. contrary to allegations made by israel against the international court of justice. what is happening is not genocide. rereject that. >> the biden administration says the international criminal court has no authority to request arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. foreign minister gallant or hamas leaders. president biden insisting there is no equivalence, none, between israel and hamas. but the icc prosecutors says both sides have committed grave atrocities during the seven month war in gaza. >> the crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of
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warfare. willfully causing great suffering, willful killing or murder. and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population. as well as crimes against humanity, of extermination. >> the state department and israel are indicating the icc's handling of this case underscores a deep bias against israel. >> prosecutor was scheduled to go to israel and his staff was scheduled to go there today. we're puzzled to understand why he would yank those trips and go on television to make an announcement, something that also is very strange. the prosecutor's absurd charges against me israel defense minister. deny israel the basic right of self-defense. and i assure you of one thing. this attempt will utterly fail. >> human rights lawyer amal clooney who advised the icc despite our diverse background our legal findings arian must.
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clooney will host a fundraiser next month as for the icc neither the united states or israel is a party to the court, meaning when those arrest warrants are issued over the coming weeks, israeli officials will still have freedom to travel into and out of the united states as they please, bret? >> bret: gillian, u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan just returning from a trip saudi arabia trying to further a plans with israel in the middle of all of this. s where does that stand? >> bret, the u.s. is inching closer now to this historic security deal. all sides insist that normalizing relations between the saudis and the israelis is a top tier priority. but, as you can imagine, the war in gaza right now is dominating israeli officials' time and energy. another wrinkle here is the saudi king's failing health. he is 88 years old. right now receiving treatment for a lung infection, no small matter. we are also just learning, bret, that his son, crowned prince
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mohammed bin salman just canceled a trip he was supposed to take to japan next four days in order to stay back at home. so we're going to be tracking that for you. bret? >> bret: track it all. gillian turner live at the state department. gillian, thanks. iranian authorities are trying to determine what caused a helicopter crash that took the life of iranian president ebrahim raisi and his foreign minister and several other officials. their bodies were discovered today in a mountainous region of the country's northwest territory. correspondent trey yingst has the latest tonight from tel aviv. >> trey: amid dense fog, pieces of a crashed helicopter appear. on board was iran's president ebrahim ricey, the country's foreign minister and five others. >> the tail of the helicopter is here. the rest is on that side. we came here under very difficult conditions. >> there were no survivors in sunday's crash near the border. the disaster prompting iran's
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supreme leader to announce a five day mourning period for his country while plans get underway new elections in 50 days. there are questions who will fill the role of raisi, man known as the butcher of tehran. direct role in ordering the executions of political prisoners in the 1980s. in the interim, iran's first vice president mohammed ache beer a former banker considered to be more moderate than raisi will one the executive branch. >> this is a serious i want for all of us. it is sad and upsetting. in the interest of our country and people we won't have any disruption. >> as iranian leadership assures citizens about the stability of their government, condolences are pouring in from iran's allies around the world. today the u.s. state department was questioned about the death of raisi after deputy u.s. ambassador to the united nations robert wood was part of a group stand and honor the late iranian president. >> does the state department
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appropriate taking part in that kind of observance. >> let me say a few things one, we have been quite clear that ebrahim raisi brutal oppress isn't a of the iranian people for four decades that said we regret any loss of life. we don't want to see anyone die in a helicopter crash. >> today the director of the international atomic energy agency held a moment of silence for late iranian president ebrahim raisi, an interesting moment, given iran's prior nuclear expansion under raisi's rule. bret? >> bret: trey yingst live in tel aviv, thank you. you were next, president biden gets aggressive as he tries to relate to voters upset about inflation. y with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now.
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♪ >> bret: food and drug administration the fda will allow billionaire elon musk neurolink to implant a brain chip in the second person. the "wall street journal" is reporting the company is trying to fix a problem that occurred in the first patient. tiny wires inside the brain of that person had pulled out of position, apparently. the company intends to fix the problem by embedding some of the device's wires deeper into the person's brain. the second patient.
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neuralink says the first patient was able to control a computer mouse using their thoughts were no ill effects. stocks were mixed today. the dow lost 197. the s&p 500 gained 5. the nasdaq was up 109 to a new record close today. the biden administration is trying to new messaging on ini object place tonight fiery speech by biden commencement speech on sunday. mark meredith is live from the white house on the north lawn. good evening, mark. >> mark: brett, good evening to you. tonight the white house is blaming higher prices on corporate america that the signs that the biden team is trying to find a new way to win over voters who are simply fed up with inflations story of the jewish people story of resilience be. >> and biden marks jewish heritage month sending out memos urging companies to lower prices. too many businesses are, quote, keeping prices elevated despite inflation falling.
