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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight Replay  GB News  February 17, 2023 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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is love is enough on government is love is enough on immigration .7 does protesting immigration? does protesting against illegal migrants make you racist and far right? will tory mp for bury more james daly , former brexit party mep rupert lowe and human rights lawyer show abcon go head to head on that in the clash at 920. but does the crass stigmatisation of working class people as far right, despite their concerns, in my view, being genuine and legitimate , put lives at risk. legitimate, put lives at risk. calvin mackenzie gives his unfiltered take at 1040. also coming up on the show tonight, as meghan markle is slammed in court for subject her estranged sister to ridicule , contempt and sister to ridicule, contempt and disgrace is the sussexes web of lies finally coming back to haunt them? royal mastermind sadly, colin campbell and phil dampier analysed that with new information too. at 935. and it's not just an american to a harry and meghan and getting a right royal pasty instagram loving wife actually doesn't want her privacy . how dare you
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want her privacy. how dare you to my instagram loving wife is always wanted out of that . oh so always wanted out of that. oh so toxic couple now an even bigger laughing stock stateside than in the uk . stay tuned to see the the uk. stay tuned to see the rest of that fascinating south park clip as we examine the montecito, monet's humiliating fall from grace . that's in the fall from grace. that's in the media buzz. we'll have a first look at tomorrow's newspaper front pages for you, too. plus, a union jack has and a brand new union jack has and grace revealed grace inspiration revealed the last week. is dan last of the week. this is dan wootton tonight. let's go . wootton tonight. let's go. it good evening to you. my digest coming up on the untold damage scheming sturgeon has done to scotland and her separatist cause. but first, the news headlines at nine with polly middlehurst . dad. thank polly middlehurst. dad. thank you. good evening to you . the you. good evening to you. the prime minister has tonight
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arrived in northern ireland amid speculation that a deal could be close over the northern ireland protocol . rishi sunak has made protocol. rishi sunak has made the journey with the northern ireland secretary , chris ireland secretary, chris heaton—harris, to hold talks with all political parties there. the uk and the eu have beenin there. the uk and the eu have been in intense talks to secure improvements to the post brexit trade deal. well, now expectations are growing that new terms could be set out in the next few days and you'll hear that first on tv news. now, sir keir starmer has made a surprise visit to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy. the labour leader pledged that support for kyiv will continue if his party comes to power. sir keir also visited the cities of buka and appin , where he was buka and appin, where he was shown evidence of alleged atrocities committed by russian troops . during the trip, he troops. during the trip, he called for russia to face justice in the hague. throughout the conflict, the labour party has stood united with the government in the united kingdom
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. to show our support for ukraine and we will have an election next year and the may well be a change of government. but should there be a change of government next year in a general election, there will be no change in the position of support for ukraine, both during the conflict and in the course for justice. lancashire police forjustice. lancashire police has reserved review. i'm sorry, referred itself to the police watchdog over contact they had with nicola pulley and her husband, paul ansel prior to her disappearance . the force says it disappearance. the force says it was called to nicola's home on january the 10th, 17 days before she went missing . it comes after she went missing. it comes after yesterday . detectives yesterday. detectives unexpectedly revealed that the 45 year old was vulnerable and she'd struggled with alcohol and the menopause. earlier, ms. but his family said the public focus was now more about appalling speculation into her private life than actually finding her. scotland's health secretary is reportedly expected to enter the race to become the next leader
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of the scottish national party . of the scottish national party. the daily record says humza yousaf will throw his hat into the ring after nicholas sturgeon stepped down as first minister. the snp's executive committee says it's postponing its special conference with the ballot to select sturgeon successor closing on the 27th of march. of a possible replacements include deputy first minister john swinney and finance secretary kate forbes. now, in the last houn kate forbes. now, in the last hour, we've received some news from america , and it's been from america, and it's been announced that the actor bruce willis has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia , the frontotemporal dementia, the most common form of the condition found in people under the age of 60 years old and warning the following footage does contain some flashing images. last spring, the actor announced his retirement after being diagnosed with aphasia , being diagnosed with aphasia, which affects his cognitive abilities. and now his family said that condition has progressed. describe the news as painful . they say they hope the painful. they say they hope the
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media attention will shine a light on the disease . you're up light on the disease. you're up to date on tv, online and tv. plus, ready with gb news. back now to dan wootton tonight . now to dan wootton tonight. so maybe, just maybe , the so maybe, just maybe, the anti—english rhetoric that became so prevalent during the divisive , vicious reign of divisive, vicious reign of scheming sturgeon might just be coming to an end . last night, on coming to an end. last night, on the streets of glasgow, unionists came together to celebrate a truly seismic shift in scottish . in scottish. politics go . back .
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go. back. but it's not just a change in tone in scotland that will emerge in the post surgeon era, but potentially a massive change in policy to the extremists in the room like the fox bashing barristerjoined in mourn might be upping the resurrected dangerous levels . i mean today dangerous levels. i mean today he tweeted i would be very sad to see nicola sturgeon's departure, but westminster has made it very hard to see a peaceful way forward, despite a vote for the aspirations of many scottish people for self—determination or even proper devolved government . very proper devolved government. very hard to see how a peaceful way forward . while once the old forward. while once the old tenets of sir but look sensible scots , no such talk is foolish . scots, no such talk is foolish. snp chiefs have announced in the last few moments that they have postponed their special conference to choose sturgeon's
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successor . so this was the successor. so this was the conference that was set to rubber stamp queen nick's deranged bid to turn the next general election into a referendum on separation. even as the country's health and education system were plunged into deeper crisis by the day, the party's westminster leader, stephen flynn , made it clear stephen flynn, made it clear this morning that sturgeon may remain in post for now. but her agendais remain in post for now. but her agenda is quickly been torn up. but the referendum is obviously put forward by the to the first minister. and we were going to be discussing debate in the merits of that party conference. i personally think that that party conference should be paused for obvious reasons. i think the new leader should have the opportunity under the space to their position, their to say their position, their values and their intention going forward . most significant is the forward. most significant is the likelihood that some of sturgeon's woke extra members have, including the sick gender recognition reform bill, might follow her out the door. the daily telegraph reported today
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that sources in hollyrood have suggested a proposed legal challenge to the westminster veto of the law . a law, by the veto of the law. a law, by the way. let's never forget, would allow rapists and child abusers to self id before they face trial for their crimes. the newspaper says that law will now be quietly dropped as quickly as possible. meanwhile sturgeon's snp ceo husband peter morale is facing increasing pressure to quit too, as negative headlines swirl around a police investigation into an alleged missing investigation into an alleged missin g £600,000 in donations . a missing £600,000 in donations. a top sturgeon refused to comment on during her press conference yesterday . what is it that's yesterday. what is it that's changed over the last few weeks? you've mentioned some things. the only thing you didn't mention is the police inquiry into the party's finances. i think these things are not the reason i'm standing here today. these are not factors, nor will my decision to affect this things and all of these things
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will take the course . what's will take the course. what's clear is that the sturgeon era is now unravelling . she has done is now unravelling. she has done untold damage to scotland and ironically her separate just cause. ironically her separate just cause . to respond now, my cause. to respond now, my superstar panel, top daily mail columnist sarah vine, former conservative london mayoral candidate shaun bailey and the former snp council cllr austin shendan. former snp council cllr austin sheridan . so sarah vine , i mean, sheridan. so sarah vine, i mean, she's not even out the door and already the proposal . yeah, already the proposal. yeah, going yeah, that's all. it's all it's all falling away. i mean you can see, i mean she's had a terrible sort of combination of factors. i mean the whole, the self—identification bill was very badly judged by her. i don't think she had any idea that it would meet with such cogent opposition, actually, because the opposition to it has been very sort of sensible and measured. it hasn't been
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hysterical or anything like that. it hasn't been sort of anti—trans feeling. it's just been, you know, quite a lot of sensible people say this is not a good idea. this will end up, you know, and we saw the example of the guy who's not them. graham exactly. so that was bad, i think. i think the independ and stuff, you know, she had a real setback with that in the supreme was a real supreme court. that was a real problem her. and i just problem for her. and i just think, you can't if think, you know, if you can't if you come on the sort of if you can't come on the sort of if you can't come on the sort of if you can't come on the sort of if you can't command the respect of the party, you can't lead it. it's the same for any politician. doesn't matter where they to have the they are. they have to have the combination , of course, of combination, of course, and of course police. but i don't course the police. but i don't really understand what's going on seems very on there. it all seems very murky to me, but it seems odd that, you he should have that, you know, he should have given snp land, he lent them given the snp land, he lent them thousand didn't and thousand or more didn't he. and then would no. talk then she would not. no. talk about no, no she kept referring she term she kept referring to short term issues which i thought was rather insulting to all those women found women who suddenly found themselves a with themselves in a prison with a male rapist to be describe as a short term issue . but, know, short term issue. but, you know, very true. i mean, sean bailey,
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look , the snp , he will be about look, the snp, he will be about political survival now and they know i think to survive politically they have to move away from some of these extremist policy that sturgeon has been pushing , not just the has been pushing, not just the gender recognition reform bill, but also turning the next general election into a de facto referendum on separatism , when referendum on separatism, when actually there are far more important pressing issues at home in scotland, the long answer to that is yes. and so the short answer, because if the party didn't feel that way, she would still be the leader right now she's gone from a superstar to nowhere in a short and very short period of time. and what you're seeing now is not only a party changed leader, party that have changed leader, they're run from they're trying to run away from her. and think they've just her. and i think they've just seen on the wall. if seen the writing on the wall. if you're here in britain, it sounds sort here in sounds like sort of out here in england, it like every england, it sounds like every scot wants to be independent of england. that might england. it now seems that might not the case. she not be quite the case. and she made herself a case. made herself such a case. exactly made herself such a
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exactly she made herself such a symbol independence. you symbol of independence. if you run if you feel like run the snp, if you feel like independence way to independence is not the way to 90, independence is not the way to go, have to get her gone . go, you have to get her gone. because while she's there, it's all independence. and all about independence. and without could have without her you could have a different story. of course, different story. and of course, scotland the nhs scotland is suffering. the nhs in in a mess. in scotland is in a mess. education is in mess. nicola education is in a mess. nicola sturgeon's past low rating is in a you run that a mess. and if you run that party, if you want snp to be party, if you want the snp to be able fight the tories and able to fight the tories and labour at the next election, you cannot that behind nicholas cannot do that behind nicholas sturgeon. gone. sturgeon. that's why she's gone. i she's just just i mean, she's just gone, just left. austin sheridan our favourite prose sturgeon snp defender you're valiantly being behind the first minister for months and months sitting here tonight for the first time on the super up. how do you still stand by sturgeon are you like other folk in the snp who are very quickly running away from the dangerous path she was taking your party down. no, i've been.i taking your party down. no, i've been. i stand by starting. i stand by the idea behind the agenda of regulation reforming even understand even now. i understand understand merits of it. understand the merits of it. however, if i could potentially jump however, if i could potentially jump into talking about court action immediately know,
