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tv   ABC 7 Morning News  ABC  December 19, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PST

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in the headlines a world left wondering what happens next? north korea announces the death of kim jong il. congregation left counting its blessings after a minivan slams into a church minutes after a special holiday service. >> reporter: i'm amy hollyfield. a significant piece of the new bay bridge will be moved into place this week. it is going to be distracting. officials are begging you not to look. >> hopefully, that distraction
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won't cause a problem for delays. right now light at the about toll. plus a couple updates on some accidents, coming up. good morning i'm mike nicco. waking up to cloudy conditions, a few sprinkles. the air pollution could be poor again today. we'll tell you how long that spare the air will last. good morning i'm katie marzullo. >> and i'm kristen sze, thanks for joining us 6:01. caltrans announcing another huge milestone for the construction of the new bay bridge. crews are about to begin installing the first piece of the span's most defining feature. amy hollyfield is live with a look at why you shouldn't look. >> reporter: right. we are going to show you right now what they are going to be doing so you don't have to look when you're up there take a look at this animated version of the work. they are going to be installing a 2047 foot long cable, a significant piece, it is going to take a couple days to put into place. authorities are putting out an
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urgent plea to not look while diving up there. you will be able to see it. that's why they provided animation and they will have a live camera feed of the work online. we've provided a link to that on our website at you know the orange cables in place for the past couple of months? this is going to follow the path of those. it weighs 10.6 million pounds, not a small piece of equipment. it could be tough to keep your ice on the road. this is going to be -- your eyes on the road this is going to be a big deal. officials wanted the word out before the work starts they hope you will keep your eyes on the road and watch this on your computer once you get to your destination. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. this morning parishioners are counting christmas blessings after a holiday worship came to a crashing halt in hercules.
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an requirer in lost control of the car and slammed into the nursery. thankfully no children were inside. i was a close call because the children and parents -- it was a close call because the children and parents had just left minutes earlier. no one hurt it is unclear how much structural damage was done. a fire broke out inside a home at 79th avenue and arthur street, 7:40 last night it took 10 minutes to knock the fire down. investigators found the body of a 55-year-old man inside. >> right now there's no obvious signs of foul play. we haven't determined the cause. >> at this time we just want to make sure that we get his body out of there and the family that we take the next step in our grieving process. >> flames never spread beyond the room where the victim
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lived. smoke damaged other parts of the house. >> the red cross is providing housing to help dozens displaced by a weekend apartment fire in al the fire broke out late saturday morning and engulfed the second and third floors of the apartment building onshore point drive. investigators still trying to determine a cause. they say the fire did an estimated 1 1/2 million dollars in damage. and displaced 26 families. principal of an east bay middle school is apologizing for a school newsletter that contained an incredibly racist cartoon. the newsletter from sequoia in pleasant hill was e-mailed to families last thursday including a drawing of a noose around the neck of the african-american peanuts character franklin with the words white power. the school says the substitute staff members accidentally put the photo in the newsletter. officials say the cartoon was on the school's computer as part of an investigation into vandalism that happened at the school three years ago.
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concord police believe they've arrested the person who has been killedding ducks and geese at two local parks. -- investigators have detained a 17-year-old buy in connection with the deaths of at least two dozen -- boy in connection with with the deaths of at least two dozen bird . [ unintelligible ] the teenaged suspect is being held at the contra costa county juvenile hall. world is bracing to see what comes next in north korea now that leader kim jong il has died. hours after the north korean news agency made announcement he died of heart failure saturday, north korea's military reportedly conducted a short range missile test. people in pyongyang fill the streets for two weeks of official mourning many are wonderinging whether his son is strong enough to rule the country. >> -- >> just because he's new and young we have to assume he's
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going to be as bad and evil as his father was. >> president obama was on the phone overnight making sure south korean leaders understand that the u.s. committed to protecting its security. bay area korean-americans said they were shocked. they had been hearing rumors of the north korean leader's death now that he's gone they hope to see a united korea. >> maybe i'm being idealistic, hoping for the reunification of korea, perhaps. >> we hope they make good president and then we can talk properly. >> there's another part inside of me that is wondering what next? >> retired national guard general monroe worries about a power vacuum. he's not convinced that kim's son is up to the task of leading. >> we'll see how this tpaebgs
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wall street. >> in the mean time, could we trade in this dry weather for wet weather? we need rain. >> a lot of kids getting gives over the holidays possibly for skiing they won't be able to use because there is so little of it. traveling is okay. good morning we have a small disturbance moving through the bay area now that's why we have clouds, mild temperatures even a sprinkle or two for the morning commute, just a sprinkle, not even measurable. only a few drops here and there where we have breaks in the clouds, fairfield, concord mid to upper 30s, half mile visibility napa 42 everybody around the bay shore to the coast upper 40s temperatures running warmer this morning than yesterday morning without the fog. 60 around santa rosa, 61 cloverdale the warmest temperatures everybody else in the mid to upper 50s.
