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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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what happened here was that a power tangential to the occupied palestine did not enter the conflict, that is , egypt was not jordan, syria was not lebanon, and here is a power with a distance between two countries, namely iraq. iraq and, for example, syria, iraq and jordan , these missiles are fired at a distance of about 1,500 km , the distance from the firing point to the point of impact is 1,500 km. there are various types of american, english, french, and then israeli defense systems. well, this system is all coming to work mr. biden. officially announced that 10 countries
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are working with israel because this is the first obstacle beware of iran's actions, and secondly, after the action , prevent these missiles and rockets from reaching their destination, well, 10 times the strength of our rockets, our rockets , our rockets, in large numbers and in an obvious form , were fired into the air of iraq. crossing the sky of syria or crossing the sky of jordan and getting hit and all these systems could not control this movement , what message does this convey? the message is that there is no obstacle against iran's exercise of power. america had deployed its five new special spy satellites to keep an eye on the movements of and movements of the islamic republic of iran yes, yes. they themselves
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, at all, giving statistics means coming officially to tell us what to do, mr. rishi sunak, the prime minister of england, officially came and made a statistic of his actions, so now what was the result, the result was that of course, they were able to do a part, they could only do a small part, but finally these missiles went and the most sensitive israeli military base in the north of dimona area, which is a sensitive area, was hit there. placing and actually decommissioning israel's most important hunting base in front of the eyes of americans, british and others shows that they are against the power of iran should think more wisely and know that with the least damage to iran, it can cause the most damage to them, mr. doctor
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. aggression, even if it is small or at any level , will be met with a decisive response from the islamic republic of iran, according to the statements of the authorities of our country, from the origin of the islamic republic of iran. the zionist official points out but to this equation that was raised by sardar salami, the esteemed commander of the irgc, this siyvanist official tells biden that we cannot consider this equation at all, we must have operations outside our borders , what iran has announced is basically an obstacle the operation.
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we are remembered outside the border. this means how sensitive this issue is. why is it sensitive because it changes the equation, that is , from now on, israel will not be able to do anything tomorrow if the islamic republic develops this from its own citizens. develop the resistance forces at the regional level to other parts related to the islamic world. it is possible that this is an issue that can be developed. it can be developed . of course, in this scene, with this message , iran wants to prevent evil, not to create a conflict. the message of sardar salameh is to not engage in evil, which means that he will stop evil from happening to him. the deterrence that the americans are trying to pretend that iran's operation was not a deterrence, that's it. come and call this
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zionist official with biden today, he is saying the opposite , he is saying that the equation has changed, he is saying that he has created marketing and what do they want and what? he doesn't want a power. there is an important thing here that although this power is not adventurous, although it does not want to start a war, at the same time , it will not remain silent in the face of conspiracies, warlike actions of evil people, and it will not act as a silent actor . this issue will change the scene of the region and the relations within it affects an area. that is, those muslim countries that had a whisper of relations with israel until yesterday, in this new equation, this problem will no longer be possible. it is not only the security equation that will change, but the political equation will also change , and this will fundamentally change the region, and this direction
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it is very effective and its security effects are very interesting for us, that is, after the operation we did, the simple promise operation. in fact , we drew a line on any military security threat against us, or faced any military security threat against us at a very high cost, in such a way that the enemy has to calculate how many times he should take a nap to see what he wants to do. will it end in a way or not, will it be possible to get out of it correctly? yes, it will be an embassies. one person can be martyred, but if there is a conflict, israel can get out of it properly, if it can, it will be honest later. it can be removed from the next measures , mr. dr. zareh, we want
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to speak honestly about the messages of the united states to the islamic republic of iran in the days leading up to operation promise sadiq, which was sending a message to the islamic republic that it wanted to dissuade the islamic republic of iran from carrying out the honest operation and the honest promise... we want to talk about the response of the islamic republic of iran, the roles of the united states in the middle of this operation, and after this operation, the talks that have to do with the opinion of the american officials, but let's see a report, let's come back, i will continue the conversation with you. . allahu akbar. when drones and rockets into the sky they arrived here. this light of hope was lit in the hearts of the people of this city.
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the first trend was their social networks, and the people of france who, when macron condemned the iranian attack , wrote countless messages under his post: do not speak on behalf of the french people. have you condemned in the words of robin wright, cnn reporter, historians will refer to this event as a turning point in the future. a turning point that now demands the world's libertarians that their countries want to act like iran. this is a decisive moment and it is a history for the arab nation and muslims that they should find out and review all the intellectual systems based on it. now , it is not only these resistance forces who thanked iran and said
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that they have gained strength? on behalf of all the people of palestine , we thank iran and say that our hearts are with you , but according to abu ahmad fad, the attack. we are with mr. dr. zarei in the special interview studio. he used his own capacity and that of western countries and even some countries in the region and tried to dissuade the islamic republic of iran from carrying out this operation.