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action immediately, you know, without with the uk without negotiating with the uk government and know , government and you know, speaking secretary state speaking to the secretary state for would be a sensible for scotland would be a sensible way forward find out the way forward to find out what the concerns and how we can concerns are and how we can maybe, you know, and take away the block from the legislation so see that so you're prepared to see that bill watered down? i got sturgeon worried about what she actually voted for. the amendment , actually voted for. the amendment, which meant that even child sex abuses and rapists would have to refer to the accuse their accused abuser in court by their new pronoun . court by their new pronoun. well, what i'm prepared to do, what i would like to see happen is for the sexual state, for scotland to actually point out, first of all, what parts of the equality act this equality act that this legislation as impinging upon because uk government this because the uk government this is suicide , failed is political suicide, failed policy. what you don't policy. but what you don't understand they understand because what they talked reason they talked about, the reason they baulked at the said independent on equality so what i on the equality act. so what i would do first on would like to do first of all on the refugee government and find out how what out exactly how you know what i'm saying to you, that impinges
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not, of course, the western people. is just people. and the thing is just nicholas every that's nicholas sturgeon every that's got every single got support from every single local party in the scottish parliament, including conservative as conservative members as well as not national campaign. not just a national campaign. okay one question about okay one other question about leadership, austin why leadership, austin. why did sturgeon groom a successor? sturgeon not groom a successor? i mean, whatever. if you think of alex salmond, he very of alex salmond, he was very good when it was time good at knowing when it was time to stage, but also to leave the stage, but also knowing how important it was to have someone to take the rights up. no offence , there's no up. no offence, there's no superstars waiting there in your party. is there? yeah. well, what are the things that i would agree with our on this. i think agree with our on this. i think a big challenge from that question was a way forward for independence and how the snp are going to deliver for me going to deliver that. for me personally, i was not keen on the idea of using the westminster election as a de facto so that's gone facto referendum, so that's gone . that's gone. i've been . i agree that's gone. i've been that's been muddled up in terms of successes that the snp has a wide range of talent enough to condemn three off the top of go angus robertson, who could be a
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fantastic successor, got forbes you know have done splendid as a white fillet talented but the bottom is suddenly you don't want that though, do you? because you're you're on the you're on the extremes folk side because you're you're on the yo the on the extremes folk side because you're you're on the yo the party; extremes folk side because you're you're on the yo the party. do tremes folk side because you're you're on the yo the party. do youres folk side because you're you're on the yo the party. do you wantlk side because you're you're on the yo the party. do you want thisde of the party. do you want this fundamentalist christian doesn't believe gay marriage. lead believe in gay marriage. lead your party the progressive your party on the progressive say the party. and what say to the party. and what i believe as the snp members and will make the choice when will make the right choice when it to it. look, look , it comes to it. look, look, nicholas sturgeon never groomed a successor because she never planned to leave . i use the word planned to leave. i use the word p0p planned to leave. i use the word pop because they explore it. in her fevered last month, she she she had no plan to leave. and the other reason didn't give the other reason she didn't give me successor, because if you me a successor, because if you groom that successor early, groom that successor too early, they your executioner. they become your executioner. she scottish politics she dominated scottish politics and that meant she got all the plaudits. but what she didn't realise also to realise they should also have to all the that's why she all the pain. that's why she does every day responsible does have every day responsible of them what it was. but of having them what it was. but for politician though, for every politician though, it's terrifying how quickly things yeah, yeah. things can show. yeah, yeah. because austin, because look, here's austin, a minister time. so you and minister a long time. so you and austin all credit you. you austin all credit to you. you have a staunch
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have always been a staunch sturgeon defender, but even tonight, austin said, look, she was wrong . and on the de facto was wrong. and on the de facto reform and once it goes, it's almost impossible to avoid it. you just can't you can't support you. it just it just drains away . that's why, you know, she's there now. but that can't last. i mean, you know , the one thing i mean, you know, the one thing that i though, just that i wish, though, just a mention if the scottish media who so sturgeon for so who were so pro sturgeon for so many , imagine if they'd many years, imagine if they'd put same sort of pressure on put the same sort of pressure on her they did very well. by her as they did very well. by the way, over the past weeks about scotland's domestic issues, you know, about the drug subsidies, nhs , they subsidies, the failed nhs, they let her get away with so much, so much. but she was but she she i mean, she was a very skilful politician. i mean, i remember writing her years ago writing about her years ago saying , you know, i don't agree saying, you know, i don't agree with she says, but with anything she says, but i really respect her an really respect her as an operator because she really was very she and very good at what she did. and also, i'm going to be now. also, i'm going to be cruel now. just finally, because i've given you 24 hours. have have you come up with yes because up with a success? yes because you i asked you last you remember i asked you last night successes have
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night what of her successes have you you up with one? yes. you you come up with one? yes. domestic i've been at domestic success. what has your greatest through pandemic of through the pandemic and one of the that proponents right through the pandemic and one of tisaid that proponents right through the pandemic and one of tisaid thithat)ponents right through the pandemic and one of tisaid thithat time�*nts right through the pandemic and one of tisaid thithat time was'ight through the pandemic and one of tisaid thithat time was she . said during that time was she was so authoritarian , you know, was so authoritarian, you know, and that people don't like what she's done yet. and divisions and 21 had the scottish parliament election during the pandemic she got 47.7. she was successful. i'll give you that . successful. i'll give you that. she gordon bailey, sarah vine, i would say she used the covid pandemic a. health for revolting political purposes anyway just my view by zip. so i've had it with me all night but coming up as meghan is blasted in court for subjecting her estranged sister to ridicule contempt and disgrace , is the sussex campaign disgrace, is the sussex campaign to trash their families coming back them all? my royal back to bite them all? my royal masterminds, colin campbell masterminds, lady colin campbell and phil dampier have new information that they're going to 935. up next to reveal it at 935. but up next in clash, as brits who have in the clash, as brits who have had the country's out had enough of the country's out of immigration demonised of control immigration demonised by msm does protesting
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by the msm does protesting against illegal make you racist and far right somehow tory mp for barry north james daley, former brexit party mep rupert lowe and human rights lawyer shoaib khan are going to go head to head on this next. what do you think? vote in our poll. the results straight after the .
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break time now for the clash . more time now for the clash. more than 2000 and mostly adult undocumented migrants have entered britain illegally on small boats this year. already and brits have had enough . i've and brits have had enough. i've had enough of not knowing who's been set loose in their community. they have had of feeling i've had enough feeling unsafe. i've had enough of being ignored . but when of being ignored. but when anyone dares to speak out like the worried mothers, fathers and grandparents in knowsley , they grandparents in knowsley, they are unfairly branded far right and racist. despite their concerns about uncontrollable immigration being totally legitimate . what do you think? legitimate. what do you think? does protest against illegal migrants make you racist and far right damage ? vote in right damage? vote in our poll at gb news. it's taking off right now, but help me make up your mind. i'm joined by the former brexit party mep rupert lowe , human rights lawyer shoaib lowe, human rights lawyer shoaib and james daly , the conservative and james daly, the conservative mp for north. and james, let me start with you, because i
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imagine your hearing from your constituents is a lot about this issue and i don't think if they are expressing a concern, it means they are on the far right, too. you well, good evening, dan, and thank you very much for having me on. i'm delighted to be on, but i can't actually believe this is a serious question. and if i actually before i became an mp today, very involved in 2019, i was a councillor in barry for ten years. i campaign and knocked on thousands throughout thousands of doors throughout the country, but mainly in the north england million north of england by a million miles down the most important concern and the major issue that were raised with me throughout the country was issues concern regarding immigration . the great regarding immigration. the great fall to the left has always been and those who those who look back on brexit may want to take some notice of this in that those concerns , the people of those concerns, the people of knowsley have had have been there for a long, long time. and there for a long, long time. and the tactic of the left just to brand everybody because brand everybody a racist because they have legitimate concerns
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about community and the about that community and the sustainability of that community is absolute madness at this time. you know that politicians like me stood up and pulled this stuff out. the left wing social police wanting to impose their morality upon other people who are living lawful, peaceful lives and they're being let down by politicians. so it quite clearly is nothing to do. it is like any other issue. the people have got the right to legitimately protest and question their politicians about some of the very, very bad decisions that are happening at the moment regarding immigration . couldn't agree more, . well, i couldn't agree more, and i think it's shocking that we are having to have this conversation. rupert lowe, you about this earlier , earlier in about this earlier, earlier in the week because actually that is how the protesters are being branded by much of the liberal establishment . well, as we know, establishment. well, as we know, down the most, the liberal establishment are woke. i mean, to call somebody a racist for just standing up for their own country and what they believe in
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is poppycock and at the end of the day, look, i'm all in favour of legal target to do immigration into the australian zoo extremely well. they have a point system . they don't point system. they don't tolerate any illegal immigration. if you if you try and come in illegally, they they ban you from coming to australia ever again. these guys as you say a young man from albania, they're from from parts of the world which they're not really what i'd call economic migrants . they're just coming here because we tolerate them . as we because we tolerate them. as we know, qe is to stay, to grow like a weed . and most of the like a weed. and most of the state is failing including the home office . so i you know, if home office. so i you know, if there was a will to stop them coming in, we could easily do it . and certainly looking at my previous constituency in the west midlands, we were filling up private hotel with illegal immigrants again by stealth , a immigrants again by stealth, a bit like we tax people now by stealth. everything is done by
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the establishment through stealth . oh, and i, i think stealth. oh, and i, i think decent people have every right to stand up if the state is fighting and call out. yeah, so ihave fighting and call out. yeah, so i have a problem . well, well, i have a problem. well, well, let's get the other side of the argument on this because show up con , i believe that you say that con, i believe that you say that many of the protesters in knowsley were far right . i don't knowsley were far right. i don't know if this very many, but obviously there was definitely a far right presence there and has it has become clear over the past few days, it seems to have instigated by encouraged by possibly organised by far right groups until there was a particularly particular group. i won't name it, but it seems to be the fastest growing is the head fire group which was actually flirting homes, local homes in the locality just in the previous week. before that . the previous week. before that. and then obviously what we saw , and then obviously what we saw, i mean, i know we're talking about and i'm a human rights lawyer, i'm all for the right to
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protest. but peaceful protest, protest. but peaceful protest, protest that does not antagonise others . protest that is not others. protest that is not hostile to protest that is not destructive . indeed. and we all destructive. indeed. and we all that sentiment on fire but show up.cani that sentiment on fire but show up. can i just ask something and you can respond. do you also can cede that there were nefarious far elements at the protest. i mean the communist party actually issued on twitter a call out for anti fascist states to come and there's strong speculation that many of the hooded , violent folk there were hooded, violent folk there were actually members of antifa . so actually members of antifa. so but no one's talking about that. i've seen any credible report that that was the case. i mean, obviously, these the tweet, the tweets there , we've heard from tweets there, we've heard from the police are the tweet . what the police are the tweet. what we are saying is that whoever it was who was actually , you know, was who was actually, you know, who set the policeman on fire, who set the policeman on fire, who was attacking, who was throwing fireworks at a police officer, obviously, that wrong.