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today retail giant target announced its cutting prices on 5,000 items but not because costs are down. data shows since january 2021 praises overall are up 19%. instead, the company writes: we know consumers are feeling pressure to make the most of their budget. fox polling shows only 30% of voters rate the economy as good or excellent. 70% see it as fair or poor. today a federal reserve official admitted prices are still too high. >> inflation readings in the first quarter of this year were dispinting. >> biden critics go even further. >> higher inflation at home and war overseas that's the biden record. >> this past weekend the president urged voters, especially black americans, to stay with him. >> you know black history is american history. >> speaking morehouse college graduation biden begged voters not to stay home in november. saying there is a contrast between him and former president trump. >> that's my commitment to you to show you democracy, democracy, democracy, to call
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out the poison of white supremacy. systemic racism. >> biden's support in the black community slipping even as surrogates insist things are better now for black americans. >> we now have a president who is actually doing something about it, about these systemic challenges we have been facing. >> this week democrats are expected to pivot to another major issue, immigration. the senate expected to reconsider a bipartisan border security package, a bill that former president trump came out against earlier this year. bret, this would be on attempt to give some of these democrats political cover in election year in vulnerable states because border security continues to be a top issue among voters. bret? >> bret: mark meredith live on the north lawn. mark, thanks. >> bret: in a speech this weekend former president trump demanded that current president biden take a drug test before they begin their debates and the former president wants more of those debates. meanwhile, robert f. kennedy jr. says his team is in discussions
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with t the debate organizers who make sure is he invited and he says he will qualify for the first june debate using the posted criteria. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel has details. >> former president trump is committing to an additional presidential debate and a vp debate despite the biden campaign attempts to keep only two presidential debates on the schedule before a biden trump debate takes place mr. trump says he wants to make sure his opponent is clean. >> i'm going to demand a drug test too, by the way. [laughter] i am. no, i really am. i don't want him coming in like the state of the union. he was high as a kite. >> white house spokesman andrew bates responded that republican officials are intimidated by the president wants state of the union performance and, quote: stake confidence for a drug. the white house ally in the senate says the 81-year-old biden is prepared for the riggers of the campaign. >> i do not have concerns. look, it's not about the age of
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the candidate. it's about the ideas of the candidate. what they are going to do for the american people. >> another candidate fighting to get on the debate stage is independent robert f. kennedy jr. who says he is having discussions with cnn who is hosting the first debate. r.f.k. jr. cited polling suggesting self-described republicans and democrats only make up 54% of the country arguing that he represents a huge voting block. >> the independents represent 43%. don't you think there should be an independent on the stage? reaction from the trump campaign is fine by them. >> he has absolutely no problem with r.f.k. jr. being on that debate stage. >> in terms of the veep stakes. >> the only people that have spoken to me about vice president for the most part are members of the media. >> the other argument r.f.k. jr. is making for him being on the debate stage is that by june 20th, he expects to be qualified for an upstate ballot to earn a possible 343 electoral votes. kennedy argues biden and trump won't be in time for the first
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debate because their party conventions when they become formal nominees happen later this summer, bret. >> bret: technically he is right. that's a legal foot to stand on. >> mark: exactly right. is he pushing it trying to get on that debate stage. >> we will see, mike, thanks. tom cotton on foreign policy issues and if the sudden death of iran's president changes the equation in the middle east. daily zz for quality sleep. (♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. today, at america's beverage companies,... ...our bottles might still look the same...
