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tv   [untitled]    March 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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program with respect to all people of iran, especially the good people of sistan baluchistan. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world. today, in the first case of tonight's program , we will host mr. seyed reza sadr al-hosseini to examine the causes of the impasse in the negotiations to stop the war against gaza. in the second case, with mr. hossein houshmand , we will analyze the results of the intra-party presidential elections of the united states. first,
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let's see the events of the past 24 hours in gaza in palestine according to the picture. it's a shame, it's a good thing, it's your name, it's your name, it's your name. al-shabaab ruhia
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al-bargan ma hussainash feila lama sarat al-zarba and the above two minutes and hey al-rakam qaed biwawaka ma arfna where we don't go. al-ajazaz used to break the laqina of the victims
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and the laqina of the people, the innocent civilians of god are in a place where they eat and drink with food and don't drink lentils for them, nor anything precious , which means that they are poor and weak. welcome means 15 cases in all entrances in all days, but currently we are not talking about 60 cases of those in the nursery, that is, the theme is not mentioned. there are many organizations and the answer
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is clear and not in the solution, that is, the root of the situation. the united nations announced that more than 9,000 palestinian women have been martyred since the start of the israeli invasion of the gaza strip. this organization has also expressed concern about the number of female palestinian martyrs who remain under the rubble. we are in a difficult situation. the responsibility of mothers in wars multiplies. umm ahmad , a palestinian mother, says angrily: "my husband
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is hospitalized in nasser hospital and i have to do all the work ." the hardest moment is when the children want to eat and you don't have anything to give them. family management it is exhausting in wartime. these days, the best gift for children is hot food. some mothers in gaza also became lonely. we were living in khanyounes. as the bombing intensified, i and my four children came out of the house. zionists hit people with rockets. all become martyrs. these are my three sons. they were gone in the blink of an eye. but pregnant mothers suffer the most hardships. the doctors without borders organization has announced: hunger and lack of vaccines and medicines have caused painful deaths for mothers and their babies. women hospitalized in this
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medical center do not even have one meal a day they eat due to the increase in the number of wounded, we no longer have anything called a women's or children's hospital in gaza. pregnant women with conditions. they are facing difficulty these days in gaza, most of the women are responsible for bringing and preparing food. in its latest report, the united nations announced that since the beginning of the zionist regime's invasion of the gaza strip, an average of 63 palestinian women are martyred every day, more than half of them are mothers. boss. the former member of the security council of the zionist regime has admitted that the military pressure on hamas is ineffective and that this regime has adopted the policy of keeping the people of gaza hungry. hiero island, meanwhile the declaration of opposition to humanitarian aid reaching gaza
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said that real pressure against hamas will only occur when there is a famine in gaza and people have access to gas for cooking and other facilities. the former head of the military intelligence apparatus of the zionist regime also said that the policy of starving the palestinians may even turn into a crisis against the countries that support israel. amosyadlin , expressing concern about the western support for this regime, said that the continuation of this policy and the formation of international pressures are possible. it will make countries like america unable to help tel aviv. kend american company starbucks has announced that it will fire 2,000 of its employees due to the damages caused by popular sanctions. starbucks is one of the largest american chain companies, which
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was subject to public sanctions due to its support for the zionist regime at the beginning of the gaza war. this company recently announced its annual sales forecast. the sanctions of the supporters of palestine had decreased, which caused the value of its shares to decrease. in addition to starbucks, other brands that support the zionist genocide in gaza, such as mcdonald's, kfc, coca-cola and pepsi, also faced public sanctions. and yemen attacked confirmed the american ship in the gulf of aden. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces said: this ship was attacked with a number of missiles after disobeying the orders of the navy of this country. earlier , amri maritime security company reported an explosion near an american cargo ship off the coast of yemen. reuters news agency announced that three of the sailors
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of this ship disappeared and four others suffered severe burns. at the same time, the associated press , quoting american officials, announced that the american ship also suffered casualties. firing 100 hezbollah rockets towards military settlements zionist the media of the zionist regime announced. this is the strongest missile attack by hezbollah on the zionist regime since 2006. katyusha and guided missiles targeted the military and zionist settlement of kiryat shmoune twice and the settlements of kafr blom and avivim once in response to the attacks of the zionist military on residential areas in southern lebanon. the media of the zionist regime announced that this
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was the most severe rocket attack since 2006 and the 33-day war, more than 100 rockets were fired at these settlements from southern lebanon. we do not want to be a duplicate and wider version of october 7 in the north. here there is no such thing as security. hezbollah missiles may land on us at any moment. hezbollah also targeted four zionist military gatherings in rahab base, tepe tihat, barkat risha base and behind baghdadi base along with the command headquarters of the 769th brigade of the zionist regime in kiryate shemone barracks . destruction of two merkava tanks of zionist soldiers in tihat hill and netua settlement. and the fortifications of the raisat alam base in the heights of the occupied shiba'a shrine and the occupied kufrshu hills
