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tv   ABC7 News 800AM  ABC  February 16, 2013 8:00am-9:00am PST

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neighbor's daughter in self-described tight-knit community. fire investigators still on the scene and trying to figure out how the fire spread so quickly. someone called 911 at 12:15 this morning but authorities are investigating whether the fire started much sooner before that and had burned a while before anyone called for help. at one point in the fight, the floor of the second story apartment collapsed. two firefighters fell through the throw suffered minor injuries. a neighbor told us they were awoken by the violence of the fire. >> when we woke up, the back window shattered and garden hose trying to get it out. obviously he lost his daughter. we got out in a matter of three
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minutes. >> reporter: crews contained the fire in about two hours by 2:30 this morning. red cross is still here helping all displaced residents. they tell me 22 people in total, 11 adults and 11 children are out of their homes and in hotels for the rest of the weekend. the apartment where the fire ignited is complete loss as our two adjoining apartments. the three apartments behind them are only empty this morning because the utilities are turned off. once those are turned back on they will be moved back out of their hotel and moved back home. >> katie: thank you. >> more breaking news, highway patrol is investigating a fatal crash on northbound 101 in novato. two vehicles collided. the coroner's office have been called to the scene but there are no details on the person that died at the scene. >> a strange 30 hours for things
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coming out from space. giant asteroid that came close to earth. meteor exploded over russia and the meteor streaked across the bay area sky. >> reports are coming in from around the bay but mostly on the peninsula. a bright blue light streaking across the western sky. someone claiming to have recorded the meteor while driving down 280 posted a video on youtube. another witness said it is what he saw as well. we caught up with people that saw it at ocean beach in san francisco. >> it looked like a flash of lightning. it was quick. it happened i thought twice. >> we saw two lights, right over there. >> the whole bay, it was crazy. >> apparently there was another
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bright meteor seen in the sky. maybe not as bright as the one in russia. >> more people were paying attention to the sky after a meteor slammed into russia. it smashed into the earth with the power of an atomic bomb, injuring a thousand people. nasa says the meteor was the size of a building and moving at 40,000 miles an hour. >> the repeat occurrence, it definitely has me up here. >> what do you know about asteroids? >> i know they can be dangerous. >> another asteroid is passing close to the earth. the closest any asteroid has ever gotten to the earth. they got a fuzzy dot on video screen, 17,000 miles is so close that astronomers says the earth's gravity is bending its path.
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>> it has some potential but not an immediate potential of hitting the earth. >> a lot of activity in the past 24 hours but astronomers say it's a wonderful coincidence. >> katie: if you snapped a picture of last night's meteor we would love to see it. send it to ureport. it certainly unlikely that a meteor would hit your house, but if it did are you covered by insurance. michael finney got some answers. >> that is one of the things that is covered under your homeowner's insurance policy. it doesn't happen that often but it is something that would be covered. >> kelly, an insurance industry spokesman, damage from the concussion would be covered. other events likely to be covered, lightning strikes and falling satellites.
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>> after eight days aboard the carnival cruise ship, two women are finally home. they flew into oakland international airport last night. it was very emotional for julie. in fact her nine-year-old son missed her so much he literally took her off her feet. >> whoa! >> katie: after the bear hug and nine-year-old had a big hug for his grandmother. despite conditions on the ship, their travel group of five women did just fine. she even used skills she practiced with her son with the eagle scouts. she was able to tie knots. >> it all came in handy tying sheets together. >> once we realized the fire was going to be out, it took longer
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than we thought to be home. >> they said the experience has not scared them from taking a cruise again but next time they would study the ship a little more closely and make sure it is newer. sergio quintana has more from the oakland international airport. >> as julie and thousands of other passengers traveled across the country back home, the troubled ship was moved to a repair dock in mobile, alabama. that is where repairs will begin. for some passengers, even with the journey home technical problems. a charter bus stranded passengers for more than an hour. pictures illustrate the conditions as the massive ship went dark and five inches of sewer water collected in their cabin. the group said the situation aboard the carnival was tough but tolerable and that includes caring for some people who had kids aboard. >> i think the kids had fun.
