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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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all representatives, not a specific representative, like what happened in the discussion of the deputy minister of interior , this was done in order to finally maintain the interaction between the two branches and not create problems, but sometimes the representatives do not say in one case, the representatives of some of the few representatives, we have representatives. for example, they take some actions or insist on some issues and then it ends up being a loss for them. now let me tell you one thing . after all, it's not bad. one of these representatives insisted that their governor should be changed, then finally it was checked, these things are really, finally , the governor decided to change that governor. let it be done, and these things, while the representatives should not really interfere in the impeachment of the installations , find input, yes, give advice, but they should not insist.
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parliament instead of this representative who insisted that this gentleman would have been the governor if that person had not insisted, and this person will continue to represent himself in the next round, or for example, see that i love you, as they say, he will be included in the appointments. don't do it, because from the very first step, some people will disagree with the representative why he left this option for example, according to him, he has become the general manager, the head of the department , whatever happens next, when his performance is poor , if there are any problems, it all depends on that representative, then he can't do his supervisory duties, that is, when representatives, for example, representatives said, sir, this gentleman should be the governor, then later they say that there is a problem, they say, well we finally proposed it yourself, of course , doctor, in many countries, because they have two parliaments , this issue will be resolved by itself, that is, one parliament will follow the work of the people and follow up on its own constituency as the house of representatives. in
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fact, the parliament is the work of the senate, a public and big work the country, but because we have one parliament, actually two of them are not one, of course, our city councils could shoulder a part of this burden, but because our councils are actually municipal councils , they do not have a commonality in other issues and so on. after all, this culture should be created so that people really follow their problems through the normal routine of the executive body. first of all , for example, everyone wants to go to the highest authority of our country . in the cities, everyone wants to write to the president. well, now you are here, the deputy governor, the commanders will solve this. the question is why do you want it? refer to the higher officials and these were discussed a lot in the field of the ministry of commerce. in the end , where did the government's decision lead to? there are prices, goods that must
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be seriously monitored, with this current mechanism, it is not responsible . it is true that we have the penal organization , we have support for the producer and consumer, the organization and the ministry of jihad, the ministry of agriculture , the ministry of justice and others are responsible. to be an independent organization or a ministry, and it was almost agreed, that is we wrote this bill based on the letter that the speaker of the parliament gave to the government. we wrote the bill because we said that you have your own representatives or our organization. it was also approved in sanaa, we were in the stages of finalizing some notes and materials, and these ambiguities, for example, to be resolved once they said that it is hidden. let's leave this plan while the government
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has to make an official request. now the speaker's board decided that no , we can. it was not implemented and it would have been better if the government's opinion had been taken and this case would have come to a conclusion. now that 6 months will be over , the bill for the establishment of the national migration organization can be placed in the order again. during this period, there have already been about 128 bills, that is, 130 from the previous governments and, for example, 45 bills in this government, because after all, our discussion was that it should be done based on logic and rationality and that good expertise should be done. any area that needs to be entered by the government itself. don't be like that
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the representatives feel that there is a gap, they should read the body plans, well, in this situation , there were many plans from the representatives, we have 20 and, for example, 65 layers. i have signed the four bills that we sent to the government . on the day of meetings , leave one day for supervision, which means that no more plans and bills will be presented. then, when a bill comes , there are so many suggestions and many things that it's okay. it will be difficult, especially since last year the discussion of the program took a lot of time from the representatives, or
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was it by itself, that now it is divided into two parts based on the new constitution, and now this is finally a place to work, that it really takes so much time of the government of the parliament, is this correct or not? as you know now, it is still the second part. it should be completed within this one month, and i want to say that it was such a task that they couldn't do it, even we had an emergency bill that, for example , the second layer of the emergency should be immediately declared received , go to the seventy commission, and for example, it should come in a few hours, 76 hours later. age and be final, but you will see sometimes it is not finalized within two or three days , sometimes within two or three months, it does not reach the result. finally, this work should be speeded up. now , see the meetings or, for example, secondary things. when i was, for example, a representative in the fifth parliament, we had a speech . it was only a speech, for example, by the representatives. now there is a three-minute warning , there is a two-minute warning, and now there is a one-minute
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warning . the constitution, various reminders that are raised , well, finally, it takes time, or you want to see, for example, a representative comes. about he starts with a bill, a plan, for example , he talks about his constituency, or he talks about the current issues of the country, for example, he talks for a few minutes , then at the end he makes a reference. until time can be managed and these bills come to fruition as soon as possible, according to your experience in the field of representation , you think there should be changes, not as a parliamentary deputy.
