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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers, hello , good morning, welcome to the news of the stock market , the first foreign gold treasury started working in the country's capital market. with the start of this treasury in the commodity exchange, the amount of gold stock in the treasury of the iran commodity exchange exceeded six tons. with the activity of gold investment funds, contracts. options
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and certificates of deposit are a chain of gold-based financial instruments available to investors in the commodity exchange, and half a million people directly or indirectly participate in the gold bullion certificate of deposit market through gold funds. from since the beginning of this market, about 4,500 tons of gold worth 6 thousand billion tomans have been traded in the official gold bullion market. the total index of the stock market closed in the positive range at the end of sunday trading and increased by more than 4 thousand units. however, unlike the main index, the overall index had a negative return of 311. the total index and the equal weight index moved in opposite directions on sunday. on this day, the total index of tehran stock exchange is 3967 points higher than the previous working day. receipt unit the price trend
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of small market shares decreased on this day , so that the index has the same weight in sunday's trading with a negative return of 31 percent, equivalent to 2,271 units , it reached the level of 74,162 units. the net change of legal ownership to real money in the market was negative for the fifth consecutive day, and more than 250 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. on this day, tala shishai witnessed the exchange of more than 10.5 billion shares and financial bonds in 400,000 transactions with a value of 547 billion tomans. web mellat, fars, nouri, and venovin symbols had the most positive impact on the stock market index, and against the symbols of akhaber, sedasht, mitko hekshti , they prevented the total index from increasing further. during day trading on sunday, the largest inflow of real money was allocated to the banks, computer and leasing group, while the largest outflow of real money
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was from the automobile parts manufacturing, metal ore extraction, and chemical products groups. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 364 symbols were positive and 414 were negative , so that the glass hall saw 53 of the market symbols become negative. also, 42 symbols were encountered with the buy page and 67 symbols with the sell page. the total value of purchase pages is 157 billion tomans, the total value of sales queues is 139 billion tomans. ghazal arabgol of radio and television news agency. general head of the organization of affairs tax announced the acceptance of bank guarantees or treasury documents instead of taxes and value added duties. based on this , to compensate the lack of liquidity of production units and importers of basic hats, the country's tax affairs organization and customs authorities have been allowed to receive taxes and value-added duties in the form of bank guarantees or treasury documents up to the specified amount. this resolution will be valid until the end of 1403. all exchange-traded gold funds
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had negative returns during sunday's trading. gold coin-based exchange-traded funds recorded negative returns of 4-7%. exchange coins with different maturities, the value decreased by 3 to 4 percent yesterday. the value of these funds is determined based on the exchange rate and the world price of gold. this negative deflation is while the global price of gold was stable due to the closure of global markets on sunday. the european stock market reached its lowest level in the last two weeks at the end of the week's trading under the influence of some officials of the us federal reserve. this news and more in short news package baha bazar. ebrahim dostzadeh, member of the board of directors of niro mohak homogeneous industry association. and the car breakers of the country
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is one of the ways to realize the slogan of the year of the capital market because in recent years , many tools and funds have been designed and used in this regard. according to the report of the country's steel association, in 1402, about 30 million tons of steel chain products worth a tenth of a billion dollars were exported, which is an increase of 18% in terms of value and 4% in terms of volume compared to the same period last year. had. central bank reference media european stocks fell to the lowest level in the last two weeks after the harsh statements of some us federal reserve officials and renewed tensions in the middle east , european stocks fell under the influence of global stocks. enormous thabit, secretary general of the stock exchange brokers association , by implementing the guidelines of corporate governance
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, it is possible to achieve a balanced distribution of wealth and increase community participation by using the culture of shareholders , increasing transparency, accountability, informing , responding to investment problems. and considering the interests of its beneficiaries is one of the necessary items in the implementation of the corporate governance directive. more than 1,400,000 tons of products worth 8,390 billion tomans were traded in the commodity exchange on sunday. more than one million tons of cement was sold in the cement hall. hall of industrial and mineral products, transaction 78 thousand ton experienced all kinds of goods. volume of transactions in pesro hall. and petroleum products were about 14 thousand tons. in the open auction hall, 174 thousand tons and cumbatum, iron ore concentrate, and sodium sulfate were traded. also, 63 thousand tons of belm ingots and others were traded in the export hall. the secondary market