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they were running around on the ship. the crew did a lot the to play with the kids. i think the parents of children were probably more stressed than the children ourselves. >> they were on board for a surprise birthday celebration for her sister. they praised the crew who tried to make the best of an overwhelming situation. >> another passenger aboard the carnival triumph has filed a lawsuit. i asked them what they think of taking legal action and they say, of course, conditions aboard the ship were bad but they don't believe it is worth a lawsuit. i'm sergio quintana, "abc 7 news". >> katie: new this morning, seven teenagers have been rushed to san jose hospital. this was last night after large suv rolled in the city's neighborhood. they report three of the
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teenagers had significant injuries. they crashed on martin avenue shortly after 10:00. no other vehicles were involved. rescuers say there were no signs of alcohol being involved but obvious signs that the suv was speeding. a santa clara man accused of threatening a state senator is charged with ten felonies. everett beshon did not enter a plea yesterday. he is accused of emailing a death threat to state senator leland yee because of his effort to tighten gun control laws. they searched the house for the fourth straight day but they found multiple weapons. they have already seized those. he will be back in court next beak. coming up next, big trouble for a once promising political career. lavish items jesse jackson, jr. he and his wife admits he bought with campaign funds. and piece of military machinery that we are used
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>> katie: oscar pistorius is said to be on suicide watch for
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the model of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. they are gathering evidence from his sprawling home. from south africa with the latest. >> once proud olympian weeped as the judge announced that he would be charged with premeditated murder. police say that cover model girlfriend was shot four times through a bathroom door with a .9 millimeter pistol. major newspapers report the first neighbor on the scene found pistorius trying to revive reeva steenkamp. >> they say he mistook the girlfriend for an intluider. they issued a statement the alleged murder is disputed in
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the strongest terms. nicknamed the blade runner, he was the first double amputee to compete at the olympics and an inspiration around the world. fans say they believe the shooting must have been a horrific accident. ex-girlfriend tweets, i have dated oscar on and off for five years. not once has he ever lifted a finger to me, made me fear for my life. police say they have responded domestic disputes at the home before though not saying it involved reeva steenkamp. a 29-year-old law school graduate whose modeling career was taking off. she competed in a south african reality show and they say it will launch as scheduled tonight with a special tribute to the life of the young woman. >> she was kind and sweet. they will see the girl that we
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loved. >> katie: former congressman jessie jackson face potential terms and his wife after they pleaded guilty of spending $750,000 in campaign funds. they bought furs and gold watch. it's not sure how much time they could serve but legal experts, jackson, jr. would serve at least a few years for the breaches of public trust, while his wife could serve a few months for filing a false tax return. in some marin county residents are taking aim at a new armored vehicle. this is the truck in question. it's a rescue vehicle. it can withstand .50 caliber gunfire and explosions. it comes with a $370,000 price tag. critics say the money could have better spent elsewhere but they say it could be used region wide in case of a terrorist attack.
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>> we know the golden gate bridge and oil refinery in richmond are targets for terrorists. in such a instance we have this now. >> the bear cat was purchased from money from a grant. it did not come out of the general fund. marin will join 66 other california counties with similar vehicles. now that the sun is up, we can see this beautiful day. >> we do have high clouds out there. temperatures quite mild. gorgeous look outside treasure island. 53 downtown. it's 54 at our beaches. 49 in oakland. you know what, the winds rd turning on shore. it won't be as warm today. big time cooling tomorrow. rain for the holiday monday. i'll explain next. >> katie: why do you have to do that? and they couldn't lose and now the sharks try to snap a
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>> katie: welcome back. 8:20 on a beautiful saturday morning. lisa is tracking the forecast. >> finally some other systems to track. it's been really quiet and nothing going on.
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we do have high cloud, take a look at mount tam. this is lake tahoe. truckee is 16. tahoe valley airlift is 19. shrinking snow pack is only 75% but new snow will arrive on tuesday. we're looking at high clouds, sun is setting at 5:50. ten hours and 52 minutes of daylight. high clouds, we are milder this morning in most areas. live doppler 7-hd, we will be tracking a few showers come late presidents' day in the wee hours of tuesday morning. the rest of the up coming workweek looking unsettled. finally some changes, but this morning it is really mild from half moon bay to san francisco, mid 50s. 47 if oakland. upper 30s have returned for santa rosa, napa and novato at 41. 44 in san jose. 51 in salinas. some areas are cooler. look at our coast.
