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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 23, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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san quentin on the testimony of a witness who lied. this morning after more than six years in jail, he's a free man. john alston has for from the jail in dublin. >> well-wishers showed up to see ronald ross at his mother's home in west oakland. only two hours earlier he walked out of jail a free man for the first time in nearly seven years. seven years he should have never lost. >> i can see sunshine again and walk on -- breathe clean air again. >> now 51 years old he was wrongly convicted of an attempted murder in a shooting that took place just steps from where his mother now lives. the victim picked ross out of a photo line-up and later recanted and new evidence also came to light. a judge set him free. >> one time i was thinking that the judge was just, you know, being hate full towards me. but i guess now that i see he's doing his job the same way as the d.a.
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>> the northern california "innocence project" and attorneys with a san francisco law firm spent four years clearing his name. >> he spent seven years in system for something he didn't do. the adversarial system let him down. but it was with the cooperation of the district attorney's office that we got the results. >> his 77-year-old mother couldn't contain herself. >> his mother couldn't contain herself. >> he gave up hope in the beginning but family visits changed that and he was able to work through his anger. he had this to say about the police and jury who put him in san quentin. >> i just hope they do a better investigation on the job they have. look down deep inside and see is it really the person that has committed a crime or hasn't committed a crime? >> he plans to counsel troubled youth. he would not answer questions about whether he plans to file a lawsuit against the oakland police department or anyone else. the da office who prosecuted the case put out a press release saying his office has a commitment to truth and justice that never waivers.
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>> in dublin, abc7 news. >> the brentwood school district as suspended their superintendent. it came after a four hour special meeting yesterday. they did not say why grant was put on leave. on thursday the state revoked the credentials of district teacher who was convicted of kicking a student with autism three years ago. >> a man who parents trusted with their children is now accused of violating that trust. jason pedroza, an east bay acting teacher and performer, has been arrested on suspicion of child molestation. we have the story from walnut creek. >> he's played a clown on stage and played in the beauty and the beast. they have charged 27-year-old jason pedroza of preying on least one victim. they started the investigation in november >> a juvenile and her parents came to the police department and reported mr. pedroza was sending inappropriate text messages to the young female.
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a three-month long investigation revealed several crimes. >> he was charged with two misdemeanors and two felonies including child molestation. he's worked there as an accounting instructor and worked as a clerk and taught improv classes at the downtown ballet school in walnut creek. he was fired a month ago when they learned he was under investigation. parents at the ballet school were shocked to learn about the charges. >> as a teacher one of their main goals is to protect the children so that it is very scary to me. >> tonight we learned that pedroza spent years working with kids. we confirmed he was a coach here rebels elite cheer academy in south san francisco, and he was a swim teacher in san bruno. he hasn't worked at either place in years and police have not mentioned any connection to possible crimes on the peninsula, but walnut creek police do say they are looking for information from more possible victims. pedroza has already posted bail so we stopped which his family
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home. we found his car parked outside but no one ever answered the door. walnut creek police are asking parents to talk with their children if they happened to have contact with pedroza in the last several months. if the parents have any suspicions, they should call police. in walnut creek, abc7 news. new this morning, a memorial concert to help raise money in petaluma college student alyssa byrne. show attended a new year's eve concert in south tahoe and was found dead about a half mile away from the venue. a fellow student is raising funds to buy a memorial bench bearing her name. they have booked 7 bay area rappers to perform tonight at the phoenix theater. a portion of the funds will also be donated toethe polely class foundation to help fund a new
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buddy program. >> abc7 news learned that rapper m. c. hammer was arrested thursday night and was booked in the jail in dublin. hammer made bail. dublin police are not giving any details about the arrest or any pending charges. the white house has formally jumped into the same-sex marriage debate. late yesterday the obama administration filed a legal brief with the u.s. supreme court urges justices to strike down the federal defense of marriage act which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. the move is not a surprise but when abc7 news anchor dan ashley asked president obama about this issue wednesday during his exclusive one-on-one interview with him at the white house, the president was noncommittal, saying that he needed to confer with the solicitor general about the proper legal strategy they should take. the supreme court is set to take up the same-sex marriage issue in late march. >> members of a marching band in crockett are looking for help to find the burglars who ripped off the band room this week.
