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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight  GB News  August 16, 2023 9:00pm-11:01pm BST

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bias, no censorship. >> i'm dan wootton. tonight red alert in the channel as small boats continue to flood britain's shores in huge numbers. but with illegal immigrants demanding luxury lodgings and four star hotels are leftie lawyers and bleeding heart charities to blame for this national emergency? tory party deputy chairman lee anderson claims that are just as bad as the people smugglers. he's going to be here like live in the studio to explain why. also on the way the arts are under attack , brilliant father under attack, brilliant father ted, creator turned women's rights campaigner graham linehan threatens legal action as he's deplatformed at the edinburgh fringe. but is the liberal media guilty of encouraging this chilling censorship given that graham linehan is well known for being very outspoken on his views on trans activists ? views on trans activists? >> you could have perhaps
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expected this typical bbc. >> i'll explain why. free speech is dead in the uk. in my digest next. then my superstar panel . next. then my superstar panel. and tonight i'm joined by christine hamilton, kwasi kwarteng and matthew lazar , plus kwarteng and matthew lazar, plus top comedian and co founder of the cancelled show, andrew doyle joins me live to reveal the shocking latest update on this scandal . also on the way, angela scandal. also on the way, angela levin offers her exclusive insight on the powerful new trailer for prince harry's heart of invictus documentary. are we seeing the return of the harry of old? >> it is here at the invictus games that you realise whatever you carry , it was the you carry, it was the springboard that propelled you to the next level . to the next level. >> but should the duke donate the loot from his latest netflix doco to charity ? and the big doco to charity? and the big question why has meghan been entire cut from the trailer? angela is going to reveal all live in the studio. and
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hollywood megastar bradley cooper's latest film has landed him at the centre of a new face storm. that's what it's called , storm. that's what it's called, oh, i don't know, nine, no. >> five. no. >> five. no. >> you have to think . that's >> you have to think. that's that's all. >> because he got he's using a prosthetic nose. so should the stars faith or personal traits have any bearing on his casting? well britain's favourite entertainer, jim davidson, isn't going to hold back on that. and more of the week's wokeist stories later in the show. you know, that's unmissable, as always. our first look at the front pages, hot off the press. that's throughout the show. this is dan wootton tonight. let's go you're watching tv news, britain's news channel. congratulations to the lionesses on their victory today. some much needed good sporting news through to the final . it will be
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through to the final. it will be sunday morning uk time versus spain. a little update to you on the gb news youtube page where you may be watching live from anywhere around the world. if you are even if you're not. go to that page right now. hit subscribe because look, i don't know if you can see it there, but we are now just 3000 off the i million mark. so you could be the one millionth subscriber to gb news on youtube. we're going to keep you posted on that. we're not far off from the magic number. my digest on this comedy cancellation, what it means for free speech in britain, straight after the news with polly middlehurst . dan thank you and middlehurst. dan thank you and good evening to you. >> well, gb news can reveal the number of migrants crossing the engush number of migrants crossing the english channel on small boats . english channel on small boats. this year has now passed 70,000,
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almost 500 people were on board. several small boats crossing the channel from france this morning. it started . at around morning. it started. at around 334 border force vessels were helping to rescue the migrants and they were assisted by dover , ramsgate and dungeness lifeboat . its uk border force lifeboat. its uk border force spent the day on what they're calling red alert during what they've called a busy time for migrant activity . and with migrant activity. and with weather conditions expected to improve over the weekend, a significant surge in crossings is expected . also in the news is expected. also in the news today, economists are saying the uk still faces the prospect of falling into recession despite today's drop in inflation. the prime minister says today's inflation figures, which don't include housing costs like mortgage payments , prove that mortgage payments, prove that the government's plan is working. a leading think tank, though, has warned that rising interest rates could cause the economy to contract. latest figures from the office for national statistics found consumer price index inflation
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dropped to 6.8% in the year to july . as you've been hearing july. as you've been hearing a comedy show featuring graham linehan that was cancelled at the edinburgh fringe has now found a new venue ticket holders are going to be informed of the new location for tomorrow's show shortly before it starts speaking to gb news earlier on today , graham linehan said he today, graham linehan said he thought the days where comedians were silenced for their views were silenced for their views were over . we re ove r. >> were over. >> they could have given me a chance to exit the gig and allow the other acts to perform. they could have done it without defaming me on their instagram post as a bigot, which is the first thing these people always do . so, you know , unfortunately, do. so, you know, unfortunately, we are. we are beginning legal proceedings . proceedings. >> junior doctors in scotland have voted to accept a pay offer from the scottish government . from the scottish government. that means they'll receive a pay rise of 12.4. and it's backdated
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to april. scott islands health secretary michael matheson says he's very pleased with the result . but and the prince and result. but and the prince and princess of wales have been congratulating the england women football squad who are through to their first ever world cup final . the lionesses beat final. the lionesses beat australia 3—1 in sydney with platoon's scoring england's first goal in the 36th minute. australia equalised through sam kerr in the second half. but lauren hemp and alessia russo put england 3—1 up. england now face spain in sunday mornings final with the labour leader, sir keir starmer, calling for a bank holiday if they win on tv onune bank holiday if they win on tv online dab+ radio and on the tunein app. this is gb news, britain's news . britain's news. channel 4.
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>> graham linehan was once one of the most celebrated members of the most celebrated members of britain's famously liberal uber politically great comedy community. a legend at the left wing channel 4, he was beloved as a modern day creative messiah. the brains behind all time great comedies. messiah. the brains behind all time great comedies . father ted, time great comedies. father ted, the it crowd had actually one of my personal favourite black books that it was until he dared to express a view, until just a few years ago, by the way, a view accepted as an established fact. it's a view about the existence of biological sex and how it's pretty unwise to allow anyone with a penis into women's only spaces . only spaces. >> don't say anything. they've given. they've given women no room in which they can manoeuvre and argue for their rights . the and argue for their rights. the gender movement is at its heart . it's a middle class movement. they've all got kids who wear some eyeshadow, decide they're trans, and the parents are kind of circling the wagons around
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them rather than thinking it through. there's no more homophobe statement than trans women are women. because when you say the transwomen are women, you are saying that they are women in all in the literal meaning of the word. that means that if a lesbian does not want to with bodied to go out with a male bodied person who identifies as trans, they're considered they're automatically considered a bigot. and that's why. >> so after expressing views like that, views that i don't need to remind you , are backed need to remind you, are backed up need to remind you, are backed ”p by need to remind you, are backed up by science , by common sense up by science, by common sense and shared by the majority of brits . but after expressing brits. but after expressing those views, lena han found himself going from messiah to para via almost overnight the entire entertainment establishment turned and he was left destitute socially and financially , with even his financially, with even his co—producers on father ted, effectively ending his plans to make a musical version of the show. but linehan fought on and slowly but surely backed by
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other names flung out by the media elite like j.k. rowling , media elite like j.k. rowling, the public realised that such chronic cancellations prove that free speech in britain is dead . free speech in britain is dead. indeed, a major gb news poll this week showed just 41% disagreeing with the statement that free speech in the united kingdom is in decline. the attempts to deplatform folk like linehan are now out of control. total disproving that constant refrain from the left that cancel culture doesn't exist last night our very own andrew doyle who will be here later in the show, revealed that his brilliant comedy unleashed event had been cancelled just 48 hours before it was due to be held because linehan was going to be on the bill. the holier than thou venue, leith arches initially tweeted without any irony that as an inclusive venue
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, they do not support this comedian or his views and he will not be allowed to perform at our venue. and as kant sought from thursday's comedy show with immediate effect, from thursday's comedy show with immediate effect , now from thursday's comedy show with immediate effect, now gender critical, snp mp joanna cherry, who also found herself cancelled at the fringe , said that looks at the fringe, said that looks like a pretty clear case of belief discrimination . and yet belief discrimination. and yet rather than focus on this chilling attack on free speech, listen now to the type of question as bbc scotland decided to ask the event's co—organizer , james shaw, today. >> given that graham linehan is well known for being very outspoken on his views on trans activists , you could have activists, you could have perhaps expected this. >> well, i suppose in the edinburgh being the heart of the enlightenment, you wouldn't expect it . expect it. >> well, we've seen comedians cancelled before at the edinburgh festival and politicians gigs were cancelled
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as well. they're now back and they have been performing this yeah they have been performing this year. but but there has been cancellations before, so when are people going to learn their lessons? >> know, a venue is >> you know, when a venue is going actually stand up for going to actually stand up for free expression in the arts. >> why did not discuss this >> why did you not discuss this with with the venue beforehand, though? them heads up. with with the venue beforehand, thorthem them heads up. with with the venue beforehand, thorthem know1em heads up. with with the venue beforehand, thorthem know exactly heads up. with with the venue beforehand, thorthem know exactly what s up. with with the venue beforehand, thorthem know exactly what he p. let them know exactly what he would be saying. >> when is the british >> and when is the british bashing going get bashing corporation going to get it and stand up for free expression in the arts ? look for expression in the arts? look for democracy to thrive in the uk . democracy to thrive in the uk. good folk like linehan must not be cancelled for their perfectly legal and reasonable views, no matter how much they might challenge and annoy . woke challenge and annoy. woke lunatics with pitchfork forks baying to bring someone else down. but to respond now , my down. but to respond now, my superstar panel, the author and broadcaster christine hamilton , broadcaster christine hamilton, former chancellor kwasi kwarteng and former labour adviser matthew lazar . christine matthew lazar. christine hamilton. the left say cancel culture doesn't exist. >> well , this really is >> well, this really is extraordinary talk about turning back history. it was in 1968
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something called the theatre's act came in, which ended 200 years or so of censorship . up years or so of censorship. up until then, the lord chamberlain could decide whether something could decide whether something could go ahead or not. if it was detrimental to good manners, decorum or the public peace. he could decree that it shouldn't go on. it the era when we go on. it was the era when we had hair and last exit to brooklyn and things like that. hair for younger viewers , was hair for younger viewers, was the on stage . the first nudity on stage. another i do remember all that. but anyway, we have now turned the clock back. it is ridiculous. and for this to happenin ridiculous. and for this to happen in edinburgh, if this is censorship, by the way, for this to happen in edinburgh of all places, fringe , places, it's at the fringe, which grew be anarchic , which grew up to be anarchic, edgy, you know, where you could go. you could you go to be offended . you go have edgy offended. you go to have edgy stuff, go to have views stuff, you go to have your views challenge. to challenge. and for that to happenin challenge. and for that to happen in edinburgh and although graham is cancelled , as graham is cancelled, as i understand it, frankie boyle , understand it, frankie boyle, who has made jokes about whether he should rape or kill holly willoughby yeah, i'm not saying
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frankie boyle should be cancelled. i don't think anybody should but if should be cancelled. but if frankie is allowed to go frankie boyle is allowed to go having like that, having said things like that, for graham, stated for graham, who has just stated a biological fact, of course, to boyle is allowed to perform, even though he jokes about killing women. >> kwasi graham linehan is cancelled for simply trying to protect women. >> no , i think this nonsense a >> no, i think this nonsense a really, really bad step because as christine says, i've been to the fringe and the whole point about it is that you can have free expression. we performed at the fringe four times. i know you have many times and not everyone agreed with you , but everyone agreed with you, but actually people allow a wide variety of views to be used to allow. they used to . and what's allow. they used to. and what's extraordinary about this is that it's not just him. it's joanna cherry, too. that's right. i mean, joanna cherry is mp. mean, joanna cherry is an mp. this actually one thing. this is actually the one thing. she's in the house she's a colleague in the house of commons, has been for a while. this is the one thing i've her ever i've agreed with her on ever because very, very because i think it's very, very serious and also, i mean, the sadness is , as christine sadness of it is, as christine said, is that we reaching said, is that we were reaching a time 40 years ago