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a little breezy in our hills tonight as we transition to a drier, cooler air mass tomorrow morning we could find frost even freezing fog we'll keep an eye on that pretty quiet the rest of the forecast. here's frances with a new accident. >> this is south bay could be a bad one a car hit a pedestrian this is on allen rock avenue near sunny slope avenue blocking -- part of the intersection. chp and crews en route. on the freeways a lot of green, no trouble on south bay highways. we'll head back up to oakland eastbound 24 near clermont still have a crash that may be blocking left lane on the peninsula eastbound 92 connection ramp to northbound 280 should be reopened by 7:00, detour in place until then. 6:08. >> just ahead, they called him the banjo-picking billionaire. a look back at the life of warren hellman. all they want for
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christmas is snow sleigh the sierra resorts hoping -- santa will bring a change in the weather. a look at what you can expect if you are hoping to ski for the holiday. >> the curve ball that could cost every american a little more the new year what house republicans are saying that could derail a deal to extend úi
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld.
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good monday morning. 6:12. new bay bridge going in piece by piece. pretty neat stuff. the signature element the new eastern span amy hollyfield will have a live report coming up. house republican leaders are casting doubt on whether congress will meet a deadline for extending unemployment benefits and a cut in payroll taxes. senate overwhelmingly approved a republican backed bill saturday that would extend benefits for two more months. speaker boehner said it is not good enough and urging all house republicans to vote against it. >> i believe that two months is just kicking the can down the road. the american people are tired of that. frankly, i'm tired of it on the house side we've seen this kind of action before coming out of senate it is time to just stop, do our work, involve the differences and
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extend this for one year. >> tax cuts expire december 31st unless the house and senate can reach a compromise. if the tax cut expires a family making $50,000 a year will lose about $1,000 more in tax-home pay for year. -- per year. bang joe-picking warren hellman died last night of complications from leukemia -- he spent as much time distributing his wealth as acquiring it. funding the san francisco free clinic and development of aquatic sports at uc berkeley also well-known for [ unintelligible ] for bringing the bluegrass festival to san francisco. organizers say the festival will continue. hellman was 77-years-old. holiday isn't slowing down travel at one airport two million are expected to pass $ñ o week, 5% jump from last year. the increase is welcome news to airport officials who have
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managed to beat out the downed economy by adding several new carriers and reopening the renovated terminal two, after 10 years. sierra ski resorts hoping for a white christmas this year the biggest ski week is missing natural snow. most rest sorts will have limited operations relying on snow making months. it has been cold enough at night to make snow. lake tahoe basin snow pack was just 24% of the average. >> last year, what a difference a year makes. >> 150% last year at this point in time. i'm trying to find it too, every time i come in and try to find it, every night at home trying to find it, who turned off the machine? that's what we want to know? is the heat miser beating out
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snow miser now? we've had a lot of fog in the bay area not so much this morning we have low clouds, spits of sprinkles, all in all a quiet morning we have a spare the air not classic set-up the air is not stagnant we don't have high pressure over top of us we have a little boundary creating sprinkles, possibly by the afternoon and evening high pressure will move in and create poor air quality especially cross the north bay all of us will be under that so no burning until midnight investigation ability 3/4 in napa, 43°, clear conditions fairfield and concord cooler mid to upper 30s the rest of us in the mid to upper 40s very mild this morning mid to upper 40s monterey bay inland cloudy conditions also the poor air quality will lead our highlight partly cloudy boundary slides south high pressure will move in and take away moisture drier and colder tomorrow morning.