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just last year, they changed the handling of the budget . we think that there are some cases that the government should inform, they have nothing to do with us now it means that the parliament itself is the one who makes the proposal and the work is done. yes, in terms of the normal procedure, the government has no role in this matter, but after all, since one side of this story is the government's issue, the interaction between the government and the parliament, for example , the way you asked questions in the parliament, the submission of the budget , this is all one sided. or the time, for example, the presentation of the budget is a matter of the government's opinion. even if the government ends, even if it is unofficial, i will tell you one thing, see, for example, in the vote of confidence in the ministers , in the impeachment, in all cases, the one who speaks, those who oppose, at the end of the time, it is the relevant minister who comes and explains after explaining.
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if it's a vote of confidence, they'll vote. if it's a vote of impeachment, they'll vote. but see, for example , the process that exists in the current question. even with some of them now, the commission will first give a short report , then the minister should come and answer the question, then the questioner. he is just starting to ask questions. now he is in two parts. to summarize, the minister speaks in two parts. the last person who asks questions is the representative himself. for example, i will go as a representative for 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes. if i speak against you, who are, for example, a minister, then the speaker of the parliament will ask, mr. so-and-so, you are satisfied, so me what i said, no one gave me an answer , what new arguments did i raise , did i raise questions and ambiguities, did i provide documents and documents, well, he doesn't have time to explain what this really means, for example
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, from a rational point of view, this is not reasonable, and he should always be the one who defends he wants to be the last person, well, i think that the honorable representatives should really consider this. how was the interaction of the islamic council with the government in approving the 7th plan? anyway, at first, of course, a lot was developed, almost equivalent to about 120, for example, and they added the food that was blocked, and then it was finally said that this is possible.
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it doesn't mean that this work has been done and the number of items that have been added, especially those items that have a financial burden, and the change was something else, that is , finally, the parliament of a percentage, for example, usually makes changes and adjusts, but if it comes, for example, according to the same number for example, to add a number of 50 to 50, for example, to change this, well, anyway, later, with the advice of the leader of the children of the revolution, well , the honorable speaker of the parliament also helped, and the program in a good style for the development of a sector, which, well, the government did not agree, the guardian council will be taken into consideration. dod or the cases that the supreme board had supervision in the end seems what has been finalized should be possible and god willing, everyone will help it to be implemented. in general , i want to say performance. let me tell the parliament, well, finally , the parliament discussed the vote of confidence in the same questions that i said in the professor and these
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, there was a good interaction. lately , we had to give a written answer to saeed, the head of state and mr. president. of course, we are from the parliament in the future, we will ask that if things are said that are undocumented, not accurate, and have negative effects on the system and the country, you should make a statement, for example, to one person, now an official or a representative, then the persian-language media , on the overall brand plan. based on the incorrect statistics that, for example , he said that this number wanted to be executed , or, for example, such comments that were not accurate, they themselves later
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, in any case, it seems that democracy is one of the places where this view is crystallized in the parliament. how is the budget now? now, of course, forgiveness remains. yes, you can see the so-called income ceiling, and from these , the tables of statistics and numbers that must be allocated for each project are left. in the past, this was usually