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time maybe 30, 40 years ago where were opening up. where things were opening up. there expression , there there was free expression, there was and think was free debate. and i think what's happening today is a step in direction. in the wrong direction. >> happened the left? >> what's happened to the left? matthew because it's your matthew lhasa, because it's your folk are the new mary folk now who are the new mary whitehouse's of this age trying to censor and trying to cancel? >> well, i think there is something depressing, dan, because i mean, christine's brilliant. >> you know , lesson from >> you know, lesson from history. it was one of the proudest boasts of the 1960s labour government. roy jenkins was the home to bring was the home secretary to bring in raft of liberal in a whole raft of liberal reforms, including getting rid of theatre censorship. >> didn't credit >> apologies, i didn't credit that to christine. >> it's fine. i mean what i mean is it was there was a time when being liberal with a small l was a big boast for people who were labour with a big with a big l and it depresses me the sort of groupthink that you get . i think groupthink that you get. i think it's particularly tricky in scotland , actually. i was once scotland, actually. i was once i was turned for down being editor of i the of question time, i was the engush of question time, i was the english candidate and was english candidate and i was turned favour of turned down in favour of somebody stuck in somebody who nobody stuck in google it google at bbc scotland. and it turned was actually turned out that he was actually
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an history as an active history as a trotskyite. so but i wasn't scottish enough . you weren't scottish enough. you weren't left wingers. exactly which is ironic viewers of this show. >> that's right . >> that's right. >> that's right. >> but look, the thing about the fringe as well, christine, is that there is lots of content on there that would be considered unsavoury . and that is the unsavoury. and that is the point. i mean, for example, apparently a play on apparently there's a play on this year which is about this year which is all about hitler are coming back for a second reign of terror. and it's shocking and it should be shocking. but graham linehan doesn't even in his stand up, particularly talk about his trans views. not that, by the way, he shouldn't, but this is one of our greatest comedy writers. denies a place at the edinburgh fringe . edinburgh fringe. >> and this is the well, it's absurd. we all agree it's absurd. we all agree it's absurd. but the fact that it's happened at the fringe, i touched on earlier is it's ridiculous. this is sort of nonh ridiculous. this is sort of north korea style. but matthew, you theism it's ridiculous. >> it is . but matthew you >> it is. but matthew you there's no place in edinburgh graham linehan is on the line though i'm told. >> i think look i think some of
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his you his tweets and you can understand obviously understand because obviously he's very he's been put in a very difficult think difficult position. i think sometimes to use sometimes a wee pause to use a scottish phrase, before some of the tweets would i'm the tweets would be. i'm not saying express saying that he shouldn't express his views. and i think you wouldn't absolutely not. his views. and i think you “think“ absolutely not. his views. and i think you vllhink and absolutely not. his views. and i think you vllhink and it's absolutely not. his views. and i think you vllhink and it's incredible ly not. i think and it's incredible what's this what's extraordinary about this is the views that he's is that the views that he's expressing . is that the views that he's epreah,g . strange views . no. >> yeah, not strange views. no. >> yeah, not strange views. no. >> and by the way , no one on the >> and by the way, no one on the left was disagreeing with his views a few years ago. so what what social i mean. >> absolutely. joanna what social i mean. >> abs as|tely. joanna what social i mean. >> abs as you joanna what social i mean. >> absas you say, joanna what social i mean. >> absas you say, quietly, cherry, as you say, quietly, i mean, don't with joanna mean, i don't agree with joanna cherry future of cherry on the future of the union whatever about union or whatever line about him. she's, she's, she's to the left in many but yet left of me in many ways. but yet she's because one she's she's because of one particular she's been particular issue, she's been cancelled of. >> though >> graham though what is on the line views? line about his views? >> i just look, i >> well, i think i just look, i think over the years, some of the tweets have you know, i don't them in front me. don't have them in front of me. so, i mean, but but look, i don't think it should be cancelled. should cancelled. i think you should have a platform. and what frightens the more frightens me is that the more people left, people who on the on the left, in inverted commas, the of in inverted commas, the sort of liberal group in that group thing more thing happens than the more people there's people think there's a conspiracy the more people
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conspiracy and the more people think a thousand think that a thousand flowers bloom, including the edinburgh festival. even if don't festival. even if we don't want to attend show, what to attend every show, what interests is did the left interests me is how did the left become, pointed become, as christine pointed out, out, become, as christine pointed out, out, a out, and you've pointed out, a beacon liberalism and beacon of liberalism and tolerance becoming this tolerance to now becoming this equation. and that's what worries me some of the liberalism tolerance comes liberalism and tolerance comes from the right. >> now, word. >> now, final word. >> now, final word. >> clue absolutely in that >> clue is absolutely in that ludicrous release, in ludicrous press release, all in capital sort of capital letters are sort of people in green people who write to you in green ink we are an inclusive ink saying we are an inclusive venue, but we're not having this right. >> know , f know, mean, right. >> know , mean, what f know , mean, what a >> you know, i mean, what a right that matthew laws are indeed. right that matthew laws are indeed . very good point. indeed. very good point. >> my superstar with me >> my superstar panel with me all also coming as all night. but also coming up as it's been revealed that a third of legal immigrants housed at a former the former raf base have quit the site of plush hotels. site in favour of plush hotels. is right that lefty is lee anderson right that lefty lawyers bleeding heart lawyers and bleeding heart charities who blocked the government blame for the government are to blame for the crisis? the tory deputy chairman says as bad as the says they are as bad as the people smugglers. he's going to join me the studio next. join me live in the studio next. in the clash as a man hating uber pc remake of snow white sparks controversy with its star rachel zegler branding prince
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charming, a stalker. is disney ruining the classics by turning them into woke panto star christopher biggins , who is christopher biggins, who is starring in a snow white panto this christmas , is going to take this christmas, is going to take on the uber woke us commentator ernest owens cannot wait for this down at gb news. votes now poll at gb news on twitter. the clash with biggins versus ernest straight after this
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sunday from nine only on news britain's news .
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sunday from nine only on news britain's news. channel sunday from nine only on news britain's news . channel stand by britain's news. channel stand by for westminster's toughest talk in mp lee anderson and royal author angela levin. first, though, the clash is and the woke remake of kids classic snow white is looking like one of disney's own goals , with brand disney's own goals, with brand experts predicting the pc film will be a huge and costly flop even before its march 2024 release, lead actress rachel zegler has been riling up fans by declaring she hates the original 1937 film and you couldn't believe this, could you call him prince charming, a stalker ? stalker? >> i mean, you know, the original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so there was a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her. >> yeah , weird. where disney has >> yeah, weird. where disney has also earned flak for scrapping the seven and instead calling them magical creatures who are multiracial or multi gender and vary in height. >> it follows disney butchering
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other hit films with their work, including the little mermaid, toy story spin off lightyear and peter pan. so what do you think? is disney ruining the classics by turning them rogue, doing battle on this now , britain's battle on this now, britain's biggest ever panto star, christopher biggins, who is starring in snow white this christmas , and the uber woke christmas, and the uber woke maybe the wokeist man in america . journalist and author of the case for cancel culture , ernest case for cancel culture, ernest owens begins. case for cancel culture, ernest owens begins . what are they owens begins. what are they doing to our snow white? well, it's disgraceful. >> i mean, why did rachel zegler accept the role ? accept the role? >> yes. >> yes. >> i mean, she feels very strongly she should have said no . no. i think she does it for money and now she's turning her back on it and saying all these ridiculous things and putting the film into jeopardy. it's just ludicrous. i can't understand it. i don't know what she's doing . i mean, you know, she's doing. i mean, you know, she's doing. i mean, you know, she was brilliant in west side story. i loved her doing that. and she should be from margot
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robbie, who is just brilliant in barbie and who's about to earn $50 million from that film . she $50 million from that film. she should take, you know , a bit of should take, you know, a bit of what? of what margot does . what? of what margot does. margot is a star. and knows how to handle things. she doesn't go around saying barbie is the worst thing ever. no. she promotes it in the hope that they'll make another film and they're going to make another film, which i'm really pleased about, but begins if disney, right? >> if disney thinks the story of snow white is so scandalous because, you know, apparently the big controversy over the 1937 original is that prince charming didn't ask for consent before he goes went in for the kiss with snow white. you know, why is disney remaking it then, if they think the original is so disgraceful and snow so woke they don't disney don't think it's disgraceful. >> disney are making it because they know they're going to make what they thought they would make money as opposed
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make a lot of money as opposed to now is going to happen. to what now is going to happen. it i mean, it probably won't. i mean, i hear it and hear they're holding it now and seeing if ever come out. seeing if it'll ever come out. it's ludicrous. how can one it's just ludicrous. how can one actress ruin a whole film like this? it's madness . absolutely. this? it's madness. absolutely. the world has gone bonkers . the world has gone bonkers. >> ernest owens. why did rachel zegler take on this role, given she seems to have such disdain for the concept of snow white and prince charming ? and prince charming? >> i think this is an exaggeration. >> i think she made one remark, andifs >> i think she made one remark, and it's observing history. >> it's funny that you mentioned the barbie remark, because in america there's a lot of conservatives that think barbie, the barbie film, was super woke. and so for you to, you know, kind of praise margot robbie, and so for you to, you know, kind hate aise margot robbie, and so for you to, you know, kind hate her margot robbie, and so for you to, you know, kind hate her overjot robbie, and so for you to, you know, kind hate her over here )bbie, and so for you to, you know, kind hate her over here )blthe they hate her over here in the united states, the conservatives, think the conservatives, do they think the barbie too woke too and barbie movie is too woke too and and aware? and i think and too aware? and i think things evolve. you know , if you things evolve. you know, if you want to watch the original snow white, you go to disney plus white, you can go to disney plus and but to be and you can watch it. but to be honest , i'm and you can watch it. but to be honest, i'm sure there's no trigger warning . but you could trigger warning. but you could watch it and you can enjoy it
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and you can watch the new one. and if you don't like the new one, you can watch the one, you can always watch the old either disney old one. either way, disney is going money. are going to make money. people are going to make money. people are going to make money. people are going to watch it. it's going to be a success and it's going to be a success and it's going to be rachel, rachel's be fine. and rachel, rachel's remark a little that remark is a little remark that no like crazy about no one's like going crazy about the i mean, she's the united states. i mean, she's one she made one remark. one person. she made one remark. and end of the day, and at the end of the day, meghan megan kelly, one meghan kelly, megan kelly, one of the biggest broadcasters in the who's a regular on this the us who's a regular on this show, absolute furious about show, was absolute furious about it . yes, because she has to be it. yes, because she has to be because that's the buzz it's going to bring the movie you was not even talking about this until she made that so until she made that remark. so you're actually giving it spice and excitement. and the time and excitement. and by the time we because because we get to spring because because i'm not going to watch it, i'm not to it if it's not going to watch it if it's this begins, i don't this woke begins, i don't even want . why is it what? want to go. why is it what? >> because you don't agree with consent? >> dan wilson come on. >> dan wilson come on. >> of course you do. of course i do. but this is not about consent. >> it's not about consent. and what's wrong with the ? what's wrong with the?
