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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 21, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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we'll even add free shipping. call the number below or go to meaningful beauty .com. right now. >> the american people will win absolute victory. remembering the heroes. we can't afford to forget when uncertain times brought out the best in us. >> the secret history of world war two and the final journey of the greatest generation. new season streaming now on fox nation. >> all right, great news. well, fox nation has been number one. >> g lawmen.utlaws the third edition drops on wednesday. fox will be available then onlyn fox nation and three or four episodes. this one follows the legendary s man, hunter bass. reeves when you hear that story . all right. please let not your heart be trouble. why? greg gutfeld nex t greg gt to put! a smile on your face. >> have a great night.
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oh, i agree. t star >> happy monday, everybody. let's get started. donald ttrump has demanded a drt for joe biden for the first debate. biden privately told aidesn pr f he wants my , he can get it from my seat cushion. [ ke everyone else. >> a woman threatened a womalan swamwo through shark infested waters in san francisco, saying the sharks weren't even interested in her. wow. even the sharks are . rk new york city is in peak pollen
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season. >> on the bright side, a stuffny makes it harder to smell the piles of. smell iran's president abraham raisi d ,was found dead after his right. i didn't expect that but should be grateful dead after his crashed in a remote mountainous region. locae inousl investigators blame the weather and the jews. why not? ? d how about the jews >> president raisi was known as the butcher of iran. >> now he's known as the groundf beef of iran of. amid of divorce. >> ben affleck and j.lo were seen together at an event satur on sunday. ben was able to avoid photographers by taking covedar behind j-lo's.
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>> c that's cheap but true. >> disturbing video appears to show sean "diddy" combs assaulting singer cassie ventura. >> combscomb defended the move, saying i was sampling ike turner. y oh, that goes toano far. that goes too far. oh, we have limits make fun. make fun of bad people. >> charges will likely be dropped against pro golfer scottie scheffle r afterr the cops body cam was found hille off during the incidenr t hillary clinton remarked this reminds me of when i murden r epstein. audie yeah, this is my audience. >> and in new york city, law student went to rehab focheer a cheese addiction that had her eating nearly six blocks of cheese per week. that's nothinghing sai said one. >> right.
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let's do a monologue. that was fun. so talso let's talk about bill . >> he's the only only! two giving away the surprise. he'she's only other talk show ht besides me that hasn't worn blackface. is >> but the night young. no. ha ha. it is fox. >> but weirdly, he's been saying stuff that i like. >> there's a guy in the newsd named harrison bunker. i can't express how much thise guy is not like me. he's religious. he loves marriage. he loves kids. wom he said some of you talking to this. may go of you mayokay, go on to lead successful careers in theth world. okay. that seems fairly like modern, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excitedage and about b marriage and the children
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you will bring into this world. i don't see what the big crime is. i really don't. and i think thise people h part of the problem people have with the left is that lots of people in this countrhe'sg y are like . like he's saying, some of you may go on to lead successful careersof, but a lot of you are excited about this other way that people everybody used t that to be. >> and now can they can'toi that just be a choiccee to whom something is happening? 180 could this be the biggest one since bruce jenner replacejd his tracksuit for a hoop skirt? >> n o. the fact is, bill's likely seeing a party go in a directiosen that deviates what we used to call sanity. and bill and i have moreosts o in common than you think. we're both hosts of successfulcc shs. .sful >> we can both fold our legs bot behind our heads, and we both carry around canadian quarters to give to the but.o
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but we alsago agree on today's insanity. in bill's great new book, judgi he talks about presentism, which means judging everyone. >> in the pastn by the standars of the present. he says it's like getting mad at yourself today for notknn knowing what you know now. >> when you were ten. rea >> i feel the same way when i read my old diaries. >> to think i wanted to be one of charlie's angels. ad som >> but i also feel that way when i read some of the stufe fy wrote years ago, i could see that i let my concerns about terror mistakenl terroy me that safety trumped freedom. does bill feeldo that way whenhi watching older episodes of real time? i'd as hk him if he were here tonight. >> oh wait, he is all right. see, today. >> today's world can create bedfellows. i mean, bill maher and greg gutfeld together. er i
