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tv   Britains Newsroom  GB News  October 13, 2023 9:30am-12:01pm BST

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spoke to gb news this shapps, spoke to gb news this morning about why the uk is taking this action by surveillance. >> provide the potential for humanitarian an aid, but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region . region. >> get a grip . that's what the >> get a grip. that's what the prime minister told police chiefs to do when it comes to tackling anti—israel hate . this tackling anti—israel hate. this comes as two jewish schools in london said they were closing to protect their pupils as and in lighter news today is world egg day . day. >> it's the time that we all adopt the is it time that we adopt the is it time that we adopt the is it time that we adopt the vegan way of life and ditch eggs completely from our diets? well we'll debate that . soon >> well, as always , we love to >> well, as always, we love to hear from you. so do keep us company this morning.
9:31 am com. but first, let's get a news bulletin with . tamsin with. tamsin >> elly, thanks very much and good morning from the gp newsroom. it's 931 is rail has told the united nations the 1.1 million residents of gaza city should move to the south within the next 24 hours. the un says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences. it says israel should rescind the order to avoid turning tragedy into calamity. but the foreign office in the uk is advising people to follow the advice. the siege of gaza continues , with palestinian gaza continues, with palestinian authorities saying more than 1500 people have now been killed . israel is retaliating against the hamas terror group after an unprecedented wave of attacks at the weekend. the group killed 1300 people and took over 100 hostages, including british
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nationals . meanwhile, the nationals. meanwhile, the israeli defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a ground invasion looking increasingly likely . tension is increasingly likely. tension is also building on israel's northern border with lebanon. with idf troops bracing for the militant group hezbollah to open up a second front in the war here. the uk is sending spy planes and two royal navy ships to the eastern mediterranean to support israel's fight against hamas. prime minister rishi sunak spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reiterate the uk's support for the war against the terrorist group. the aircraft are beginning patrols today and will track threats such as the transfer of weaponry . the prime transfer of weaponry. the prime minister is also in sweden today, meeting with northern european allies , leaders at the european allies, leaders at the summit who are expected to focus on the threat from russia . but
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on the threat from russia. but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza . rishi sunak israel and gaza. rishi sunak reminded the summit that they are the first in line of defence across much of the region . the across much of the region. the eu is investing, stating the social media platform formerly known as twitter , after known as twitter, after disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks in israel in a letter sent to the platform's owner, elon musk, the platform's owner, elon musk, the european commission said there were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content despite being flagged by authorities. mr musk says the commission has not provided any examples. the investigation is the first under the eu's new tech rules on harmful content . well those are harmful content. well those are the top stories and you can get more on all of them just visit our website gb news dot com. now, though, it's back to ellie and . tom
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and. tom >> thanks so much, tamsen . it's >> thanks so much, tamsen. it's 934 and we start this program with some live pictures of gaza . with some live pictures of gaza. yes the conurbation in the south of the of the arabian peninsula there we can see why israel is telling everyone in north gaza. >> of course, that's around 1.1 million people to relocate to the south of the strip in the next 24 hours. that's according to the united nations. >> yeah. so 1.1 million people, that would be around 40,000 people per hour are moving to the south of the country . the south of the country. >> and israel's military has told gaza city residents directly to leave for their own safety and protection. that was in a leaflet drop in the last 24 hours. >> this is as israeli forces mass ahead of an expected ground
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invasion an imminently. >> yeah we can see those pictures there inside israel of that preparation on the border of gaza . there could be a ground of gaza. there could be a ground offensive starting this weekend at least that's what some of the papers have been reporting. and there are still around 140 hostages being held in gaza. 1300 people are known to have died at the weekend during those deadly attacks on israel . and deadly attacks on israel. and those hostages will be one of the priorities for the idf making their way into gaza. but of course, the united nations has called on israel to withdraw its order to evacuate, arguing that it's impossible for palestinians to fully comply with the warning and indeed warning them selves of devastating humanitarian consequences as the israeli army has actually dropped leaflets into the gaza strip, telling palestinians to leave their home
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or risk being killed . as israel or risk being killed. as israel continues to rain down missiles on the hamas controlled territory . but it must be territory. but it must be confusing for the people in gaza city , especially because hamas city, especially because hamas are telling them to stay put. >> now , closer to home, the >> now, closer to home, the united kingdom will send two royal naval vessels and surveillance aircraft into the middle east in order to bolster security. >> well, the defence secretary, grant shapps, told gb news y earlier . by surveillance provide earlier. by surveillance provide the potential for humanitarian aid, but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region that other others who might want to get involved in at the moment, what is essentially terrorist organisation having attacked israel and israel's response and we don't want to see other organisations is thinking, oh, this is an opportunity to exploit that situation.
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>> so britain sending saying that assistance , well grant that assistance, well grant shapps there , the new defence shapps there, the new defence secretary joining to us discuss this in further detail is the former chair of the defence select committee, tobias ellwood. >> tobias , thank you for making >> tobias, thank you for making the time for us this morning. first of all, i suppose to ships some surveillance helicopters . some surveillance helicopters. is this anything more than just a politics? >> i think it's a start. i think it's very important to show as grant shapps was explaining , an grant shapps was explaining, an interest, we have a huge amount of influence still in the middle east. we understand it as well. and i think it's been absolutely right that we stand by israel. hamas is intent is very, very clear indeed . war with israel , clear indeed. war with israel, fight using any means , however fight using any means, however barbaric , and widen the conflict barbaric, and widen the conflict beyond gaza. so it's quite right that the uk, us and the west stands by israel is it faces the biggest security threat since the state was formed . but israel the state was formed. but israel on the west , much as we want to
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on the west, much as we want to see hamas neutralised and defeated , having seen this defeated, having seen this barbaric terrorist actions , barbaric terrorist actions, hamas has actually removed its right to participate in representing gaza and indeed the palestinians any further . but palestinians any further. but make the point that the scale of the planning that hamas has displayed to date suggests that they are deliberately provoking israel to launch that ground attack, to enter gaza. and we are entering uncharted territory. we need to be thinking not just operationally but strategically to not thinking one chess move ahead, but 4 or 5 and recognising there will be major consequences to a ground attack . and we have to ground attack. and we have to ask ourself, does this help or hinder the overall mission to remove hamas ? my worry is that remove hamas? my worry is that this is deliberately going to escalate beyond the west bank, beyond eastern jerusalem, beyond lebanon and indeed elsewhere . lebanon and indeed elsewhere. and i fear that we are falling into a trap because hamas has no
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care, no interest to represent those 2 million palestinians in gaza. it wants a ground war. it wants this war to spread . it wants this war to spread. it wants this war to spread. it wants palestinians and arab far away from the middle east to support its cause. and i think it's only a matter of time before we see serious unrest in a western capital. we already see tensions rising. so i think we need to be really clear what the mission is, the removals , the mission is, the removals, the mission is, the removals, the surgical removal and replacement of hamas and the isolation of its paymasters , isolation of its paymasters, iran, that we do not spend enough time talking about because vengeance alone , because vengeance alone, although understandable, is not although understandable, is not a strategy. >> but mr ellwood, hamas don't wear uniforms . so how can the wear uniforms. so how can the israelis distinct swish between them and civilians living in gaza ? we're hearing many of the gaza? we're hearing many of the papers this morning that hamas terrorists are living in tunnels beneath gaza or they're embedded with civilians in a high rise tower blocks. i mean , it's
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tower blocks. i mean, it's actually going to be impossible , actually going to be impossible, isn't it, to eliminate them ? isn't it, to eliminate them? >> well, eliminate by force, potentially. there are other slower methods of doing this. and absolutely right. we mustn't deter from that mission, but make it really, really clear that fighting in built up areas is the most dangerous form of warfare that favours the insurgent. with all those tunnels and systems that they actually have. the israeli defence forces are formidable. there's no doubt about it. but this will be the sort of street fighting that will be so, so costly. see, hamas, as i say, has preparing for this with has been preparing for this with their and their weapons their tunnels and their weapons systems. unless you're going systems. and unless you're going to from height , systems. and unless you're going to from height, in to aerial bomb from height, in which going which case you're going to destroy million homes, destroy a million homes, you then problem in gaza then own that problem in gaza aftennards. and if i can just add as well, the rise of extremism. the irrepressible young muslims indoctrinated to join hamas's cause will escalate. will seen this. we saw this after 911. and in fact, yesterday was the anniversary of the bali bombing in 2002. my
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brother was killed there a year after the 9/11 attacks away from the united states, away from afghanistan, away from the middle east, killed in indonesia . yeah, i just i know this , you . yeah, i just i know this, you know, perhaps even unpopular to say so. absolutely. i lean in with israel. i'm pleased what britain is doing . with israel. i'm pleased what britain is doing. i'm with israel. i'm pleased what britain is doing . i'm really britain is doing. i'm really concerned that we are being lured into a trap which will have huge consequences for middle east security and way beyond the middle east as well. >> speak very powerfully >> you speak very powerfully about the aftermath of 9/11, and i'm sorry hear about your i'm sorry to hear about your brother, but going further to this escalation idea, to what extent can the finger of blame be pointed at iran for all of this, perhaps for coordination , this, perhaps for coordination, even for support militarily, tactically ? and to what extent tactically? and to what extent was the potential normalisation of israeli relations with saudi arabia, the instigator for all of this chaos as . looks as
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of this chaos as. looks as though we may have some connection issues there with tobias ellwood, really interesting what he was saying there about the aftermath of 911 and that if you go in and kill terrorists , you in fact can terrorists, you in fact can create many more. i suppose it's isuppose create many more. i suppose it's i suppose it's so tricky in terms of how you do it . there terms of how you do it. there seems to be such international consensus in the western world that the israelis have the absolute right to get their hostages back , back and to hostages back, back and to target those people who who who perished rooted in to kill innocent civilian people at a music festival, who've been slaughtering babies in their beds , burning jews alive, beds, burning jews alive, killing israel. israel has a right to go in there. the question is, how far do they go, i suppose, and to what extent is thatis i suppose, and to what extent is that is that going to create repercussions to what extent
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will other countries in the middle east pour in and will this grow into a bigger security problem ? problem? >> and tobias ellwood there touching upon his concerns. actually, it is a very densely built area . the gaza strip, one built area. the gaza strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world. and he is very concerned that if there is a ground offensive, the loss of life, that there would be on both sides of conflict. both sides of this conflict. i suppose the question is, are there good military options there any good military options or would it just become quagmire? >> and of course, we can remember back 50 years ago, almost almost to the day, the yom kippur war, where all of those countries surrounding israel went in and then and then israel went in and then and then israel of course, pushed back. are we going to see something on that scale and how would that reverberate around the world? will that drag in american troops? will this be something that becomes so much bigger? there are many, many questions which are as yet unanswered . and which are as yet unanswered. and yes, there are. >> please do let us know what you make of this ongoing story.