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several thousand dollars of musical instruments and electronics were stolen sometime between 6:00 p.m. tuesday and 6:00 a.m. wednesday. the school is asking people to be on the lookout for musical items on sale on the internet. two dozen young athletes from mount hamel high school just returned from a trip of a lifetime. they went to cuba to play baseball. they are perhaps the first american high school team to travel there and play their cuban counterparts. abc7 news reporter was at sfo last night when they arrived home. [cheers and applause] >> a big welcome home for the athletes. the baseball and softball players spent the last nine days in havana, cuba, playing against students there. they played more for the love of the game which is more cool because you are having more fun while playing. >> these are a few of the spectacular photos from the trip. >> we learned a lot and got to
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see some things that some of guys have seen seen before growing up in marin county. >> proud but true. >> i saw students actually being in the moment experiencing life in the moment, having fun in the moment. they weren't on their smartphones texting, they weren't talking to their friends, they were actually participating together as a group. >> the parents admit it was hard to have their kids so far away. >> having no contact was hard, but it was great knowing what they were doing every day. we had one that tried to follow along vicariously. >> but they know it was worth it. >> i was so happy to know he was having this once-in-a-lifetime experience. how many kids get to go to havana and play baseball. >> the experience was so positive for the kids that the global studies director tells me his goal is to bring some of the cuban teams here in california to play expedition games in mill valley. abc7 news. >> how exciting. lisa argen keeping an eye on the forecast for us. what is in store? >> it's exciting too.
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we have rain coming down in the south bay and the santa cruz mountains. it's light and it's cleared out of the north and east bay. a live look outside. it's dark but if you are headed on out grab some rain gear because the pavement is wet. give yourself some extra time but it's not going to last. we will look for more sunshine, a pretty good drying trend and i will detail that for you straight ahead. >> thank you, lisa. also ahead, the surprising new market with a thirst for napa wine and they are cashing in on it. plus
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>> the popularity of apple iphones and ipads isn't only limited to people who pie them, they are big with thieves too. that's why the new york police -- the new york city police department is creating a special unit just to track down stolen apple products. city officials say nearly 4,000 more iphones and ipads were stolen in twelve than the year before. the cop will work to return twices and return them to their owners.
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some of the best wine in the world is made in the napa valley. some places it's catching more than $700 a bottle. vic lee as more on the names behind the labels and why most local wine lovers won't get a chance to buy them. >> what does this retired nba star from china have in common with one of the biggest video game makers? answer? they both started their own wineries in napa. yao ming was introduced to red wines at the steakhouses he frequented while playing for the houston rockets. >> we do have a lot of beef over there. and obviously a steak and red wine is very good combo. it's very good for peoples enjoying, enjoy the life with those two. >> kenzo tsujimuto is the head of video game company capcom. he's a long-time wine lover and he's been to california on business for some 30 years. >> napa wine, i came to realize that napa produces the best wine in the world and therefore that really made me think of start ing a winery. >> a small winery rests on a former horse ranch. kenzo estates overlooks the napa valley.
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tsujimoto bought the sprawling 3800-acre sprawling property 13 years ago. he spared no invest investing $100 million to build the state of the art winery. he replanted vineyards with the finest grapes on 90 acres and he hired the best people in the business to make his wines. last year kenzo estates bottled 11,000 cases, but wine lovers here will probably never taste them. that's because 80% of the wine is ex-supported to japan, each bottle selling between $80 and $250. even at those prices there's a huge demand for premium wines from japan's big middle class. yao ming started his boutique winery two years ago. he leases vineyards and production space here at this custom-crush facility in st. helena. it is a small operation, producing about 4,000 cases of
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his sauvignon and the cabernet. >> it ends up being $280, half of which is tax and the family reserve ends up being about $625. >> even at $625 a bottle, yao ming has no problem selling his wine in china. in 2004 wine imparts to china totaled $53 million. just six years later it grew to $800 million. for tsujimuto, video games and wine making is not dissimilar. >> they have to be local, be enjoyed by everybody in the world and have to have a good creator and a good content enjoyed by the consumer. so very similar, in my opinion. >> for yao ming, basketball and winemaking may also have something in common. making a success of it in the growing china market will be a slam dunk. vic lee, abc7 news.