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>> big and big. i mean, are you allowed now in your pantos ? allowed now in your pantos? >> say that again . let me say >> say that again. let me say that. sorry. >> are you allowed the seven in panto these days ? panto these days? >> but we've got we've got diversity seven. we've got thousands of people in our cast and the business is phenomenal. we're nearly full in that huge theatre in southampton, the mayflower theatre. so people that's what people want. it's like, for instance, your previous story , why don't people previous story, why don't people just go to see things and make up their own minds? you know , i up their own minds? you know, i don't need to be told by car or anything like that that this is, you know, that prince charming is a stalker . you know, that prince charming is a stalker. it's a joke. it's an absolute joke, indeed. >> begins is it right? is it right that you're in edinburgh right that you're in edinburgh right now? begins you've got to be careful to have views like that edinburgh . they'll that in edinburgh. they'll probably . probably catch you. >> i know. i cancelled. we've got i'm producing a show up here. we've got julie and claire coming up next sunday. god knows what they're going to think
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about him. he's brilliant, but he's very naughty. >> oh, my goodness. i love juuan >> oh, my goodness. i love julian clary. final word to you, ernest defend this ernest. how do you defend this madness? because way, madness? because by the way, disney not succeeding at the disney is not succeeding at the moment. ernest millions and millions are switching off disney plus are not going to see their movies. disney plus are not going to see their movies . when are you going their movies. when are you going to understand that? actually the vast majority of the publication of the population doesn't want woke shoved down their throats . woke shoved down their throats. >> i don't think woke is being shoved down people throat. i think that they're trying think that they're just trying to brand . disney to spread their brand. disney has reputation in the past has had a reputation in the past of making fantasy movies and princess movies that necessarily was not. but to be honest, i think this is messaging that's from far right america . from the far right in america. there's far right there's a lot of far right people are trying to call. people that are trying to call. >> all right, please. >> all right, please. >> there's nothing said about the it. ernest the right about it. ernest that's your opinion . that's your opinion. >> but come down here to us and you see the protesters out there. >> you come and you come and tell begins to his face that he's far right. i mean, that's ludicrous . ludicrous. >> saying that there's
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>> i'm saying that there's a push that rhetoric against these types of woke disney movies. >> i mean, you heard what happened to the little mermaid, all the racist remarks they made about halle bailey , you know, about halle bailey, you know, the black mermaid , that was the black mermaid, that was uncalled for and unnecessary . uncalled for and unnecessary. so, okay, let's be real. >> all right. great debate. thank you. as ever. panto legend christopher biggins, live from edinburgh and ernest owens stateside, who do you agree with 7 stateside, who do you agree with ? is disney ruining the classics by turning them woke? sean via twitter writes , i'm not a disney twitter writes, i'm not a disney fan, but these woke remakes of the are killing it the originals are killing it from minnie. absolutely. these films are classics for a reason. they beloved by millions they are beloved by millions throughout generations throughout the generations trying them is trying to rewrite them is a terrible idea . and veronica terrible idea. and veronica writes, why is disney messing around with the classics? honestly, there not enough honestly, is there not enough creativity at disney for to creativity at disney for them to produce new and produce something new and exciting a woke exciting instead of a woke remake ? and your verdict is now remake? and your verdict is now in? 91% of you with begins saying that these woke reimagined scenes of the likes of snow white are just ruining
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disney. 9% of you say they are not coming up reasons favourite entertainer jim davidson is live entertainerjim davidson is live and ready to drop some truth bombs on the woke week. first though, weather looks like though, your weather looks like things are heating up. >> boxed boilers proud sponsors of weather on . news of weather on. news >> hello there i'm jonathan vautrey here with your latest news weather forecast provided by the met office after a relatively dry and fine day today that will be continuing into thursday as well. and even into thursday as well. and even into the overnight period. a good chunk of wales, central southern even southern areas of england, even northern ireland holding on to some late sunshine and clear intervals might allow intervals overnight, might allow for patches to form for some fog patches to form across eastern areas of england up towards scotland. we're going to on to the cloud a bit to hold on to the cloud a bit more, turn a bit murky across more, so turn a bit murky across some higher ground routes, but temperatures generally holding up 15 c in our up around 13 to 15 c in our towns cities . a bit towns and cities. a bit of a cooler, fresher start in some rural generally on the rural areas and generally on the grand scheme of things, a lot of that cloud begin to burn
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that cloud will begin to burn its off again we'll its way off once again and we'll start those sunny start to see those sunny intervals developing and it will feel again. we will, feel warm once again. we will, though, start to see a much more of tomorrow of a breeze around tomorrow compared today. so that's compared to today. so that's going make it feel cooler, going to make it feel cooler, particularly along some eastern coastal further coastal areas. but further inland the midlands, inland through the midlands, down central southern down towards central southern areas generally areas of england, generally rather warm, high pressure , rather warm, high pressure, though, is not going to last into the end of the week because this of low pressure out in this area of low pressure out in the atlantic is going to start to its way as head to drift its way in as we head into friday. some heavy into friday. so some heavy outbursts perhaps some outbursts of rain, perhaps some thunderstorms pushing in first thing , england, thing across wales, england, into well . into northern ireland as well. that tend peter its way that will tend to peter its way out. scotland generally that will tend to peter its way out. largely d generally that will tend to peter its way out. largely dryanerally that will tend to peter its way out. largely dry with lly that will tend to peter its way out. largely dry with some staying largely dry with some sunny intervals. but we've got further rain cards as we further rain on the cards as we head the end of friday, head towards the end of friday, turning quite windy around some coastal as into the coastal areas as well into the weekend, of weekend, though, a bit of a northwest split by by northwest southeast split by by looks like things are heating up. >> boxed boilers proud sponsors of weather on . gb news coming of weather on. gb news coming up, does prince harry's powerful
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new trailer for the heart of invictus documentary suggests we're about to see the return of the inspirational harry of old. >> you are people of substance , >> you are people of substance, of resilience , of strength . of resilience, of strength. >> you have the heart of invictus . invictus. >> harry's biographer, angela levin, joins me live in the studio to offer her exclusive insight on meghan's conspicuous absence from that trailer and what she thinks the duke should do with his latest netflix loot. but first, as a third of illegal immigrants turn their noses up at a former raf base and demand hotel stays. lesley anderson right. that lefty lawyers and bleeding heart charities are to blame for the worsening crisis . blame for the worsening crisis. the tory deputy chairman has fired up and live in the studio
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news. the people's channel. britain's news . news. the people's channel. britain's news. channel >> royal author angela levin on the way. but time now for the real world with lee anderson and a third of migrants in an asylum camp at raf wethersfield have quit the site after turning their nose up at the living conditions. so 16 of the 46 migrants who arrived at the essex camp in the last month have since been transferred to hotels by the home office or left to live with relatives . it left to live with relatives. it sparked a lashing out from red wall rottweiler lee , who blasted wall rottweiler lee, who blasted the woke cabal of lefty lawyers and charities blocking the
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government at every turn . government at every turn. meanwhile, senior lawyer martin ford kc hit back, saying lawyers of all political persuasions deplore the government's attacks on lawyers who are just doing theirjob. so lee, you don't think these lawyers are just doing their job, are they? don't we have proof over the past few weeks, for example, with the daily mail investigation , that daily mail investigation, that they are lot of time actually they are a lot of time actually doing a lot more ? yeah, i think, doing a lot more? yeah, i think, than trying to follow them. >> i think it's a bit rich coming from this lawyer saying that. >> dan, look, know that. >> dan, look, know , i've got that. >.little , look, know , i've got that. >.little bit ok, know , i've got that. >.little bit of. know , i've got that. >.little bit of sympathy, , i've got a little bit of sympathy, sympathy with some the sympathy with some of the migrants because i don't think it's that's complaining it's them that's complaining about living conditions. about the living conditions. i think it's the leftie lawyers, it's the it's the charities, it's the it's the charities, it's the it's the charities, it's the human right campaigners . just trying to . i think they're just trying to cause with government, cause trouble with government, as they always look, this as they always do. look, this accommodation on, i mean, accommodation spot on, i mean, i've stopped worse i've stopped in worse accommodation benidorm for accommodation in in benidorm for accommodation in in benidorm for a week. nothing wrong with that barge. i know the problems early last week, but nothing wrong with the accommodation, with the bedrooms . they've gymnasiums
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bedrooms. they've got gymnasiums , they've got the internet. they've got. they've got a bus on houn they've got. they've got a bus on hour. i mean, for on every hour. i mean, for goodness sake, these people done. they living in tents. one man bell tents in calais , living man bell tents in calais, living on pallets. you've seen it. squalor, living in filth. they're freezing cold. there's no wonder they're coming over here. no wonder. >> isn't that the issue? >> billy, isn't that the issue? you for example, the you know? so, for example, the home bought of home office has bought all of these potentially use these tents to potentially use on the site. there's a thousand just waiting there. very just waiting there. again, very nice know, bell nice tents, you know, nice bell tents. got to tents. surely we've just got to put tents leave. there tents. surely we've just got to put to tents leave. there tents. surely we've just got to put to be tents leave. there tents. surely we've just got to put to be some leave. there tents. surely we've just got to put to be some sort_eave. there tents. surely we've just got to put to be some sort ofve. there deterrent. >> it should be a take it or leave it. you know, i mean, i made some comments last week that, know, you don't that, you know, if you don't like the accommodation that we're providing for you, which, by the we don't have to, by the way, we don't have to, but you like it, then but if you don't like it, then feel free to go back to where you come from. which is france. yeah, that's wasn't quite yeah, that's what wasn't quite what but, you what you said. well but, but you know salty language know i use salty language according proposed watership. know i use salty language acc but1g proposed watership. know i use salty language acc but we're )roposed watership. know i use salty language acc but we're)roposed vdidrship. know i use salty language acc but we're)roposed vdid did). >> but we're very nice. did did you did because obviously you were backed you were backed by the cabinet. you were backed publicly by number 10. did
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anyone privately tell you of. >> i think the thing is, dan, i was backed by millions of people up and down the country. my inbox went into meltdown. my my, my whatsapp, my, my twitter, my facebook. i was getting letters, too, through the letterbox at work. you know, there's a lot of people out there, especially gb news viewers, that were getting in thousands to in touch by the thousands to say, you're saying what we're thinking and we need more of that. we need more of that. >> no, do . but look, >> indeed. no, we do. but look, in that you only have to in saying that you only have to look at wales to see just how bad things will be for the rest of the uk if there is a labour government and obviously this week we've seen the serious side of things with with the terrible condition of the nhs in wales, but there's also just some ridiculous stuff going on. lee so now the labour so have you heard now the labour run welsh government is ordering pubuc run welsh government is ordering public buildings to fly, celebrating so—called . i'd never celebrating so—called. i'd never heard of this. aaron mantic and asexual people in its latest
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woke push . what's going on here? woke push. what's going on here? >> well, it's a shocker down into i mean i don't even know what that means but you can bet your bottom dollar it's a load more woke nonsense . look, the more woke nonsense. look, the welsh government need to welsh labour government need to concentrate their nhs . it's concentrate on their nhs. it's that it's that bad. wales that bad. it's that bad. wales in welsh that the welsh residents, the people, the patients has go into hospital for treatment. they're actually trying england to trying to escape to england to get better treatment. that's how bad it is, you and starmer bad it is, you know. and starmer , slippery stormy holds this up some sort of flagship, you know the welsh labour party, the welsh nhs service. we know it's crumbling , we know it's crumbling, we know it's struggling. and all they want to talk about flags on talk about is flags on buildings. a load of buildings. what a load of rubbish buildings. what a load of rub and the way, because i >> and by the way, because i didn't this aramark antics didn't know this aramark antics apparently have no romantic attraction apparently to anyone . but look welsh are welsh government spokesperson said raise inappropriate flags on pubuc raise inappropriate flags on public sector buildings is one
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of the ways in which public sector buildings can show support . of course, the other support. of course, the other horror story that we have , and horror story that we have, and it's another warning sign , is it's another warning sign, is what's going on in london with the failed mayor, sadiq khan . the failed mayor, sadiq khan. have you heard about his late latest ridiculous plan to punish motorists after you laze? he's actually to going hit drivers again by charging hundreds of thousands to pay pay to use the blackwall tunnel . so now if you blackwall tunnel. so now if you drive around london, you know how critical it is to use that tunnel. so this is another toll he he genuine. can we just be honest about what he's trying to do? he doesn't want any londoner to drive a car, does he? can't we just start being honest about that we just start being honest about tha it's robbery without >> it's robbery without violence. yeah. the man is perceived as a thief , and you perceived as a thief, and you can disagree with that because we've got the ulez expansion in now. we've got this nonsense . it now. we've got this nonsense. it would appear it's like a modern day highwayman. it's like dick turpin is out robbing people on the highway . you know, the poor the highway. you know, the poor
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old motorists have got enough to content this country content with in this country with the cost of fuel, the cost of car insurance of the car insurance and is harming you harming them once again. you roll next year. we need to roll on next year. we need to get gone. get this man gone. >> yeah, indeed. and obviously, there's candidate there. >> yeah, we've got one candidate, very candidate. candidate, very good candidate. >> susan. look, nigel >> and susan. but look, nigel farage, idea on you, farage, here's an idea on you, liz. have a look liz. i want you to have a look at you can respond the at this. you can respond off the bat. okay >> it's something the conservatives could do that would popularity would boost their popularity and frankly, the frankly, i think split the labour many ways and labour party in many ways and save me many, many people, pensioners , small businesses, pensioners, small businesses, those who haven't got expensive motor cars, save them from an awful lot of pain . it seems to awful lot of pain. it seems to me to be absolutely a no brainer that mark harper needs to liven up. roll his sleeves up and get involved in the fight. >> so according to nigel, the conservative government could actually stop you. >> liz well, it sounds like a very attractive proposition , very attractive proposition, but, you know, stopping you coming in and doesn't stop con and i'm a great believer in democracy and the way we stop
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the expansion of ulez and the charging for going through tunnels and any other harebrained schemes. he's got is by getting rid of the man next yeah by getting rid of the man next year. what i want say. year. that's what i want say. i want to focus on campaigning to get susan next if do get susan in next year. if we do that, successful, then that, if we're successful, then all this rubbish you see that cars with stops cars coming out with it stops straight rid of straight away. let's get rid of the man, not just policy. the man, not just the policy. >> you it can be >> do you do you think it can be done? what's so done? because what's so interesting the last interesting is that the last london election was london mayoral election was actually superstar actually one of our superstar panellists. shaun panellists. yes. lord shaun bailey, candidate bailey, who was the candidate and wasn't and everyone thought he wasn't going to be able to win. and then polls came out then when the polls came out right near the end, honestly, if your party had given him central support, he could have won . so support, he could have won. so are you going to throw your support? >> we are. i will be out next year with our brilliant candidate knocking on doors in london. look we've proved in oxbridge in south islip, you know, with if you've got that single policy there, we can really hammer on on this. look, the people have got to the people of london have got to make a choice. now continue make a choice. now you continue with basically with this man who's basically thieving stealing your thieving off you, stealing your money pocket or you can
