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tv   The Camilla Tominey Show  GB News  October 8, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm BST

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of fighters with dozens more captured, we could see flames there in the distance on the gaza skyline. now, earlier on, israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu said they will turn anywhere hamas terrorists are hiding into, quote, an island of ruins. and he urged the people of gaza to leave those areas . now, more leave those areas. now, more than 700 israelis were killed and more than 1500 injured in yesterday's surprise attack by hamas. at least 313 palestinians also died after hamas fired thousands of rockets and gunmen stormed the border . lieutenant stormed the border. lieutenant colonel richard hecht is the idf's international spokesperson . he described the scene on the ground, the visuals are isil
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visual , as in a way, this is our 9/11. >> this is our 911. and, you know, even more than that, i mean, it wasn't it crashing into a building . mean, it wasn't it crashing into a building. it's mean, it wasn't it crashing into a building . it's also much a building. it's also much oscillating and attacking a party that was happening around the to the gaza strip , a nature the to the gaza strip, a nature party attacking civilians , party attacking civilians, kidnapping a grandmother for well, londoners will see more police over the coming days as the met steps up patrols amid reports of demonstrations in support of hamas . support of hamas. >> videos have been posted to social media showing people clapping and cheering with flags waving in support of the hamas terrorist organisation . a terrorist organisation. a spokesperson for the metropolitan police says they're aware of protests due to take place over the coming days and they'll take a zero tolerance approach to any activity which crosses the lines into criminality . well, a protester
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criminality. well, a protester briefly interrupted speeches at a labour conference event this morning . he was quickly removed morning. he was quickly removed from the stage before angela rayner took him to the podium to officially open the event. labour's deputy leader took the opportunity to present the party as a contrast to over a decade of conservative government . of conservative government. >> tories also have one singular focus to desperately cling on to power. that's why the tories levelling up project was dead on arrival. you cannot level up from the top down. the tories only know how to centralise power and hold wealth where it benefit them. >> angela rayner this is gb news across the uk on tv in your car, on digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying play gb news now it's time for gloria. camila. camila tominey.
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>> good morning and welcome to the camilla tominey show live from the labour party conference in liverpool. we've of course got another big line up of guests for you as ever. i'm joined wes streeting joined now by wes streeting shadow health secretary mp shadow health secretary and mp for for labour. for ilford north for labour. where's lovely to see you this morning. thanks for joining where's lovely to see you this morning. thanks forjoining me. thanks for having me on. let's ask you, first of all, for your reaction to what's gone on in israel past 24 to 48 hours. >> i think the barbarity that we're seeing unfolding our we're seeing unfolding on our television screens on our television screens and on our social feeds is horrifying social media feeds is horrifying . cannot imagine. social media feeds is horrifying . cannot imagine . what people . i cannot imagine. what people in israel are going through and i mean, literally cannot imagine what it must be like to be under that kind of threat of violence, kidnap , rape, murder. i think kidnap, rape, murder. i think there's no justification whatsoever for whatsoever . it whatsoever for whatsoever. it needs to be unequivocally condemned . and to those who condemned. and to those who support the cause of palestine
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and human rights and statehood , and human rights and statehood, you know, as i do, and i think you know, as i do, and i think you know, as i do, and i think you know, most of us would. this isn't resistance we're seeing. it's terrorism. and our country has got to stand against it and stand with israel's right to defend itself. >> on that note , i mean, i know >> on that note, i mean, i know you've always been very strong in your positioning about about past association with anti—semitism the party. as anti—semitism in the party. as you hamas terrorist you say, hamas is a terrorist organisation . yet we've seen organisation. yet we've seen some people celebrating this in the streets of london. i mean, should they should the police investigate hate crimes investigate them for hate crimes potentially, think? certainly >> think they need to look at >> i think they need to look at whether are being whether crimes are being committed here. i say committed here. and i would say to people who think with to people who i think with justification, worried about palestinian human rights, worried about the escalation of violence , want to see a state of violence, want to see a state of palestine along the state of israel alongside a state of israel. what we're seeing on our screens not only can't be justified in human terms and the barbarity and the fear that the families are going through, it also sets back the cause of
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peace. yes and so people celebrating on the streets of london and elsewhere in the uk got to ask themselves is where is their humanity ? and do they is their humanity? and do they think that that's to going build support for a just cause or set it back? because i genuinely believe the only future for israelis and palestinians is a two state solution through peaceful negotiations? yeah and the pursuit of that cause is made harder, not easier, by what we've seen . we've seen. >> can i just point out some of your colleagues are going to be attending pro—palestinian events in the coming days at conference. we already saw your colleague beckham, who's colleague espanha beckham, who's the labour mp for poplar and limehouse . she was posing with limehouse. she was posing with palestinian activists yesterday. we've mcdonnell , the we've got john mcdonnell, the former chancellor, jess former shadow chancellor, jess barnard, who's on labour's nec mic whelan, the general secretary of aslef, all planning to go to a forjustice secretary of aslef, all planning to go to a for justice palestine event on tuesday . is this event on tuesday. is this appropriate? well i would say i would draw a distinction between legitimate it and serious events
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and campaigning for a just cause and campaigning for a just cause and the celebration of violence. >> but what i would say to people in this of all weeks, if you are going to attend such events or show your support for the just cause of a palestinian state, also take the opportunity to condemn unequivocally the violence that we're seeing perpetrated against israelis because we in the labour party, we support a two state solution. we support the palestinians right to their own state. but we stand unequivocally with israel and her right to defend herself. some of the organisers here, i mean, i can't imagine what what would you know, but some of the organisers these events, we organisers of these events, we defend ourselves. >> they're planning to march on the mean, the israeli embassy. i mean, that inappropriate that is totally inappropriate for mp to be for any labour mp to be associated with people doing that. the only march that should be taking place is on the israeli embassy today is a march of solidarity with the israeli people and with those families
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that have lost loved ones or have desperately frightened for loved ones. >> that's the solidarity that should be shown today john mcdonnell needs to think twice about seeming to be on the side of some of these palestinian activists at this time show some sensitive pity. i'd just say particularly against this backdrop, the horrifying scenes we've seen on our television screens condemn unequipped fully the violence . yes, the the violence. yes, the senseless. and if they don't, again, against the israelis , i again, against the israelis, i actually think they will, because i think that i don't understand how as a human being, you could see these scenes. yeah. and not show compassion and support support for families that are going through something that are going through something that i simply can't imagine. >> let's move on to your brief, because you're the man who hopes to be the next health secretary sorry. announced that sorry. you've announced that you're trying to cut waiting times. heard from keir times. we've heard from keir starmer well. starmer today as well. he's given interview the sunday given an interview to the sunday mirror says got mirror where he says he's got a 1.5 billion plan to bring these numbers down. how are you going