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and i know i mean, obviously, you spoke about him being behind about, know, people raising about, you know, people raising their concerns and the government i yeah government failing. i mean, yeah , i mean, doubt there's anyone , i mean, i doubt there's anyone more critical than me of the government its failings. of government and its failings. of course, government, know course, the government, you know , the home , james jones and the home office was unfit for purpose . office was unfit for purpose. and that's all there. of course , you know, put your point across. okay. i hate james daily. look, the issue that i have is that actually we don't know who was behind that violence . i'm sure all of us violence. i'm sure all of us condemn violence in the strongest possible terms. but i've just shown evidence , james i've just shown evidence, james daily, that actually the hard left, we're also organising that it's not again i'm enjoying being part of the panel, but it's totally ridiculous conversation . if people commit conversation. if people commit offences , the criminals and the offences, the criminals and the police arrest them, no matter whether the left or right, whoever they are is a simple and straightforward, does not. and we have the laws in place to do that. so, you know, this that
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the left can impose upon titles upon people for protesting that they don't like prosecute . you they don't like prosecute. you know the serious about this when people are sat in the middle of the m6 , you know, stopping the m6, you know, stopping people getting cancer treatment of issues, the things, you know, when causing damage of issues, the things, you know, winational causing damage of issues, the things, you know, winational monuments,] damage of issues, the things, you know, winational monuments, when age of issues, the things, you know, winational monuments, when the to national monuments, when the throwing criminal throwing causing criminal damage and into and throwing monuments into into rivers , oh, that's terrible. rivers, oh, that's terrible. that they stand and walking down. it's all about imposing their morality on a set of circumstances . so it's not about circumstances. so it's not about the underlying issues of why local people in knowsley bothered . what to do bothered. what they want to do is broaden the political issue to suit their own needs. i've just been reading in the guardian that one of the groups who've been condemning this care for kayleigh now than if we had about 2 hours. i could tell you something about kathakali, because you because i've been with them, you know, three ago i was on know, three weeks ago i was on the beaches of calais with with , organisation , for calais, an organisation that the french authorities say essentially they view as enemies. they say, or hindering any cause by the french government to meaningfully
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address the flow of migrants coming across this country. so we've also got a wall of organisation to hide behind hocus pocus who are enabling what i consider to be illegal immigration. but what i consider to be illegal immigration . but they masquerade immigration. but they masquerade as the kings and queens of liberal and as it's called, the rest of us. you know, all these names. it utterly ludicrous if people committed offences against them, end of story. and how about you on the first one to that . i'm yeah. i mean to that. i'm yeah. i mean i think i mean obviously dan's pile i mean the tories they've beenin pile i mean the tories they've been in power more than a decade we have absolutely no solutions. the problem is getting worse. i mean, i doubt any of us wants to see the hotels full. i mean, from the asylum seekers point of view, the home office, the view, from the home office, the public's point of view, i think is being done things. is what's being done things. i just that's something we just i think that's something we can agree not enough, can all agree on. not enough, right. where is being right. where not enough is being done. enough by any as done. not enough by any as usual. it's the honesty , decent usual. it's the honesty, decent middle class and of enterprising tax payer who's picking up the
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tab and having just sent a very large sum of money to the and by the way, seven times more of these illegal migrants are being sent to red wall seats compared to the south—east. and we should never forget that either. but look, a fascinating debate. thank you for having it. i agree. we shouldn't have to have it, but that's where we're at at the moment. brexit party the moment. former brexit party mep rupert lowe, the human rights shoaib and rights lawyer shoaib khan, and james conservative mp james daly, the conservative mp for bury north. do you for bury north. but who do you agree with on this? does protest against illegal migrants make you far right? spicer you racist and far right? spicer on twitter says, no, it's not racist. protest it means you have a genuine concern about the future of children future society of our children and they will grow up in. and what they will grow up in. from anthea. is far from anthea. yes, it is far right and racist. these people are human beings. right and racist. these people are human beings . and from are just human beings. and from cameron, people who throw cameron, most people who throw around right around terms like far right wouldn't even able to define wouldn't even be able to define those things than those things other than whatever. i don't agree. and your verdict is now in just 11% of you say that protesting against illegal migrants is racist and far right. 89% of you say it is not. now coming up as
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a think tank slams sturgeon's disaster economic legacy after a decade of punishing taxes and financial uncertainty, has her separatist obsession left scots poorer ? ex—tory minister ann poorer? ex—tory minister ann widdecombe examines the smouldering ashes of the failed first minister's writing at 950. but first, as meghan is slammed in court for subjecting her estranged sister to ridicule and contempt . is the sussexes plan contempt. is the sussexes plan to ruin both their families coming back to haunt them? well, my royal masterminds, lady colin campbell and phil, get dampier. they have new information on this. they're going reveal this. they're going to reveal all the .
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break time now for our brilliant royal masterminds that colin campbell and phil dampier. masterminds that colin campbell and phil dampier . and who would and phil dampier. and who would have thought trashing your family in public would go without consequence? meghan markle back court. this time defending a defamation case from her half sister and friend of the show, samantha markle. now, sam , a good woman, an honest sam, a good woman, an honest woman is accusing the runaway duchess of trashing her reputation after being slammed as a, quote, disgusting, opportune, honest in the infamous oprah winfrey interview from march 20, 21, it's claimed meghan also suggested sam cashed in on her relationship with prince harry and the world told false and malicious lies about her rags to riches . royal fairy her rags to riches. royal fairy tale at the expense of her
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estranged family . now, tale at the expense of her estranged family. now, sam's lawyer, peter tipton, told court meghan's comments had killed sam's . he meghan's comments had killed sam's. he said words defamatory when they tend to subject one to hatred, distrust, ridicule, contempt or disgrace or tend to endure one in one's business or profession . in this case, we've profession. in this case, we've got it all. meanwhile, meghan's lawyers attempting to get the case, throw it out with her brief. michael kump telling the judge calling someone an opportunist. this is not defamatory. opinions are not. and cannot defamatory. and cannot be defamatory. there's no way to determine if that's true or false. well, i hope that's how meghan feels next time she's trying to sue a uk newspaper, she seems to do regular interviews. but look, lady, see this is a fascinating case. you are obviously in the know more than anyone. do you think the sussexes web of lies are finally coming back to haunt them ? oh, without your doubt. them? oh, without your doubt. without a doubt. you know the reality is there is a possibility that this case might
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be disallowed and it will be dismissed without , which would dismissed without, which would mean that samantha will have the opportunity to re as sue proceed , which she will do if she has to. but the reality is whether samantha so wins or loses in court. meghan has lost in the court. meghan has lost in the court of public opinion f now knows meghan is a vicious lie . knows meghan is a vicious lie. we're a very manipulative, nasty , too human being who has no compunction about destroying her beloved, her loving father and her disabled sister. beloved, her loving father and her disabled sister . and there her disabled sister. and there is absolutely no way in marriage that meghan will ever be able to recover from the revelations that samantha's lawsuits have
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with exposed her as having possessed it. now very strong words, and i couldn't agree more . phil dampier, can we just talk for a moment about meghan's defence, her lawyer's defence? i mean , is she the biggest mean, is she the biggest hypocrite in the world? and i genuinely mean that because this is a woman who literally reads an opinion column. she doesn't like and is on the phone to her lawyer saying sue them, sue them. now, you know, she sued them. now, you know, she sued the mail on sunday for publishing a letter that she wrote to thomas markle, even though she wrote the letter with the full knowledge that it was probably going to be leaked. and by the way, her friends had already leaked the contents of the letter to people magazine. and all of a sudden now she said, oh, no words opinions said, oh, no words in opinions aren't . yeah. good aren't defamatory. yeah. good evening. i mean, i couldn't stop laughing this morning when i read what the lawyer. you showed a picture of him there. michael thought he might come out the
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chump. he told the judge. apparently, he told the judge in florida that, quote , not every florida that, quote, not every perceived should be perceived slight should be litigated . i mean, talk about litigated. i mean, talk about possibly chattel. i mean, what have they done for the last two years? every single time they had a perceived slight, they'd go running to their lawyers. and yet, as i said week, they yet, as i said last week, they like it out. they don't like dishing it out. they don't like dishing it out. they don't like it is absolutely like taking it. it is absolutely extra old. and he on to say extra old. and he went on to say that feelings that she that meghan's feelings that she grew as child was grew up as an only child was simply an expression of her subject of feelings today. so it's like harry's, but it's a bit like harry's, but really recollections really spare recollections may vary. queen well, vary. as the queen said. well, indeed, indeed . i mean, lady c, indeed, indeed. i mean, lady c, i think what's really important to point out as well is that this isn't about the money for sam. mark or i mean, she could have sued for far, far more than $75,000. this is about actually protecting the reputation of a good family , the markle family good family, the markle family who have had their name dragged through the mud for many, many
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years . yes. of course. i mean, years. yes. of course. i mean, the reality is, samantha has done what her father couldn't do because he couldn't afford to sue people . and he should have sue people. and he should have he should really have sued people . but, you know, he people. but, you know, he couldn't you know, so the timing wasn't right i mean, the timing with this is not ideal, but this is not about money. this about just this this is about honour. this is about integrity . this is this is about integrity. this is about stopping a vicious lie from producing the reputation of decent, innocent people. this is what it's about. this is a real david and gladys case, a fight for justice, peace and decency forjustice, peace and decency to prevail over the vicious , to prevail over the vicious, vicious lies and the hypocrisy of really the most
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unconscionable public figure that we have and brazen public figure that we have seen for many a decade . i mean, the woman many a decade. i mean, the woman is beyond belief. and as we saw from the south park episode that i played a little smidgen of at the top of the show , america is the top of the show, america is turning to and do stay tuned in the next hour because i'm going to show you this episode, which completely rips harry and meghan to shreds. it's just extraordinary. look, also extraordinary. look, i also want to talk lady c about this bombshell post unearthed from meghan's old blog, the tig that reveals she knew all about the royals two years before she met harry, which seems to blow apart these claims that she had never even googled them. so in 2014, meghan wrote that she dreamed of being a quote , royal rebel and being a quote, royal rebel and not a traditional princess, always commenting on william and kate's wedding . so is this kate's wedding. so is this another prove it . meghan markle another prove it. meghan markle follow suit, shall we say , to follow suit, shall we say, to add to the pile ? well, you know,
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add to the pile? well, you know, i said in my book, meghan and harry the real story , is that harry the real story, is that meghan had studied the royals and that not only did she say then she indicated back in the tig, but in her previous blog, the working girl or working actress, it was a working selfie, not quite sure, but we all know what she was really watching, which was her talents . and the reality is that, you know, meghan studied them. i was told that meghan has religiously used my book, the diana candle, as a template to be able to seduce harry and evoke diana's memory and to pretend to be diana, to i was told this by somebody who knows meghan a very well and who meghan said that this is what she had done . so
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this is what she had done. so whether that's fair or not, that's what i was told. and certainly the parallels between what her behaviour and watch and my book are beyond coincidental . i mean phil we obviously have to put on the record that there is no evidence that that meghan studied the royal. however some of harry's claims now are looking a little bit far fetched, aren't they? i mean, he really, genuinely believe that, that meghan had no idea about the queen . and so he's using the queen. and so he's using lady seizing , cracking phones lady seizing, cracking phones and ideas. and she she really is letting fans interesting stuff. now, i don't think anyone ever believed that she didn't know anything about the royal family or had never heard of prince harry. i mean, this is a woman who at us embassy in who works at the us embassy in wednesday's race, she addressed the she was an the united nations. she was an intelligent she'd been on intelligent woman. she'd been on
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houday intelligent woman. she'd been on holiday posed outside, holiday and posed outside, outside buckingham when outside buckingham palace when she was the idea that she she was 50. the idea that she didn't anything the didn't know anything about the royal never heard of royal family i'd never heard of prince was absolutely prince harry was absolutely ridiculous. latest ridiculous. and this this latest thing only did thing shows that not only did she about them, she was she know about them, but she was already informing an opinion about she wanted be about it. she wanted to be a rebel and didn't like kate, you know, thought that the know, so i thought that the hullabaloo around kate's wedding was she was was over the top. so she was already opinions long already forming opinions long before she met harry. i know. i know. it it was one heck of a discovery. and of course , we're discovery. and of course, we're going to be keeping on this legal case that markle will be here next week to all go into plans. so lady colin campbell, phil dampier, our royal masterminds, thank you so much . masterminds, thank you so much. of course, both sides of the story here on gb news. and we must point out that harry and meghan have always denied it, that meghan had any knowledge of the royal family in the years before she met her prince.