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official condolences. >> condolences on behalf of the united states government. >> i'm not sure you are offering condolences as this guy is as bad as you say he was. >> because we mourn any loss of life. >> why aren't you sending contradiction tore messages. >> absolutely not. >> we didn't send that statement with prigozhin died in a head state. >> not head of state. >> neither is raisi. kind of thing hope re reciproca. >> nothing to do with hopes of
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anything that will france prior. >> bret: state department today talking about the death of iran's president in a helicopter crash. does it throw the middle east into even more uncertainty tonight. joining us now to talk about that and other things. arkansas republican senator tom cotton. senator, thanks for being here. >> thanks, bret, good to be on. >> >> bret: what about the death? we don't know all the circumstances of the hospital crash. we do know the president, foreign minister and other officials died. you heard the state department offer condolences in some of the questioning about that. does it change the middle east tonight? >> no, bret, i really don't think it does. in iran they don't have hardliners and moderates. they have hardliners and harder liners. the president of iran was one of those harder liners. but ultimately decisions in iran are made by the supreme leader. i think it's disappointing to hear the biden administration expressing condolences for a man who is known as the butcher of tehran for the thousands of his own people that he killed still leading regime chants death to
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america. i don't have condolences to extend to the ayatollah of iran. more that matter people of iran are pretty pleased the butcher of tehran is no longer there to torment them. more broadly i don't think it will have significant impact across the region or on our interest. the supreme leader of iran is the one who calls the shots there the ones that joe biden has been consistently trying to curry favor with and appease whereas donald trump stood up to him for four years. >> bret: on the same day, the international criminal court, the iccp prosecutor is seeking arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu and hamas leaders obviously iran supports hamas. allegations against the israeli leaders focus on what he said were decisions and actions taken by the israeli government and military that have led to this humanitarian crisis inside gaza. the president came out against that israelis. palestinians have came out and said this is wrong. you have your own piece of legislation about the icc. >> i do. outrageous moral equivalence which the president acknowledged
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that tells you how far the left international criminal court has gone. as disappointed that president biden didn't refute the underlying claims that israel, for instance, has intentionally targeted civilians for killing or tried to starve children. the civilians suffering happening in gaza, which is real, is happening solely because of hamas is using those civilians as human shields or props for international political strategies. i do have legislation that would impose sanctions on this rogue prosecutor and those in his office who have not just targeted prime minister netanyahu now but also in the past targeted american soldiers as well. we're working with the republican leadership in the house to try to pass that bill promptly and hopefully force chuck schumer's hand to bring did up in the senate. he also condemned the international criminal court today. the only reason we have to pursue this legislation is that joe biden reversed donald trump's decision to sanction this very office and this very court in the past. this is a rogue court that congress has previously given the president power to stand up
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to. joe biden hasn't used that power, donald trump did. >> bret: you have been a proponent of ukraine standing up to russia, trying to push them out of there ukraine is the hill ups pressure on the townhouse allow strikes in russia. saying this is insane. here's some soundbites on that. >> u.n. rule, international rule and every other rules russia violated by the way. we have a clear right to defend ourselves by striking an ayes, sir sore. it is time to give the ukrainians more help hitting these bases inside russia. >> bret: that's big turn to start going after base inside russia and for the people who are concerned about world war iii. et cetera, et cetera. you're a supporter of the supplemental that gave money to ukraine. where are you on this issue? >> well, i think ukraine has to be able to target weapons depots and fuel depots and staging grounds for russia. otherwise russia is going to
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have free reign. it can't be the case russia gets to shoot anywhere it wants in ukraine and ukraine can't target russian troops and fuel and a mile or two over its border. that's reason why you have seen russian gains on the border regions because president biden has been putting pressure on ukraine from the very beginning not to try to win this war but rather merely to try to not lose it only at the last second. it's very different from what joe biden did. if you remember, going back to barack obama, the first time russia invaded ukraine the blankets and meals yesterday to eat. prestrump very versed. battle of kyiv in 2022 now, joe biden allowed that vladimir putin to invade russia and been pussy footing around for two years not providing ukraine the weapons and volumes they need defend their own territory. >> bret: you served in the u.s. military. you've been a leader in the
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senate on intelligence in military. there are some people who look at the republican party and say it's split now and there is more america first, maybe more critics say isolationist's true in some republicans' minds about where policy should be. can you be both, a trump administration, president trump supporter and still be aggressive on foreign policy overseas. >> tom: i think there is no question because president trump like president reagan subscribed to a philosophy of peace through strength. we want peace, security and stability around the world. we do not want world. but to make sure that we have that peace and stability we have to be prepared for we have to be strong. take the case of ukraine again, it seems that vladimir putin only invades ukraine when democrats are president. barack obama and joe biden. he did not do that when donald trump was president. look in the middle east, again, we had peace, stability, and security with literal peace agreements between israel and some of its arab neighbors under president trump. under barack obama, and joe biden we have had war raging throughout the region.