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to do that? not least when you talk more diagnostic talk about more diagnostic testing, you're going to need more staff. and that's been a problem for the nhs for the last three decades or more. >> you're absolutely right. and three decades or more. >> yo whyabsolutely right. and three decades or more. >> yo why we're|tely right. and three decades or more. >> yo why we're committed and that's why we're committed to the expansion of the biggest expansion often of nhs staff history, doubling nhs staff in history, doubling the of doctors, more the number of doctors, more nurses staff that the nhs nurses as the staff that the nhs needs to patients on time. needs to treat patients on time. but everyone knows that takes time and we grip the time and we can grip the immediate crisis in the nhs of the backlog on the waiting list. if we're smart about how we use the capacity, that's there in the capacity, that's there in the system. so using tried and tested methods that are already being used in a small number of nhs trusts in the country but could be deployed elsewhere, we will fund £1.1 billion for evening and weekend clinics, delivering 2 million more appointments a year. >> that's what are you going to get pushback from the unions on that though? do they want to work evenings and weekends? >> well, look, can offer them >> well, look, i can offer them the that are the reassurance that staff are not going compelled to do not going to be compelled to do
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this. don't need all staff, this. we don't need all staff, anything like staff to do anything like all staff to do this. we're going to have enough staff i when i have staff to when i when i have spoken the unions about it, spoken to the unions about it, i think what they say as long think what they say is as long as not compulsory and as as it's not compulsory and as long paid fairly, long as staff are paid fairly, which would be, it's not which they would be, it's not compulsory in pockets nhs compulsory in pockets of nhs staff. yeah, because i think look, and this where look, this is and this is where the have got it the government have got it fundamentally on nhs fundamentally wrong on the nhs workforce, the doctors, the nurses, the midwives, the porters, who us porters, the cleaners who got us through some of the darkest times the history of the nhs times in the history of the nhs with they really with the pandemic. they really care their patients. there care about their patients. there we the extra mile. we go. the extra mile. >> you've doctors, junior >> you've got doctors, junior doctors i mean, doctors still on strike. i mean, would give 35? how much would you give them 35? how much would you give them 35? how much would been? would you give been? >> i've been honest with them and said we can't afford to put and said we can't afford to put a on it. but the beauty a number on it. but the beauty of proposed with the of what we've proposed with the 2 million more appointments is that's into the that's £1.1 billion into the pockets give them to stop >> would you give them to stop them from striking? >> would you give them to stop the well,n striking? >> would you give them to stop the well, they iking? >> would you give them to stop the well, they know i'm not going >> well, they know i'm not going to do shadow negotiations. >> go on. just give us a general ballpark. i'm going ballpark. no, i'm not going to do much. do shadow 35 too much. >> it's ten too little. the >> if it's ten too little. the health secretary today, i wouldn't enough to give
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wouldn't be daft enough to give away my negotiating position and i wouldn't expect i actually wouldn't expect the government we government to either. but we would willing to sit down and would be willing to sit down and negotiate. think, again, negotiate. and i think, again, that's rishi sunak has got that's where rishi sunak has got this because he's this wrong, because he's not done of negotiation done a single day of negotiation with staff and the with nhs staff and given the damage strikes doing, we damage the strikes are doing, we would like to get a ballpark from labour. >> think i think fairto >> i think i think it's fair to ask when people have had their hospital doctor's hospital and doctor's appointments there's hospital and doctor's appmillion|ts there's hospital and doctor's appmillion waiting, there's hospital and doctor's appmillion waiting, we there's hospital and doctor's appmillion waiting, we would ere's 7.6 million waiting, we would like labour, how like to know from labour, how would solve would would you solve it, what would you them? would you solve it, what would youand them? would you solve it, what would youand ithem? would you solve it, what would youand i think the reassurance >> and i think the reassurance i can give is that during the last labour government there were no national in the national strikes in the nhs because treated staff fairly. because we treated staff fairly. we them and we we negotiated with them and we worked them to deliver the worked with them to deliver the shortest times the nhs. >> involve more privatisation, not privatisation. >> involve more privatisation, not priiwillation. with the private >> we will work with the private sector bring down waiting sector to bring down nhs waiting lists faster the simple lists for faster the simple reason got a tier nhs reason we've got a two tier nhs in country at the moment in our country at the moment where who get seen where those who can't get seen are behind and those who are left behind and those who can to pay private are can afford to pay private are getting can afford to pay private are get have ever privately? >> have you ever paid privately? >> have you ever paid privately? >> no, i did when i worked at comet. this is an old i am now. when i was a student, but i
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needed a small operation . ian, needed a small operation. ian, is it fair enough? if i'd private pay paid by my employer? i'm not going to. i'm not going to people who go private. to judge people who go private. i'm going employers i'm not going to judge employers who provide private medical insurance who take it insurance or staff who take it up it's perfectly up like it's perfectly reasonable choice make. but reasonable choice to make. but what make sure is that what i want to make sure is that no one in this country ever feels forced to private or feels forced to go private or gets behind they can't gets left behind if they can't afford private. and i want afford to go private. and i want to make the nhs so good that there was a couple questions there was a couple of questions that to go private. that need to go private. >> couple questions from >> a couple of questions from tony. i was trying tony. first of all, i was trying to read it. >> i was trying to read his lips, talking about bus franchising. >> will you bring that back? and he asking social he was also asking about social housing. i it's obviously housing. i mean, it's obviously easy the tories for easy to criticise the tories for 13 years of not enough house building, but they'll building, but equally they'll turn there wasn't turn around and say there wasn't enough building enough house building under laboun enough house building under labour. fair labour. yeah and that's a fair criticism as well, which you take chin. take on the chin. >> i'll say two things in response that. first we response to that. first is we can already the difference can already see the difference that in power is making. that labour in power is making. look at what burnham has look at what andy burnham has done greater manchester, done in greater manchester, bringing in house
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bringing the buses back in house better taxpayers, better value for taxpayers, lower passengers and lower fares for passengers and we're other mayors we're seeing other labour mayors doing similar things. we want a labour government support people right across the country to deliver services and deliver better bus services and on the second point, on the on the second point, which me of which was just remind me of franchises sorry , we've franchises and sorry, we've talked about that social housing. >> social housing. give me. >> social housing. give me. >> yeah. so look, fair criticism of that successive governments have wrong. angela have got this wrong. angela rayner who shadow rayner, who is now shadow housing secretary like me, grew up in a council flat. we relied on it. >> how many more would you build? >> how many more would you bui well, you've got target, >> well, if you've got a target, angela's her stall angela's setting out her stall this so you can see in her speech. >> what would you like to see it be? 300,000 a year or something like that? >> well, i'm not going to pluck a out of air to a figure out of thin air to pluck figures of thin air. pluck figures out of thin air. >> i would like to know because you do want to govern this country. you do want to govern this countrytell you why. and you'll >> i'll tell you why. and you'll be able to everything be able to see everything spelled manifesto. spelled out in our manifesto. we're determined sure we're determined to make sure that promise is that every promise we make is a promise can keep. because promise we can keep. because turning around this country's challenges. well, say challenges. well, you say that. >> mean, starmer said in >> i mean, keir starmer said in 2015 he wanted scrap hs2. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wantsvanted scrap hs2. now
