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tv   [untitled]    April 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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and partner with tehran municipality , partner with tehran municipality and then they will charge us for a 3-year license, not cash, for a 3-year license, it's all candy for the people, mr. dr. rezakanin, why until now and the next point is what you mention, is it candy or not? the contract that you mention every moment is a benefit for the people of the capital and ultimately for the country , there was a reason why its contents were not published clearly. i will say this, and all this, if god willing , this contract to bring women and women, then the rest of the work will be done. to make it happen this year, all these facilities will come to the city of tehran, that is, tehran. tehran is no longer bus 86 32 months ago , what will happen to us, 8 thousand to 7 thousand with internal contracts and with overhauling and with the internal facilities that we have now, when will this contract be added to our fleet.
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these contracts were first written with us , not with tehran municipality. the second thing that exists is that the price, for example, we took the bus, is 220,000 euros, and if it comes inside the city, you can calculate 245,000 euros to reach the minimum number of 316 or even the minimum number of 273 that came after china. down how much difference does this make? how much does it cost ? where does it go? 4 minutes. yes, let me tell you
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. first of all, we gave the contract to mr. chamran, to mrs. soleimani, who is the legal commission, and to mr. takshri hashemi, because mr. takshri hashemi, who was talked to by friends last night. he said maybe you gave it to me , i didn't remember that this is my documentation. in fact, because i denied it, it was later confirmed that we gave it to them, secondly, from the ministry to the ministry. economy, ministry of foreign affairs, central bank, all of these have existing contracts, they are in our hands, the government is giving us this service. and why didn't you publish it? in person? it is impossible for anyone to publish this. because it is good at all. now, the conditions of the country are clear. is this in the best interests of the central bank, the ministry of foreign affairs, all of them
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are in the process of signing a contract? first of all, mr. chamran, mr. takshari hashemi, mr. soleimani , there is a contract. don't worry about this contract, iran has a thousand and one enemies, aren't we unemployed? people should know that this good work that they want to do for the people will happen. that is an honor for this government and this is the municipality that works hand in hand to untie the knot of people's lives, how much people should say on the bus page, how much people should say to board our buses, which we and i believe some people are trying not to, but they ca n't. they can and what the people are doing is against the national security of the country, the work that
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all of them have brought to the country, what do they want to do with this, which fortunately they can't, so what you mentioned, 1403 both in the subway and in the bus . the whole public transport of tehran city has witnessed many good events, very promising people, promising people thank you very much to god, mr. dr. zakani, for your presence and explanation regarding the contract between tehran municipality or shahr bank with china regarding the 40,000 buses and taxis that i will say goodbye to, and all of them have an international bank guarantee . long live. thank you very much. mr. doctorani, thank you very much for your support, thank you for broadcasting the khabar network, which gave us more time tonight. good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world. we will examine the world.
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the continuation of student protests with. in texas, the police entered the university of texas at austin for the second time in the last week and arrested 43 people
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in the university after insulting the students. he collected the tents of the protesting students . in virginia, the police also got into a fight with the students. at columbia university, students occupied one of the educational buildings and installed a text in support of the freedom of palestine. the negotiations between the students and the university officials to end the sit-in did not reach a conclusion. the university had promised the students
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that they would be suspended if the protests persisted refuses but the students of this university stop investing in companies affiliated with the zionist regime. they want it. we were threatened with suspension or leaving. obviously, no one has been here. everyone here is willing to risk themselves . there are also many who watch and support us. and we hope that the university will come to its senses. students also demonstrated in new jersey. at george washington university , students broke down the metal barrier that the university officials. in order to limit the protesters, they have created and expanded their own improvement. at the same time with in america, rallies in support of palestine were held in universities of other countries. students in more
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than 10 other countries also demonstrated in condemning the crimes of the zionist regime and accompanying american students. at the university of lyon, france , students chanted slogans on the university campus against the palestinian ratio. at the sorbonne university in france, a student sit-in was attacked by security forces and a number of protesters were arrested. the universities of valencia, spain, british columbia, and ottawa, canada were also the scene of anti-zionist demonstrations by students in the capital of greece. the country demonstrated in front of the embassy of the zionist regime . don's demonstration. a student
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also reached pakistan, mauritania and lebanon. tunisian students also went on strike in the capital of this country in support of palestine. an hour ago , we had a conversation with mr. shahin hazami, a french social activist in paris, to discuss the spread of student protests in france. thank you for asking me to answer your questions. in fact, the beginning of the
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palestine protection movement in the palestinian universities is because the people should take action to become aware. must to be active in helping the palestinian people and supporting them. it is very important that the youth mobilized to support the palestinians. because in my opinion and many other people's opinion, the situation will be changed by joona and it is these young people who can do something for palestine. now the same movement has spread in france. i met the students at the faculty of political sciences in paris. students whose only goal is to help palestinians. i talked to many of them and their words are the same as the words of pro-palestinian students in america. they say we are the ones who can change the situation. from our point of view this is a kind of awareness among young people at the international level . they understood that they should be mobilized. until now. gathering in
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universities doesn't help them, but they are trying to change the situation at their own level. this is very good. this can be a model for us. the american university movement had a wide reflection at the international level. in this way, this process can affect other french universities as well . this influence process has started. other universities throughout france were also affected by this movement. in the coming days, we will probably see the spread of the movement in the european university was. all students around the world must mobilize for the palestinians. next, from mr. hezami about the presence of professors. i also asked in these gatherings.