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he has really shown a behavior full of hypocrisy, not now, not only in this field in general, especially in this field, the war in gaza, and in relation to the actions that the siemsi regime has taken in syria, he has shown a really hypocritical behavior , first of all, with the plans made for iran. the article says that i do not want the development of war, so you do if you don't want to develop war, why do you allow israel, which is undoubtedly under your command, and israel basically can't say without america that we can't continue one day, so if you are not a war developer, why don't you control israel in gaza? it should be made clear that this is a crime, it is against basic human rights that you americans want to
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stop israel. how many crimes are they committing in syria? you who are present in syria, why didn't you stop this war-mongering of israel ? they can do it without your permission attack our consular building, israel does nothing without us permission. you can't do it, you really can't. i'm telling you this with information . some people say that israel is a puppet of america, not israel exactly under its command . what's the sign? the sign is that whatever israel does , it supports america in action. well, they beat the arrival of our consulate in damascus. so what did the americans do? do you ever present this? they pretend to say that this was wrong, well now
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we don't care about their position, israel has come and attacked, well, iran's action is legitimate defense, this is quite clear in the international arena. international law refers to this with the term "legitimate defense ." well, we made a legitimate defense in this scene , why weren't you americans neutral? you don't say that we are not fans of war. it is not israel's policy or our policy, so you should be neutral, why does mr. biden say that we and 10 countries in total have targeted iran's missiles and iranian flights in this scene, where is the neutrality and wise policy in this now that this incident has happened, the americans are trying to change the scene of the case, although they can't do it at their own expense. first, the number of our missiles
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we loosened it and raised it. bringing up large numbers. if about a third of those numbers are correct. and then drastically reduce the number of missiles hit. to say that iran has fired a large amount of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles , and managed to hit a few . that we have in the same scene that the islamic republic of the zionist regime's hunting base, which was its most important hunting base, because it is a place of storage. at
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right there, in the same place, in the north of dimona to the south of the west bank, the americans created two defense systems, and by the way, the recent activation in the defense of this israeli airbase, well, if you are not a hypocrite, why? instead of pressuring israel to control its movements, you create layers of defense for israel that it can safely make any mistake. it is quite clear that the americans are really responsible for the crimes committed by the israelis, and my works have reached them and will continue to do so. in this whole scene , it was not only israel that was exposed, but also the american security system. the same defense system that i mentioned in the north and
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south of this nawatim base was deployed by the americans, which was the most advanced defense system, so why couldn't this most advanced system prevent the entry of iranian ballistic missiles, mr. dr. zare, if we go back for a moment this questioning of the deterrence power or the security doctrine of the zionist regime was questioned from october 7, i.e., the 15th of mehr. yes, of course , it has a previous history, what hezbollah did in the 33-day war with israel in 2005. there, again, israel's marketability was completely questioned. but to the extent that on the 7th of october, this deterrence was broken . it was not broken in the 3-day war. now, the second blow
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hit the israeli system twice with a short interval, for example, 6-7 months. it has become a threat and if this process continues, now the deterrence has been broken . if it continues, its existence will definitely be affected . it will definitely affect its internal cohesion. he made it outside. there is a discussion of people the military cabinet of mr. gallant, mr. netanyahu, mr. benigans, and the army commander, what was their discussion , mr. netanyahu, why did you attack the center of iran in damascus to
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make israel suffer this calamity and make it clear how vulnerable we are? sit down tell us what should we do in response to iran's attack , and what should we do? there has been a fight over the fact that, sir, your work has destroyed israel and endangered our position . of course, from now on, rumors and internal conflicts in israel will increase . it is implied that this government he can no longer live and the calamities are coming down on israel from different dimensions , one of which is the issue of reverse migration, but in this same scene, an israeli official said that if such and such had happened, 4 million people would be around bangorion airport by now and were preparing to leave here. . these are various works that will definitely affect the life of the zionist regime, weaken it
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, and not only remove it from the threat point of a country like iran. rather , it is basically exposed to all kinds of threats within this palestinian land itself from the victory of the islamic revolution to today, when the islamic republic of iran stands at a level and ability that can respond to the powers that were once said to be the great powers of the world, or take a look at the scientific, technical and tactical operational planning. operation honest promise and the progress that our armed forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps have achieved in these years and resulted in the response that iran gave to the aggression of the zionist regime, which was a response to the strongest and most advanced security defense system in the world. yes this