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coming up, as keir starmer banishes jeremy corbyn from the labour party, despite years power, seeing is hardly a propaganda . is starmer one of propaganda. is starmer one of the most decent politicians of our generation my superstar panel will discuss the labour party's civil war that's broken out . that's party's civil war that's broken out. that's in the party's civil war that's broken out . that's in the details after out. that's in the details after ten. but first, after a decade of punishing in taxes and financial uncertainty brought on by her deranged push for a second referendum has sturgeon's separatist obsession condemned scots to a bleak future? ex—tory minister and whitaker weighs in on the snp figureheads . on the snp figureheads. catastrophic economic economic legacy. she's lives straight after the .
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party time now for big willie style with former tory minister ann widdecombe and the resignation of nicholas sturgeon rocked the nafion of nicholas sturgeon rocked the nation this week. and she leaves
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scotland in a much worse position than when she took power in 2014. the think power back in 2014. the think tank these has slammed high tax, low growth, economic legacy. there's left both scottish earnings and business confidence intact at his individual earnings in scotland have declined sharply compared to the rest of the uk and the damage to innovation and investment has been even more destructive. after eight years of endless caused by sturgeon's deranged push for a second illegal vote on. separatism. so an has scheming sturgeon's obsession battered business and action . battered business and action. she ended up making scots poorer . oh, it's taught . i mean, . oh, it's taught. i mean, scotland is a lot worse on several indices. the nhs in scotland is much worse than it was . when nicholas sturgeon took was. when nicholas sturgeon took over education. results of decline since nicola took over. you've just seen the economic figures. and of course a lot has
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happened. figures. and of course a lot has happened . she's become a victim happened. she's become a victim of . her own arrogance. she's happened. she's become a victim of. her own arrogance. she's all that as long. she was always picking a fight with westminster and the scots would support . and and the scots would support. and then she picked the wrong fight over her extreme transgender policies . she picked entirely policies. she picked entirely the wrong fight . the scottish the wrong fight. the scottish pubuc the wrong fight. the scottish public were not with all. a few days ago 42% of them were saying that she ought to go and she's gone. and i think scotland will be the better for. and then before she took power, sturgeon said publicly judge me on education. that will be the measure that you can judge whether i'm a success or failure. well, she certainly has to give herself a fail mark, then, because those education standards, especially for depnved standards, especially for deprived kids in scotland , have deprived kids in scotland, have gone down the drain in absolutely land. and the tragedy of it is that scottish education standards used to be very harsh and they used to be the they
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were they were very high. and then they were and respected abroad. and yet she's managed to squander all of that and her focus has always been on running with westminster doing something different. with westminster coming. we went through with nicholas sturgeon always doing something different. and what westminster was doing or nearly always at any rate as a of principle, you know, she had to be doing something was different and then of course she came up against some. first of all, over the second referendum on westminster said no one is unlawful in the courts, that no one is unlawful. so she stuck there having said that, that first referendum was going to decide the issue for a generation . she now didn't get generation. she now didn't get the result she wanted. so like others i could mention, she decides she's going to try and rerun the referendum and then finally under the law school was just the transgender policy. do you do? because it makes no at all. it wasn't just the prisoner the rapist going to a women's
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prison. it was a law that said, you know, that children could decide, oh, i need to or i mean, it's a sick law. it's actually a sick and twisted law. she could have voted voted for that amendment to at least protect the victims of child sex abuse or rights in court. and she didn't, which said a lot about her. but and looking at it from a macro level isn't it the risk of when a politician becomes so detached from reality for so long and she was surrounded by sycophants , she was surrounded sycophants, she was surrounded by a soft scottish media, largely loved her. she certainly was surrounded by a westminster media that always wanted to put her on a pedestal and she completely lost the understanding of what scottish people, ordinary scottish even by the way, in the snp what they really felt . yes. i mean she let really felt. yes. i mean she let the whole thing go to her head in much the same way that
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theresa may things go to her head. you know, and you always have to be a bit detached, your own propaganda and your own populace sitting on it. you take a healthily cynical attitude towards that. if you've got any sense of self preservation of . sense of self preservation of. but nicholas sturgeon just fell in love with her own image . it in love with her own image. it was a laughable moment. the press conference yesterday when she claim that she'll be remembered as a feminist as someone who always put women's first because actually she and i would argue she has more than any other leader in modern times to actually reverse the rights of violent women in scotland . of violent women in scotland. indeed. and i mean, i think she knows quite how to define a biological woman, but she's certainly done nothing about protecting them. she didn't in. the case of the rapist going to women's prison, she didn't in the case of her gender law, she is not feminist. she is wholly, i think , to the cause of i think, to the cause of nicholas sturgeon. yeah. because
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of nicholas sturgeon she thought was going to be advanced by an extreme woke agenda. but as we know, go woke, go broke. and when it came, former tory minister with a withering verdict on the career of nicholas sturgeon. but coming up despite the campaign of directed at jk rowling by trans extremists did she end up emerging victorious sturgeon free speech champion toby young explores that at 1020. but as keir starmer banishes his minister, jeremy corbyn, despite spending years touting his socialist propaganda can simply starmer be trusted at all. my superstore panel returned to discuss that . plus, we've got discuss that. plus, we've got the first newspaper front pages straight after the .
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break is 10 pm. i'm dan wootton. tonight labour claims the fall of nicholas sturgeon in is a game changer for election prospects. but as the party plunges into another bizarre war with the corbynites are wide open seats in, scotland are about to slip through their fingers. that's how big debate labour's civil war next. and tonight, all my superstar panel. i'm joined by sarah irvine, shaun bailey and austin sheridan . after seeing off the dark lord , a.k.a. scotland's first minister, the author of harry
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bosa has given a rare landmark interview on the aptly named new podcast the witch trials of j.k. rowling . i never set out to rowling. i never set out to upset anyone, however , i was not upset anyone, however, i was not uncomfortable with getting off my pedestal , so have my pedestal, so have transgressed or misled a modern day which trial against rowling? free speech hero toby young condemns the cancellation live in the studio at 1050 as an issue, police revealed details about nicola bully's issues with alcohol and. the menopause are officers duty bound to be transparent or justice only encourage the armchair detective intruding on their investigation 7 intruding on their investigation ? we're going to discuss the shocking case of the missing mother that has captivated the nafion mother that has captivated the nation at 1030. plus as it's left to working class people to voice the alarming effects of the crisis is the stigmatisation as far right racists going to cost lives? fleet street icon kelvin mackenzie takes on the
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sneering liberal elite in i'm cancelled at 1040 in the mediabuzz sam smith is now making up his own language . making up his own language. yeah, yeah. i'd love to be a fish. fish the and the sussexes have featured in a new tv interview , but i really enjoyed interview, but i really enjoyed this . an instagram loving wife this. an instagram loving wife actually doesn't want her privacy . how dare you, sir? my privacy. how dare you, sir? my instagram loving wife is wanted her of that . stay tuned for her of that. stay tuned for those astonishing moments on the bbc one show and south park. i'm going to show you them this houn going to show you them this hour. and finally, is king charles about to receive an early coronation? when i tonight's greatest britain and jackass, the first front pages will arrive in mere moments to right after polly middlehurst . right after polly middlehurst. dan, thank you and good evening to the top story on gb news tonight . the to the top story on gb news tonight. the prime minister has arrived in northern ireland this
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evening amid speculation that a deal could be close over the northern ireland protocol . rishi northern ireland protocol. rishi sunak made the journey . the sunak made the journey. the northern ireland secretary, chris heaton harris, to hold talks with all political parties there. the uk and eu have been in intense talks to secure improved to the post—brexit trade deal. well now expectations are growing that new terms could be set out in the next few days . keir starmer the next few days. keir starmer has made a surprise visit to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy, the labour leader pledged that support for kyiv will continue if his party comes power. sir keir also visited the cities of buka and appin , where cities of buka and appin, where he was shown evidence of atrocities committed by russian troops and during the trip he called for russia to face justice in the hague . throughout justice in the hague. throughout the conflict the labour party has stood united with the government . the united kingdom . government. the united kingdom. to show our support for and we
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will an election next year. to show our support for and we will an election next year . and will an election next year. and the may well be a change of government. but should there be a change government next year in a change government next year in a general election, there will be no change in the position of support for ukraine, both during the conflict and in the calls for justice. the scottish national party has post—poll round a planned conference on independence following the resignation of first minister nicholas sturgeon the party's chief executive committee announced the news this evening , saying the event would be rescheduled . meanwhile, a ballot rescheduled. meanwhile, a ballot to select a new party leader will close on the 27th of march. that comes amid reports that the health secretary humza yousaf is expected end the leadership contest . everyone lancashire contest. everyone lancashire police has referred to the police watchdog over contact they had with nicola pooley and her husband paul ansel to her disappearance . the force says it disappearance. the force says it was called nicola's home on january the 10th, 17 days before
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she went missing . and that comes she went missing. and that comes after yesterday , unexpectedly after yesterday, unexpectedly revealed that the 45 year old was vulnerable , that she'd been was vulnerable, that she'd been struggling with alcohol and the menopause . earlier, ms. bully's menopause. earlier, ms. bully's family said the public focus now seemed to be more about appalling speculation into her private life than actually finding her. and lastly , bruce finding her. and lastly, bruce willis, the actor, has been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. most common form of the condition found in people the condition found in people the age of 60 years old and warning the following footage does contain some flash . last does contain some flash. last spring, the actor announced his retirement being diagnosed with aphasia , which affected his aphasia, which affected his cognitive abilities. but now his family , the condition has family, the condition has progressed . describing the news progressed. describing the news as they say that now they hope media attention will shine a light on the disease . you up to light on the disease. you up to date tv online and the app plus
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radio with gb news. now it's dan wootton tonight . wootton tonight. tomorrows use tonight. now in our media buzz. tomorrows use tonight. now in our media buzz . just one front our media buzz. just one front pagein our media buzz. just one front page in far tonight it's metro which leads with the headline just focus on finding nikki . just focus on finding nikki. that's after missing nicola bully's family hit out at public speculation over the mother of two's personal . we're going to two's personal. we're going to bnng two's personal. we're going to bring you much more on that at 1030. plus, the paper nods towards south park's scathing takedown of the sussexes . you'll takedown of the sussexes. you'll see more of that episode . i'm see more of that episode. i'm going to show you some of the best bits, actually, a little bit later on. my superstar panel back with me now, though, top daily mail columnist sarah vine, former conservative london mayoral candidate shaun bailey and snp austin sheridan . now,
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and snp austin sheridan. now, after queen nick sensationally quit as scottish leader yesterday leaving the snp cronies in the lurch, labour have become tipped to win back seats north of the border and charge into ten, but yet another civil war has erupted among . the civil war has erupted among. the opposition benches after keir axed his old body. but jeremy corbyn as a candidate for the next election . now that's next election. now that's provoked fury among sections of the party, with corbyn disciple and loud mouth owen—jones writing. keir starmer , sir writing. keir starmer, sir jeremy corbyn, shadow cabinet campaigned for him to become prime minister, defended him from accusations of anti semitism, called him a friend , a semitism, called him a friend, a promise to keep his radical domestic policies. he is one of the most dishonest politicians of the modern era . and look, i of the modern era. and look, i understand you don't want to take owen's word for it. he can't be trusted, canny, but here are the receipts . i'm 100% here are the receipts. i'm 100% behind. jeremy corbyn. you not?
