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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 8, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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along the shoreline today and tomorrow and if you are in and around the bay, we are looking at warmer conditions with low 50's and by the afternoon we could have low-to-mid 60's and another chilly night tonight and inland, temperatures are cold with skies clearing this morning, and upper 30's by noon and upper 50's to near 60 and lower 60's inland valleys so this is just the beginning of another warming trend that is getting underway today and, in fact, the warmest weather is off into next week so we are talking, again, another extended period of dry weather. i will have that but, first, sue? >> the situation is developing in the oakland area westbound 24 with c.h.p. now updated the situation and what happened a big rig lost a load of rebar and now there is a motorcycle involved and c.h.p. is not going
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do issue a sig-alert so obviously this will be cleared up shortly, westbound, 24, at broadway, so you can expect delays there. also, delays on bart at this hour, daly city to the east bay and early equipment problem is causing again-minute delays, if you are traveling toward the east bay, and take a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza, light so far and we don't look to have metering lights but minor delays for cash paying folks. a pretty sky coming into san francisco. police are investigating an early morning home invasion in san francisco's portrero hill neighborhood and pistol whipped the victim and took the iphone and ipad and got away moments after the officers arrived. the suspects were tracked over to oakland but they got appear.
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>> two fallen santa cruz police officers are resting in peace after 10,000 people came together to honor them. officers, dignitary, friends and family filled san jose's h.p. pavilion yesterday to remember and celebrate the lives of detective sergeant loran "butch" baker and detective elizabeth butler. the two were shot and killed by sexual assault suspect making them the first santa cruz police officers to be killed in the line of duty. >> two heroes. two friends. taken from us far too soon at the hands of a madman. this is the touching tribute outside the h.p. pal beyond, uniformed officers raising their hand in salute at the hearses carrying the bodies. >> the 24-year-old driver under arrest for the death of a high school student is scheduled to be in court and charged with driving under the influence and
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killing a 17-year-old khan and faces up to 10 years in prison. chang was walking across the boulevard at vale avenue on saturday night and she was hit. she was on the track team at high school. the teammate wore green ribbons which was her favorite color, at the meatier. >> bill clinton is doing an about face on same-sex marriage calling on the supreme court to overturn the law he signed in 1996 that bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage. he now is saying that the defense of marriage act is incompatible with the constitution. he writes in a william -- "washington post" op-ed he signed the law because other legislation would have been worse. >> another bush family member is showing interest in the white house, and jeb one is saying he could be interested in a presidential run in 2016. the younger brother former
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president george bush and son of former president george h.w. bush. he has been promoting a book on immigration reform and urging republicans to expand their vote are base. >> a new report shows that 20,000 illegal immigrants headed to college are applying for financial aid under the dream act for the first time. the new law allows students to get help regardless of their immigration status. our media partner, the "san jose mercury news" reporters they expect to award $19.5 million in grants to the dream act students. here in the bay area, for example, san jose state has already given campus grants and waivers for 83 students. east bay awarded 50. another college in cupertino has waived fees for 139 students. >> concert tour in jeopardy, and more than 100 musicians in the
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san francisco symphony may have to cancel an east coast tour that includes a performance at carney hall. >> now, for walnut creek area, traffic is moving fine.
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>> live doppler 7 hd shows it is quiet and the rain has ended. you can put away the umbrellas.
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well look at dry and milder conditions. in southern california, it is a mess from southern california into the mountains with chain rolls. back home we are talking cool numbers in the upper 50's and low-to-mid 50's at the coast and breezy here but lower 60's and, then, the sunshine breaking out around the bay. this morning it is cool. we have some holes in the overcast, with the numbers dropping in the 30's and a warming trend over the weekend of the. >> sue? >> good morning, everyone, the situation developing in the oakland area west 24 at college, here is what we know a big rig lost the load of rebar debris blocking lanes and c.h.p. has to do a traffic break, a motorcycle is down and slow-and-go coming out of the tunnel, 36 miles per hour, now, as they get the situation cleaned up and we still have a bit of a bart delay, daly city, to the east bay, about again minutes because of early equipment problems.
