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tv   Free Speech Nation Replay  GB News  November 21, 2022 12:00am-2:01am GMT

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at nine monday thursday on gb news it's bev turner today from am. we're going to be here for you gb news family to keep you but also make you smile. the guy went from puberty to adultery and i can't wait to . bring a few of my own wait to. bring a few of my own opinions. i have no time for cultural totalitarian will engagein cultural totalitarian will engage in passion but always polite debate with your thoughts and. opinions at the centre of whole monday to thursday pencil 12 on tv on radio and online me every sunday at 6 pm. for gloria meets in exclusive interviews i'll be finding out who are politicians are and what they really . i think i've seen they really. i think i've seen probably quite enough of this
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matt hancock to last me a lifetime. i'll also be getting to know you better travelling to find out you think about the politicians are fighting for your vote. they've got get this country back on track. join every sunday at 6 pm. only on gb news on tv, radio and online . gb news on tv, radio and online. the world cup kicks off with a comical monologue from fifa president louis. it burns ten grand controversy hits the mrs. doubtfire musical . and donald doubtfire musical. and donald trump has somehow found his way back onto twitter this is free speech nation . welcome same speech nation. welcome same place his nation. with me josh standing in for andrew doyle
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this week. this is the sunday night show where we take a look at what nonsense the social media warriors have been inflicting on us in the past. there is always plenty of material coming up on the show. we will be discussing the news from canada where parliament is discussing whether disabled children could be euthanized by doctors. that's incredibly depressing. we'll be hearing about all poor old mps have been shut down ing their sorrows with a quarter of shut down ing their sorrows with a quarter o of a quarter of £1,000,000 worth of taxpayer funded booze and the usually calm , reasonable and usually calm, reasonable and moderate world of twitter is about to get a huge shock. former donald trump is back to us with his shrewd observations on world affairs . but before we on world affairs. but before we start with all of that, my guests this evening are scott . guests this evening are scott. let me say . for germany guests this evening are scott. let me say. for germany , you let me say. for germany, you don't have covid. you haven't been hanging hanging out with andrew in the last couple of days. aids . but sorry, it was
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days. no aids. but sorry, it was not going to fall straight into it when he calls to say, i do, it when he calls to say, i do, it is. but what andrew colvin said, i'm sick. do you mind hosting tonight? and i was like yeah, fine. i was like, who? who are the guests on. he was like, louis is on. i was like, you know, i don't think this is going out. that was too going to work out. that was too much. that was too much. that was too much. cancer have been funnier. as as do miss funnier. no as as as i do miss aids. have to say, i miss aids. i have to say, i miss aids. i have to say, i miss aids. so the aids is a good pandemic mic. lasted. it pandemic mic. it lasted. it lingers. still with that. when pandemic mic. it lasted. it ling had still with that. when pandemic mic. it lasted. it ling had sex with that. when pandemic mic. it lasted. it ling had sex with somebody,1 you had sex with somebody, you got somebody out of it with this one. laugh at studio one. you laugh at the studio audience, you're by audience, you're dead by christmas. so was part the christmas. so i was part of the aids generation. identify else is say 4647 everyone is anyone to say 4647 everyone else it's else is dead. so yeah, it's yeah. it strange time yeah. it was a strange time anyway, but you had a good week. you're on telly last night. i was on telly with you, josh, and i'm you. but were i was i'm not with you. but were i was around around you were around you. around you were doing was doing your thing. and it was amazing it was really good, really well done. gb news no other place will me a job. other place will give me a job. so as you can see why if they
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fire me, fire me, it's fire me, if they fire me, it's no no foul. because i've no harm, no foul. because i've had of being on tv had one year of being on tv they've it's been the most amazing it been i know amazing as it has been i know you getting last night i was yeah. where was i. oh was in yeah. where was i. oh i was in camden and walked three. i camden and i walked three. i still it. yeah oh really. still got it. yeah oh really. yeah. and i think they misinterpreted means. yeah. misinterpreted that means. yeah. well means three people well it means three people walked of show and got walked out of the show and got their up and started and theirjackets up and started and made a point of it. yeah. and i don't understand going to a comedy show then being comedy show and then being offended you know, leaving offended and, you know, leaving because you and because it's not about you and i made joke about. immigration, made a joke about. immigration, i misheard i just i think they misheard it. i just said i'm glad they'd said that i'm glad they'd the immigration. said, all immigration. please. i said, all right . okay, well, let's get right. okay, well, let's get some questions from the audience. our first question is from danny and danny. hello the world cup is starting today. from danny and danny. hello the world cup is starting today . my world cup is starting today. my question is, should we be allowed to watch england's opening against iran. more at work tomorrow . yes. so the world work tomorrow. yes. so the world cup in qatar underway today with the hosts losing two zero to ecuadon the hosts losing two zero to ecuador. i guess those bribes didn't go through in time how
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much controversy over the decision to award the tournament qatar in the first place but now it's up and running and england kick off their campaign against iran. another nice, cuddly regime that at 1:00 tomorrow. so the country grind to a halt. regime that at 1:00 tomorrow. so the country grind to a halt . we the country grind to a halt. we can cheer on the team now. we have two americans. i don't even know you guys into football at all. well, my husband is. i'm forced to i want dinner forced to watch. i want dinner and i am. i was amazed they. the country didn't really care about them saying no to gays once they cancelled the beer in the stadiums. britain was like up in arms . you got to draw the line arms. you got to draw the line somewhere i feel like somewhere and i just feel like one thing after another it's going to lead to just sort of a dour atmosphere . i people dour atmosphere. i think people should want, watch should do what they want, watch it like, but i just find it if you like, but i just find it if you like, but i just find it bit it's a little bit it a bit it's a little bit depressing. 6500 people dead. i don't it's hard for to don't know. it's hard for me to watch so well. english fans, we don't a problem. don't have a problem. what about? you lewis. i'm going to. well don't work during the well we don't work during the day be a problem day for us. this be a problem anyway. have actual anyway. people have actual jobs. yeah. for living. yeah, but yeah. work for living. yeah, but you say grinding
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you see, you say that grinding to a halt. i mean, these people, engush to a halt. i mean, these people, english people don't work anyway. least. anyway. so they're the least. the the world the least people in the world practically. they're going practically. and they're going to no matter you to watch no matter whether you give watch or not. give permission to watch or not. and probably if do and it's probably and if you do if you don't give them the pressure to watch, they're going to it out of spite. to watch it just out of spite. so it's better to actually force them so you say we're them to watch. so you say we're going to the office. you going to stop the office. you have in the well. that's have to sit in the well. that's why some are doing that why i think some are doing that sort of utilising sort of going with flow and going right. with the flow and going right. well team well let's have some team building thing. of course, building thing. but of course, some countries some people's countries didn't get it's going stop. get through and it's going stop. they fans who they invited some fans who didn't the fans that didn't show up. the fans that didn't show up. the fans that did they their did show up, they had their money that been offered to money that had been offered to them earlier, taken from them. so can't afford to eat so now they can't afford to eat and probably going you and are probably going to, you know, desert. i feel know, burn the desert. i feel i've been qatar. i was i've been to qatar. and i was really surprised by their banning gays telling banning of the gays are telling gays to behave because it's a very gay place hugely gay very very gay place hugely gay doha mean i'm from san doha is i mean i'm from san francisco seems much francisco that seems too much for that true? i felt for me. is that true? i felt like i couldn't keep guys writing offering writing by on camels offering you a it's like i'm
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you a ride. it's like i'm married to a man so i'm available. is it true that they have something gay thursdays or something they something where they where they where they're on thursday where they're gay on thursday and because friday they can and then because friday they can sort they're since clean sort of what they're since clean sort of what they're since clean so speak. yeah they do yeah. so to speak. yeah they do yeah. what something clean. yeah. so yes has to be wiped it yes something has to be wiped it was weird because i assumed when i those syrian i met all those syrian hairdressers camp, hairdressers that was just camp, camp, piano in the hotel camp, camp by piano in the hotel was saying that everybody knew but can't yourself but you just can't call yourself gay whatever you gay you can do whatever you like. some male like. obviously some male dominated they dominated culture and they do do what but just can't be what like but you just can't be political about no no political about so no flags no what you call me by on that question is from john hi john regular here hello hello . do you regular here hello hello. do you think the uk should strike a new deal with brussels wow that's go gb news so do think the uk should try strike a new deal with brussels? this hits headunes with brussels? this hits headlines this morning. a report in the sunday times says the government under rishi sunak believe relations are improving with the eu this could reportedly lead to trade deal
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with the bloc along the of what switzerland already has but that could anger the hardcore brexiteer tories because of contributions we'd have to make to the bloc. of course so another row now be brewing. this is never going anywhere is it. well i think it's i think it's absolutely ridiculous because because what's being proposed going to be like switzerland , going to be like switzerland, except we're going have to send them money and we're going to have an open immigration policy. that's not like switzerland. that's not like switzerland. that's not like switzerland. that's not going have to go in the european court justice , the european court of justice, which like switzerland. which is not like switzerland. so these stories so it's like these stories are ridiculous because it's not it's not like switzerland. it's like saying , you know, we're going to saying, you know, we're going to we're to be like we're we're going to be like we're going to be like qatar. but alcohol then it's not going be like this. they're just not going to go together. i mean, i always sort of see analogy is like your ex and what kind of relationship you're going have with ex. there's reason with your ex. there's no reason you amicable with your you can't be amicable with your ex i'm with them, i'm ex. once i'm done with them, i'm done with him. are going to
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done with him. i are going to move a totally about that. move to a totally about that. josh right about josh is totally right about that. it's like you break up with your you up with your ex, but still allow to use their but you still allow to use their flat and still have to send flat and you still have to send them still have to them money and you still have to you have to obey them when they say can't sex with their say you can't sex with their sister. know, you broke sister. well you know, you broke up me can what i want up with me i can do what i want to do. yeah, but kids where to do. yeah, but you kids where all kids so have to look all the kids so have to look after us. i kind of want them to lessen. the immigration restrictions because dealer restrictions because my dealer died so good on died and i getting so good on bosnian just i think bosnian but i just think i think know there has to be some sort of trade deal that goes on because the inflation here is insane. it's going to much worse unless they fix this like immediately. yeah, they're going to now. to to fix it right now. and to obviously the that it's the obviously the fact that it's the tory government who are actually pushing this agenda, do pushing this agenda, they do recognise one's recognise even though one's saying allowed labour's recognise even though one's sayisaying allowed labour's recognise even though one's sayisaying allowed wed labour's recognise even though one's sayisaying allowed but labour's recognise even though one's sayisaying allowed but labfact; not saying allowed but the fact we seeing the impacts we are now seeing the impacts our economy because of brexit, we haven't for quite some time and impacts migration and the impacts on on migration to fact a lot of these to in fact a lot of these problems we're having now at the border, centres not
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border, these centres are not working out or with people's heating. this could have heating. all this could have been, know seen five years been, you know seen five years ago. all this we knew all they did about it. i that we did nothing about it. i that we were all kind of struggling to why boris johnson johnson's prime then what prime minister and then what happened we're all happened after that we're all just keep up the just trying to keep up with the tory circus, you know what i mean? to out what mean? try to figure out what their next might it's their next move might be. it's happening it is happening in the us. it is a circus. it is the idea was we're going to close off immigration and they're opening going to close off immigration arup they're opening going to close off immigration arup and they're opening going to close off immigration arup and they'rethey're opening going to close off immigration arup and they're saying opening going to close off immigration arup and they're saying we ning going to close off immigration arup and they're saying we have it up and they're saying we have to open it up to keep prices down. but the point is it's not about prices it's about the fact that british people that if british people want those cappuccino those jobs, keep your cappuccino price know yeah price down because you know yeah you to keep your grapes at you want to keep your grapes at £2.50 a pound you better bring in foreign workers and just how it works. yeah but at end of the day, that's immoral. why because. because you're basically making your own residents suffer so that the people who have money buy your cappuccino or the grapes well say this benefits earn residents because your own residents want to pay the cheap prices that
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only come through cheap labour. i mean it's a it's an end to segment but essentially what you're saying is you're going back to america considering . back to america considering. they won't let me pick grapes . i they won't let me pick grapes. i don't think the wall doesn't work very well there. i don't think because mexicans can build doors , but also and they have doors, but also and they have ladders too to a truck. but i also think that you know we're walls are built a war has happened. terrible idea. well it's still a toxic subject hopefully with a distance we can start and i'm talking about sides here. maybe appraising things with a bit more time and be able to actually start getting and maybe doing a bit of healing, trying to rex will say . our next question is from darren. hey, darren, i know do you think 27 has been a success do you think cop27 has been a success? the cop27 summit has been ongoing egypt and a deal has been reached with wealthy countries agreeing to pay down. i say wealthy countries. i don't know if that 2 us
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know if that includes us anymore. anyway, agreeing pay damages to poor ones who have been hit by change. this been hit by climate change. this has as a historic has been hailed as a historic deal has been hailed as a historic deal, but seems that there was less progress on reaching agreement less progress on reaching agfossil nt less progress on reaching agfossil fuels. labour's ed of fossil fuels. labour's ed miliband governments have miliband says governments have quote, kicked the can down the road . what do you think? oh road. what do you think? oh drive an suv. so more, please , drive an suv. so more, please, you know. yeah, i don't. i leaving it up to politicians might be a mistake i think corporations have to step forward, make some commitments every time i recycle in the bin in our building i think is this really going to help i just feel i feel powerless around it. you know, i do what i can. i don't have children because i have future trying to sort of future and i'm trying to sort of you i don't use tanning you know, i don't use tanning oil. know i don't know oil. i don't know i don't know what we can do. i just think, you know, i might steal stuff from because it's not from the set because it's not being used and it home, being used and bring it home, use make it happen. i don't use it, make it happen. i don't know. go to a co—op. know. you know, go to a co—op. yeah, are saving planet? yeah, you are saving the planet? yeah.i yeah, you are saving the planet? yeah. i don't watch my underwear for like three or days. for like three or four days. yeah sorry that. so i do yeah sorry about that. so i do the go. about you.