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>> that's like kat timpf in ozempic, dr. drew and dr. kevorkian. dana perino in barocco one, loves to take dogs for a walk te and the other likes to cook dogs in a walk. >> that's right. president obama wanted a dog. ini just have to remind everybody. but bill's right. judging the past the againste ps the present is pointless and lazy. sure, people in the past mightes look ignorant compared to us now, with perhaps the exceptiol not letting women vote. >> now are ads that the left irritates and frustrates him, but the right alarms him. that's exactly how i feel about. >> versus impregnating imp my dg wawalker. instea but i get itd that instead of listening to the saner voices on opposing sides oftene fu focus on the nuts because it's fun. protesters are more fun to expose than debating a nerd
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on the middle east. e middlegod, that sounds boring. i'd be the one stepping in front of traffic. on and likewise, it's easier forn the demsth to focus on january o six than the millions of decent people who think trump is is ty. ay the question, however, is which crazies have more sway? the right nuts come from below a fever swamp of reddian rt andq and on the left though they come from above and they make progrese ans. the mayo clinic just apologized for saying there are two sexes.s heads of children's schools announced will no longer use the terms boys and girls do, just creamed. another slew of in a high gir school championship race. and they totallyls ruined ghostbusters with an all female castemale. e only >> call me old fashioned,t but the only place women should bes is ing ghost the kitchen. >> oh. >> bill is here for a few reasons. he's selling a book, which we never do at fox. m
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but also, when was the last time we had two normal people from different sides disagree in front of other people? >> exactly. there you go. so here. o here the goal is to understand ,not undermine, to see that people at fox aren't bat crazy. and people over there aren't all transgender pro terror bike sengers.. essers some of them. are just cross-dressers. and >> but there's one thing we might always disagree on, even trump.s pers >> even though i can't argue with bill over trump's personalitonmp hy. sure, trump has no filter, but neither do the joints that bill smokes. t it's true. but i wonder if bill trump has tic >> this is called biden tic tacs. u se can you see it? top? this costs more money than
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the one that was like ten times bigger. thisn times. inflation. but americans are not struggling. you know, this is the worsts cal platform. who put this stage up. is not worth the freaking placen is falling down. i notice it keeps tilting further left. what a contractor this life. >> that's trump. he insults people. but t i insui insult people. ,if i stopped insultingth people, what would be left of this? >> happy monday, everyone. yelove you, america. that would be itt,. his blus >> and yet, trump's deeds mos affected by his bluster. >> he's the most antiwaril president i've seen. and unlike joe andlary h he goe. after individuals in power, not the masses. he doesn'tsn't slam millio slams of people. is racist, perhaps because in his mind, he still thinks he can wine thinn over. he's a populist. and in a world where the elites locked us downerke, then went to find restaurant that matters. point is, it's the least point t
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the populist who pushed insane covid measures reversed and child mutilation under the ruse of gender affirmation . true, trump refuses to concede elections. he's like an athlete who'sthey convinced the umps were rigged. if only the other side did the samenvinced . >> i think it's also critical>>t to understand that, as i've been tellinghis who have come to see me, you can run the bestc campaignam. you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. >> now people , people say trump traffics in hate, but i think he's got competition. >>d donaltrd trump and the maga republicans representedrepres extremism that threatens the veryen of our republic magao >> republicans look at america and see carnage and darkness and despair. they spread fear and lies. well, that speech was as uniting to america as lorena bobbitt was to a. g
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tobut sorry, dana. but the big criticism the big criticism is that trump lies. >> fine, but as opposed to who? obama and hillary brought us three years of russiagate. joe says the number one threadn is white supremacy, the border securega. and inflation was 9% when he took over. those are double whopper se with cheese. this guy got elected pe the fine people hoax pushedfi the, trump said drink bleach hoax. he claims he was marching for civil rights. top of his class and law school fonner up state scoring champ football. yet the only proof he played footballotball i is the brain ds what's this? i know that was me. th >> what does trump lie about? things like the size of the crowd, his inauguration or his ? not looking like i should talk . i mean, who among usmong? i tell everyone. >> my audience is huge and that
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i bent it playing footballg . >> people also call trump ay no clown. fine. but when you work in a circus, why not be the clown theeats. ee it beats cleaning up after the elephants. the government's a circurn thes. the idiots are the ones d who give it the respect it deserves. look, no one'seser no asking you to love the guy. great leaders are always hated. bill parcells. players hated him. the same with vince lombardi. and of course, there's joe jacksoi ann. >> fact the guy you hate might be better at the big issues than the guy who claims his uncle wa cuncls eaten by cannibals. >> either way, i don't expect to change bill's d on trump,pec but that's the point. not everyone's going to agre hi and if you need to have everyone agree with you on every single thing, you're goinggl be very, verydo e lonely. >> when do the other people talk? you ar other pe most. [ ch i have anotheree hour. you know, i cut back.