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money out your pocket or you can fleecing people or you put fleecing people or you can put a candidate in as has told the world, that you will scrap the expansion if i was living in london, i'd be voting for susan. >> look both sides the >> all look both sides of the story news. so this story here on gb news. so this is i spokesperson for sadiq is what i spokesperson for sadiq khan has said. is what i spokesperson for sadiq khetheas said. is what i spokesperson for sadiq khethe deepi. is what i spokesperson for sadiq khethe deep khan is not prepared >> the deep khan is not prepared to step back, delay or watered down vital green policies like ulez, which will not only save lives and protect children's lungs by cleaning up our polluted air, but help us to fight the climate crisis. >> he has continued to listen to the concerns of londoners over recent has announced recent months and has announced a huge expansion the a huge expansion to the scrappage scheme . scrappage scheme. >> means all londoners with >> that means all londoners with non ulez compliant cars will be eligible financial support eligible for financial support to switch to greener, less polluting vehicles . polluting vehicles. >> lee anderson, you're back friday night 7 pm. who do you have on the rail? >> oh, this week we've got steve tuckwell. it was the new mp for uxbndge tuckwell. it was the new mp for uxbridge and south, possibly talking about ulez vince talking about ulez got vince cable on. he's the leader of the lib dems. we've got this broad
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casting legend, diddy david hamilton . casting legend, diddy david hamilton. he's a great guy, great, great, brilliant. >> that would be a great show. 7:00 here on gb news friday night. lee anderson, thank you so much. we'll you next so much. we'll see you next week. coming up, beware the week. but coming up, beware the covid hysterics are back. can you believe it? the doomsday scientists us in our scientists who locked us in our homes away our freedom homes and took away our freedom have return to have made an unwelcome return to demand. mask up again from demand. we mask up again from today. demand. we mask up again from today . surely we can't allow today. surely we can't allow these freedom hating fanatics to take over our lives again. we'll debate it when the superstar panel return after ten. next, though, angela levin gives us exclusive insight on prince harry's latest netflix documentary . documentary. >> it is here at the invictus games that you realise whatever you carry , it was the you carry, it was the springboard that propelled you to the next level . to the next level. >> so it looks like a good show, actually. but why has meghan been entirely cut from the trailer? angela levin reveals all
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next jim davidson's irreverent take on the week's news later tonight . but now it's time for celebrated royal biographer and journalist angela levin. and tonight, prince harry released a powerful trailer for a new netflix documentary called the hean netflix documentary called the heart of invictus in a remarkable change of course from his previous collaborations with the company , the duke, who is the company, the duke, who is preparing for his invictus games brainchild to kick off its latest edition next month , can latest edition next month, can be seen in the teaser telling viewers how veterans can learn to be part of a community again. watch it is here at the invictus games that you realise whatever you carry, it was the springboard that propelled you to the next level . to the next level. >> if your goal was to make your country proud , you've done it . country proud, you've done it. your goal was to make your family happy. you've achieved it. you are people of substance, of resilience, of strength . you
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of resilience, of strength. you have the heart of invictus . have the heart of invictus. >> i mean, angela levin, this is the prince harry that we've probably been wanting to see for a very long time. probably been wanting to see for a very long time . the invictus a very long time. the invictus games is unquestionably a brilliant project, and that looks like a really powerful film . film. >> yes, i felt very moved when i saw the thing of just advertising it, because when i went round with him in 2017 and we'd see lots of soldiers and where they were staying to try and get them better, he was absolutely superb. he gave them enormous courage and he said, you know , if you're healing, we you know, if you're healing, we all need healing . you know, all need healing. you know, don't worry, it'll come. you know, you'll be the family will be fine with you. the country will be so proud of you. >> this was harry at his best? >> this was harry at his best? >> yes, this was harry at his best. incredibly positive , but best. incredibly positive, but very subtle. he never asked anything to, you know, to
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personal. he was just really there for them. and he'd he made jokes . yes. and he was jokes. yes. and he was absolutely wonderful . and i absolutely wonderful. and i would talk to these guys after he moved on to the next one. and some of them say, you know, i've beenin some of them say, you know, i've been in a room with the cloud, with the curtains closed. i haven't done a thing. i haven't wanted to go here because i don't think i'm worth anything. i was very strong. now i'm weak . he said he's made me feel i want to live again. and this was said in various different ways to at least 20 people who'd served in the army who were badly physically wounded or mentally. so i couldn't believe that this was harry again. i mean, it was very touching and moving. >> what is quite interesting, though, when they were filming this documentary , the cameras this documentary, the cameras followed him and meghan around everywhere. there were lots of behind the scenes shots going on at the previous invictus games, she doesn't feature once in the trailer. we obviously don't know if she's been dropped from the
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show itself , but do you if she's been dropped from the show itself, but do you think that's a significant decision ? that's a significant decision? >> i think it's a very significant decision and i think they didn't want meghan to take they didn't want meghan to take the she's the show because once she's there, has to be in the there, she has to be in the front line. but what is said is that she is going to it. she might not stay the whole week. >> it feels like professionally they are moving in separate directions at the moment, doesn't is another example. >> yeah. i mean, i said >> well, yeah. i mean, i, i said that i think they're further and further actually harry further away, but actually harry now seems to be much happier, much stronger and actually the things he said he wanted to talk to about the, the invalids coming better, i felt actually it was for himself that he can be stronger. and i did ask him a very difficult question to say, what can i ask you about difficult question? he said, all right. and i said , when you go right. and i said, when you go and see these soldiers who've had terrible experiences and they've been scared and they want to build up again, do you feel that you're also helping
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yourself for that? it's therapy for you . and he paused for at for you. and he paused for at least a minute . for you. and he paused for at least a minute. i for you. and he paused for at least a minute . i thought for you. and he paused for at least a minute. i thought i'd be thrown out of kensington palace where i did it. and then he said, yes, absolutely . i feel it said, yes, absolutely. i feel it . it helps me to heal as well. yeah, and that's quite interesting actually, whether that will come over with it. i got the feeling seeing those trailers that it would and i hopeit trailers that it would and i hope it does because perhaps he can see through lots of things that he didn't want to see before and he will move forward. but she's so powerful all over him. >> well, what's been interesting , though, she is also wanting to be seen on her own because we saw this social media picture of her posted this week with her hairdresser , katie lee, and the hairdresser, katie lee, and the author, cleo wade having a great time there. >> they are. >> they are. >> so i think that's such a nonsense. i think that's very childlike that because she harry was in the pictures and having fun with his best man. >> yeah , but you don't have to >> yeah, but you don't have to come out and compete with that. >> she doesn't want him to get
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any more attention than she does. she wants she's used to him walking behind her like him now walking behind her like a servant. so i think that that's what that is. that's got nothing to do with actually , i'm nothing to do with actually, i'm having a lovely time. she's got to stage. who cares to be in centre stage. who cares who she sees on a day or women go out and see their friends. you your you know, you meet your friends, you know, it's just it's pathetic. >> king charles has made the decision to spend summer staying at balmoral, sticking with the tradition of the late queen. this has pleased traditionalists , of course, because lots of folk believe that he would prefer to stay at birkhall, where he has enjoyed most of his summers. do you think this is the right decision? it's almost like he's paying tribute to his mother here. >> i think it is paying tribute to his mother. and i when to his mother. and i think when you're in home that she's been you're in a home that she's been to can feel to so many times, you can feel a presence and i think what presence and i think that's what they want, because you they both want, because you wouldn't do it if camilla wasn't interested as well. think interested as well. and i think that's very powerful. and i think it be the last time
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think it might be the last time because has mentioned because he has mentioned about turning into museum , turning it into a museum, letting people sort of letting people come sort of might be a tribute to the late queen. >> yes. this year. and then over the years going forward , he will the years going forward, he will open balmoral up for us to see because in reality, probably long term, he'll be at birkhall i >> -- >> and i m >> and i think if he wants people to come over, they're not going to stay there. they're going to stay there. they're going to stay there. they're going to come and visit him. that's place, too , that's a good place, too, because all have that because they can all have that feeling. leave their feeling. people leave their feeling. people leave their feeling them very emotional. >> yeah, of course. yes. angela levin , thank you so we levin, thank you so much. we will next week . will speak next week. >> you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up , >> thank you. >> coming up, father >> thank you. >> coming up , father ted, >> but coming up, father ted, creator graham linehan has spoken out after his cancellation by the edinburgh fringe . fringe. >> he could have done it without a defaming me on their instagram post as a bigot . post as a bigot. >> the show's promoter , our very >> the show's promoter, our very own andrew doyle is live soon to reveal what happens next in this fight for free speech. but next, would you ever mask up again?
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nope didn't think so. but the covid doomsayers from sage are bringing that dystopian drumbeat beat out again. so i asked my superstar panel whether their destructive hysteria should be ignored. and i say, hell yes. plus, we'll bring you the first look at tomorrow's newspaper front pages, hot off the press . front pages, hot off the press. and britain's favourite entertainer, jim davidson, tackles everything from the migrant snow migrant emergency to snow woke back. migrant emergency to snow woke back . soon back. soon >> the temperatures rising . boxt >> the temperatures rising. boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hello there, i'm jonathan vautrey here with your latest news. weather forecast provided by the met office after a relatively dry and fine day today that will be continuing into thursday as well. and even into thursday as well. and even into the overnight period, a good chunk of wales central southern areas of england, even northern ireland holding on to some late sunshine clear some late sunshine and clear intervals overnight allow intervals overnight, might allow for some patches to form for some fog patches to form across eastern areas of england up towards scotland. we're to
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going the cloud bit going hold on to the cloud a bit more. bit murky across more. so turn a bit murky across some higher routes, but some higher ground routes, but temperatures generally holding up 13 to 15 c in our up around 13 to 15 c in our towns and cities. a bit of a cooler, fresher start in some rural generally on rural areas. and generally on the grand scheme of things, a lot of cloud will begin to lot of that cloud will begin to burn its way off once again and we'll start to see those sunny intervals it will intervals develop and it will feel once will, feel warm once again. we will, though, start see a much more though, start to see a much more of around tomorrow of a breeze around tomorrow compared that's compared to today. so that's going it feel cooler, going to make it feel cooler, particularly some eastern particularly along some eastern coastal but further coastal areas, but further inland through the midlands , inland through the midlands, down southern down towards central southern areas generally areas of england, generally rather warm . high pressure, rather warm. high pressure, though, is not going to last into of the week because into the end of the week because this pressure out in this area of low pressure out in the is going start this area of low pressure out in th
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coastal areas as well. into the weekend a bit weekend though, a bit of a northwest southeast split by by the temperatures
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gb news. >> it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton. tonight a chilling feeling of deja vu as doomsday scientists sound the alarm on yet another new covid variant and call for the return of face masks. today so should there be a national revolt against these enemies of freedom? that's the big debate with my superstar panel. and tonight, joined by christine tonight, i'm joined by christine hamilton. kwasi kwarteng and matthew lazer , plus funnyman and matthew lazer, plus funnyman and father ted, creator graham linehan was disturbingly cancelled at edinburgh fringe yesterday , but the show must go yesterday, but the show must go on. promoter and gb news presenter andrew doyle has found a new venue for linehan to air his free speech, and he'll give me the inside scoop on the campaign to cancel and silence
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his fellow comic. you won't want to miss it elsewhere , a red to miss it elsewhere, a red alert has been launched on the channel as nearly 500 illegal migrants arrive on british shores in a single day. so after a shocking 24 hours for our country's border, i'll get live reaction from the man of the people , jim davidson. in uncanny people, jim davidson. in uncanny , salt and slippery starmer. people, jim davidson. in uncanny , salt and slippery starmer . as , salt and slippery starmer. as you turned on his own u—turn, now claiming that he would not have blocked scheming sturgeon, seek gender reform. so as the pm write that starmer can't be trusted to protect women and girls, will thrash that out in the media buzz. there'll be a new greatest britain union new greatest britain and union jack before the night is out jack act before the night is out to front pages will to in the first front pages will arrive moments arrive here in mere moments right the headlines right after the news headlines with middlehurst . with polly middlehurst. >> dan thank you. good evening. well, the top story tonight gb news can reveal the number of migrants crossing the channel in small boats this year has passed 17,000, almost 500 people were
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on board. several small boats crossing the english channel from france. journeys which started at around 330 this morning for border force vessels were helped to rescue the migrants by dover , ramsgate and migrants by dover, ramsgate and dungeness lifeboat meets uk border force spent the day on red alert during what they're calling an extremely busy time for migrant activity . and with for migrant activity. and with weather conditions expected to improve over the weekend , a improve over the weekend, a significant surge, they say , in significant surge, they say, in crossings is expected . right crossings is expected. right now, economists say the uk still faces a very real risk of falling into recession , despite falling into recession, despite today's drop in inflation. the prime minister says today's inflation figures, which don't include housing costs like mortgage payments, prove that the government's plan is working . but a leading think tank has warned that rising interest rates could cause the economy to contract out. latest figures from the office for national statistics found consumer price
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index inflation or cpi, dropped to 6.8% in the year to july. now, as you've been hearing, a comedy show featured the comedy writer graham linehan that was cancelled at the edinburgh fringe has now found a new venue. ticket holders will be informed of the location for tomorrow's show shortly before it's due to commence. speaking to gb news earlier on today, graham linehan said he thought the days where comedians were silenced for their views were oven silenced for their views were over, they could have given me a chance to exit the gig and allow the other acts to perform. >> they could have done it without defaming me on their instagram post as a bigot, which is the first thing these people always do. so, you know , always do. so, you know, unfortunately, we are we are beginning legal proceedings , beginning legal proceedings, jane , junior doctors in scotland jane, junior doctors in scotland have voted to accept a pay offer from the scottish government
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that means they'll receive a pay rise of 12.4. >> and that's backdated to april . scotland's health secretary michael matheson says he's very pleased with the result and also pleased with the result and also pleased with the result. the prince and princess of wales, who've been congratulating the england women football squad who are through to their first ever world cup final , the lionesses world cup final, the lionesses beating australia 3—1 in sydney with ella toone scoring england's first goal in the 36th minute. australia equalised through sam kerr in the second half. but lauren hemp and alessia russo put england 3—1 up. england now faces spain on sunday morning in the final at the labour leader, sir keir starmer has now called for a bank holiday if the lionesses win you with gb news across the uk on your tv, in your car, on your digital radio and now on your digital radio and now on your smart speaker by saying play news. this is britain's
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news . news. channel >> tomorrow's news tonight . now >> tomorrow's news tonight. now in our media buzz. first front pages are . in. one story pages are. in. one story dominates, as you'd expect, are golden girls. that's a headline in the metro tonight after the lionesses stormed into the final of the women's world cup, the eye, meanwhile, reports on the growing calls led by labour leader sir keir starmer for a bank holiday to be declared. if the team can go all the way and beat the final. i've beat spain in the final. i've got panel back with got my superstar panel back with me author and me now, the author and broadcaster christine hamilton, former the former chancellor of the exchequer kwasi kwarteng, and former advisor matthew former labour advisor matthew lazor. kwasi, am lazor. now look, kwasi, i am totally behind the lionesses, okay? this country and your former chancellor, we cannot afford another bank holiday. that's £1.3 billion wiped off our economy. where's slippery starmer getting that money from ? >> 7. >>i ? >> i think this is just pure jumping on a bandwagon. yeah.