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also witnessed a transaction of 20 it was a thousand tons of barite lumps . about half of the world's iron ore is supplied by china . it is estimated that the global value of this market will grow by 2%. experts believe that the most important growth driver of this market is the improvement of demand in china. brand oil futures for june delivery at $88 arrived in each barrel. brent oil is the benchmark for pricing and trading in the oil market and affects the price of other oil products. the price of brand crude oil is influenced by factors. such as the economic conditions of the world, geopolitical events, opec decisions, supply and demand dynamics, the strength of the earth and environmental policies . signs of improved demand and increased tensions in west asia are among the factors of rising
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oil prices. unlike brent oil futures, steel futures maintained their downward trend and fell to 333 yuan per quarter. but this industry is still increasing in terms of global production. in the whole year 2023 1 1 billion 849 million 700 thousand tons of steel have been produced in the world and this volume of production has grown by about 1% compared to 2022. the iron ore industry also reduced its transactions by 19 dollars per year, the weakness of china's housing sector and the increase in the debt of local governments in this country, as well as the low profit margin or the loss of a significant part of the steel industry in china are among
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the important risks of the iron ore market in 2024 is considered to be the year, however, for 2024, most of the world's valid international transactions will take place due to china's promise to support economic growth and increase demand with monetary policies, as well as the possibility of a decrease interest rates by the us central bank predict a relatively good outlook for the iron ore steel market. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you pricing this month
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? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager. we don't want to be hit by any kind of treatment. we are at your service. you must have the presence of mind that in the last one or two years, the topic of online drug supply has become very high. there were many pros and cons. he obliged the ministers of the food and drug organization to establish a resolution with the cooperation of the ministry of communications to establish a regulation in cooperation with the ministry of communications . this event will come true, but there is still no news about it. we want to see what
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is the reason for the agreement and opposition to the online supply of medicine. please accompany us until the end . you are with the higher program . on the one hand, internet medicine was mentioned, and on the other hand, it was said that this work will cause people's health it has been jeopardized because of the challenges that i mentioned. on the other hand, the critics consider this a positive thing because it is cheaper, easier and easier to access. we want to talk about this issue here in our studio, mr. salarian, a member. i am present at the supreme council of the medical system as an opponent of the issue i presented to you, and mr. hadi, an expert in the field of electronic commerce, as an opponent of the issue on which we want to hold a debate. also, hello, hello , and god bless both guests. i want to start with mr. salarian. and this question is the reason what is your objection to the internet of daroo ? dear, in any case, technology is progressing, the world is developing, and
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we are not in any way opposed to new ways of serving people and patients, but since health is a very complex category, it is important and life is the most fundamental to in any case, it is god's gift, we must be careful that it is easy to access. decrease in quality or god forbid that there will not be so many side effects for the patients. so the internet space, the space we see now, the uncontrolled space that exists, with paying attention to the fact that there is no supervision, it can create costs and complications for patients, and therefore we are against the online supply of medicine in its current form. what is the current shape? in a controlled way . no, we have a triangle. you should consider the patient, the doctor and the pharmacist
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. none of them can interfere in the work . they have their own specialties. the doctor sets a prescription based on the current city and the examination . this should happen whether in real space or in virtual space and online space. it means that the first doctor is to know who he was and prescribed he should agree to that prescription, which means that if any side effects occur to the patient, the patient can follow up and ask him for advice . after that, the pharmacy that supplies this prescription will give the patient the necessary advice in terms of the medicine, and if this medicine is genuine. it was doubtful. he caused complications, if he causes problems, he can be responsible for them. if the internet space is in such a way that