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that said, you're off the show . i changed my mind. i'm changing my mind. anywayy,. you're going to be very lonely. very lonelouy. >> if you want everybody to agree with you. which explains why joy bejar goesh yo three a month. ould b >> this would be the ideal time for a song. >> i'm so sorry, mr. bill. my stupid. i didn't see that we agreed. such as guys. >> i realize that we we share the same philosophy. and you didn't shut down my magic and vine was fineg ali surprising alignment.
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and so, mr. mana, i say w one more time, and i have foundy a way. >> i'm sorry. well, for asking. he's got more eminem intentionse now. and one brother took some real time. denmart and thk blubbering abou. >> and under the new book, what this comedian said willll shock bill maher. he once gets a ride on a hot whale coast of america's f newsroom and the five dana perino, he's crossing exams have a four month waiting list. chief patient officer for wellw. ew yorany dr. dre she's tough as nails but easy bs on the scales. "new york times" best selling author, contributor, catholi c. >> tha >>nk welcome to the show, bill. thank you. so sofar far, so fun. >> i have a few quibbles. okay. go for quibble way.
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mr. squib. well, i mean, i that it's greatq that we're talking. i agree that we agre e on somee th things. we're not exactly aligned on the most important alignet, h is basically trump is someone who does not concedetions.. y. that's the most important thing. yeah. you don't seem to see itos that. that's the most important thing that's going on in this country. he de laste the last election. >> he's not going to concede this election. you don't know>> gre don't k th. >> you don't see into the future. bill. i don't see you. yeahstal, i did. g abou i did. because i was the only one who was talking about that way back whebackn. and everybody said, oh, you smoked too much pot. turned out i smoked just tu of.ght amount >> there's no right amount. but can you really picture this guy going, you know what? >> i lost? t. t's iat's >> he did. he left. he left because he had to leave >> ge. to he quit? yes, but that's what that's how it works. well, what do you think he's going to liked up bought ut the white house? >> you know, pull a straw dog. si don't know dustin hoffman, but last time he thought the other republicans would
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back him up when he called that guy in georgia and said i need 11,000 votes. >> i want you to he said he said fine. he didn't say >> he said find. well, that's the same thing. no, it's not. you don't on an easter egg, find them that want you to create easter eggs. you have a show. all right, dr. drew. maybe my settlement showed every television ever to do was politically incorrect, which you stolavouritewae. this. this is. this is exactly what it looked looeisxcept the differencincorc politically incorrect was purposely mixing people with differen t viewpoints is what we're doing tonight. >> yes. this greg: t is why it doesn't work. oh, no, i'm kidding. >> no so, dr. drew.d at >> yes, sir. we you, you you're really good at diagnosing mental illness. m? what is bill's proble wow. i feel. about tr >> no, let me. let me. it does feel personal about trump with bill. it's not.