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the can go. what about you. i know i can hear comes out know i can hear what comes out of mouth, but recycle any of your mouth, but recycle any jokes i've got . i don't i wow. jokes i've got. i don't i wow. never seen that in the 20 years i've done you . silence coming i've done you. silence coming out here is . what i'm going to out here is. what i'm going to say. oh, dear, i'm to say i don't care who who cares about this, who listens to me and who hates me afterwards. only if one person agrees with i not person agrees with me. i not discussing climate change because slightly because it's completely slightly bogus. because it's completely slightly bogus . okay, comes and bogus. okay, that comes and i want to just say i want to just say it ranks up there with covid as being bogus. say it ranks up there with covid as being bogus . and so isn't as being bogus. and so isn't here. no the truth the truth is here. no the truth the truth is here is . here's the absolute here is. here's the absolute truth. yes climate. climate does change. klein climate. the people might be changing climate, but it's such a non—issue . they have so much non—issue. they have so much more stuff and. it's come and i personally do not believe in climate change. so if you want to unfriend me, if you want boom, you can booming. no, i'm
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just going move you to bangladesh. i'm going to tell you something. when growing you something. when was growing up? to here at the up? we used to here at the bangladeshi floods, built bangladeshi floods, they built mud valley. mud huts in a river valley. i mean, right along the water there. most of countries there. most of the countries below bless, those below us, god bless, those people, lovely people. people, they're lovely people. but they live is was practically below before here. but below sea level before here. but now it's moving to pakistan and. no, always been no, it there's always been floods. there's been i think there was a flood. we saw people started how many years ago with no way with the no. one thing. right now it's always the jews fault . what nobody mentioned fault. what nobody mentioned nobody mentions that there's been floods since time . and been floods since time. and that's you want to go back that's why you want to go back to, is it. no. i wonderjust. i'm saying that's just what it's going to we're going to going to be. we're going to going to be. we're going to going to be. we're going to going to hot weather every time it's hot. you're going to say, going to hot weather every time it'smy:. you're going to say, going to hot weather every time it'smy god, 're going to say, going to hot weather every time it'smy god, of going to say, going to hot weather every time it's my god, of climate) say, going to hot weather every time it'smy god, of climate change. if oh my god, of climate change. if time you say, oh god, time cold, you say, oh my god, climate change every, time it rains. change, enough. rains. climate change, enough. it makes screw it makes me it makes me screw him. is the stupidest thing. him. it is the stupidest thing. it actually means survival it actually means more survival in wales. so the in england. in wales. so the numbers to be the numbers are going to be here the last five years. so decrease in
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the winter because it's warmer here. they everybody here. you know they everybody from all right. well, from the covid. all right. well, we've of rules just we've broken a lot of rules just now. i am not scientist or a now. i i am not a scientist or a variola or a doctor, so. yeah, you know, louis literally cannot spell his own name, so that's fine. question before fine. i'll final question before the is very, very high. the moment is very, very high. will you be watching the news, mrs. musical? wow. well, this a really interesting question. will you be watching the new mrs. doubtfire musical, a musical version of the famous comedy mrs. doubtfire is heading the west end. the story, of course, revolves around a divorced man, not laura schaefer , who disguised himself as a female housekeeper. so he gets to spend more with the to spend more time with the kids, not everyone will be going along, though, with some members kids, not everyone will be going al
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the bear. wow. i know . so you the bear. wow. i know. so you have to work a lot we need our round of applause. you know, it's a great experience. the first feature film set i was on being on with two other comedians, you couldn't have had better really. and it's very crew in every way. filmed in san with a lovely , open, generous with a lovely, open, generous man like robin . and i don't know man like robin. and i don't know what more the trans community would want from the film anyway. it's enough, you know and it's not enough, you know and i don't see them. not that you are there, right? you look much the same. your hair is a little like my hairline . oh, my god. but you my hairline. oh, my god. but you look the same. that's amazing. and i was a woman there . yeah, and i was a woman there. yeah, i've had it all done. and louis is right to . next but, you know, is right to. next but, you know, it was a great experience and think it spoke it spoke to a think it spoke to it spoke to a lot of people the way there lot of people in the way there would been that they would have been things that they could film. of could done to the film. of course, they made to make course, now they made it to make it, i guess, more don't know more it was gorgeous at more woke but it was gorgeous at its time and still a lot people's favourite film and i'm sure music going the west sure the music going in the west fantastic don't see the
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fantastic and i don't see the point take a walk away from actors especially actors who dress of like trans dress up kind of like trans people to behave else people do to behave someone else the do. so i just feel the way trans do. so i just feel like it's kind of just one like it's all kind of just one big trans party they kind big trans party where they kind of. i mean badly big trans party where they kind of. it i mean badly big trans party where they kind of. it. i mean badly big trans party where they kind of. it. this i mean badly big trans party where they kind of. it. this ismean badly big trans party where they kind of. it. this is reallybadly big trans party where they kind of. it. this is really hard to about it. this is really hard to get my head around. i mean, i haven't seen but if they were arguing that a trans person should pay this, but really, it's man very consciously pretending to be a woman, a trans woman legally. and that is 100% a woman. so then that would be the inauthentic take. well, this movie is not even about trans anything. it's about a guy fighting to see his. yeah. and he's willing to do anything, get back into the marital home. he could have played. it could have been him chair or been about him playing chair or a house with or with. a sofa. that house with or with. maybe him how maybe a poster showing him how be an authentic chair. you sound furniture right now. yeah. and let me just say this about scott chaparro is still as doable as he was back then, he's got this attitude he's going to because he because he knows he's a looker and. i'm a looker. i'm a
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i've become a looker. anyway, the point is the point . i've become a looker. anyway, the point is the point. i will not see this because anybody who has this film knows this has seen this film knows this not this is not a feel film. it is it is it is basically it is basically . they're asking you to basically. they're asking you to make a musical about this it's a story about a guy who's been turfed out of his home because his wife does say tough tough . his wife does say tough tough. yeah, exactly. but is okay. he's been kicked out of his home because his wife got tired him the three kids wouldn't let him see the kids because she he was he's a bad he's a bad. and then and so he has to basically lie to be with his own kids. it's this is not a happy i think you're taking it a bit seriously. no is any any man any man in my in group of people who have problems with divorce lonely have seen this movie. yes. and this is it's like making a musical of schindler's list. oh that's like making a mockery of yourself, your heart. all correct. and then so it's antar it's telling . it's
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antar it's telling. it's basically showing , man that he's basically showing, man that he's not allowed to see kids while his wife , who's this dumpy house his wife, who's this dumpy house woman she's a two time academy award . sally field, who does she award. sally field, who does she end up with after she dumps robin williams right? she ends up with james bond pierce, right. yeah i know what i'm telling the women out there. no matter how beautiful you are with three kids, you ain't going to get james. this film , this to get james. this film, this film is authentic . it is painful film is authentic. it is painful to and i know you were in it, scott, and you were the best of the entire thing. but the truth. that movie. sorry for going on a tirade. no, no, bring it on. it's great tv . tirade. no, no, bring it on. it's great tv. i mean, i can imagine you at home in your underpants typing to your sort of old man in cell group. underpants typing to your sort of old man in cell group . we are of old man in cell group. we are not incels. we can we can get girls but this . yeah that we can
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girls but this. yeah that we can get with you can find a toilet time but these these this is a musical we're talking about so it's going to be different from the film. it's meant to be more cheerful i think. but how can you make it cheerful? the guy is denied being seen as children. i feel like you're going to break into minute, anybody into song minute, right? anybody unden into song minute, right? anybody under. 50, we see we under. the age of 50, we see we have young people he have young people here. he doesn't own father why doesn't know his own father why he's my dad . could he's looking to be my dad. could even of that. guys could even dream of that. guys could this be my, you know, my father? wish escaped when was wish i'd escaped when i was a kid. still. he doesn't have kid. he's still. he doesn't have covid host of this show, covid the host of this show, does father? doesn't the. does my father? doesn't the. world is tied down to, do you know? i mean, they all say it, but you know anybody in but do you know anybody who's in the mean, it's someone the cast? i mean, it's someone robin williams is role. a robin williams is role. it's a tough already. it's going tough role already. it's going tough role already. it's going to also to be really also the changeovers what think the changeovers and what i think the protesting sell more protesting will just sell more tickets. know, think tickets. you know, i do think when try people what to when you try to people what to do in this country from whatever perspective, from whatever, i think resist. you think people just resist. you i just i think the way just do. i think that's the way it like all these protests it is. like all these protests that happening, climate
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that are happening, climate change, all these people that i don't if you know, but don't know if you know, but gordon was down gordon restaurant was shut down last so a three star last night and so a three star michelin was shut everyone michelin was shut down. everyone was because these was sent home because these climate came in their own climate came in with their own menus their menus and ordered off their menus. plant food. i know. menus. plant based food. i know. and makes people want and i think it makes people want to know go to restaurant are to you know go to restaurant are they going to for it and not just to make a point. right. well, i'm going to go and see it if i get free tickets after the break. has discussing break. canada has discussing whether euthanasia whether to introduce euthanasia . discussing the moral .we'll be discussing the moral values involved. don't go anywhere anywhere you .