9:44 am closer to home for jewish schools closer to home forjewish schools in north home for jewish schools in north london are now closing out of fear for the safety of their children . yes, it comes as children. yes, it comes as schools warn jewish students to disguise their uniforms arms in fear of attacks caused by the ongoing war in israel . well, ongoing war in israel. well, we're joined now by chief executive campaign against anti—semitism , gideon falter. anti—semitism, gideon falter. very good to see you this morning, mr falter. i mean, this is rare decent, isn't it, of 1930 germany when the children can't wear the star of david on their chest for fear of being seen as a jew in public? >> i mean, thank god we are living in very different times to the time of the holocaust. and, you know, the thing, though, that we do need to make clear is that closing jewish schools is a really serious step. and i've just heard from friends who dropped their kids off at school this morning at jewish schools that were open and they were saying something
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like 70. their estimate of the of the children hadn't been brought into school that day because of today, because of parents fears. and it is , you parents fears. and it is, you know, what's just happened in israel. this atrocity, this terrorist atrocity has reverberated around the jewish world, not only in the sense that so many of us have lost people that we know and love or still waiting for news on them, but also that jewish communities around the world are used to there being this massive uptick in anti—semitism. every time there's fighting there. and there's fighting there. and there was already be a really serious situation , anti—semitic serious situation, anti—semitic crime at a really high level in the uk and british jews already having been felt, having felt fearful over the last few years . fearful over the last few years. and now to suddenly get this get to this point where jewish schools are closing jewish children are being told to take off their skull cap, take, take their school uniforms off and replace them with something that
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doesn't identify them as going to a jewish school. it's a really concerning time . really concerning time. >> it's absolutely shocking. and of course, at the start of this morning, we thought it was just two schools that were closing. now it's four. this may be growing in amsterdam. many schools are closed to you. what to what extent is this related to what extent is this related to , uh, what the former leader to, uh, what the former leader of hamas has been saying in recent hours about a global day of jihad recent hours about a global day ofjihad ? hard against jews is, ofjihad? hard against jews is, i think this is part of this is what feeds into it. >> the whole point of terrorism is to terrorise people. it's to terrorise people by killing them. and it's terrorise people by sowing fear. and hamas actually says in its charter and its founding charter, that final day will not come until the jews are annihilated. part of it's part of its entire purpose is to annihilate jews, but through the terrorism that it perpetrate ,
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terrorism that it perpetrate, it's it also seeks to spread fear. and as far as i know, there wasn't any specific intelligence about a threat to jewish schools in the uk. the problem is that when we get pronouncements like this and we see people celebrating hamas on the streets of the uk, jewish parents sending their children to jewish schools start to think are we actually safe? are we actually being looked after? you know, there was that horrendous demonstration outside the israeli embassy this week, which which saw people launching fireworks and singing this genocidal chant about israel from the to river the sea, palestine shall be free. this is a hamas chant, a muslim brotherhood chant, which basically calls for the genocide of all jews between the river jordan and the mediterranean sea . and the next day , the . and the next day, the metropolitan police issued a statement saying that they didn't see anything that they thought they should be getting involved with. so it's kind of
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understandable, isn't it, that if jewish parent, if you're a jewish parent, you're kind of you're seeing that kind of person, kind of protest person, that kind of protest out on the streets london and the on the streets of london and the next day the police are saying they're going do nothing. they're to going do nothing. and there's jihad by there's a call forjihad by hamas. it's understandable that the fear might start to get to you. and the really you. and that's the really dangerous is that even dangerous thing, is that even without lifting a finger , it can without lifting a finger, it can start to put jewish community in total fear in this country . total fear in this country. >> and goodwin, as you were speaking there, pictures speaking there, we saw pictures and of those and videos of those demonstrations that describe demonstrations that you describe outside the israeli embassy. i just wanted to show you, i'm sure you've already seen it, but for our viewers and listeners, there's a video that's gone viral media of two viral on social media of two muslim women who are taking down pictures in london, posters of missing children in gaza. hopefully we can just show you this clip which has gone viral on on social media. we're just going to get that up for you now . why don't you do something for palestine? >> why don't you this is for palestine, not mutually
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exclusive . exclusive. >> its children, its children, its innocent people . its innocent people. >> okay. >> okay. >> what about the children in palestine ? palestine? >> not it doesn't make it jesus . >> not it doesn't make it jesus. >> not it doesn't make it jesus. >> so just for the benefit of our radio listeners, we can see two muslim girls there taking down those posters of missing children in gaza, and there's a bystander there saying these are innocent children in gideon. >> what's your reaction to that video ? video? >> honestly, it's really, really upsetting and horrifying. these are posters showing children, babies , some of them who were babies, some of them who were kidnapped by hamas terrorists and taken into captivity in gaza. and i don't want to be graphic about what that's going to be like for them, but it it is horrendous. and israelis and jews in london, who some of them are relatives of these of these families , um, don't have families, um, don't have anything they feel they can do. and so they do. the one thing
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they think they can do, which is to raise awareness by putting posters up and have friends who were involved in doing this. and they put these posters up around london to attention london trying to draw attention to the that these babies london trying to draw attention to tichildren|at these babies london trying to draw attention to tichildren are.hese babies london trying to draw attention to tichildren are inse babies london trying to draw attention to tichildren are in captivity. london trying to draw attention to tichildren are in captivity of and children are in captivity of terrorists. for two people terrorists. and for two people to react to that in the way that those two women did by tearing those two women did by tearing those posters down is absolutely despicable . despicable. >> so what does it actually say ? >> so what does it actually say? that there are people who feel so confident, so brave , chosen so confident, so brave, chosen to walk the streets of london, not only chanting that jews should be pushed into the sea are i think we're having some problems here with our audio. but ellie, i have seen these videos and i'm sure many people at home will have seen these viral videos , not just of people viral videos, not just of people tearing down posters . there was tearing down posters. there was one, a jewish man was in a shop and a woman ran up to him saying, oh, were you sad? and are you sad that jews are dying? mocking him? it was
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extraordinary that this is going on in london. >> it makes you despair for humanity, doesn't it? i mean, even in that video there, you just think, where is your humanity? we are talking about children, innocent children and babies. matter where your babies. no matter where your politics lie, you think you'd have humanity that, have some humanity with that, wouldn't well, lisa hartle wouldn't you? well, lisa hartle has been speaking with the jewish community in north london about anti—semitism and their fears after saturday's attacks. and she is live for us now in golders green. good morning to you, lisa. and what's the feeling of the on the ground there of people at the jewish community? >> good morning. well golders green has a large jewish community, and i've been speaking with people here today and throughout the week, and they're all saying the same thing, that they're heartbroken over the conflict, but they're also concerned of the repercussions that could amount here in the uk today. yesterday we heard that the government has given £3 million additional funding to the security organisation cst. they provide
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security for jewish schools and synagogues and other jewish buildings . they've said synagogues and other jewish buildings. they've said in synagogues and other jewish buildings . they've said in the buildings. they've said in the last week there's been a 324% rise in the number of anti—semitism reports that they've received. we've also heard reports that today at least three schools in north london have closed today and that that's because of increased security concerns after a former leader of hamas has called for global protests today. around the world now , i think we can the world now, i think we can hear from a few people that i've been speaking to in golders green today on their feelings of how they feel at the moment in the uk. >> well, i suppose like most other people , very concerned and other people, very concerned and obviously we have to be wary of what where we go , where we are, what where we go, where we are, um, and be vigilant and obviously much more than , than obviously much more than, than usual a very threatened, very worried . worried. >> i've just taken my son to
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school. he's in hasmonean and, and he asked me to pick him up because he's worried. he's scared and he's a 15 year old. you know, this should not be happening here in england. >> so obviously it's a concerning time . we're trying to concerning time. we're trying to live as lives as normal as possible. um i want to start off, i think i think everyone's got a legitimate right to protest and to campaign for what they feel is right . well thank they feel is right. well thank you to lisa for bringing us those voices from golders green in north london. >> well, still to come , we're >> well, still to come, we're crossing over to tel aviv next to get the latest on the ground there. this is britain's newsroom on gb news, the people's channel. >> hello. very good morning to you. i'm alex burkill. and here's your latest gb news weather update on this wet and windy friday. we do have some colder weather to come this weekend, but for the time being , weekend, but for the time being, it's wet and windy picture it's a wet and windy picture across the bulk of the uk. heavy rain many of rain across many parts of england wales . the highest england and wales. the highest rainfall likely to be rainfall totals likely to be building up over the welsh
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mountains. but many it's a mountains. but for many it's a wet and in the south we wet picture and in the south we could see some heavy thundery downpours developing as go downpours developing as we go through afternoon. bright through the afternoon. bright lighter, further but lighter, further north, but blustery showers across scotland and northern ireland. chilly and northern ireland. a chilly feel here. milder towards the south highs of around 21 or south with highs of around 21 or 22 celsius. some further heavy rain as we go through the end of the day across the south southeast. but that rain does clear away as we go through the night. and then we have quite a few seeing clear skies few places seeing clear skies overnight. showers, though, overnight. some showers, though, piling cold northerly piling down on a cold northerly wind. so particularly around irish coastal areas and irish sea coastal areas and towards the north of scotland. but with clear skies, many places are to going wake up on saturday morning to a chilly start to touch of frost, especially in north. but especially in the north. but then should be a mostly then it should be a mostly bnght then it should be a mostly bright morning. we are going to see continuing to see showers continuing to pile down that northerly wind and down on that northerly wind and they going to become more they are going to become more widespread into the widespread as we go into the afternoon across scotland some afternoon across scotland. some of could wintry of those showers could be wintry over so some over the higher ground. so some sleet snow possible here. and sleet or snow possible here. and it's be a cold day.
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it's going to be a cold day. temperatures mark, oddly down compared to where they were last weekend, getting to highs of
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>> good morning . it is 10 >> good morning. it is 10 am. on friday, the 13th of october. this is britain's newsroom here on gb news with ellie costello and me, tom hannood. coming up today, 24 hours to evacuate.
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>> it is israel is telling everyone in north gaza to relocate to the south of the strip. that means 1.1 million people have to flee their homes. but where do they go ? we'll have but where do they go? we'll have the latest sunak military support that the uk will send to royal naval vessels and surveillance aircraft to the middle east in order to bolster security . security. >> the defence secretary grant shapps, spoke to gb news this morning about why the uk is taking this action by surveillance. >> provide the potential for humanitarian aid, but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region . region. >> get a grip . that's what the >> get a grip. that's what the prime minister told police chiefs to do when it comes to tackling anti—israel hate. this comes as two jewish schools in london said they were closing to protect their pupils .
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protect their pupils. >> and of course , this show is >> and of course, this show is nothing without your views and your comments on all of the stories we're discussing and all of the perspectives email in but before all of that, let's get the latest news update with tamsen . latest news update with tamsen. >> tom, thanks very much . good >> tom, thanks very much. good morning from the gb newsroom. it's 10:00. israel has told the 1.1 million residents of gaza city to move south within the next 24 hours. the united nafions next 24 hours. the united nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanity . consequences, it says humanity. consequences, it says israel should rescind the order to avoid turning tragedy into calamity . but the foreign office calamity. but the foreign office here in the uk is advising people to follow the advice. the siege of gaza continues with palestinian authorities saying
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more than 1500 people have now been killed . israel is been killed. israel is retaliating against the hamas terror group after an unprecedented wave of attacks at the weekend. the group killed 1300 people and took over 100 hostages, including british nationals . meanwhile the israeli nationals. meanwhile the israeli defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a ground invasion looking increasingly likely , tension is also building likely, tension is also building on israel's northern border with lebanon , with idf troops bracing lebanon, with idf troops bracing for the militant group hezbollah to open up a second front in the war. the us secretary of state met the palestinian president a short time ago after touching down in jordan. anthony blinken is touring middle eastern countries trying to stop the israel—hamas war spilling over into neighbouring countries . the into neighbouring countries. the meeting comes after mahmoud abbas condemned violence against civilians last night after having previously failed to do
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so in the wake of saturday's deadly terror attacks . here the deadly terror attacks. here the uk is sending spy planes and two royal navy ships to the eastern mediterranean to support israel's fight against hamas. prime minister rishi sunak spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reiterate the uk's support for the war against the terrorist group . the against the terrorist group. the aircraft are beginning patrols today to track threats such as the transfer of weaponry defence secretary grant shapps says the deployment will reinforce regional stability. >> we're sending not just ships but also aircraft to really monitor the situation, provide surveillance , provide the surveillance, provide the potential for humanitarian aid, but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region that other others who might want to get involved in. at the moment, what is essentially a terrorist organisation, having attacked israel and israel's response and we don't want to see other organisations thinking, oh, this
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is an opportunity to exploit that situation. so um, north london jewish schools are closing today over concerns for the children's safety amid the israel—hamas war. >> it's reported that four jewish schools in north london told parents they would not reopen until monday . meanwhile, reopen until monday. meanwhile, number 10 has announced an additional £3 million of funding to go towards providing extra security for the uk's jewish population . an it comes as the population. an it comes as the jewish security charity cst recorded a 400% increase in anti—semitic incidents after the outbreak of conflict in israel . outbreak of conflict in israel. the eu is investigating the social media platform formerly known as twitter . after known as twitter. after disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks. in a letter sent to the platform's owner, elon musk , the platform's owner, elon musk, the european commission said there were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content , despite being used to disseminate illegal content, despite being flagged by authorities as despite various media reports of
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questionable content. mr musk says the commission should list its examples publicly . the its examples publicly. the investigation is the first under the eu's new tech rules on harmful content . the prime harmful content. the prime minister is also in sweden today, meeting with northern european allies. leaders were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza . the conflict in israel and gaza. the prime minister reminded the summit that they are the first line of defence in the high north in the north atlantic and the baltics . and in other news, the baltics. and in other news, the baltics. and in other news, the founding member of the influential band the isley brothers , has died. rudolph brothers, has died. rudolph isley formed the group with his brothers in ohio in 1954. they stopped recording for a time in the mid 50s after their brother vernon was tragically killed in a bicycle accident . after a bicycle accident. after reforming, they recorded a string of classic hits including shout , which string of classic hits including shout, which was later string of classic hits including shout , which was later covered shout, which was later covered by lulu . he left the group in
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by lulu. he left the group in 1989 to become a christian minister, though he occasionally joined his former bandmates for special performances . as rudolph special performances. as rudolph isley was 84 . this is special performances. as rudolph isley was 84. this is gb news across the uk on tv in your car, on digital radio and on your smart speaker by saying, play gb news. now it's back over to ellie and . tom ellie and. tom >> thanks so much , tamsin. it's >> thanks so much, tamsin. it's 10:05 and you're with britain's newsroom on gb news with tom hannood and me, ellie costa. >> now, over1 million gazan residents are ordered to flee south in just 24 hours by israel. >> charities on the ground say that the request is impossible , that the request is impossible, while the un says it can't be done without devastating consequences. well people in gaza are now caught between israel telling them to move and hamas saying don't respond . hamas saying don't respond. >> and as israel's bombardment
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of the gaza strip continues , of the gaza strip continues, well, israel's prime minister warns of difficult days ahead as he swears in his new war cabinet, while the country's top general admits that the military has failed to protect its citizens . citizens. >> well, the former chair of the defence select committee, tobias ellwood, is back with us on the program. very good to see you again, mr ellwood. i'm very sorry for the technical issues earlier where we lost you. we're very pleased to have back. very pleased to have you back. so let's upon what we were so let's touch upon what we were just here the just discussing here in the studio about that warning from israel in north israel to everybody in north gaza. that's about 1.1 million people to move south in the next 24 hours. that is about 40,000 people per hour. meanwhile, hamas is telling them to stay put . the un hamas is telling them to stay put. the un saying that hamas is telling them to stay put . the un saying that they are put. the un saying that they are going to be devastating consequences in that. what's your reaction ? your reaction? >> yeah, i do fear i was stressing this before we got cut off that we are falling into hamas trap. they have no
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interest in looking after the people of palestine. an and this demand now to move a million people in the hope that somehow that hostages can be liberated control can be restored to gaza i think will be very very difficult indeed . you know, difficult indeed. you know, fighting in built up areas is the most demanding, most dangerous form of warfare you can have. and it favours the insurgent, in this case, hamas . insurgent, in this case, hamas. and as say, they will be and as i say, they will be preparing the israeli preparing for it. the israeli defence forces are one of the most formidable in the world. but this sort of street fighting will hugely costly . there's will be hugely costly. there's tunnel systems, there's weapons systems that hamas have, and unless you're going to aerial bomb, you know, from height, that means you're going to destroy much of gaza city as well. that means that israel will own problem. and it's will own the problem. and it's a stress. concern of this stress. the concern of this spiralling out of control of miscalculation , of escalation. miscalculation, of escalation. your newsreader just ran through a whole load of issues. well beyond the middle east, including here in the uk, as to