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clear and colder by the way tomorrow morning, creating frost also breezy with higher elevations during the overnight hours dry easy travel the next week, two weeks possibly just no real strong storms out there headed our way. today temperatures upper 50s even 60 in los gatos, mild in the south bay. oops, hit the wrong button. mid to upper 50s for all of us that does include all seven days of your forecast jet stream still pushing most storms into canada or alaska then it drops them into the lap of the midwest and heads to the southeast. we have rainy conditions around dallas, blizzard conditions in western texas and eastern new mexico if you are traveling through that area could be tough going. winter astronomically begins at 9:30 wednesday evening no real change in the forecast temperatures remain in the mid to upper 50s along the coast
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upper 50s to near 60 inland low 60s around the bay shore. here's frances with an update. >> i like that extend look at the seven day. back to the san jose area, a car hit a pedestrian and emergency crews are en route now on alem rock avenue, a popular stretch at sunny slope, look out for that. on the freeway a lot of green, 68, 65 6rbgs 7 miles an hour, 101 and 880 interchange, northbound 101, 880 light through downtown san jose. bay bridge toll traffic back up towards the end of the parking lot for some of the lanes. still looking good for the fast track lanes. i-80 in berkeley westbound more crowded now near university. a stall has been reported blocking middle lanes coming off the bay bridge on the eastbound 80 dexa preaching the maze. we'll let you know if that -- if that causes a delay.
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then 680 walnut creek earlier crash on the shoulder north main towards highway 24 brake lights. north bay still pretty good southbound flowing well out of novato to the golden gate bridge. you can get more information any time you want by going to gas prices continue to drop. the average is down five cents over the past two weeks. the national average is $3.24. $2.83 new mexico. san francisco the highest price $3.57 a gallon. >> they occupied parks, buildings, landmarks, ports now apparently year end list. how the occupiers are making their way into this year's most memorable quote. and the dark side to
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having so many friends. why úlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlúlú
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good morning. 6:23 on this monday. live look from the embarcadero and the bay bridge you can see all is calm. we have clouds, certainly it is mild and certainly still no rain in sight. we check in with mike and frances to see how drivers are
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doing. you heard it chanted and shouted and you have seen it painted on numerous posters and it is the year's best quote. a yale university librarian has put the occupy movement's rally cry, "we are the 99%" as the most notable quotes of 2011. this is his sixth annual top 10 list. the tea party was prominent in last year's list. new warning to facebook users. your friends may be able to hurt your credit rating. banks are starting to analyze social media profiles to determine credit risk. they can mine social networks for information they are not allowed to ask on applications. race, marital status, and whether you are on pittsburgh luck assistance banks can troll for future prospects if your friend took out a line of credit, maybe you will too.
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the message choose your friends carefully many >> in facebook and in life. have you seen him -- the high profile hells angels murder suspect that police say is back in the south bay. minivan slams into a daycare center inside a herb lose church minutes after a holiday ceremony. -- a hercules church minutes after a holiday ceremony. >> reporter: the world reacts to the death of kim jong il. details coming up. >> reporter: impressive 2,000 feet long, but you are being asked not to look at it. i'm amy hollyfield live on treasure island, i'll explain, next. >> one major airport having delays this morning that would be san francisco, 53 minutes. all regional airports in california running on time. major airports across the country doing the same. flight trackerúúúúúúúúúúú@@úúúúú
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it is 6:29. opening bell is about to ring on wall street to start the trading day. u.s. stock futures rising ahead of the bell on news that kim jong il is dead. european and asian markets dropped over fears of a power
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vacuum and instability. we go live to the new york stock exchange in 15 minutes. [ inaudible ] in the wake of kim's death president obama has been on the phone all morning working out concerns. meantime, arm laing word out of south korea. -- officials getting word of a new missile test hours after the kim announcement. tahman bradley joins us. >> reporter: good morning. kim jong il was grammed for leadership from childhood inheriting power from his father. his leadership style was described as cruel and ruthless. this among the world is reacting to reports of his death. the reclusive and mysterious leader of north korea, kim jong il died of heart failure north korean state television reports. the news was met with concern in asia and u.s. over worries
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for the region's stability. >> this is the single largest militarily armed zone in the world. we need to ensure that calm and restraint are exercised at an exceptionally difficult period of transition. >> reporter: to the authority koreans he was referred as dear leader. to the outside world a brutal dictator power absolute. unkim's leadership north korea built up military and nuclear weapons program, -- defying the international community with weapons grade plutonium and conducting a missile test with rockets the cia said could leech the u.s.. he terrified and tortured his people, estimated two million koreans died from widespread famine during the 90s. thousands were sent to prison camps for alleged crimes against the regime. kim jong il inherited power from his father the revolutionary founder of
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communist north korea and the man who launched the korean war. kim jong il rumored to be a playboy,. his third son kim jong un is expected to take power and the world is watching to see if he will rule with a heavy hand, just like his father. >> just because he's new, young, we have to assume he's going to be as bad and evil as his father was. >> reporter: overnight, president obama spoke with the leader of south korea. the white house says the two lead areas greed to stay in close contact as the situation -- leaders agreed to stay in close contact as the situation develops. tahman bradley, news that abc news >> holiday worship came to a -- crashing halt at a church in hercules a parishioner slammed into the nursery thankfully no children were inside witnesses say it was a close call because the children and their parents had
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just left a few minutes earlier. the church had been holding a christmas holiday event. no one was hurt. it is unclear how much structural damage was done. neighbors in one san pablo neighborhood are still trying to clean up the soggy mess left by a broken water blaine. the rupture -- the rupture sent a wave of water down the streets saturday the water swept into several homes. several teams helped assess the damage done to homes the broken main created a sinkhole and exposed a gas pipeline that connected to conoco phillips in rodeo. many homeowners were upset they had not been told the line was running so close to their homes. caltrans will mark a major milestone in the construction of the new bay bridge installing the signature piece.