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this triangle does not work properly like what it is in the real space, we are definitely against it, but if a solution is developed to determine which doctor came and prescribed this prescription and which pharmacy online, this prescription comes packaged, labeled and explained to the patient. it has created data and space for consultation , which is a very good thing and it is welcomed , but currently there is no such space available. don't take the triangle, unfortunately what is happening today is that the platform must be delivered, which means that he should come to get the medicine from a pharmacy. and offer it to the patient. currently, this platform gives the invoice to the patient
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it is not clear from which pharmacy he got these platforms. who is the technical officer? how many people provide prescriptions per day and how many people have they served, and who is responsible if complications arise? and other issues that will be discussed later. thank you, mr. hadi , how much you agree with mr. salarian, how much you accept his and your orders. why do you agree that the medicine should be given online? i seek refuge in god, i am the devil, in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful . i wish everyone to accept obedience and worship in this blessed month, to the service of his highness and mr. dr. salarian and all viewers . in fact, the concept of the platform is like this. it is a company the field of information technology prepares a platform and an infrastructure, and a number of
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suppliers of goods or services in this platform actually offer their goods and services to consumers. so we actually hear from our users, both consumers and suppliers, who exchange with each other on the platform of this platform, and the platform is only that infrastructure and platform, in fact , it provides the connection between the two and the connection of the two , so sekwich intervenes. it will not be directly in the sale or in fact the relationship between the supplier and the consumer directly we said from the platform that we should note that we have actually developed e-commerce coins. well , i am sure that we have developed urban gateways and intercity taxis in various fields in recent years, at least in the last 12 years and in the last 15 years. airplane and train bus tickets in the areas of hotel tourism and similar in the fields of cultural education , cinema, etc. two and a half years have passed, which
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was actually parallel to the period of crow's era the spread of the corona virus was actually well, the decisions that were made were planned, and this need was actually for not visiting in person, and that was actually traffic and referrals, and actually the problems that occur, especially with the concerns that the ministry of health itself has about the diseases. contagious and in fact now whether it is corona virus or influenza or any other diseases, there must be a gathering at the pharmacy and those problems, especially now urban traffic, etc. my e-commerce platform in my opinion, one point is necessary, according to the slogan of the year, which is actually the year of production with the participation of the people. the area that has been constantly growing is the area of ​​e-commerce, and in what sense do we say that this area of ​​e-commerce is the most popular , for the reason that i mentioned, firstly
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, the economic actors themselves, in fact, the providers themselves operate on the platforms, and secondly, investment and developments that have happened in the field of platforms. it was established by the private sector and educated by young people and the elite of this country and almost all the desired characteristics of my leadership, from being scientists, actually being popular, the issue of elite youth, and actually entrusting the work to the youth, and the issue of jihadi activity , and we have actually reached a point where now the people in in fact, their well-being has increased and their quality of life has been affected. people understand this. now, in the case of medicine, i specifically stated that with the decisions that were made in 2014, in fact, it was about 2 years. before, almost this april, ardi behesht, in fact, a resolution was drawn up in the government, and finally, in fact, the resolution was issued in boj 3, 22 3. it was announced that in article 8 of the dosh note , it is explicitly stated that this is the discussion of the explanation of the drug through internet vinegars. i read from the method that the name of the regulation is the scientific vice-chancellor of technologist, the name of the regulation is, in fact, the regulation of supporting the production of knowledge
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-based and job-creating knowledge. in the field of health, it means specifically that the title is knowledge-based discussion , because almost most of the sek that we are talking about are actually equipped with this feature of being knowledge-based and based on modern technology and knowledge, and they are subject to it. rou says that this is the government's approval, the vice president's science and technology office, in cooperation with the ministry of communications, is obliged to to operationalize the field of drug distribution through sakas or internet platforms in compliance with the principle of competition and preventing monopolies. the order of this note is within two months from the date of promulgation of this regulation, i.e. 223, for example, it would have been august last year by the ministry of health and medical education is compiled and communicated in cooperation with the ministry of information communication . it's just that the justice and drug organization had announced the point that you read the interpretation of the justice and drug organization was that this explanation is to the pharmacy, not to the public. now i will say something about this and then