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>> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to ited scrap hs2. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to keep scrap hs2. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to keep it.:rap hs2. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to keep it. he| hs2. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to keep it. he says. now >> i mean, keir starmer said in 20'wants to keep it. he says he jw he wants to keep it. he says he doesn't want to go back into the eu. but david lamont is suggesting that does. suggesting that he does. he's flip lot of flip flopped on quite a lot of policies. one minute they're stripping private schools of their charitable status, the next back on that. next he's rowed back on that. you've prosperity you've got a green prosperity pledge that reeves has pledge that rachel reeves has now said we can't afford. so he is capped in flip flop, isn't he? >> no, no. and i'll tell you what, on quite what, on on hs2, quite reasonably. mp, keir reasonably. as a local mp, keir had concerns about the disruption would occur to had concerns about the disrupof n would occur to had concerns about the disrupof the would occur to had concerns about the disrupof the housingi occur to had concerns about the disrupof the housing inccur to had concerns about the disrupof the housing in his to some of the housing in his constituency. those concerns were addressed. he it's were addressed. he thinks it's an important national infrastructure an important national infrast labour party does the whole labour party does the government's just hole government's just blown a hole in you ensure that in it. would you ensure that some the people had to some of the people who had to compulsorily houses some of the people who had to cona wulsorily houses some of the people who had to cona linerily houses some of the people who had to cona line that's houses some of the people who had to cona line that's no houses some of the people who had to cona line that's no longeszes for a line that's no longer being be able being constructed should be able to back? i bet they're to buy them back? i bet they're feeling sick and i bet they're feeling sick and i bet they're feeling and they should feeling furious and they should be. what says and this is be. and what it says and this is my anxiety about it, what my deep anxiety about it, what it is in addition to the it says is in addition to the lost opportunity of new of lost opportunity of the new of the rail infrastructure, the lost opportunity of the new of the the'ail infrastructure, the lost opportunity of the new of the the opportunities ure, the lost opportunity of the new of the the opportunities and the jobs, the opportunities and the supply says to supply chain, it also says to international investors and to other britain can't other countries, britain can't do infrastructure anymore. do big infrastructure anymore. and tragedy. we've and what a tragedy. we've got
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some best builders, the some of the best builders, the best most best architects, the most creative designers this creative designers in this country. can do big country. we can do big infrastructure, more from infrastructure, more hs2 from laboun infrastructure, more hs2 from labour, but you need leadership. the problem camilla, i would the problem is, camilla, i would love be able to look, love to be able to say, look, don't we'll be in don't worry, guys, we'll be in and we'll do hs2. but the government have blown a hole in it. >> i'm going to leave it there. wes thank you very much. wes streeting you this streeting lovely to see you this morning. thanks for having me. in a minute, going to in just a minute, i'm going to be by transport secretary be joined by transport secretary mark
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radio. >> let's bring mark harper, the transport secretary, tory mp for the forest of dean, into the conversation. thank you so much for joining me, mark. it's great forjoining me, mark. it's great to you this morning. in to see you this morning. in regard to israel, a morning, a horrific situation playing out on the streets of israel today. i wondered what your reaction was to those celebrating this
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terror attack by hamas on the streets of london. should they be investigated by the police for hate crimes ? for hate crimes? >> well, the events of yesterday were barbaric with israel coming under attack from a terrorist organisation, hamas and the british government stands unequivocally with israel. its right to defend itself and what it needs to do to deal with the hamas threat. hamas is, of course a proscribed terrorist organisation in the united kingdom. so anybody expressing support for it is committing an offence and i would hope that the metropolitan police will investigate carefully any reports of anybody doing so and we'll take all the necessary steps aftennards . thank you. steps aftennards. thank you. let's move to on domestic matters now. >> the conservatives didn't have a great night in rutherglen and hamilton west. there was an 11% swing against the tories . their swing against the tories. their 20% swing towards labour . i 20% swing towards labour. i mean, have the conservatives given up on scotland? mr harper
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no, we absolutely haven't. >> i mean, clearly that contest was one where i think people thought that it was between labour and the snp . but no, we labour and the snp. but no, we absolutely haven't. we're campaigning hard. campaigning very hard. our leader scotland , douglas leader in scotland, douglas ross, leader of the ross, is the leader of the opposition scottish opposition in the scottish parliament we will continue parliament and we will continue campaigning strongly on important issues in scotland, like example, the the like for example, the fact the government's renewed oil and gas licences. we're going to need to get oil and gas out of the get that oil and gas out of the ground. as we transition ground. and as we transition to a future and it's a net zero future and it's important that we do that. and that's been opposed by both labour and the so we're labour and the snp. so we're fighting for the people of scotland and growing the scottish economy . scottish economy. >> naturally. i'll be asking you about hs2 , mr harper. on the about hs2, mr harper. on the 30th of june this year you tweeted , and i quote in japan tweeted, and i quote in japan i saw the benefits. high speed rail can bring to connect communities and grow the economy. that's despite the economy. that's why, despite the global inflationary pressures, we committed to we remain fully committed to building hs2. building. it shows we believe in britain. so does
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cancelling it show that you no longer believe in britain ? longer believe in britain? >> not at all. it shows that when the facts change, you have to change your mind. so look, first of all, we've recommitted to building the first phase from london. from london, euston to birmingham. and we're continuing to deliver that. and that's having a big transformative effect, particularly on the economy in birmingham. but look, we've looked at the cost pressures, the increasing cost pressures, the increasing cost pressures that are facing constructing this project and the conclusion we came to was that those increased costs against the reducing benefits , against the reducing benefits, partly because of the way business, ice and commuter traffic has changed after the pandemic means that it's a better use of taxpayers money to take that £36 billion of savings and reinvest it in transport projects across the north and midlands and the rest of the country to deliver for the people of britain. so i think the facts have changed, right. let's talk about increasing cost pressures. that's why made pressures. that's why we made the decision. have . the decision. we have. >> question whether
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>> some might question whether the have changed since the facts can have changed since june. and also let's be honest, we've known about the cost pressures of this project for years, not months. but let's look that 36 billion to be look at that 36 billion to be spent on new transport projects in the north. labour say 85% of them are old. >> no, that's simply not true . i >> no, that's simply not true. i mean, let me give you an example. the last thursday i was up in bradford . we're now able up in bradford. we're now able to commit to building a new station, new lines to bradford, improving their connections to manchester and elsewhere . that manchester and elsewhere. that was welcomed by the labour mayor, the labour leader of the council and the labour mayor of west yorkshire . they think that west yorkshire. they think that will help grow their economy and work very well with the ambitious regeneration plans they've got for the city. so i think that was a clear commitment, not able to be funded until made funded until we made the decision last week. but decision we did last week. but now be funded . now able to be funded. >> why is the metrolink tram to manchester airport in there as a new project when it was built in