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what we want is a peaceful stable world that protects america's interest. the way to achieve that though is through strong continent american leadership. >> bret: use afghanistan, as an example? >> yes, exactly. >> bret: up next we will talk to senator cotton about the presidential race. president biden raising the heat this weekend. and a big speech down south. >> the black men being killed on the street, what is democracy? the trail of broken promises still lead black communities behind. if you don't stain your deck, it's like the previous owner is still hanging around. so today let's stain, with behr, the #1 rated stain. and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. ( ♪ ♪ )
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>> donald trump has said if he loses again in november there will be, quote, blood shed what in god's name are we talking about here? trump isn't running to lead america. is he running for revenge. >> bret: president biden down south and this weekend over the weekend. we're back with senator tom cotton. what do you make of some of the things that the president has been saying about the former president and how he characterizes this race? >> yeah, well, joe biden is a weak and failed president. that's why he is trailing in almost every poll. and that's why he is now starting to throw hail mary's before we even reach mohammed in this campaign. knows under his watch run away
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inflation, families can't afford groceries or gas. our border is totally open. chaotic disaster with more than 10 million illegal aliens in our country. uncle sam has a kick me sign on his back all around the world. is he resorting to lies and detortions against president trump. the american people are not going to fall for that they remember under donald trump stable prices and rising wages and good jobs. and we had a secure border and we had america respected around the world. that's the choice they have this fall. >> bret: clearly they are going to use january 6th and the threat to democracy as a big part of this campaign. back january 6th. i put out a statement say nothing quarter for insurrectionists. those who attack the capitol today should face the full extent of federal law. it's past time for the president to accept the results of the election. quit misleading the american people and repudiate mob violence. you stand by that statement? has it changed despite what you hear from former president trump. >> you certainly should have legal consequences for all those who entered the capitol or damaged property or certainly
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hurt law enforcement officers. i do agree with the president though that are many irregularities. there was a lot of unfairness in the 2020 election. now, i'm not necessarily it's congress' role to reject electors. >> bret: you accept the results. >> can you accept the results and say congress doesn't have the constitutional role to reject electors that have been certified by the states still having concerns about the unfairness and irregularities that many of those democrat states did in changing election laws and practices leading up to the 2020 election. if you really want to talk about a threat to democracy, you just have to look at what is happening in new york city where the democrats have weaponized the legal system against their chief opponent. this is something you would expect to hear -- expect from a country like pakistan and georgia not here in the united states. >> bret: do you think it's advantageous for the trump campaign to be talking about 2020? >> well, if you listen to what donald trump is saying on the campaign trail it's mostly about what has happened since 2020. the will run away inflation we have had. about a wide open border, about
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the crime that this country faces now or the threats that we face from abroad that this weak and failed president, joe biden, has brought upon our country. that's the choice the american people are going to have in 2024. >> bret: just to be clear you say joe biden is the legitimately elected president? >> you know that joe biden is the president. not just because he lives in the white house but only joe biden could screw things up as badly as they are now. >> bret: speaking of immigration, you have another vote on the same bill that never got past the process. this is the senate negotiated bill and you voted against that process the first time around. it's going to come up again. tammy baldwin, democrat from wisconsin, says this is needed to restore order. republicans negotiated the bill with democrats. she says. they only backed off when donald trump instructed them to because he wanted and issued a run-on and didn't at this point in time to be fixed and that's irresponsible. is that true line on immigration that democrats will take and they're going to vote on this again thursday. >> reason chuck schumer wants to
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have another failed vote on this bill so far short getting 60 it doesn't have 50 votes because some of his own democrats oppose it because the border is a key election in this election. key issue because joe biden opened our border. he promised in the 2020 campaign he would open the border to all comers, we shouldn't be surprised that we have more than 10 million illegal aliens who have crossed the border. why contrast, donald trump had the border secure and closed by the time of the election in 2020. and, again, that's the choice the american people are going to face a weak, failed president's disastrous policy on the borders or president trump's strong policies to protect our borders and ensure only people entering the country have a legal right to be here. >> bret: we're in the process now where the former president is going to decide about a v.p. pick. we have candidate casino on here. hugh hewitt is always putting chips on you for v.p. he had a quote on his radio show in which he said that you would be best positioned. have you thought about that? have they reached out to you? where is that status? >> no. the president and the campaign
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has not reached out to me. i suspect only donald trump knows who is really on his short list. when we do talk. we talk about what it's going to take to win this election in november. to elect president trump to another term in the white house and elect a republican congress so we can begin to repair the damage that joe biden's presidency has inflicted on this country. >> bret: senator cotton, we appreciate your time. we will follow it all. >> thank you, bret. thanks. >> bret: breaking tonight, the past few minutes, the white house now saying the chairman of the federal deposit insurance corporation fdic will step down from his post once the successor is appointed. martin grudenberg's announcement -- announced departure comes after a report about the agency's toxic workplace culture. that was released earlier this month. white house officials saying president biden will name a replacement for gruenberg soon. up next the panel on iran's president, what it may mean for the middle east, president biden's commencement address and, oh, yes, the former
