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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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i said that 80% of most of the meetings of the government board were disputes between commerce and the mining industry. 20% of the rest of the affairs, he said that this should be imported, this should be exported, for example, this should not be brought, that the producer suffered a loss, this is what i want to say, look at the land information science should become a thing. well , we have just now brought this in the law of the 7th plan . i want to say that this is not a structure. we have done the homework . now i want to submit until the 7th plan. mr. doctor, i don't want the 7th plan.
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madan is not a structure, there is no structure, we made the law now, we have to build it, now the law cannot be implemented, it is possible tell me, sir, take care of it, tell me, the data is mine , i can't give it to you, i will tell you now what has become of it, it is not the way it was made, because now he says there is a ministry of home affairs, he says i want this, he says i won't let it become two home ministry, he wants to say, sir, there are two i have to say that it will definitely not be done again. what is the solution? the solution is that we came here and criminalized it. this would not have been criminalized if the commission of durham, whose job is to exchange data. he ordered that this data should be made available to this device. if he does not, the manager will be criminalized. this criminalization has never been done before. if he doesn't work, his biggest crime is that he said that we will take that chair away from him. the manager has to give it to him because he wants to keep it. now there are other crimes. in my opinion , we have a problem with the process and views, not the structure. although i accept this, you can do anything. shrink a structure, make a structure, a more centralized ministry can spend more time on it and become a nation
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, put a more expert person there, but a new iranian will be born, i say if you take the average, the total points that are obtained in the positive and the negative things that are obtained mead will definitely be at the loss of the mine and the industry with this separation it will be and it will be to the detriment of the people. the most obvious negative points that you think, for example, tomorrow is when we will form the ministry of mines. what negative points do you think are the most important negative points that arise ? there is a chain between the continuation of the chain and the chain before . did you understand that you have a chain here now? inside, that means anywhere if we remove the fees or if there is no restriction, the one who extracts iron ore is a friend he is exporting his iron ore to, for example, concentrate
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, he likes to go to pellets, he likes to go , i don't know, he likes to go like this, it is more beneficial that we have to improve the structure, mr. doctor , that's what i want to say, a structure must be created here, that is what i mean, you are now let 's say, for example, that i disconnected this from the chain, in the end, especially the lower chain, that is, you are at the same time, sir, i want to think that the upstream will grow. this price with what you tell you i won't let you go and import it, he says, sir , this land is inside the country, the electricity is expensive, the labor is expensive, i want to build a foundation at this price, he says no , the minister says, i don't want to do this, and so everything here in this chain can go wrong. if it eats, it means that you can grow upstream , it can definitely grow downstream, and people can be harmed after that. it is possible to do the opposite, when it does not have a guardian, that is, there are two. now
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, because it is downstream, it is suppressed by a higher power called the president or the first vice president should be suppressed to such an extent that it is practically like interests he doesn't see this anymore, he just wants to see his own interests come down from what it is, but if it's with a chain, the whole thing can be managed by one person, and i will realistically analyze this, realistically, mr. angariye will not help us. which was there, he also said that if it is used in the law of the sixth plan , it is considered a violation of state rights, but this has happened and you are aware that even the country's planning management organization up to 2% and 5% it is not appropriate to say the same thing now how do you want to get a plan from the organization to become a minister?
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a part of the construction industry should come under the ministry of mining industry, trade or urban housing. according to your argument, this should also come, but let our viewers
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judge me . there is a minister. if the one who wants to take this job, let's separate it. this is not in my mind here , this is in my mind somewhere else, that third place has not changed, i didn't say that third place to jad, see, i will tell the real story. can you answer this point, to make it clear , mr. tahri says that no matter what ministry you have, what ministry you have, because the main money must come from another place, which is the meaning of the organization, and you will not change it, which is the main problem. according to the discussion that we have had so far , it seems that it is starting from there , there is no difference between one or more home ministries , you will answer this, it is definitely different. i can't manage the planning for the budget even though all three of us are here
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ministry and i want to see the interests of all departments and defend all issues, i definitely have less space and time. i have one issue. look , the minister has now become the minister of automobiles and market regulation . if there is one, mr. dr., tell me, this is not possible. see, you say the exploitation. go to the exploitation. you are the main cartoon of my cars . i dare to finish my discussion. we are not looking for what iran is now, and if there are two ministries of home affairs, will those problems be resolved or not? we want to solve the problems of islam and muslims. we want to improve the conditions for business. this improvement requires a business environment