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i discussed this issue with some professors . the problem is that many professors are afraid to speak in front of the camera. it should be kept in mind that many people lost their jobs in france seven months ago. that's because they support palestine on social media. nurses, reporters, doctors, university professors, and employees of the national mortgage company of france and lawyers , just because they support palestine today in france. as a country that claims human rights and freedom of speech , people lose their jobs because of supporting palestine. this is a fact. reporters are summoned by the police for supporting palestine , mps are summoned by the police for supporting palestine.
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the restrictions mean that even now i am afraid to say because i am afraid of being summoned by the police for promoting and praising terrorism. currently , there are many people in france who are accused of this and only because they say that the palestinians are right. in
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the world of news and politics. in my opinion, this is not awakening. awakening happened a long time ago. the majority of the pro-palestinian community. people no longer know what to do to help the palestinians. everyone tries to do something at their own level. that is why the academics mobilized. this is the first time they do this. they are doing a good job of closing the entrance to universities to say that we cannot continue our lives normally. even though more than 30,000 people were killed in gaza in 7 months. this
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is the french regime. western regimes are all the same. they always sideline the movements . this is what they did with zarda's anti-capitalist movement. the same as in when nael marzouq, a palestinian teenager , was killed by the french police in july of last year . they always do the same thing to marginalize a movement and that's why they say that this movement is from a minority and the movement was made by a few people. but in fact it is not like that and the number of people is not small. in fact, the majority of french people currently support the movement. it is a lie that they say they are a minority. the government is panicking and this is evident from the number of policemen deployed to evacuate the university. the government is afraid that such a movement will spread. from my point of view, this is good news. this to
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this means that they know that they can no longer stop the youth supporting palestine. because the majority of french people support palestine. contrary to popular belief, there is a system of pressure here so that people do not show their support for palestine. we also saw demonstrations in support of palestine, which were banned in france. this is while there was never any problem in these demonstrations. there was no vandalism or conflict with the police. these demonstrations were always peaceful. even the university movement was completely peaceful despite blocking entry and exit of the university and nothing vandalism and conflict did not occur. the government is trying to marginalize the movement, but it cannot stop the people from supporting palestine. now, in the rest of the world , today we want to go to indre, norway, to
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talk with john stepling, an american writer and analyst . hello mr. steplik. hello , thank you, mr. steplin, what is your opinion about the phenomenon these days, that is, the student movement in america and the west in support of palestine and in criticizing israel's genocide , how did this movement become widespread among young students. the genocide that is going on in gaza is the first time. i think i apologize for this that we are witnessing a moral tragedy that has been recorded and recorded. everyone now has smart phones
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and we actually see what is happening in gaza in real time. he used to cover up their crimes, but this time it didn't happen and the students got to know about it and i think many students were very surprised by the events that happened and some of them couldn't believe that this was really
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happening and the students really when these photos and this image. they realized a new reality about zionism and realized that the reality was not what they had seen until now. they realized that in 1948, for example , what happened before, since the recognition of israel by western societies in 1948, the palestinians were the victims of their crimes and the victims of many incidents. what is interesting is that these protests that are now it is being done. the reflection is actually very similar to the protests about the vietnam war in the 1960s. and the interesting thing is that now the convention of the democratic party is being held in chicago, and in 1968 the same convention
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was also held in chicago and we witnessed the repression of the police on labor day in in the same year and this year, many events have become similar to 1968, and at that time there were also protests against the war that the united states had waged in vietnam and the killings there, and we were really saddened by what is happening to the palestinians. we were disturbed , that's why it's very natural that this demonstration is taking place. students in universities are actually demonstrating in many universities. endangering, because in many universities, the police is repressing and they may be endangered, but another point. as it is, an article
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was published in one of the newspapers published in the british guardian newspaper, and the title of this article was that zionism must end, and this in a liberal newspaper , the israelis have to sacrifice a lot, they have to put him aside and a leader. they should choose something for themselves so that they
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can actually hide the colonialist actions they are doing . thank you mr. steplin . what is your assessment of the police intervention and the police's treatment of the students? every day we receive more news about the arrests and suspensions of american students. some students they say that they face the risk of losing their educational position and even their job position in the future. yes, many of them are probably facing such risks. and again, i say this is very similar to the events of 1968 related to the vietnam war. and i think
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that there are actually very controversial arguments and debates in america, in this case many university professors. we saw that they are demonstrating with the students and this is really strange, their number is very high, we are witnessing inequality in america and we have
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seen racial discrimination and now you are saying that the police brutally come and deal with the students . well, this new incident has done this before, and now it involves the areas related to race and social inequalities. we see the same thing in the israeli army, unfortunately, they have the same thing, and in america, i have to say again that this harsh treatment and, as you say, brutal , is not something strange, it is part of their structure. thank you and my last question for you today, it seems that the palestinian issue has become a global issue in the past, perhaps most of the people of islamic and
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arab countries. we have seen very extensive american propaganda , anti-islamic, anti-arab, anti-iranian propaganda, and we have seen many of these narratives, but now it is changing, and again, i say the reason is because of the technological advances that have happened in our social networks in in america , we are seeing that the economy
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is in a very bad state, homeless people. there are many of them and their number has reached unprecedented levels, and western networks do not cover these things in any way, and there are no articles or stories. they don't publish anything about these. america has 900 military bases all over the world, but it does not have enough soldiers and forces for these bases, and we see that crises are also
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doing one of those propaganda jobs. anti-israel anti-science is being done and you are witnessing that it is actually a true statement about the palestinian suffering and their ideals. and in fact, the rightness of this ideal is being published, and this is the price that the biden government and biden himself have to pay. they should cooperate with these demonstrations if they want to win the next elections, and because now almost the whole world is behind palestine, they will support palestine and the end.
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on the 27th day of the genocidal war in gaza , we present to you the latest developments in palestine in the palestine package.


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