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2014 ? 2014? >> well, because it currently goes to only one terminal of manchester airport , what we were manchester airport, what we were talking about was extending it to the further terminal. so that's a new investment for a new piece of connection to the airport. it i agree it could have been better worded, but it's very clear we're now going to extend that connection to the second terminal. >> could this whole document i'm holding it up now , mr harper holding it up now, mr harper network north transforming british transport . but did you british transport. but did you proofread this document as transport secretary . transport secretary. >> look, it's look , i'm very >> look, it's look, i'm very proud of that document. it's £36 billion of extra transport investment across, as i said, the north, the midlands and the rest of the country . i think rest of the country. i think there were significant projects in there that were not able to be funded previously. we can now deliver them over the years to come and people will start seeing the benefits in a few weeks time as we keep the bus fare capped at £2, not going up
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to £2.50 and money from next spnng to £2.50 and money from next spring to local authorities to invest in local roads. and i think those are important priorities for people across the country . country. >> but did you proofread this document because it's relocated manchester and preston? it suggests that southampton and portsmouth are in the north. that littlehampton is in the north. i mean, ifi that littlehampton is in the north. i mean, if i turned in a piece of copy like this to the telegraph, i think my editor would have a lot of problems with it. it's riddled with errors, isn't it? well look. >> well, look, no , no, no, it >> well, look, no, no, no, it isn't. look, there was one mistake between that. we had that bognor regis and littlehampton one, which is a mistake. agree. was mistake. i agree. that was a mistake. i agree. that was a mistake. but look, it's a it's a significant document, a significant document, a significant amount spending significant amount of spending across the midlands across the north. the midlands and the rest of the country. i think it will be widely welcomed in those parts of the country where people can see more transport investment. i accept not everyone will agree with the decision we took, but it was the right decision for the long term interests country. interests of the country. >> decision about the
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>> on the decision about the manchester of hs2 . are you manchester leg of hs2. are you going to apologise to the people that sell their homes? that had to sell their homes? one man, i think it cost him his business for nothing . business for nothing. >> look, i accept that for those people where their properties were purchased for the leg of hs2 , that's not going to happen. hs2, that's not going to happen. look, i don't expect them to be particularly happy with the decision we've taken , but it was decision we've taken, but it was it is the right decision for the country. there's a clear process now that will follow legal process to deal with all of those property claims. but look, i accept that for those people that have had a personal situation, which has been difficult, they're not going to be particularly happy. but government the right government has to make the right decision the country. see, decision for the country. see, that's the prime minister that's what the prime minister did last week . did last week. >> are you going to be voting in favour smoking ban? favour of this smoking ban? i appreciate it's the ban of sales to children who are 14. that to children who are now 14. that includes my eldest child. but will he be voting in favour of that? because you're that? because i know you're a libertarian, mr harper. i remember you being a very vocal force in the covid research
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group. you don't like to tell your constituents what to do, so why you making the exception why are you making the exception on smoking in so well? >> look, first of all, it's a free vote, but i am going to be voting for it for this reason. and i'm very much, i think, in the same place as the prime minister. i'm not in favour of telling people what they can eat and what they can drink because it's to the it's for people to judge the levels that they want to do themselves. difference with themselves. the difference with smoking level smoking is there's no safe level of think of smoking. i don't think anybody wants their children to take up smoking. so i actually think this is sensible plan to think this is a sensible plan to get to a point in the future where nobody smokes. i wouldn't support doing it for other things where there are safe levels. but i think for smoking , there's level of it. i , there's no safe level of it. i think this is a good plan. prevent children taking up smoking. that most smoking. we know that most people take up smoking do people that take up smoking do so children and then they so as children and then they find it really hard to kick the habit. so i backed the prime minister on this plan and i will be for it. be voting for it. >> but isn't obesity now a
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bigger killer than smoking? >> look, obesity is a big challenge for the nhs and there is work to do on giving people the information they need to make choices about a healthy diet . but the difference is it's diet. but the difference is it's for people to make judgements about how much of different sorts of food they consume. the difference with smoking is there's no safe level of smoking and there's really no one that i've ever met that would like their children to take up smoking . so this is about smoking. so this plan is about making sure we stop children taking smoking in the first taking up smoking in the first place. it's good for public health i think it's the health and i think it's the right thing to do and i will be supporting it. >> you were once immigration minister under minister are a member under david cameron. would you use the same as colleague? same language as your colleague? suella braverman when it comes to migrants describing hurricanes, torrents ? hurricanes, floods, torrents? and is she using the right rhetoric here? >> well, look, i think the point the home secretary is trying to emphasise is that there are huge number of people around the
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world who would qualify under the refugee conventions and we have to have limits on the number of people that can come here. that's why we are putting in place our plans that oppose every step of the way by the labour party to tighten up on the rules. it's why we've had some success already with a 20% reduction in the number of people coming on those channel crossings but we've to break crossings but we've got to break the back of the business model of those smugglers. well look, we all choose our own language . we all choose our own language. ichoose we all choose our own language. i choose my own. but look, the point she was making was that there's a significant number of people that could come to this country and we can't we have to have controls and set the rules for ourselves. it has to be the british people that set the rules about who can come here. that was the point she was making, and i strongly support that particular point she was making. government's making. it's the government's policy tough controls is policy tough border controls is stopping the boats coming and opposed every step of the way by the labour party. what when do you reckon the first flight to
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rwanda will take off? >> mr harper ? >> mr harper? >> mr harper? >> well, look, as you know, we that policy has been challenged in the courts. there's a court heanng in the courts. there's a court hearing tomorrow. i very much hope we'll be successful. it's worth just reflecting on the fact today the labour fact just today the labour leader was asked whether he would support the rwanda plan and even if it were shown to be working and he said he wouldn't . now that doesn't make sense. we've got a clear plan to break the business model of these organised criminal gangs who trafficked people across the channel and cause many of them to lose their lives. that's not the right thing to do. we're going to robustly implement our plan and i look fonnard to seeing the first flights take off soon. >> thank you very much indeed for me this morning. forjoining me this morning. mark , transport mark harper, transport secretary, lovely to speak to you there's help for households. are you over state pension age? if your weekly income is below £201.05, or £306.85 if you live with a partner, you could be eligible
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for pension credit, even if you own your home or have savings. it's worth, on average, £3,500 a year, and you could get help with heating bills and more, plus cost of living payments.