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i am working with jeremy to try to win the next general election. and don't trust the last four years. because what jeremy brought to this party, he made us an anti—austerity party that stood against cuts loyal to jeremy corbyn. and you spoken in his defence just now. but louise ellman says that he is a danger not just to the labour party but to the entire british jewish community. i don't accept that. i i mean shaun bailey, i do understand that on face value. sturgeon resignation should be very good news for labour. labour to get a majority really needs to do . well, in scotland needs to do. well, in scotland that's always traditionally been the case. but how come we trust a word this bloke says ? a word this bloke says? openness. only two things to separate out. the first thing is, he said he held jeremy corbyn out because he's views but he supported jeremy at that so to conveniently drop now because it doesn't make any sense and it's that kind of
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doublespeak kind of changes direction is he being prime minister now but it's that kind of change of direction makes people distrust politicians . so people distrust politicians. so i think that's really important. but second piece about scotland , labour do well in scotland. let's be clear, the isn't just nicholas sturgeon and every snp politician really figuring out how to beat labour. they've done it before and they can probably do it again and that's why you've seen it so very quickly put down. nicola okay, nicola is going let's get going be a problem. let's get rid her. have, they're rid of her. they have, they're campaigning the challenge for them be that i'd argue that them will be that i'd argue that their record doesn't bear really close scrutiny and be have to people say different things but labour if labour think they're going to walk all over s&p i think they're for a tough fight. sarah vine i guess the issue is though that there isn't any form of domestic agenda for the snp to campaign on at the next election. so whoever comes as the new leader is going to have some sort of plan for separatism, but but what will it
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be? there's no parties, no political parties . legal power. political parties. legal power. no, no, no. but i what's interesting is i mean, going back to going back to keir starmer is he's detoxifying his brand very heavily at the moment, which is a little bit snp are doing by lewis by losing sturgeon but is that working because. well i don't know because. well i don't know because i think a lot of people will i mean jeremy is the sort of thorn in labour's side i mean he's he's the he's the sort of people that a lot of people will look at. keir starmer and if he's not got jeremy corbyn hanging off him they might think, okay i could vote for that guy, but they won't if they think that corbyn all of think that corbyn and all of that. then why didn't that. and then why didn't he quit the shadow cabinet? i mean, to me it's such a fun dimension because he think that he because he didn't think that he didn't think he didn't he didn't think that he was to get to where is was going to get to where he is now. so he's he's changing now. so he's he's he's changing the goalposts. he he is just he's an opportunist, really he's just an opportunist, really . he's a and what he . he's a crisis. and what he understands memories are very understands is memories are very short. the average person is trying to figure out how to make
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ends starmer ends meet. have starmer supported is, supported corbyn and thing is, there's the there's nothing underneath the surface keir starmer. surface with keir starmer. it's just thinks well just what he thinks plays well and what doing . it and that's what he's doing. it literally it's thing. austin literally is. it's thing. austin do you feel like labour are going to be much more of a threat now that sturgeon's got i mean keir starmer's weak that she's problem solvers under corbyn it was supporting corbyn saying i'm going to back you and know the is a slight doublespeak but when it comes to any issues like syphilis food before then the tories section 55 to block the tories section 55 to block the jd reform . before they did the jd reform. before they did not it was asked on the news , not it was asked on the news, would you use section 50 if i couldn't give an answer ? yes, it couldn't give an answer? yes, it was asked or ice a gender recognition form and says, well what reform do you support? shouldn't they have an answer that can deal with those? this is a man he him say what a woman should get ten. but yeah, i know women have a penis. he can't answer the question, but the thing with him, he's he's as wide as a c, as deep as a puddle. and i think it comes to
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election time and hard are asked at the public but the danger here is the danger is that people will think he's plausible because he's sort of vanilla in that, know, they don't that, you know, they don't inoffensive more i inoffensive he's a bit more i disagree with think that will disagree with i think that will put off then they look put people off then they look out and say what is it you're going to deliver? if look at going to deliver? if you look at the of boris johnson in the success of boris johnson in 2019, whether like him a lot 2019, whether you like him a lot them, it can be a clear message get brexit done and that resonated with people because he wished people knew what he wanted to do. jeremy corbyn was all over the place. my worry is this that corbyn not stand for mayor london because there's mayor of london because there's nowhere else for to go. yes, nowhere else for him to go. yes, i think all news, by the way, is about through about the tories coming through the shaun might be back, the middle. shaun might be back, might the side for might be off the side for another city hall. breaking another city hall. look breaking tonight, first tonight, the deputy first minister has minister of scotland, john, has ruled himself out as a candidate. he going be candidate. he isn't going be standing to replace nicholas sturgeon. he one of the sturgeon. he was one of the early favourites. austin, your reaction? i think that was a sensible for john. an old sensible thing for john. an old bloke . yesterday's i'm not a bloke. yesterday's i'm not a trojans fan. it was snp leader
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before, but as far i know and it just wasn't the kind of that thatis just wasn't the kind of that that is and that's pretty nor is the brains behind operation and when it comes to the seven ever since the snp opened government in 27, it's such massive ministerial portfolio , had so ministerial portfolio, had so much to offer and is still to have so much to offer, but john swinney knows minister john knows where his strengths are and whoever becomes the snp leader never becomes snp leader . it was very, very benefit from his policies in his last weekend's burst words, non—binary singer sam smith was out committing crimes against fashion in this for state red carpet monstrosity of an outfit. it was quite something, but upon his experience on the one show has just exploded online after it somehow managed slip through the net literally look for a big fan of fishing i do yes. think yeah yeah i'd love to be a fish.
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fish are them. what take a fly. fisherman i'd, i'd be i'd be any type of fish to them i think would like to one day i just like to end my days fishing like we can fishing i do on the sea and enjoy it in like i've never done it. but someone's always taught me. fantastic. yeah here's the fish for them. i mean, good on presenter jones mean, good on presenterjones for refusing to take part in that ridiculous charade . but that ridiculous charade. but sarah , vine, this has become sarah, vine, this has become laughable now. i think sam smith has just worked out. the tv is just he just is ridiculous . just he just is ridiculous. everyone's going to say that fisherman he did he's obviously been told by his manager to just just be as sort crazy as you possibly can because . that's possibly can because. that's what gets lots of reach. but austin you've signed up to this is why you haven't you know each of them what i believe right as people want to be known as dare them as no offensive to me doesn't do me any harm and to respect that that the situation
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does that for me. i'm not i'm not trans, i'm not non—binary. i've ever said to me, what's it like to be trans what's it like to be on main? that is the answer. the i have no clue. do you think i understand ? because you think i understand? because i knew sam smith thinks. i think sam smith as an seeker but i don't think that's there then and that really matters. i think that sam smith as just generally looking for attention to this since sam smith took him what that album sold. yeah, they're going to do everything they can. it is not that that out fit if you if you any confirmation that sam's wife is seeking attention that outfit should exactly . but that outfit should exactly. but you know i'm fine for sam smith to see his change in pop stars, voice detention or i'm not fine with is for attention to lead to removal of awards for women the brit awards i'm with you also for actors which you guys coming isn't it that's to be the hollywood way and also butch reed al beautiful but but but that's the challenge is he we should respect his pronouns
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that's his business. yeah but i've got to say that's a good point because i'm saying we should we think there's probably no double fault. but the point is i shouldn't be told off cancel because i get it wrong . cancel because i get it wrong. people have to tolerate people moving to that position. but let's be clear , support him to let's be clear, support him to do that. but he can ask me to remove my need to use the word fisherman or me to known as a man that's a keeper. you're not somebody again i'm going to hold up to. i want to be very clear. i'm going to hold on to the fisherman thing. i don't like jumper though. yeah, it was nice talking the hosts talking about the hosts and charities. it's the most conservative going in conservative thing he's going in up in the media bus as the police are accused of victim blaming in the case of missing mother nicola bulli were they wrong to reveal personal details of alcohol abuse by superstar paddung of alcohol abuse by superstar paddling going to return to get stuck into that we'll have stuck into that plus, we'll have more tomorrow's newspaper more of tomorrow's newspaper front after 1030. but front pages just after 1030. but next, as sturgeon's most famous critic j.k. rowling speaks out in a bombshell new podcast , the
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in a bombshell new podcast, the hunting and cancellation of the harry potter author no more than a modern witch trials social commentator founder of the free speech union, toby young , has speech union, toby young, has his straight , the .