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welcome back control talks are taking place in canada now with parliament discussing disabled children. could be euthanized by doctors. now this is part of canada's assisted scheme known as medical assistance in dying.
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what a wonderful euphemism . what a wonderful euphemism. joining us now to discuss is historian and journalist david oldroyd. also david, tell us what medical assistance actually is that ? what it really means is is that? what it really means is the state will pay for you to offer yourself if you decide that your life has no value to live . when this was brought in live. when this was brought in first in 2015, there there were two criteria. one was that the death must be reasonably foreseeable and the other was that there must be some reason behind it why you would wish to end your life . then five years end your life. then five years later, in 2020, bill c—7 was introduced, which did away both of those criteria . so of those criteria. so essentially now in canada , you essentially now in canada, you could, if you were above the age of 18 applied to be paid for to be killed by the state which the state had a great impetus to do because it only cost them $2,300, whereas canada has one of the lowest social care budgets in the world, they were very much interested in pushing these costs down . and we saw,
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these costs down. and we saw, for instance, that the debate suggested that in the first five years of medical assistance in dying made as it's known, they about $90 million and that if they brought in these further reductions of criteria there'd be another saving a $60 million. so a of the conversation in canada has been about the medical savings here. there's been very little conversation about for that people are about for that people who are long homeless are being pressured into this. there has been practically no discussion on canada main state broadcaster about any of the possible of the system, nor the fact that the legislation coming through will eventually allow children aged 14 to 17 to euthanise themselves . this whole debate is being framed around lowering of costs and about freedom, a freedom of choice to euthanize yourself to kill yourself. so i mean, that's what it they see it as a fundamental human right. but really, it's just for them to essentially save money. and what
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about the moral implications? is anybody raising that ? not very anybody raising that? not very many, because a great deal of the broadcasting networks in the canada are funded by the state and are directly disincentivized from talking about these things. there a great progressive movement that makes progressive we have here look very timid and within of that progressive credo is the idea . everybody should is the idea. everybody should have the right to die when they choose. the fact that it is being used to euthanize people, to euthanize people who frankly able to carry on living, if only they had some support , a medical they had some support, a medical support or social support is practically not discussed . and practically not discussed. and so when anybody in this country uses very often do advocates for euthanasia use kennedy as the example. people really need to be aware of what that means and. for instance, when 2015 when this was brought into law by the supreme court, the supreme court specifically in canada , that specifically in canada, that they did not give any credence to the slippery slope argument.
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the advocates against euthanasia making what we've been shown per lucidly over the past seven years that not only is it a slippery slope? it's a slope . slippery slope? it's a slope. hell. wow. and do you think that that could end up impacting uk in any way? well, i think it could. parallels are often drawn between the english speaking of the world and that social. so, you know , something happens in you know, something happens in the states or in canada australia or new zealand. there are very often arguments made by progressive here that look, these are the other civilised engush these are the other civilised english speaking countries as well should them. well, well should follow them. well, perhaps people making those arguments should a look at the reality of canada and be look at the other two countries where euthanasia is legalised and has been some time. belgium and been for some time. belgium and the netherlands. and in both those countries there is no practically no limit on the conditions which you can euthanize yourself . and indeed euthanize yourself. and indeed that has just in october. there's been a case the european court of human rights, a belgium
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uncle tom, 48, discovered in 2012 that his mother had euthanized without any consultation with her family. she was 64 years old, had suffered from depression. we cover this on the show . yeah. cover this on the show. yeah. about a month ago, he only found this out when his wife received a phone call saying please come and collect your mother in law things. no things. well, there are no discussions netherlands discussions in the netherlands there no lower legal there should be no lower legal limit the at which limit on the age at which children can euthanized. and indeed a dutch campaigner that he believes that by 2023 there will be absolutely limit on this. the canadian bill that is being discussed brings to the front and centre. if parents have children who are found , have children who are found, have children who are found, have congenital diseases or , have congenital diseases or, diseases that would affect their quality of life , children could quality of life, children could be euthanized by their parents. this is infanticide being encouraged by progressive so—called in canada . i mean, it so—called in canada. i mean, it sounds unbelievable else has i hate bringing up hitler but it's got that resonance there and i it's directly the. do you though
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think that that all conditions where people can take their own lives . i've had this discussion lives. i've had this discussion many many times with medical practitioners this country and they've all in their careers, whether they be long or short careers have seen where people are really suffering the end of life and they make case, i think with perfectly good conscience that that is inhumane. the problem is that in every single instance of euthanasia being legalised in single country, these abuses occur and there is practise actually nothing to stop them. for instance there is always brought up here the idea that they would need to be to separate medical diagnoses confirm that that person is suffering greatly and therefore be allowed to euthanize himself. this the belgium system and that was the case. but in the most recent reforms to the belgian law, though, those two doctors may make this decision , the may make this decision, the person carrying out the euthanasia, killing the patient at his or her request can
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disregard that. so these legal safeguards that are put in place will never lost. this is same thing has happened in the netherlands. the same thing has happenedin netherlands. the same thing has happened in canada. any legal safeguard will never be enough because the twofold campaign to have greater freedoms to die. and of course the campaign saying this is actually saving money, though it will never be as overt, as the former will, i think, overcome any medical and will overcome any moral objections . this will overcome any moral objections. this is this is a terrible terrible thing that's happening in some of the most and most developed countries in the world. and we here seem to be oblivious it, despite the argument gaining more more argument gaining more and more traction there a traction because there is a euthanasia bill discussed euthanasia bill being discussed right scottish here. yes. right now in scottish here. yes. in this private member's bill, in parliament, in the scottish parliament, nicola, has twice before voted against this, as did ruth davidson, then leader the scottish conservatives . ruth scottish conservatives. ruth davidson has subsequently said she only voted against it out of, as she put it, cowardice . of, as she put it, cowardice. and nicholas sturgeon has said that is beginning think
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that she is beginning to think about this. i do not think that this is something that scotland can be allowed to make a decision upon. it's one of the great evils of devolution that one part of the united kingdom as also dealing with its self—identification, beloved transgender become transgender people could become it were a haven for. people from england wales and northern ireland. i think once you start going down the route that you have fundamentally different ethical laws within parts of the united kingdom, you fracture that kingdom repair. and as a unionist, i don't want see that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioiist, i don't want see that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi thinkion't want see that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi think as 't want see that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi think as a want see that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi think as a moral;ee that. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi think as a moral beings. that kingdom repair. and as a unioi think as a moral beings we and i think as a moral beings we should want to that we, should not want to see that we, should not want to see that we, should want there to one should not want there to be one constituent part of the united kingdom has legalised kingdom which has legalised death . yeah, don't want death. yeah, we don't want canada of our border. if you've ever been to canada? so that was an incredibly depressing but very, very interesting topic. i hadnt very, very interesting topic. i hadn't really read much about it until very recently . and it until very recently. and it seems like it's another front line in the so—called odd being kind yeah. with i ramifications. thank you so much. coming in and
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talking to us about it. thanks, josh josh . okay after the break josh josh. okay after the break on free speech nation, i daresay a few of us would like a drink and then but we don't get our boozing subsidised by the state unless we get elected as an mp thatis unless we get elected as an mp that is shortly. ooh. ooh and .
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i got igota i got a welcome back. later in the show, i'm going to be turning into agony. uncle, with the help of my panel, scott cooper and louis schaefer to help you deal with your unfiltered dilemmas. email us at dot uk and we'll try to answer your issues. now on to reports that our hard working mp have been knocking bac k £250,000 worth of
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back £250,000 worth of discounted with taxpayers up the bill and revealed that just over a of a million was spent in parliament's canteen and bars from april 2021 to the end of march this. with us now to talk about the story is eliot ness story of taxpayers a lions. eliot, please tell us more about the story. it sounds like pretty scandalous stuff. yeah. i mean, it's been going on for years and years and years. parliament have a range bars and canteens that's entirely legitimate for them to have. and they're heavily subsidised and paid for by the taxpayer and they gave a of reasons. one is an okay reason one once not a very good reason. it's also one of the reasons that they gave is that the staff work for the whole parliament that they gave is that the staff woritherefore vhole parliament that they gave is that the staff woritherefore the e parliament that they gave is that the staff woritherefore the you rliament that they gave is that the staff woritherefore the you don'tznt that they gave is that the staff woritherefore the you don't need and therefore the you don't need to absorb staff costs into the cost of the canteen. that's kind of kept. and then the other one is that because these needs operator all hours that inevitably to make inevitably going to make lost because consider opening because they consider opening hours in there and making a
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profit. but the problem is, is could apply possibly to food but i'm not really sure that could apply to cheap booze, quite frankly, actually frankly, isn't actually necessary and which could be fully funded even make fully funded and even make profit. what we're looking at profit. so what we're looking at is example, profit. so what we're looking at is prices, example, £33 for an average bottle champagne , £15 average bottle of champagne, £15 for the cheapest bottle of wine in abou t £3, for the cheapest bottle of wine in about £3, pint. and the in about £3, 54 pint. and the total subsidy of food and drink is about total subsidy of food and drink is abou million. last is about £70 million. the last years, an extraordinary amount of. yes. so i mean, of. money. wow. yes. so i mean, it's not just empty, though, is it? one thing we do have to sort of say, it is people who work at parliament, journalists and whatnot. i mean, there is an argument that we want our employees to be drunk. so that civil service staff can just get on with actually running the country argument country and other argument of course brought down course is it's and brought down arguably the last prime minister or the second i'm a celebrity prime minister ministers now we had pincher getting drunk. is that he drunk in the that what was he drunk in the parliament. that where was parliament. is that where he was on i know if he on in parliament. i know if he went for parliament went drinking in for parliament the fight, the final place of the fight, the final place of the with the incident. i mean,
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listen, i mean, i it's is a large amount of money and i think it's in legitimate mp should not be to drink for cheap you say is open to all the people i'm not sure the journalists necessary also should be able to drink cheap on the public purse but actually a lot in parliament are lot of bars in parliament are only available employees or only available to employees or to journalists the to journalists. the parliamentary staff, to journalists. the parliamentary staff , contract parliamentary staff, contract workers, repairman they may workers, the repairman they may get access to some of the food, but don't get access to a lot of the okay what has been the alcohol. okay what has been the alcohol. okay what has been the to report, the reaction to this report, then? well, was the front then? well, it was the front page of the daily. these stories always because, always do well because, you know, the hypocrisy and know, there is the hypocrisy and this comes at the exact moment when, duty, it was when, alcohol duty, is it was decided freeze alcohol decided not to freeze alcohol duty. so very people that duty. so the very people that have not freeze have decided not to freeze alcohol that will be alcohol duty and that will be putting on top pints putting pennies on top of pints when already going up are the very are actually shielded very who are actually shielded from prices because they from these prices because they can get a pint for £3.50 of that bar mean, mpc bar in parliament. i mean, mpc would course that would of course argue that they worked hard that they are worked very hard that they are working strange hours. they do deserve pint . the rest of us. deserve a pint. the rest of us. yeah.i deserve a pint. the rest of us. yeah. i mean, do you do you
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think that is it just a case of making the pints, just a more equitable lik e £7, whatever we equitable like £7, whatever we pay equitable like £7, whatever we pay in london. well, if you go to the around and westminster pints si x £7 of course if mp is pints six £7 of course if mp is one to drink nothing highly that right they can get drunk any at any point the day if they want as long as they're doing their dufies as long as they're doing their duties they're doing to duties and they're doing them to the their but they the best of their but they shouldn't paying they shouldn't be paying 3.50. they shouldn't be paying 3.50. they should paying the full. and should be paying the full. and do you they claim any of do you know they claim any of that money expenses. that money back their expenses. okay not that it's okay so there's not that it's not that would did that not that that would i did that about i did read a thing about because i did read a thing about because i did read a thing about claim about heating about they claim about heating and that's and water. yeah. so that's related if you a you related to if you have a you know amps are often to have a second home because they need a home in that constituency which can in the outer can be it can be in the outer hebrides. and need hebrides. and they also need place in london. so you can claim some on the claim some some cost back on the heating there. so employees are basically very, very drunk all at expense. now what at our expense. yeah. now what was reaction , the budget was your reaction, the budget this . yeah. so i mean, this this week. yeah. so i mean, this is the chancellor basically announcing that we're going to have years of more .