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radio. >> welcome back to the kamila tom moore show. now, we've seen these appalling scenes in israel
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as fighting continues to break out. i'm going to be joined now by sharren haskel. she's the member of the knesset for the centre right party, the national union party . sharon, thank you union party. sharon, thank you very much indeed for joining union party. sharon, thank you very much indeed forjoining me. i can i can only imagine is an absolutely appalling time for you and fellow israelis. can you describe the situation there for to us give us an idea of exactly what's going on? >> thank you for m.asam this has been one of our most devastating attacks that we've experienced in more than 50 years since the war of yom kippur. in more than 50 years since the war of yom kippur . this wasn't war of yom kippur. this wasn't just a declaration of war by hamas, but this was actually war crimes that were committed against the israeli people. these were crimes against humanity . if you follow some of humanity. if you follow some of these videos that were published, these are women who has been taken as hostages . they has been taken as hostages. they invaded , they infiltrated 20, 22
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invaded, they infiltrated 20, 22 towns in the country of israel, in the state of israel, going from to house house, complete , from to house house, complete, completely massacring family after family . we're talking here after family. we're talking here about women, children, elderly . about women, children, elderly. this is civilian , innocent this is civilian, innocent civilian population. these are children . and, you know, this children. and, you know, this was not just a declaration of war, but it was actually a crime. wars and acts against humanity committed by hamas, against israel . against israel. >> sharon , before we go on, >> sharon, before we go on, i just want to ask you whether you are safe, whether your family is safe. do you have anyone directly connected to you? that's been affected by what's happened so far? >> of course . i mean, we have >> of course. i mean, we have 300 dead and the body are being counted . we have 1800 casualties counted. we have 1800 casualties and the numbers still are going up. you know , one of the head of
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up. you know, one of the head of the municipalities in in in the area was shot dead while trying to defend his family. his wife and his child at the entrance of his home. now, this is the head of council that was trying to build an industrial area that is shared by israelis and gazan citizens . i mean, the you know, citizens. i mean, the you know, we've seen women being taken as hostage into the streets of gaza . you know, the site that we are seeing are similar to the sites that we've seen in videos spread by isis, by guys all around the middle east. we are extremely worried about our hostages . worried about our hostages. these are women, children and elderly that are being taken to gaza. elderly that are being taken to gaza . and by what we've seen in gaza. and by what we've seen in the footage is they are being abused, being spat on in the streets of gaza. i'm extremely worried. i'm worried about my family, my friends , members that
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family, my friends, members that i've known , that i know. and i've known, that i know. and we're still looking for them . we're still looking for them. um. um, yeah . we're still looking for them. um. um, yeah. i mean, this is a devastating situation , an are devastating situation, an are people trying to leave? >> has there been a rush on the airports? i happen to have a friend who's got a relative in israel. he's coming trying to come back via jerusalem . um, come back via jerusalem. um, what's the situation on the ground? one would imagine that israeli we are now living in fear of their lives. >> so the military have recruited a the reserve forces in order to go down to the south to bring back the safety and the security of the citizens in our country . it means that they're country. it means that they're probably going to go and they they are trying now to still liberating to think towns left in order to bring those citizens into safety . the army , most of
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into safety. the army, most of the citizens around the gaza strip in order to go into a full on military defence move that is neededin on military defence move that is needed in order to liberate , you needed in order to liberate, you know, children that are and women that are being taken hostage and are being held captive in gaza . unfortunately, captive in gaza. unfortunately, hamas has forced us to go into gaza again. this is something that we didn't anticipated because in 2005, israel completely evacuated the strip of gaza from every single living jew. they were given an autonomy . they were declared by the united nations . and united nations. and unfortunately, instead of building a beautiful singapore from this area , the gaza people from this area, the gaza people have voted democratic elections and have turned it into a nest of terror while investing all of their funds, money and energy on
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hatred, on violence , on arms, to hatred, on violence, on arms, to fight against israel . fight against israel. >> sharon, what should the western world do now? we've had some commentary in our papers this morning questioning joe biden's international leadership. also of course, the question of how hamas managed to carry out this surprise attack in the first place. >> well, camilla, this will be remembered probably as the first day of war between israel and iran. hamas doesn't have the capability of creating such an attack. we're talking of a whole battalion of terrorists running towards the fences, getting infiltrating 22 towns and massacring family after family . massacring family after family. we have technological capable cities. we have a strong army . cities. we have a strong army. and you need to understand who is standing behind this attack. and it's iran . the international and it's iran. the international community has to join forces together. they have to single
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out iran and take them out of the united nations on any kind of form and any kind of membership because they are standing behind one of the worst massacres that i've seen. this is not just camilla, an attack on israel . this is an attack of on israel. this is an attack of extreme islam, of radical islam on the western world. listen, if they will prevail against a country who values the values of democracy , of freedom, of democracy, of freedom, of liberty , the next one in the liberty, the next one in the line will be europe and more countries will follow up . this countries will follow up. this is a cool war that iran has opened against israel and against the western world, and the values that we share and chensh the values that we share and cherish so much . cherish so much. >> sharren haskel very , very >> sharren haskel very, very thank you very much indeed for joining me this morning on what i know is a very, very difficult time for you. and fellow israelis. try and stay safe. well, don't go anywhere because in just a minute i'm going to be
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getting some top political analysis from two top political wonks . gb news own christopher wonks. gb news own christopher hope and tony blair's former spinner , john mcternan. we'll be spinner, john mcternan. we'll be back in just a jiffy
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welcome back to the camilla tominey show live from the labour party conference in liverpool and i'm delighted to be joined by we're describing them as two political wonks. i don't know whether that's disparaging or john disparaging or not. john mcternan, political mcternan, former political secretary blair, joins secretary to tony blair, joins me christopher hope me along with christopher hope gb news, political editor , who's gb news, political editor, who's had kind of never ending had some kind of never ending journey scotland down to journey from scotland down to liverpool to be here today. hello, lovely to see you. hello, chaps. lovely to see you. i was just looking for some data. i'm going to try and remember it was from the mail on sunday today. delta poll have done a and it asked those done a survey and it asked those asked both rishi and asked about both rishi and indeed keir being change candidates bottom line candidates and the bottom line is polling showed that is that this polling showed that people don't think either of them are the change candidate. i mean, who created the biggest