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time now for free speech champion toby young and one woman no doubt celebrating
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nicola sturgeon's demise is her most famous critic, j.k. rowling . the pair viciously clashed over the trans debate with the harry potter author becoming a hate figure in some quarters for simply sticking up for the rights of biologic women. but in a landmark podcast series , which a landmark podcast series, which is going to start next week called the witch trials of j.k. rowling , the billionaire writer rowling, the billionaire writer is rare interview on how is given a rare interview on how she risked her legacy to speak the truth . i never set out to the truth. i never set out to upset anyone. however i was not uncomfortable with getting off my pedestal and was interested me over the last ten years and certainly in the last few years, the last two, three years, particularly on social media, where you've ruined your legacy. oh you could have been beloved forever, but you chose to say this, and i think you could not have misunderstood me more profoundly . she's brilliant, profoundly. she's brilliant, isn't she? so, toby young, i guess it's like harry potter saying voldemort off and one of
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one of her books rowling did it really, didn't she? she was a significant player in terms of turning public opinion , turning public opinion, sturgeon. i think it might be a little unfair on j.k. rowling to describe her as the arkit effect of nicola sturgeon's demise . of nicola sturgeon's demise. nicola sturgeon was the architects of her own demise. i think she she she certainly drew attention to the gender recognition reform bill, which was just passed through the scottish parliament and which nicola sturgeon championed and which will, when it comes into force, make it much easier for trans people to self id . and she trans people to self id. and she was she was an outspoken opponent of that legislation . opponent of that legislation. and certainly i think that probably galvanised opposition and it empowered other people . and it empowered other people. he felt uncomfortable about that legislation and thought it would lead to women's sex based rights being eroded. it empowered them to speak up. and that's what i think that's that's that's really the impressive thing about j.k. rowling is by standing up and speaking out
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about this issue and taking all this flack , she's nonetheless this flack, she's nonetheless made it easier. she's almost acted as a human shield for other feminists and other people who are really concerned about this issue . they can now speak this issue. they can now speak up , too, because she's made it up, too, because she's made it okay to speak up about it. and the tide has started to turn, hasn't it? because remember, j.k. rowling was publicly cancelled by polite society , by cancelled by polite society, by hollywood society. i mean, she can't be cancelled as a business woman because, of course, the harry potter franchise remains so important for warner brothers is such a huge money spinner. she's not invited to the awards any more. the stars don't host selfies with her any more . selfies with her any more. there's definitely been a change. however, all of a sudden, the gender recognition reform bill made many folk include in on the hard left, the woke left think, oh, goodness me , i'm a bit of it. have to because i don't want adam graham in a women's prison. i don't want adam graham, the double rapist in my daughter's changing rooms and sturgeon's position as
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sorry and ronan's position no longer looks extreme. yeah, i think that's right. longer looks extreme. yeah, i think that's right . you know , think that's right. you know, trans rights activists would always accuse us gender critical feminists and others who would raise this issue. you know, if you make it easier to for people to self—identify , if they don't to self—identify, if they don't have to live the very long in a different sex and it's just really a question of just announcing which gender you identify as then that's going to make it much easier for dangerous male criminals to access women's only spaces and when people talked about the risks that posed to women in prison, if male prisoners identifying as women can get access sex offenders to women's prisons, that would be described as a straw man, straw man as a straw man, a straw man argument. oh, yeah, but but but. adam grant men argument adam grant has told men argument you're a bigot. you were a you're also a bigot. you were a transphobe . yep. we'll come to transphobe. yep. we'll come to that in a second. but but, but i'll elaborate . yeah. as he i'll elaborate. yeah. as he calls himself, was the straw man come to life? you may think of himself as a woman , but he was himself as a woman, but he was the straw man come to life. it
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wasn't a fanciful scenario. dreamt up by paranoid feminists. it was real . and i think that it was real. and i think that that's ultimately what did it for nicola sturgeon. yeah of course. j.k. rowling has been accused of being a bigot, a transphobic cause. she's spoken up about this issue. but interesting, leigh, when people are actually asked to identify, point to something transphobic, she said they can't find anything . so a journalist called anything. so a journalist called ej' anything. so a journalist called ej rosette , who is an lgbtq ej rosette, who is an lgbtq activist , was asked by the activist, was asked by the huffington post to do 20 the 20 most transphobic things j.k. rowling has ever said, and she was absolutely convinced herself that j.k. rowling was a transfer. she transphobe she drank the kool—aid on that one. she looked she read all of her works, read everything she'd ever written, listen to all the interviews she'd ever done, couldn't find single couldn't find a single transphobic thing she and transphobic thing she said. and so wrote a piece which so she then wrote a piece which was a saying, was very honest of a saying, actually, i was wrong. i couldn't find i think couldn't find any. i don't think she is a transphobic. and to describe anyone who opposes some
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of the more extreme demands of trans rights activists as a transphobe or a bigot or a tough, it's just a way of trying tough, it's just a way of trying to shut down debate, of silencing someone, trying to cancel them. it's not engaging in the argument. and i think the fact rights activists fact that trans rights activists have in that way and not have behaved in that way and not engage constructively in the argument of the reasons argument is one of the reasons they're losing the argument in they're losing the argument in the square. it's the public square. it's incredible listening to j.k. speaking on that podcast and i think the tone is moving towards her. i don't know if you saw, but there was this great moment where some idiot on twitter called jj wales tweeted, well, this is to j.k. rowling, right? well woah, well, we meet at last to think you were once an icon to think you were once an icon to me. i think you absolutely have views that align with. i think fred also has views that augn think fred also has views that align with. i think relying on tropes and stereotypes is very 19305 tropes and stereotypes is very 1930s propaganda. so j.k. rowling replied and said, okey
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dokey, jj , we'll play it your dokey, jj, we'll play it your way. give my regards to your solicitors, wink within a few hours . jj wales has tweeted , hours. jj wales has tweeted, saying i would like to publicly apologise for previous twitter thread where i interact with j.k. rowling on matters relating to the transgender community. i've removed tweets. i've now removed those tweets. i would to to j.k. would like to apologise to j.k. rowling for causing rowling directly for causing potential upset. i to potential upset. i failed to choose words care . i choose my words with care. i would also like to retract my likening rowling 25. i do likening to jk rowling 25. i do not organisation. it goes on not see organisation. it goes on and on and i think this and on and on and i think this is actually because is brilliant actually because it's the few people with it's one of the few people with the money in the power to actually say to the woke left, you can't just repeat what you've heard, you don't have any evidence for these claims, your making gains. evidence for these claims, your making gains . yeah, no, it's making gains. yeah, no, it's a very effective . i mean the very effective. i mean the difficulty is, of course , that difficulty is, of course, that so many other women who express support now for j.k. so many other women who express support now forj.k. rowling get into trouble merely for expressing their solidarity with us. so put a member of the us. so we put a member of the free speech union, a writer called gillian philip, and she lost her job writing, working
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for a publishing company. she was of several was the author of several successful she lost her successful novels. she lost her job just because she, in her twitter she on twitter, she she tweeted , i stand with jk rowling twitter she on twitter, she she hashtag. i stand with j.k. rowling. and she got fired. you know, young employees at the publishing company in publishing company were up in arms we can't work arms about it. we can't work with woman anymore. with this woman anymore. she's a danger to people just danger to trans people just because tweeted hashtag, because she tweeted hashtag, i stand and she stand with j.k. rowling and she lost her job and had to retrain lost herjob and had to retrain as an hgv driver. and we're still we're still trying to get justice for her. she's been on the show, actually, i'm the show, actually, and i'm really it was really brilliant woman. it was shocking. love shocking. but look what i love about podcast, comes about this podcast, which comes out next week, is rowling says, you miss understand me? if you think i give a about being cancelled by your little cocktail parties in hollywood , cocktail parties in hollywood, this is a mission for her. it is a cause. and i think in the end, i really do think she's going to win. yeah. i mean, if, if, if you care about these issues and you care about these issues and you care about these issues and you care about the risks to women pose by self. i'd you
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couldn't hope for a better champion. i mean you know she's the world's bestselling author they don't know she's she's a i guess don't feel i don't agree with it j.k. rowling really polices i like politics polices i don't like politics either issues either on other issues absolutely. but goodness , she absolutely. but my goodness, she now has my respect . toby young, now has my respect. toby young, editor in chief of the daily sceptic website, thank you so much. we're coming up on cancelled out brits been unfairly demonised for their reluctance to host hordes of undocumented migrants in their communities, his communities, giving his unfiltered on this main unfiltered views on this main street , kelvin mackenzie. street legend, kelvin mackenzie. but next in the media buzz, as lancashire police come under fire revealing details of fire for revealing details of missing police missing that nicola police alcohol misuse public alcohol misuse to the public wasn't fair or even relevant to share these past issues. the pubuc share these past issues. the public might be forced to panel. i got to thrash this one out very soon. plus harry and meghan might be multimillionaires and it's come at a great cost to their dignity. if you've lived a life with the royal family, you've had everything handed to you. saying your life you. but you're saying your life has and you've has been hard and now you've
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written all about it in your new book, we're a burden states you in for much more from south park's takedown of park's humiliating takedown of the montecito homeowners . that's the montecito homeowners. that's
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next let' s next let's returns advanced use right now in our meeting abouts more front pages are in and the daily telegraph leads with this breaking news. the prime minister rishi sunak has flown to belfast to try and end the post—brexit protocol deadlock over border trade in northern ireland. the i reports and the call from mps and poverty campaigners for british gas owner use its owner centrica to use its record. owner centrica to use its record . £3.3 billion profit to record. £3.3 billion profit to compensate vulnerable families who forced onto prepay who were forced onto prepay payment many metres as the sun that leads with missing nicola bully and that emotional call from her family urging to her come home. more on that in just one moment. and the daily mail
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also leading with that story and the fact that the home secretary suella braverman has piled pressure the police over pressure on the police over their chaotic investigation. she said to be concerned by the decision of the lancashire constabulary to release highly personal information about the 45 year old. my superstar panel returned . now, though, top daily returned. now, though, top daily mail columnist sarah vine, former conservative london mayoral candidate shaun bailey and former snp councillor austin shendan. and former snp councillor austin sheridan . and breaking tonight, sheridan. and breaking tonight, as we just heard, the family of missing nicola bulli have pleaded for people to stop making up wild theories about her personal life. responding to the aftermath of yesterday's revelation by detective superintendent rebecca smith about nicola's issues with alcohol brought on by her struggles with the menopause, the family said , although we the family said, although we know that nikki would not have wanted this, there there are people out there speculating and threatening to sell stories about her. this is appalling and