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it was in the upper 60s yesterday. a little cooling in the valleys of the north bay and livermore, 2 degrees cooler as well as fremont this morning. certainly noticing the higher clouds. they will thin out and bring us another mild to warm day today with plenty of sunshine. cooling trend starts tomorrow. in fact upper 50s back for our friends along the shoreline. then by presidents' day increasing clouds. we'll call it mostly cloudy by the end of the day and rain showers. a cold system headed our way for tuesday. that is the first one. we have a system that will be dropping down out of the gulf of alaska but high pressure firming firmly in control for most of the weekend but the ridge does begin to slide to the east of us. then we have the return of the onshore flow and high cloud activity to start the day. it will thin out. here is what happens for presidents' day. by the evening hours, this is
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closer and closer and so we'll have really conditions arriving with some light rain showers and wet pavement by the time you head back to work on tuesday. here is computer animation for the rest of the day on monday. presidents' day, you'll notice we'll get cloudy byte the late day, partly cloudy and then look what happens by 2:00 the in the morning, rain showers. you saw the picture of the sierra nevada, 61. 60 for yosemite but by tuesday, some snow. low snow levels around 69 in oakland and 70 in san jose. down a few degrees from yesterday highs. monterey, mid 70s and santa cruz those onshore winds keeping the temperatures in the 60s and 70s. cooling tomorrow. here comes our rain late presidents' day, tuesday and then you'll notice we have a dry and sunny day.
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half an inch on on tuesday. >> in sports, stanford hosts ucla. last night the sharks tried to snap their losing streak in chicago. larry beil has the highlights in this morning's sports. >> for the sharks, january was spectacular. they were 7-0. february has been a disaster. 0-7. cats and joe thornton don't fight too often but he was asking for it. second period, one off the hawks a flipper to the neutral zone, off the post and he completely lost it. that is a soft goal and it's a killer. sharks respond. tim kennedy, first goal for the man in field. 2-1 hawks. 3-1 chicago with a rocket.
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top shelf. blackhawk team has not lost a game this regular season. sharks are losing plenty, seventh in a row. 4-1 final. >> grizzly adams has reported to a's camp, it's josh reddick. as zz top, she perfect. first full squad work out is in phoenix on sunday. as for reddick and he a coco crisp had an off season bet who could grow the longest facial hair. >> i have been declared the winner and coco has accepted his loss. >> and it's going to slow me down on the outfield but that it's a matter of combing it down. >> looking to defend his title at hp pavilion facing dennis.
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14 aces and tie break to match, so he moves on to the semifinals in san jose. >> six rank cal taking on ucla, first half the bears behind the back, jennifer branden had 14 points. boyd with 14 points. in the lane and cal with the tenth straight victory, taking care of the bruins. michael cooper coaches the usc trojans, he is great defensive player. trojans could not stop shanay making a living in the paint as stanford rolls 79-55. their ninth consecutive win. >> n.b.a. all-star game is in houston. warriors in house and clay thompson, they call him an animal, he had 14. between the leg west side the
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assist. >> high and mighty! >> one of the very many high and mighty deals. clay thompson, but on the losing end. 163-135 and that is wrap on morning sports. be sure to join mike shumann with spring training reports starting at 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. i'm larry beil. >> katie: coming up next, a violent home invasion in an quiet neighborhood. unlikely weapon the criminals used to carry out the crime. a new technology set back for the dmv. after years of
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>> katie: new this morning, what is the president doing? he is in florida, golfing with friends as the first lady and daughters are taking a ski trip. president stepped off air force one in west palm beach last night. he was driven nearly an hourly to coastal palm city behind the gates of the exclusive golf club. he will return to washington on monday. he urges lawmakers to enact the
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proposals he laid out in the state of the union address instead of reducing the deficit through cuts alone. >> instead i suggest a balanced approach to bring down the costs of health care and gets rid of tax loopholes and deductions for the well connected. >> katie: on the republican side congresswoman warns the president and congressional democrats that they wanted to use the sequester deadline to raise taxes again while making these cuts in military spending. >> opponents of his policies and proposals plan to protest at all 50 state capitals, it's led by amnesty for illegal immigrants. demonstrators opposed to gun control, health care reform and other issues are expected to turn out, as well. new this morning, a two million dollar partnership will be announced at 11:00 this
