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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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the financial relationship of the oil government according to the law of the 7th plan is among the other features of the budget bill of 1403. on the issue of proportionality of retired salaries, we took a promise of honor for the retirees . he will not leave the door of this parliament. this principle is for parliamentarians. in the budget of 1403, the government of the parliament tried to support production, sustainable employment and the growth of national production, accelerate the provision of credit for construction projects, especially for cold provinces, and transparency through the creation of a single treasury account in the bank. central
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compile, approve and put in the operational process. in this year's budget , special attention has been paid to the issue of youth marriage and housing, as well as strengthening the provision of education and student allowances. each couple under the age of 25 will get 350 million tomans under qarzaul-hosna. 300 million tomans to each of the couples who got married after 1401. marriage loan facility is granted. the repayment period of these loans is 10 years. in the budget of 1403, payment of cash expenses for subsistence and electronic goods to the eligible groups and applicants covered by the imam khomeini relief committee. may god's mercy be upon him and the welfare organization will continue . this year, subsidies for medicine, powdered milk and medical supplies will also be paid. equivalent to 15 billion dollars or 13 the basic needs of the people are 10 items
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of basic goods with the support rate of this support rate of 2,850 for every dollar or 31,000 tomans for every euro . the pension of the relief and welfare committee in the layer did not increase compared to 1402, but we caused it to increase by 30%, and one of them was some farmers, who were the most vulnerable among us. these good years that exist, this frost and now the lack of rain, we put 15 thousand billion tomans from article 28 of the interest law.
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newly, we introduced in the parliament that 85% of the subsidy should be paid, and we determined the loan for having children , based on this, 40 million tomans for the first child, 80 million tomans for the second child, 120 million tomans for the third child, 150 million for the fourth child, and 200 million for the fifth child and more. tomans of loan facilities are paid . another point of the 1403 budget is that no decree has been seen to increase the price of gasoline. guarantee of implementation as well as program-oriented budget industries of the country, among other features of the program.
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in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god. light upon light. in the name of god . in the name of allah, who created the light
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, i am the light, praise be to allah, who created it. allah is great. allah is great . god is great. god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al-falah hai ali
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al-falah hai ali khair al-alam hai ali al-khair al-alam god is great, god is great, there is no god but god. there is no god except allah.
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o allah, grant me the obedience of the hypocrites and explain it to the people of the people of the people or the people of the hypocrites.
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america between the pacific ocean and the atlas in southern canada. and is located in the north of mexico. this country consists of 48 states and its capital is washington. the state of alaska, which canada separates from the united states. it is the largest state in this country. the state of hawaii is also an archipelago located in the pacific ocean. america also has a lot of land and islands in the caribbean sea. islam in the 16th century through. immigrants from the middle east and africa and islamic countries asian came to america and after that many
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native americans accepted islam. currently , there are many islamic charity organizations and foundations operating in america that try to provide services to muslims at the social and political levels. according to official statistics published in america, muslims are more in chicago, florida and southern california. niagara falls is one of the largest waterfalls in the world, which is considered one of the wonders of the world, located between this country and canada . this waterfall is located between the state of new york and the city of niagara in ontario, canada. canada is one of the neighboring countries of america and the northern countries of the american continent. and has an area of ​​10 million square kilometers and
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is considered one of the most advanced industrial countries with tremendous scientific and technological advances. some international sports events are hosted by this country. the country is also known for having various anomalies. canada has granite rocks that are located in the canadian shield, as well as the appalachian mountain range in the eastern part and lakes and rivers. the standard of living in canada is one of the highest standards of living in the world and its population is mixed it is diverse and consists of different races and minorities, including natives and minorities from south asia, china, and africa.
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the diverse nature of islamic minorities in america and canada and their belonging to different races and cultures
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make religious occasions in these two countries very diverse and have a special appeal. daily lifestyle in these countries and long work cause muslims, especially those who immigrated to these countries to hold ceremonies and traditions related to the holy month of ramadan and revive the mood. ramadani and its traditions are facing problems . many families have these customs they maintain their social and religious values ​​and implement them in the countries where they immigrate to share the human values ​​of this great month with other groups of society and show the real face of islam, which is full of moral virtues and tolerance. symbiosis to draw for others.
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the holy month of ramadan in america and canada is lighter compared to its mood in islamic countries, however, the muslims of these two countries try to welcome this month in the best way. accordingly, their needs from stores supply products based on islamic sharia, some of which they buy especially for the coming of the holy month of ramadan, such as spices, sweets, household utensils, and dates. some retailers have also dedicated a special section for muslims
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, where food is offered at subsidized prices so that poor canadian muslims can. fast without any problems and don't worry about preparing food in this blessed month. ramadan greetings placards are prepared in arabic script and installed in many places, and in addition to this, working hours in some provinces of hayada as a measure of solidarity. social decline. but in america, despite the difference in conditions between different states, american society usually coexists with the holy month of ramadan. and the religious times related to the start of fasting are announced in the press and media, and sections are dedicated to getting to know the holy month of ramadan, the form of worship in it, and the various moods that make the social atmosphere better and more beautiful. . although you cannot
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see specific symbols and manifestations of celebration and decorations on the streets of these countries, but muslim. in their homes, they try to spread the mood of the holy month in their daily affairs and life do for this reason, houses are cleaned in a way that is worthy of this holy month. different types of food and sweets are prepared to meet the needs of families in this month.