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caltrans warning drivers to assert their eyes. amy hollyfield is live with a safe look. >> reporter: caltrans has worked hard to make sure you look now, not later. take a look at this animated version. they hope they will keep you from feeling compelled to look at the real thing, while diving. they are going to be installing the -- while you are driving. they are going to be installing the signature element of the new bay bridge you will be able to see this while you drive on the current bridge they are asking that you not look they say driver safety is the first priority, you can look when you get home. construction cameras will be available online. we've provided a link to that on our website at the cable will follow the path of those orange cable catwalks that have been there for months. they say to think of this piece as a giant sling it will anchor at the east end of the roadway, travel up and over
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the tower and then loop around the west end before heading back to the east end. the new bay bridge is scheduled to open in 2013. they are predicting that it is going to cost six billion dollars. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. 6:35. san jose police say they have credible evidence that a member of the hells angels suspected of murdering another angel is now back in the south bay. 38-year-old steve ruiz is a former resident of san jose but has been on the run for months. investigators say he's been spotted there in the last few days. ruiz is suspected of shooting another club member during a funeral in object. he fled the cemetery, -- many thought he left the bay area for the central valley. police warn he should be considered armed and very dangerous. san francisco police will hold a town hall meeting tonight to discuss a recent deadly shooting involving its officers last week.
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investigators say it began after a man took off during a traffic stop as police chased him, he fired at least two shots. the officers returned fire, killing him. today's meeting will include san francisco's police chief. it is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the community loom at north police station at 1125 -- phil more street. police have run up after a million dollars in over time cost, policing occupy san francisco since the movement started three months ago. demonstrators resurfaced over the weekend with 10 tents set up in a park near embarcadero one, but later took them down. the police union president tells the chronicle the real money drain is the need to post 20 to 30 officer at the foot of market street making sure protesters don't camp out near the federal reserve bank. meteorologist mike nicco joining us with a look at the forecast which has some of what we need and some of what
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we don't need. >> we don't need airport delays but we got some. >> because of the cloud cover that minor disturbance kicked up enough cloud cover, 53 minute flight arrival at sfo. pollution at a minimum now. later high pressure going to slide air air could stagnant enough for poor air quality in the north bay all under a spare the air until midnight not a classic set-up one that is possible. the same in sutro tower -- the same in san francisco as it was 24 hours ago. fog, 3/4 mile visibility in napa 1 and a quarter in fairfield otherwise everybody okay some of the fog hanging around quickly dissipating 38 fairfield the rest of us in the 40s by noon a partly
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cloudy sky and low 50s a few upper 50s around santa rosa and napa most of us in the mid to upper 50s by 4:00 when we see that increase in sunshine this afternoon. could be frost in our valleys tonight colder tomorrow morning, breezy in our hills everything stays status quo from wednesday to sunday. another new accident. >> it is where we had one earlier as well is southbound 680 walnut creek near north main it has been reported near north main up towards highway 24. you see all those brake lights as you head down towards 24. apparently by tell straighter has crashed you will -- my tell straightor has crashed. bay bridge toll, sorry that orange line still there, oh they cleared it that's our director took it off, backed up towards the west ground overcrossing.