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. people, which is usually concentrated in the ministry of commerce and industry , does not extend to the important and developing sector of mining and mineral industries, it becomes an independent ministry, and most importantly, do we have similar conditions in the world or not, why do we want experience models? let's distance ourselves from the world now . i repeat, at the time he wanted the so-called ministry of commerce should become one with the ministry of industry and mines . it was a good study on 100 countries. in many of them, the ministry of commerce and the ministry of industry were the same. that is, check the whole world. 50, 50, 50 are the same, 50% of them
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are now 519, which means the difference. near the border, but anyway, but anyway, nowhere in the ministry of mines. we don't have one with the ministry of industry. mines . if i claim that oil mines will be created, or like , for example, afghanistan now has mines and petroleum. in some places, it is the ministry of mines and energy, which means that where there are mines, there has always been oil. it is united with oil, or with your presence, it is said that it is energy or independent at all, if it is similar to the so-called. it is not international, we must give a percentage of probability that this is possible, because one of the expert discussions in other countries was behind it, so let's go back and see how many expert discussions were held at the time this claim was made
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. the experts should bring an expert report on the claim of the ministry of mines, metals and industry. there is none, sir. let me tell you , look, mr. doctor, we want to create a structure, a ministry, a ministry i say call it ministry of anfal, that is a separate discussion, not our discussion today. if we want to make a change, we should use all the points that we think are effective, such as making the government more agile , such as shrinking the government, and defining the missions. you are able to point out, please answer
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about the fact that now a series of critics always say that regarding the separation or merger of the ministries , he discussed the size of the government and the agility of the government . in this separation, do you think the government will be bigger? he said that i said, for example, the discussion of the ministry related to anfal, well, these are similar, only one, for example , liquid, one is solid . whether the so-called discussion is only about shrinking the government, or how much has been studied about this in the past or not, now , according to the information of his highness, it has not been studied. for example , at that time, there is not much, but my experience is that we are creating something now. whether it's separation or integration, because this is the ministry of industry, mining, trade, ministry of economy, if we count the number , many things have happened several times, then it's good.
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it didn't work, we thought that it didn't work well , our structure was wrong, we came again, a new structure , then we saw it again, it doesn't work well, again , another structure, now what is the separation, now what happened in the past, now sometimes it is an excuse to increase productivity. we want to make the government smaller. if this happens, i say now we want to make a decision to fix the problems that exist. let's do it. in the first part of my talk , i mentioned the first part of the chain of discovery and i almost argued that separation will not do anything special. now, i want the next process. let me explain the operation after the exploration . after you get a license, you have explored . well, i mean, i'm with you here , but we see that 90% of the work is not getting a permit, that
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we have two or three things in our work, one is the machine, now there is noise, explosions and such , but in general, it's about the machine in your car, you said, now i want this let me give you an answer. i would say that there should be a minister who is concerned about the production of machinery and mining, and he can do better. he should manage here, or when he is separated , he should have a separate trustee . definitely, when he sees both interests as one, he can allow both the interests of this and the interests of this to be seen, otherwise you would not have allowed imports at all. separation in the process and operation will be detrimental to us . it will be the end of the sales chain. it will be a sale . you should now separate the part of the mine that was in the mining industry. here, whether you want to sell that business and this mining and metals industry, or
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you are still in charge of it somewhere else, after all, you want to sell. you don't have a ministry of commerce. this ministry of commerce is in the mining industry. it is possible that this is a business, do you want to take a piece of it again, bring it here or not, does it want to be spread, that is, these are places that have not been tested and can definitely cause serious damage. what about the size of the government? see, the discussion of the size of the government is definitely you, yes, you are now if you want to create a home ministry, it doesn't matter if you say that this ministry is only a mine, a small ministry, again, the minister, the deputy minister, wants an office, he wants a sign, he wants a building , he wants all the things that the ministry of industry, mines and trade wants. look, now the deputy minister of mining is on the same floor. you can't say that we want to move to one floor. let's leave you with a separate building and all the expenses and all of this again for the budget line and all this. yes, this is a doctor. when we claimed, the government became small.