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not discussed in the commission. but now, because the representatives are sensitive and want to be more careful , this has been done, and i think they have until this friday, that is, until tomorrow, to put forward their proposals , and then the consolidation commission will do its work, so that it will come to a conclusion within this may. well, there was some difference in some cases regarding taxes in the discussion of pensioners, equalization of salaries and other matters that were finally discussed, when these cases are concluded, there should not be such a difference against al-qaeda, because now, if you want to increase one place, for example, the body should be taken from another project, which means that there is no more maneuvering power. there is no need to ask to increase the budget limit because this is already closed and finalized. the income and expenses are known, a slight change may be given. if i want
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to talk about the future, well, god willing, in two or three months this year, a new parliament will be formed on the 7th of khordad, minus the second round so far. the election of the islamic council will be held on the 21st of this month of march, one hundred and thirty . how is your assessment of the new parliament coming in? yes, see , 17 members of the 11th parliament were definitely elected. they will also be the twelfth. now there are 45 people who will be selected in the second round. now, out of these 45 people, it is possible , for example, half of them, a third of them, finally, about 120 people, eventually 130 people , will not be more than this parliament. the rest means, for example, 160 to 70 new people
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who will enter the parliament. of course some those newly elected people are those who have a history of drugs in the 10th, 9th, and 8th rounds of the parliament , but a significant number, a significant number , for the first time in the parliament, so what have we done so far? we invited everyone to the president's new year meeting, and finally, if the preliminary acquaintance takes place, then this sunday we had a joint meeting of the government of the parliament. we also invited them to find this opportunity to finally have a conversation with the ministers and help them prepare themselves for the 7th of june. their work will begin, i say, just as in the 11th parliament, it was called interaction and cooperation , we have this procedure in this new parliament, and the points
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that i think are necessary, so let the representatives be told what services the government can provide them . or, for example, at what stage are their projects, what can be done, we state that in any case, every parliament should be more efficient than the previous one, we should be progressing, not degradation, for example , there have been experiences, for example as i mentioned, some comments have consequences for the whole country that is, for example, suppose that in this discussion. let's announce a number, sir, for example, in the next few months , the price of the dollar, for example, will be this much. well, this will create an expected inflation in the society . in other matters, for example, if a
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representative comes and says, mr. president, do you consider our province as part of iran or not now? a president who is so active and hardworking is the government of the government. each province must travel at least 2 times. yes, some provinces say khuzestan 8 for example, mr. president , this flood happened in baluchistan, dashtiari and chabahar. the minister of interior called from there was still in the condition that the votes were being counted. i mean, he wanted to focus all his energy and focus on the elections , but he has gone to his region, mr. president, he has come to iran, he has reached, he has gone to the region, finally, the red crescent has been working since the first day. the government is acting in a jihadist spirit, so now we are instead of saying, god bless the patients, you
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took care of them right away. or , for example, the story of gaza, which started a week ago , one of the honorable representatives addressed the honorable speaker of the parliament and announced that why the criticism of the foreign minister is not raised. i said that you are a very respectable person, but your words have consequences in society, now there is a war in gaza. the foreign minister should appear with authority in international circles with the foreign ministers in the organization you bring up this debate, don't you remember that in the first parliament, when the foreign minister's request was brought up
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, what was the reaction of the imam? those people are almost removed from the country's political scene. well, now they say, for example, that you didn't do anything for my constituency. well , let's assume that we didn't do anything for your constituency . but is it the interest of the country? economy makes you say this now , i want to say this, this is the emphasis that you have in the conflict of your interests, put the national interest first. recently, in a meeting with the officials of the regime , he said that seeking popularity is gaining popularity.