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i will explain this, unfortunately, mr. bozorni kash , in fact, in the second part, i will explain that, in fact, those are the problems. and those excuses that, unfortunately , have existed for almost a year and a half, more than a year and a half, almost two years, when in fact this legal duty is an approved duty, which is actually the duty of the government, and the method has actually been asked from the legal assistant of the presidency as the authority to respond to the differences of opinion between mr. dr. salani's office, they finally have a history somewhere and are certified that in fact this internet explanation, apart from the fact that the text itself is the resolution and the process of its approval are legitimate, its negotiations are quite clear to those who were in the commission meetings and know what this was, but in fact, this method was also requested from the real vice president and it was clearly stated there that this is actually the sale of the final consumer. it is included, but the main issue is the same point that dr. salem said, the instructions, which are actually the same relationships and framework that we are actually demanding from health platforms and specifically drug distribution platforms. it has not happened and we are studying something
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in fact , we did not do the task ourselves at the level of governance. in fact, many of you, mr. salarian , think that it has not been done so far in the two years that have been discussed . is it an excuse or not ? the officials in the ministry of health should answer. it doesn't exist and there is a possibility of harming people. we don't have enough and complete monitoring of the internet supply of medicine. how do we want to implement this without rules? is it not harmful to implement and give medicine to people without rules? medicine is a very vital thing. it can be deadly poison ok, suppose a pregnant woman has a headache and wants
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to order a drug online, an otc drug, an over-the-counter drug , and give it to her. put it on your fetus and impose such complications on the family and society , so if these rules are not formulated, we have no right now. let's say it endangers people's health due to the prosperity of business or anything else . another point is that the explanation of its english title is distribution, if dispensing is dispensing. the meaning of supply is that the explanation is that the factory will tell the pharmaceutical company or the pharmacy to give the drugs, but the supply is for the pharmacist to take the prescription as a technical officer and explain to me the patient. let him tell you the side effects of this , take it in this way and take the responsibilities for it, even if we claim that this
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explanation is not a distribution, but a dispensation, which it is not , the english title is really different. did we prepare these terms? the respected pharmacist who came and packaged this prescription has come to you he will introduce me to the one i ordered . will he give me the invoice from that pharmacy, so that if i have any complications, i will go through the medical system organization , why did you not explain this medicine to me, or did my doctor prescribe it wrongly? it is not the case that my next rights will be preserved, and when it is not the case, we cannot run wild in this space. i will explain , see, mr. doctor, because i want to have the history so that we can understand where we are now, after that approval. the one i mentioned was tower 3 in 1401 and his assignment was tower 8 until august
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the same 1401, with the signature of the head of the justice and medicine organization , i.e. the deputy minister and the head of the organization , not the deputy of the organization, not the general director, not a director, the head of the organization wrote a letter to the e-commerce development center and the first license i read from my face and informs that with the approval of this the organization implemented the door-to-door drug delivery plan, which was the same plan that even here i can tell you, when this decree had not yet been announced, the minister of health himself, the current minister , mr. dr. ainullah. to say later, for example, the reporter did not pay attention or something the news agency is different and even interesting that the most famous platform that we know in this field is being named and saying that this is the plan of the ministry of health, and then that platform complained that you, sir , did not get any coordination or permission from us, serko, which is a private sector. you have introduced the plan of the ministry of health , the minister of health has given an interview, and there is a news agency, sed and sima, that has come, this is the draft that the government has prepared, and i would like to say that the first permit has been issued for tower 8, with the approval of this organization, the head of the justice and medicine organization has written a letter. with the implementation of
