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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 5:00am-5:30am IRST

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nature tour 5 o'clock the process of connecting self-driving companies to the after-sales service community system was completed. general manager of the service office. the ministry of technical and engineering said: all the companies, including the manufacturers and importers of light vehicles , have joined the after-sales service community system. according to mr. mahalei, it was decided to connect heavy vehicles to this system in the next stage. the purpose of implementing this plan is to create transparency in providing after-sales services of automobile companies. connecting car companies to the after-sales service community system ie. now, all the companies that
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register in these areas for production or they import the birth certificate, complete the after-sales service and their tasks are specific for the consumer . what will change from now on? let's follow whether this service that is attached to the supplier or manufacturer is being offered well or not. if someone has a complaint about the after-sales service regarding the car, what should they do? i went to a center and i need these services. giving or not giving, well , this is the title, we have experts who know these things they will investigate within the minimum time. if
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it is not resolved, we will file a complaint . how long will it take to deal with these matters for the investigating agencies, such as the protection and punishment organization? in the complaints of the speed ​​mining trade organization or the protection organization , they usually declare a violation, considering that the violation is clear. to a large extent, up to a maximum of one month, the aircraft will be processed. in this way, so far, the after-sales services of 3 product groups , mobile phones, household appliances, and light vehicles have been connected to the after-sales service community system . heavy vehicles are also going to be connected . when will this happen, god willing next month, farzadeh azaribqa of sada and sima news agency said that the quality control of the boeing company's engineers in this aircraft company is enough. according to the report
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of french tv channel 2 , there is a safety defect problem in thousands of passenger planes in circulation, which makes this plane a dangerous product. will consider the american boeing company is in turmoil more than ever. a whistleblower has accused the manufacturer of hastening the production process, which has cost the safety of its planes. he pointed out the defects and problems in the dreamliner 787 and models 877 mentioned. the lawyers of this engineer, who has worked for boeing for 10 years , pointed out an alarming number in a letter addressed to the civil aviation authority of america. this problem exists in thousands of airplanes currently in circulation . they wrote in this letter that our client has personally observed that boeing's quality controls almost ignore defects, and this figure
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can even reach 60% in some boeing programs. according to this whistleblower, parts of the body of the boeing 787 aircraft, which are located in the front and rear of the plane, have been modified for assembly. is. even if the pressure to be borne is 165 times more than the designed limit. but these accusations, which boeing rejected, were raised in a situation where the company at the beginning of march , it fell from the ground when it took off, or a few days ago when it was separated from the engine compartment of one of the planes. last year , it was too complicated for them, drowned in problems related to production. almost every month
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following these accusations, the us regulatory organization has started an investigation in this field. this research includes three models out of four models of boeing passenger planes. khuzestan wheat harvest in the presence of officials a province started from the fields and wheat fields of hendijan. the head of khuzestan agricultural road organization said: in recent years, khuzestan ranked first in the purchase and production of wheat. in the country, it has reached the time of picking the wheat stems in the first stage of the khuzestan harvest . after 7 months of wheat cultivation in handijan city, mr. hamid abad witnessed the harvesting of 70
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hectares of his fields today. buckwheat is good, thank god. we thank god that we were able to process this wheat with two or three waters. no water at three times. but with eve. they are suitable and we want to consider about 500 thousand hectares of irrigated cultivation. 13 wheat shopping center in khuzestan province is ready to buy harvested products from farmers. from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., shopping continues . the government has set a price of 1,750 tomans for each kilo of ordinary wheat , and 18,000 tomans for each kilo of wheat
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. we have standardized and disinfected all shopping malls . also, the rating meters of the necessary training centers have been coordinated with the general administration of the commercial summit, which is the purchasing agent. the wheat harvest begins in the southern parts of the province and continues in the northern parts of khuzestan until june of this year. according to estimates , 1 million and 800 thousand tons of wheat were harvested in khuzestan province until the end of the wheat harvest season.