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stir at conference? it was nigel farage wandering around. >> but but saying nothing, by the way, free hit him. gb the way, free hit for him. gb news his own nigel farage, our colleague . indeed. colleague. indeed. >> our esteemed colleague not >> so our esteemed colleague not making saying anything, making any not saying anything, just i know, but justjust existing. i know, but i mean point, the point i'll i mean the point, the point i'll put john, you are very close put to john, you are very close to tony blair. there are people lining the streets going, blair. blair, blair in 97. that simply isn't happening with starmer. he's not as charismatic . he he's not as charismatic. he hasn't got the wow factor . there hasn't got the wow factor. there was some comment about how he'd need to have some or he was saying, i'm not going to have any razzmatazz and everyone said, well, that doesn't surprise anyone. maybe well, look, keir doing something look, keir is doing something right ahead in right to be 20 points ahead in the polls. >> he's doing something right. well, he's not the to win rutherglen, no, it's rutherglen, so. well, no, it's not being the not not simply not being the tories, would be a shrug. 20 tories, it would be a shrug. 20 points lead is blair points in the lead is blair style leads in a world where and i think this is important to understand and all people's hope in beaten in change has been beaten out of them. they've terrible them. they've had a terrible decade with government who
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decade with this government who basically decided that in the end, if we can't make things better, try to persuade better, we'll try to persuade everybody can ever everybody that nothing can ever get and a really get better. and that's a really difficult the difficult situation to be. the opposition in because in government you've got much government you've got so much power and persuade power to do things and persuade things. keir offers the things. i think keir offers the safety and the stability . now, safety and the stability. now, there's nothing flashy about stability , but it reduces costs. stability, but it reduces costs. it makes chris wants to come in on that. >> is that not a risk, though, john? >>i john? >> i mean, you around with tony blair back in 1970 21, his big issue he always talked about was why he wasn't bolder when he came in. starmer to he's came in. starmer to me, he's almost into office, almost tiptoeing into office, not lot. i mean, say not doing a lot. i mean, to say things he reverse things like he would reverse rwanda morning, elsewhere , rwanda this morning, elsewhere, he build million he wants to build 1.5 million homes. more than homes. that's not much more than the current government is not the current government is not the risk. you're nervous the risk. you're so nervous about the of about about this. the idea of the vase is carrying around the ming vase is carrying around number drops it, it's number 10. if he drops it, it's all over. so he didn't do anything. so the government aren't their own aren't even meeting their own housing they abolished housing targets. they abolished housing targets. they abolished housing they've given housing targets. they abolished hoton|g they've given housing targets. they abolished hoton housing. they've given housing targets. they abolished hoton housing. therev've given housing targets. they abolished hoton housing. there was given housing targets. they abolished hoton housing. there was no an up on housing. there was no mention last week mention of housing last week dunng mention of housing last week during yet. it's one during conference yet. it's one the top issues that people talk
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about. fact that labour the top issues that people talk abocommittingact that labour the top issues that people talk abocommitting ,:t that labour the top issues that people talk abocommitting , you at labour the top issues that people talk abocommitting , you know. )ur the top issues that people talk abocommitting , you know. angie are committing, you know. angie rayner now committing rayner and now keir committing to massive housing targets, that's important that's really, really important for the country to for us and for the country to hear we're doing that. hear that we're doing that. and the thing in a world the thing is we're in a world where promises have been made by government , by the five prime government, by the five prime ministers that we've had and then they've been broken by the next prime minister or broken by the prime minister here the actual prime minister here is clear. will is being really clear. he will he a promise and then he will make a promise and then they'll it. so back to they'll deliver it. so back to they'll deliver it. so back to the builders here, john, let me just come in on that, because there criticism, just come in on that, because thernwhere's criticism, just come in on that, because thernwhere's the criticism, just come in on that, because thernwhere's the opposition? n, um, where's the opposition? >> you know, he didn't really react to net zero climb react to the net zero climb down. don't really know where down. we don't really know where he with regard to some of he is. on with regard to some of his economic policies versus what jeremy hunt is going to announce autumn announce in the autumn statement. a climb statement. there's been a climb down on some of the private school seems be school stuff which seems to be the only identifiable policy . the only identifiable policy. >> a there wasn't a >> there wasn't a there wasn't a climb there's climb down climb down. there's a climb down on status. on charitable status. >> it down. john. >> the vat is being levied. the vat being levied. that's what vat is being levied. that's what gets the yeah. a&e gets you the money. yeah. a&e charitable status is ten years in the courts.
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>> but then we've got one policy. allow people policy. let's allow more people to sex. do you think to change sex. do you think there are loads of people in the red wall in this area saying, do you what want from a next you know what i want from a next labour i want labour prime minister? i want more to change sex. more people to change sex. >> i'll tell you what. tell >> i'll tell you what. i'll tell you tell you what you what. i'll tell you what people the red wall, people people in the red wall, people in merseyside, people in london, people what they people in scotland, what they believe. don't believe that people in scotland, what they believe. people n't believe that people in scotland, what they believe. people should eve that people in scotland, what they believe. people should be that people in scotland, what they believe. people should be made unhappy people should be made more government. and more unhappy by government. and there's something about the way there's something about the way the approaches the government approaches the trans the approach trans issue and the approach to every issue it wants to divide us and us against us and turn us against each other. what country other. and what our country needs decade of working needs is a decade of working together, to us, deal together, all of to us, deal with absolutely gigantic with the absolutely gigantic problems whether it's problems we face, whether it's climate or whether climate transition or whether it's getting productivity going or it is improving our or whether it is improving our schools, health schools, improving our health and wellbeing. >> might that trans >> some might argue that trans activists been quite activists have been quite divisive on that issue. but let's on to scotland, let's move on to scotland, because john, i you are because john, i know you are also former of to also former chief of staff to jim when he was scottish jim murphy. when he was scottish labour leader. are the snp finished ? finished? >> no, the snp aren't finished because there's going to be support for independence in
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scotland for a very long time. in my view. it'd be the wrong thing for scotland to do and i don't believe a second referendum happen. if it referendum will happen. if it did, the would lose again. did, the snp would lose again. would scotland would stay in the uk, snp a uk, but the snp have taken a beating. the beating. yes. and the interesting thing about they interesting thing about it, they won't that they've taken won't concede that they've taken a labour's majority was a beating. labour's majority was larger than the snp vote. that's right. back to the that's pre that's pre referendum politics. labouris that's pre referendum politics. labour is dominant you have to accept when the voters send you accept when the voters send you a message, you've got to go. we got it. that's one of the reasons that keir starmer has taken labour on a journey. he said, look, the voters were right reject jeremy corbyn, right to reject jeremy corbyn, the in scotland were right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to in scotland were right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to rejecticotland were right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to reject the.and were right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to reject the snp. vere right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to reject the snp. ifre right to reject jeremy corbyn, the to reject the snp. if the right to reject the snp. if the snp don't listen, they'll lose again again and again. again and again and again. so the back in the labour can come back in scotland win seats. labour scotland and win seats. labour can the scottish can come back in the scottish parliament maybe form an parliament and maybe form an administration, will administration, but the snp will still be there proper. >> is scotland going the >> is scotland going to be the difference for starmer between a minority majority government ? >> it means he must win 7 >> it means he must win less votes in the in the red wall to win. i mean 20 seats, 30 seats.