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have years and years of more. and when people think and you know, when people think inflation, when people think of cost of think of fuel cost of living, we think of fuel and food actually one of the biggest costs that most people face and the plans face is taxation and the plans are just to increase it ever. and just tell us a bit about what the job of the taxpayers alliance is like you for the who. like who pays for you? what what is the actual purpose? you're trying to do is hold them to account. well hold all public sector whether sector bodies account, whether it's forces , it's the police forces, whitehall, councils and we whitehall, nhs councils and we and we basically look into areas where the government and public bodies wasting money example bodies are wasting money example on million subsidy for on a £17 million subsidy for food drink in parliament food and drink in parliament and we hold them to account we try and hold them to account and, in press and and, reveal it in the press and come shows like itv need to come on shows like itv need to talk about that really and do a b. have there been other egregious examples that you've found moment the found at the moment about the way money being way that our money is being spent? i think the spent? i mean, i think the interesting thing is, the as things are getting tougher for more a of more people, i think a lot of people before you just it seems very abstract, like where your money but as the belts money goes and but as the belts are tightened you
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are getting tightened and you start looking at less and more and more your money being and more of your money being taken, you're used to a certain amount, but it feels more offensive. wait a minute offensive. you go, wait a minute , less money now and , i'm getting less money now and i want to know that money, if we're paying a system that is spent the correct way , do you spent the correct way, do you think that they are overall or do you do you think there's just waste going on? i think there's a significant amount of waste going on. i mean, inevitably in large organisation , you can't large organisation, you can't cut out cut out waste because, you know, there are some areas where really where it's really, really inexcusable. would you inexcusable. and what would you i mean, what is the best way of part one is going to be calling attention it is as you do attention it which is as you do is a case of them actually implementing these changes. does anything ever get we just need a better attitude within the pubuc better attitude within the public sector you need public sector bosses actually really really care the fact that really care about the fact that you this money that you know this money that they get and this that they get to spendis get and this that they get to spend is coming from taxpayer. it's taxpayers who it's coming from taxpayers who have you know, under the have pay it, you know, under the threat imprisonment they threat of imprisonment if they
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don't. need if you need don't. so you need if you need mastery among mastery change, i think among a lot the public sector, guess lot of the public sector, guess when it's not your money and also think when it's so piecemeal you're talking piecemeal when you're talking of billions just billions pounds, you're just like, well look, we just like, oh, well look, we just okay, wasted another 100 okay, we wasted another 100 grand. what does that mean? yeah whatever. them whatever. but holding them to account there been any account. has there been any movement at all in terms of raising prices for the ball or is that the one bit that they won't touch? well, it's like the rest of the nhs out, don't worry about them. but we break down 50. yeah. i mean, when vat restored to the full rights of , restored to the full rights of, hospitality prices went not marginally in parliament for the various canteens, but still looking at incredibly low by prices. you're looking at £5 for fish and chips, for example, with compared to £18 and then thereby establishments. with compared to £18 and then there looking blishments. with compared to £18 and then there looking at;hments. with compared to £18 and then there looking at very, tts. with compared to £18 and then there looking at very, very low still looking at very, very low prices. well, it looks prices. okay. well, it looks like to try and be mp. like i'm going to try and be mp. thank you very much for coming on and presenter on and radio presenter conversation . back after break. conversation. back after break. donald trump has had his twitter account reinstated by elon . wow.
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account reinstated by elon. wow. there we go. some people letting us know how they feel about that. certainly to be entertaining. we'll be talking about this, why this might not actually bring back to the platform. go away . in platform. don't go away. in a second, who .
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welcome back to free speech nafion welcome back to free speech nation been discussing lewis's tussles on issues that he'll mosk is back at it again on twitter time he lets users vote whether or not to bring back former us donald trump back to the social media platform over. 15 million people voted and i think few bots are supposedly as well . trump was. trump was well. trump was. trump was narrowly reinstated, winning 51.8% of the vote as leo kearse said, it's brexit all over again . however trump claims he won't
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be returning to the platform. let's have a listen twitter. you see what's going it may make it it may not make it, but the problems incredible. the engagement saw negative . and you engagement saw negative. and you have a lot of bots and you a lot of fake accounts which i think they should get on but true social has taken the place for a lot of people and i don't see them going back onto twitter he's definitely coming back . to he's definitely coming back. to the sites. scott, are you hoping to hear from the man himself? i miss him . do i miss the jokes? i miss him. do i miss the jokes? i miss him. do i miss the jokes? i miss melania free melania and i. i think, you know , it's supposed i think, you know, it's supposed to be a platform of free speech, so you can't keep off. you have to let him back on and he'll just burn himself. i mean, they're republican party's done with him anyway. they've they've had moved had enough. they've moved on. yeah on to yeah they moved on to the governor prettier governor of younger, prettier wife, if you can imagine. and money, i'll buy you a lot. and also feel like also trump's just created too much chaos during his presidency. then they don't
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want again and they don't know how to deal with him and keep losing. they do. they've lost twice a row pragmatic. twice in a row with a pragmatic. if you say about them, whether they're well, they're blaming him the losses him for their for all the losses blamed got to blame blamed they've got to blame somebody. there's also, somebody. and there's also, you know, civil war within know, a little civil war within their party. they their own party. i think they can't themselves can't bring themselves to support him. and i think they're of of him. and i think of afraid of him. and i think musk doesn't support him politically, necessarily. i just think are the same think he and trump are the same person but also as person in a way. but also as a business person, he knows that trump is going to bring people to populist don't to their populist so they don't really they're like lewis, really care. they're like lewis, they wagon they just latch their wagon and i just using one i think they're just using one another gain . that's what another to gain. that's what freaks . elon musk, not the freaks me. elon musk, not the politics whatever they are, the money, any of it. it's just how when an angry oh this disappointed child he seems like and how much trouble can cause just because he's he's angry that day just because his didn't love him enough or for whatever reason she got a bit lost . who reason she got a bit lost. who are you talking about? that's exactly. that's why i think i've drawn to one another. i think
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musk just is fascinated by trump, by all the attention. and he all the, again, chaos he can create with very little intelligence or experience in politics. well, interestingly people would argue about both of them, actually, and i've seen various threads talking about how elon musk has , what he's how elon musk has, what he's doneis how elon musk has, what he's done is actually kind of brilliant and. he's emptied out the lord , it got rid of a lot of the lord, it got rid of a lot of his cos he's kept the people who are to his vision now are committed to his vision now and certain and there are certain like business programmes is business programmes and this is how go about it, how they would go about it, there more people on twitter supposedly have a long supposedly than have been a long time so they are some people time so they are and some people would with trump was would say with trump that he was a genius his own right and, a genius in his own right and, you yes very limited you know. yes very limited vocabulary . yeah. what i don't vocabulary. yeah. what i don't see the anger with the guy. guy. the an amazing human the guy is an amazing human being. he wasted $44 billion on an asset that's probably worth like two or 3 billion. i mean, it's a tremendous wastefulness. it's just it's like this microbe . it's does nothing. and, like voting for the greens. yeah. and he is trying to make a profit out of this thing. and if it
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takes getting people into an argument over donald trump, he's going to do it's i don't see going to do it. it's i don't see it anger. i don't even the cynical just see it as cynical i just see it as business he's trying to make it make well i it's quite make it go. well i it's quite you very interesting you made a very interesting point. i this to point. and i take this to to louis destroy yeah but what louis destroy it. yeah but what you were saying about, giving people that voice, mean, would people that voice, i mean, would , free speech nation , you know, free speech nation is the by giving is the title the show by giving him voice the argument that he will hang himself eventually he has his voice and he has his own social media platform . and i social media platform. and i think that musk needs in trump as much as may need musk. i think you're right. i think it's a failed business model. it's not going to last much longer, although twitter's been failing for long what bothered for a long time. what bothered me is things he'd me about musk is things he'd done the past. like about those those boys, the cave or the way he treated his employees, or tells buckle down and tells them to buckle down and work harder. work for less, but work harder. i something wrong in i just think something wrong in the he responds to the. the way he responds to the. i don't think he understands that his behaviour, other people and his behaviour, other people and his knee jerk response that
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arguably even with business stuff like the way that he responded to griffin like he couldn't take a joke and that's terrible quality . i mean, you terrible quality. i mean, you know , no, no, i'm not going to know, no, no, i'm not going to tolerate this . oh, come on. tolerate this. oh, come on. because here we go. the guy is in a amazing human being. he he an organisation that an 11,000 people working there and he's managed to fight to basically plausibly about 8000 of them. and he, he thinks he can get on with this , this organisation with this, this organisation with this, this organisation with a thousand people. so that's what he's doing. he's telling people you're going to have to work hard, you want to work, you have your job. of course going to try to weed course he's going to try to weed out the lazy arguments for the veracity of that. but the point is, what do you think is, you know, what do you think he take a joke. kathy he he can't take a joke. kathy griffin believes comics that's what do at the moment what comics do at the moment that he was ridiculed, he banned no . he had to that he was ridiculed, he banned no. he had to do that he was ridiculed, he banned no . he had to do that because no. he had to do that because because, by the way, i should point out, she is back now. yeah, she back. but gone for a
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week and so you know i think what he's trying to do is he he doesi what he's trying to do is he he does i don't know whether he's or right he says it's a free speech free speech absolutist. well, don't a vote on well, you don't take a vote on whether should on whether somebody should be on the you just the free speech side. you just say accepting . and that's my say accepting. and that's my philosophy. my personal philosophy. my personal philosophy is don't know if you care about but have everybody on and trump might kill and he and trump might kill himself then again trump is himself but then again trump is how do we start talking about the because because he the because you're because he said going to you he's said he's going to you he's going to trump is going to kill it kill himself but he's it not kill himself but he's going out. he's going to going to burn out. he's going to expose himself if you give him enough you're mixing enough rope and you're mixing up euthanasia he's euthanasia story in canada, he's not moving canada. i just not moving to canada. i just feel people without sense feel like people without a sense of very dangerous. of humour are very dangerous. yeah, like putin did yeah, i like putin what he did in the ukraine because. he, you know, louis ck. was meant to in kyiv that week and he invaded. as turns putin doesn't as it turns out, putin doesn't like louis ck. all this happened. worry like, happened. i worry like, you know, took know, when that actor took a swing at that comedian. the academy yeah yeah, well, academy awards. yeah yeah, well, the shivered. think the world shivered. i think because it terrified you know he liked and then the wife got
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liked joke and then the wife got in well then mrs. in the air and well then mrs. doubtfire happened. but almost but just like, you know, but i just feel like, you know, if musk is as smart as he if elon musk is as smart as he is, but he can't see what a joke he's become to most of the public, that's oh, i don't think he's become joke. i don't think so . think what he's doing is he so. think what he's doing is he he's paid $44 billion for something worth 4 billion. let's just say that's a huge waste of money. the and he's trying to build it back , trying to do it. build it back, trying to do it. that doesn't make him a genius. then do you know what meme does make him? a genius? because geniuses make a mistake make mistakes. look at louis schafer geniuses make a mistake make mistakethis»ok at louis schafer geniuses make a mistake make mistakethis country»uis schafer geniuses make a mistake make mistakethis country .ils schafer geniuses make a mistake make mistakethis country . that'safer here to this country. that's going to hold that against me. josh yeah he's not he josh mean. yeah he's not he doesn't not he makes mistakes and he overcomes it. okay? that's what we do in america. he's a great man. that's what we do in america. he's a great man . well, let's he's a great man. well, let's talk making and talk about making mistakes and overcoming them trump he's back in race yeah think he has in the race yeah think he has any chance i didn't he had a chance yeah six years ago and i don't think you can rule the guy