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we don't have two ministers anymore, we don't have two deputy ministers, we don't have 10 doctor, they are only a handful of people. we do nothing, that is , we put a minister on top of him. we put all those transients in the province. in the province, in the mining sector, how many employees do we have? 5 people want to be the head of the general office with the same one. it wants to be 200 people. another office wants to be in charge of transportation. again, that means all the levels that
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we don't have work at all. how much was the work that was done to the resident first. the percentage and error of the expert was high. for example, let's assume that i i will make a decision the title of a position. the government and the sovereign do something. mr. dr. taheri, they should give me as many arguments as possible to convince me that this is the case, for example, suppose that i reform or return. no one asks me that you started this work, sir, what was your reasoning? you see, the main point of my story is this, the argument that the ministry
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of metal mines should be joined with the ministry of industry is this. i will come to you later. i will ask you a question . many of the countries in the world are referring to countries that, with the coordinates that we have in the field of mines and metals, the mineral resources that we have how is it managed? different ministries are separated or merged. if there is a separation, how successful are they? almost all of our mining countries have an independent ministry of mines, or if
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at all, the nature of these two, both of them , are minerals under the ground, and the reason for this is that they are solid. doctor, what is the difference, and even if we look at it from the point of view of the so-called 'inflammation', they probably have the same nature , but this did not happen , this has gone wrong. no, the amount of work will not increase because we have global experiences. you can see from this that we should not rely on global experience let's run away. for example, let's assume that 10
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tons of trucks are made in the world for one ton of vans. unlike the rest of the world , we put a 5 ton 10 ton truck load on it , it will definitely stay below that. now, the ministry of industry, mining, and trade all experts agree that it is not strong enough to handle all of this. the only problem is that they are going to come now. let's separate commerce, sir, commerce is much closer to industry than mining, why don't we act like the rest of the world, like the rest of the world, to say, sir, we are very strong on this. and let's be honest, this is also impossible because we don't have it. our experience in the past years has proven that the ministry of mining industry and commerce has not been able to bring a minister who
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will allocate time and energy to all sectors of the mining and commerce industry in a balanced and fair manner. let him solve their problems . well, we have 6 minutes . mr. taheriyeh's final summary for you is for the main discussion about segregation in the ministry of industry, mining and trade , whether now in this meeting or in previous meetings. it was business, so it is an argument about the importance of a topic that is very important, for example, mining in this meeting or in some discussions in the field of trade, this issue is important. two, this ministry of home affairs is busy and it is not enough to do this work. both of these arguments are correct . in country. in everything that is important and that ministry is left on the ground, we have to make it a ministry, so what will we gain
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and what will we lose? this is just to keep track of what we get we will lose some things, let's take the total of these things. if the result is positive, we will do this. my suggestion is that we should definitely separate the mine in this area , the things we get and the things we lose. what we are losing is more. what is the solution for mining? should it be important ? it is important. it must be in the processes, in the views , even in the current structure. tell me, sir, i am here as the minister of the president minister, i will give him all my powers, for example or not, for example, you can even come from principles like 127 138 of the constitution, get help , create a small government board, for something like mining, and
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jump into the government, in my opinion , they must change the structure. separation will not solve the problem, we must fix our approach and process, in general, the fact that the mine is not looked at at all is completely acceptable. but i don't accept that these problems will be solved by separating. thank you, mr. askazadeh . taheri's words were very valuable, one, the importance of mining is not hidden to anyone, two, yes , only by reforming the structure of a part of the problems of mining and the mining industry will be eased. but all the problems will not be solved, we have to correct the approach as i said, i completely agree
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, we have to correct the side effects and approaches to the mining sector. how much does it help? i believe that in any case , a minister can be a minister in the government. more communication with the president and finally the heads of the organization and definitely a deputy cannot have this ability. i want to say one thing about the blessing of this meeting, if you allow me, and that is that at least this meeting and the continuation of this meeting, which , god willing, will have radio and television, is to make the mine a thorn. to be seen, this was very good, that is, let's assume that i will not be separated at all, not from my point of view. at least this should be raised from the bottoms that are there now, and now there is also a mine, and really, in the current situation, the same approaches are the process of what
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we wanted to achieve with the ministry of home affairs under these conditions, and really this plan and saying the problems that exist now can be done by rabin. they must send a mission to the majlis research center, looking at what this merger was originally for, and then decide whether to separate now or not . to be able to create a capable and capable structure for the mining sector, which happens to have the capability, we will discuss later we have a unique feature in the world. we should not neglect this. it is a pity that these natural and god-given properties will perish. we ca
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n't use it properly for various reasons , now you, the viewers, mr. dr. taheri, we all know the reasons. sometimes the reasons are very formal and slogans, but unfortunately , it has become a format. i hope this happens well , god willing. thank you very much to all of you. let them see the higher program that you have accompanied us up to this moment. may god protect you or ali.
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the book of the top secret file of 204 works in the type of books spying on the zionist regime's interference in different countries is a subversive crime of the intelligence agency. this book, narrated in the form of a story , tells the story of a boy named benjamin , who later becomes a mossad spy. a unique and creative phenomenon that is very smart and has a very high iq and elite. the book contains complex intelligence operations of the mossad, which informs the audience about the crimes of the zionist regime. he was able to deal well with the crimes of the zionist regime in
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the field of intelligence and security activities, especially in iran, including the assassination of nuclear scientists. share with your audience. in this book , named 204, the author is looking for the future of the zionist regime and the narrative of the leader of the revolution in this regard. when the supreme leader made a promise that israel will not see the next 25 years. on the calendar , we reach the year 2040. the plot of the book is also the same. the transformation of the main character of benjamin's story ends where he changes his life path after getting acquainted with the quran and islam and is imprisoned in the prisons of the zionist regime. in the last act of the book, the voices of imam musa, sadr and seyyed ahmed metuslian can be heard in the prisons of the zionist regime. benjamin's voice he heard different prayers. this voice came from one of the cells. god spare moses. musa
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get gilna publishing sources as a gift by sending number 5 to 30085 in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello dear viewers . 12. tension in the region is not welcome, but if the zionist regime is looking for an adventurer, our next response will be stronger and wider immediately. mr. amir abdollahian said in a telephone conversation with david cameron: "it is surprising that while several thousand tons of bombs have been dropped on the oppressed people of gaza in 6 months , england is worried about iran's response to the attack."


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