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is completely accurate, now we may have a lot of time i have to be very brief. you see , when the iranian revolution won, the americans used the experience they had in the 1970s in latin america against the left-wing governments , for example, against mr. allende's government in chile, where they created chaos. marj disappointed the people about the state of the political system. then it happened that they brought general pinochet to office with a coup and took control of chile's destiny for more than 17 years, the same situation in some other american countries. latin also did this . the iranian revolution that won said the same version we repeat it here. an anarchist and the development of anarchism. two, finally, confusion and the
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use of an affiliated force in iran. that is, they dreamed of repeating a reza khan in iran. so, what did the islamic republic do in this scene and what did the imam plan? majesty. imam amed came from the heart of this design that the americans had done. he did two basic actions in a period of time . the first action was that he was able to strengthen himself militarily. make iran the superior power nizamieh, in their interpretation, is the middle east, in our interpretation , west asia. well, this was the imam's first work, and today we have the fruits of it. here ,
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we see the authority, the exercise of authority, and the recognition of iran's authority. the second work that was done was a deeply popular work that at the regional level , he turned islamist movements into a strong defense force , which was part of the wish for muslims to have a common army. the islamic republic did this in the region, especially in the last two decades. now we are in an area where we have an independent afghan military power. a military power we have a pakistani. we have an iraqi military power. apart from their official powers, their armies, their people. we are a force. we have a strong people in syria , there is a strong people's force in lebanon , there is a strong people's force in yemen, and they are in a coalition
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, they are in a cooperation, and one of the most important problems that happened in this matter is the defense operation of the honest promise. what happened was that it is not only iran that is seen in this scene, all of a sudden , the entire region was on fire against israel and against the united states, and at the same point that iranian missiles were fired at the zionist regime's intelligence base. shooting was going on in jabal al-sheikh area, and the televisions were showing the movement of pabada and iranian missiles. and the yemenis doing the same move in a different way , once the region rose up against this criminal trend and
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a regional uprising against them was formed, and this was very uncomfortable for them, so what they did in the islamic republic scene was a combination of two cases. an exemplary defense power of iran inside. two, a coalition of regional armed resistance forces in such a way that they can be safe they defend their own positions. now the americans use a proxy word to make it look small and mild , while they are not a proxy force at all. hezbollah of lebanon works for the security of lebanon, ansarullah works for the security of yemen. iraqi resistance force for the security of iraq. he is working , not under orders, but these are brothers who are working together against the common enemy on the day when they should come to the scene and actually
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change the process according to the spirit of islam of the nations of the region. very well, i think. about seven or eight minutes of time let's have a report, let's go back to the final summary and the final minutes . join mr. dr. zaraei. are we not ready to determine the exact number of them ? there have been hundreds of them. hundreds of drones and missiles? yes, hundreds of drones and missiles, but about the exact number of them i have to say that there are still reviews. o allah, the barrage of luminous objects in the sky over the occupied territories continues , the sirens of danger and the roar of explosions.
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iran's missile and drone operation is in response to the recent attack by the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus , the zionist regime wants to release these images. cancel the attack of iran. together with our international partners, we were able to intercept 99% of the threats against israel. we with. with our support, we were able to stop iran's attack. the zionists want to say that their defense has been able to intercept a large number of iranian missiles. but they faced a problem. films made and published by palestinian citizens of rockets hitting the target. the british bbc channel , quoting the officials of the zionist regime, announced:
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iran 170.
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it is noteworthy that iran used drones with a relatively low speed. it should not be forgotten that more than 300 projectiles were fired, many of which were drones. of course, this was the first wave. they used the second and third waves in the form of firing cruise and ballistic missiles. hossein rouhani of sed and sima news agency. mr. doctor , review the reactions of the world, especially the media of the world, regarding the response of the islamic republic of iran? yes , it is very interesting that in the scene where the americans claim that a unipolar system will rule in asia and in the security council, we have the position of mr. putin, who said today in a phone call with mr. raisi that this is iran's action. it was the best thing to do for actually. the security of iran
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was done. this is a very strong position. it is implied that now the russians are very strong in the security council itself, and they made strict legal decisions to condemn israel and to ensure that nothing against iran is done in the security council . at the level of asian powers, southeast asia, we have the position of the prime minister of malaysia and the position of the indonesian authorities. at the african level, first of all , africans have a relatively uniform position in favor of iran, and in particular, we should mention the position of algeria. at the european level, some governments these europeans are really right in their statement that israel should have been given an answer . thank you very much, mr. dr. zariah, for your analysis on
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the topic of tonight's special news interview. i, hosni sadat shabiri , will accompany you on this program for about an hour. tonight, i will ask if the zionist regime has the capacity to re-enter the conflict with tehran if such an event occurs.


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