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tv   Eyewitness News Weekend Edition  CW  September 4, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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its place. . you're watching cbs5 eyewitness news on the cw. >> craigslist pulls it's adult services section on the website the eight letters you will see in its place. dfill.. the gr ch for answers in . >> until we have all our answers and find him. >> search for crews in a landfill. the grim search for answers in a strange killing spree. answers sought in the aftermath of a deadly plane crash. what investigators revealed about their findings so far. the east coast dodges a bullet named earl but some still feel the effects. good evening. craigslist has shut down it's adult services adds. they yielded to pressure from critics saying was a market place for prostitution and
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human trafficking. don epp. >> reporter: adds for alleged illegal sexual activity on craigslist were supposed to have been stopped a year ago. >> human reviewer will read all the text chat and review the image. make sure they are complying the law. >> reporter: after that we took another look and found not much changed. >> mature, experienced. with a picture that doesn't have a lot there. it's a teeny bikini bottom. >> reporter: take a look now and you will find a black bar where it used to be. craigslist has been feeling the heat including the demand from 17 states attorney's general to end adult adds. >> we convinced them to take action eliminating prostitution adds and fortunately now it's done the right thing on its own. >> reporter: craigslist came
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under watch when the so-called craigslist killer used the site to lure victims. >> craigslist was wal-mart of sex trafficking. hopefully what craigslist has done will seven as an example to the other less visited websites. >> reporter: there was a hearing scheduled to focus on the adds. >> there is no question the services is aiding and abetting criminal activity. there is 100 to 300,000 children in this country, many of them run aways that are sexually trafficked right here. they aren't imported, they are right here. >> reporter: the adds bring in more than $35 million a year. 30% of the projected $122 million for the year. speer suggests the removal
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shows they are now wanting to remove the adds. > >> reporter: she said they will continue to offer adult ads outside the united states. the company said it'll put out a press release. nothing so far. >> you keep watching. thank you very much. after a second day of searching at a pittsburgh landfill no sign of a missing man. frederick salas hasn't been seen since his father was killed. his body was found august 28th in the home he rented from a woman named cindy tran. two days later the bodies of two other women were found at a home where the key suspect lived. then tuesday the suspect was killed during a chase through richmond. the body of tran his girlfriend was inside the car.
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>> we will do what we need to do. >> reporter: the dirty job at the landfill continues today. two dozen volunteers search through tons of trash looking for any sign of the body of 35- year-old frederick salas missing and feared to have been killed by a suspect killed by officers on tuesday. police say he killed salas's father last week. he was found murdered in this home owned by the suspect's girlfriendn. late august he told police the two beat him up during an argument. these pictures were taken and he filed police reports but before police could act the elder salas was murdered and frederick has been missing since. >> unfortunately everybody that is connected with this case is now dead. >> reporter: the idea police have been working under is that the suspect may have left the body in a dumpster at this
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business park in hercules where a car the suspect was known to drive was found parked. investigators say employees there reported a terrible smell near the dumpster. police weren't able to check it before the trash was taken to this landfill where trash is loosened by this machine and gone through by hand as the dogs sniff for clues. >> it's hot, it's smelly. it is very tedious but they are all troopers and they will stick it out. >> reporter: crews wrapped up their search at seven tonight. they plan to be back out here at the keller canyon landfill tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. in pittsburgh. cbs50 much. >> this was a vigil for cindy tran yesterday. they say the suspect kidnapped killed her tuesday night. the memorial also paid tribute to ricardo salas. the only known survivor in
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this web is charles rittenhouse and he is charged with possessing explosives. his lawyer said he had nothing to do with the murders of the two women found at his house. his wife and her friend. the prime murder suspect lived with him and his wife off and on for years. a woman has been killed and a young man wounded in an overnight shooting in oakland. officers were flagged down near 85th and international boulevard just after midnight. the 30-year-old latasha carter a friend said she had just left a party when someone opened fire. the woman died died at the hospital. and san jose police are looking for this man. they say he is responsible for a series of bank rue robberies banks in a half dozen cities have been hit and several more in the suburbs of sacramento.