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out the guy is an amazing amazing human being i personally amazing human being i personally am from new york. i don't like him. i grew up with him, don't like him, but he was he did a job which he created a revolution in america which this country suddenly the country where suddenly the people divided know exactly people are divided know exactly what they're on and they're what team they're on and they're fighting for. i think they had that ago here too. now, that a few ago here too. now, i don't that they they don't think that they they thought that they did. they thought that they did. and they thought that they did. and they thought it was the thought it was like it was the brexit team. then there was the. but you take a look what but you take a look at what bofis but you take a look at what boris johnson done he's boris johnson has done he's basically part the basically sold that part the party conservative party so the conservative and some stories that we're some of the stories that we're going to be dealing with possibly are where where the conservative party are supporting force of evil. so supporting the force of evil. so they've stopped being who are they've stopped being who are the forces of evil forces of evil of people who people in the name people who believe who believe that climate change is around like the forces of us. forces ? yes. it's a force of the forces? yes. it's a force of the people a.k.a people trying to save our future. well, you can say the thing about everything that that who who are on that
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believe in and which is they think that they're doing the right thing and most and sometimes that they are and i think that's really important to do the right thing but sometimes just because someone i just because someone says i think the right thing, think this is the right thing, i'm it for right moral i'm doing it for the right moral reasons. that doesn't that reasons. that doesn't mean that it i with you. we all it is. i agree with you. we all like think that we're. right. like to think that we're. right. and that we're moral and we're good beings. absolutely. good human beings. absolutely. scot about scot what do you think about trump back in the race trump being back in the race like amoral. best like that? he's amoral. the best time life was when i was time of my life was when i was breaking the law in cars at night with a married and i think you doha. yeah you know i you in doha. yeah you know i think think trump's think i think think trump's going in two years. going to win in two years. i think we should brace ourselves going president. going to be president. and again, think off again, i think biden fell off bike in ways than one. bike in more ways than one. biden cannot keep with biden cannot keep up with trump's and the trump's pacing and all the democrats is watch the democrats do is watch the republicans quick and republicans move quick and quicker ahead of them. now that pelosi of the house, pelosi is gone out of the house, they've all that power. they've lost all that power. they will stymie anything that biden in the next biden tries in the next two years. and they'll years. and then just they'll just whatever they've just pitch for whatever they've got. honestly trump doesn't got. and honestly trump doesn't need his party
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need them. the his party disowned but he never disowned him, but he never needed he liked them needed them. he never liked them in place. well, in the first place. well, i don't think british people understand that there no party in it's individual in america. it's all individual voting going to voting habits. i'm going to leave that coming up leave it there. that coming up after i'm to tell you after the break. i'm to tell you all why i'm publicly pleased to change, have a chance host change, to have a chance to host the more questions for the show, see more questions for the show, see more questions for the audience as thank you the audience as well. thank you very room . on mark very much. is room. on mark dolan tonight? in my big opinion, the return of donald trump to twitter is annoying all of the right people all the tories risking a brexit betrayal with rumoured plans for a switzerland type deal. do this and tories are toast forever . my and tories are toast forever. my mouth meat's guest is brexit . mouth meat's guest is brexit. former labour mp no john man who conducted the war against jeremy corbyn and won plus my own staff panel politics legend dan whittaker and former england manager big sam allardyce live the show. bring a bottle i'll see you .
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at nine. welcome back to free speech nafion welcome back to free speech nation it's a bit surreal finding myself sitting here because it was only one year ago that i was sitting where you are watching as a fan of this show. ituned watching as a fan of this show. i tuned in every week. i absorbed andrew doyle's polemic because he took these big, complicated concepts and ideas and somehow i'll articulated them so that even i whose reading material mostly has or batman in the title could grasp the very nub of a topic i classify myself as part of the silent majority, i had spoken up about antisemitism on the far left , but there were other left, but there were other territories and developments i could see taking hold in our
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society that were having a negative impact on freedom of women's rights , children's women's rights, children's safety, scientific tolerance . safety, scientific tolerance. and it all seemed quite complicated, especially as it was mostly propagated by friends and colleagues who wasn't politically aligned with , and it politically aligned with, and it was all under the umbrella of kindness and equality. hey, i'm a pretty good person , aren't i? a pretty good person, aren't i? don't i like and equality except i could see people being not very kind at all especially to those who merely pointed out that some the outcomes were in fact the very opposite of equality as the silent majority. i watched j.k. rowling bravely puts her head above the parapet and politely ask for debate as the silent majority i watched as she received threats and rape threats , attempts to destroy her threats, attempts to destroy her reputation as the silent majority , i watched other female majority, i watched other female authors and academics and activists hounded from their jobs as the silent majority. i
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scared, scared of losing friends, work , scared of people friends, work, scared of people thinking that i wasn't kind, that i didn't want equality. i scared of having learn more scared of having learn more scared of having learn more scared of not knowing fear choked voice and it kept me silent . but those people had silent. but those people had found their voice. mostly women kept going, kept fighting kept arguing against those who refused to see their point of view and instead abuse them for the crimes of daring to disagree with theirs. then maya forced a to one her tribunal, and more people found voice as. millicent fawcett wrote courage , which fawcett wrote courage, which calls to courage everywhere , and calls to courage everywhere, and its voice cannot denied. and if i may be so bold as do a bit of mansplaining on this famous feminist quote, perhaps also includes inside of us the chain of bravery that flows from one person to the next that we see in its purest form at the moment
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in its purest form at the moment in iran is forged within it's from within that when voice first speaks, it then cannot denied liking tweet sharing an article , buying a book, talking article, buying a book, talking to friends in the pub family , a to friends in the pub family, a camping trip, watching a tv show, sending a message last year to the host that you kind of know about something think he might be interested in each action inspires another the silent majority finds voice we're living and fighting to maintain a free speech nation so to those out there still to find your voice, i just want to say. it only takes the smallest sounds to start building a chorus and who knows in a year when next loses his voice . i when next loses his voice. i hope you too will have found yours . and then maybe you could yours. and then maybe you could be sitting here and i can get back to reading x—men . all right
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back to reading x—men. all right , let's get some more questions from the audience . our first from the audience. our first question is from peele's pot. is that right that's me. brilliant. hello. how is talking about protecting women transphobic is talking about protecting women really trans phobic. this is a report in the telegraph it claimed that staff at the ministry of justice have been told they not use the terms gender critical and protecting women and girls . the officials women and girls. the officials were given a of so—called coded language contained 35 phrases which it said were what turning what would considered overt discrimination into overt behaviour. wow well, this is a pretty incredible letter that went there. what do you think? so i tried to read the article. i don't subscribe to the telegraph, wouldn't let me get through . but you know, i that through. but you know, i that this idea that the definition of women of what a woman is that
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very definition seems confusing people running for office or you know appealing to be a supreme justice. so it's not up to me to kind of contradict them, but i know what a in a man is. i don't really have a problem with the terms and i think women to be protected and defended. i grew up in a single mother home and they a lot of responsibility they put a lot of responsibility on women. they still do and they expect a lot. with very expect a lot. yeah. with very little protections. so i think expect a lot. yeah. with very littletorotections. so i think expect a lot. yeah. with very littleto be ections. so i think expect a lot. yeah. with very littleto be very s. so i think expect a lot. yeah. with very littleto be very cautious|ink expect a lot. yeah. with very littleto be very cautious and that to be very cautious and careful women this careful for women in this culture and and are culture and louis and men are creepy, the yeah did you creepy, by the way. yeah did you speaking of creepy men boots , is speaking of creepy men boots, is that creepy ? i mean, it is true, that creepy? i mean, it is true, but louis, did you read the article ? i did. i did manage to article? i did. i did manage to read the mirror. what you you you read the title you find. yes i'll say so. all right i mean, i found a way to read it and i read through the entire thing. it's actually it was really interesting because the telegraph, it's completely mistake dated the entire situation in which it made it seem like the ministry of justice was sending out this
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information the and that the information to the and that the prisons had to on this and prisons had to act on this and this is kind a going against this is kind of a going against the conservative veto vetos what's going on but the truth is it was just a couple of people working at the separately who sent it out their own. okay so yeah so a couple of the this is the diversity of one of the prisons i think the prisons. yeah who they are about over 30 grand a year and they sent it to the ministry of justice with their lists of all the stuff acting independently . well the acting independently. well the point is it's coming from government and they're sending it it's from we think it's okay . two 5000 people who work for us essentially it's now been sent to see if they own up on these matters. yeah. then they will take this stuff as truth. and that's how this stuff propagates so incredibly dangerous. and what they haven't said say you're to said is i say you're going to look at how you know in the future how people have access to all these emails and stuff. well they said is we're they haven't said is we're actually send a actually going to send out a counter to that people who
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counter to say that people who agenda critical. yes. actually doesn't mean at all. i mean, this stuff that they sent out was pure propaganda . yes. was just pure propaganda. yes. and shouldn't somebody and so shouldn't somebody shouldn't there be heads to row? there people basically there are people basically hacked into the prison service email well they for that email list. well they for that they work they work they get paid for taxpayers but they paid for by taxpayers but they don't have authorisation to send that kind of a formal document that. it seem like it's that. makes it seem like it's a fait accompli. can't use the fait accompli. you can't use the word gender critical. that's a french word. and two french words. and so and so it was. yeah, i mean, it was amazing. some of the stuff in the letter saying that attracted to the same sex don't know why i'm looking at you but mrs. doubtfire was actually transphobic because it was like a sort of dog whistle. the people use or whatever, as opposed to people who had just attracted to the same sex. it was it was kind of amazing to see these things that you see onune see these things that you see online placed into an official
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document like somehow that made it real. but but josh, it wasn't an official document. it was made to look like an official document. didn't have the authorisation from department of justice. it was some people were they didn't have authorisation for people working in the government. point. government. that's my point. how many government in many people in the government in this there are billions this country, there are billions of working the. but if of people working in the. but if you for, say, a prison you do work for, say, a prison system, you receive an email like yeah. and looks like that. yeah. and it looks vaguely official assume vaguely official then you assume because stuff going on because of all stuff going on social the things social media and all the things you're, know soaked with you're, you know soaked with every around the subject and every day around the subject and you assume you're meant to follow i'm with you , follow rules. and i'm with you, scott. i get many many scott. you know, i get many many official emails from nigeria , official emails from nigeria, from the government , from those from the government, from those people. we don't i don't mad at the government of nigeria because some guy has sent an official . because some guy has sent an official. right. but you don't work for the government nigeria ehhen work for the government nigeria either, as far as i know. right i mean, i think the reason why this is this story i find so amazing is that it felt like were moving beyond this stuff. now if that happened a couple of