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>> i don't he has any >> i don't think he has any interest in football whatsoever. >> frankly. yeah. do but >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i think he's just trying to jump. >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirit'se's just trying to jump. >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirit's as just trying to jump. >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirit's a bit st trying to jump. >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirit's a bit harsh,ig to jump. >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirit's a bit harsh, actually.). >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirlta a bit harsh, actually.). >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirlta genuine rsh, actually.). >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirlta genuine fan. actually. ). >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirlta genuine fan. actual no, >> frankly. yeah. do you? but i thirlta genuine fan.actualno, he does. >> you know. i know there are others in politics who are completely. >> but matthew, this is an irresponsible . irresponsible. >> little bit of a >> it's a little bit of a populist jumping on the bandwagon. >> yeah, of course it is. he's trying to jump on the bandwagon >> yeah, of course it is. he's trythe to jump on the bandwagon >> yeah, of course it is. he's trythe lionessesn the bandwagon >> yeah, of course it is. he's trythe lionesses win.e bandwagon >> yeah, of course it is. he's trythe lionesses win. ofindwagon >> yeah, of course it is. he's trythe lionesses win. of course,yn of the lionesses win. of course, all it would be all it's about it would be totally the last thing. trying totally the last thing. trying to spoil . to spoil. >> i agree. >> i agree. >> he's not in charge so he can ask for it and they just the last need is another last thing we need is another bank we have a bank holiday in >> did we have a bank holiday in 1966? so . no, not 1966? i don't think so. no, not because want do have because we want we do have pubuc because we want we do have public in almost any public holidays in almost any other . we've got quite other country. we've got quite enough. you very much. enough. thank you very much. >> i'm saying nothing . >> yeah, i'm saying nothing. >> yeah, i'm saying nothing. >> it's been a while since we heard from mad hatter scientists who would still have us locked up behind our sofas if they had their way. but they're back again to raise the alarm about an apparent new variant seemingly having run out of things to entertain themselves
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with over some of the independent sage fantasies are demanding. brits mask up again after discovering what they call the real deal covid strain . to the real deal covid strain. to everyone else. >> very, very early days. >> very, very early days. >> but this coronavirus variant now in two countries has a lot of new mutations. that makes it very different to previous omicron strains . and so omicron strains. and so potentially more able to cause a big wave . big wave. >> two more sequences of the second generation ba.2 lineage just showed up in denmark. >> this is the real deal. >> this is the real deal. >> my various science whatsapp groups are buzzing genetic uneage groups are buzzing genetic lineage clips and diagrams flying back and forth. i understand a little of the detail , but it looks like it's detail, but it looks like it's once again time to mask up. >> let me tell you now there is more chance of me deflecting to sly news than wearing a snappy on the tube this summer , like on the tube this summer, like all other covid doomsayers over
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the last few years, independent sage got everything wrong during the pandemic and have zero credibility. so my opinion there packet science contributed to our current excess deaths crisis crippling inflation and a generation of damaged kids. so christine hamilton , these people christine hamilton, these people should be ignored. the reason i'm talking about this is because the rest of the media are starting to jump on this bandwagon again and reporting their claims seriously . these their claims seriously. these focus charlatans , well, they focus charlatans, well, they were exposed. they were liars. they've ruined our economy. >> i have no idea whether there's a new strain coming. there may be it. may we may all wake up with covid tomorrow morning. but what they're doing is to spread is they're trying to spread fear. they're to create fear. they're trying to create hysteria. want wear fear. they're trying to create hjmask, want wear fear. they're trying to create hjmask, they want wear fear. they're trying to create hjmask, they are want wear fear. they're trying to create hjmask, they are welcomed vear fear. they're trying to create hjmask, they are welcomed tonr a mask, they are welcomed to wear a but the idea that wear a mask. but the idea that wear a mask. but the idea that we all go back to wearing we should all go back to wearing and all be locked and we should all be locked up and we should all be locked up and goodness they and goodness haven't they learned don't learned their lesson? they don't work economy well, it's work the economy well, it's a bit like quasi. >> why? it's a bit like why do we encourage do things
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we encourage people to do things that feel better but that make them feel better but they don't actually make a difference ? pseudoscience. difference? pseudoscience. >> these people rather >> a lot of these people rather enjoyed the fact that they were very much in the limelight. oh yeah, they love the twitter following the tv interviews and i think they're going to knighthoods stir the same kind of hysteria . the same worry of hysteria. the same worry actually was scary . i was in actually was scary. i was in government at the time. we hadnt government at the time. we hadn't seen this before, but having seen the effects of the lockdowns, having seen the fact that went right that public spending went right through has caused a through the roof, has caused a lot the inflation that we lot of the inflation that we see. i don't think any government going go back government is going to go back down draconian . down to that, that draconian. >> the public >> i don't think the public won't be fooled again. no. we have learned our lesson. we will ignore ridicule this draconian. >> don't think we're to >> i don't think we're going to see that. and unless they make it absolutely mandatory. well, i ignored on. ignored it very early on. >> mean, matthew, the >> i mean, look, matthew, the right i even know right the reason i even know that i've had this ridiculous new strain because i would never have a covid test, but basically i passed it on to a young
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relative and their parents took her to hospital. and got her covid test. but it was a it's a cold.i covid test. but it was a it's a cold. i have not told a single souli cold. i have not told a single soul i had this new strain. >> when did you have it? we might all a couple of weeks ago. >> we might all like. i was actually at work. it was just before on holiday. before i went on holiday. >> god. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> i'm going to sue you. cold old. it's a cold. >> yeah , that's the thing that >> yeah, that's the thing that we don't hear a lot of. and of course, what was the particular issue which the covid inquiry is going going to take so going on is going to take so long not to get any long we're not going to get any practical from it in long we're not going to get any pract for, from it in long we're not going to get any pract for, you from it in long we're not going to get any practfor, you know,ym it in long we're not going to get any pract for, you know, fort in long we're not going to get any pract for, you know, for any new strains. >> but the covid inquiry is a stitch because not stitch up because it's not looking at damages of looking at the damages of lockdown. why do we have lockdown. i mean, why do we have this lots out? >> and also, why the effects of lockdown was wider than that? i mean , yeah, it's effects. you mean, yeah, it's effects. you know, kids not being able to socialise issues , households socialise issues, households breaking up. there was a whole raft of social consequences that haven't been looked at when a
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whole generation of children have had their education. >> just well, i wouldn't say destroyed, very adversely . destroyed, but very adversely. >> the most sensible approach in europe taken by the social europe was taken by the social democratic government sweden, europe was taken by the social demo
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allow tegnell who was who was in charge of the health of the nafion charge of the health of the nation to make the decisions. and so he didn't. >> and you got the consequence. >> and you got the consequence. >> but actually you say is >> but actually what you say is absolutely was was >> but actually what you say is absyopposition was was >> but actually what you say is absyopposition that was was >> but actually what you say is absyopposition that was driving the opposition that was driving the opposition that was driving the harder and the government to harder and harder. media and the harder. and the media and the media, because of the hysteria of the likes of the british bashing corporation, sly news and itv , who loved it, and woke itv, who loved it, because happened to their because what happened to their ratings through everybody was at home. was , of course, home. everyone was, of course, a huge amount of amnesia going on. >> people who were then >> and people who were then supporting lockdown and encouraging longer encouraging it and going longer and and now trying to and further and now trying to wash their that's the wash their hands. that's the whole thing. >> like my party >> it's a bit like in my party with iraq war. everybody, with the iraq war. everybody, everybody claims were everybody who claims they were everybody claims they were against it's now against it. and it's now everybody oh, i was everybody says, oh, i was a sceptic. they weren't at the time. >> okay. >> okay. >> now both sides of the >> now we do both sides of the story here gb news. so story here on gb news. so professor lawrence young, virologist at warwick university, said while we must be careful to not panic every time a new variant should that be scary and is detected? all
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this serves to remind us that we need to remain vigilant and that covid over . oh my covid isn't over. oh my goodness, i want say so much, goodness, i want to say so much, but just. i know. i'm just but i'm just. i know. i'm just good as it. i'm just good as it behaved. he's entitled to his views. >> yes, he is entitled. >> yes, he is entitled. >> that was reasonable. >> that was reasonable. >> but mean, vigilance is >> but i mean, vigilance is always reasonable . absolutely. always reasonable. absolutely. >> think that was fair. >> okay. i think that was fair. let's keep washing hands. let's keep washing our hands. >> moving on. >> i'm staying my moving on. fresh from setting himself on holiday, finally holiday, president biden finally turned his attention to the wildfires torn through wildfires that have torn through maui killing maui in hawaii, killing 106 people. joe appeared people. but sleepy joe appeared to forget one crucial detail the name of the island. watch the army helicopters help fire suppression and efforts on the big island because there's still some burning on the big island. >> not the one, not the one where you see on television all the time . i'm speechless, the time. i'm speechless, genuinely speechless . genuinely speechless. >> notes to read. >> notes to read. >> yes , teleprompter. >> yes, teleprompter. >> yes, teleprompter. >> surely his speechwriters would give him notes. >> still better than trump. what's going on? well, i
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disagree actually, on that. but he did at least address the tragedy time around, which tragedy this time around, which was in those was better than in those previous interviews. he's going was better than in those previo we nterviews. he's going was better than in those previo we ignored s. he's going was better than in those previo we ignored it he's going was better than in those previo we ignored it for s going was better than in those previo we ignored it for nowing was better than in those previo we ignored it for now . g there. we ignored it for now. will you come talk about the hawaii response , mr president? hawaii response, mr president? >> and while biden still won't travel to hawaii until next monday , former president trump monday, former president trump has stepped into the breach and delivered a dress sympathy and warmest regards to the people of hawaii and specifically all of those who have been so gravely and irreparably hurt by the tragedy of the wildfires in maui , something the likes of which have seldom been seen anywhere near at any time . near at any time. >> come on. so much better than biting. >> well, they want to re—elect biden and the democrats want to put him forward again. it is it is unbelievable. he's the leader of the western world, for god's sake, because he can't run again from the democrats . from the democrats. >> yeah. no, no, no .