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how this conflict is spreading, how this conflict is spreading, how extremism, how impressionable young muslims are being perhaps encouraged to support hamas, cause it's unbelievable some of those scenes that we've seen, given the atrocities of hamas have been doing. i'm just concerned about, you know, after 911 when, you know, mistake strategic mistakes were made. we now know that. and from my own personal perspective , i lost my brother . perspective, i lost my brother. in the bali bombing, which was a year after 9/11, in miles away from afghanistan, miles away from afghanistan, miles away from the middle east, miles away from the middle east, miles away from the middle east, miles away from the united states, because indoctrinate people believed the messaging and the hate that had been spiralled and built up. and my concern is, however well intentioned , that we could see intentioned, that we could see major strategic areas repeated in absolute lee that right cause to surgically remove hamas they have removed any right to be able to lead the people of palestine. how we go about it
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that's the big question now the risk of escalation is clear and we're already seeing not just activity, of course, from hamas in gaza, but also activity from hezbollah in the north in lebanon . lebanon. >> and of course, all of these reports of just how much iran on may have been behind this. what is the risk now that this is not a localised conflict in gaza, that this spreads into something much larger , engulfing many more much larger, engulfing many more countries in the middle east? well i'm pleased you mentioned that, because we don't introduce the connectivity between hamas, hezbollah and iran enough. >> there is simply no way hamas could have conducted the scale of this atrocity without outside support. and that comes to iran. but where is the collective international strategy to stand up to iran for too long, iran has been able to use its proxy
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influence right across the middle east, and nobody has done enough to challenge that . and enough to challenge that. and until that happens this cycle of violence, whether it's in israel or elsewhere , will continue. or elsewhere, will continue. indeed, that's the focus that i think we need. that's the international leadership that we need to see from anthony blinken, from britain well . blinken, from britain as well. because othennise, as i say, this will repeat itself. it will spread into lebanon, it will spread into lebanon, it will spread into lebanon, it will spread into other parts of the middle east itself with knock on consequences across the world in every diaspora that there are, as we're seeing already , big as we're seeing already, big questions for the west. but allowing this invasion to take place. understandable, though , place. understandable, though, it actually is because of what's been happened , i think is been happened, i think is a strategic error . strategic error. >> well, tobias ellwood, we're seeing live pictures now of gaza . it looks peaceful as things stand, but we know, of course, the build up that is occurring around this strip and what might happen at any point in the next 24 hours. of course, you mentioned anthony blinken, the us secretary of state. he was in
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israel yesterday . today, we israel yesterday. today, we understand he is now in jordan and we're expecting a statement from him in the next few hours. what would you, as the former chair of the united kingdom defence committee , like to hear defence committee, like to hear from anthony blinken today ? well from anthony blinken today? well i was actually middle east minister, so i spent a lot of time in the middle east. >> i visited gaza many times, visited jordan as well. and the one big change, perhaps since the last cycle of violence that you were touching on on earlier is actually the abraham accords, is actually the abraham accords, is muslim countries in the middle east choosing to remove their hostility towards israel, to accept israel's right to exist , and to accept israel's right to exist, and if there's any future to be had in a peaceful gaza, it will have to include the support and cooperation of the abraham accords, signing countries . so, accords, signing countries. so, you know, bahrain , jordan, the you know, bahrain, jordan, the emirates and so forth. these are the countries, egypt particularly. these are the
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countries that need to lean into this say, yes , we're going this and say, yes, we're going to help develop governance in palestine, the palestinian palestine, in the palestinian territories and in gaza as well, which precludes hamas having any involvement whatsoever until we reach those are starting asking those questions. you're not going to have a political solution open that will allow any form of peace to last, will continue in the cycle of violence. that's where anthony blinken and he did britain , i blinken and he did britain, i believe, should be focusing on. >> what do you make of egypt's role in all of this? because the geography here is significant . geography here is significant. gaza has two borders, as you know , one with egypt, one with know, one with egypt, one with israel . so for gazans who wish israel. so for gazans who wish to flee, the only option would be egypt. and so far, egypt has rejected any move for safe corridors for civilians. and we do know that, of course, there is no food, no fuel, no water going into gaza. what is your response to that? should egypt
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be doing more? should they be giving aid and should they be opening corridors for civilians ? opening corridors for civilians? >> is yes, not just alone, but >> is yes, notjust alone, but collectively. as i say , with collectively. as i say, with those other countries that have decided to take a different approach to working with israel . approach to working with israel. all but egypt is a complicated case. don't forget that president sisi came into power removing the muslim brotherhood because of what happened there. so they've deliberately closed that border or control it vehemently because they don't want the extremism that you see developed and incubated in gaza to spill into egypt itself. the whole muslim brotherhood was able to develop and eventually take control of egypt. so that's what president sisi is concerned about, is that what is happening in gaza, that extremism could easily spill into egypt itself. but you can't be in denial. we need to recognise that there are 2 million palestinians that we want to then divide place dividing gap between their their support or with hamas and indeed
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the rest of the muslim community. so there are other governance forms. fatah, the palestinian authority, as i say, the abraham accords coalition, too. they need to be looking into this to say we're going to step fonnard and we're going to help manage the gaza strip in a way that we've not done before . way that we've not done before. invading alone is a military solution with no strategic end. and as i say, that could be very, very dangerous indeed . very, very dangerous indeed. >> now we're just seeing pictures of tanks in in israel. these are live pictures is in israel right now. the tanks are in the distance. but of course, we are expecting activity in the next 24, the next 48 hours in in this part of the world. israel will be moving in to gaza. so there are some live pictures of those tanks. but just finally, tobias ellwood, you mentioned the abraham accords, the normalisation of relations between israel and so many of those countries in the middle
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east. but of course, one of the countries that wasn't part of the abraham accords was saudi arabia . and there was much arabia. and there was much speculation that saudi arabia was moving to more normal relations with israel, that that could have happened by the end of this year and that to some extent that might have been the instigator for all of this terrorism and this escalation that iran did not want israel and saudi to have normal relations and iran instead stated these attacks in order to prevent that from happening . do prevent that from happening. do you think that's a credible theory? >> i do. 100. and it goes back to the fact that we're not spending enough time understanding iran's proxy influence in the region because this is all about iran's hostility to saudi arabia and iran, allowing its proxy influence to then encourage conflict and to try and pull down the whole abraham accords.
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coalitia ation. the fact that saudi arabia might be intended to sign absolute . he saudi arabia might be intended to sign absolute. he is much behind this too. so until we recognise that the battle is with hamas, but the actual wider conflict, the war, the political war is with iran , that's what war is with iran, that's what needs to be solved. that's where our energy needs to go. that's where the west needs to invest far heavily. there was an opportunity when soleimani was killed, general soleimani , the killed, general soleimani, the commander force , you commander of the quds force, you might irgc , the might recall, the irgc, the iranian revolutionary guards, donald trump took him out, i think, in the early 2020. that was an opportunity to then push back on on iran's influence across the middle east. we missed that and we're now paying the price for that as well . the price for that as well. >> tobias ellwood, thank you so much for your analysis and your thoughts and your expertise in this area . we really appreciate this area. we really appreciate it here on gb news. and personally, i'm very glad we could get that connection back up and running. really valuable stuff there. yeah well, let's go to the ground in israel, shall we? >> where our reporter charlie
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peters is live in tel aviv. good morning to you, charlie. very good to see you this morning. so what is the situation in on the ground in tel aviv, israel telling everyone in north gaza that they must reload ? kate that they must reload? kate south in the next 24 hours, we predict that's about 1.1 million people. that's right. >> it's a significant indicator that israel is now preparing to conduct a more significant bombardment of the north of gaza as it shapes the ground for that likely invasion in the next 48 hours of the gaza strip there. first in the territory since 2014. but as it moves to that attack and as it prepares for that assault , there are serious that assault, there are serious questions about whether the country can secure its borders to the north. attacks coming in from southern lebanon and shelling from syria . and there shelling from syria. and there are also concerns about security in southern israel. are they managing that situation there as well ? more terrorists were still
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well? more terrorists were still killed yesterday , say, while killed yesterday, say, while they were amassing those troops on the south here i am in central tel aviv where organisers are coming together at this restaurant to dish out 30,000 meals a day to civilian volunteers, but also to soldiers across the country . the army across the country. the army isn't quite ready to send in its troops. it has to kit out and mobilise up to half a million troops across the country . and troops across the country. and those logistical supplies are a strain. local volunteers here tell me that the army can't do it all. they need civilians to step up. yesterday we were in a convention centre that was sending out supplies , kit, sending out supplies, kit, equipment, batteries , torches, equipment, batteries, torches, all this stuff. an army needs to keep itself fighting . well, here keep itself fighting. well, here they're sending them food . like they're sending them food. like i said, 30,000 meals a day coming out here, going in all directions across the country to keep the front lines fed. what's to going happen next in the next 48 hours? well it's likely that the bombardment of gaza will be
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severe once those 1.1 million civil seun's head, south. there are only two main supply routes that they can take, one near the coast, one more inland, and it will create an even more devastating humanity , korean devastating humanity, korean situation that we're seeing in gaza at the moment. they will have to leave shelters. they will have to find new ones, and israel will almost certainly with its air forces , hit targets with its air forces, hit targets in northern gaza with bunker buster and more severe munitions i >> well, charlie, stay with us because we're just showing pictures now to those watching on television of supporters of the influential iraqi shiite cleric who is named muqtada al sadn cleric who is named muqtada al sadr. now, there gathering in baghdadin sadr. now, there gathering in baghdad in an enormous protest to show solidarity with gaza, to show solidarity with palestinians . the question, i palestinians. the question, i suppose, here is what is the wider feeling in the region? why
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where does support lie and could this spill into a much larger . war >> well, we have seen yesterday the israeli air force conducting its first strikes away from the country, hitting the runways at both aleppo and damascus . both aleppo and damascus. international airports now , we international airports now, we understand that those strikes were conducted by fighter jets coming out of north of the country in order to reduce the effects of iranian proxies in the region . of course, iran's the region. of course, iran's irgc , its islamic revolutionary irgc, its islamic revolutionary guards corps, operates very widely in syria, and it's known to supply through that shia crescent from iran all the way to lebanon and is known to supply iranian proxies in the region. and these forces , like region. and these forces, like lebanese hezbollah, are engaging israeli defences . we have seen israeli defences. we have seen anti—tank guided missiles shelling , mortaring and rockets shelling, mortaring and rockets being fired over from southern lebanon in the last 72 hours. and again , also shelling from
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and again, also shelling from syria. and so there are fears that this situation could spill over into a wider region conflict. the us secretary of state, antony blinken, said yesterday know he reaffirmed the president of the united states is warning that anyone thinking of joining in this conflict, he offered one word don't. and america has been providing munitions and diplomatic support to shore up israel's defence and to shore up israel's defence and to limit the cause that anyone might have to join in in this conflict. but on the ground, israelis are very concerned about that. in tel aviv, there is an atmosphere of mild terror . is an atmosphere of mild terror. i would say as people from southern israel come up here for shelter, but also as soldiers prepare to be deployed and mobilised to the front lines across their country . across their country. >> well, charlie, as we're speaking to you, we're seeing live pictures of the skyline in in gaza right now. and it looks as though leaflets are being dropped. we know that the israeli army have been dropping leaflets into the gaza strip ,
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leaflets into the gaza strip, telling palestinians to leave their homes or risk being killed in airstrikes as we know, israel is continuing to rain down missiles on the hamas controlled territory. but we've also been hearing, charlie, that hamas is telling those in gaza, many who do not have internet connection because there is no power. they have been telling them to stay put . that's right. put. that's right. >> this morning about an hour after reports of idf liaison officers telling the un that gazans needed to leave the territory in the north, hamas said it was propaganda. it urged civilians to stay. why would they do that? amid the bombing campaign ? well, as we know, campaign? well, as we know, hamas terrorists in the north and across the gaza strip do rely on civilians as human shields. they protect the point of origin of their rocket attacks so that after they make impact, the israeli defence forces and their anti—missile attacks cannot be launched back onto hamas militants. israel
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does not want to cause that horrible phrase in war collateral damage. and so they do things like a knock and drop. so they hit a multi—story building, for example , with building, for example, with a non—charged munition to warn civilians to leave. and then they come again with the active munitions to destroy it. these are buildings that they, through intelligence , believe that hamas intelligence, believe that hamas terrorists are gathering in. but last night they hit over 750 targets in the gaza strip, targeting what they said were hamas military capabilities. radar systems, air defence systems , bunkers, shelters, systems, bunkers, shelters, ammunition supplies, all the things that hamas are requiring and using to sustain their military efforts in the region. now but of course, hundreds have died in that bombing campaign from the israelis. but as 1.1 million are forced to flee south, we expect that that bombing campaign will become even more severe . even more severe. >> well, charlie, as you've been
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speaking, we've just been seeing more of those leaflet drops, what must be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of leaflets raining down like confetti on the city of gaza. these are written often in arabic , telling citizens in gaza arabic, telling citizens in gaza city to leave their homes. the words in english read for your safety, you must leave your homes immediately and go to shelters. of course, written in arabic. they're on leaflets in with the colour grey, green and white. and the pictures of these leaflets raining down. it could be mistaken for snowfall. there were so many leaflets coming down from such a height , really down from such a height, really stunning scenes there in gaza. and i suppose it really does emphasise just how serious this is all getting , just how is all getting, just how imminent this invasion might be. charlie we will be back to you throughout the program. thank you very much for your updates
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for now and of course, stay safe there in israel . there in israel. >> thank you so much, charlie. now we have had some emails from you on this war, israel, hamas war. annette says, i think the british government should keep supporting the israeli government and keeping people safe. and martin says if israel moves into gaza , i'm concerned moves into gaza, i'm concerned about the loss of life on both sides. it's a difficult urban environment. it's difficult . but environment. it's difficult. but israel should find another, more selective way to deal with hamas. and that's exactly what we were discussing earlier on in the program, is, is could there be a successful or a good military option here? >> well , we'll have answers and >> well, we'll have answers and more of your views after this
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news. the people's channel, britain's news channel . britain's news channel. >> it's 1029 britain's news channel. >> it's1029 and you're britain's news channel. >> it's 1029 and you're with britain's newsroom here on gb news with me, tom hannood and ellie costello . ellie costello. >> now we can take you now to some live pictures . this is some live pictures. this is supporters of the influential iraqi shiite cleric moqtada al sadr. iraqi shiite cleric moqtada al sadr . they're gathering at sadr. they're gathering at a protest in baghdad to show solidarity with palestinian jews in gaza and here we can see live pictures in israel of tanks in the distance there in this live shot on the border with gaza . we
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shot on the border with gaza. we know that a ground offensive could be expected in . the next could be expected in. the next 24 to 48 hours. israel telling everyone in north gaza around 1.1 million people to relocate to the south of the gaza strip in the next 24 hours. >> indeed, in the last few minutes, we've been seeing leaflet drops tens if not hundreds of thousands of leaflets raining down on the city of gaza, telling the citizens in arabic to, for your own safety , leave their homes own safety, leave their homes immediately and go to shelters. we are expecting imminent action in this part of the world, imminent bloodshed, no doubt. >> yes , there is confusion in >> yes, there is confusion in northern gaza as well as hamas is telling civilians to stay put. and we just heard there from our reporter charlie peters, who says this is proof that hamas used their people as human shields. we'll have more
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analysis after the morning news with tamsen . with tamsen. >> ellie, thank you. here are the headlines at 1031. hamas has told residents in gaza to stay at home as israel's ground offensive looks imminent. it comes after israel has told the 1.1 million residents of gaza city to move to the south within the next 24 hours. leaflets are being dropped on the area this morning, warning people to leave . the un says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences . it humanitarian consequences. it says israel should rescind the order to avoid turning tragedy into calamity . meanwhile the into calamity. meanwhile the israel defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with the ground invasion looking increasingly likely. tension is also building on israel's northern border with lebanon, with idf troops bracing for the
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militant group hezbollah to open up a second front in the war. the uk is sending spy planes and two royal navy ships to the eastern mediterranean to support israel's fight against hamas . israel's fight against hamas. the prime minister, rishi sunak , the prime minister, rishi sunak, spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reiterate the uk's support for the war against the terrorist group . the against the terrorist group. the aircraft are beginning patrols today and will track threats such as the transfer of weaponry . rishi sunak is also in sweden today, meeting with northern european allies, leaders at the summit were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gatherings been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza. the prime minister reminded the summit they are the first line of defence across much of the region . the eu is investigating region. the eu is investigating the social media platform formerly known as twitter. after disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks
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in israel. in a letter sent to the platform's owner, elon musk, the platform's owner, elon musk, the european commission said there were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content . but despite illegal content. but despite being flagged by authorities, mr musk says the commission should list its examples publicly, even after various media reports of questionable content. the investigation is the first under the eu's new tech rules on harmful content . those are the harmful content. those are the headunes harmful content. those are the headlines and of course you can get more on all of those stories by visiting our website . right by visiting our website. right gb by visiting our website. right . >> direct bullion sponsors the finance report on gb news for gold and silver investment . well gold and silver investment. well here's a quick snapshot of today's markets. >> the pound will buy you $1.22 and ,1.1567. the price of gold
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is £1,543.72 per ounce. and the ftse 100 is at 7621 points. >> direct bullion sponsors the finance report on gb news investments that matter
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that i and people that i knew had dewbs& co weeknights from . six >> good morning. it's 1038. six >> good morning. it's1038. and you're with britain's newsroom here on gb news. with me, tom hannood and ellie costello .