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it feels that way. >>no, i don't think so. o >> it's just a difference of if he did sort of.u? >> did he sue you? of course i didn't know that. d really? >> no. he's news. yes. i don't follow everything in your life, bill. >> well, that was kind of. yes. he showed me ed me be h. >> i said he possibly was the son of an orangutan. oh. hmf anm. >> because we showed the picture. he looks exactly like the hair e . it looks exactly like it. you know what's interesting is very pertains to orange . he is always been the stand up p politician. right? olitician and nobut now he's sog towards carrot top, some of the stuff he's doing at the podium with the tic tacs and everything. >> he's really becoming a comedic ian at the podium.e po >> well, you knodiw what?izes he realizes that he's winning. >> i think that's bothering you, bill. >> it is bothering me because, again, he's an insurrection. >> he doesn't believe in democracy he is t. so of course, is bothering me. and of course, he's also insane and a criminal and except forg:h that. but i got to say that i'llern t,
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like, what works for him. like, when you saw that clip,t h you just showed. i mean, look, he's almost the same agees bide as biden, but biden presents as old. >> yeah, ancient. >> yeah. that does not look old. no, it doesn't. >>ass not present as old? the yeah, i mean, he is he's like he's like, kispains he puts on the wig and the face paint and it's 1970 six all overn here again. >> those are the days. dana, let's bring you in her>> s as the other orange one. >> yes. that reall by is bright. thi >> just thinking about tang. hae >> i love tang. c if we could sit here and havesae a conversation, why can't other americans? >> i think mos? i think most amn yeah, i think a lot of this is actually online and that it is people thinking that america is so polarized when an actual in your daily life, if you get off it and you see people in grocery, there's smileys or sharesw , like i know that there are people that would never maybe on school board meetings
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right. those get contentiouans and.i lo >> you could feel like nobodyok agrees with me and i hear that a lot. but i'm like, i look around and ally ii actually i don't arc people are that much at each t throats. we in the medioa tend to exacerbate that. one of the things that bill had over the weekend on his show was nellie bowles. yeah. he is a co-founder of the free press independen fret. also they are doing some great work over there and in her she wasboh also selling a book and her book she writes about her polie be she believes is a lot like other people's, which is not so mucht so m doctrine, but exhaustion, and that people are just looking for some good common sense. >> my book here we are. you just calm down, bill.yo >> but now we understand all the rumors. >> you are ] i don't know what that means. ke like we are polarized. i don't think we can deny that.t the pointhe point that we can a. be friends, that we can't. >> let's not just let's note no
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pretend that these disagreements are not profound. let's just say, okay, they arerh profound. but you knowings w what. on. there's 90 other things we could talk about which we wouldn't disagrei can'e on. and i can't hate you. i've said it a million times, you can hate trump. you can' t hate all thef th people who like him. it's half the country. i', i i'm certainly not blind to donald trump's fault. i it why people choose to votecr for him. you knowvance said, somebody whl conservative once said to me what you don't get you liberals dot trump isou that we don't like him either. >> we just see him as a bulwarke against the nonsense on the left. and i understand that because ther i undee's a loe a lot of nonsen. on the left. and that's in my book, too. yes, my book. r bookyour dad. is there anything you want? get off your chest. oh, there's nothing on my chest . >> but. well, i do disagree with something you said, bill, which is thaich nerence o t there's noff
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difference of opinion on the show because i disagree with greg about a lot of stuff. y. y actually. i mean, i've never in my lifepuc voted for a democrat oran a republicani ever. i,t i don't think i evere is will because i'm just a small government person. and neither side is offering me that i vote for the third party and third party. yeah, i vote libertarian. and you know what? tha >> if you want to give that for that, it certainly wouldn't be the first time i heare firsd >> fine people i mean, i get sur people coming at me on both sides for sure. and people think or they'll say,derate w i'm moderate, whicm not a moderate. >> i'm for a very small government, but i have so many friends. you're heartless. no, i'm not. my l my life would be a way. i live a passionate life full of love. but i think a great do hold m onto that for downan i keep i do have so many obviously i work here. i have a lot of who are republican, very conservative, lifelong friends, are very liberal in my in my real life liberal in life.e andk people sometimes who like watch a show like thist like, how isae that possible? >> but it's actually so easy. but you know what? ago thatyou said something on te