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president's trial in new york. sg these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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case. >> bret: former president trump. the prosecution arrested. a lot happened today. michael cohen finished up his testimony. he admitted stealing tens of thousands of dollars from donald trump's business. he stole thousands of dollars from the trump organization by overstating how much he paid a tech company that provided services for the trump organization. he went to tb bank, withdrew cash over a couple of days to pay red finch for his services which he stored in a brown paper bag but he said he never gave the company total $50,000. let's bring in our panel start there with the trial fox news senior analyst juan williams. guy benson, host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and axios political reporter stef kight. guy, the relation that cohen admitted on the stand that he took roughly $60,000 from the trump organization had all kinds of pundits on all kinds of
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different sides saying wow. >> yeah, it's breathtaking. so coming into his testimony, we already knew that michael cohen was a convicted felon and an established perjurer. then last week on the stand he appeared to be cornered into a new lie under oath and then today he confessed to another felony that we didn't know about. this is astonishing. this is the star witness of alvin bragg and the prosecution performance four days of cross-examination described by people as you pointed out as across the spectrum as devastating not to the defendant, to the prosecution. >> bret: stef, the legal side of this, this seems like it's unanimous that they say this was really bad for the prosecution. that part of it, at least. on the political side, at all why did donald trump hire michael cohen? >> it's a good question. i mean, what we have really seen over these past few days is that there is a huge risk when you
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are rest guilty most of your case on someone like michael cohen and someone who has a history of lying undero the goal of trump's attorneys cast doubt into his story and poke holes. they have been able to do that several occasions the past few days. all it takes is one member of the jury to potentially end up with a hung jury. politically, this is a case that, you know, many voters according to the polls care the least about as it is. there was already concern that maybe this case was taking things too far. and so to have this kind of fall apart around michael co-son going to continue to leak in that case. >> bret: robert costello legal advisers. a lot of calls, # 6 hours of phone calls with cohen now on the stand in the defense, that's likely going to continue tomorrow with the cross-examination. >> so, you have a situation here where it seems -- stunning.
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step back from cohen i think he has really hurt himself. i step back and say what a cast of characters. it's unbelievable. you know, in today what we learned wascoen stole the money but guess what the money was for? someone who was rigging polls to make trump look good. i mean, you go back to stormy daniels, to david pecker and catch and kill. you think what a cast of characters. what a world. i guess the big question when we talk about costello going forward does trump testify. he said he has wanted to testify. i don't think any lawyer in his right mind would tell trump to testify because there is a huge perjury trap there with stormy daniels. if you think about it is this case now over i don't think so but the prosecution has some work to do. >> bret: meantime president biden couple commencement address and a speech in detroit. take a listen. >> extremists come freedom you thought belonged to you and everyone. they also say out loud these
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other groups, immigrants, poison the blood of our country. this is what we are up against. extremist forces aligned against the meaning and message morehouse. >> when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was barack said to me go to detroit and help fix it. >> bret: well, no. first of all, the black voters as you see this poll it's shifted a bit with the former president bumping up. the second poll we have for you is the one i was going to reference that land soundbite and that's mental soundness to serve, 50% now for trump. a little tick up for president biden. but, guy, he wasn't vice president during the pandemic. he was president after former president trump had moved on. and that stuff keeps happening. doesn't get picked up a lot of
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places. >> yeah, people make filibusters from time to time, even you and i on television. >> bret: yes we do. >> occasionally gets things wrong. it's a steady drum beat with this man. he is 81, president of the united states. we remember that this president talked about his vice presidency and got some of the dates wrong in his conversation with special counsel hur. here we go again. >> bret: stef, that tape with hur is not coming out per executive order. >> no, that's not. that's not going to stop republicans from campaigning on this and we are bound to hear more and more how biden sun fit. when we see filibuster it is a big issue. he and his advisers know he needs to push back on these. >> bret: sorry, guys. we kept it short because of the possible vice presidential interviews. the apprentice has started for real as we get towards july. but, we'll have you back. thank you. ♪ ♪
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>> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> start, 2, 1, 0. ignition and liftoff. [cheers] >> live off. >> bret: at long last ed dwight america's first black astronaut candidate was rocketed into space. president john f. kennedy chose dwight a candidate for early astronaut core class of 1963, he wasn't picked. on sunday his dream was finally realized as he flew to space blue origin 90 years old. he becomes the oldest person to reach space. congratulations. tomorrow on "special report." congress investigates concerns over growing demand for electric power. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight as always. th