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were other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. in this hard days and despite successive bombings , we have not left here and we will not. hezbollah will take revenge for all zionist attacks with the power of its missiles. 8 areas in southern lebanon were also targeted by fighter jets . three members of a family were martyred in the attack of these fighters in houla, and four citizens were injured in debin. lebanon's hezbollah has announced that in response to zionist military attacks on residential areas in the south of lebanon , it will expand its offensive operations against military and zionist settlements in the north of the occupied territories . border. with occupied palestine, now the first case of tonight's program, as i said at the beginning of the program
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, we are the host of mr. seyed reza sadr al-hosseini, an expert on international issues. mr. doctor, hello, welcome to the world today, mr. hashem zadegan , your respected colleagues and dear viewers , i say hello and good night. i am at your service, god willing , we will have a useful program, thank you, on the 15th and second day, perhaps the most important discussion that comes up in the ceasefire negotiations. the exchange of prisoners has reached a point where in the past few days, i have been watching the american and zionist authorities repeatedly trying to throw the ball in hamas's hands, but the palestinian side also says that it is the zionists who are not willing to accept a complete cessation of war and are not really looking for a ceasefire. at the same time as these discussions, the american representative in the security council announced that they want to present a draft to the security council. according to the fact that a 6
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-week ceasefire will be established, it is exactly the same thing that they have been pursuing behind the scenes in those negotiations, but it has not reached a conclusion. in the name and memory of the almighty god, mr. hashem zadegan, i want to convey this point to you. it has been almost 60 days since the al-aqsa storm operation an issue in the name of various plans, in the name of ceasefire , in the name of peace, in the name of the events that were noticed in various plans , allocated a significant part of the media space to itself, well, all the experts who closely follow up on the incidents and observing the issues , they knew that until there is a just peace, a ceasefire that can actually bring the upper hand, which is the resistance, to a favorable point, so that it is not created
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, there will be no such thing as a ceasefire. well, there are various plans in arab countries, various plans in paris, paris 1, paris 2, talks in egypt in fact, the series of events that we can say about it were different plans, but mr. hashem zadegan, the fact of the matter is that a large part of these plans, a large part of this conversation and everything that is discussed in the media is for this it is to marginalize the crimes of the zionist regime and to create an atmosphere where instead of the world's public opinion, media owners and analysts talk about the daily crimes of the zionist regime and have a way to condemn the zionist usurper regime. be willing to go towards this plan and take the opportunity and time in this way
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netanyahu and the zionist regime with the support of nato and especially america can achieve their desired action, that is, it was a wrong address to buy more time. this point was the summation of what i said. it is in such a way that up to the right conditions. and with the upper hand of the resistance, it will not appear to me, definitely and certainly, the various topics of the day, for example, for a long time, in connection with the ceasefire, the ceasefire area, the number of days of the ceasefire, but this cannot be the menu of the resistance, which has the upper hand. and above that, we offer more than 30,000 martyr should be provided by the resistant people of gaza, so until the interests of the people of gaza are not provided
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, i definitely do not have to talk to you about issues called peace and temporary ceasefire, because my speech could come to light, but one point may also be raised. why is the resistance and the representative of the hamas resistance entering the talks ? we must note that since the second day after the al-aqsa storm operation, hamas had announced its full readiness for talks, and no matter how long these talks are. representatives of hamas will participate, and the resistance is definitely willing to talk, but willing it is not that he wants to lose what he has gained in the field behind the negotiating table . i saw a similar interpretation from hamas officials who said that the zionists will not be able to achieve in the political field what they did not achieve in the
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field through negotiations. that's right, it means with slogans and this is the important point. due to this heavy pressure on the people of gaza, it does not appear. this shows the readiness to continue the resistance and the blows that the resistance inflicts on the zionist regime on a daily basis , for the reason that by having the upper hand and proving this upper hand, it is for the zionist regime that he can state this point decisively . thank you very much. recently, i heard an interpretation among zionists that they said that netanyahu's policy is based on endless war . what is your analysis of this policy? mr. netanyahu behaves and speaks very nervously both in behavior and speech. well, definitely and surely we should pay attention. a significant part of the psychological operations
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carried out by the zionist regime under the banner of netanyahu and the support of the americans is in the form of talks. in the form of media statements and in the form of sometimes visiting some military units of the zionist regime, they go to those areas and they are saying that the zionist regime definitely cannot continue for an endless war, but netanyahu himself is interested in prolonging this war in order to remain in power . behind the negotiation table , enter into negotiations with an offer that is completely empty today. now, what should be done against this policy of netanyahu? the path of resistance must be clear. they know the situation of the military forces of the zionist regime. he estimated the amount of damage to the zionist regime's war machine
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zand is completely clear to him and that's why this war of words and war of wills is still going on as well as the war is going on in the fields of different fields of resistance. gaza should take revenge. now we are turning to the policy of starving the people of gaza . we have some pictures of the last moments of the life and martyrdom of a palestinian child due to thirst and hunger . there are bitter pictures. let's see phosphorus and we will not be able to see it. then we will withdraw. the jews were in a bad situation. god bless you
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yes, all that is in it, we are a match for you, allah , do not eat roses