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show a few weeks ago that just stayed with me. as you said, some of us have not gotten over covid yet. yeah, that's true. ueand bitterness that theovid excesses that covid left behind are fueling some of this acrimony. there are many of us who just can't get over what they were able to do, maybe to shoehorn the medical part into this. >> doc. yeah, right. . wayoe horn you i mean, you kne that personally, but we got to move on. >> all right, sticr dot,k more n >> all right, sticr dot,k more n you overdo it, undo it with the pepto. >> that's right. for you. cherry♪ pepto with those liquids no o only purple's gel flex grip passes the raw egggete ed.. ve uo no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supportsay s al your spine. memory foam doesn't come close. get your best sleep. guaranteed save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit purple .com or a store near you. >> of all the men who pinned on badges, few understood this
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. tell me she's not. sorry. moms and dads. joe's here to depress your grads. you already heard about kansas city chiefs star harrisoso ne an booker's speech at benedictine college. encourage womedn embrace their roles as homemakers. which the outraged mobers an called sexist. >> since none of them can cook a decent breakfast non, my defet was simple. >> it's appropriat'se for
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the venue. same thing i said when they ejected me from flash dancerd infrom flas for wearing. he's a catholic, giving catholic valuelis, a catholic university. besides, if you want to hear a speaker promote abortion queens and destroying the family chest, go to a children's library andqueens.r >> but compare booker's speech to biden's commencement addressr at morehouse college in atlanta, where he started spee he was vpsaying during the covid 19 pandemic. >> which he meant to say the spanish flu pandemic of 1918. >>he was at a blac he was at a , so he pretended that it's the republicans who are racistme ,not him, resulting in the worst race pandering since rachel dolezall od'd on bronzer. >> roll it. today in georgia they won't allow water to be availablevote to you while you wait in linen c to vote in an election. what in the is that all about?i i never thought i'd be a president a time when there's a national effort to bandemic .r
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not to write history, but tohist of ae historory. they don't see you on the future of america but theasd wrong. >> sorry. the only history erase from theu his short term memory. he also bragged about ignoring the supreme cour t in aand to desperate move to buy student support and told them they face insane racism wherever tey. pre >> they go. i'm relieving the burden of studenten: i'men of st. many of you already had the benefit of it, so i can chase your dream to gohe to college. it. the supreme court told me i couldn't. i found two other ways to doacy? it. what is democrac whif black men are being killed on the street? trs democracy? the trail of broken promises still laid back black communities behind. what is democrac y? you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. i most of all, what does it meanfe as we've heard before.
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to a black man who lovesck his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> well, nothing inspires college graduates like telling e them their . oh, let's stop there then. >> dana. there' inmore there, but i'm just going to dump out. where is biden's speech in all this? >> like, what is this? oh, they all graduated from grievance university because they i just i was never allow somebody that i worked for to give a speech like this at ae commencement. when you have young black people who have just worked really hard thaorke in there, they might be the first generation to go to college. and in front of all the parentrs ,the president of theu united was like the united states was like, yeaguysneveh, . you'll never amount to anything. and then wheand then wn he saide to be ten times better than anyone else, they were all thinking, wow,seer i could
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be 20 times better than you right now. >> yeah. o get >> that if he really wants to get her, get rid of whited on >> should he have just resigned? ohh! , and he's got a black lady right next to him. >> what's her name again? know, >> yeah, the speech. it was a little strange, worry, you know, just like, hey, black people, a lot of people hate you i'm, but don't worry, because i'm here like you. like, it's just so weird . s and, you know, the other commencement speech that was really controversialcontro at te catholic college where he was saying catholic stufcf. >> yeah. i mean, i agree that i couldt dr not disagree more with his view of what a woman should be with the way i live. i don't make dinner. i make. >> thank you. >> but my having a different view of the role os, a marriage. i've solved that problem with other people thinking that way by just marrying those