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>> yeah. no, no, no. >>— >> yeah. no, no, no. >> i could not remember the name of hawaii or maui. >> maui . >> maui. >> maui. >> i mean, democrat state. >> i mean, democrat state. >> when do we seriously start talking about impeach? >> i think they've got to if he's up against trump in the debate, i think it's over. >> well, he wiped the floor won't but want biden stay won't but we want biden to stay because suddenly because if biden suddenly topples we'll topples over or whatever, we'll get kamala kamala harris even more . exactly. more. exactly. >> crazy last. do stand by, because coming up, so flip flop lives up to his name by admitting he would not have blocked screaming sturgeon's gender sulphide bill. so is rishi sunak right? but the labour leader can't be trusted to protect women and girls by superstar panel returned to debate that. but next his edinburgh comedy show was cancelled for the crime of having father ted's creator, graham linehan , on the bill. so graham linehan, on the bill. so is the bbc right that andrew doyle been given ? i doyle should have been given? i should given the venue's should have given the venue's bosses the bosses a heads up about the show's content . well, the star show's content. well, the star of gb news is just minutes away
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patrick christys on gb news. i'm gb news radio . britain's best gb news radio. britain's best entertainer , jim davidson is entertainer, jim davidson is standing by. >> but first, father ted, creator turned staunch defender of women's rights , graham of women's rights, graham linehan said he is taking legal action after being suddenly cancelled by a venue at the edinburgh fringe . so yesterday, edinburgh fringe. so yesterday, as i mentioned , my digest at the as i mentioned, my digest at the top of the show, the leith arches said in a statement, we do not support this comedian or his views. we are an inclusive
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venue , will not allow such views venue, will not allow such views to our space. here's how to violate our space. here's how linehan . speaking to linehan responded. speaking to patrick christys earlier . patrick christys earlier. >> i have done it without a defaming me on their instagram post as a bigot, which is the first thing these people always do. so, you know , unfortunately do. so, you know, unfortunately we are we are beginning legal proceedings . the promoter of the proceedings. the promoter of the show is our very own andrew doyle who has announced. >> they have found a new venue for linehan and co to perform. but andrew doyle, this is a shocking situation. i think it shows that free speech in britain is dead and one thing that really, really surprised me is that you are not actually able to announce the venue now until the very last minute. i mean, this is like mccarthy era stuff. it'sjust mean, this is like mccarthy era stuff. it's just that the activists tend to be quite hostile creatures. >> you know, they can be so
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ferocious . and so we just want ferocious. and so we just want the people who've bought tickets to have a great night. the people who've bought tickets to have a great night . we to have a great night. we advertise the gig. we sold the gig and then of this gig out. and then all of this kicked off and so we've now found another venue that's just around the corner from the venue where it's meant to be. so everyone, we can just transfer where it's meant to be. so eve tickets we can just transfer where it's meant to be. so eve tickets we ca|s01st transfer where it's meant to be. so eve tickets we ca|so what nsfer where it's meant to be. so eve tickets we ca|so what we'll the tickets over. so what we'll do but worried that if >> but you're worried that if you announce this publicly number one, they would try some sort of campaign against the venue, might venue, but presumably they might also physically barricade also try to physically barricade themselves or something like that. themselves or something like tha it wouldn't because the >> it wouldn't work because the venue the management >> it wouldn't work because the vencompletely the management >> it wouldn't work because the ven completely on 1e management >> it wouldn't work because the ven completely on board. iagement >> it wouldn't work because the ven completely on board. and nent >> it wouldn't work because the vencompletely on board. and the: are completely on board. and the reason they've taken this is they the principle they believe in the principle of free that's really free speech. so that's really good. email good. we'll just email people the they'll up the address and they'll turn up and go and do and the activists can go and do something why do something else. i mean, why do they care? something else. i mean, why do the butre? something else. i mean, why do the but this is an ordinary >> but this is an extra ordinary worrying thing. i mean, we saw. joanna cherry initially cancelled from the fringe as well. it's all because these people believe that biological sex matters. i mean, that's something that andrew, everyone on the left a few years ago agreed with.
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>> yeah, it's something that 99% of the country agree with. it's particularly troubling what happened to joanna cherry because that was at the stand comedy club where that her comedy club where that where her appearance was meant be. appearance was meant to be. that's club i've worked that's a club that i've worked with i did with many, many times. i did many of solo edinburgh shows many of my solo edinburgh shows at the stand. the whole ethos there was free speech and there was always free speech and what's happening is certain members of the management, i suppose, getting nervous suppose, are getting nervous about members who are about staff members who are saying, i'm not going to work if this person they're with a different opinion. so i think it's reflective it's really reflective on a problem society more broadly problem in society more broadly that of that there's a certain type of young who feels that they young person who feels that they can that opinion cannot be can that their opinion cannot be challenged they've been challenged because they've been told challenged, told that if you're challenged, your emotional safety is at risk. so inevitably that risk. and so inevitably that when they old enough to get when they get old enough to get jobs, that will filter out into that that world. jobs, that will filter out into tha and that world. jobs, that will filter out into tha and we're world. jobs, that will filter out into tha and we're nowd. that >> and we're now seeing that happening. so happening. and i think what's so shocking, is that graham shocking, andrew, is that graham linehan they surprised linehan was they surprised members of the london liberal media. i mean, this is the bloke who was one of the biggest stars behind the scenes of channel 4,
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you know, far . and ted, the behind the scenes of channel 4, you know, far. and ted, the it crowd black books. this is not someone who actually is conservative in a small sea or big sea way. no, but because of one particular view, a bit like jk rowling , he has now been jk rowling, he has now been ostracised and ostracised, socially ostracised financially. >> he comes from the left. i mean, he was even a bit of an activist from a left wing perspective. i had spats with him back on the day online because we disagreed on various things. that world. things. so he knows that world. but he also now recognises that that world is very insular and i think what he said, he's a bit embarrassed by some of the things back in day things he said back in the day because realised this because now he's realised this one view, having a one point of view, having a different opinion slightly different opinion that slightly deviates from what the activists say you are cancelled. and say and you are cancelled. and he really has been cancelled. i know people say cancel culture does exist. you've just does not exist. you've just listed a33 very key sitcoms in our recent history and this man can't get work within the comedy industry. he's got his musical father, which is being held
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father, ted, which is being held hostage by hat trick productions who own the rights. they're saying they're going to put saying they're not going to put it graham it's it on. and graham says it's because the staff because a member of the staff there activist and they've there is an activist and they've capitulated him. capitulated to him. >> doyle we have both >> so andrew doyle we have both been here at gb news since day one. and one of the reasons that we joined jib news is because we were aware, acutely aware of the threat to free speech. and in fact , your show that threat to free speech. and in fact, your show that has been on the channel since day one on sunday nights, free speech nafion sunday nights, free speech nation is all about that. it feels like the rest of the population are catching up. there's really fascinating major poll commissioned by gb news, let's be honest about it. but undertaken by one of the country's top polling agencies showed just 14% of the population dis agreeing with the statement that free speech in the united kingdom is in decline . so this is a battle of our lifetime, isn't it? >> well, it absolutely is. and that's why i wanted to focus on free the show. i think free speech in the show. i think a people have been a lot of people have been
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playing up because, well , playing catch up because, well, to be honest, they haven't been informed what's going on. you informed of what's going on. you know, mean, the issues know, i mean, i cover the issues of identity lot on the of gender identity a lot on the show, have done since the show, and i have done since the start because nobody else was. i mean, you're getting odd mean, now you're getting the odd interview on interview here and there on on other channels, but they really weren't time. weren't for a long, long time. >> you have thought >> so you would have thought graham linehan was the devil incarnate you just looked at incarnate if you just looked at social media. >> but that's because that's all they so they and they they do. so they look and they see, people calling him they do. so they look and they sebigot, people calling him they do. so they look and they sebigot, callingeople calling him they do. so they look and they sebigot, calling him calling him they do. so they look and they sebigot, calling him for.ling him they do. so they look and they sebigot, calling him for all] him a bigot, calling him for all right, all stuff. so they right, all this stuff. so they just but actually, just dismiss him. but actually, when you understand the issues, when you understand the issues, when understand he's when you understand what he's actually standing up for, women's gay rights, this women's rights, gay rights, this kind interviewed kind of thing. i interviewed a woman on my show last weekend, a lesbian organised speed lesbian who'd organised a speed dating for lesbians dating event for lesbians at a pub london and because she pub in london and because she said men are allowed . yeah, said no men are allowed. yeah, she's it cancelled . right. she's had it cancelled. right. because that's that's clearly a problem. and it's not it wasn't it was a man who identifies as a woman demanding to come in to a lesbian speed dating event. everyone knows this is ridiculous. knows ridiculous. everyone knows it's absurd. has absurd. and graham linehan has been this been on the right side of this debate. he said about debate. everything he said about
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the medicalisation of gender non—conforming youth, kids who are to grow up gay or are likely to grow up gay or kids who are autistic, who think they're wrong body being they're in the wrong body being affirmed in that put onto a pathway medicalisation and pathway to medicalisation and eventually sterilisation of course, he's been right about that and he's vindicated . that and he's vindicated. >> and the tavistock clinic, remember , that's what the bbc remember, that's what the bbc hated him so much for because he spoke against tavistock spoke out against tavistock clinic, has now been shut clinic, which has now been shut down by the government because its practises were so , so its practises were so, so disgusting. but look, you're going to keep on with your doing the show. >> we're doing the show tomorrow. it'sjust >> we're doing the show tomorrow. it's just not going to be venue it was originally. >> okay. well, look, i it >> okay. well, look, i hope it goes really well. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> thank much. now i'll >> thank you so much. now i'll crown tonight's britain crown tonight's greatest britain and speaking and union jackass after speaking with funniest in with one of the funniest men in britain, shortly. britain, jim davidson, shortly. first, weather that first, though, the weather that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers proud sponsors of weather on gb news . weather on gb news. >> hello there. i'm jonathan vautrey here with your latest news weather forecast provided
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by the met office after a relatively dry and fine day today that will be continuing into thursday as well. and even into thursday as well. and even into the overnight period. a good chunk of wales , central good chunk of wales, central southern areas of england, even northern ireland holding on to some and clear some late sunshine and clear intervals might allow intervals overnight, might allow for and fog patches to for some mist and fog patches to form eastern of form across eastern areas of england up towards scotland. we're going hold on to the we're going to hold on to the cloud a more, a bit cloud a bit more, so turn a bit murky some higher ground murky across some higher ground routes, but temperatures generally around 13 generally holding up around 13 to 15 c in our towns and cities. a bit of a cooler, fresher start in some rural and in some rural areas. and generally the grand scheme of generally on the grand scheme of things, lot of cloud will things, a lot of that cloud will begin its way once begin to burn its way off once again to see again and we'll start to see those intervals developing those sunny intervals developing and warm once again and it will feel warm once again . we will, though, start to see a much of breeze around a much more of a breeze around tomorrow compared to today. so that's make feel that's going to make it feel cooler, particularly some cooler, particularly along some eastern areas, but eastern coastal areas, but further inland through the midlands , towards central midlands, down towards central southern england southern areas of england, generally . high generally rather warm. high pressure, though, is not to going last into the end of the week because this area of low pressure in atlantic
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pressure out in the atlantic is going start its way going to start to drift its way in head into friday. so in as we head into friday. so some outbursts rain, some heavy outbursts of rain, perhaps thunderstorms perhaps some thunderstorms pushing first across pushing in first thing across wales into northern wales, england, into northern ireland . that will tend ireland as well. that will tend to peter its way out. so scotland staying scotland generally staying largely sunny largely dry with some sunny intervals. further intervals. but we've got further rain on cards as we head rain on the cards as we head towards of friday, rain on the cards as we head towards quite of friday, rain on the cards as we head towards quite windyzriday, rain on the cards as we head towards quite windy around some turning quite windy around some coastal as well into the coastal areas as well into the weekend, though, a bit of a northwest split by by northwest southeast split by by that warm feeling inside from boxed bowyer's proud sponsors of weather on . gb news now coming weather on. gb news now coming up in on cancelled soft touch charities and a rallying cry for the government to get their act together over the migrant crisis. >> british comedy legend jim davidson tackles the woke week with a healthy dose of his outrageous humour. you're not going to want to miss jim tonight, believe me. but next in the media buzz, after you turning on u—turn and turning on his u—turn and admitting would not have admitting he would not have blocked nicola sturgeon's hate agenda, bill is rishi agenda, south bill is rishi sunak right? that slippery