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san jose will vote tuesday whether to become the largest city in the country to ban styrofoam. council members joined environmental groups to encourage a switch to alternative food packaging. the california restaurant association said the ban would harm small businesses in the city. they said food packaging accounts for less than 1% of waste in landfills. >> it is 6:17, if you are keeping an eye on the clock this saturday morning. hopefully not. there's no reason to rush out into the weather. >> no, that's right because it will take a little time to clear, although maybe you like and are surprised by the little wet pavement and moisture out there. we look at live doppler 7hd, you know this moisture is well beneath the radar beam so it's close to the surface. if you look closely around san jose there you can see just a few returns. in the mountains, in the santa clara valley, we are looking at just a little bit of light
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sprinkle activity. enough to tip the rain bucket so anywhere from 1 slash 100 to 6/100 throughout the early morning hours. you can see we are looking at a clear shot from san francisco. so the sun officially up at 6:49. temperatures are ranking from the low 40s to the lower 50s around the north bay and also into the east bay. so we are looking pretty good here and most of the clouds focusing to the south. so as you head on out, you may want to give yourself some extra time. visibility not much of a factor. 47 fairfield. we have breezy conditions out of the southwest up to 30 miles an hour and some pretty good wind gusts offshore. that will set the stage for a slightly cooler afternoon. this morning we have the mist and drizzle hanging on to the south bay, but by the afternoon it's breezy and we will see more sunshine. but the warmer day of the weekend will be tomorrow and once again this, is it for the rainfall.
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just a couple hundredings this morning. and then we are looking at an extended period. much milder this morning, 12 degrees warmer in livermore, even hayward 9 degrees warmer. you can pick out the front. it's a weak one. it has pushed through the bay area and high pressure sits offshore. so with that we've got the front kind of fizzling, the morning mist and drizzle, and then the winds kicking in throughout the rest of the afternoon. here's the computer animation. right now the cloud cover from the east bay and the south bay and a few pockets of light showers but the north bay has cleared out compliments of the winds and with that breezy forecast throughout our coastline today and the higher elevations. here's a look at the rest of the state. you notice we are dry, just kind of a coastal event this morning. had a little rain in the sierra nevada. 39 later on today with 63 fresno
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and near 70 in southern california n the south bay, up ears to about 60 today. maybe a couple degrees cooler. becoming mostly sunny after 10:00. 60 san mateo. here mid-50s. 62 sonoma, 61 by the water in vallejo and near east bay 59 in hayward. cooler this what we've been used to but still the moisture is out of here and we are drying out not only throughout the rest of the day, the rest of the weekend. here's a look at the seven day forecast. temperatures come up tomorrow and another weak system bringing us clouds on wednesday. warmer and milder near 70 by the end of the work week. abc7 has another great weather resource for you. you can follow us on twitter. for the latest bay area weather conditions rain or shine and get individual no forecast, spare the air alerts and power outage
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alerts from your favorite weather team. i have to go do that right now. update and let everyone know what's up for the rest of the weekend. a little bit different with the wipers speeded in spots. >> thank, lisa. coming up next, the chinese new year parade.