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we are very friendly with the honorable representatives and i say we will do as much as possible. we tried to talk to the representatives themselves without even getting an official answer , unless there was a place where there was a suspicious ambiguity . now, i have many examples of these. if he is not elected, for any reason, he will question the basis of the election. well, we say that if you really have documents to the supervisory board, the guardian council will come and take care of it. for example , two people went to the second round with a smaller number of people, previously there were three people, and these or, for example, in some cities, the place
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of the first person. has it changed or, for example, in lanjan in isfahan province, he was the first person let's say the whole election, sir, there was buying and selling of votes , there were some people who should keep this in mind, yes , they should take the protestors through their own legal channels and follow up, but if
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no results are achieved, we should all surrender. you have the tendencies of this period of the parliament, now maybe for the official reason you can't say no to us as a whole in the parliament. we know that the parliament is good, in any case, not that the current parliament is cooperating, but there have been some cases where some people thought that, for example, if the government's statement is constantly questioned and objected to, and they take issue with this, for example, it is for their benefit , while the answer was the opposite, that is, for example, one of these dear representatives in one of the centers of one of the big cities, who had several representatives, sometimes when he came and defended the government, he told me that this would cause i want it to fall slowly, but we saw that the first person was, for example, in the capital of the province, finally, the people
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see the government that it is working. to exaggerate , yes, there are facts, but let us come to one for example, let's say, sir, the government has given up and is not doing anything in this area, in that area, or for example, the same meeting that we had recently. while this meeting was more of an iftar, an acquaintance with the new representatives and the elected representatives, then the side of these meetings is much more than the original, friendship, camaraderie, familiarity, and these things that are being done, now also the work they are doing , which people are bringing up with the president himself is the first vice president of others and then us in these meetings, we had 6 meetings so far in this period. in each case, we say an agenda . our agenda in this meeting is how to realize the slogan of the year, what is the approach of the government
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, what are the priorities of the parliament. it was about one hour, for example, one conversation, but it was not the way we wanted to say, sir. what happened to the car, what happened to the industry , i don't know what happened to the goods , we want to solve all the problems and issues. yes, as you mentioned, next week, for example, the head of the central bank or the minister of economy will explain these fluctuations that have occurred recently, while you yourself after all, you are an expert on issues and you are completely aristocratic. the government has tried its utmost to ensure that we get the basic goods with the same so-called width as the dollar, for example, the price of which is 28,500 tomans. toman is good and the same as last year. our business has been positive, that is, our exports have exceeded imports, which is about 20 billion dollars more. well, these are good actions. you
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can see what these scientists' companies are doing. for example , in this field of medical health, what different medicines could they produce by themselves and not us? they need to work everywhere in other fields, then we, for example, just come to complain and find problems. hazrat agha, in meeting with new students, their words do not reflect very well at the global level. have a proud look, that is , say those strengths when someone listens to the parliament , so that they don't get disappointed and say, sir, there are shortages and flaws everywhere, doctor, it's not like this, i mean, to be fair, the parliament was very good and revolutionary during this period, and things are fine. i want this scale to be heavy it would be better if, for example, the strong points were finally pointed out. of course, in this parliament, we had 71 statements praising the representatives, but as you know, the media rarely gets to these things, mostly
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the things that are objections and tears. i want to say that at the same time, we really welcome the supervisory aspects of the reminders of all these questions, but we expect that fairness will be observed everywhere, god willing, and that this cooperation and interaction will be better in the next parliament , mr. doctor, as our last question, that is, you in the next parliament, which god willing will start on the 7th of june, will discuss the most important priorities of the government god willing, follow up. you see, the same government mentioned the so-called other economic axes, they are a priority, now there are many plans that the government has put forward, and we hope, god willing, with the cooperation that exists, we will be able to achieve these results, and then finally use the points of view of the honorable representatives. let's make the problems decrease, god willing, people feel that all
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they care about is service to the people, the progress of the country, and definitely, with this cooperation and companionship, great things can be done, especially since we have special conditions , now, after all, regional issues are not small issues. the events that are happening and many eyes are on the islamic republic, for this reason there should be more cohesion in the country in this situation. be.
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sending the number 5 to the system. at 40, the bodies of the martyrs of the terrorist attack two days ago on two faraja cars in seyed and soran in maslai zabultashi and were buried in their hometown in sistan baluchistan. during this terrorist attack, 5 members of the faraja forces were martyred.


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