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also south bay update you on this accident where a car hit a person alem rock is closed at sunny slope sounds bad they have five chp now at the scene. have you noticed traffic has been busy later in the afternoon? possibly due to holiday traffic messy commute on 101 this evening with this 49ers game at the candlestick area, 5:30 against the steelers. speed sensors looking good in and out of san francisco. :39. still an the death of a dictator, getting big attention on wall street. we have a live report from the new york stock exchange straight ahead. here's a live look at the big board. dow up 44 points. plus, how a government audit is costing 200 east bay workers their jobs before the holiday. curious solution to a battle over >> cus on a northern
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a few sprinkles around our neighborhoods especially santa cruz mountains higher elevations around the santa clara valley quiet across the state a few showers around san diego and l.a. upper 50s palm springs sunshine and 67 tule fog will keep sacramento, fresno -- [ unintelligible ]
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almost 6:44. religious dislay in the east bay stirring up controversy this holiday season. some residents demanded the removal of a nativity scene and menorah from the air force base saying the images violate church and state. military officials have decided it does not violate the constitution therefore, the statues at well as the menorah will remain. >> people coming in, the war is over, people want to see good chings and good cheer. why would you -- good things pan good cheer, why would you move it. >> atheists have been given permission to a post a sign that reads: stay safe for the holidays, from the atheists. members of the california's national guard 870th military police company are back home in time for the holidays. more than 160 national guard soldiers arrived at bay area
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airports sunday after serving 10 months in afghanistan. during deployment they provided security at military bases they trained and mentored afghan police officers. >> trainsing the way we police, the way we patrol -- the way we file things. i think we did help them a bit but it is going to take a long time to get everything the way it needs to be. >> these soldiers will return to their civilian jobs. as for their military responsibilities which consists of one weekend a month while here at home, they won't have to report for that for another 90 days. billionaire philanthropist warren hellman is the businessman known for giving to countless charities and bringing the bluegrass festival to san francisco died from leukemia complications last night. former mayor willie brown was a close friend. >> i would describe him as an incredibly talented man.
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a man who had super sense of obligation for other human beings. and a man who shared his wealth in a fashion that only made life better for other people. >> healthman was 77-years-old. among -- hellman was 77-years-old. among the causes backed by him san francisco free clinic and aquatic sports at us berkeley. financial markets spending much of the time focused on north korea. that and new developments at twitter. good morning. let's start off with the leadership crisis in north korea which did send stocks in asia lower. u.s. investors looking to europe for their cue. higher open as european finance ministers hold a tell conference to discuss putting -- teleconference to discuss putting money into the
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monetary fund we are seeing a third of a percent across the board. silicon valley index up less than half percent. twitter getting a handle on new funding. a saudi prince and his investment company agreed to buy a 300 million dollar stake will not have voting rights or be on twitter's board. according to a newspaper interview has not been a day yet and they are already making news. an executive sailing twitter does plan to go public with an ipo within two years. bad news for fans of -- of california wines they could be more expensive. production for wine grapes falling short of demand. cooler weather in the golden state is hurting producing as well as the quality of the grapes. >> we'll drink to that one -- won't ding to that one. with six days to go before christmas, many retailers are
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saying they've already received their christmas gift. national retail federation reports americans are spending 4% more than they did last year. retail sales have totalled 469 billion dollars so far. it is no surprise to store employees. >> people are spending more -- [ inaudible ] confidence over the last two months on the upswing. if we can just avoid shooting ourselves in the foot, we should enter the new year with every prospect things will be looking up >> retailers have another reason to smile. they say numbers show fewer than half of all consumers have finished their holiday shopping. numbers go up from here. ellen in the business report was mentioning cooler than usual weather in napa. what about drier than usual weather? >> a lot cooler at night in
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most areas. during the daytime temperatures have been close to average did not -- if not slightly warmer the rain we need to replenish everything during this season is not there either that is putting the stress probably on a lot of plants that are handling, that still tend to thrive during the winter hours here in the bay area. beautiful picture some of the clouds hanging around and the clouds causing 53 minute flight arrival delays into sfo poor air quality could develop not out there now but it could develop in the north baena's why the bay area air quality management district has issued a spare the air that lasts until midnight. mid to upper 30s around fairfield, concord low to mid 40s through most of the inland valleys 3/4 mile visibility in napa, mid to upper 40s bay shore, south bay out to the coast mid to upper 40s monterey bay and inland with cloudy conditions poor air quality leads off our