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>> welcome back. dan harris is joining us live from new york to tell us what is coming up on "good morning america." good morning. >> good morning. coming up on gma this morning, free for now after four contentious days in court. oscar pistorius has finally been granted bail. he is believed to be with his family at an undisclosed location in south africa. the judge is not convinced about his story why he shot his girlfriend four separate times. doctors are trying to crack the indication of a three-year-old boy. he's been unable to eat anything. it's been described as a stomach flu times ten. now he's having an allergic reaction to the only formula that really keeps him nourished and that he can keep down. can the doctors help him? we will talk to his parents. >> and the ocean scars one night
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away in hollywood. our team is stationed throughout the city getting ready to show you the behind the scenes action. and who are the kids getting a big break on koss scars night? and it's robin's emotional return. we will take you behind the scenes of robin's journey back to the anchor chair. >> she is such an inspiration. thank you, dan. >> indeed, indeed. well, the new chinese terra-cotta warriors exhibit is officially open in san francisco and it's already drawing large crowds. the chinese general and a dignitary from china helped cut the ribbon yesterday. a living terra-cotta warrior led the waiting crowd to the hall where ten of the 2,000-year-old sculptures are displayed. learning about ancient china is important about understanding china today. >> this provides everyone a
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window to old china. >> the terra-cotta exhibit runs until late may at san francisco's aggies art museum. and the stage is set for san francisco's always spectacular lunar few year celebration. it celebrates the start of the lunar calendar and the year of the snake. costumes and firecrackers will light up the paid raid mark. it begins at market and second street and winds through union square into chinatown. it andy at concern any and washington street. >> coming up next, the oscarsna just one day away and we have a preview of the internal tributes to james bond. >> question are an hour and a half away from a fundraiser in an east bay gym. it will benefit families of the sandy hook tragedy.
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i'm kira klapper live in concord. i'll tell you the connections these people have with the victims 3,
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>>. >> welcome back, coming up at 6:30, we are starting out this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's lisa argen. >> good morning, katie. here's a look at lake tahoe where we had some light rain earlier. you see the cloud cover in the lower 30s. back home the doppler hd showing some moisture here in the south bay. we are looking at not only the lingering cloud cover but a few raindrops in the santa clara valley. this will continue to press to the south, will clear on out, but the winds have been a factor as well. they will help us erode the cloud deck and allow for more sunshine this afternoon. it will be breezy. that will offset some of those 60-degree temperatures. so throughout the afternoon with the sunshine, it should be a nice day. cooler than yesterday, but through the evening hours we are looking at no rain. rain is usually good luck for the chinese new year parade, but still a beautiful evening with
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numbers in the 50s to start out at 5:00. then dropping through the 50s. so grab the jacket. you won't need the rain gear. it will be cool throughout the evening hours. probably a lot of activity is going on this weekend. this morning a little damp out there. i'll tell you about the rest of the weekend when i see you a little later. katie. >> thank you. this morning you have a chance to help a family that lost a also girl in the new town, connecticut shooting. at the same time you would be helping yourself by boosting your fitness routine. here's kira. >> good morning to you. 100 people are expected to be here at this cross fit gym across me. cross fit adventure in concord. a fundraiser starts at 8:00 a.m. and it's all to benefit the victims' families in the sandy hook, connecticut school tragedy. especially one family. yesterday would have been the
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bacon girl's seventh birthday. members of cross fit adventure have been wanting to support the new town community since the tragedy on november 14th. today's event are 60 heats in total, two-person work outs. the money raised goes directly to the charlotte bacon kindness fund. check it out on the web. new they are expecting people to come and support the event from miles away. again, it's from 8:00 until 11:30 this morning. reporting live, kira klapper, abc7 news. >> thank you, kira. ever since the sandy hook tragedy, bay area cities have held gun buy back programs. in marin county more than 800 weapons were recently sold to police. today three peninsula cities, menlo park, palo alto, and east
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palo alto are asking owntories surrender their weapons. no questions asked. it's from ten to two in the parking lot of east palo alto city hall. >> the focus of this event is not investigatory at all. it's simply to get guns and remove them from unwanted places. the focus is on dejection of firearms, not criminal investigations. >> the money to buy back the guns will come from a nonprofit group called "protect our children." >> governors are meeting in washington for the the annual winter meeting of the annual governors association. yesterday democratic governors condemned the stalemate in congress. this morning president obama's weekly address urges congressional republicans to approve his blend of targeted savings and tax increases. the president says the so-called sequester will slow the economy and hurt the middle class. >> are republicans in congress really willing to let these cuts
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fall on our kids' schools and mental healthcare just to protect loopholes for corporate jet owners? are they really willing to slash border patrol because they refuse to eliminate taxbreaks for big oil companies? are they seriously prepared to inflict more pain on the middle class because they refuse to ask more from those at the very top? >> the republican response says the oil pipeline is one way to create jobs and grow the economy. automatic spending cuts could deeply affect the lives of hundreds of people in the bay area. employees of the faa will be forced to take furlough of at least one day per pay period. passengers could see 90 minute delays at airports and many flights would be cancelled. as many as five bay area control towers could shut down. that's their plan to close as many as 100 airports that have fewer than 150,000 flight operations yearly.