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morning involving three state parks in marin county. county and state officials struck adale with a nonprofit group to expand hours at china camp and tamales bay. the parks will see expanded hours. it was a year ago the partnership was formed to raise funds to keep china camp from being closed altogether but the effort has grown to a new size to allow today's announcement that all three parks will be operated through the partnership marin state parks association took advantage of a newly passed law that put a freeze on closures after the discovery of more than $50 million the state parks department had squirrels away. today's ceremony will celebrate a new agreement with the national park service that will keep samuel t.taylor park open. >> now to home invasion robbery. it happened in noe valley. the story from reporter tomas
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ramon. >> there was no forced entry that we know of. >> he is the coordinator here in noe valley. he has known the victim who has lived in the house for more than 25 years. >> he has encounters with other house guests that threaten and hurt them. this is not an isolated incident. >> san francisco police are calling the incident thursday night a home invasion robbery. police say three men broke into the house and attacked the 69-year-old resident while he slept with a hatchet and then attacked his roommate. >> they are brutally attacked by these suspects and they had no time to react. as you can imagine, the second victim coming home walking into a home invasion in progress was also viciously attacked. >> this attack troubled tom who
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lives a few houses down from the victim. he says the neighborhood is closely guarded by residents. >> you don't anticipate this would ever happen on our block. i don't know what really to make of it. it seems so out of the ordinary. >> san francisco police have not released the names of the victims. they were hospitalized with non life-threatening wounds. police are asking with anyone with information to please give them a call. >> katie: new this morning, two armed robbers on the loose in hayward. a man trying to sell his car through craigslist was robbed at gunpoint on friday. contra costa times reports that the victim called police to report the incident at the apartment complex after he freed himself. the man told police he met two men in the parking lot to discuss selling his vehicle and then the armed men followed him into apartment timed him up and robbed him. they did not take the car. >> new details about the death
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of fugitive ex-cop christopher dorner. they believe he shot himself in the head. he died tuesday in a cabin. the reynolds family that owned the cabin saw the rubble yesterday. they held them hostage on tuesday when they showed up to clean their cabin. sheriff's department is defending deputies from criticism that dorner hid out right under their noses. >> he left the door unlocked so that a maintenance man could check it and work on it. christopher dorner had entered the residence and locked the door on behind them. our deputies knocked on the door and didn't get an answer and it's probably a good sign that he didn't answer based on the actions before and after the event. >> katie: authorities say they recovered assault weapons from
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sites connected to dorner. >> the state has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to overhaul its aging computer system. third agency is bailing on the overhaul saying it doesn't work. this time it's the dmv. nannette miranda has the story from sacramento. >> reporter: $200 million effort to overhaul the computer system that processes driver's licenses has been halted. after seven years and $135 million taxpayer dollars, only the driver's license portion is close to getting done. >> we thought it was time to bring the project to an end because they weren't able to get to an agreement to how to finish it out. >> reporter: it's the latest of a string of blund there's have plagued state government. last week comptroller fired the contractor charged with the $400 million upgrade to the state's