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years ago, yeah, that's how we got into the situation that we're in now is that these were sent out to people with very clear ideal they were clear idea ideal they were pushing send these documents out to people in government lots of tories are running the country at the moment. read them and well, i want to be a good guy. i want to be a good woman. so yeah, i'm just going to along with this and haven't questioned it and now we find ourselves in this position now where this ideology taken hold the fact ideology has taken hold the fact that documents still that these documents are still going as with so more going out even as with so more aware issues, that's what aware of the issues, that's what i and then a 19 year old i find. and then a 19 year old university six fondue university student, six fondue fork in your neck which fork in the in your neck which is what happened to me at a dinner practically because dinner party practically because i what a woman i said i know what a woman and i told her what a woman was and she reached across the table and grabbed for a fork and was ready just seriously. yeah. just really seriously. yeah. because bit because she's the delicious bit chef. and chef. i'm covered in cheese and she was just accosted by the idea that men and women are different. i'm disgusted by fondue. there's the fondue. yeah so there's the question. needless say, that
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kind of mentality. kind soaks in, doesn't it? and before you know it. if it's separate generations as well, i'll be 60 in a couple of weeks and i feel when i perform thank you. when i perform in front of a gay i just recently a in paisley it's hard to tell the gays from the cave paintings but when i was performing in front of them i felt like they were in their twenties. they just they were ready to kill me, it's just there was so much seething about what said i couldn't i whatever i said i couldn't i couldn't were so couldn't grasp what they were so displaced about. and then afterwards they told me you know this we don't punchline is this we don't the punchline is thing like you sound like thing it's like you sound like dirty uncle. yeah i mean you know the silence is serious you know the silence is serious you know it's a scary thing is you're basically taking my back. yeah and making money with it. yeah. at least you guys have not dirty. the dirty uncles can you better scott cooper of the dirty uncle made it marketable yeah. on next questions from should we
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take down an awful photos of old white men ? i'm sure . okay. white men? i'm sure. okay. should we take down or. well, i've been to those of old white men clearing my internet. can someone who is becoming you say, oh, what's old though now? because i'm going to be 60 with a good old while this a reference to the painting well—regarded dutch painter ryan dule all right i think it's quite a nice picture which hung up at leiden university in the netherlands but it's now been taken down apparently after a student complained me say it again a student complained. one student was enough for this art to be removed . what do you to be removed. what do you think, scott, was the complaint 7 think, scott, was the complaint ? don't know. i don't care what the complaint was because. it was a picture of all white, all men. the picture. well, how do they know they're all have they know they're all men? have they know they're all men? have they them? identity they asked them? what identity is and this is they given those? and this picture very drew about 50 picture was very drew about 50 years ago where they age quicker. they were probably like 25. yeah. 25. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. you know i'm shocked and see, you
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know i'm shocked and see, you know . yes, i know what you mean. know. yes, i know what you mean. you know, i oh, another comedy club. i paid week, someone sent an and the owner of the an email and the owner of the club sent it to me. it was just one my brother's trans one person. my brother's trans and he made a trans joke and it ruined our so that's ruined our night. so that's what, people. there's one what, 280 people. there's one person. get involved and person. so i'd get involved and i've apologise. did i've asked to apologise. did you? not. no, i don't. you? abso not. no, i don't. i don't . absolutely not. no. and don't. absolutely not. no. and |, don't. absolutely not. no. and i, and i don't, i don't when . i i, and i don't, i don't when. i see something i don't like. i just, i leave or i don't, i don't go back to watch it. austerity get angry. just hang out on your wall. what about you, louis? are you going to take down your photos, your house? i mean, i think it house? well i mean, i think it does trigger. people pictures of vogue. have you men vogue. have you white men because i see those guys and i think to myself they're making a living. they look like successful. they've got enough money to afford cigar and i think i think that picture is really interesting it is really interesting because it is think it wasn't john as like praise of these people it wasn't like the old great masters doing pictures of the white men of
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amsterdam . remember those amsterdam. remember those pictures? i don't know that the wise men, but some amazing pictures where they made it seem like these are really amazing people. these guys, they look a pudgy people. these guys, they look a pudgy look a bit but look pudgy they look a bit but look in control, though . well, you in control, though. well, you assume they're in control because who else had control except men back then? and things were better . lewis how are you were better. lewis how are you going to for that? i will. i will apologise for that. there is nothing in there they know. i mean, this could be they look very in this. so like should we let the uk back into the eu? yeah are they thinking there. i think they look tired, but it's hard running the world. didn't the woman who complained about this says, it needed some kind of statement under it. this explain what it was . maybe explain what it was. maybe that's what this is called a hairpiece. yeah i mean, you know, i've been to frida kahlo's house how many brows can you look at at least those bothered
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plucking their eyebrows. you know one thing. thank you for noticing. yeah, i. our next questions from brian. so is drinking milk on date a massive turnoff . yes. is drinking milk turnoff. yes. is drinking milk on date a massive tunnel ? now, on date a massive tunnel? now, this was a major discussion an on mumsnet after of the users described a date they went on all went well initially as she described the man as being very attractive but a delight turned or sour when he decided to order a glass of milk. the mumsnet user wrote i've honestly never come across someone doing that in a restaurant and i think it's really odd and it really put me off well. scots know exactly what she means. i'm totally with her to milk. it depends on the milk. has to be milk. if the milk has to be organic raw and homogenised and cooked with a bit of tumour in it, then that's fine. but just milk from any cow it's just no discretion. it'sjust milk from any cow it's just no discretion. it's just i milk from any cow it's just no discretion. it'sjust i mean. discretion. it's just i mean. you'll drink anything, you'll put anything your mouth at that point. so would have walked away from the table seriously. i just
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couldn't have done it. have you ever milk had a dog? ever drunk milk had a dog? i i've. well, i think if you drink at a date with a with a single mother i think it's telling her something . think she's out something. think she's out louis. and i think it is it obviously is a single mother. i mean, i think women are women. it's got to be single mother that indicates as a single mother, it's called mumsnet. it is called boys that you hope you hope she's a single . yeah. yeah. hope she's a single. yeah. yeah. and the fact is that i can see i'll take the woman's side of it is that women like strong and it's a bit yeah about a bit sissy . you're saying it's sissy. you're saying it's a sissy. you're saying it's a sissy thing. i mean look we got leo kearse of on headliners. he dnnks leo kearse of on headliners. he drinks like you bring. exactly. i think it's a very thing like no to a strong no. that's his trope it that's his publicity that these doing the end of the day women like a strong man they don't a guy drinking a glass of milk that they want a bourbon they want the guy drinking a bourbon and then want him
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bourbon and then they want him to maybe slap around to you know maybe slap around a bit yeah. so you're bit and then. yeah. so you're saying are you going with saying that's are you going with go the other way? you know they went this he he meets went on this and he he meets her. you this holy this her. do you this holy cow. this i like this girl. you know i don't like this girl. you know men can be and they how do you get girl. you just get rid of a girl. you just drink. you can't say i don't want see you anymore i don't like you anymore. you can't ghost really touchy ghost and they get really touchy about if drink glass about that. so if drink a glass of milk, girls get a who of milk, the girls get a who knew that was the way out that's ispent knew that was the way out that's i spent more time on the hell all online thing louis that would i'd actually it's would help me i'd actually it's actually best trick actually best the best trick that is to be gay to attract that use is to be gay to attract them it's just it's just turn gay at that moment. then them it's just it's just turn gay at that moment . then how do gay at that moment. then how do you indicate that the milk by being with a guy the next very next step you wait a day just to avoid you just avoid the acrimony and the anger. i mean, now we know how your marriage ended. yeah, a lot of it is all a lot of photos of old white men doing the stuff we don't want to see. i yeah, i really don't want
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to know. at least for a while. i'm. what about? white russians. is allowed to? sounds is that allowed to? sounds racist. actually racist. yeah, that's actually that. what? that's that. you know what? that's actually that's actually actually more that's actually more sexy? yeah. more sexy. more sexy? yeah. saying gay it's just more saying it's gay it's just more sissy baileys. well go through which you're allowed in which drinks you're allowed in youn which drinks you're allowed in your. yeah. what a masculine anything that has any kind of coca cola. it's cola. if it's coca cola. it's cola. if it's coca cola. it's cola. if it's coca cola and rum. rum and coke. i think that's all right i would say. all right. but if add sugar to something, if you add if you if your drink is not full strength . right. those you and strength. right. those you and you and your high pretty i think i think people understand that they understand what drinking is all about they know that there are certain by the way has advice if you do want a date to end early, just tell them that you don't believe like . they'll you don't believe like. they'll be done anything in a glass with with a kind of kind of shape with a kind of kind of shape with a kind of kind of shape with a little thing is milk doesn't come in a martini glass. where are you from ? okay, fine.
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where are you from? okay, fine. our final a child at the charles is. good evening . okay. is it is. good evening. okay. is it time we replaced all men with men shaped pillows ? well, maybe men shaped pillows? well, maybe it's the place louis with is it time we replaced all men with man shaped pillows ? this week man shaped pillows? this week has seen the launch of a new called the loving bear coffee. there it is. oh, yes . forjust there it is. oh, yes. forjust £135. women or men, of course , £135. women or men, of course, buy this glorious bed companion. it is five foot seven inches tall. it is five foot seven inches tall . the shape and it is five foot seven inches tall. the shape and finger of a human with a head of teddy bear and the hands of a very long arm. she doesn't look at those hands too closely. there that is quite unnerving. would you buy one. it looks like putin a bit. yes. ironically if he was writing himself. right, that's so the answer is yes, i would buy. one i am i want to near me
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so i can keep an eye on him. you i don't. i have a rather hairy husband who is than enough to hold to . on i think if i brought hold to. on i think if i brought that home, he'd be offended. do you think he's. yeah, i think. have you bothered? you want to know what's going on? what's it? yeah, tried to introduce yeah, i've tried to introduce people into the. but he's not he, go for it. why is he, won't go for it. why is that, louis? what's your secret how group sex had how do you all the group sex had in how are you going. in your life. how are you going. i can't i can't. i don't think bears count. i'm still hoping for one. how do you feel about this bear? i like it's like one of these typical stories. a lot of these typical stories. a lot of men working at this this business, gb news is that business, this gb news is that it's kind of like make sure there's a lot of women who work every year, i'd say it's 50, whereas women. i'm just i'm whereas women. but i'm just i'm let up for women. let me stand up for women. i don't believe this. i don't believe this. women are desperate for not they're not that they're that desperate and they're not never level desperation, never male level desperation, you where anything you know, where where anything even vague shape of a even has the vague shape of a woman that they will horrible things. the thing that i think was what was quite telling about
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this story is that in this sort of supposed replacement theory, you know go for these kind of sex dolls essentially look like women function as sexual objects . and women, when they want a man replacement, are essentially looking for . oh, yeah, they want looking for. oh, yeah, they want they want a bit of warmth in bed at night. yeah. they're not looking for sort of they want to pretend that someone is there whether it's a person or whatever it is, just lump, whatever it is, just a lump, pretty big size pillows pretty big body size pillows that popular. so that are very popular. so there's point. there's no there's no point. there's reason that can there's a reason why that can become successful i think. become very successful i think. and the get know the gay and in the get you know the gay community bears the community we have bears in the gay that's big hairy guy yeah gay that's a big hairy guy yeah and then we have a and we have cubs. a lot cubs. cubs. this is a lot younger hairy guys which you were 30 years before and were 30 years ago before and then otter , a slender, then an otter, a slender, younger cub. okay, but with less body hair . okay, fine. so we body hair. okay, fine. so we have all this already, okay? we've covered all these sums from the only thing they're appropriating the. i don't mind. i'll be bothered i see i'll be bothered when i see a wolf because. a wolf is a bear
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with age. and that's only for lewis . oh, my god , we have lewis. oh, my god, we have learned so much . okay after the learned so much. okay after the break, i'm free speech nation. the crown is back on our tv screens and causing once again harmless fun or exploitative trash. we'll discuss after break .