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he appears to be about 40 years old, wears a baseball hat, white shirt and jeans. anyone is information should contact police. the national transportation safety board released findings on the plane crash that killed three. the plane crashed in to a lagoon shortly after takeoff on thursday. the body ofy woman was found shortly after the crash. the bodies of two men were found inside the twin engine beach craft when it was lifted out yesterday. the early investigation failed to pinpoint any obvious cause of the crash. >> a primary investigation has shown everything is present and accounted for. >> the plane had dual control so it's not clear who was piloting. the ntsb expects to release a report in five to ten days. final report will take six to nine months. preventing tragedy on the
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road. that's what the chp is trying to do this weekend. at the national monument they spent the day inspecting tour bustos make sure they are safe and that the drivers propererly licensed. if there are problem those will take action like issuing citations or they will impound the vehicle. 25 to 30 tour bus was inspected. this effort is part of a state tour bus strike force funded by a federal grant. the labor day weekend got off to a safer start. the california highway patrol is continuing it's maximum enforcement policy. dui arrests were up and death was down compared to last year. in the 12 hours starting at 6:00 last night the chp made 436dui arrests. that's compared to 406 on the first night of the weekend in 2009. there year there were no debts statewide. last year there were four. earl has come and gone and
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didn't make any impact. even though the storm lost a lot of its punch it's still kicking up dangerous current as long much of the east coast and it's blamed for two deaths. businesses there are back open for this holiday weekend. >> reporter: earl's long march came to an end. making landfall saturday morning. once a powerful category four hurricane, earl arrived in new england as a tropical storm with high winds and rain but leaving little damage behind. >> i was very thankful. >> reporter: ken is one of hundreds of boaters, happy to see clear blue sky. >> reporter: what are your vacation plans? >> just have some fun. >> reporter: some had hoped earl would drove fun. >> we were disappointed. we thought there would be crazy waves and some action but we just slept through it. >> reporter: the collapse is
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not a disappointment for business owners. they hope to recover what they lost when some canceled their plans as, arl approached. it's back to business at usual in a candy story in massachusetts. >> i'm glad it's gone. i'm thrilled the weather is as good as it is and hopefully people are still around. >> reporter: in north carolina tourists are returning after the bridge to the main land was reopened. there was some beach erosion but minor. in massachusetts earl's punch was so gentle a damage assessment team wasn't sentous because there wasn't anything for them to assess. a new definition of a perfect storm. >> we are getting a better look at the damage caused by yesterday's quake in new zealand. toppled buildings, flooded streets, all after a 7.0 quake struck the second largest city
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christ church. two people were injured and considering the quake was as strong as the one that hit haiti many say it's a miracle that nobody died. it worked propererly the oil disaster wouldn't have happened. the key piece of evidence found in the gulf of mexico. a religious rally draws criticism in sacramento. why this place of prayer is at the center of a debate. and it's already a best seller. why is a new book by tony blair stirring up protests. >> the weather center. starting to see a couple patches of fog showing up tonight. will that spoil your weekend plans? we will talk about that coming up. [ female announcer ] it's the jcpenney
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labor day mattress sale! all gold premium mattresses 50-60% off after $200 instant rebate. plus, get an additional $100 off beautyrest gold mattresses and $200 off beautyrest world class gold mattresses from simmons... featuring super pocketed coil springs to prevent motion disturbance and conform to your shape. after all, it's not just sleep, it's beautyrest. the jcpenney labor day mattress sale. new look. new day. who knew! jcpenney.
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cr 300 ton . you're looking at the key cause of the massive oil spill in the gulf. crews raised 300-ton blow out preventer from the gulf today. it was supposed to monitor the well for signs of trouble and then seal the pipeline if necessary. it'll be looked at to find out why it failed to prevent the oil rig explosion in april. thousands rallied in protest what they called immorality in american life. it's called a call to conscious. many of them are followers -- participants deny it's aimed at
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influencing this fall's election but critics question the timing. >> i think a part of the timing of this rally is political with elections coming up. it's trying to promote what i see as a particularly narrow view of christian values. >> reporter: demonstrators say they don't have any political agenda. protesters and police clash today in dublin when tony blair arrived to sign copies of his memoir. we look at what's fueling them. >> reporter: tony lair blair is a plan loved loathed. as he arrived at a bookstore police had to fight to cope protester away from him while nearby fans lined up for assigned copy of his book. >> he has been a great man for this country. he is a great politician. >> don't go out children
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because the grinning egomaniac is back. >> reporter: it's a view of a decade in power. a look at royal tradition. blair was told you don't actually kiss the queen's hands, you brush them gently with your lips. about princess diana he tried to warn her off her boyfriend but she didn't like it he writes. weeks later she was killed in a crash in his car. >> the president of the united states and the prime minister. >> reporter: getting most of the attention is the section on george w bush and the iraq war. george had huge simplicity in how he saw the world, right or wrong. in 2003 in spite of the protest, blair decided to black the invasion of iraq. a decision he is now having to