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starmer can't be trusted to protect women and girls. my superstar stuck in to superstar panel gets stuck in to the position of the labour leader this
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children. >> you're listening to news radio . radio. >> now let's return to tomorrow's news tonight in our media buzz . and more front pages media buzz. and more front pages are in the headline leading the daily mail tonight. jim heist at the british museum. the paper says treasures spanning 3400 years of history have been stolen from the museum's collection . the history girls is collection. the history girls is the front page headline on the mirror, which is dominated by the lionesses with the paper leading on their victory over the aussies and by the way, you guys are doing really well tonight on youtube . we're now tonight on youtube. we're now just 2000 followers away from the million mark. we're going to hit it this week, aren't we? so if you are just tuning in now on
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youtube, head to gb news and subscribe my superstar panel. back with me now, though , the back with me now, though, the author broadcaster christine author and broadcaster christine hamilton, former chancellor of the exchequer kwasi kwarteng, and former labour advisor matthew lazor . now in typical matthew lazor. now in typical keir starmer style, the labour leader u—turned on his own u—turn by indicating he would not have blocked scheming sturgeon's gender self—id bill. speaking in scotland , he alleged speaking in scotland, he alleged the government had misused their powers under devolution, saying they were intended not to empower the westminster government to block things out . government to block things out. the scottish parliament wanted to do. but the prime minister has hit back hard, accusing starmer of putting women and girls at risk, saying first he was for self—id . then he tried was for self—id. then he tried to convince us he was against it. now he's for it, but only if you're women and you're in scotland. women and girls need their rights protected no matter where they live. uk, it's clear that live. in the uk, it's clear that sir keir starmer lacks the strength stick any strength to stick to any position for long. he just changes his mind to fit whatever he works for him he thinks works for him
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politically . and i mean, that's politically. and i mean, that's backed up by some of these other greatest hits from sir flip flop. >> our options must include campaigning for a public vote and nobody is ruling out remain as an option. >> i've said on a number of occasions that we are not going back to the eu. >> can you guarantee that under your leadership the 2019 labour commitments to nationalise water, energy, rail, the royal mail , they'll all be in labour's mail, they'll all be in labour's next election manifesto. >> i've made that commitment. >> i've made that commitment. >> will you nationalise the big six energy companies? >> yes or no? no i mean, christine hamilton, we can't trust this bloke, can we? but when it comes to as to an issue as important as women's rights , as important as women's rights, that matters, doesn't it? >> well, it's pretty fundamental issue, isn't he? but isn't it certainly is to me as a woman, because we are the people, the women who are being marginalised. i'm expected to call myself a cis woman. well,
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excuse me. am woman. full excuse me. i am a woman. full stop. don't have to put stop. i don't have to put anything that . but he is anything with that. but he is the absolute epitome of these are my principles. and if you don't i have others, don't like them, i have others, as the precise. sums up as is the precise. what sums up starmer little collage starmer in your little collage there that yes, he will. there shows that yes, he will. he sense power really seriously in his nostrils now and he will do almost anything to get his hands on it. but what is he going to do when he's got it? i don't think he has a clue. he'll don't think he has a clue. he'll do what he can. whatever he takes to get but i just wish takes to get it. but i just wish i thought had i thought that he had some guiding principles. we guiding principles. i mean, we need haven't had need a leader. we haven't had a leader principles leader with real principles for such time . i mean, let's such a long time. i mean, let's mention the great lady, margaret thatcher. she was the last one, in my view , certainly the last in my view, certainly the last one who serious tory one who had serious tory principles and she knew what she wanted and she set out to get it. i don't think starmer does. i think and i don't think sunak does.i i think and i don't think sunak does. i mean, sunak's obviously a perfectly decent nice guy a perfectly decent, nice guy and i'm sure he loves animals and all that sort thing, but he all that sort of thing, but he doesn't have guiding light. >> that's taylor swift . >> that's taylor swift. >> that's taylor swift. >> well, matthew , i thought you
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>> well, matthew, i thought you might come to me real issue here, isn't there? >> there is a real issue . >> there is a real issue. starmer, u—turns on everything. well, look down on scotland. >> this scottish issue , this is >> this scottish issue, this is a really important issue because it hasn't flip flopped . what he it hasn't flip flopped. what he said is that it's the scottish labour party which has is not a branch office as it was once described. it has its own right to set policy that the scottish labour party has set its policy on this. the policy that keir has set that he will adopt in westminster when he's prime minister clear minister is absolutely clear which self—id. so there which is no to self—id. so there isn't a flip what isn't a flip flop. but what happensin isn't a flip flop. but what happens in scotland is for the scottish labour party to decide . i get what that means. >> but that does mean though that sunak saying is that what sunak is saying is correct, that and in correct, that women and girls in scotland protected scotland would not be protected under . under starmer. >> exactly right, >> and that's exactly right, because saying that it's up >> and that's exactly right, bethe;e saying that it's up >> and that's exactly right, bethe who's saying that it's up >> and that's exactly right, bethe who's saying it'st it's up >> and that's exactly right, bethe who's saying it's up's up >> and that's exactly right, bethe who's saying it's up to jp to the who's saying it's up to the scottish labour and if they decide, you know, on all this, we know what they've decided. that's exactly that's their policy. but broader point policy. but the broader point that rights in that for women's rights in
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scotland that scotland, the point that christine is 100% right. christine makes is 100% right. this is a man who now senses power . he can sniff powers. you power. he can sniff powers. you put it, you know, very keenly , put it, you know, very keenly, and he will say and do anything to achieve that result . i was to achieve that result. i was opposite him when he was in the shadow brexit secretary . i was shadow brexit secretary. i was the under—secretary. he was the shadow and we had exchanges in the house of commons. and at that time you couldn't put a cigarette paper between him and corbyn. and he actually corbyn. yeah. and he actually won the leadership, the labour leadership corbyn easter leadership on a corbyn easter ticket . and then having got ticket. and then having got there, he kicked away the stool that ladder that got him that the ladder that got him there. matthew and there's now doing else. doing something else. >> that's a really good >> i think that's a really good point matthew. point from kwasi matthew. i don't we should ever don't think we should ever forget that slippery starmer spent years advocating for corbyn to be prime minister and he also spent years advocating to overturn the biggest democratic mandate in british history . and that, to this day, history. and that, to this day, makes me feel physically ill . makes me feel physically ill. >> well, at the time, i think if
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people's vote was the right, was the right policy, clearly we're not going to rejoin the eu. now, clearly, election, the clearly, the 2019 election, the right , the 2019, because right policy, the 2019, because the 29 well, it would have been a democratic vote, a second democratic vote to get the right to get on the detail . and look, to get on the detail. and look, guys, guys ' to get on the detail. and look, guys, guys , i will remind you, guys, guys, i will remind you, there'd be three polls and there have been three polls in the last week which put over which which put vast majority of people want to rejoin, but actually that isn't that isn't that policy. actually that isn't that isn't that is policy. actually that isn't that isn't that is not policy. actually that isn't that isn't that is not we're)olicy. actually that isn't that isn't that is not we're not y. actually that isn't that isn't that is not we're not going to labour is not we're not going to rejoin eu under the labour rejoin the eu under the labour party. actually think party. actually dan, i think that going to be problem party. actually dan, i think thathe going to be problem party. actually dan, i think thathe labour to be problem party. actually dan, i think thathe labour government lem for the labour government because progressive because i think the progressive opinion majority opinion and frankly the majority of country want us of people in the country want us to eu and they're to rejoin the eu and they're going to press for that. but it isn't policy he's isn't labour's policy and he's absolutely on that. >> broader e broader wasn't, that. >> broader wasn't, but it >> the broader it wasn't, but it wasn't on the policy. wasn't just on the eu policy. look says on look at what he says on nationalisation. i remember dunng nationalisation. i remember during the course said he was during the course he said he was going all the going to nationalise all the utilities was asked utilities and then he was asked on is that going on the clip, is he is that going to the manifesto? he said to be the manifesto? and he said yes no. they say no, no. yes and no. they say no, no. he's saying, no, you couldn't
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make mean, it's make it up. i mean, it's complete opposite on the fundamental economics. >> doesn't have the >> and he doesn't have the excuse of excuse that biden does of old age. >> e true . now, look, he's e etrue . now, look, he's age. >> a name now, look, he's age. >> a name forn, look, he's age. >> a name for himself he's age. >> a name for himself ass age. >> a name for himself as mr made a name for himself as mr brightside, but optimism got the better of the killers frontman brandon flowers last night. now, i actually love this guy. so this was all a bit gaga. but it started when the band invited a russian fan on stage to play the drums at a concert in georgia. the former soviet state that russia invaded in 2008. and things quickly went downhill from there. look we don't know the etiquette of this land, but this guy's a russian. >> are you okay with a russian coming up here? i'm i'm arriving. >> all right. come on. let's go . he finished yet or. no. you want to put me up? you come up here. you want to come up here, you can't recognise that someone's your brother . you can't recognise that someone's your brother. he's not your brother . no, someone's your brother. he's not your brother. no, he's someone's your brother. he's not your brother . no, he's not your brother. >> we're all. we're all. we're. we all separate with. >> we all separate on the
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borders of our countries. >> now, predictably , the band >> now, predictably, the band took to social media to apologise, saying never apologise, saying it was never our intention offend anyone. our intention to offend anyone. and that the and they understand that the comment that all of the killers audience and fans are brothers and sisters be missed and sisters could be missed construed. but before anyone dares try to cancel brandon flowers, who's like one of the greatest musicians of our day, that was a totally innocent mistake . and remember, as he mistake. and remember, as he always said , we're only human, always said, we're only human, right? kwasi kwarteng, right? matthew kwasi kwarteng, christine hamilton , do stand by, christine hamilton, do stand by, because coming up, the lionesses made history today by reaching the world cup final. but will they the ultimate crown they pick up the ultimate crown in britain they pick up the ultimate crown in union britain they pick up the ultimate crown in union jack? britain they pick up the ultimate crown in union jack? stay3ritain they pick up the ultimate crown in union jack? stay tuned to and union jack? stay tuned to find out. but next in on cancelled the english channel is on alert. why is the on red alert. so why is the government failing to deal government still failing to deal with crisis ? jim with the migrant crisis? jim davidson britain's best entertainer, is demanding the tories sort it out. plus, we'll talk brian linehan cancellation and a jew face row involving hollywood megastar bradley coopen hollywood megastar bradley cooper. don't go anywhere. jim davidson is live in just two
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british comedy legend jim davidson is on cancelled . and, davidson is on cancelled. and, you know, this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without the fear of the cancel culture, which we know tonight more than ever is sweeping the rest media. sunny weather rest of the media. sunny weather and seas saw another influx and calm seas saw another influx of illegal migrants to britain today than 500 people today with more than 500 people feared made way feared to have made their way across the this video across the channel. this video shared to social media, came from dinghy full of fighting from a dinghy full of fighting age men posing with their thumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis n posing with their thumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis morning with their thumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis morning ./ith their thumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis morning. it1 their thumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis morning . it comesthumbs from a dinghy full of fighting agethis morning . it comes off�*nbs up this morning. it comes off the back of the eu rejecting a british turn back policy to france and the death of six migrants earlier this week, sparking jim davidson to take aim at soft touch leftie charities and a war cry to rishi sunak to sort this s—word out or you will be out at the next election, sirjim great to see you. but we're starting with
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something really serious tonight because you are quite rightly fired up about this . fired up about this. >> well , you know, i can't help >> well, you know, i can't help thinking that all the media stuff and that as being shown with the with the immigrants or call them whatever you want those guys going on to the barge with their bags like they're going on to a you know 747 or whatever. >> and i just can't help thinking that all this stuff is falling into the hands of the illegal immigrant gang masters who are saying , look, have who are saying, look, have a look here. here's how you're going to get on. >> you're going to be met somewhere. you're going to be taken. >> they're charity , you >> they're a nice charity, you know, going after know, is going to look after you and a bag full of stuff and give you a bag full of stuff and give you a bag full of stuff and you load of money and whatever. >> and all they're doing is all these charities are falling into >> and all they're doing is all therhandsities are falling into >> and all they're doing is all therhands ofas are falling into >> and all they're doing is all therhands of these falling into >> and all they're doing is all therhands of these bad1g into >> and all they're doing is all therhands of these bad guyso >> and all they're doing is all therhands of these bad guys who the hands of these bad guys who are these poor people, are saying to these poor people, desperate look, desperate people, look, look, look it's like look at this. it's like a brochure a holiday brochure .