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the preparation of muslims to welcome the holy month of ramadan is more and clearly in the areas where a large number of muslims live. these actions mostly take place in big and small mosques and small neighborhoods and places of worship. the responsible committees of these places, with the cooperation of local muslims and young volunteers, cleaned these places and made them well for holding religious programs and meetings and welcoming muslims who prefer to be with others. the brothers are preparing to pray and worship. the islamic center mosque in
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dearborn, michigan is on top. this mosque is located, which is considered the largest mosque in north america. this mosque has a golden dome and two garlands, part of it is reserved for men and part for women. the capacity of this mosque is about 2 thousand people and its area reaches about 11 thousand square meters. north america
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has a diverse cultural and religious composition due to the many minorities who have migrated there from different countries of the world. due to the similarity of daily life style in america. and canada the holy month of ramadan is a good opportunity for the muslims of the two countries to spend more time with their family and friends, and when the maghrib call to prayer arrives , all family members sit together at the iftar table. during the maghrib call to prayer, all family members sit at the table and rarely do you see a muslim breaking the fast alone. neighbors invite friends and relatives to break the fast . many of them take a dish of food prepared at home and break their fast by eating dates and traditional foods that muslim immigrants still have. they have memorized them in their minds and open them. these foods include oriental and asian foods as well as indian and pakistani foods. along with these
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foods, a variety of western foods are also consumed that people are used to eating there. also , oriental sweets, most of which are prepared at home, are among the foods of the iftar table. the difference in customs and traditions of the holy month of ramadan in different countries has no effect on the fact
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that the holy month of ramadan and its true and human nature is for refining the soul, practicing patience and enduring hardships, understanding the feelings of others, and helping the poor and needy. for this reason, the muslims of america and canada help they provide their funds to islamic institutions and foundations that are responsible for distributing these aids to the poor and needy. some people also give their help directly to the needy. the free meals explained during ramadan in cooperation with muslim students or islamic centers and charitable institutions in many states are part of the social support activities. these foods are available to everyone, both muslims and non-muslims at the tables where the food is free. in it, it is explained that they are present and after that they sit down to talk and others with the teachings of islam become familiar and in this way good communication
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is formed between muslims and the rest of society. many state governors also organize mass iftar ceremonies , inviting muslims and other members of society to create a sense of social connection between people. some people also hand. they do individual actions like distributing dates among neighbors around mosques. charity activities continue continuously during the holy month of ramadan and do not stop . this work is part of the morals of muslims who do it wherever they are, and god is great he also ordered us to do the same in his book . muslims in america and canada go to mosques after breaking the fast. the surroundings of these
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mosques are full of cars of people who have come from different regions to participate in congregational prayers and perform religious and devotional rituals. religious meetings are held in these mosques to answer the religious questions of muslims. there is a spiritual atmosphere in mosques, which is created by reciting the quran. muslims, regardless of race, culture , gather around one word, allah, with humility and humbleness.
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eid al-fitr is very important for muslims in america and canada. many complexes and business centers it celebrates this occasion by offering various food products, especially what is used in the preparation of sweets. according to the culture of their original country, muslim minorities
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prepare for this occasion by buying new clothes and preparing to clean the house to receive friends, relatives and neighbors and congratulate each other. many of them give each other sweets and gifts. our trip to america and canada is over. in the next parts of the program , we will discuss the customs of other countries in the form of the ramadan program in the islamic world.
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preventing pests of products, increasing time food storage and productivity development. this year's grapes are very white and have a very good aroma. alhamdulillah, we have a very good impression of the results achieved by the production of different radiation systems in the agricultural industry. it can be done by irradiating food and agricultural products. it can increase its pest susceptibility and its storage life or its durability, and in this way it can curb and control about 30% of the waste that the country is facing in this area. the production of gamma radiation systems in different capacities by specialists in the nuclear industry will develop a market for farmers we are also a producer of date pulp, most
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of our products have a shelf life of two to three months, with the help we received from the north west of the country, now our products are being processed, the shelf life of our products has increased to one year compared to before. in the field of agriculture, radiation does not end only with gamma systems, and nuclear industry scientists industrialized microwave and electromagnetic systems. this device removes pests from agricultural products, especially legumes. and grains, medicinal plants and date raisins can increase the amount of storage, increase the storage time. this is the country's need. electromagnetic waves actually affect the larvae and eggs of insects and destroy them without changing the taste of the product . and the blood and
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the irradiated device of the donated blood were produced from the sitting , irradiated, packaged and again sterilized with gamma, and now it is ready for consumption . there are polymers that are too small to enter the body's tissues and blood vessels blood after the water has been absorbed into them. it absorbs water and makes it easy to control bleeding from the place where there is leakage . with this powder, it is easy to control it. the reproduction mode removes them, which means that they will not be able to reproduce again, and then , in the same way, it causes the patient's body to not show a reaction based on the strategic document of the nuclear industry , establishing 12 radiation poles in the country. it is one of the goals
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pursued by nuclear specialists. mohammad ghasem kiaei, sed and cima news agency. we have reached 5 o'clock. we hope that your obedience and worship will be well accepted by god. the general secretary of the ansurullah movement of yemen stated that his country does not have a hostile approach towards any arab country. we are seyyed abdullah abdulmalek badreddin, on the eve of the 9th anniversary of yemen's national resistance and stand up, he announced that
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it has been 9 years since he violated the land of our dear nation.


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