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at yosemite national park the cuts could mean fewer trash pickups, which may affect bears. trail repair and maintenance could also be scaled back. republicans have dismissed all the warnings as exaggeration. the streets and sidewalks surrounding the dolby theater in hollywood are already closed to traffic this morning as crews prepare for the stars tomorrow night. hollywood before has been shut down to allow nor the prestaging area and stages. and there will be an honor to the bond movies. and the film has been an international hit for five decades. as abc brandon hit reports, "sky fall" is up for five oscars this year. >> bond is back. this time the secret agent made famous in films like "gold finger" will be honored alongside the famous gold statues at the academy awards.
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>> this is one of the most important movie franchises in the history of cinema. >> they are celebrating 007's 50th year on the screen which started in 1962. >> bond. james bond. >> and sean connery in the lead roll. from "the spy who loved me" to" license to kill" and golden eye, six actors have helped them evolve over the years. with daniel craig the late toast -- latest to modernize bond, filming this spot with queen elizabeth. the newest bond film "skyfall" is nominated for five oscars, including best original song which adellewill perform sunday. last month she won a golden globe in the same category. >> it's absolutely amazing, very surreal. >> but details of this bond oscar moment are being kept top
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secret. >> i don't know exactly what they are going to do as far as the tribute is concerned, but i expect every james bond to be present. >> and this could be bond's lucky year. the film did earn two oscars back in the 1960s for both sound and visual effects. abc news, los angeles. >> the oscars are tomorrow and abc7 is the only place to watch the show. our live coverage begins at 2:00 p.m. you can down down to the big night with our official oscars app. the backstage pass feature will give you the best access with more than a dozen cameras streaming video behind the scenes and from the red carpet. you can get the oscar experience by downloading the app available for i-phone, ipad and the kindle fire. they are hosting a virtual oscars party on our facebook page as well. all you have to do do is like us on facebook and hang out with
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the other fans to post your opinions on all the oscar flops, snubs and surprises. rsvp today. again, our oscar coverage begins at 2:00 tomorrow. that's with "on the red carpet" with the oscars. you can see the stars arrive at four and followed by the ceremony at 5:30. we have the reaction to the past and the after parties at the oscars and then jimmy kimmel's oscar special airs at 10:00, followed by abc news at 11:00. lots of good stuff. coming up, important privacy information for people who own a credit card. the proposal that will change the way you shop online. take a look at this beautiful scene. this is a view from the east bay hill. a little damp out will for some people. even actual official rain. lisa argen will have your forecast a
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>> if you are not concerned about keeping your private information personal when shopping online you should be. there is few information online places can demand from you when you make a purchase but that is
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about to change. we is the story from sacramento. >> when you buy something with a credit card at a store in california workers are not allowed to ask you for he personal information like a home address, phone number or e-mail. it's spelled out in a law called the beverly act. but the state supreme court earlier this month sided with apple saying those consumer protections do not apply to downloadable products like i-tune songs and videos. >> it throws out all privacy protections for people doing online purchases for downloads and we think the next step will be for any online customers. >> they are trying to fix that with a bill that would extend currently privacy protections to online stores but still allow companies to deck credit card fraud. that means getting rid of a customer's information shortly after the purchase. >> they can't aggregate that with other information to develop profiling about you as a consumer, your habits. >> online retailers are already concerned.