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hannood and ellie costello. >> now it's time for a bit of a gear change this morning because it is that day of the year that we might all have marked in our calendars. we certainly do. it's world egg day. it's upon us today. tom, what's your favourite way to have eggs in today. tom, what's your fav(morning? to have eggs in the morning? >> know what i've been >> do you know what i've been thinking about this. a big thinking about this. i'm a big fan of egg soldiers. fan of egg and soldiers. i'm a big fan fried eggs. sunny big fan of fried eggs. sunny side up and american and. and here's a curveball. spanish omelette. >> i like a spanish. spanish omelette far superior to any other nations omelette. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you're to going ask me what my favourite egg is? >> what is your favourite egg, ellie? >> glad you asked. it's a nice runny scrambled egg actually, which is a little bit runny. >> scrambled egg? >> scrambled egg? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> that's need to eat >> that's what you need to eat with spoon. almost with a spoon. almost >> yeah. it's a gordon ramsay egg. let the egg egg. so you just let the egg speak themselves. take speak for themselves. you take them you stare at, them off the heat, you stare at, andits them off the heat, you stare at, and it's a little salt and pepper. >> peppen >> we could not be more different. went the most different. i went for the most solid imaginable. different. i went for the most solid imaginable . a spanish solid egg imaginable. a spanish omelette. the omelette. and you went for the most runny. i know, but it's chalk and cheese.
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>> your weakness is my strength. your weakness. but it is your weakness. but yes, it is world today, and world egg day today, and for many day to celebrate many it's the day to celebrate a staple of the great british breakfast. but for those who embrace vegan diet, breakfast. but for those who embrace vegan diet , they embrace a vegan diet, they condemn humble egg due to condemn the humble egg due to its animal origins. well debating this now is the farmer gareth jones and animal rights activist joey carbstrong. >> let's start with you, joey . >> let's start with you, joey. what's wrong with an egg . what's wrong with an egg. >> thank you very much. well, eggs are interesting one, because a lot of the cruelty and suffering is actually hidden in the barns the the egg laying barns or the parent sheds or in the parent breeder sheds or in the hatcheries where they start at the hatcheries, they come from a parent shed. these are parent breeder shed. these are the they get hatched the egg layers. they get hatched in and the females in the males and the females hatch out of the eggs. the males are useless to the egg industry, so gassed to so they'll be either gassed to death put in industrial death or put in industrial blenders their first day of blenders on their first day of life. fully conscious. this happens for free range well. life. fully conscious. this hap|female free range well. life. fully conscious. this hap|female chicksmge well. life. fully conscious. this hap|female chicksmgtoff well. life. fully conscious. this hap|female chicksmgtoff wyegg the female chicks go off to egg laying they've been laying barns where they've been selectively to produce selectively bred to produce around more eggs than around 30 times more eggs than
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their ancestor, the red junglefowl. this increased laying. worst laying. this is one of the worst things industry laying. this is one of the worst thingrange, industry laying. this is one of the worst thingrange, organic. industry laying. this is one of the worst thingrange, organic. allidustry laying. this is one of the worst thingrange, organic. all ofstry laying. this is one of the worst thingrange, organic. all of this free range, organic. all of this is same. the increased is the same. the increased laying output puts enormous strain bodies. strain on their bodies. they lose nutrients, lose lose calcium nutrients, lose their feathers, become egg bound , prolapses. i've , suffer painful prolapses. i've seen these, investigated these myself many up suffering myself and many end up suffering on the floor where the other birds peck them to death. and these conditions are rampant in free range. rspca assured systems well. free range eggs systems as well. free range eggs are scam. they can house up to are a scam. they can house up to 16,000 birds barn. some 16,000 birds in a barn. some house 3030 2000 and they put a dividing wall down the middle to meet an rspca stocking density standard. these are factory mega farms, these free range eggs in the uk, 55% of eggs in the uk come from free range. but what they're doing is they're displaced thing. the caged hens to free range and creating another demand problem. and these birds , what happens at the these birds, what happens at the end of their life? 18 months, around months, they're all in around 18 months, they're all in horrible condition and they get grabbed by catchers. they grabbed by by catchers. they throw them into crates, break their bones and send their brittle bones and send them to a gas chamber to be
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killed non stunned halal killed or non stunned halal slaughter to have their throat slashed. and this is all for an egg on toast. think it's egg on your toast. think it's completely unjustifiable . completely unjustifiable. >> okay. gareth jones, i can see you're quite ticked off with that. you're quite ticked off with that . but joey, joey's saying that. but joey, joey's saying that. but joey, joey's saying that it's not ethical. there's a strain on animals. no such thing as free range. what do you say to that? well i've just been to let my free range chickens out, and they wouldn't come out of the shed. >> i wonder why . because it's >> i wonder why. because it's raining and chickens don't want to go out in the rain. they've just had a lovely feed. i've just had a lovely feed. i've just collected the eggs. they're happy as larry. they love it. you know, we have 20 odd birds here that produce enough eggs for us as a family that's sustainable. that's what it's all about. you know, affordable food comes at a price and joey, you know, little joey, honestly, he always makes me laugh because he always makes me laugh because he comes out with these massive, massive stories. but the majority of the people in the uk will be eating eggs every
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morning, every evening and every night. he's a small, small minority . see? and do you know minority. see? and do you know what? he's not even growing any of his own food. he's eating processed rubbish , travelling processed rubbish, travelling around takeaways, trying to bnng around takeaways, trying to bring down the livestock industry. you know, he shouldn't even get the time to focus on the it's not character attack that's completely character attack. >> using anecdotes. i've got these egg egg layers in statistics. ali look at the statistics. ali look at the statistics. i'm sure you haven't even stepped foot in a free range egg barn. you've got your own few little hens out the back and you go, oh, look, i've got i've anecdotes, character attacks. i've just focussed on the i've just done an s—4c program. >> okay. where went to on a >> okay. where we went to on a fantastic, free range fantastic, brilliant free range egg farm where they were feeding me. oh listen, there's hundreds of them. there's hundreds of them. you just how many, how many have you been? me you just want to look, you're not even letting me finish. how many have you you gareth? you been in? you gareth? >> you stop there and just
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>> if you stop there and just let joey come back to you. there joey. >> okay, well, look , look, >> okay, well, look, look, gareth a sheep farmer. he's a gareth is a sheep farmer. he's a mouthpiece industry. he mouthpiece for the industry. he has interest in this has a vested interest in this industry. after the industry. he looks after the interests of all his farming friends. the egg industry does not the interests the not value the interests of the animals. are a product, and animals. they are a product, and they these free range they use these free range marketing hoodwink good marketing to hoodwink good people you two hosts who people like you two hosts who don't have any clue about what goes on. we're investigators. we see it on the if gareth see it on the ground. if gareth knows happens in the egg knows what happens in the egg industry being industry and he's still being a lying mouthpiece for the industry, on his industry, then that's on his moral that's him now. moral compass that's on him now. i oh, i'm very sorry that we've just we're going to get joey carbstrong back. >> but we do still have gareth jones here. and gareth. joey says you're just a mouthpiece for the industry . what do you for the industry. what do you say to that ? say to that? >> uh, honestly, the guy does make me laugh. you know, he can't. he can't even keep a conversation going. he's. he's put himself off. look, let's be honest with it. the majority of the people in the uk want affordable food. farmers are here produce food for the here to produce food for the mass majority of people and
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that's what we do. go and buy a free range egg. they're fantastic . we sell our little fantastic. we sell our little eggs. what we've got left as butter nuggets at the bottom of our road in an honesty box. people will come from all over the place to try them. farmers are working hard to feed the nafion are working hard to feed the nation affordably and sustainably . this guy nation affordably and sustainably. this guy is just out there to try and change an ethos because he's got his own problems and he just cannot understand that people have a right to eat what they want and he just can't live with it. and as a vegan , i bet he doesn't as a vegan, i bet he doesn't care about the animals. >> right? >> right? >> and let gareth finish. >> and let gareth finish. >> doesn't grow an iota of his own food. let's not forget he's not growing anything. i'm a farmer. i grow my own veg. and let me tell you something. there'll be more creatures dying for me to put my veg on my plate than any of my meats. this guy will never tell you that because he lives in cloud cuckoo land. he's never grown anything. he
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doesn't understand the farming industry and the majority of the food that he'll be eating will be coming from a process factory. and that's just fact. joey back to you . joey back to you. >> um, yeah, a bit of technical issues there, but i'm sure gareth just went on my farm and my farms, my friend's farm. i've got three hens out the back and joey , what does he say? joey joey, what does he say? joey eats processed. >> he says you don't. it looks as though just lost gareth there. so i'll tell you. joey what? was what? gareth was saying. he was saying more more animals saying that more more animals die a result of getting your die as a result of getting your vegetables on your plates than it's processed food that you are eating. and you don't understand the industry . what do the farming industry. what do you say to that ? you say to that? >> well, i have a very deep understanding of the farming industry, why so industry, which is why i'm so passionate it. and passionate and about it. and gareth uses anecdotes and not statistics, and he doesn't go into farms investigate into these farms and investigate them claim them himself. now, the claim that are dying that more animals are dying because crop production because of crop production or crop is an abject crop protection is an abject lie. and he doesn't have any data to back it up. he's just
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making claims. it making baseless claims. now it takes average ten times more takes on average ten times more crop calories to produce the same calories from same amount of calories from animal 40% the animal products. and 40% of the arable in the uk is used to arable land in the uk is used to grow feed for livestock. they grow feed for livestock. they grow crops to feed to animals. they harvest crops to feed , to they harvest crops to feed, to dairy to egg laying dairy cows and to egg laying hens. dairy cows and to egg laying hens . this the egg hens. this is about the egg industry here. now of industry here. now a lot of these crop are not these crop deaths are not deliberate. they combine accidents, which is not a deliberate on deliberate rights violation on or crop or their crop protection crop protection is required to prevent now, prevent global starvation. now, not have a house not everyone can have a house that passed down to them to that was passed down to them to have their welsh lamb on there and to a little plot of and to have a little plot of land out the back, which gareth gareth sits there with a gun shooting rabbits he eats shooting rabbits because he eats the rabbits. he claimed the rabbits. now, he claimed this an appeal to this is just an appeal to hypocnsy. this is just an appeal to hypocrisy . focus on point of hypocrisy. focus on the point of what saying . free range eggs what i'm saying. free range eggs are a scam. and gareth, if you want stand the free range want to stand by the free range egg do it. see egg industry, do it. and see what happens of the what happens when all of the footage released to show the footage is released to show the abject cruelty abject suffering and cruelty that happens in this industry. and don't know how you can defend it unless you're just a
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spokesperson for the industry, which we all know you are. >> are free range eggs >> gareth are free range eggs a scam ? scam? >> no, they're very tasty , >> no, they're very tasty, nutritious and a part of a balanced diet. yeah, it's just deluded, you know, and you're to going get good, bad and ugly in every industry. and there's going to be a few bad eggs, like everything else. we've got one sitting next to me. there but let's let's be, you know, due let's be let's be, you know, due diligence let's make sure diligence and let's make sure that public that the british public are getting on their getting good food on their plates. and an egg is one of the most nutritious you'll most nutritious things you'll get. if you want to be get. you know, if you want to be big and strong and healthy, get your protein in, get proper food in know, look for in you, you know, look for seasonal food, look for food that's produce grass. my my that's produce on grass. my my chickens are having our own grain. we've got our own grass out there. they're out there eating insects. they're having a lovely life. and you know, the eggs taste exactly how they should be. and this is how we should be. and this is how we should be. and this is how we should be going fonnard. you know, let let's see joey grow in some of his own food. let's see joey out in the field. let's see
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him getting on the walkman. he's not going to do that. he's going to in his ivory tower to sit in his ivory tower wherever he and he's going to sit in his ivory tower wig0jver he and he's going to sit in his ivory tower wigo around and he's going to sit in his ivory tower wigo around trying he's going to sit in his ivory tower wigo around trying to 5's going to sit in his ivory tower wigo around trying to slate ng to go around trying to slate people. and some people can't afford it. please you know, some of gentleman, gentlemen, we of the gentleman, gentlemen, we started we're going of the gentleman, gentlemen, we stiend we're going of the gentleman, gentlemen, we stiend with we're going of the gentleman, gentlemen, we stiend with gareth. 'e're going to end with gareth. >> afraid we've run out of >> i'm afraid we've run out of time, i hope that you both time, but i hope that you both feel you've got equal time here to across cases as you to put across your cases as you have a spirited way. have done in a spirited way. thank you both, gentlemen. >> debate on >> yeah. passionate debate on both . what do you both sides there. what do you think at home? well, i'm very pleased to say that we are joined now by dawn neesom and nigel nelson, who are our panel this morning. and the two of you need to start with what is just such a powerful front page on the front of the telegraph this morning. i read it to you if you are listening on the radio, which says this is the most difficult image we've ever posted as we are writing this, we are shaking . we went back and we are shaking. we went back and forth about posting this, we forth about posting this, but we need each and every one of you to know this happened. dawn do