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what's your forecast? john? i think 20 in scotland would think 20 seats in scotland would be brilliant result because be a brilliant result because the swing we got at 20% is twice the swing we got at 20% is twice the swing we got at 20% is twice the swing that there's been in the swing that there's been in the opinion polls in scotland. if we got 10, the 11% swing if we got the 10, the 11% swing that's in opinion polls, that's in the opinion polls, we'd pick up about 20in scotland. changes that scotland. and that changes that changes of politics. changes the nature of politics. rikki who support rikki neave people who support the vote for a tory or the union to vote for a tory or labour candidate not for labour candidate and not for a red so i think is red and blue. so what i think is happening in scotland and the happening in scotland and in the rest of the country is they're looking at two governments, a tory government, an snp government and they're going, what's get these what's the best way to get these people so in england it's people out? so in england it's lib dem or labour and in scotland is who is. it's scotland it is who is. it's mainly labour. there'll be some seats labour voters the seats where labour voters in the north—east tories north—east vote for the tories and borders. so you and in the borders. so you unionist voters are going to vote for the best candidate to beat snp to send a beat the snp to send them a message because you've got a government, government in government, a tory government in power uk for 13 years, snp in power in uk for 13 years, snp in power in uk for 13 years, snp in power for 16 years. in the end, political gravity asserts itself. >> i asked the transport secretary mark harper, earlier whether the tories had given up
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on scotland . i mean, what on scotland. i mean, that's what it like. that chap who it looks like. that chap who went the by—election in went for the by—election in rutherglen got 1000 odd votes. i mean deposit . are scottish mean deposit. are scottish tories going to be an oxymoron come 2024? >> not an oxymoron. >> not an oxymoron. >> that's a big word for sunday morning. jesus >> no i think it's the right word though. >> well, i'm just you know, sometimes they say young tories an oxymoron, but we wouldn't necessarily agree with that. >> scottish tories >> but scottish tories rutherglen till rutherglen was a tory seat till 64 when i when i worked out there with john for different newspapers turn of the newspapers at the turn of the century. exactly. century. john exactly. >> then was was >> the big issue then was was the was. rae that the poll tax. that was. rae that was the reason why the tories haemorrhaged support that's haemorrhaged support and that's now raised, is now not, not really raised, is it? more i mean the boris it? it's more i mean the boris johnson went down like a cup of cold i think cold sick up there. i think sunak more popular maybe sunak is more popular maybe maybe follow sunak, maybe the follow of sunak, whoever is, if they lose, whoever that is, if they lose, could be better. >> the great, the great john curtis said about said about this. tories are 15% this. the tories are in 15% in scotland, but that's because they're unpopular across the whole if you're whole of the country. if you're on in the uk, you're going
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on 25, in the uk, you're going to have to be on 15in scotland. and so the sunak may be more palatable johnson. the palatable than johnson. the thing the middle between thing is in the middle between johnson and sunak was truss and truss has destroyed the trust with voters everywhere. and until you can get over that moment and think that's trust moment and i think that's trust is new. moment and i think that's trust is so new. moment and i think that's trust is so it's. moment and i think that's trust is so it's all about competency >> so it's all about competency , competence. that's , it's competence. and that's what why starmer is what that's why starmer is untested. untested on competency. >> but but the tories are clearly it's funny, the government are the risk and the opposition are the safety. and that's that's where politics. >> although let's talk >> although let's just talk about who considered about somebody who is considered about somebody who is considered a in the party. a bit risky in the labour party. >> angela the goddess i >> oh -- >> oh is she? john why did you say that? >> because she's, which got her sir. >> she's got an appeal right, that reaches across politics. yeah. she passed it. i wrote a piece for the another reformer papers crush going on here explaining andy rayner's appeal . andy rayner is definitely a politician you want to go down the pub with? yeah wouldn't you want a unlike keir starmer , you want a unlike keir starmer, you might say. no, no. i've seen here i had a taxi driver from gb news once and he said i met that
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keir starmer. i met him in a pub, he knows his football. he's good true. like he's good company. true. like he's he's so. but andy is just like, you know, look at her and, you know, you look at her and, you know, you look at her and, you know, you look at her and, you know, she's and there's you know, she's fun and there's so politicians i know, but so few politicians i know, but she's got be careful because she's got to be careful because they're whole safety. she's got to be careful because the�*first whole safety. she's got to be careful because the�*first thing. whole safety. she's got to be careful because the�*first thing. we whole safety. she's got to be careful because the�*first thing. we don't safety. she's got to be careful because the�*first thing. we don't wanty. >> first thing. we don't want her going off fringes her going off at fringes and calling might calling tories scumbags might might new for news channels. might for new for news channels. >> want that for >> well, we do want that for news. >> well, we do want that for neerah. you need some colour >> yeah. you need some colour and character. need a mo and character. you need a mo mowlam. need. you know you mowlam. you need. you know you need, you a peter man. need, you need a peter man. somebody larger life. somebody who's larger than life. and larger life. and she's larger than life. >> your prescott, the new >> she's your prescott, the new prescott. >> she's your prescott, the new pre no, t. she >> she's your prescott, the new pre no,t. she is. and >> no, no, she is. and obviously, literally, literally deputy leader like prescott. everybody deputy leader like prescott. everyboishe's to be >> and she's going to be speaking i think, isn't speaking later, i think, isn't she? 1120 today. think that's she? 1120 today. i think that's what in my ear. and what i'm hearing in my ear. and my ear is never wrong. so, angie, final word, angie, good. and final word, rachel reeves. i mean, to be fair, she's a bit of a fair, she's been a bit of a silent assassin, bringing the silent assassin, bringing up the rear, adding some competence to the operation, the city loves her. there's a lot loves her. right? there's a lot loves her. right? there's a lot loves her. curious. her. this is curious. >> there's a line last week, though. there's a line last week from to the