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payroll system because it's years behind schedule and it doesn't work. last year after doling out half a billion dollars, the courts pull the plug to electronically connect every courthouse in the state when it loomed to $2 billion. >> it's ironic that california being the birthplace of the high-tech industry can't seem to get it's act together. >> the state's technology chief they do have some successes. california is the first state to have a mobile app store. an online voter registration system and family and friends can make online registrations to visit inmates. stated may be too big for certain projects. >> technology projects can be pretty complex under takings but when you take on the scope of california, they are inherently risky. >> they don't make projects easy either. >> what we have heard from
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people in the private sector the state will ask for something and then change their minds later or not clear as to what they really want. >> reporter: the state will be veamgt what to do next in the court and dmv projects. state comptroller says he will sue the contractor to get some of the taxpayer's money back. >> katie: redwood city residents are bracing for a third right hike in garbage collection rates. garbage bills in redwood city could go up by 3% if the city council approved the proposal later this month. the typical monthly bill for 32 gallon bins would go up 79 cents to $27.30. there will be a public hearing on february 25th followed by a vote. city raised rates by 7% last year and 18% the year before. >> coming up next, a new app that many people in the bay area
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will find very useful. why they are called it the expedia of parking. live view at emeryville, those skies will give away to sunny temperatures. the same time deal for most of the bay area this morning but not for long, lisa
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>> katie: as cities get more crowd, one question is looming, where do you put all the cars? as jonathan bloom there is more room you might think and now an app. >> to see the parking valets around downtown marriott, this is the slowest time of the work. they expertly put cars in spaces entire rows of spaces sit empty. >> we don't turn away hotel guests. >> they are not coming for hours and meanwhile, the garage across the street is full. why can't the hotel rent them out for a few hours. now, they can. >> i have a $12 rate and $15 rate. >> this is park now, a free app that calls it the expedia of parking. it offers drivers cheap rates as long as you agree to be out by a
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certain time. >> if you stay longer if you pay the regular price. it will let you pay extra to reserve special parking. >> for an assured rate for new year's eve or 4th of july. >> and they will let you find stations with electric charging stations. >> the ceo says the average user books a spot 11 hours ahead of time which cuts down circling. >> reducing congestion. >> but the most interesting is who is paying for it. it's a joint venture between two private investigators and bm, invests. >> as more americans move to more cities, taking the headache out of owning a vehicle. >> bmw is trying to ease the stress of mobility particularly here in u.s. which is much more significant than other markets.
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>> katie: sounds like a good plan to me. >> certainly. today will be a beautiful day and most of weekend. outside we're going to have pretty pleasant weather. starting out with higher clouds. look at the hazy view from mount tam. 30s here and mid-50s elsewhere. still numbers above average today. not temperature and rain for presidents' day, come back and i'll have the outlook. >> katie: also ahead, what it means to be a snowplow parent, not related to the weather, more importantly i
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>> katie: welcome back. war coming up on 8:47. you are looking live from our roof cam. skyline of san francisco, transamerica pyramid, 67 degrees is going to be the high in the city this morning. few wispy clouds out there at this hour. lisa argen has more information. >> lisa: yesterday at this time it was 68 in half moon bay. so yesterday we peaked. still going to be move normal but as we head outside you can see the haze. higher clouds and east bay camera and these clouds will thin on out. high pressure still in control.
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we'll look for ten hours and 52 minutes of daylight with the sun setting at 5:50. beautiful sunset and little changes today, subtle changes and onshore push will allow beaches be a little cooler. live hd picking up high clouds around the bay and sweep on top of mount st. helena and monterey bay is not picking up any returns. that will change by the end of the holiday weekend with some rain moving into the forecast. it's cold rain, low snow levels around here by the wee hours of tuesday morning. 39 in napa and santa rosa. it was 53 in san francisco. 54 and mild and cooler than yesterday morning. 44 for our friends in san jose with 51 in salinas. you are down into 30s in gilroy right now in the 40s. just some is subtle changes, few degrees, down a few degrees in the valleys but the significant cooling, pats of our coastline.
