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tv   [untitled]    July 23, 2023 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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[000:00:23;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the secretary general of hezbollah of lebanon asked the syrian government to pay special attention to imam khomeini's message condemning the insulting of the quran, especially the ministry of interior, the main warrior. asan nasrallah said in a speech on the occasion of the nights of the month of muharram, that if the swedish government continues the current path of sacred art, it will be included in the list of countries on the side of the war between iran and muslims, and the resistance, pointing to the sanctity of the holy quran, added that imam khamenei's words in this regard were very strong, and i went
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beyond the tone . it all happened islamic scholars are here on the side of the countries and governments that support this kind of attack on sacred things under the title of freedom of speech and opinion. seyyed hassan nasrallah emphasized that the stance against the holy quran in sweden should be raised to the level of cutting off diplomatic and economic relations with the
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aggressor government of sweden. the swedish embassy in london protested against the insulting of the holy qur'an. the experts consider islamophobia and anti-islamism in the west, which have increased with the support of the media and western governments, as important reasons for insulting the holy things of muslims. the british government itself is islamophobic, so it is not only trying to stop this phenomenon, it is also involved in promoting islamophobia. the increase in islamophobia is not limited to england. it has increased in all western countries
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. our westerners have few options we don't have it, and islamic governments and nations should help them in the west so that they can stand against the waves of islamophobia with greater strength. all the reports indicate an increase in islamophobia and anti-islamism in the west, that is, an environment of hatred has been created in which muslims are not counted as citizens and the main method
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. recent months in european countries, including sweden, the holy book of more than 2 billion muslims has been insulted. political and media circles in the west , including england , have made the designers and perpetrators of this important act bolder with their silence and implicit support
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. iran's friday and students gathering in front of the swedish embassy in tehran, the presence of hosseini mourners in the delegations and the koran, the cartoonist artists also sit quietly with a design that wants to show who benefits from this polarization and insults and the person who burns himself with the burning of the book. seyed masoud shojaei tabatabai shows the zionist regime in a small way by drawing this new caricature . the reaction to the burning of the quran is shown by ali shabani 2
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cartoons lying down with an explanation of the look the zionist cartoonists are teething, or another plan that shows the burning of the sun, and it is no longer your job to remind abbas guderzi of a burning act, who, in his view, clarified the behavioral alienations behind the burning of the koran, considering the tools that will be produced against this event and this action, and let's make my protest and our opposition together a national event, and perhaps without a cause, and show and prove our own protest against this great event. the world, we are not silent in front of this incident
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, seyyed masoud shujaei tabatabai, who is the head of the house caricature is iran announced today that the art field is preparing an exhibition in real and virtual space, and those interested in participating in this artistic event in defense of the holy book of the quran can send their works in the form of caricatures and illustrations to the e-mail address of iran cartoon, zahra chakhmakhi, sed and sima news agency
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. mohammadi predicted you students this year, the first grade of elementary school will reach about 1,800,000 people. enrollment for the first grade of elementary school can be done electronically through the website in addition to face-to-face. you started this year in may. because of the people's satisfaction, we had announced for the peace of the people. until the end of today, we announce that until the end of august, the students have the opportunity to establish their families and the schools of medio financial system . and the press conference added the total number of care beds
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special for children has also doubled during this period, 10% compared to the beds before and after the revolution. during this period, 22, we were able to add that it is mainly in the whole country, and foreign capital has been licensed in the amount of one thousand billion tomans to create 500 community center beds and equip hospital beds
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. data and problems of people today it is better than you to undergo dialysis, who have kidney failure, and it was distributed in many of these machines in the deprived area . wooden news box at 2:00 p.m. 200 non-government school students from the three provinces of tehran, alborz and qazvin visited the national and permanent aerospace exhibition
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. just what are the children doing in the classroom? it is an honor for us to go and build this collection. since october 2019, we have hosted at least five thousand students from all over the country. in this exhibition, we have five areas of missile defense, drones, air and space operations, and we have represented in each area the stories and operational actions that have taken place. we encourage our loved ones. our goal is to show that we can
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. one's self-confidence in hall 12 1000 square meters of the exhibition is here non-governmental students and the program for gifted students 2nd class 10 minutes 10 minutes first children you came to visit what is the result of the thinking and dedication
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of the students of our previous courses. martyr mustafa ahmadi roshan visited natanz in natanz, the silver scientist played a key role in the localization of the nuclear industry and 20% uranium enrichment in iran. the students of non-governmental schools from the revolutionary guards aerospace center have completed their work so far, and the two-day trip with colleagues from kashan and the students' visit to the nuclear achievements of ahmadi shahid ahmadi roshan is reported to you
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. acquaintance with the achievements of the islamic revolution in the field of missile drones will definitely be with ambassadors after the end of this camp. students will be able to observe and pass on to other friends. they will be introduced to pasha and the students of the islamic revolution from the drone center of the irgc aerospace force. it was one of the most important programs of this camp. what period of the camps will be held before nowruz
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? progress and hope camps today the achievements of our country were not what they invented in the era after the revolution. i saw the drones, which even many western countries could not do in our own countries. i was able to see your family building the stones tomorrow, and the country proudly earned the honor of the drone
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. 600 students in the progress of omid company kardan mahmoud school of radio and television news kashan , ya allah, ya allah, the only way is the position, yar yar allah, yar allah, yar allah, yar allah, yar allah, yar, you have it, yar plant, lala , i have no choice. he wanted to make a research documentary about the relationship between india and karbala pilgrimage, he called me and
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asked me to direct this documentary. i want to cooperate with him. it was a long way from karbala to india. i should have known the route. i should have known the journey and the passengers . i should not have worked to make india from the sky and


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