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many companies are based outside california and feel state lawmakers have no jurisdiction. plus the measure spoils one of the conveniences of shopping if that information can't be kept. >> consumers often time opt in to allow their information to be stored by the retailer so when they return again for another purchase the retailer knows who they are. it's a great experience for an online customer. >> many itunes customers we spoke to look forward to more privacy. >> it worries me to give out more personal information than you have to. >> we shouldn't have any type of a retailer or any type of a business saying, oh, we can take your information and we can do what we would like. >> in-court documents consumer group states they don't state why they kneed information and what they do with it. similar privacy cases are pending begins e harmony and ticketmaster.
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abc7 news. >> 6:43. now keeping an eye on the weather out there. a little bit of moisture. >> definitely in the south bay. we are at 48 degrees in san jose where we've had a few light sprinkles, some mist and drizzle and a couple 100s in the santa cruz mountains. that will clear today. it will be a cooler afternoon and i'll let you know how the last week in february is shaping up. and any more rain? we will come back and tell you about it. >> also next, the overtime thriller of the year. the warriors taking down the the warriors taking down the spurs, the best [ woman ] don't forget the yard work! okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> welcome back. lisa argen is here with a look at the forecast. it's one thing now and it will be something different later. >> you are right. a weak frontal ban has moved through the area but another system allowing for sprinkles around and for wind to visit us today. as we head outside, it looks quiet but we are picking up some returns. if you look closely, the national weather service radar in monterey is picking up a few sprinkles and out to the east in the higher elevations.
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really not a whole lot to talk about. but i have the -- had the wipers on this morning, and you may too if you live in the south bay or along the central coast where we have moisture left over. here's a live look outside. it's clear. lower 50s in oakland. 41 petaluma with 45 santa cruz a look at the bay bridge. the clouds are lingering well to the east in never more but here it looks good with temperatures in the upper 50s out by the delta. boy, is it breezy out there. the higher elevation winds and the winds coming off the water will, in fact, allow us to feel cooler today, but they will also erode the cloud cover that is hanging on in parts of the bay. so some sprinkles and clouds to start out, especially south. we will look for the breeze to kick in throughout the west rest of the day. we will see more sunshine not only today and tomorrow but it will warm up tomorrow. then high pressure builds in the rest of the work week. you know what that means.
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it means an extended dry period through the rest of the month. then as we begin march, not looking like any precip. although march can be very cold and rainy. we will hold on to hopefully that thought as we go through the next week or so. 12 degrees warmer this morning in mountain view. notice all around the bay area with that cloud cover, the higher dewpoints and that weak system that has pushed on through, we around as cold as we have been. as you notice the cloud cover, most of it is pressing to the south. high pressure is still offshore. as it builds on in, it will allow for the front to continue to sink south and clear on out the cloud deck. so this morning you notice the clouds from the east bay around hayward and fremont, along the san mateo coast and into the south bay. 10:00 we've got more sunshine around the bay. as high pressure sits offshore, it will allow for the northwesterly winds to keep us on the cool side today. as a result, maybe trimming a
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few degrees off from our high temperatures. all and all, much of the state not feeling or looking much like february. cool 50s at the coast but 60s in the interior with upper 60s around los angeles and 70s in palm springs. later on this afternoon look for about 62 in san jose. average highs in the low 60s. close to that but a couple pockets will be cooler with 60 in gilroy, 59 in mountain view. 55 in milbrae today with 60 for a high in menlo park. san francisco upper 50s. and it will feel a little cooler here, but it will brighten up. in fact, looking sunny to start out in much of the north bay. a little warmer in santa rosa than the rest of the bay at 63. only 58 in ukiah. numbers ranking from the upper 50s richmond and berkeley. 58 in fremont. you head over the hills, right now it's a little gray out there but then 60 in livermore with san ramon a couple degrees cooler. here's the look ahead. you notice that today the coolest day out of the next