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that will be the key today with a slightly cooler afternoon. overall we are mild to warm again with more 60s and 70s. last day tomorrow, significant cooling with highs in the upper 50s from our beaches to the mid-60s. then by the holiday, overnight we're looking at some rain during the day. clouds will be increasing. it will be much, much cooler. that trend will continue all week long setting the stage is system offshore. that will allow for the onshore winds to pick up a little bit. high clouds but still, dominant high pressure that has been with us so long. it has strengthened but it is beginning to weaken and shift to the east. that allows for the changes today and more significantly tomorrow. higher clouds out there but those will thin out and mostly sunny sky today. then the cooler weather with temperatures below average by presidents' day, but then here comes the rain. usually with these cold systems we don't see a lot of moisture
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associated with them and that will be the case with only about half to a third of an inch. taking you through the holiday on monday, noticed the clouds increase by 1:00. the vein far off. here is monday night through the overnight hours, light rain from the east bay along the peninsula. yes, we're talking about 2500 feet for the snow levels. today it was in the teens in sierra, nevada. overnight lows this afternoon, 51, icy up there but fresh snow come tuesday. 60 in yosemite. 65 big sur and temperatures around the bay, they are higher than they should be. also the percentage of normal continues to drop, only about 82 to 87% around the bay area. 67 in san mateo. 69 in palo alto. 70 in san jose as well as watsonville and santa cruz, slightly cooler with onshore winds. more cooling tomorrow, chance of showers late presidents' day. tuesday, rainy and cool,
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wednesday a break and thursday and friday more chilly rain showers. we should definitely be getting rain and a little coming our way. >> katie: thank you. you probably hear of helicopter moms that hover over their kids all the time but have you heard of snowplow parenting. kristen sze reports, experts say overparenting could end up hurting rather than helping your child. >> parents come in all types, sometimes we play tiger mom. >> whether they like it or not. >> sometimes helicopter parents. >> since i have one child, i tended to nurture him more. >> and now, the snowplow parents. they push slight obstacles out of the children's way, be it bad grades or being overlooked on a
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team. the mother of two boys. >> i definitely got the tools you can be a snowplow or helicopter or a dive bombing. >> snowplow applied for a position on the baseball team. >> i brought cupcakes to a baseball practice once and realized the coach didn't like them and i brought them to his house for his family to share. >> those of her friends gina and maria not uncommon. their children are already successful. maria's son is an accomplished violinist. the daughter is a competitive skier with olympic dreams. and leslie excels in baseball and ben is a local theater star. but educators are worried about bay area parents increasing tendencies to prevent their
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children from failing. head of the international school in palo alto, a private mandarin conversion school. >> we have people come to open houses and tours, will my child get into stanford? >> steve says it is evident in sports. >> a lot more money is spent on the club activity outside of school. a lot more private in the way of private lessons. >> he sees parents deterring kids from trying other sports to focus on success in one sport. one result, injuries at a young age. psychologist warns of another consequence. >> they are teaching their children a terrible lesson. if you are not good at something immediately, get out. it's humiliating to be a novice. >> the mindset details the research showing when students are praised for achievement,
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they actually become fearful of failure and stop trying. on the other hand.... >> when you get something wrong it means you need more effort or you need to try another strategy. that is what happened here. they became more resilient. >> they point out all success with silicon valley entrepreneurs had failed early and learned from their mistakes. something for all parents to remember. >> katie: up next, an invasion of the furry kind. this quarter, get 5% cash back.
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whoa everybody get, everybody get! activate your 5% cash back at
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>> katie: colorado is facing an invasion of sorts. cute ones but not good. bunnies are going after parked cars at denver airport. there is too many many of them and they are getting into the cars and chewing a cables doing hundreds of dollars of damage. airport officials are installing new fencing and get this -- building perches for hawks and eagle will feel more welcome in the area and go after the rabbits. the cycle of life. that is how it goes. >> lisa: we are looking at haze and clouds around the bay but we are still in store for a sunny and mild day with 70 in fremont. 67 in san francisco. a little cooler at our coast.
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onshore breezes return. cooler in santa cruz at 70 but still very nice, gilroy and hollister. more significant cooling tomorrow, presidents' day, increasing clouds, cold and rainy tuesday and dry wednesday. >> katie: maybe a movie for the holiday weekend. thanks for joining us on the abc7 saturday morning news. we will continue at 5:00 tonight. oscars is just a week away and abc7 is the only place to watch the oscars next sunday, february 24th. you can count down to the big night on our official oscars app. it has features that will give you the best access with more than a dozen cameras and streaming video and from the red carpet. it's available on the iphone, ipad
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>> "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide insurance. >> hi, everyone. i'm jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to "wild countdown." our human noses are good for smelling. you see there? but other species use their noses to flirt... look at that nose.
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fight... what is happening back here? uh-oh. and shower. >> let's just be careful of these fellows. they are coming in quite close. >> and guess which creatures can smell with no nose at all. i can't believe this. look at this. plus, the blooper of the week, starring my daughter kathleen. you go like this. >> man. [coughing] >> feeling nosey? then i got 7 stories you won't want to miss on today's "wild countdown." boy, i can't wait. >> go see 'em, buddy. >> all right. we tried to leave our tents. not even to go get dinner. we couldn't get to dinner. the lions were everywhere! golly dang! [dog barking] whoo! help! a dolphin, right there! holy mackerel! just like my life is devoted to the animal world, nationwide insurance is devoted to their


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