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you want to tell us a little bit more about this? >> yes, i think both nigel and i felt this was probably the most important front page today. there has been much debate about propaganda much of what propaganda and how much of what we are hearing from israel is true about babies being murdered in their cot, people being murdered in the desert, rave for peace, etcetera, etcetera . so peace, etcetera, etcetera. so the daily telegraph yesterday, israel finally posted a picture of one of the babies that had beenindeed of one of the babies that had been indeed murdered in their cot by hamas terrorism to prove that this had actually happened . that this had actually happened. the fact they had to do it early was frankly horrific. but it does silence the people saying this is all propaganda . it this is all propaganda. it didn't happen. >> dawn, i just need to say we're seeing live shots now of a funeral in israel for some of those who have been murdered in these terrorist attacks , as you these terrorist attacks, as you were describing. yeah absolutely. >> and the so the telegraph have used israel put this image on
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social media yesterday and with the statement saying it doesn't paint a thousand words, it paints a million words. it's a tiny baby in a baby grow in a nappy . tiny baby in a baby grow in a nappy , lying in a body tiny baby in a baby grow in a nappy . lying in a body bag nappy, lying in a body bag covered in blood. the baby grow is covered in blood. i'm sorry if you're listening, you find this difficult. it is incredible , difficult to describe and i appreciate why the telegraph didn't put it on page one. part of me wishes they had to be honest with you because i think it really brings home the horrors of what is going on. i mean, it's it is out there and, you know, you can see it, but the telegraph have printed on page three, a big half page on page three, a big half page on page three. and i think it's important i think had this important and i think i had this debate early, and debate yesterday early, and i still can't believe i this still can't believe i had this debate about stories about debate about the stories about babies beheaded in their babies being beheaded in their cuts. someone told me, cuts. and someone told me, you've got no proof they were beheaded. they were just killed. they were probably just shot. and like, hold on minute. they were probably just shot. and on like, hold on minute. they were probably just shot. and on a(e, hold on minute. they were probably just shot. and on a minute. on minute. they were probably just shot. and on a minute. doesminute. they were probably just shot. and on a minute. does it nute. they were probably just shot. and on a minute. does it matter hold on a minute. does it matter how kill a baby its cot, how you kill a baby in its cot, whether is beheaded or shot
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whether it is beheaded or shot or has its throat, you are still murdering a baby a car and murdering a baby in a car and someone was actually going down that road with baiting. you have no that these babies are no proof that these babies are being and weren't being killed and they weren't beheaded. and was absolutely beheaded. and i was absolutely horrified. so that's why i think nigel i wanted about nigel and i wanted to talk about this worked on this with both worked on newspapers for a very, very long time. national time. i edited a national newspaper years and we newspaper for 15 years and we would get, especially during the terror attacks, 911 and the london attacks, we would get images in. you didn't get them on pixels, you got them on the news wires. so they weren't pixelated. the pixelated. you saw the real horrors what on. it horrors of what was going on. it was editors decision. was the editors decision. obviously, whether you publish those not, how much those images or not, how much you published on etcetera . you published on them, etcetera. and obviously were and obviously they were pixelated, you saw them. you pixelated, but you saw them. you actually saw these in actually saw these images in real life. and the one i don't know about you, nigel, but the one i will never forget was seeing the images coming in of the burning pilot the taliban burning the pilot in the taliban burning the pilot in the cage . now, that never went the cage. now, that never went out. it was heavily pixelated. if did go out online, if it did go out online, i watched that several times . and watched that several times. and you never, ever unsee it.
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you can never, ever unsee it. but this is the reality of what we're talking about. you know , we're talking about. you know, there are lots of people talking politics on every single side of this debate. there's lots of propaganda, we know. propaganda, as we all know. you know, first victim know, the first the first victim of war is truth. but for people to debate whether babies were shot or beheaded in their cots , shot or beheaded in their cots, i find utterly appalling. nigel i find utterly appalling. nigel i mean, you i mean, i think that for any editor, it's a really difficult decision about how far you go , because inevitably you go, because inevitably a picture like this is going to upset some people . upset some people. >> and so it's a really big decision to go and do it. however i think the telegraph did exactly the right thing this morning. pictures really do change i mean, we can change things. i mean, we can all remember alan kurdi , the two all remember alan kurdi, the two year syrian boy found year old syrian boy found drowned on the turkish beach. it was a heart rending image, but it changed the public's perspective of syrian refugees . perspective of syrian refugees. as a result, david cameron brought launched the scheme where 20,000 came to britain .
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where 20,000 came to britain. they've integrated and assimilated really well with british society. it was a tremendous success, but it needed a picture like that that to actually to nudge people to understand and how serious the whole thing is . and that's what whole thing is. and that's what this picture does. it shows just how serious what happened over the weekend was. >> do you think, nigel, that this picture and the fact that israel have have tweeted it and it's a really good graphic picture , do you think that that picture, do you think that that will change change the hearts and minds of some of the deeply callous people that we've seen on the streets of cities like london ripping down posters of missing children and shouting in the face of jews ? the face of jews? >> yes, in a word , that >> yes, in a word, that absolutely. that's why the picture is so important that it's people have every right to support palestine. but certainly not hamas. and those who are just have to look at that
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picture to see why. >> and can we just make clear this does not justify the murder of innocent children and babies in the gaza strip. i and it's like it's like two wrongs never make a right. but by talking about this particular image and this this poor baby , it people this this poor baby, it people 9°! this this poor baby, it people go, oh, but what about the children being murdered in the gaza strip? and it's like, yes , gaza strip? and it's like, yes, you should care about them as well. we care about the slaughter of all the innocents losing their lives and are going to lose their lives and have lost their lives. >> not right to make >> is it not right to make a distinction, though, between a terrorist that goes to a terrorist group that goes to a music festival that goes to people's homes, that shoots innocent people deliberately , innocent people deliberately, and an army trying to take out terrorists where people sometimes get caught in the crossfire or disastrously , crossfire or disastrously, people are used as human shields. is there not a moral distinction? >> yes, there is a huge difference between terrorism, which is what hamas and as nigel alluded to now, and sort of like
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an war, the issue an army going to war, the issue with the israeli army going into to the gaza strip is they are fighting a terrorist group . fighting a terrorist group. they're not fighting the palestinian army. they are fighting a terrorist group, a terrorist group who have been known in the past and will do so again, use their own citizens as human shields. >> they are embedded with those civilians as well. aren't they drawn 2.2 million of them. and we are expecting that ground offensive to start in the next 24 to 48 hours. thank you so much, dawn and nigel and we'll be back on the ground with charlie peters in tel aviv after this
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good morning . it's 11 am. good morning. it's 11 am. on friday, the 13th of october. this is britain's newsroom on gb news with tom hannood and me, ellie costello coming up for you today. >> 24 hours to evacuate, but israel is telling everyone in north gaza to relocate to the south of the strip. that could mean 1.1 million people have to flee their homes. but where precisely do they go? we'll have the latest at sunak . the latest at sunak. >> military support the uk will send two royal navy vessels and surveillance aircraft to the middle east to bolster security. the defence secretary, grant shapps , spoke to gb news this shapps, spoke to gb news this morning about why the uk is
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taking this action to buy surveillance . surveillance. >> provide the potential for humanitarian aid, but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region . region. >> get a grip . that's what the >> get a grip. that's what the prime minister told police chiefs to do when it comes to tackling anti—israel hate . this tackling anti—israel hate. this comes as four jewish schools in london have now said they're closing to protect their own pupils . pupils. >> well, we love to hear from you. this program is nothing without your views and opinions, so do keep them coming in for us this morning. but first, let's get a news bulletin with . tamsin >> ellie thank you and good morning from the newsroom. at 11:01, hamas has told residents
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in gaza to stay at home, even as israeli ground offensive looks imminent. israel has been dropping leaflets on gaza city telling its 1.1 million residents to move to the south within the next 24 hours for their own safety . the united their own safety. the united nafions their own safety. the united nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences . the humanitarian consequences. the first minister of scotland , first minister of scotland, humza yousaf, has posted a video on social media from his mother in law. a retired nurse who's in gaza. >> everybody from gaza is moving towards where we are . 1 million towards where we are. 1 million people, no food , no water. and people, no food, no water. and still the bombing them as they leave . we are we going to put leave. we are we going to put them ? but my thought is all them? but my thought is all these people in the hospital cannot be evacuated , whereas cannot be evacuated, whereas humanity where people's hearts
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in the world to let this happen . in the world to let this happen. and in this day and age and we got help us while the israel defence forces continue to amass tanks and soldiers near the gaza strip border with a ground invasion looking increasingly likely , tension is also building likely, tension is also building on israel's northern border with lebanon. >> with idf troops bracing for the militant group hezbollah to open up a second front in the war. the us secretary of state met the palestinian president a short time ago after touching down in jordan. anthony blinken is touring middle eastern countries trying to stop the israel—hamas war spilling over into neighbouring countries as the meeting comes after mahmoud abbas condemned violence against civilians last night after having previously failed to do so in the wake of saturday's deadly terror attacks . the uk is deadly terror attacks. the uk is sending spy planes and two royal
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navy ships to the eastern mediterranean to support israel's fight against hamas . israel's fight against hamas. prime minister rishi sunak spoke to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reiterate the uk's support for the war against the terror group . against the terror group. aircraft are beginning patrols today to track threats such as the transfer of weaponry. defence secretary grant shapps says the deployment will reinforce regional stability . reinforce regional stability. >> we're sending not just ships but also aircraft to really monitor the situation , provide monitor the situation, provide surveillance , provide the surveillance, provide the potential for humanitarian aid. but also to act as a deterrent in the wider region that other others who might want to get involved in. at the moment, what is essentially a terrorist organisation, having attacked israel and israel's response and we don't want to see other organisations thinking, oh, this is an opportunity to exploit that situation . that situation. >> some north london jewish schools are closing today over concerns for the children's
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safety amid the israel—hamas war. it's reported that four jewish schools in north london told parents they would not reopen until monday. meanwhile, number 10 has announced an additional £3 million of funding to go towards providing extra security for the uk's jewish population. it comes as the jewish security charity cst recorded a 400% increase in anti—semitic incidents after the outbreak of conflict in israel . outbreak of conflict in israel. the eu is investigating the social media platform x, formerly known as twitter . after formerly known as twitter. after disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks. in a letter sent to the platform's owner, elon musk , the platform's owner, elon musk, the european commission said there were indications that x is being used to disseminate illegal content despite it being flagged by authorities . mr musk says the by authorities. mr musk says the commission should list its examples publicly , even after examples publicly, even after various media reports of questionable content. the
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investigation is the first under the eu's new tech rules on harmful content . the prime harmful content. the prime minister is in sweden today meeting with northern european allies. leaders were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gathering has been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza. rishi sunak reminded the summit. they are the first line of defence in the high north in the north atlantic and the baltics. high north in the north atlantic and the baltics . and some and the baltics. and some breaking news we can give you now. there is a police operation undennay at a high school in the french northern city of arras. that's to according the french interior minister. french media are reporting that a teacher has died in a knife attack . that's died in a knife attack. that's all we have at the moment. a police operation undennay at a high school in the french northern city of arras. that's according to the french interior minister report that a teacher has been killed in a knife
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attack there. of course, we'll bnng attack there. of course, we'll bring you more on this as we get it. this is gb news across the uk on tv and your car on digital radio and on your smart speaker. all you got to say is play gb news. now, though, it's back to ellie and . tom ellie and. tom >> thanks , tamsin. it's 11:06 >> thanks, tamsin. it's11:06 and you're with britain's newsroom on gb news with tom hannood and me, ellie costello. right. let's have a little delve into the inbox and see what you have been emailing us in from home. of course, we've been talking about the israel—gaza war throughout the program, the developments there on the ground . james says, don't get me wrong , i sympathise with the people of israel, but talking about football, wembley stadium shouldn't have to light up its arches in the colours of israel, he says. why can't football just be football? let me enjoy my match in peace . well, we are match in peace. well, we are going to be speaking to aidan magee g, our sports correspondent. he's going to be
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telling us a bit more about that story a little bit later on. james. >> well, i gently say that if football is just football, then there should be no political gestures of course, gestures at all. but of course, there been lots of there have been lots of political , as in political gestures, as in football, of solidarity football, lots of solidarity gestures in football. i don't see why you should have some, but not others . but andy has but not others. but andy has written in to say that we shouldn't send aid to israel. we have enough problems here, like the cost of living. it's not our fight . that's andy's view. fight. that's andy's view. that's of course, after the united kingdom has sent two royal naval vessels and indeed some surveillance helicopters to the region. >> and susan has emailed in. thank you so much, susan , saying thank you so much, susan, saying the war in israel is very important, but so too, is the war in ukraine. i hope we don't all forget about the suffering of ukrainians during this tragedy . and that is a really, tragedy. and that is a really, really important point. actually, i was thinking that yesterday, you know what, the people of ukraine must be feeling at this time and