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needs to stop . nikki is such a needs to stop. nikki is such a wonderful daughter, sister, partner and mother and just missed dearly. we all need you. i can only gives lancashire police now facing angry accusations of victim blaming that prompted its self—referral to the police watchdog this evening. it's nearly three weeks since nicola mysteriously vanished while walking her dog across a stretch of the river wyre in lancashire . with police wyre in lancashire. with police private investigators and divers involved in the search . and involved in the search. and until now, i haven't covered this case on the show . until now, i haven't covered this case on the show. but in light of yesterday's briefing , light of yesterday's briefing, it has now, in my opinion, become a national issue of competence and confidence in the police . so, sarah vine, this has police. so, sarah vine, this has now got to the home secretary . now got to the home secretary. what happened? because i watched the press conference in full yesterday and the lancashire police were clear that they were not going to reveal these personal informations against
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the family's wishes about missing nicola. then a few hours later they did statement about the menopause and booze and the call to her home. so what changed? and it's so weird because i don't understand what material difference the public knowing that's about will make to the police's ability to find her. i mean, it's not going to make any difference. the fact that we know that she was menopausal, all that she liked to drink is it it just feels like they're trying to like they're just trying to shift almost like shift blame. it's almost like they're was they're saying, well, she was a bit of drunk and a bit old, so bit of a drunk and a bit old, so therefore she's just you know, she's not she's not a normal person. that's why she's gone person. so that's why she's gone missing. wearing missing. no, not wearing competent. find competent. and we can't find her. knows what's her. i mean, who knows what's happened her? but the one happened to her? but the one thing i would say is that when this case first started, i noficed this case first started, i noticed that on social media channels, on channels, particularly on tiktok, lot of tiktok, there were a lot of members the public random members of the public random people of people speculating all sorts of stuff you would stuff which, you know, would never a mainstream never got into a mainstream newspaper would have newspaper because would have been about been completely libellous about her family, her husband, about her family, about her and it seems that there's there has this this case
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has sort of gone completely sort of wild online with people just talking nonsense about this poor family . and so perhaps they did family. and so perhaps they did it as a risk because as they said, you know, there was a lot of gossip, there was a lot of speculation. people were saying terrible things. so they felt they to say something. and they had to say something. and so sense, it tells us so in a wider sense, it tells us something about world we something about the world we live in which is that, you know, the police can't conduct an investigation missing investigation into a missing person of normal and person in a kind of normal and considered fashion because they are against this sort of are up against this sort of crazed media environment are up against this sort of crazed people media environment are up against this sort of crazed people ,tedia environment are up against this sort of crazed people , you environment are up against this sort of crazed people , you know,ynment are up against this sort of crazed people , you know, can'ttt are up against this sort of crazed people , you know, can't be where people, you know, can't be prosecuted. so, yeah, exactly . prosecuted. so, yeah, exactly. and mean, i do have some and i mean, i do have some sympathy sean sympathy for that position. sean but the issue with detective superintendent rebecca smith is that it feels like she's more interested in asking every i've got to say, i have absolutely no sympathy for what the police did, what they've got is made her more vulnerable, not less, or if she is somewhere now wandering around, people know where her weaknesses are. people know what she struggling with.
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and i actually is very keen and i actually feel is very keen to about her menopausal to talk about her menopausal situation let drink. and situation and let her drink. and it mean spirited to me it just felt mean spirited to me and your point and it and i go to your point and it did like police are did feel like the police are saying gone missing saying she's gone missing because she's, you know, a little bit not like the rest of us. can't find her because us. we can't find her because she's not talking tough. she's gone missing now. but basically what and mean, what they're saying and i mean, i'm person always tries to i'm a person always tries to support the police, but in this particular i thought their particular case i thought their behaviour of order. behaviour is very out of order. the thing i was saying to the only thing i was saying to the police because they get the police is because they get tried the press so much . we tried in the press so much. we need police service in this need a police service in this country that is confident enough to job and not worry what to do its job and not worry what the is saying and not the press is saying and not worry going on social worry what's going on, on social media. austin, one of media. i guess, austin, one of the is though, in this the concerns is though, in this three weeks when the police were saying, our main saying, look, our main hypothesis is she's fallen hypothesis is that she's fallen in the river. sightings of her may have been missed by the public. and, of course , the public. and, of course, the family today issued a very emotional, direct plea to nicholas. so they clearly think
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there's at least a possibility there's at least a possibility the family think there's at least a possibility that she has either runaways trying to escape her life or being kidnapped. yeah i mean, as the possible in the fact that the police decided today we must personal information are, you know, so hurtful to our family , so hurtful to our family, so hurtful to our family, so hurtful to our family, so hurtful to her personal she's got access to media and she's seen us at the absolutely counterproductive offending we were responsible and there's not very much at all. i agree with suella braverman on i can assure you that i'm really glad that she's going to i hope she does intervene. so i do hope she's well, some serious actions. let me devil's advocate me just play devil's advocate for though, sarah. for one moment, though, sarah. can journalist can you imagine if a journalist at any newspaper were to discover this week before the police released their statement that they had been called nicola bully's house on the 10th of january, and that wasn't reported by the police. the pubuc reported by the police. the public would potentially think that there was some sort of cover up going on. so while i think there's no excuse for
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releasing information about the menopause and the drinking, was there at least a case for saying we did visit her house previously? there's an ongoing police investigation. it's not relevant. the public doesn't need to know that it really is not necessary for the public to know that. why should they know that? there was a record. and i go back to my point. the police should not conducting should not be conducting investigate actions with an eye on the media are going to say if the police think something is technically necessary, they should go right ahead and do it. this reminds me of what happened with media circus with with the media circus around disappearance around the disappearance of madeleine mccann, which she gave police , which police handled so badly, which is that which is that, you know, the police have a duty to be considered. and very meticulous about this sort of stuff. and the second that they open it up to well, i mean , now social to well, i mean, now social media, which you didn't have back everything back in those days, everything just goes pear shaped and it's sort of a right to conform and expose and the expose before. and the privately. i mean i mean, if people have a personal people have got a personal problem with, that's
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problem to deal with, that's that's there's no basis to the police. that if we police. and the fact that if we start to general public is disgraceful in the disgraceful the clue is in the personal it's a personal thing and is they didn't and the reality is they didn't know that she had know for sure that she had fallen in river. never fallen in the river. they never did. so would have been basis did. so it would have been basis , be honest with the , to be more honest with the pubuc , to be more honest with the public other two public about the other two hypotheses they also hypotheses that they were also looking. even a case of looking. it's not even a case of honesty. it'sjust looking. it's not even a case of honesty. it's just technical ability. any police force should honesty. it's just technical abilityunlessolice force should honesty. it's just technical abilityunlessolice for(a should honesty. it's just technical abilityunlessolice for(a code,d have. unless we have a code, create evidence of something , we create evidence of something, we will stand back and reserve judgement. that's literally their i'd like to theirjob and i'd like to believe by referring themselves to somebody to the police watchdog, somebody will them , okay, will point out to them, okay, now , the tide stateside now look, the tide stateside seems to have turned firmly against and meghan after against harry and meghan after months of childish sniping through podcast broadcast interviews harry's vile interviews and harry's vile memoir, spare the insufferable pair, have now landed exactly where they belong on the satirical cartoon south park. and it's brutal. watch the prince and his wife . we love prince and his wife. we love that. prince and his wife. we love that . hi. prince and his wife. we love that. hi. thanks for having us
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on the show . it's awesome to be on the show. it's awesome to be had cracked. so let me start with you, sam. you've lived a life with the royal family. you've had everything handed to you. but you say your life has been hard and now you've written all about it. and your new book, where? that's right. and where? yes, that's right. and you my wife i are you say my wife and i are talking like you should write a book because finally book because you're finally like, then start like, stop it and then start like, stop it and then start like so you hate like journalists. so you hate journalists. and like journalists. so you hate jourryouts. and like journalists. so you hate jourryou wrote and like journalists. so you hate jourryou wrote a and like journalists. so you hate jourryou wrote a book and like journalists. so you hate jourryou wrote a book that d now you wrote a book that reports on lives of the reports on the lives of the royal right. you're a royal family right. so you're a journalist who just want to be normal it's tension. normal people. it's a tension. it's hard . isn't it true, sir, it's hard. isn't it true, sir, that question about wife that your question about wife has her own tv and hangs has her own tv show and hangs out with celebrities and does fashion magazines? what you fashion magazines? what are you suggesting? think suggesting? well i just think some people say that your some people might say that your instagram actually instagram loving wife actually doesn't privacy. how doesn't matter. privacy. how dare , sir? my instagram dare you, sir? my instagram loving wife has always wanted her private life. and you know what else? hell with canada. what else? to hell with canada. we are living . we'll go find we are living. we'll go find some quiet place where we can be. normal people . come on, be. normal people. come on, life. want private sector. we life. we want private sector. we want private. that oh,
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perfection . i mean, they might perfection. i mean, they might be multimillionaires, right? but i would say the sussexes have now traded away their dignity and any kudos they want had they once had in the us. i mean sarah vine you can't cancel sarah's park, you can't cancel south park, you can't cancel south park . these were the exact park. these were the exact people who they thought were there. i mean, it's quite funny, but i mean, that is very succinct , that little sketch, succinct, that little sketch, but say it all, but it really does say it all, doesn't it? it does. that's doesn't it? it does. and that's it. i mean, it's the absurdity of their position. it's completely hypocritical and total lack of self—knowledge and just extraordinary and this is what we've all been saying for months and months and months and months. and yet we still get attacked for saying it so well. indeed. i mean, sure, i always said be warned . the american said be warned. the american media is brutal. and the difference is they don't care that you're royal, you're just a two bit celebrity to them, by the way, harry and meghan, this
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might sound cruel. you're not even on the a—list in hollywood, on the b—list royalty in hollywood. is big movie stars the likes of tom cruise like said they were never going to be treated and generous oprah and kim kardashian are on the air and meghan didn't invited to and meghan didn't get invited to oprah's that was oprah's birthday party. that was they going get they were never going to get treated a reference. they treated with a reference. they would do here, as much would do here, because as much as has has deliberately as harry has has deliberately separated himself the separated himself with the family still of he family and still an heir of he is a royal and the conversation is a royal and the conversation is different. is slightly different. but i just to the beginning just go back to the beginning like i've always on this like i've always said on this show, everybody to be show, i wanted everybody to be family make up be family and make up and be friends. think where that friends. i think where that really wrong, i even really went wrong, i think even harry royal underestimated harry born royal underestimated how it would to be how difficult it would to be leave the royals. and now that they've come back, people are bad in their droves. and bad to them in their droves. and it's an awful shame because i think almost any they make think almost any move they make now badly for them now will end badly for them because people are out get because people are out to get them. they spend a lot of them. well they spend a lot of their made their capital haven't made i guess trouble they've they've guess trouble is they've they've basically given a lot away if given too away to make given too much away to make money as the as it was money shops as the as as it was going austin come on that's