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welcome to the special chat. tonight's news, the naming of the slogan of the year by the supreme leader of the revolution actually defines a strategic road map for the officials so that the country's governance system can focus its political and program orientation on it. we should witness a capacity measurement of prioritization and division of duties between the government and the people in the production of the country, so that, god willing, we will witness an increase in productivity in production and the realization of the slogan of the year. tonight's program
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in fact , we dedicated the special news interview to this important issue to discuss with the guests of the program. first of all, how should capacity measurement and the range of production leap in the country be drawn. in what areas are the country's production priorities based on these priorities and what duties should the government as the helmsman take on? should have and what range of production should be available to the people. the guests of our tonight's program are mr. dr. samad aziznejad, an expert on economic issues, as well as dr. ali ajdari, another expert on the economic issues of our country, and god willing, dr. seyed hamid. the police station of the head of the behri association of our country will also be added to our group online. well, mr. dr. samad azizinejad, greetings and a good time and welcome to your service in the name of allah, the most merciful, i also offer my greetings and courtesy to mr. governor
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, colleagues and respected viewers. and i congratulate you on the holidays. god willing, we will have a good program tonight . we are at your service. god willing, mr. doctor. greetings and good time again. welcome to my service . mr. aziznejad, if you are lucky, it is a great start. now the word cultural should be responsible for what part of the production should be left to the people
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. first of all, please tell the viewers what this capacity measurement and prioritization should look like . hello again, see the capacity that includes the presence of the people as a private sector. now this is in my opinion, the concept of the people is that the private sector other than the government should go back to article 44 of the constitution, which divides the economy into three sectors: the government, cooperatives, and the private sector. the third sector is the private sector and naturally in conventional economy is the economy in four times. households of economic enterprises of the government and the foreign sector are divided. it seems that the meaning of these people
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here is mainly households and economic enterprises, that is, the foreign sector. well, naturally, you mean that there is no difference between the people and the conventional private sector that is now included in article 44. we don't see a part of the people inside that dimension. if we take these two in this direction with the assumption that i have, the purpose of this presence of the people for economic leap is to bring in and empower households and economic enterprises. it is playing a greater role in the economy, now how?
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it must enter, naturally, in our economy , we divide into public and private goods , public goods, well, they have specific grades, some goods are very public, that is, they are pure, and the private sector cannot enter at all, except for the government. for example, let's assume that nuclear energy is a part it is because of its strategic nature or national security issues or infrastructures that have high costs in the private sector, both economic and household. they have no motivation to enter. naturally, this is the role of the government, apart from the points that have already been raised regarding article 44 , the presence of economic enterprises and households should be prominent. may it be enacted and its context provided . the existential philosophy of this slogan seems to be
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that the issue of capacity measurement in prioritization and division of duties in the field of production should be acted upon. for this prioritization, the industrial strategy of the country must be clear. naturally, the ministry and the program organization should work together to prepare the country's industrial and production priorities in the form of an industrial strategy. inside it , a distinction is made as to which parts should be done by the government and what should be done and which parts can be assigned to households or economic enterprises. what we know is that a lot of efforts have been made . now, i think mr. dr. ajderi's information will be more and more accurate because the industry is active. the information we have is that the country's industrial development strategy has not yet been finalized . it has been written many times, but finally one as one. the charter and
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strategy that the governments should have should be based on the division between the government and the nation in the general sense, which has given rise to tafsir khan and economic bingos. very well, in this regard, mr. najderi , please give your opinion on capacity measurement and priority for division. production area to the government sector look people, mr. yusuffi, i believe that the slogan of the year, which is raised every year , is actually an expression that the paradigms that have been ruling until now have not worked. we must look for a new paradigm. the persian equivalent means that we should actually change our methods and approaches. that is, if we are looking to achieve a jump in production. because if we wanted the same production and economic growth that we actually had in these years, well now we
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have positive economic growth in the last two or three years and the year 140. we had an economic growth of about 6% in the second 6 months of 1402 we had about four and a half percent positive, this shows that, well, we have economic growth in the last few years, at least two or three years, so we are looking for something beyond this. we must be, so we must modify our approach and look for a new development. the discussion of the second part of the year is the discussion of people's participation. well, we actually have the general policies of the era of 1944, and we also have the general policies of the resistance economy, and so on. more importantly, we have the statement of the second step , which is the notification of his highness
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the statement of the second step of the debate that exists is perhaps one of the most important debates. the statement of the second step is to popularize the economy, well, this requires that we can actually involve the people in the economy more. let's look at the problem , when we say people, it means the private sector, the cooperative sector, in the true sense of the word. that is, we should increase the role of these in the economy, based on the goal we have , the cooperative sector should be able to make up about 25% of the economy, and currently currently, the percentages that i have heard from friends are very low, maybe below 5. as a result, this shows that we have to
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correct our approach and i believe in this discussion . we can have two key discussions. first, what are the legal capacities or those institutional capacities that exist now, should we really use them, that is, we should not look for new capacity building. don't look for new institutions that are sometimes contradictory to existing institutions. it even has good rules. even the rules of my institution, when i say that i have the rules, i push them. that is, we must follow let's look for quality institutions. if the existing institutions cannot reach our goal, we must seek to reform them. it means to improve the quality of existing institutions. that the law to amend the law , to amend the regulations, to amend the recipes, to amend the rules that we did and did not work, as a result, these two discussions