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actually what the potential impact will on donations and impact will be on donations and also military support. >> it is so interesting to see what vladimir zelenskyy has been tweeting this. what the tweeting about this. what the ukrainian defence forces have been tweeting about as been tweeting about this as well. are very , very well. they are very, very involved , i suppose, in this involved, i suppose, in this fight. they've been tweeting their solidarity with israel and isuppose their solidarity with israel and i suppose as this is all looking to the united states, which may well be a thinking of a joint package of support for both israel and ukraine at their times of need. >> yes. well, let us know what you make of any of the stories that we are talking about this morning. but of course, our top story is the ongoing thing, israel—hamas war >> now , over 1 >> now , over1 million gaza >> now, over1 million gaza residents may be ordered to flee southward in just 24 hours by israel. >> yes , charities on the ground >> yes, charities on the ground say that the request is impossible while the un says it can't be done without devastating consequences , as
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devastating consequences, as people in gaza are now caught between israel telling them to move and hamas saying don't respond . respond. >> and this as israel's bombarding of the gaza strip continues . continues. >> well, israel's prime minister warns of difficult days ahead as he swears in his new war cabinet, while the country's top general admits that the military has failed to protect its citizens. >> yes , the israeli government >> yes, the israeli government has brought in opposition, centrist and moderate politicians into a government that had previously been described as one of the radical right. well let's cross now to our reporter charlie peters, who is live in tel aviv for us now. and charlie , the mood on the and charlie, the mood on the ground must be febrile . ground must be febrile. >> it is absolutely . there is >> it is absolutely. there is a state of terror here, but there's also a sense of the need to be active to do something to support israel. while it is bruised but not broken , the bruised but not broken, the country is creaking and it needs all the support it can in all of
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the various fronts that it is fighting on. people here in this will. this last week, this was a restaurant serving 400 covers a night. now suddenly it's become a kitchen for soldiers. 30,000 meals are coming out of this restaurant every day and being sent to all corners of the country as they try to feed that army over 300,000 reservists activated since saturday when hamas terrorists crossed over from the gaza strip and committed some heinous atrocities in southern israel . atrocities in southern israel. and in order to supply those soldiers and keep the fight going on for the idf, they are relying on support from civilians. kitchens like these, but also volunteer tears in convention centres in tel aviv, also gathering basic supplies . also gathering basic supplies. they've they've also been appeals for people to donate body armour and boots and clothing that soldiers need on the front lines because they're trying to kit out half a million soldiers in rapid time. at the same time, this is this is
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occurring, of course, 1.1 million gazans expected to attempt to flee from the north of the gaza strip as the idf , of the gaza strip as the idf, through its liaisons with the un, puts out that call, leaflets flying in and messages going out on social media, of course, into the gaza strip to let people then know that problems are going to come, that more bombardment is going to come and that likely ground invasion that people have been discussing since troops started to gather in israel on monday in southern israel on monday morning more and more morning looks more and more likely before they can do that , likely before they can do that, before they push their before they can push their troops into one most troops into one of the most densely populated parts the densely populated parts of the world a myriad of tunnels world with a myriad of tunnels and shelters where hamas terrorists can gather the israeli air force needs to do more preparatory work on the ground, and that means more bombing . and so the israelis bombing. and so the israelis need civilians to get out of there urgently . there urgently. >> and that's exactly the messaging from the idf, isn't it, charlie ? they've been saying it, charlie? they've been saying they're interested in they're not interested in killing they're not killing civilians. they're not interested in killing families . interested in killing families. they are simply there to get rid
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of terror lists. and those leaflets that you just spoke about there, they've chosen to leaflet, haven't they? of course, because there's been a lack of food, fuel and water. many have lost power as a result of that. so that's why they have gone to two leaflets and they've beenin gone to two leaflets and they've been in arabic, haven't they, telling them to leave their homes immediately ? but then homes immediately? but then you've also got messaging from hamas to the people in gaza telling them stay put . yes telling them to stay put. yes >> and it's quite clear why hamas needs these civilians to stay put. they rely on them as human shields . it's a it's a human shields. it's a it's a tactic. it's a procedure that they've been conducting for many decades. it allows them to fire off rockets and not expect immediate artillery or airstrike fire from the israeli defence force because they don't want to hit civilian targets in that horrible phrase of war collapse , horrible phrase of war collapse, moral damage. now, the israeli defence force does conduct targeted strikes in in the gaza strip. when they do see rockets being fired. but the removal of
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civilians from this location alone will allow for broader and more severe munitions to be launched into the strip . we do launched into the strip. we do know that quote at advanced munitions were supplied by the us on monday night. we don't know what that involves, but it's likely not just a resupply of the iron dome air defence system, but also offensive munitions that the idf can use in any shaping aerial bombardment for a likely ground invasion. they need to soften the targets . they need to remove the targets. they need to remove hamas from those bunkers and those shelters and they need to destroy hamas military capabilities . yesterday, capabilities. yesterday, lieutenant general herzi halevi, the idf chief of staff, said that it was their intention to destroy hamas wherever they are , destroy hamas wherever they are, and that destruction will require weapons like bunker busters , ammunition that will busters, ammunition that will create a hole in the ground and then send a second charge under ground to explode into those shelters and remove hamas terrorists. but as that
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offensive operation kicks up, of course , they do have to be course, they do have to be conscious of the fact that there are well over 100 hostage bodies being held within the gaza strip from several different nationalities. what will happen to those hostages as people flee from north gaza ? will they stay from north gaza? will they stay with terrorists in their location ins? will they be forced to flee with civilians? we don't know . and i think we don't know. and i think that's a very important question for to really anticipate for the idf to really anticipate and prepare as they move into that likely invasion and aerial bombardment . bombardment. >> now, of course, the eyes of the world are on gaza . we know the world are on gaza. we know that imminent action will take place in that strip. however, of course , that's not the only course, that's not the only threat that israel faces. it's not just threat that israel faces. it's notjust hamas in the south, in not just hamas in the south, in the north, there's hezbollah and there's been significant activity . dodi among hezbollah activity. dodi among hezbollah might israel be facing a two pronged attack from these twin terrorist groups as .
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terrorist groups as. >> that's right, tom. i mean, this is an extremely complex battle space with several participants and fighters on various sides. we know that lebanese hezbollah have been firing munitions from southern lebanon into northern israel. the lebanese hezbollah is actually a greater fighting force than are hamas in gaza. they have more munitions, more men , more capabilities and more men, more capabilities and more freedom to operate around lebanon, which is a country under the grip of grave political circumstances and considered by many to be influenced very strongly by iran. israel is also contending with dynamic threats coming in from syria, where there has been shelling and mortaring for the last 72 hours. the shelling there was so severe, in fact, that the israeli armed forces took the decision to attack aleppo and damascus . aleppo and damascus. international airports . this was international airports. this was likely a warning to iran to say do not send your proxies here. do not send munitions and resupply these forces in the
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north. we will strike back . so, north. we will strike back. so, yes, this axis of resistance as the houthis in yemen describe it, being urged to rise up and attack israel from the north. at the same time in order to resist those attacks , they are sending those attacks, they are sending hundreds of thousands of reservists to the to north sustain those regions and to secure those borders. we've spoken in the last day with a british israeli who expects to be mobilised and sent up there. people are waiting to be deployed. people are expecting lots of fighting on several fronts. >> well, charlie , live from tel >> well, charlie, live from tel aviv , stay safe and thank you aviv, stay safe and thank you very much for that latest update there. now, as we were talking to charlie, of course, we were seeing live pictures of a funeral in israel for just some of those killed in the mass terrorist attacks this week. >> well , joining us now is >> well, joining us now is defence editor at the evening standard and friend of the program. may i add, robert fox. very good to see you this
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morning , robert. so israel are morning, robert. so israel are telling everyone in north gaza around 1.1 million people to relocate to the south of the strip . we are expecting an strip. we are expecting an aerial bombardment or a ground offensive to start very soon. what do you expect israel's next move to be? >> well, whatever it is , it's >> well, whatever it is, it's going to be extremely difficult because what they're about to undertake is , as you suggest, it undertake is, as you suggest, it seems , a ground operation. and seems, a ground operation. and these are very , very difficult these are very, very difficult to do at the best of times. and you have to realise with its reservists and its national service that israel is only a partly professional army . the partly professional army. the idf, the israeli defence forces, that it's largely a citizen army and you need highly trained troops to do street fighting , troops to do street fighting, particularly the street fighting for which the hamas militias, the fighters will be prepared. i think we're still quite a way
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off by that. i don't think i would be very surprised if the ground operation itself begins tomorrow morning. it being the sabbath, the shabbat , i haven't sabbath, the shabbat, i haven't seen. okay. it's very selective. my viewing of professional formations being organised at the front, which is what you would do if you're going to make a ground incursion. they have to be armoured, they have to be tooled up and you would have your more professional troops in these forming position as these forming up position as robert it is so fascinating thinking of this region as whole. >> it's not just, of course, gaza in the south where there have been rockets firing, but also in the north as well with hezbollah and the age old adage is in warfare, you never want a war on two fronts. is this what israel is now facing ?
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israel is now facing? >> well, i think israel's known that it had this really for quite some time, particularly when both hezbollah, but particularly hamas and islamic jihad , which can even be even jihad, which can even be even more crude or and violent, although nothing can be as bad and as totally unexpected as the attacks on the settlements just east of gaza a weekend ago . but east of gaza a weekend ago. but israel has always had this difficulty of how to live with the neighbours and how to live with the arabs within its own community. the community is, by the way, are entirely now if you take greater israel, including the occupied west bank, which we've been talking about, plus gaza , there are roughly gaza, there are roughly 7 million arabs, nearly 2 million of them actually have israeli citizenship within israel , 2 citizenship within israel, 2 million in gaza, 3 million on the west bank. and 7 million israeli jews . it's a very, very israeli jews. it's a very, very delicate balance. and this is a
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crisis a lot of people have known has going to be coming for a very long time. and part of the thing that worries me about this very high flown rhetoric, shapps was indulging in it this morning. the broadcast that they will wiped out hamas. morning. the broadcast that they will wiped out hamas . well, the will wiped out hamas. well, the guts and power and brains of hamas is quite clearly a lot of it is just not in gaza. it's in the gulf. this is where they get the gulf. this is where they get the money. trees working . this the money. trees working. this is where they have access to fantastic advanced weapons. really quite surprising . so it's really quite surprising. so it's part of the huge black market that has been accelerated around the ukrainian armament, by the way, and where they get support and advice . and of course, you and advice. and of course, you know, where from indirect from iran through hezbollah , lebanon, iran through hezbollah, lebanon, where it has participated in government as well, which makes it more complicated. and from iran itself, robert , as we speak iran itself, robert, as we speak
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to you now, we can see live pictures in haifa in israel, where a funeral is taking place for a person who was killed at the weekend with those attacks from hamas. >> tell us a little bit about what the israelis are going to face now in their self defence going into gaza . they want to going into gaza. they want to kill those terrorists. they want to take them out . but kill those terrorists. they want to take them out. but hamas, they don't wear uniforms , do they don't wear uniforms, do they? so how will the israelis be able to distinguish between a member of hamas and a civilian? and we've also got the issue of those 140 or so hostages is how will they be able to get to those hostages with those movements of civilians down south into gaza ? south into gaza? >> i only have a three word answer for you. i'm afraid, ellie, with great difficulty , ellie, with great difficulty, because hamas knows how to conceal itself among the population in despite this very , population in despite this very, very stark warning about getting out of the north of gaza as the
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un has pointed out, and they're not totally party free on this. on one side, it's going to be very difficult for these people to move out when there's such limited transportation. they're running out of fuel, they're running out of fuel, they're running out of fuel, they're running out food and it's running out of food and it's going to be terribly difficult . going to be terribly difficult. this fight among the population . this fight among the population. and i think if it goes if it gets really tough, i think it's to going be a terrible shock for israel. i think that that's part of the consideration as to why biden and blinken are standing by and by the way, i wanted to ask your correspondent who said we shouldn't be sending aid to israel and what's the royal navy doing there? i mean , we do have doing there? i mean, we do have to make a very direct point. there is britain has an interest because there are many anglo israeli citizens, citizens that have dual citizenship , and i have dual citizenship, and i won't put it any finer than this because i think it could be dangerous. i think we have a very direct interest in some of the hostages . the hostages. >> mhm.