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brochure or a holiday brochure. here's what you're going to get. >> course, reality it >> of course, the reality of it is slightly different . is slightly different. >> and course, then when they >> and of course, then when they risk >> and of course, then when they fisk the >> and of course, then when they risk the channel risk their lives in the channel i think that a lot of responsibility has got to be pointing the finger of blame has got to be pointed on some of these charities that are saying, come to britain. >> it's a dangerous trip and look, all these films that we're seeing on the television looks like a holiday brochure, like a houday like a holiday brochure, like a holiday advert. >> the bad guys saying, >> so the bad guys are saying, look, britain , you get look, come to britain, you get met, you get this, you get that. >> it's crazy. they're risking their lives. >> something's to be >> dan, something's got to be done. know. done. i don't know. >> got an idea >> i've got i've got an idea what to oh yes, what ? what to do. oh yes, what? >> well, when they come on their boats to folkestone, leave them i >> -- >> hi. -_ >> hi . how lam >> hi . how was the trip? oh, what? >> where's the. where's the lifeboat? >> no, no, no, no. busy looking after ships . after ships. >> where's the. where's the hostel ? where's the barge? hostel? where's the barge? >> no, no, no. sorry. good luck. enjoy your stay. leave them on the beach at folkestone. let
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them off somewhere. them walk off somewhere. >> them off and >> let them go off and go and stay their up in stay with their families up in bradford didn't bradford or wherever. i didn't mean generalise, but let mean the generalise, but let them go stay somewhere and them go and stay somewhere and if go and break if they then go and break the law because they don't get any benefits, then nick them benefits, then we'll nick them and prison. in and put them in prison. but in the meantime not paying the meantime we are not paying for let them let them keep >> let them come. let them keep on beach , you know. on the beach, you know. >> this the >> good point. this is what the founder care for calais, founder of care for calais, clare says. the way, founder of care for calais, clareas says. the way, founder of care for calais, clareas the says. the way, founder of care for calais, clareas the uk says. the way, founder of care for calais, clareas the uk government way, founder of care for calais, clareas the uk government seeks jim, as the uk government seeks to ban refugees from claiming asylum uk through its new asylum in the uk through its new bill, poll shows that they bill, our poll shows that they are step with uk are out of step with the uk public. for public. it has been clear for some time the current some time that the current government interested in government is more interested in hardline anti—refugee rhetoric than solutions . than delivering real solutions. now moving on to. oh, sorry. yep jim . jim. >> i think that's absolute rubbish. that is a complete cop out of the people in this country. >> we want to protect our borders. >> it's nothing to do with these poor people that are leaving a country and going through other wonderful countries to get to our soft touch country and meet diane abbott on the beach with some it's some luncheon vouchers. it's
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absolute poppycock. >> no, indeed . now, look, jim, i >> no, indeed. now, look, jim, i want to move on to this big hollywood row because bradley cooper has sparked something called a jew face controversy . called a jew face controversy. this one is new to me, but it's because he's acting with a prosthetic nose in his new leonard bernstein biopic. here's the trailer . the trailer. >> are you itching to move? >> are you itching to move? >> no, no . good. actually at . all >> i'm thinking of a. all >> i'm thinking of a . number. >> i'm thinking of a. number. >> i'm thinking of a. number. >> jim, the thing about this is the family bernstein family have spoken out and said they have no problem with it. so are we really going to cancel bradley cooper? because, i mean, what's going on? what's going on, jim, over to you . over to you. >> cancel such dreadful makeup. >> cancel such dreadful makeup. >> he looked like pinocchio . really? >> they say that leonard bernstein was a really mean man and his nose was so big because
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the air was free. >> but , the air was free. >> but, i mean, come on. where are you going to draw the line? if he was. if he wants if you're portraying someone, you've got to look like i couldn't be nelson mandela . you know who's nelson mandela. you know who's going to play einstein ? lenny going to play einstein? lenny henry, who's the hunchback of notre dame? >> did he really have a hump? so, okay, so here's the old story . story. >> good news. >> good news. >> i've got you a job. you're starring in a film as long john silver. oh they start filming on thursday . they need you on thursday. they need you on tuesday. why is that? well you've got have your leg off, you've got to have your leg off, otherwise someone would moan. >> know , this is crazy. >> you know, this is crazy. i know. no, it is. i know , though know. no, it is. i know, though if he didn't nodded, he'd cut the cake, wouldn't he not? jim? >> jim, call maidens been cancelled. you're not the only one. i want to show you this moment where a bbc radio scotland presenter weighed in to the graham linehan comedy row with this tone deaf. take >> given that graham linehan is well known for being very
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outspoken on his views on trans activist rights, you could have perhaps expected this . perhaps expected this. >> well, i suppose in the edinburgh being the heart of the enlightenment, you wouldn't expect it. >> well, we've seen comedians cancelled before at the edinburgh festival and politicians gigs were cancelled as well . as well. >> so jim, what a surprise. the british bashing corporation seems to think it's completely fine for a top comic. one of our best ever comedy writers, graham linehan, to be cancelled simply because he believes women can't have penises. >> well, this is what happens. and according to old d'oyly, a lot of the other comedians are joining in condemning it as well. well, we've had enough of this woke fest. i did a month here in 2000 and whatever , and here in 2000 and whatever, and it drove me absolute lutely mad. all these really unfunny woke political plimsoll wearing baggy
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jumper comics or self licking ice creams and you get someone like andrew doyle i think is the most brilliant comedian of his generation . generation. >> yes, he was here earlier. i cancel. >> yes, he was here earlier. i cancel . it's a bit much. i saw cancel. it's a bit much. i saw it there. it's a bit much when they're cancelling the lefties, you expect them to hate me and chubby brown. when i played the edinburgh some idiot edinburgh festival, some idiot awful critic because they're awful. awful. so the trouble with jim davidson's act, it's geared to get laughs. i mean , geared to get laughs. i mean, what is going on? so if you have a different opinion to anyone else , is that it? yeah. cancel else, is that it? yeah. cancel yes, that is it. >> well, and i think look, i think freedom of speech is dead in britain now, jim. i really do i >> -- >> well, apart from on gb news and on. you stream mate don't you worry about that. having said that , trying to shut us said that, trying to shut us down, aren't they too, jim? >> we know that they're coming for they're coming for me. for you. they're coming for me. >> gb news. >> they're coming for gb news. >> they're coming for gb news. >> coming you. >> they're coming for you.
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>> they're coming for you. >> stream . >> stream. >> stream. >> yes, that's it. yeah, they're coming for you, stream. i mean, they're not even allowed to show our adverts on certain channels , thank heavens gb news is , but thank heavens gb news is showing and our showing the adverts and our subscription ins are quadrupling. are flooding quadrupling. people are flooding to us in droves saying, quadrupling. people are flooding to us in droves saying , okay, to us in droves saying, okay, sky and everyone else that doesn't let us choose, doesn't let us do what we want to do up yours. basically i've said it now i'm in trouble . i'll be cancelled. >> tim davidson booker will be on the phone . on the phone. >> you've never cancelled? >> you've never cancelled? >> you've never cancelled? >> you never cancelled here. >> you never cancelled here. >> thank you so much, jim. brilliant stuff. we'll speak very for time now, though, very soon for time now, though, to tonight's greatest very soon for time now, though, to union. jht's greatest very soon for time now, though, to union. jack greatest very soon for time now, though, to union. jack my atest very soon for time now, though, to union. jack my superstar britain union. jack my superstar panel return, christine hamilton , who's your nominee? >> it's got to be the lionesses. they're about to make history. they've made history. they're the english team to get to the first english team to get to the first english team to get to the final since 1966. whether they win or lose on sunday. and they're going to win, they are they're going to win, they are the greatest britons. >> yeah, indeed . kwasi kwarteng, >> yeah, indeed. kwasi kwarteng, your nominee . your nominee. >> so my nominee is graham
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linehan , because i think freedom linehan, because i think freedom of expression and free speech, people have died for the right of free speech and i think it's in grave danger. and i think what he's doing, what he represent is, is a fight against the enemies of free speech. >> matthew , your nominee. >> matthew, your nominee. >> matthew, your nominee. >> so i'm making you an honorary briton as she restarts her tour in the o2 in october. but it's madonna, who's 65 today and has been unashamedly herself and the queen of pop for 44 decades. so madonna, that's one of those rare evenings where actually i could have chosen any of your nominees . nominees. >> but it has to be the lioness after that historic victory . after that historic victory. i'll give you that against australia . the final is to going australia. the final is to going be must watch on sunday morning versus spain. christine hamilton who's your great union? jack? sorry >> well, my union jack is the reverse of kawasaki's greatest britain it is the least archies who have cancelled graham linehan and the whole of the programme . i mean, for goodness programme. i mean, for goodness sake, we discussed it earlier
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on. what on earth are they thinking really is a jackass? the title is very apt for archies indeed. >> kwasi kwarteng . who are you >> kwasi kwarteng. who are you going? >> so i've opted once again for sadiq khan because this ulez thing is just simply extraordinary and he just won't listen. having lost uxbridge means on this issue. he's essentially just stuck his head in the sand and is and is not listening to anybody . listening to anybody. >> indeed. and he doesn't seem to believe in democracy. matthew lacey, your money and is lacey, your money and mine is clevedon somerset. have they done? we've >> what have they done? we've had to close parks and allotments they've allotments because they've got themselves mess. themselves in a right mess. they're fighting amongst themselves haven't themselves and they haven't taken right in the taken out insurance right in the middle the summer well. middle of the summer as well. it's seaside town . it's in the seaside town. >> a shame. i didn't it's in the seaside town. >> about a shame. i didn't it's in the seaside town. >> about that. ame. i didn't know about that. >> okay . again , this know about that. >> okay. again , this is a >> okay. oh, again, this is a toughie because i am very passionate about this issue with grain linehan, as you know. but after the conversation with lee anderson earlier in the show, i'm going to go with kwasi kwarteng's no mention of sadiq khan. kwarteng's no mention of sadiq khan . it is becoming
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khan. it is becoming increasingly egregious that khan is going to ignore the vast majority of londoners who are horrified by the concept of ulez. and he's actually pushing ahead. and it makes me think he's so arrogant that he believes there's zero chance he will be booted out at the mayoral election. but you know, that sort of arrogance is when you end up losing, you know , you end up losing, you know, let's just look at hillary clinton and let's look at the ramona's there is a chance christine hamilton , kwasi christine hamilton, kwasi kwarteng, matthew laws are my superstar panel. thank you all so much. i'll be back again tomorrow night from 9 pm. with the royal masterminds kelvin mackenzie and ann widdecombe. next up, though, it's headliners. good night. >> the temperatures rising , boxt >> the temperatures rising, boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hello there. i'm jonathan vautrey here with your latest news. weather forecast provided by the met office after a
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relatively dry and fine day today that will be continuing into thursday as well. and even into thursday as well. and even into the overnight period. a good chunk of wales , central good chunk of wales, central southern areas of england, even northern ireland holding on to some sunshine and clear some late sunshine and clear intervals allow intervals overnight, might allow for mist and fog patches to for some mist and fog patches to form across eastern of form across eastern areas of england, towards scotland. england, up towards scotland. we're going to hold on to the england, up towards scotland. we're a)ing to hold on to the england, up towards scotland. we're a bit] to hold on to the england, up towards scotland. we're a bit more, ld on to the england, up towards scotland. we're a bit more, so on to the england, up towards scotland. we're a bit more, so turn» the england, up towards scotland. we're a bit more, so turn a he england, up towards scotland. we're a bit more, so turn a bit cloud a bit more, so turn a bit murky across some higher ground routes, temperatures routes, but temperatures generally 13 generally holding up around 13 to in our towns and cities to 15 c in our towns and cities . bit of a cooler, fresher . a bit of a cooler, fresher start in some rural areas and generally on the scheme of generally on the grand scheme of things, of that cloud things, a lot of that cloud will begin way off once begin to burn its way off once again we'll start see again and we'll start to see those sunny developing those sunny intervals developing and once and it will feel warm once again. we will, though, start to see a more of a breeze see a much more of a breeze around tomorrow compared to today. that's going to make today. so that's going to make it cooler, particularly it feel cooler, particularly along coastal along some eastern coastal areas, inland areas, but further inland through the midlands, down towards southern towards central southern areas of generally of england, generally rather warm . high pressure, though, is warm. high pressure, though, is not going to last into the end of the week because this area of low pressure in the atlantic low pressure out in the atlantic is start drift its
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is going to start to drift its way we head into friday. way in as we head into friday. so rain, so some heavy outbursts of rain, perhaps thunderstorms perhaps some thunderstorms pushing across pushing in first thing across wales, england , into northern wales, england, into northern ireland that will tend ireland as well. that will tend to peter its way so to peter its way out. so scotland generally staying to peter its way out. so scotlan dryznerally staying to peter its way out. so scotlan dry with lly staying to peter its way out. so scotlan dry with somering to peter its way out. so scotlan dry with some sunny largely dry with some sunny intervals. but we've got further rain we head rain on the cards as we head towards end of friday, towards the end of friday, turning around some turning quite windy around some coastal into the coastal areas as well into the weekend , though, a bit of weekend, though, a bit of a northwest southeast split by by the temperatures rising . the temperatures rising. >> boxt solar proud sponsors of weather on .
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or or. or or . you. with news. or or. or or. you. with news. >> the top story tonight . well, >> the top story tonight. well, we can reveal the number of migrants crossing the channel on small boats this year has passed the 17,000 mark almost 500 people were on board. several small boats crossing the english channel from france this morning. journeys which started at around 334 border force vessels , were helping to rescue vessels, were helping to rescue the migrants and they were assisted by dover, ramsgate and dungeness lifeboats . uk border dungeness lifeboats. uk border force say they spent the day on red alert during what they're calling an extremely busy time for migrant activity and with weather conditions expected to improve over the weekend, a significant surge in crossings is expected . well, also in the is expected. well, also in the news today, economists are saying the uk still faces a very
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