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going back austin come on that's your to see. i your what you're about to see. i think . defend them think. can you defend them anymore? mean , if you leave anymore? i mean, if you leave that old fashioned when you go and you a celebrity and you pursue a celebrity lifestyle you can't really lifestyle that you can't really complain you're complain too much when you're open everybody's open to scrutiny and everybody's open to scrutiny and everybody's open are you still open to scrutiny, are you still because of the royal? do you like i was never like them? i was never i've never been of the royals never been a fan of the royals in general, to be perfectly honest meghan, honest with harry and meghan, i've never been a fan of harry and meghan. what i would say, as i that whenever if i'm i think that whenever and if i'm with i think that may with and i think that that may have some strictly some have been some strictly some things shouldn't have have been some strictly some thing said, shouldn't have have been some strictly some thing said, but shouldn't have have been some strictly some thing said, but thosetldn't have have been some strictly some thing said, but those oft't have have been some strictly some thing said, but those of the ave been said, but those of the pressure does have opened up to the well, if you're the public. well, if you're going then it's fair going to do that, then it's fair game. you have to be open to some people are going to love it and you. some people are and support you. some people are going it. that's going to hate it. and that's just part parcel of that. just part and parcel of that. that's irony. not that's the irony. they're not open scrutiny the court open to scrutiny in the court case today. sarah vine that does say, the lawyers say, oh no. say, oh, the lawyers say, oh no. you know , you shouldn't, you know, you shouldn't, you shouldn't sue for every, every little opinion that you don't agree with in the media. hello oh, that's exactly what you've been doing for the past three
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years. yeah. and of course, meghan's got this wrong with her sister as well, which is quite interesting. i think. but of course, the big is, course, the big question is, will they the will they come for the coronation? that's another thing that i them, that interest and i told them, and don't meghan's and i don't care if meghan's offered messed stuff, i don't offered messed up stuff, i don't really about the really care much about the coronation think coronation dialogue. i think a lot i wouldn't see a coronation. nothing can be great fun. itv why they should come to the coronation. i imagine this is your . would separate your family. would you separate your family. would you separate your grandpa parents from their grandchildren but i would grandchildren now? but i would never my family if i would, i never in my family if i would, i could. i i would never given an interview when my beloved grandfather was on his deathbed. i understand all that. and i just say to anybody watching now, if you're watching this now in your grandparent , would you in your grandparent, would you put up with your horrific children to get your grandchildren? because i would , grandchildren? because i would, you big thing, you know, my big thing, everybody but everybody together. but they have but the have made decisions. but the court there's some decisions. i don't have the to make on don't have the right to make on behalf their children and behalf of their children to and separate their separate them from their families. the few things families. one of the few things i parents shouldn't do i believe parents shouldn't do and give children
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and should give their children and should give their children an to be of an opportunity to be part of that. if can, because that. that's if i can, because the royal family hasn't gotten what not a normal family as what is not a normal family as an institution. and to be honest with think with you, i couldn't think anything part anything worse than being part of that much, of the royal family that much, genuinely. you see, i think i think that talk quoting think that king talk quoting king to separate think that king talk quoting kin role to separate think that king talk quoting kin role as to separate think that king talk quoting kin role as king to separate think that king talk quoting kin role as king from» separate think that king talk quoting kin role as king from hisparate think that king talk quoting kin role as king from his role e his role as king from his role as grandfather. and i think the coronation is a royal occasion . coronation is a royal occasion. it's not really a family holidays . and therefore, the holidays. and therefore, the problem is this, given what they've to the royal they've done to the royal family, probably say no family, i probably would say no because of that, because i've come to a little private party afterwards and i would say family bring my grandchildren to my coronation. there's only one thing that should be more important to king charles than being king, and that is his family and particularly grandchildren. i think it's a real privilege to know your grandparent issue is the weakness that he's showing, i think allowing them to take think is allowing them to take advantage they advantage of the royal. they cannot do that anyway. come on. at what point have society at what point have the society look they're going to stop? look like they're going to stop? they're anyway. they're going to do that anyway. he focussed on he should be focussed on his grandchildren. sean
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grandchildren. okay. sean bayley sarah austin sheridan. sarah vine, austin sheridan. thank you so coming up, thank you so much. coming up, we're going to reveal tonight's greatest person and union jackass. i wonder if the sussexes might feature. but next, calvin mackenzie is cancelled on the migrant crisis. see you in a minute.
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it's time now for cancelled . and
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it's time now for cancelled. and this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without the fear of the cancel culture sweeping the rest of the media. and as we've been covering throughout the week, the arrest of afghan boys for the of four afghan boys for the alleged of british alleged rape of a british schoolgirl and public outcry schoolgirl and the public outcry over accusations a 15 year old girl was harassed by a 25 year old seeker has seen the old asylum seeker has seen the channel migrant crisis once again infuriating ordinary brits. but rather than tackle this difficult issue, the message and liberal establishment have continued their campaign to demonise jnu and concerned locals by laser only, branding them far right extremists. well fleet street agent calvin mackenzie joins me on this now. calvin is shutting down debate like this, endangenng down debate like this, endangering lives by excusing illegal migrants who are actually a genuine threat to society. but most folk now seem too scared to have the debate in case they are called right wing . well i find it bizarre that lisa nandy decided to couch was
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up on this. i mean , where where up on this. i mean, where where this problem existed in liverpool . knowsley is not far liverpool. knowsley is not far from wigan, which which is her constituency . and if they put in constituency. and if they put in a large hotel , then filled them a large hotel, then filled them up with, with channel migrants, illegal general migrants , illegal general migrants, there'd be hell to pay. so she doesn't even represent ordinary people, ordinary working people , if anybody has any view about life at all. now they are considered far right and an attempt by a really disgraceful collection. if you will know from your twitter feed and, then if anybody on social media be most disgusting . people are on most disgusting. people are on the left vile . i don't think. no the left vile. i don't think. no wonder we have so many psychiatrist on the nhs. they must be dealing with these left wingers all day long. but there is another big that's is another big issue that's blowing now. oh yeah, blowing up right now. oh yeah, the that's blowing up is the issue that's blowing up is in so there's been in turkey. so there's been shocking earthquake . yes. the shocking earthquake. yes. the
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inevitable outcome of that will be that there will be millions of displaced people and the place that there will be going to, especially out of northern syria and parts of southern turkey , inevitably will be turkey, inevitably will be europe and the place that they know for absolute lutely certain they are not going to get sent backis they are not going to get sent back is the uk because once you once you arrive here this is hotel california there is no getting out because the system they the labour party, the lawyers and actually probably the law means that these people are going to stay here. so out of every tragic day that we see going forward and there will be other earthquakes and there'll be other wars and there'll be other issues in africa and the middle east, this issue about migration is either going to be solved or it is going to swamp us. and what i can't understand is why , with the exception is why, with the exception i think of nigel farage, why it is
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that there is no party that says if we manage to solve this, there is a great electoral prize. the people of our country, the migrants here themselves would cheer to the rooftops about it . no, rooftops about it. no, absolutely right. government kensl absolutely right. government kensi, thank you so much. have a great week and we will speak on monday . but it great week and we will speak on monday. but it is time now to reveal tonight's greatest britain and the union. jack has my superstar partner returns . my superstar partner returns. sarah vine. who who are you going for? for tonight's greatest person, the king, because he turned up at the thing and then people had placards saying, you are not talking hashtag , i am and talking hashtag, i am not and not my king. and he just carried on. sanguine about on. he was very sanguine about it, i thought that quite it, so i thought that was quite good. was. and i think good. yes, it was. and i think i think he actually went over and sort of spoke to people . he sort of spoke to people. he didn't shy away from it . and i didn't shy away from it. and i think he's going to to be think he's going to have to be more that, isn't he, sarah more like that, isn't he, sarah 7 more like that, isn't he, sarah ? sean bailey, harmony, my ? sean bailey, your harmony, my nominee for greatest britain is everybody returning to work? tend to work is good for us.
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it's good for your mental. it's good economy . if good for the economy. and if we're to a recession we're going to avoid a recession , we'll from work, not , we'll do it from work, not from bedroom, in our pyjamas from our bedroom, in our pyjamas and. austin sheridan, your graces first short can live like this, but it's to go to nicola sturgeon. i'll go . it does to, sturgeon. i'll go. it does to, you know, scotland's longest seven first man is starts you know she's moved through a tough time she's put us through a tough time she's put your people through a tough time. oh, look, i can't i can't go there. i'm going to go with king charles because for staring because good on him for staring down protesters. going down the protesters. he's going to do that more. well to have to do that more. well done, vine, you and done, sarah vine, you and jackass time now. who are you going for that? majesty's lancashire think lancashire constabulary, i think forgetting it. so a taskmaster strategically wrong. and these fools talking about case and the nafion fools talking about case and the nation is fascinated and angry . nation is fascinated and angry. well sean bailey , your nominee. well sean bailey, your nominee. my nominee is nicola sturgeon. that's more like proving that is all about her in a speech you used the words i or me 153 times
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and only mentions scotland 11 times and why i picked her. it's because she's been part of making a real division in this country. and if we're going to survive the recession, survive brexit, we brexit, survive everything we need ifs need to come together, it's move. moving . this move. we're moving. this divisive politician, i think, was thing for the was a great thing for the country that was so telling actually figures, actually that the figures, the number she spoke about number of times she spoke about herself, austin sheridan, your nominee, nominee as starmer nominee, my nominee as starmer and and for this double and for and for this double speak for his complete incompetence and essentially a watched with a sharp future that wants people to believe there is going to be a good prime minister for goodness it minister for goodness sake, it has telling is what his has to start telling is what his opinions things opinions are and things and start honest up . i start being honest about up. i couldn't agree more. well done, sheridan. tonight's union sheridan. in tonight's union jack has keir starmer because the problem is right even if you agree which i think probably most folk do that jeremy corbyn is not fit to be an mp. what happened to everything that starmer said during his election campaign? what happened to the previous four years when he was in keir starmer's shadow cabinet
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when he was campaigning for corbyn to be prime minister, when starmer believed that corbyn was not antisemitic ? i corbyn was not antisemitic? i honestly think we can't just forget about the lies that starmer is told, given that this bloke might soon be in charge of sarah vine, shaun bailey, austin shendan. sarah vine, shaun bailey, austin sheridan . what a fabulous sheridan. what a fabulous superstore panel . thank you all. superstore panel. thank you all. thank you for your company all week. it's been a dramatic one. scheming sturgeon is gone. what's going to happen next? we will find out when i'm back from 9 pm. on monday night. headline is goodnight .
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