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>> mhm. >> well that's an answer to andy who wrote in to ask a question of the program about sending aid to israel . so i'm very glad that to israel. so i'm very glad that you've been able to answer that question from our viewer robert foulkes. thank you so much for your expertise in this area. it's absolutely invaluable at a time like this. and we really appreciate your time. >> well, still to come , robert >> well, still to come, robert fox touched there on the us secretary of state, antony blinken will. he met with the palestinian authority president today after promising unwavering support for israel. so we'll bnng support for israel. so we'll bring you the latest on that after this
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news. the people's channel, britain's news channel . britain's news channel. >> good morning. it's 1127. >> good morning. it's1127. you're with britain's newsroom here on gb news. with me, tom hannood and ellie costello. >> now the us secretary of state, antony blinken met the palestinian authority president earlier today after promising unwavering support for israel . unwavering support for israel. >> yes, the palestinian authority partially governs the west bank, but is a bitter political rival to the terrorist group hamas , which controls gaza group hamas, which controls gaza . well, joining us now is greg swenson , the chairman of swenson, the chairman of republicans overseas vs uk and greg anthony blinken has got a job on his hands. he's doing a whistle stop tour of many places in the middle east. i understand today he's in jordan . where can today he's in jordan. where can the us act here when many
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countries in the middle east will not see it as a neutral player? in this scenario . player? in this scenario. >> that's a great point, tom. it's got a difficult challenge ahead of him. i'm glad to see that that secretary of state blinken made the trip. i'm glad he's you know , saying all the he's you know, saying all the right things that he's standing with israel. i think he's so far, so good. it's more what he's not saying that i'm worried about, you know, that. and you nofice about, you know, that. and you notice that in president biden's speeches both on saturday and tuesday , not once did he mention tuesday, not once did he mention iran . and i think that both iran. and i think that both secretary of state blinken and president biden are probably embarrassed, but also don't want to really discuss the connection between iran and hamas because the biden administration has basically been funding iran and therefore indirectly funding hamas . and so, you know, it's hamas. and so, you know, it's inconsistent. it's incoherent . i inconsistent. it's incoherent. i hope that anthony blinken
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develops some consistency in his message and sticks with it. so far, so good on this trip. i hope he sticks with it. >> really interesting. you mentioned that, greg swenson, because we were speaking earlier to tobias ellwood, who's conservative mp , and he told us conservative mp, and he told us that the battle is with hamas. but the wider war is with iran. would you agree with him on that ? >>i ? >> i agree. i think tobias made a great point. and he you know, he's he's very well informed on this this kind of stuff . so, this this kind of stuff. so, look, i think two days, you know , and this is why i was worried about blinken. you know, i think i mentioned he's said the right things on this trip, and so far, so good. but the impulse on saturday morning was appeasement . you know, his first comment coming out of the gates on on saturday was to, you know, keep some proportion and everybody , some proportion and everybody, you know, calmed down. no, you need unconditional surrender or the destruction of hamas. friday night , the destruction of hamas. friday night, blinken the destruction of hamas. friday night , blinken released 75 night, blinken released 75 million for the un palestine refugee agency. that's going
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right to hamas. that's going right to hamas. that's going right funding violence and the white house knew it. their internal emails that discussed it. and yet he still released it. and yet he still released it.then it. and yet he still released it. then you have of course, the energy policy, which is it. then you have of course, the energy policy. which is made, energy policy. which is made, you know, obviously created higher oil prices for the benefit of putin, for the benefit of putin, for the benefit of putin, for the benefit of the mullahs. and then you know, so destruction or at least , you know, you know, so destruction or at least, you know, an aggressive stand toward us energy policy. but at the same time relaxing the sanctions, essentially not enforcing the sanctions that put another $50 billion. so it's not just the 6 billion that everybody talks about. it's the 50 billion from, um, increased revenues and higher oil prices thanks to the energy policy. so this is a really a really inconsistent and incoherent policy. i hope they change it. what i'm afraid of is that he'll talk the talk for a few days while in the middle east and then in a few weeks they'll start talking about proportionality. >> it's such a delicate
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situation . then, of course, iran situation. then, of course, iran is a country that is speeding its way towards potential a nuclear arsenal . and indeed, so nuclear arsenal. and indeed, so many countries around israel are ambiguous , i suppose, when it ambiguous, i suppose, when it comes to the right of the states to even exist . just finally, to even exist. just finally, greg swenson , what can greg swenson, what can realistically be achieved moved in the short few pivotal days that we have ahead of us? >> yeah . hopefully the secretary >> yeah. hopefully the secretary of state can bring some calm and have some concrete discussions with leaders in the region. remember, we were very close to an agreement between the saudis and israel and other and other great step after the abraham accords. this very successful abraham accord. so i don't think there's this general hatred of israel that that in the greater middle east, you have a lot of the you know, if you look at the uae, they are doing a lot of business. there are many flights daily between between israel and the uae, bahrain , for example. the uae, bahrain, for example. there's a lot of progress being
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made. so i think this is a speed bump for sure. but i think hopefully, anthony blinken will make rounds and remain and make the rounds and remain and try to maintain some unity in the cause for israel and against hamas . hamas. >> well, greg swensen, always very glad to hear your views . very glad to hear your views. thank you very much for talking to us here on britain's newsroom i >> thanks, sally. >> thanks, sally. >> greg swensen, chairman of republicans overseas , sees now republicans overseas, sees now much more to come, of course, on this and other breaking stories after your morning news headunes. headlines. >> tom, thank you. here are the headunes >> tom, thank you. here are the headlines at 1133. hamas has told residents in gaza to stay at home even as an israeli ground offensive looks imminent . ground offensive looks imminent. israel has been dropping leaflets on gaza city, telling its 1.1 million residents to move to the south within the next 24 hours for their own safety . the united nations says
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safety. the united nations says such a move is impossible without devastating humanitarian consequences . while the first consequences. while the first minister of scotland, humza yousaf assaf, posted a video on social media this morning from his mother in law. a retired nurse who's in gaza . nurse who's in gaza. >> everybody from gaza is moving towards where we are . 1 million towards where we are. 1 million people. no food, no water, and still they're bombing them as they leave . we are we going to they leave. we are we going to put them. but my thought is , all put them. but my thought is, all these people in the hospital cannot be evacuated . where's cannot be evacuated. where's humanity ? she where's people's humanity? she where's people's hearts in the world to let this happenin hearts in the world to let this happen in this day and age and may god help . us all. may god help. us all. >> some news we've been hearing in the last half an hour. a police operation is undennay at a high school in france in the
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northern city of arras. that's according to the french interior minister report . it's there that minister report. it's there that a teacher has been killed in a knife attack. more on that as we get it . well, prime minister get it. well, prime minister rishi sunak is in sweden today meeting with northern european allies, leaders at the summit were expected to focus on the threat from russia, but the gatherings have been overshadowed by the conflict in israel and gaza . the eu is israel and gaza. the eu is investigating the social media platform formerly known as twitter . after disinformation twitter. after disinformation was spread in the wake of the hamas terror attacks in israel. in a letter sent to the platform's owner, elon musk , the platform's owner, elon musk, the european commission said there were indications means that x is being used to disseminate hate illegal content despite it being flagged by authorities . mr musk flagged by authorities. mr musk says the commission should list its examples publicly, even after various media reports of questionable content . at those questionable content. at those are the headlines . you can of
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are the headlines. you can of course get more on all of those stories. just visit our website gb stories. just visit our website . >> direct bullion sponsors. the finance report on gb news for gold and silver investment . gold and silver investment. here's a quick look at today's m arkets. >> markets. >> the pound will buy you $1.219 >> the pound will buy you $1219 and ,1.1577. the price of gold is . £1,549.63 per ounce. and the is. £1,549.63 per ounce. and the ftse 100 is . at 7598 points as ftse 100 is. at 7598 points as direct bullion sponsors, the finance report on gb news for physical investment
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news. the people's channel. britain's news channel . britain's news channel. >> good morning. it's 1139 britain's news channel. >> good morning. it's1139 and you're with britain's newsroom on gb news with me tom hannood and ellie costello. >> and we're joined again by dawn neesom and nigel nelson, who are on our panel for us this morning. very good to see you both again. and i really want to start with the front page of the sun this morning. i just hold it up. so if you're watching on tv, you see the beautiful image you can see the beautiful image of just eight years of emily hand just eight years old. she was snatched from a sleepover by hamas on saturday. she died and her father must be
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said one of the most emotional interviews i've seen in the past few days , saying it was a few days, saying it was a blessing that she died rather than be taken hostage by hamas . than be taken hostage by hamas. dawn, what did you make of that? >> i listened to that. and it's impossible, even though as journalists, you try not to get that emotionally involved with with but you're human. with stories, but you're human. of course you do. especially when it's children involved and i listened to her dad , thomas, i listened to her dad, thomas, his name is english, isn't he? and irish. irish, irish. and i listened to his interview and the fact that when he was talking, she was having a sleepover. she just said earlier a little friends at the kibbutz, an and i listened to his interview when he found out that she'd been killed that identified her body at the sleepover with her friends and his reaction was to smile and 9°! his reaction was to smile and go, yes, yes. and i just think what horrors must you you go through if you are being kidnapped. so he would rather his eight year old, eight year old girl be killed , be murdered,
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old girl be killed, be murdered, then actually end up in the hands of the hamas hostage takers. and as we were discussing during the break and i'm not going to go into detail because it's just too horrific , because it's just too horrific, women and girls, during war, any war, any terrorist situation suffer the most horrendous things. they really do. and it is so you can completely . but is so you can completely. but the fact that he was so pleased his little girl was dead rather than a hostage for him, there was there was joy in her death because death was better than the suffering that she would be at the hands of. >> that's the point. >> that's the point. >> i think that that living in this country, we don't actually appreciate what israelis feel on appreciate what israelis feel on a daily basis , that whenever a daily basis, that whenever you're there , you've got this you're there, you've got this kind of feeling all the time, that there's an impending catastrophe around the corner. and that's the kind of feel of the of the country. and so when you have someone like thomas hahn saying this about his daughter, he knows how horrific the alternative lviv would have
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been, which then brings you to the next stage. what do you do about the 150 hostages who are being kept in gaza now? if the for the moment, the israelis have cut off food, water, electricity and are saying that the hostages have to be have to be released before that will be switched on again, that's a breach of international law . breach of international law. however, what are the israelis to do if you can't send in special forces to get the hostages out? and the danger of that, of course, is that many of them would die anyway if there's a possibility of a deal by putting that kind of pressure onto gaza , even though it's the onto gaza, even though it's the civilian population who suffer, i can understand the israelis doing what they're doing. >> there are some suggestions that some of these hostages may have links to the united kingdom . we know that some of these hostages are very old. some of those who were captured were, in fact, holocaust survivors themselves . others very young
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themselves. others very young children. no doubt, themselves. others very young children. no doubt , little themselves. others very young children. no doubt, little girls amongst them . one shudders to amongst them. one shudders to think there was what is going on in gaza. right. >> was one, i can't forgive me, i can't remember her name now, but she was a 78 year old lady, a peace campaigner who had fought all life for peace fought all her life for peace for the palestinian people and the that the hideous the conflict that the hideous conflict that's been going for centuries is in area. this centuries is in this area. this isn't just something that's happened. going on. happened. it's been going on. people dying for people have been dying for centuries area. but centuries over this area. but she she was taken in a she was she was taken in a kidnap. so but all her life , she kidnap. so but all her life, she has been working for peace and she is now a hostage in gaza, an area that she has literally fought for all her life. and you just can't comprehend and what people are going through out there at the moment, it's just. but also, i mean, the fact that it is now spreading and the fact that we have seen in in london schools being closed down because people, jewish people are to scared. yeah to go to school. i mean , the fact that an
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school. i mean, the fact that an increase of 400% of anti—semitic attacks in in london it's just it makes you question dawn i don't know if we can show that video. >> we had it earlier on in the programme. you will have seen it. dawn it's too muslim girls. it's gone viral on social media, pulling posters of pulling down posters of children, children in children, israeli children in who are hostages . they're who are hostages. they're missing. they're in gaza and these two muslim girls, i hope we can show you this video pulled down those those posters. and there's a by stander saying these are innocent children. they're innocent children. they haven't done anything. it makes you question, where is our humanity? and people forget that there's human beings on both sides this. there's human beings on both sid(and this. there's human beings on both sid(and ihis. there's human beings on both sid(and i think what is happening >> and i think what is happening and happened in the and what has happened in the past, dehumanise, dehumanise issue, i mean, the israeli population and the population of gaza are both very, very young populations. 70% of people in gaza have never voted. the people in charge of those countries are older men more interested in power than the
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people . all that they are people. all that they are supposedly protecting . supposedly protecting. >> well, dawn, let's have a look at that video that we were describing right now. you why don't you do something for palestine? >> why don't you? this is for palestine, not mutually exclusive. its children, its children, its innocent people . okay. >> what about the children in palestine on that? >> it doesn't make it right. jesus . jesus. >> you can hear there the words from the bystanders saying this is innocent children. and one of the ladies pulling off the poster says, well, what about the children in in palestine ? the children in in palestine? fine. it does seem to be that your your one side or another. >> and you shouldn't >> yeah. and you shouldn't be. this is what i find so this is this is what i find so difficult about the thing . difficult about the whole thing. i've been very disappointed with many left who seem to be many on the left who seem to be supporting but not supporting, supporting but not supporting, supporting hamas, but not condemning hamas for what they did. and the whole point here is, you can condemn hamas and
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still believe in an independent and palestine . that's the and palestine. that's the position of the british government, is the position of the labour party under keir starmer . it's the position of starmer. it's the position of all world leaders. when they put out a statement the other day saying that very thing that the hamas attack was absolutely highly grotesque doesn't mean that we should then give up on the idea of trying to get a proper palestinian homeland. and the danger when you see videos like that, it shows how emotions run very deep, but more to the point, we're now seeing this this uptick in anti—semitism , this uptick in anti—semitism, um, and islamophobia . yes. um, and islamophobia. yes. neither of which are justified by what is happening. >> and i don't want to dwell on this or link it or cast any aspersions or speculate, but of course we have seen a knife attack in northern france today in the last couple of hours. we know a teacher has been killed. we know others have been