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people. right. is it? h >> it was pretty bleak, dr. drew. bl, i also. he kept saying black men. what about black women? because it's a black man'st's al . >> it's only male. yeah. do your research, dr. drew. yeah>> go your r , actually, the doctor.fa because it was so.ul all right. my faultt. . >> bet you tell the difference between a man and a woman. about >> it's coming. go ahead. about what com? g. anything. let me ask you this. do you think god, do you thinkla bein ? >> there is a purpose. a purpose to him being so stark ,bleak.of >> i think. i think it's not helpful. serst of all, it's anachronistic. mm-hmm. i mean, that speech would have made sense. someears some ago.that i think we should acknowledge that racism still persists. we should always be making redeeming remedial remedies fo g . but we're not. in the past, i always keep saying, let's l 'r live in the year we're living in. we're not living in the year where you have to be
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ten times better. mm-hmm. to succeed, ifa you're a persons >> color and in some instances ,it's an advantage. yeah. in somplacese places, it's not n advantage. >> but we're not living in thatt world that he's talking about. and. and i don't think that helps anybody. >> and the past is complicated. nd applahe didn't like to hear s and angela davis found out that her she's relatedy to somebody came over on the mayflower. >> yes. i the past i've been fascinated by the french struggling with presentism. what you're writing about writing a book. what's the book called? the book is called this. which comedian said will shock you? it's funny when you see the cove you sr looks like clic. yes, it does. but. but they're dealing. >> they'they're to strugglen an with napoleon. what to make of him? did you know that he was notkeag short? really? he was average height for a frenchman. therore were many things, greg was a necessary out
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of nowhere. all right. >>you're short on time.r is let me be.susu yeah. up next, gender issues. up next, gender issues. )get mudd i y ovo revealing study. >> i thought water would help with this dry. ts tur that's the disease. but scott's health plus but scott's health plus will curf pluse long disease. >> been going around. >> been going around. so like other people have it. and it's on pick up a bag of the new scott stir filled are healthy plus lawn food todaknow, i'everyoney the long y mutual customized my car mutual customized my car insurance and i savebaby: lid. >> that's great. i know i've been tellingor everyone never what to directl >> how many people did you tell? >> only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty, everybody. or you want a 50% of americans who can answer this correctly? let's look at the answer. savage it's not about what you know. oh, my goodness. it's how you think. not feel ashamed. as stupid as i am. the 1% club. premieres monday, june 3rd on fox. what do we have here?
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>> it's true. keytruda from merck. see the types of cancer keytruda is known for at keytruda .com and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. >> a story. >> the five years s high suicide riskid multiple lives for trans. thi >> dr. drew, this is amazing. this is amazia new study suppod by the nih or near found in individuals who underwent gender affirming surgery, had 12 times higher risk of suicide. attempt. maybe i'm not a doctor , but seems like a red flag. >> yes, i would say that's a lot. and there was a studs o cally yo called the williams study at ucla that suggested something very similar uggestedhing s. bout people are getting very screwed up about the difference being gender and . right. thos exe biological and then there's gender. and the reality is there are biological sexes and there's genetic diversity amongst them. gender is something we can talk about, but the reality is for my profession, for
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gender, for women care, we have to determine the right patient patit.t. ight treatmen if we give the same treatment to everybody, that is not medicine. we don't practice medi practicee that way. it's on us. if people are hurting themselvesf care because of card we're giving them dangerous surgeries and dangerous medication l, w. >> yet, bill, we were told that if we didn't transition kids, we had blood on act our hands. and nouallw we're finding out that it's actually the reverse, that we should actually be notyf doing any of that. >> what do you think? i like girls. so does that mean want more boys to transition jim.irlso until you hear confusingly what jim? >> no, i mean, i was talking are about this on show last week.o n i mean, we are the outlier now. the united states.hi so funny the way sometimes the woke stuff, you know, and i th this point make that liberalism is not a, you know, the same thing