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, do not eat bread, do not eat juice, do not eat natural fruits. do you want to put a distance between the people and the resistance after these five months of war, mr. hashemzadegan , we are really sorry that in front of the eyes of the international institutions , whose identity and element of existence is to support the people for years, these unfortunate events are happening, that is, in the meantime killing with many trebles with the complexity of the west's donation to the zionist regime , today we can see that it is using tricks and the trick of giving hunger and thirst
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in order to indirectly put pressure on the resistance, so the people of gaza show patience and trust in god until standing today and not taking a single step back, and according to the teachings of international zionism, the zionist regime thinks that it can destroy the people by starving them and making them thirsty. break their resistance, but mr. hashem, our natives should know that the history of islam is full it is from the issue that muslims use the fish called the holy month of ramadan for their belief, and it is one of the main slogans. this is that we are the ummah of ramadan, that is, in fact , even in these days when women, children, men, and the elderly are starving and thirsty with the young men's siege
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that has been carried out and unfortunately with the silence that exists among some officials and the oil laws of the region. there are people who are still standing, but as i said in the previous part of your service, now the fight is a fight of wills, i think. it is based on the fact that with the beginning of the holy month of ramadan, the will of the people of gaza will increase will be found, so this tactic or this type of crime by the zionist regime, i am a zionist , will not succeed. thank you very much. i wanted to talk to you about the month of ramadan at the end of the conversation , but since you pointed out that we should have talked recently, he said that before from the beginning of ramadan, we should be able to reach a truce . at the same time, a document has been published by galant, the minister of war of the zionist regime . he has sent this document to certain individuals and institutions
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, and he has expressed his concerns about the month of ramadan and the events that may happen in the west bank and gaza. there is also a special phrase published by gallant it has been said that we are in a deep whirlwind , what could be waiting for the zionists in the month of ramadan that has worried them ? gallant knows very well the history of the different months of ramadan and the movement of people in different areas of palestine , the sense and enthusiasm that the holy month of ramadan and recitation, in fact, with more emphasis on the qur'an and congregational prayers, must have created conditions that in the past years the security and police backbone of the zionist regime was shaken and in this the days of these warnings are also due to the fact that the history of the heroic , courageous and faithful actions of the people of gaza and the palestinian people
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, especially the people of gaza, in the past years was quite clear. well, i have to tell you this point of rome : the leaders of the palestinian resistance announced the first day of the holy month of ramadan, if nothing special happens until then , there will be a big march to offer prayers in al-aqsa mosque, this movement means that all the people who are in area 48 are people. those who are on the edge will start this movement and this will definitely create new difficulties for the regime zionist and his supporters can be obtained, but i have to tell you about biden, and that is that biden is currently in a dilemma. either this year's elections will be held in almost the same month as ours, november will be our own month, or will we support netanyahu? well, we should know this
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now . the election period that you know is being held in different provinces of different states, they did not vote for biden, so this shows that biden is seriously wavering. for this reason, he wants to have an achievement in these few days left to the holy month of ramadan so that he can get rid of this problem. therefore, i would like to present to you a very special and difficult situation for america and the zionist regime, with the arrival of the holy month of ramadan, and a hope and a double strength for the palestinian people, especially it will be given to the people of gaza . thank
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you. parsam prepared a report for channel 14 of the zionist regime in chanda last day, the uncoordinated trip of benny ganses, a member of the war cabinet and the leader of the opposition , made this trip to the united states without coordinating with netanyahu, and now he is going to england. this report of the zionist regime's channel 14 in hebrew, of course, has persian subtitles. let's see, i will be at your service in the future. אחל מסגנית האנסי הריס בליקן בליקן בלינקן להיוען לאחורה לאורים עליבן ו אחל של סאנטורים וכשרים וידים באיטים בעיות החיציםות החשטים
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החפהים. درک علیہ متاختن برفیح ود هنیسونیوم to achieve a political settlement with חזבלה. in the environment netanyahu didn't like this behavior and passed it on to gantz. israel has only one prime minister. it should be said that gantz has a full stomach for netanyahu's behavior towards him, since the days of his rotation, and also regarding the decision-making processes of the current government. אבל קמי ש' at the head of the so-called national camp, his behavior around the trip in question is not exactly a model of the state. all the conduct in this matter hurts me, and it is not appropriate, neither to the norms that i believe in, nor to the war situation that we are in, both sides here did not do the right thing, a political mission for a political mission. it requires the approval of the government.
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but with all due respect to harris, despite her high position, she is not considered one of the policy makers in the government, here in israel there are those who believe that she is too far away from america to convey a message to netanyahu that he should sit in a few rooms in his house, the partnership between us is coming to an end. the government please, netanyahu is quiet for the time being, but it is not possible to talk about unity and fight and criticize.
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we will continue the conversation. mr. sini, what do you think about this trip? it was a new thing . it had not happened since the beginning of the war . we had not seen such a clear and obvious difference between netanya and benny gans. let me analyze the differences between the political officials and the military officials and the political and military officials within themselves. in fact, what we are witnessing is due to the events that happened during the last two years, well, especially during the last one year. this issue has become deeper and has been revealed since the beginning of the al-aqsa storm operation and has been extended to the media and to the tv frame .


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