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welcome back to phil free speech nation. that's where our netflix drama crown is back for a fifth season and has had of viewers up in arms. the streaming giant has always stressed that it is a drama rather than a factual account . the royal family . but account. the royal family. but as we move closer and closer to the present day the story seems
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to be arousing more and more controversy. joining us now is thomas mace archer mill's from monarchist society. hello thomas mace archer mills. what a great name. unsurprising that you from the monarchist society . so why the monarchist society. so why so many people complaining about the crown? well problem is, it used to be entertainment, but people , especially younger people, especially younger people, especially younger people , are not seeing it as people, are not seeing it as entertainment. people, are not seeing it as entertainment . they're seeing it entertainment. they're seeing it as a look back into history of actually had happened . so actually had happened. so they're getting a little bit confused . and we mostly think confused. and we mostly think that young people might have it together. but we live in a very disposable right now. and young really just don't give a fig about the truth. they actually they care about what they see , they care about what they see, make up their own minds, whether it's real not. so think this is why people are getting so worked up because i mean, it does very
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clearly state that it is a dramatised series of events . but dramatised series of events. but but it all depends because we had judi dench with her campaign for the us statement before saying that this is fake it's fabricated which is true. but you watch television now when they're doing the adverts they're doing the adverts they're referring to disclaimer there isn't anything. it's only when you watch and me and it should actually bother the majority of nation is that young people 18 to 24 years old are actually coming in droves saying, well , even 30% of us saying, well, even 30% of us support the crown. and i'll tell you why. well that's because i watch these five. and oh, my gosh , i don't think the king gosh, i don't think the king should be king. and what did to diana and all this? so this comes through we lived through this 25 years ago and most of these young people, they even
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born then the choice of people to do research , especially young to do research, especially young people, they thought they just want something rather than greed , actually really delve into the facts and the truth of the situation . so when we read bbc situation. so when we read bbc excuse me, the bbc report last week , the person said no , i've week, the person said no, i've watched the crown. it showed me just how horrible the king and queen. just how horrible the king and queen . i don't think they should queen. i don't think they should be the king and queen. and thank you to the crown. oh, my gosh. i absolutely have a slight coronary and sitting there and i'm saying if these are the people are eventually going to leave this country, the united kingdom is really in a quandary . i mean, no spoilers. i think i remember what happens . but are remember what happens. but are there any events in the show that you find particularly distasteful? well i find the whole thing distasteful . that's whole thing distasteful. that's just me. but when we look at what's being put out, that for entertainment, i don't think that private phone calls, that's
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where legally it's really taken by the media should have been included . we know what happened included. we know what happened . you know this is what we're looking at is a very brand new monarchy. we have a new a new queen. i'm just upset that the timing of season five, we just lost her majesty the queen and. i really think if people are going be looking at what netflix putting out and actually misconstruing it for the and actually taking away from this fabricated piece of cinematic cinema graphic work, it's going to cause a lot of problems. i think, forward because the young people, if they don't attach any sort of value to something, they throw it out . we're a disposable throw it out. we're a disposable society now and if they're not feeling any sort of affiliation with or a value on the monarchy, eventually it could come up to be questioned . and they don't
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be questioned. and they don't want they wouldn't have a problem i think looking towards abolition. well, it's interesting that you mentioned the queen, because i would argue that certainly the first series of the crown sort of set up in some ways this is not a myth because we it's true. but the idea of sacrifice and what she gave for country so , yes, yes, gave for country so, yes, yes, it so and that's the thing that did good for the monarchy . well did good for the monarchy. well it can be. yes and it can be no, especially when we look what happenedin especially when we look what happened in aberfan wales and people didn't really why the queen waited . and when we look queen waited. and when we look at the director, we look at the writers , all republicans. and writers, all republicans. and i think lot of that was earlier seasons . they depict the royal seasons. they depict the royal family aloof, not caring , only family aloof, not caring, only concerned themselves. and the queen never been that way. so did take umbrage. but in that way, i have other of the royal
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family in that way. way, i have other of the royal family in that way . yes. well family in that way. yes. well sometimes i'm not going to say any names he's been through. one who is well, we'll talk about from time to year, if you want to say a few. but when look at it, there is a lot of good that has come out because it does show the hard work that the queen had done. it shows the sacrifices of her friend prince philip, but also the younger children princes on. i can't children and princes on. i can't say enough about. children and princes on. i can't say enough about . that children and princes on. i can't say enough about. that woman, what a fantastic asset to this country and. the support that we saw from her in the funeral, not only with with her mother, but also her brother , the king. so also her brother, the king. so there are good attributes that have come the crown, but things changed this season for they've changed this season for they've changed in the country they've changed in the country they've changed in the national psyche and literally the government the constitution. everything has since september of this before season five. so we are looking
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at treading on some ground that is a bit shaky, especially with such a new reign now underway . such a new reign now underway. absolutely. well go home after this and watch it. i'll get back to you, thomas . thank you very to you, thomas. thank you very much. have another debate. that's so many double barrels on the show before . i think that's the show before. i think that's a triple barrel. so i guess. thank very much . wow. so not thank you very much. wow. so not only do we have someone in mrs. doubtfire. we found out in the interval that lewis been on the crown twice . twice now, just crown twice. twice now, just last season mean the twice like six, six or seven times. and i, i mean, i think i know i'm going to criticise him. i'm not going to criticise him. i'm not going to criticise. the fact is it's one television program . it's, one television program. it's, you know, it's not like it's on the either it's on netflix , but the either it's on netflix, but it is going around the world and this like thomas is arguing, it's creating a myth that then is proper . yeah. and what about is proper. yeah. and what about what about the people in ireland. sorry for interrupting. what about myth that what about about the myth that they're the monarchy plans they're that the monarchy plans
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all the time that queen is. all the time that the queen is. he's giving her service he's just giving her service away to people think that's a myth. think that whatever myth. i think that whatever that's what they're presenting. so. so he's basically it's so insulting to british young insulting to the british young people to that british young people to that british young people their own people can't make up their own that basing it on one television programme there's so programme there's been so much more. listen it's not my more. i mean listen it's not my business whether you people want to believe ridiculous thing to believe this ridiculous thing about . yeah. it's not about my balls. yeah. it's not my i mean , i'm not i'm not i'm my i mean, i'm not i'm not i'm not english. my kids are english and they would grow up in and i wish they would grow up in and i wish they would grow up in a place that doesn't have a monarchy. don't think monarchy. i don't think it's appropriate. i think the appropriate. and i think the more the more the monarchy is masculine. with prince masculine. as with prince charles and the other and charles king and the other and his son , the more people are his son, the more people are going to i'm hoping this is just is just me. i going to i'm hoping this is just isjust me. i know going to i'm hoping this is just is just me. i know this is the wrong place say that. i guess wrong place to say that. i guess the is free speech the monarch is free speech nation. but the fact the problem with the crown as i see it is it humanise is these people maybe rightly wrongly, it presents them as human beings. so when they're aliens , i think i think
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they're aliens, i think i think they're aliens, i think i think the problem with the monarchy is , not that they're people, it's institution that's in place. and thatis institution that's in place. and that is the worst thing. this country doesn't need a monarchy i think you're all adults. you can make up your own mind and how to rule yourself. you don't need to have have a guy in an old suit. what do you think, scott? do you agree? another fellow american. there's something louis makes something about louis that makes me crawl a hole and die. me want to crawl a hole and die. but because i think . he's never but because i think. he's never going to stop. i think he's having to take a breath or, you know, i don't mind her was all right. the rest of them could slide off the earth off if it were up to me and obviously the princes are garbage but you know , really they're just just people. they make mistakes. they're flawed i don't see the big deal. also a tv show it's a dramatic , you know, young dramatic, you know, young people. i don't know all the young people. he's a mind reader. i guess he knows everybody's life. so we don't. how young people are how many young people are actually watching the show? if they they probably are they are, they probably are aware probably
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aware they're probably leaving the for the room. they're going for a piddle, having a meal piddle, they're having a meal they're like they're missing half of it like most do when they watch most people do when they watch tv no audience. well, tv anyway. no audience. well, also, lewis to also, yeah, agree with lewis to also, yeah, agree with lewis to a extent, although i'm a certain extent, although i'm not going to write a lot about it, they are the royal it, but they are the royal family, it is fake. their family, it is it is fake. their name is fake. just people. there's of there's nothing special about of them. them seem thick to them. some of them seem thick to me and dangerous actually. but like most people do sometimes feel don't the feel i don't i don't see the point elevating them or point of elevating them or giving i i giving them money. i ijust think this should you know, think this should be, you know, sent a cellar and all handled sent to a cellar and all handled same time you go, you got to get rid of them. all the ones because some of them might resurface like the russians. no, no, the way to do no, no. this is the way to do it. to went a step too far. so this is the last episode of free speech nation. sorry after the break of , free speech nation, break of, free speech nation, harry miller from the fair cop campaign here with an update on the recording of non crime incidents. we'll be back .
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soon oh, welcome back . free speech oh, welcome back. free speech nafion oh, welcome back. free speech nation in, an apparent victory for the policing minister confirmed that chief constables have been ordered to stop recording non crime hate incidents . this is in the recording non crime hate incidents. this is in the wake of case miller versus of policing. we've been covering for quite a while. joining us now , harry miller himself, now, harry miller himself, former police and member of fair cop liberty. harry this sounds a very good . you see that? suppose very good. you see that? suppose it's a it's a victory of sorts sports. i believe it when i it when chris spoke last week and i think it was the oxford universe the conservative association . he
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the conservative association. he said that he'd been spoken the boss of the college of policing and they'd agreed that they would tell chief constables to and desist from these recording of hate. and if they refused to do so, then the government would make them by featuring in the upcoming police reform bill next yeah upcoming police reform bill next year. so i think we're heading the right direction . it's just the right direction. it's just very, very slow . and very, very slow. and fortunately, chief constable bulls see non—prime, hate incidents in all of same way that gollum views the ring in other it's very much get off . other it's very much get off. they're my precious they are so loathe to give them up and we may have to take them kicking and screaming back court who knows? but it's a step in right direction. so what role did the case mill of us college policing actually play in this that oh we kick their . i actually play in this that oh we kick their. i mean, we absolutely think that that's why they that that's why they can't forgive us , why they don't like
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forgive us, why they don't like us. you don't like like what i do. what does . and they do. what does. and they certainly don't like what the butler project is doing because we've got teeth and we can in and bite them. and that's entirely. that's exactly what intend to do. so what did that they had this radical situation where the recording of non crime hate incidents mandatory if anybody perceived anything as hate that could be a raised eyebrow that could a limerick in my anything at all could be perceived as a hate incident and the culture policing required police forces to record on that database hate without any evidence about what we did we kicked into the long grass but as i say, chief constables have rather used to recording hate because it's a lot easier than recording and detecting crime. so they don't want to let them go so going to make them say so i should quickly apologise for language and also of course any
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lord of the rings references . do lord of the rings references. do you have concerns? and it sounds like you do very much about the police's approach. i mean, have you seen evidence that they're now actually starting to back off? they still handing out? off? are they still handing out? yeah, the army. they are backing off a little bit. what we found is that if we go in on an individual off and challenge chief constable, they will remove short of a remove them. but short of a challenge they don't remove them. they keep recording them because it suits to record them. they are in seeing hate absolutely everywhere i say so one of the things i read on the thread that when is released onune thread that when is released online is people are saying the ones that have already been handed out what happens, those those to be deleted . well, those going to be deleted. well, we so. the bad law project we hope so. the bad law project wrote priti patel last summer wrote to priti patel last summer demanding that she tell police forces to delete all non crime hate incidents because they're unlawful . you know, we don't unlawful. you know, we don't have a contrary where you can be
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arbitrarily on a database hate we don't have a system whereby your character is judged by by the authority by the police . we the authority by the police. we have a very clear system . if have a very clear system. if you've committed a crime , you you've committed a crime, you pay you've committed a crime, you pay for it. but short committing a crime the police have no business whatsoever in recording you on any database whatsoever. so we will keep the home secretary to keep pushing the culture policing , to keep culture policing, to keep pushing chief constables to get rid of these down double blights on people's lives . rid of these down double blights on people's lives. i just said, well, say i just got a vision of you there as a former policeman. it quiet. i imagine you were quite good at it. do you ever get on. not with the old with you?i get on. not with the old with you? i i was a rubbish policeman, i was only a for about 2 minutes back in the days when inspector was still a police cadet is a long ago and i do remember very much from my policing is that people , that policing is that people, that people are free and they should not be interfered by the police
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unless they've committed a crime or unless they're to commit a crime . that point we swoop in crime. that point we swoop in and we nab them. what we do is wander around checking limericks and speech and recording people's characters because we ideologically disapprove of them. and that's what modern police service is about. they are to current not crime. police okay. well, harry miller, thank so much and not just to this interview. i just got to say thank you for fighting for this because this affects all of us, the people who been along hong kong, it is a big victory for you, not fight. and thank you very much for coming on and talking us today after break talking us today after the break of free speech nation of the free speech nation of fifa on bizarre rant. of the free speech nation of fifa on bizarre rant . joe fifa goes on a bizarre rant. joe lycett money and lycett shreds some money and matt hancock has a was .