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defend constantly on his book tour whether on late night tv or in top political interviews. >> how you can not feel sorry about people who have died. you wouldn't have been human but when i'm asked if i regret the decision, you don't -- i take responsibility for it but i can't regret it. >> reporter: mindful this book is his legacy in more ways than one blair will give all the proceeds including his 7 million-dollar advance to a charity that helps wounded british soldiers. elizabeth palmer. >> are you able to avoid the controversy this weekend with your weather forecast sniffle lot of pressure. folks want to see sun. we fog ruined the bay area today. you know, we are still seeing a couple patches tonight. most of the inside of the bay looking good. there is still patchy fog out toward the coastline. latest satellite image picking it up. you see it moving along the
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monterey bay down to salinas valley. clear skies inland. clear on the north coast. you get the idea. tomorrow more sunshine on the way and the temperatures, the 80s and low 90s. very warm inland. you can see 70s and mid80s. coastal areas, lots of sun in the afternoon and temperatures in to the 60s. we have a mixed bag. 53 degrees, cool -- 63 san jose. warm in concourt and 64 fairfield. we will find lots of sun as you travel around the state and toward the central valley. 90s there. 91 in the high country. 76 lake tahoe. then clearing out and temperatures up in the mid60s. looks like that low pressure along the west coast. the good news is it'll lift tomorrow. temperatures should be slightly warmer as we head in toward the afternoon. then we will spike into labor day. temperatures heating up as the off shore wind will kick in. we will clear it out even out
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toward the coastline. we have a couple patches of fog lingering early on. 7:00 in the morning. as we take you through the day that will start to break up and you see the northerly part to the wind. by the afternoon skies clearing out nicely around the bay area. we see some fog. you will hack hang out along the coastline. temperatures toward the beach is be nice this to the mid60s. warm, 70's, even 80s toward the afternoon. little bit hot in spots toward the east bay. low 90s brentwood and antioch. 80s toward the tri valley. sea breeze. making a comfortable by the latter part of the day. north bay in the 70s and 80s. temperature will heat up as we head into labor day. then cooling down big time on tuesday and wednesday. temperatures headed well below the average for this time of year. let's fine tune that labor day forecast. we are looking good. we will see plenty of sun. that wind should kick in as
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early as late tomorrow evening. that means clear skies all the way to the coastline. maybe some of the temperatures at the beaches in the low 70s. >> yeah. and the pools and water parks will be open. >> and filled with people. >> thank you. >> all right. little gift from home can always bring a smile. why a sacramento boy is sending care packages to a lot of people he doesn't even know. people! look at you!
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texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
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the most powerful half-ton crew in america has a powertrain backed for 100,000 miles. chevy silverado half-ton a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. now get 0% apr for 72 months on 2010 silverado half-ton models with an average finance savings around $5,800. the 6 the . ♪ [ music ] . >> the 5th yearly festival got started today.
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it features top name band from the 60s through the 80s and 20,000 works of art from local and international artists. of course there is wine and food to. about 32,000 people are expected to attend the art fest ralph and it runs through monday. a community wide effort underway in sacramento today to say thank you to our troops. the idea to send snack packs to give them a taste of home. the brain behind it, a kid named jack. allen sanchez introduces us to him. >> reporter: few dozen people came out to the waterloo restaurant to help out jack with his cause to send snack packs to troops. >> troops, feel better v them have a taste from home. >> reporter: his passion for the snack pack is contagious. >> it's amazing the sport that
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people continuously give. knowing are men and women, that are over there every day. >> reporter: a lot of items in the snack pack. cookies, hand sanitizer, peanuts and gum but the message they are trying to send is the most important. >> that they know that the people back home are thinking about them and we care about them and know they are over there and not forgotten. >> reporter: one thank you letter jack got say itself all. >> the sergeant -- sent a letter -- like the one says that when i gave my troops snack packs their eyes lit up likeliest mass. >> the giants have another shot to gain ground in the west and college football season sundayway.
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. we were hoping san jose state could pull this one off. >> it'll be a tough game. come on. >> i know. >> two out of three isn't bad for the day. >> some dropped 50 and some --. >> nobody were bigger under dogs than san jose state. alabama favored by 37 points against the spartans. they would be out mark ingram but it didn't matter. they got up close to 6100 yards. they out rolled by 400-yards and win. allen wasted no time showing why he was a five star recruit with nobody opallen takes off for his first career touchdown. cal blows out uc davis. stanford had no trouble in
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their opener. andrew luck threwing for 300 yards. a career high four touchdowns in the first half. didn't miss toby today. the cardinals win. giants and dodgers. gibbons with the three run homer. dodgers up 4-0. now 4-3. juan -- a two run homer off jonathan. the giants win. they are two back from the west. cahill picking up his 15th win of the year. the a's beat the angels. of course that gains win so big because the phillies won so they stay three back in the wild card. > ed padres need to loose. >> keep loosing the giants need to take advantage. the padres are rolling over. >> that was exciting. that was exciting. >> yeah. >> fingers crossed. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. that's it for the news at ten. of course the news is always on the website and kim has a lot
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more sports at 11. see you then. good night. ,,,,,,,, [ son ] i'm a good son. dependable. i call my mom every week.
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i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card. then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it.


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