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as woke woke. they would like to think they're an extension of liberalis om. e not. i'm an old school liberal. they're not. it's very often the opposite. and they dild schl opposi they're going o far in the right direction. and it actually turns out moat thereretuallyin the in theg direction and they've actually reversed it because most of the countriestthe couns in europe, now, england, the scandinavian countries, the ones we usedcoe onou to alwl be able to say, well, look what the liberal countries are doing, they're all themseloh themselves on this. they don't do the puberty blockers anymore. they don't this stuff. they because of studies like this and america is just downwee on this stuff. so we are the outlier countrys a on, this stuff. and look, there's always a sensible middle ground. ? what i'm always trying to find. now, is there such a thing as transthere course? there are sometimes people who are let's just say there's a mi ux at the factory. hea mm-hmm. and you don't feel in yourd th d the way you do in your body. but some of this is also justene a tick tha challenge that got ot of hand. some of it is just social
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contagion and is trendy. sh. at we should recognize >> yeah. what is right. the problem is, if you ever say that, ka, you t, and then you ce be portrayed as transphobic. so people, w i think we're kind of like, psychologically bullied into just going along. mm., is that what's supposed to happen? yeah. i don'i thinr some pet. i mean, i think for some people that's true. but i do think that most people have a sensible view of this. i thin k. >> i mean, i, for i am against people killing themselves. yeah.. yeah. sorry. it's a volcaniadulnts c but ornt whatever an adult wants to do with their own body, then that's fine. n deba yeah. and phobic means fear. yeah. you know, it's a way use shut down debate when you use the word phobic. i'm not afraid of trant afras islamophobia. i'm not afraid. you know, it's notis about. that's a way to go. oh, you can't talk about this. well, sorro yo ay. >> i talk about everything. and out ever. >> greg: >> what you make of this?r th
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>> i think that if you were if you were watching the five or the gutfeld show in the last five years, you heard all of the things that you're starting media nowe mainstream medi strea ,which is like, oh, wait, maybe this isn't such a great big idea if there is a big rise in suicides. but as we've if we're sayinga ha it, then the mainstream media ha immedias immediately say, ohl but we are the early warning for the left. >> they should pay more attention. yes. all righ. >>t. coming up, the hefty flier said it was unfair whesn couldn't get a wheelchair. >> i mean, how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try super beta prostate advanced. the number one selling formula in its category made with pros defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to . find it at wal-mart these retailers. >> reignite your passion with custom anniversary bands from the jewelry exchange to carat fancy lab bands. 1491 carat classic natural bands.
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refused to push her in a wheelchair up the jet bridge, leavint bridgeg her gasping forr as she was forced to walk off the plane. >> watch. plane.i'm plus size wheelchair r and on a recent flight to the p to, i requested wheelchair assistance, as i always do. >> when it cam ested whe for me i to deplane, i saw the employee who would be assisting me with m y wheelchair, waiting for a me in the entry of the jet bridge. >> as i her and she realized she'd be assisting me and not wl one of the smaller passengers. she started to walk away with the wheelchai wheelchar whilegest making comments about my size. >> i was then forced to walk up one of the longest jet bridges i've encountered, and she didn't stop by theime sh time, e let me reach the wheelchair and sit down. my lips were white. dowmyermy oxygen levels had drt and i almost fainted. this wasted. my time flying wits oxygen. a woman just assumed i could walksumed and rather me do that instead of her having to push someone my size uppushi the bridge. all the other attendants wheeled their passengers up the jet bridge, but my needs were disregarded. >> she said she was out of breath, nearly fainted after having to walk the length of the jet bridge. afbut she was able to keep goin,
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which he picked up the scent of a cinnaboo n and.p th all right, terrible. thi dirty. all right, cat, there's something going on heree that i don't like. >> all right. basically, she is demandr he paying people to be servants foe ofr her because of her weig. >> you have to get me into a chair. how this like. this is, like, almost like class warfare. ke classfat privilege. based but also just like, based on, o like, physics and, gravity. >> like what if the other person couldn't do it? like i couldn't do it? yeah d i couldn't, you know, ju do what she wants. >> everyone accept everyone'st bodies. like you should also accept that maybe my bodymy couldn't push your body. >> yes. yes. dana, she's made previous demands for hotels to create size. includclusive amenities like ma. elevators and hallways more spaciou longes. she'