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welcome back to the final part of free speech nation. it's time now social sensations where we take a look at some of the weird and wonderful stories which have been captivating social media. let's start with comedian joe lycett, who last week told david beckham that lysette would destroy ten grand in cash if the former footballer did abandon his lucrative qatari tv deal . his lucrative qatari tv deal. i'm going to commentate for radio audience, although there are two bundles of cash lysette. he's going to pick them up. he's wearing wonderful. it's a jumper. it's a rainbow . rainbow. jumper. it's a rainbow. rainbow. move through first thing. yes. thank you very much from scott chaparro there. and then he takes them over to the shredder . the tension is unbearable and then they go, there's david blaine . there's david blaine blaine. there's david blaine behind there lysette true to his word. and now to little pow and gone. so what do you make of this stunt? i think it's a
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stunt. i don't think he did it. now that i see it. it was an amazing shock to behind the scenes. yeah, i do think rolled up hair you know he up his his hair you know he didn't up his sleeve in the two to possibly did and don't to possibly did and we don't know that pretty far and we know that was pretty far and we don't know we're like there don't know that we're like there wasn't from pricewaterhousecoopers or whatever but whatever cooper's in line but you there wasn't you know there wasn't an accountant do it. accountant the way they do it. and going to assume and i'm going to assume that there conspiracy here there isn't a conspiracy here and that he did destroy the money. what do you think's got? i doing well. what i guess he's doing well. what joe yeah. for joe is? yeah, yeah. good for him. know, i've i've been him. you know, i've i've been a fan of beckham for a long time. he a screen saver when i was he was a screen saver when i was single. and think for a lot of single. and i think for a lot of people and i'm this just is not just him i'm disappointed and there's others, too. yes, i mean there's others, too. yes, i mean there seven countries that there are seven countries that are have laws are sent players have laws criminalising homosexuality they're playing that match i just i just think you know fifa should live up to their rules. they have rules, this sort of thing. so i wish would, you know, defend them . i mean, david know, defend them. i mean, david beckham , the tournament star. beckham, the tournament star. now, david beckham, he is not
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giving back that money. he's so rich and he's so successful it's one event he could have missed . one event he could have missed. i think that's just what i think about the wife, about. yeah. where's the wife, by way ? she's working for by the way? she's working for dubai . yeah, they're making it dubai. yeah, they're making it in. yeah. stay with the world cup and. how about this? from fifa boss john infantino , who fifa boss john infantino, who went on a bizarre press conference rant about the european media's coverage of the treatment of minority groups and migrant workers in qatar. i'm a woman today. i feel arab arab . woman today. i feel arab arab. todayi woman today. i feel arab arab. today i feel african african . today i feel african african. today i feel african african. todayi today i feel african african. today i feel african african. today i feel gay . today i feel today i feel gay. today i feel disabled . today feel migrant disabled. today feel migrant worker today . i feel bold . how
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worker today. i feel bold. how that was a pretty , pretty that was a pretty, pretty amazing speech. migrant worker in. a $4,000 suit. yeah i mean, i've worked in the middle east. i've worked in the middle east. i've seen this migrant worker say don't live his life. he's he's sociopathic he's in a bubble and he thinks that he's being smart and clever and he thinks he's saying what the media to hear. but what he's saying is he's bed with the qatari and he's just going to do what he wants like fifa always does. there's much does. there's so much money involved . they just don't they involved. they just don't they don't care. is kind of what it sounds like. he's saying to me, i understand and feel i can understand and feel everyone's feelings, doesn't know anyone or anything that he's you know, he's talking about, you know, what insulting enough? what you insulting enough? i think enough signalling. think enough virtue signalling. the this is not the the fact is this is not the qatari cup . this is the world qatari cup. this is the world cup. we countries all around the world, we don't agree . the world, we don't agree. the countries, like the bar countries, it's like the bar scene in wars. you don't scene in star wars. you don't say, i'm not going to go in there because that guy is there. at the end of the day, we to live with countries don't follow
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our. but we don't we don't dare to billions of dollars to throw billions of dollars them australia them in australia should have gotten should have gotten the game they should have said course know said of course you know what i can't sit from the start i can't support australia, i think australia's even worse. what they lockdown. i think they did with lockdown. i think i the thing qatar i that's the worst thing qatar on they are really on human rights they are really bad. i agree with i don't bad. i agree with you i don't think that should been it should have been held there. but the fact i don't think fact is and i don't think beckham have accepted beckham should have accepted money qatar. money from qatar. from qatar. but think that the world but i do think that the world cup there's nothing cup is there. there's nothing wrong to the world cup. wrong with to the world cup. once it's there, it's well, it's the world can there's been a the world cup can there's been a slight themed actually slight themed where actually when people when these things happen people then themselves trump and then reveal themselves trump and now actually i'd argue now qatar and actually i'd argue that this is bad for them we've drawn more attention to them drawn far more attention to them negatively have negatively than it would have otherwise. the ban is otherwise. the beer ban is terrible, it's a nightmare . terrible, so it's a nightmare. is nightmare for them. is it's a nightmare for them. yeah. course. you know, yeah. no, of course. you know, they they were they showed that they were willing bend and then now willing to bend and then now someone unilateral someone makes a unilateral decision. so if you ban, you decision. and so if you ban, you have to take it right. enough, enough world cup. now we head to the . weekly of
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the jungle. our weekly dose of chaos from , the matt hancock chaos from, the matt hancock show left to right, back . to show left to right, back. to three again. so i was sad. but one day, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, back on, say three, four, four, four, one, one, but one step left leg and stuff. yes now there is someone who drinks milk a date . lewis, who drinks milk a date. lewis, what do you think of hancock's moves? well it bothers me because when i see attention seekers like that , i personally seekers like that, i personally am an attention seeker. i wear high vis jackets around the just like you touch at the beach. so i know what attention seeking is and i think and then and then someone like him who represented one of the most horrific times in this country, diminution of rights, the lockdowns , the fake rights, the lockdowns, the fake pandemic that happened at, i should point out for ofcom reasons that the pandemic
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happened. reasons that the pandemic happened . not as we were told happened. not as we were told it. it happened. and the fact that he didn't believe either he went with he was with some chick. it was happening while he's telling us that we do it. so it that. it was one. so so it did that. it was one. so if you bring me into court you say and you say, okay, that's not true. you have to this not true. you have to take this guy, matt hancock, and have guy, matt hancock, and you have to well, obviously to say well, you obviously didn't you didn't believe it because you were with some girl. if it were out with some girl. if it was a if was such a serious. the same thing with that guy neil. no, not going into no, i'm not going to get into defending my the part defending my title. the part where through unfiltered where we talk through unfiltered dilemmas the end is now dilemmas before the end is now and. our first, maybe only and. now, our first, maybe only dilemma from i disapprove of dilemma is from i disapprove of my son's girlfriend. i find her anti quite rude and overall bull. what's the right way to break to my boy that he can do better. what do you think scott 7 better. what do you think scott ? yeah i don't know about raising kids and all that, although the mother seems a bit too involved in her son's love life . yeah just, i guess, offer
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life. yeah just, i guess, offer money. i don't know . life. yeah just, i guess, offer money. i don't know. i don't. i wish. i wish we had photos of. isn't it wish. i wish we had photos of. |mwnma wish. i wish we had photos of. isn't it that your your partners mom wrote in lewis would say i would say the best way. maybe he sh she should call up scott and see what could do. maybe it up. i mean i would be just my son if they either of them came home with girlfriends i would be so proud them. so i would be proud of them. i was like proud of my son. got a job. i was like, my god, this is it. my job is done. i get it. she should just relax yeah. be excited. my mom, when i had a girlfriend, my mom was so excited. yeah, i did did a woman for a while in my early thirties i this woman acting class. i met this woman acting class. she's real pretty real nice. we did david mamet c, know, did a david mamet c, you know, groupie, and we hung out groupie, and then we hung out for while. my mom's like. for a while. my mom's like. i don't being gay. every don't mind you being gay. every girl was just so excited. she kind killed buzz for me. i kind of killed buzz for me. i really away the friction really took away the friction because so so because she was so happy. so happy it. yeah, yeah,
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happy about it. yeah, yeah, yeah. maybe the yeah. well, yeah, maybe the mothers off, and the mothers just back off, and the sons asks, just say, i think she's a pig. and then he'll really more. there you really want her more. there you 90, really want her more. there you go, great advice. go, helen. thank great advice. thank very much for joining thank you very much for joining us for free speech nation this was week when were was the week when mvp's were revealed to state funded revealed to be state funded boozers. went wrong boozers. a date went wrong because ordered because of the guests ordered milk and a was taken down because it featured . three because it was featured. three ageing men like us ageing white men like us speaking of ageing white men. thank you so much my panel louis schaefer and scott burrough and to my guests evening to all my guests this evening you'll join us live in you'll want to join us live in the studio because want the studio because we want audiences you so much audiences thank you so much joining in on looking ahead to tomorrow's across the uk. i and foggy towards the northeast with wind and rain in the southwest. let's take a look and will detect a few showers for orkney and shetland otherwise a mostly dry start on monday for scotland though with icy patches some fog. meanwhile very wet and windy across much northern ireland with heavy arriving
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overnight overnight dry across northern england in the northwest, temperatures will be a few degrees above freezing. but in the north—east it will be icy and foggy. north wales is also looking dry. at first it will be rather cloudy and further south there will be heavy and very strong winds which will spread across wales throughout morning whilst . the throughout morning whilst. the west midlands will get off to a cloudy start . the east midlands, cloudy start. the east midlands, the skies be clear, it does mean be quite chilly though, especially in areas and chilly across much of east anglia here. temperatures will be around or perhaps a touch below freezing. so frost and icy patches are possible first thing cloudy for parts in south—east it'll be mostly dry whilst heavy and very strong winds will bring difficult driving conditions in the southwest . but the wind and the southwest. but the wind and rain continue north eastwards the morning though northern are set to remain mostly dry and
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sunny and that's how the weather's shaping up throughout tomorrow .
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