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door-to-door projects by the mentioned company, there is a company whose manager the agent of this company is the head of one of the subordinate organizations of the ministry of health, the former head of the health insurance organization , yes, and he issued this license in 235, according to the license issued under number 655416 on the date of 235 , it is appropriate. doctor, yes, yes , yes, yes, this is a letter from the head of the organization , the current head, because there are many changes in the organization of the ministry of health, we talk every time, for example, they say that it was the previous head, the current head wrote a letter and introduced me, he issued a permit for borj panj. it's interesting. let me tell you that the attached letter is the rules page for our thousand year 1402, the beginning of the year. like just now, ardi behesht had a meeting . in fact , there was a meeting in the food and drug organization in the area of ​​the organization's head office. we were there. we were from different agencies. i wasn't just a servant. it was the prosecutor's
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office. by the way, we talked about this in that meeting, we said, sir , you issued a permit, my friends, i don't remember the name now, they said, sir, yes, we formulated the criteria , this company came, passed our criteria , and we gave it a permit, when are the organization's own criteria? qabatdar told me that it was attached to their letter, then all the friends in that meeting demanded that you, sir , should notify the rules, not to a specific company, which then has a branch, of which this is the managing director. it has been discussed that we are not the first place in the world where we want to have a country and rule. the next day, mr. doctor , i wrote a letter myself to the chairman of the meeting, who was the general chairman of the organization's directorate, and i said that according to the law, you are obliged to publish and freely access information, the rules and regulations are part of the public information that the institutions are required to publish , despite the fact that the documents are completely clear and the first license has been issued by the food and drug organization
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, is exclusive to contrary to the ministerial decree, i am re-reading the decree. what did he say in the decree? he said that he should comply with the principle of competition and prevent monopolies , because the discussion of monopolies in the field of health is not a secret anymore. so far , it has not been given again. the presidential legal vice president wrote a letter to the director of the pharmaceutical department of the qadar organization and several other managers in the legal vice president to all its members. the meeting of the ministry of communications, the ministry of economy and other departments were all present and the manager himself said , "yes, sir, this is our first pilot and we are finalizing to publish the details , which for your information, the report of the meeting of the legal vice-chancellor has clearly come, which i have." from the minutes of the meeting of the real vice president, i read that more than seven months have passed since the issuance of the first license of the justice and drug organization, which was based on the words of the representative of the food and drug organization in the meeting, so the rules have been formulated , at least the initial draft of the first license that
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they it is interesting to say now after this issue it was followed up again, the excuse i am giving started from here, for your information, mr. doctor , you have mentioned yourself. what are the regulations, what are the government's approvals, again, the approval of the minutes of the meeting of the presidential office of tower 4, 144, the deregulation committee held a meeting again, tower 6, our approval is exactly the same. i read licensed platforms in the field of internet business, they can be careful in the field of food and medicine, put in quotation marks , they operate from pharmacies with valid licenses and under the supervision of the food and drug organization , they do not need to obtain a new license because the platform has been licensed in the field of e-commerce. the pharmacy also
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received from the food and drug organization. in fact, the food and drug organization enters the field of e-commerce, and naturally, the field of e-commerce is not in the field of medicine. what do you think about distribution and dispensing ? yes, do you have an answer? i am not a representative of the government, really, anyway, these issues i wish it would be resolved as soon as possible, we are always behind technology, technology is moving forward and we want to come and formulate the rules later. we went from 13,000 pharmacies to 16,000. what 's wrong with them being able to expand their business through the internet, but this should be done with certain rules , unfortunately, you should leave these rules aside now that we are demanding them. so far, there are several programs from sad and cima's justice and medicine organization i don't know about the economy, there are several
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programs, at least i saw it myself , many news reports, they gave me a deadline many times, they said one more month, two more months, and the minister of health himself, and it's interesting, they are talking in your voice , in fact, they are talking live on the program. we are announcing this, the fajr decade has ended, the bahman has ended, sir, what happened, where is dastran ? yes, we should have consulted the ministry of communications according to the resolution , sir. but people and the medical community should not ignore these issues look at my body, it has also been seen on e-commerce platforms, well, those who are apparently doing their job, look at the work, but it should not be done until the full accuracy has been determined. it has been seen on the internet that hard drugs have been ordered and taken. now i have an explanation. narcotics are ordered


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