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injured. we don't know the cause for this. but, of course, this is a amongst an environment of heightened, heightened tensions across the world, there is. >> and it's like even, you know , >> and it's like even, you know, even the car explode in the luton airport car park. my first reaction to that was , is this reaction to that was, is this terrorism? we're back to that stage again, almost like going back to the days of 9/11, where anything that happens you automatically think is linked to this horrific conflict. but it's important that's so important to remember not all remember that not all palestinians are support, support hamas and not all jewish people support the current state of israel and the way it's being run. and we need to make those those divisions. i mean, hamas are terrorists , are not all are terrorists, are not all palestinians are terrorists. we've got to stop thinking like that. >> and nigel, what do you make of what has happened in the last day or so in israel where benjamin netanyahu has brought in centrist politicians to his
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coalition has made almost a new government, a war government? of course, the previous iteration had been described by many people as radical right wing, including what some would describe as more extremist politicians as this new iteration of israel's government has brought in some of the more moderate voices from the knesset, from from the israeli parliament. how important is that? >> well, i think the idea that israel is speaking with one voice is really important. i mean, the problem about about israeli politics is that they have probably the most, most pure pr system or pr system in the world, proportional representation. yes. so the result is that we always get coalition government, but they have an awful lot of elections over there because of it. and trying to get all the various sides together is really difficult when an event like this happens as it's really important to bring in the people you're talking about the moderate voices nigel and
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moderate voices as nigel and dawn stay with because we do dawn stay with us because we do want to react to our next want you to react to our next story that about cover, want you to react to our next story breaking about cover, want you to react to our next story breaking news.t cover, some breaking news. >> gb news presenter nigel farage, who was famously debunked by the natwest group, has been accepted now by lloyds banking group for personal and business accounts after having been rejected by ten banks. >> well, nigel says he's pleased to see one high street lender isn't politically prejudiced . isn't politically prejudiced. but, well, we can go live now to nigel farage for his reaction. nigel, thank you for joining us. this has been a saga and a half. how did we get to this point? >> well, i'm afraid that what's happened over the course of the last few years is that our corporate world has become increasingly politicised and the dni agenda , the diversity and dni agenda, the diversity and inclusion agenda and banks and other organisations signing up to some organisation called b corp . corp. >> and unless you agree with their woke philosophy, you are very much in danger of being
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debunked . debunked. >> and that's exactly what happened to me . the shock really happened to me. the shock really was , was that when i was told was, was that when i was told that my accounts were closing, the shock was to spend so many hours and face to face meetings talking to other high street banks, private banks in the country, and to be rejected by ten of them. >> i mean, i'd virtually given up. i was at a sort of point of despair, thinking i'd been cancelled as a person . but i'm cancelled as a person. but i'm pleased to say that a friend of mine who runs a banking advisory service called j9 , he got in service called j9, he got in touch with me and said, i think i can help. i said, well, you're probably wasting your time, but no , i went and met with lloyds no, i went and met with lloyds and they were very clear that they do not people on they do not judge people on their perfectly legally held political opinions. so i'm very pleased that they've opened up bank accounts. >> what's your message then to lloyds bank this morning, nigel? as you say, a journey and a half rejected by ten banks here in the uk. you've finally been
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accepted by lloyds as well. >> my message to lloyds of course, is thank you . but there course, is thank you. but there is a bigger and far more important message that's got to go to all of our viewers, all of our listeners. and it's this it's i know it's aggro . i know it's i know it's aggro. i know it's i know it's aggro. i know it's time. i know it's a terrible bore. but i would recommend every single person in this country to have more than one bank account, especially if you're a business, because i'm one of a million people who've had their bank accounts closed over the course of the last four years. you may be sitting at home thinking, this can't happen to you, but it can. so please get other bank accounts now. >> nigel, of course you are an influential figure. you're a national voice. you brought this issue to the fore and even elicited response responses from the government and the dethronement of the chair of the of the nats west group. but it is, of course not so easy for
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some of those other million people to make a big splash, to make a big noise. other than having multiple bank accounts . having multiple bank accounts. what should those million de—banking people do? is it your suggestion that there are some banks here that are better than others ? others? >> yes. >> yes. >> i mean, if you've been completely debunked, there are fintech solutions. >> there are online challenger banks out there where you can receive and pay money. the problem is you can't go and borrow any money off them. they can't give you mortgages and they can't pay you interest on positive balance , which now with positive balance, which now with rates at 5, is a real consideration. so there are fintech solutions out there, but it's . it's. not the same as having a bank account. you know, most people get banked because because the banks are so tied
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up, the ridiculous set of money laundering regulations that it makes it uneconomic to keep many accounts open. so there are several things i'm looking for here, and delighted here, and i'm delighted that andrew city andrew griffith, the city minister, hunt, even minister, that jeremy hunt, even rishi up strongly minister, that jeremy hunt, even rismy up strongly minister, that jeremy hunt, even rismy defence. up strongly minister, that jeremy hunt, even rismy defence. butup strongly minister, that jeremy hunt, even rismy defence. but thistrongly minister, that jeremy hunt, even rismy defence. but this isn'tly in my defence. but this isn't just me. this is about just about me. this is about people over the country. and people all over the country. and i think, you know, number one, we the we absolutely have to have the 21st century, the right to a bank account. this isn't a normal private company or deaung normal private company or dealing with this is the same as getting water and electricity into your home without a bank account living in the modern world is hard. and i would like to see some legislation passed to see some legislation passed to effect. the other to that effect. and the other thing, of course, many people thing, of course, is many people are being banked. small businesses, because take businesses, because they take cash. selling cash. you know, they're selling a wealth for £4 or a tub of wealth for £4 or whatever it is. and they take cash and increasingly the banks whatever it is. and they take cash .want1creasingly the banks whatever it is. and they take cash .want cash. ingly the banks whatever it is. and they take cash .want cash. and the banks whatever it is. and they take cash .want cash. and that'sanks don't want cash. and that's where i think the gb news campaign kill cash campaign don't kill cash campaign, got a third a
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campaign, which got a third of a million signatures very, very quickly . in million signatures very, very quickly. in which i was million signatures very, very quickly . in which i was very quickly. in which i was very honoured to present to number 11 downing street on behalf of our station and our viewers and listeners , you know, cash needs listeners, you know, cash needs to kept out and there are to be kept out and there are many other things terms of many other things in terms of looking this money laundering looking at this money laundering regulation. know for regulation. ian, do you know for every that's been recovered every £1 that's been recovered of money in the uk of laundered money in the uk banking system, the compliance cost to the industry is £100. and a result of that, many and as a result of that, many people are their people are losing their accounts. with accounts. i'm thrilled with what the said. the government have said. they've got a year left in office. they now need to do something and kick the the something and kick the fca, the regulator, into . action. >> nigel, looking back at this entire de—banking row where you have become a champion for the voiceless, many people weren't even aware that this could be the case that someone could be de—banking in a position such as yours, you have shone a light on something that many people
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weren't have weren't aware of. what have people telling you in the people been telling you in the streets your and streets about your fight and where like to see it where would you like to see it go next? >> well, the communist response i've from people both i've had from people both through website the through my website and on the street don't normally agree street is i don't normally agree with mr farage, but in this with you, mr farage, but in this case i do. i've an awful lot case i do. i've had an awful lot of . over the course of the of that. over the course of the last few months. and look, i think it is really important. it's really important that we get changes to legislation in this country. and i would like to see this as an issue at the next election challenge change the also the labour party into also saying need banking fairness saying we need banking fairness for everybody. know, for everybody. you know, politics words politics leaders mouthing words is thing, but we really do is one thing, but we really do need action actually need some action and actually it was a way because was strange in a way because when i sort of came out, as it were, as being de—banking, it was amazing how many other high profile the same to profile people said the same to admit to the country . that admit to the country. that you've been de—banking is actually quite an embarrassing, humiliating thing to do. but now
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that i've done it, it's left other people free. so, you know, please, if you have been de—banking, speak out, i can help i've got a non—profit help you. i've got a non—profit website website account if you've de—banking to you've been de—banking come to me. and we don't me. and if we don't get the right action, will consider right action, we will consider a class action against the class legal action against the banking at some point banking industry at some point in the not too distant future. >> nigel, so >> well, nigel, thank you so much bringing us that much for bringing us that breaking right here gb breaking news right here on gb news. of course, an news. this, of course, is an issue that beyond party issue that goes beyond party divides. heard everyone divides. we've heard everyone from to miller from nigel farage to gina miller . be affected by this scandal and nigel, i suppose congratulations for your part , congratulations for your part, at least in this in this horrendous situation , being horrendous situation, being brought to a close today. thank you for speaking with us. >> well, dawn neesom and nigel nelson are still with us here. what's to nigel what's your reaction to nigel farage by lloyds bank? >> well, initially, obviously good for lloyds but good for lloyds bank, but i didn't nigel started didn't until nigel started talking i had talking about this. i had no idea this even a thing. but idea this was even a thing. but if you look at it, i mean, there was sort of like, you know,
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343,000 people de—banking . 343,000 people were de—banking. locked in in one year alone. and that's 2021 to 2022. and as you've just said, even gina miller, the polar political opposite to nigel. but you read some of the people that aren't political that are being debunked, small charities debunked, like small charities have been debunked. people running businesses running small businesses have been debunked. it's actually much we think. much more common than we think. so to for nigel so fair play to for nigel exposing it. >> he has shone >> yeah he really has shone a light he, on an issue light hasn't he, on an issue that didn't know existed? that many didn't know existed? >> no, i think that's absolutely right. there's right. that that there's a lot i disagree with nigel on. but when it to think he's it comes to this, i think he's done a major public service, so ihope done a major public service, so i hope he . he gets his way and i hope he. he gets his way and everybody gets a right to a bank account. >> yes. because it is very, very difficult, isn't it, dawn, just very briefly, to exist without a bank account in this modern society, it might be wrong. >> i think there is a law in france that says can't be
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france that says you can't be de—banking. so, i mean, and jeremy hunt has announced thanks to work, they are to nigel's work, that they are looking the legislation in looking into the legislation in this well. this country now as well. >> and perhaps that's the >> and perhaps that's where the story you >> and perhaps that's where the sto much, you >> and perhaps that's where the sto much, nigel you >> and perhaps that's where the stomuch, nigel and you >> and perhaps that's where the stomuch, nigel and dawn, you >> and perhaps that's where the stomuch, nigel and dawn, and so much, nigel and dawn, and thank you at home for thank you for you at home for watching today. it's mark and watching us today. it's mark and pip. the live desk, pip. up next with the live desk, i'm deakin and your i'm alex deakin and this is your latest weather from the latest weather update from the met gb news. met office for gb news. >> of a north south split >> a bit of a north south split today. some heavy bursts of rain over parts of england and wales, something bit brighter, but something a bit brighter, but colder and to colder for scotland and to northern ireland areas of low pressure this one pressure dominating. this one has some very has been bringing some very heavy parts south has been bringing some very heavy and parts south has been bringing some very heavy and will parts south has been bringing some very heavy and will continue south has been bringing some very heavy and will continue to jouth has been bringing some very heavy and will continue to do .h wales and will continue to do so, particularly on this weather front of today. so, particularly on this weather fror do of today. so, particularly on this weather fror do have of today. so, particularly on this weather fror do have a of today. so, particularly on this weather frordo have a met of today. so, particularly on this weather fror do have a met office today. so, particularly on this weather fror do have a met office yellow we do have a met office yellow warning place covering warning in place covering a large england and wales large part of england and wales in south and east, still in the south and east, still pretty generally in the south and east, still preithrough generally in the south and east, still preithrough of generally in the south and east, still preithrough of the 1erally dry through much of the afternoon. just a few showers dry through much of the afterrbrightert a few showers dry through much of the afterrbrighter skies~ showers dry through much of the afterrbrighter skies furtherers here, brighter skies further north, blustery north, but with some blustery showers and a chilly feel. temperatures struggling to get into day into the teens. one more day where could temperatures where we could see temperatures over the over 20 degrees across the south—east. but .
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over 20 degrees across the south—east. but. heavy rain continuing for south wales , continuing for south wales, southwest england into the afternoon, then spreading into the midlands, east anglia and the south east through the evening. lot of spray and evening. so a lot of spray and surface water on the roads. then it very windy across it gets very windy across the northern isles during this evening very evening and overnight. very gusty conditions here. elsewhere, it turns clearer and a much colder than a colder night. much colder than we've across the we've been used to across the south, well down into single figures. a figures. saturday will be a mixture and showers. mixture of sunshine and showers. much eastern much of eastern england, eastern scotland dry, but scotland will stay dry, but blast showers in far blast showery showers in the far north then see some north and then we'll see some showers into wales and showers coming into wales and southwestern . southwestern england. western. scotland and northern ireland. there will be some snow over the hills of northern scotland as well and a chillier feel everywhere with temperatures struggling into the struggling to get into the teens. . teens. goodbye. >> good afternoon. you are with the live desk here on gb news. coming up this friday lunchtime, a new type of aerial bombardment. >> the thousands of leaflets dropped gaza warning dropped on gaza warning more than civilians. they than a million civilians. they must their own must move south for their own safety .
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safety. >> here, fierce . >> here, fierce. as for the backlash as three jewish schools in north london shut with growing fears of violence, one headteacher warns parents to keep their children indoors, as does the prime minister. >> meet other european leaders in sweden. he warns that terrorism must not allowed to terrorism must not be allowed to prevail . prevail. in israel . in israel. >> the build—up is continuing as more armoured vehicles mass on the border with gaza, while . the border with gaza, while. the us secretary of state, antony blinken launches a last attempt at diplomacy in qatar , bahrain at diplomacy in qatar, bahrain and arabia . we'll bring and saudi arabia. we'll bring you very latest first, you the very latest live. first, your headlines with . tamsin pep.
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your headlines with. tamsin pep. >> thank you and


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