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can be raised in connection with the jump in production with the participation of the people , and i believe that this is what i foresee with considering my knowledge of the majlis and the fact that we have been serving our friends as consultants for many years, i believe that the first thing the majlis does is a few he presents the matter in the form of a plan to achieve the slogan of the year until it is approved . it usually takes a year for the slogan to be approved. it is taking place and it will not have any results. as a result , in my opinion, the most important priority that can be defined for the parliament is to strengthen its supervisory aspect and to remove the laws or plans that have already started and are still in progress. in fact, it has not reached the final stage of notification, which, as
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my example, is one of the plans that is really a progressive plan it is also possible that if this plan actually comes to fruition , the plan for financing and production jump, which was actually started by the commission in accordance with article 44 and the place of production, actually started last year, is one of the most progressive plans, which i think is currently in the assembly. there is a diagnosis and this can be one of the most important priorities of the new parliament to get this approved. until now, we have a scientific view, or should i say an ideal, for the production sector of our country. sir, the capacity should be measured and prioritized, but prepare a report colleagues. a real look at what is happening in the real production space of the country and that division the bond that exists between the government and the people , let's see together. let's come back and continue the conversation. we are at your service
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since the end of bahman 2005. the private sector will take over the country's big projects and implement them until the 10th of bahman this year. our private sector is able to move the country towards what is desirable in the 7th five-year plan , i.e. the growth of 88 percent. almost 17 years have passed. in all these years , the private sector has been at the forefront of orders and recommendations in the iranian economy. the government and quasi-government institutions should not get involved in things that people can be present in this seems to be the case. the steering position in iran's economy is in the hands of non-governmental public institutions. phase one is the executive headquarters. phase two . we signed a contract with them to produce oil. in fact
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, the first day, give it to the private sector. this is the private sector, mr. dr. haj agha . and in reducing the interference of the government instead of the private sector, quasi-governments have benefited in medicine, automobiles, and housing. in any case where there is a huge profit, these institutions are present. despite years of legislation and repeated recommendations to popularize the economy and lack of pseudo-competition government and private sector activists still say that in the private sector, the price of milk is assumed to be 16 tomans, but in these government institutions , it is up to 12 tomans. the price cannot be increased, this is where the private sector suffers, as the famous saying goes. according to economic experts, the lack of supervision over quasi-governments
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is one of the reasons why the private sector is not a priority in iran's economy. as in the case of revolutionary institutions, it has a monitoring system and follows the systems of both agility, self-monitoring, auditing and transparency. this must be the case in the sector of public institutions. implementation of process monitoring the fielding of the private sector is one of the main propositions of the general policies of article 44. policies, significant parts of which have been implemented for 17 years. fatemeh khan ahmadi of sed and broadcasting news agency . mr. doctor, we want to talk about the division of duties. and what part of the production should come to the people according to the slogan of the production leap year, but the good law that we have in this area is the same principle of 44
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, which says to divide the duties of your evaluation before we go. how has principle 44 been implemented so far? paying attention to the slogan of the year, does it need to be revised ? look at what i said based on the report . yes, the experience of many years, that is, from 1984 onwards . there are requirements that should be forgotten. can't work the economy has a size, as i said , a combination of the government, the nation and the foreign sector. the more you increase the size of the government, the government will replace the private sector, or it will become the nation. the outsourcing rule of the private sector happens, what does the private sector do? he takes his capital out of the country. a lot of things now in the report. it is a very simple formula.
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see the private sector when. its size will increase, or it should be given the capacity to keep its capital in the country to invest, and its requirements and grounds should be provided, or it should have liquid capital, it cannot be stopped, especially with the new technologies that have come into being, there is a lot of liquidity and capital mobility. it is not unique to iran in the world , it is like this in the whole world, anyway, what happened is like this. the capital outflow from the private exit sector due to the substitution of governments instead of the private sector has not been considered. it is assumed that the government will eventually no matter how big the government is, no matter how big the government is, the private sector keeps its capital here in the country, while this is not the case , the private sector needs to grow and become scalable. if there is no opportunity here, look elsewhere.
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these opportunities will go away, so no matter how much we make the private sector clear where possible and the rules are not like that, for example , the private sector can go everywhere, the private sector has its own representatives, the chamber of commerce, they know where they should enter the government. he also knows where the private sector can enter according to the rules and regulations ok, so because this separation and these requirements and these recognitions did not exist, unfortunately, the experience. there has been no success in the discussion of privatization in the country. now, if we learn from this, we can make proper plans. according to now, according to this, please give the correctness of principle 44. how should we prioritize now and how should we divide this priority into tasks? what part should be at the disposal of the government's helmsman? what part of the production should be available to the people? the first thing
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you give an example. yes. the first thing that exists. the custodian of this task must be identified and responsible it is also acceptable for the custodian, mr. dr. ajarri , to say, for example, suppose that the islamic council feels responsible based on its inherent duty and approves the law or laws, but what authority or institution should implement this, and what is the guarantee of its implementation? we are missing that link. these rules are our regulations, which means that the trustee must be identified in the first step. this trustee must act transparently in order to divide the duties , that is, announce under what conditions and in which areas the private sector can enter. he talked to the people about what space was assigned and what part of what outputs for the country. taken to
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encourage the private sector to do this, and naturally, when you want to encourage the private sector, you should not think about making profits or generating income in handovers or opportunities . if there is more presence, the size of the economic pie will be bigger and naturally, after that , the government's income from taxes will be increased, which after all is created through the creation of value and wealth, which means we have to change the steps. the first step is not to look for income let's look for income, but in the end, the government will get its own income, but from a different path and maybe more, you can see the private sector


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