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from rishi sunak to the bloomberg he said, beware bloomberg lunch. he said, beware laboun bloomberg lunch. he said, beware labour. tolerate labour. they will tolerate you, but you and that's what but we love you and that's what the tories, that's the tories said. tolerate said. so labour tolerate business. it's not a love thing. >> i did a dinner >> i did. i did. i did a dinner in the city a week ago and it was, it was room which had £1 was, it was a room which had £1 trillion of underinvestment and they were all clear labour is they were all clear labour is the next government and they and they trust, they trust rachel for her stable management of the future economy. okay. and that's the thing that they see a risk. >> final word is rammed. i mean, gone are the cardigans of the corbyn era. evans wearing sharp suits like gb news stuff. >> we've got more tickets sold to than any time in to conference than any time in labour history. it's the biggest attendance. >> you here >> well, you heard it here first, john mcternan, christopher hope gone the christopher hope gone are the cardigans corbyn era . i cardigans of the corbyn era. i think end on that note . think we'll end on that note. >> hello there. good evening . >> hello there. good evening. i'm jonathan vautrey who of your
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gb news weather forecast provided by the met office after a mixed weekend, most of us will start off on a relatively dry if cloudy for the start of the cloudy note for the start of the new there is still new working week. there is still some around across scotland some rain around across scotland will gradually be pushing its way southwards parts of way southwards into parts of northern and dumfries northern ireland and dumfries and galloway. the scottish borders, north of borders, maybe the far north of england elsewhere england as well. elsewhere largely to come, a lot largely dry night to come, a lot of pushing into sea of cloud pushing into irish sea coastal will turn quite coastal areas will turn quite misty but mild misty and murky here, but a mild one many of us. temperatures one for many of us. temperatures not dropping much lower than 11 to so really quite a mild to 15 c. so really quite a mild start monday morning. start to monday morning. but we will thick area of will see this thick area of cloud for northern ireland. southern scotland, northern areas bring areas of england could bring some drizzly outbreaks of rain, easing off touch into the easing off a touch into the afternoon. some the cloud afternoon. some of the cloud across coastal areas across irish sea coastal areas again throughout again could linger throughout the but move the day as well. but move further and will be further inland and there will be some to enjoy some sunny intervals to enjoy some sunny intervals to enjoy some around making some wispy cloud around making the sunshine hazy at times. but temperatures notably above average of year average for the time of year between 17 and 24 c to tuesday. there is signs that a frontal system is going to start pushing its way in from the northwest,
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gradually sinking south eastwards as we throughout eastwards as we head throughout the of the week. so the middle part of the week. so starts its way off across northwest scotland, could bring starts its way off across northilocalised and, could bring starts its way off across northi localised flooding.d bring starts its way off across northi localised flooding in jring some localised flooding in places of the places and on top of the rainfall that we've already had, there disruption there could be some disruption in do just take care in places. so do just take care here. again, here. elsewhere again, throughout irish coastal areas across as well. across the channel as well. there could be a bit of mist and fog lingering but generally fine day elsewhere for rain day elsewhere for that rain though, will arrive across central and southern as we central and southern areas as we head wednesday and thursday. >> in world dulland >> in a world of dull and predictable and shows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh,rble and shows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh, hie and shows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh, hi on and shows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh, hi on marknd shows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh, hi on mark dolanshows. >> in a world of dull and pre oh, hi on mark dolan tonight >> oh, hi on mark dolan tonight we've got big guests. we drill into the big stories of the day . the show adds up to a brilliant listening and viewing experience. mark dolan tonight is the most entertaining current affairs show ever, and that's a fact. that's mark dolan tonight, friday, saturday and sunday from 9:00. only on gb news britain news channel. >> join us every night on gb news at 11 pm. for headliners, which is three top comedians
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going through the next day's news stories , which is exactly news stories, which is exactly what you need because when the establishment has gone crazy , establishment has gone crazy, you need some craziness to make sense of it. so join us. 11 pm. every night on gb news the people's channel. britain's news channel . what you get for channel. what you get for breakfast is something that if we do our jobs right, you will wake up to news that you didn't know the night before. >> it's a conversation. listen, it's not just me and eamonn. we want to get to know you and we want to get to know you and we want you to get to know us from 6:00. >> it's breakfast with eamonn and isabel monday to thursdays on gb news. britain's news channel when the news happens, it happens here. >> i'm really important. breaking news, breaking news this morning on tv, radio and online. the news starts here on britain's newsroom. >> all the biggest stories and the answers that you from the answers that you need from across and beyond . across the uk and beyond. >> join britain's newsroom from 930 on. gb news is the people's channel 930 on. gb news is the people's channel, britain's news channel the live desk.
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>> with me , mark longhurst and >> with me, mark longhurst and me, pip tomson. >> it's here monday to friday on gb news. >> from midday, we'll bring you the news as it breaks whenever it's happening and wherever it's happening from across the uk and around the world. refreshing, feisty , but with a bit of fun too. >> if it matters to you, we'll have it covered on tv, radio and online. join the live desk on gb news. the people's channel. britain's news channel >> the dewbs& co we tackle the issues of the day with real robust debate births , sides of robust debate births, sides of the fence, battling it out with me in the middle with my forthright opinions and views and often really interesting things happen because you start with a position and then by the end of the debate you find actually i might not have thought about that one. >> what we need
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>> good evening. i'm ray addison in the gb newsroom. our top story tonight, the prime minister, rishi sunak, says the uk is ready to provide any support that israel needs after it was attacked by the terrorist organisation hamas . now, those organisation hamas. now, those of you watching on television can see live footage of gaza now where israel says 800 hamas targets have been hit, killing hundreds of fighters with dozens more captured. earlier, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said they will turn anywhere. hamas terrorists are hiding into, quote , an island of hiding into, quote, an island of ruins. he also urged the people of gaza to leave those areas. now, more than 700 israelis were killed and more than 1500 injured in yesterday's surprise attack. nathaniel young , a 20 attack. nathaniel young, a 20 year old british man serving in the israeli army, was also killed. at least 330 palestinians have died after hamas fired thousands of rockets
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and gunmen stormed the border


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