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>> so she's no longer saying her clothes are too tight. she's saying the buildings, everybody's going to have to expand. >> she's expecting tinyf. people like you to pay for this stuff. >> not only that, but she's filing a lot filing of lawsuitr i don't know if she is, but there is a movement to filed a lot of lawsuits or to preemptively call somebody and get them to change something by the threat of a lawsuit, which is a m big mistake. >> what's happeninke.g? sho well, first of all, i think this is the best show you've ever had had to make. 't but let me guess why? d i don't know. i don't know why, but. th lon it odd that we see this long video of her walking- downwh the. why is she why if she can walk ? down the plane, who's filming te it? right. also, why do we need a wheelchair? if you can walgtk down the lengh of the plane, we obviously can walk. i mean, we're not makingdn't weu
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shouldn't make fun of the obese. i mean, look saying , was just saying c to you in the break of all the topics i've covered and i've been pilloried foris everything is th. >> this is the one i've gotten the most about. mm-hmm. this is the ultimatemate thi thl in america, right? because it's a bunch of fat in this guy. ofyeah, but you know what, bill? and they lied to us. they said they were jolly. >> i want to take this woman. to just take her on a walk. yeah. let's get going. let's get it going. right. let's do something about why i feel sr her. to fio for her. fix this and start feeling like victims. let's fix it, guys lik. our diet culture, the way our good nutrition, it's all we're too. we're too heavy and we're too thin. but it's game time. this is old school old liberaliu you have a problem.
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let's fix it. mm-hmm. but suche o as rename yes. or just naming a victim of it.. let's fix it. >> the homeless. let's get you off the streets instead. >> like the woke view. how dare you? yeah, well, no, it is. >> it's. how dare you do that? you telltyou tell me to ge healthier. how dare you to tell me to get off the street? it's like. i-compasg. our anti-campin >> we prevent denial. we privilege denial in the law. we privilege denial in the law. and then's a for us. >> all right. and that's a big mistake. we got to move on. up have we to lose next, an in-k at bill's new book, a if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight the things you love. >> we get it. some thing couls should stand e test of time when a long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your visio monthsn and can helpo up to four months between treatments. if you have eye infection, eye pain, or redness or allergies to earlier hparationd don't usee injections like eylea, hd may
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>> he's got a new book, amazing cover if you don't get it. you're asked to explain it. you got a couple of minutes. tell us why you did this what it's about. >> okay. well, i mean, it's honestly, honestl it's -- it's the editorials i've done at the end of my show for the last 20 years. everybody kept saying to me, you should collect these and put them in a bookr the yean when we had the strike, i finally had the time to do that. went through boowhen w all the editorials, rewrote them, redid them, so they're up to date put and put them together in a book. perfect gift for father's day, norin a boot really hugging it. >> and i mean everybody who's read it so far says it's like the funniest book they evet bor read because it's been well tested, because i did a lot of these already on the air. air and then i if you do get the audio book, i read them again. i mean, it is it's funnyd th on every page. and also there'semin. somethingr
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everybody to like, you know, yes, there are stuff that your audience will just over it. >> they will love it and there's stuff they won't. and that's okay. it is. we are. because just like we did hereok tonight, you havecausee e to tak to each other and you have to hear the other side. and i speak to a different andd' i don't want anybody who's ideologically captured. i speak to normies.people i speak to the people who don't want to be hate anymore in america. that's if there's any theme of this is that i am tired he the hatd i'e. >> i don't want to hatate half halfcountry. all right. i think you nailed iountryt. >> and i don't hate halfuntr the country. so there you go. and i goy so theret. let's all right. that's his book. pick it upgeof these. don't go away. go >> let's get the rest of these plants organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had . >> good soil. and you get good results. this soil will blo w you away? >> it's the martha stewart of soil.
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