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highlights the clouds will break as the afternoon unfolds high pressure going to bring us clear and cooler conditions tonight patchy fog possible even frost inland valleys breeziest at our higher elevations, dry makes it easy to travel, definitely no rain or snow in the sierra for that matter in our forecast the next week, two weeks possibly mid to upper 50s in the east bay valleys today mid to upper 50s along the east bay shore head down to the south bay upper 50s to near 60 in los gatos. up the peninsula mid to upper 50s, mid 50s along the coast south san francisco downtown around 57° mid 50s at your beefs in the north bay upper 50s to near six -- beaches in the north bay. 60 gilroy and hollister the rest of the inland areas and monterey bay mid to upper 50s. tonight's temperatures low to mid 30s inland valleys upper 30s to low 40s around the bay
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shore to the south bay even out to the coast san francisco warm spot at about 47°. three areas of high pressure dominating the main storm track every once in a while one of these systems will go up, drive down the jet stream and move into our neighborhoods reinforcing the cool, dry air that's what we will have once we get rid of the sprinkles this morning. mid to upper 50s along the coast, low 60s around the bay upper 50s to low 60s inland with winter starting wednesday, there's no rain or snow in this forecast. new accident, again here's frances. hey ward and a motorcycle ride down. -- in hayward, and a motorcycle ride down. chp just arrived at the scene they are saying it is on the connection ramp eastbound 92 to southbound 880 where we are seeing slowing is along that south 880 stretch towards union city. san mateo bridge across the span fine. for people heading eastbound
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they going to run into that injury crash. bay bridge toll right now the back-up almost towards west ground not bad. i-80 berkeley getting crowded westbound drive time 22 minutes from the carquinez bridge. a lot of brake lights on 680 in walnut creek. a couple accidents near north main one may still be blocking around the stretch the second lane from the left it does look like things are very slow there. also, the south bay where a pedestrian was hit on alem rock which is closed now at sunny slope avenue. you can check outwx our ride by going to about 200 workers have lost their jobs at a steel mill in berkeley. immigrant rights advocates blame the holiday firings on a silent raid by federal agents. the company had no choice
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after immigration and custom agents audited the firm's payroll documents. the names of 200 workers didn't matsch up with the social security numbers -- didn't match up with the social security numbers they submitted to the company. some say leaving the u.s. is not an option. >> for us it is impossible to go to mexico, because the situation in mexico is no good. >> ice officials tell abc 7 they do not comment on specific audits. they say more than 2500 companies have been audited this year. this morning caltrans will mark a major milestone in the building of the new bay bridge. this milestone moment comes with a warning. >> amy hollyfield is live on treasure island with more. >> reporter: they don't want you to look at it. that could be tough to do. we are going to show you right now what they are going to be doing so you won't be telled to peek. here's an animated version of
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the work. they will be installing a 2047 foot long cable. a significant piece, it will take a couple days to put it in place. authorities are putting out an urgent plea that you don't look while you are driving on the current bridge. that's why they've provided the animation. they going to have a camera feed from the construction cameras online. we have provided a link to all of that on our website you know those orange cables that you have seen up there for the past couple of months? this will follow the path of those cables this is going to weigh 10.6 million pounds. it is not a small piece of equipment. they are asking that you keep your eyes on the road this week. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. this morning a hercules church is counting its blessings and checking insurance policy after a parishioner slammed into the church's nursery
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10:00 last night. the church had been holding a christmas holiday event minutes earlier. no churn were inside when the van hit -- no children were inside when the van hit and no one was hurt. hours after -- north korea's military conducted a short range missile test. >> last check of weather and traffic. good morning. let's get you out the door with fog in the napa valley 3/4 mile visibility, fairfield a mile and a quarter everybody else okay tule fog trying to make it into concord about three mile visibility for you now. we have clouds for the rest of us mild temperatures but clouds are creating flight arrival delays of nearly 53 9's sfo check out our flight tracker. -- where it was clear earlier in fairfield and concord mid to upper 30s low to mid 40s
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inland valleys leaving the south bay on to the coast much warmer mid to upper 40s by the afternoon increasing sunshine, 60s combined to santa rosa and cloverdale, mid to upper 50s for the rest of us. check out this seven day forecast, if you are traveling you love it, heading to the sierra, you don't like it as much. bay bridge toll final check before you head out. backed up right now towards the end of the parking lot. we are going to see slowing in hayward there's a motorcycle crash apparently they don't need an ambulance, traffic slow southbound 880 approaching 92. there's a track blocking southbound 880 at 92. we've been following this afternoon in -- this accident in the san jose area alem rock a pedestrian was hit. heads-up you have seen the busy traffic for the holidays
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expect it to be extra slow 101 for folks heading to the 49er game it starts at 5:30 so i would avoid that stretch this evening. >> thanks for watching that's going to do it for the abc 7 morning news. we'll be back with a local update at 7:24. >> keep track of the latest breaking news on twitter and talk about it on have a great day.
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