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seven. tomorrow a little bit of warming. we will start out much colder. partly cloudy on monday but this means still a lot of sunshine, low to mid-60s. wednesday another weak system, not even close to us well out to the north and we are looking at numbers near 70s. but we have the san francisco polar plunge today that benefits special olympics downtown and the chinese new year's break. >> burr on the polar plunge. thank, lisa. in sports the saint mary's will try to bolster their resume hosting creighton. and stanford travels to oregon to play the 23rd-ranked ducks. last night the warriors played a thriller at oracle arena against the san antonio spurs who own the best regard in the nba. here's larry beil with the highlights in this morning's sports. >> good morning, everybody. spectacular game at oracle arena last night. the warriors without andrew bogut, out with back spams, looking to end a 16-game losing streak against the san antonio
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spurs and they get it done in overtime. warriors scored in their new short-sleeve uniforms. the pinstripe pants. 26% lighter, you know. maybe that helps. david lee dunks. lee with 25 points, 22 boards. steph curry, acrobatic. warriors down 1 after three quarters. be seconds left in regulation, warriors up 2. the feed to ginobili. gets to open their back door. tied at 93, go to o. t. where jared jack was unstoppable. he had 30 points and 10 assists as the warriors win it in o.t, 107-101. the blackhawks made nhl history at the expense of the sharks. final seconds first period. sharks on the attack. marleau to beat ray emery. marleau's 11th of year and the sharks were up 1-0. chicago comes back in the second period. viktor stalberg trying to get a
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pass off, a centering pass, and it deflects right into the net. nothing he could do about that tied at 1. third period. the short-handed goal! that wins it. 2-1, the final. chicago scored at least one point in 17 straight games. a new record for best start in the nhl. >> the nfl come bean runs through tuesday in indianapolis. a time to get deep thoughts from jim harbaugh. he has spoken to his brother after losing the super bowl. he was asked about draft prospects who may not be entirely honest when being interviewed by nfl teams. >> i'm a big fan of the judge judy show. and when you lie in judge judy's courtroom, it's over! your credibility is completely lost. you stand no chance of winning that case. so i learned that from her.
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very powerful. >> deep. you can go wrong following judge judy. mike shumann will be here with all of your weekend highlights later on today. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> sports and a life lesson many come up next, a polar plunge of sorts. looks a lot like this. why
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>> new this morning it may not be a frozen lake, but it will be plenty cold for those who dare to take a polar plunge. at noon hundreds of costumed people will plunge in san francisco bay at aquatic park. to warm up there's a 5k walk or run. it's similar to the annual polar plunge in wisconsin which is what you are watching here. they are raising money for the northern california special olympics. they hope to raise $352,000. >> good more them. good luck to them. i'll write a check and stay on the land. it's too cold. >> this morning, though, really kind of mild with upper 40s to lower 50s. we do have some wet pavement in the south bay. still mist and drizzle. 59 harris later on. it will be breezy today. feeling a little cooler around the bay with low 60s in the warmer locations. tomorrow a also warmer, we will keep that forecast going for monday and tuesday. it looks like we will even warm up further to near 70 by the end of the upcoming work week.
6:56 am
no rain. >> all right. pretty manageable. thanks, lisa. thank you everyone for joining us on the abc7 saturday morning news. abc7 news continues at 8:00. abc7 news continues at 8:00. good morning america is all rigr problem...
6:57 am
ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha!
6:58 am
ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. good morning, america. this morning, free for now. outbursts in the courtroom, as track star oscar pistorius makes bail. but what now? he's blocked out of his home, a crime scene. so, where is he staying? and what is his coach saying about the blade runner's next move? medical mystery. why can't this little boy eat? america's top doctors are stumped about why this 3-year-old is completely unable to take in any solid food. this morning, his parents give their first network interview.
6:59 am
the dangerous ice rescue. a lost dog on a frozen lake. when first responders can't get to him, a good samaritan on a kayak, swoops in to make the save, risking his own life. we'll show you how he did it. and oscar countdown. we go behind the scenes. the extraordinary amount of lobster they need for the after-party. the college students getting a huge break on the world's biggest stage. and the top-secret moment that had the control room in hysterics. good morning, everybody. t-minus one day to the oscars. our "gma" team is out in force, gathering awesome inside details, like the sheer tonnage of lobster and steak they need for the after-party. a little hint -- 400 pounds of steak. we're going to do a little lightning round on the set this morning. ron, ginger, bianna, how many of the nine best picture nominees have you actually seen? >> four or five. >> i didn't know there were


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