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kristen and katie? >> a sour note for music lovers. a strike is looming at the san francisco same known. munitions have authorized the job action if a deal cannot be reaped with management on the salary and benefits meaning the cancellation of east coast tour that includes playing at carnegie hall and the kennedy summer pointing to problems withen document they have performed without a contract since last month. talks will resume next week. >> we have developing news from the east bay. >> a major multiagency crime sweep that is happening right now. >> we have breaking news in oakland right now. oakland right now. we have thedays of walking
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to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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>> daly city, dub lip, los gatos, and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> if you have had a chance to look out the window, the rain has ended. mount tamalpais is pretty but the temperatures have dropped at 36 in napa and santa rosa and 37 by the delta. from our camera, san francisco is dry with numbers in the low 40's from half moon bay and upper 40's in san carlos and it has been chilly in the north bay but still holding to the clouds and the peninsula and the south bay and upper 50's and lower 60's today. >> happening now, breaking news
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in the east bay, several agencies teaming up to launch a major pre-dawn crime sweep on unsuspecting criminals. now from oakland with more on that. amy hollyfield? >> the situation is tense. we are at the police station and we saw an armored vehicle go by. the doors were opened. police were at attention with assault rifles drawn. this massive sweep is going on right now. look at the video of the activity we have seen. there are several agencies involved. the u.s. marshal has a large van. we have seen the oakland police department, and the tactical team. this is part of the police department's plan to try and reduce crime in this city. we have been tracking their movement for a couple of hours now and it is a very involved sweep. it includes several locations and officers and suspects. one source i talked to said that he was taking someone into
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custody right at that moment. they are serving war rans throughout the city right now and police say it is a sensitive situation right now that they have been building up for and working hard to get to at this point. they will release more information to us when the operation is over. reporting live in oakland for abc7 news. >> thank you, amy. a competence hearing is scheduled in oakland for the suspect accused of plotting to blow up a bank. the 28-year-old from san jose was arrested a month ago in an f.b.i. sting. he told an undercover agent reportedly he would dance with joy seeing bank of america come down. court documents show the f.b.i. agents supplied him with fake explosives and a triggering device if cell phones but the former attorney questions whether the mental condition made him susceptible to go along with the plot. >> has anyone seen sutro sam,
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lately? a lot of us are worried. the rare river otter has not been seen in almost two weeks. he got his anything name when he appeared in the waters near the cliff house. river otters are rare if san francisco, and he is the first spotted in decades. the national recreation area put up barricades do keep as many fans at a distance but experts say sam could just be out looking for a companion because it is river otter mating season and you have tried to tweet to sam. >> that is how you know he is off the grid. >> he does have a twitter account. we are getting into march and it will be spring and we are hitting a dry forecast, more dry than we would like especially
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for the week ahead and the weekend. live doppler 7 hd shows a few returns well early around 4:00 this morning, and now everything continuing to sink south into southern california and you can see the snow here with trouble on the grapevine and that is closed and back home we are looking at partly to mostly cloudy conditions with a view from mount tamalpais with a few clouds but with the skies clear here from action this morning we have dropped into the 30's. 36 in napa and santa rosa and 37 by the delta and mid-40's in union city and gilroy and another view, nice and tranquil with san francisco under partly cloudy conditions and we all will be mostly sunny throughout the mid-morning hours, at 46 in san jose and still holding on to clouds south bay and along the peninsula, and down to the santa cruz mountains and 44 degrees, before it was all said and done we picked up half an inch of
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rain in the south bay but that is not making a didn't because it is 70 percent of normal for the south bay for march right now. cloudy this morning and sunny and cool and a warming trend underway tomorrow and continuing into next week. fog has been a problem in the livermore valley and three quarters of a mile. elsewhere is not bad and the radar and satellite picture continue to show the system rapidly sinking south and taking the rain out of the bay area and northern california. we will look for this system to continue to fall apart with high pressure building in and, then, we will look for temperatures to remain what up slowly through the weekend. upper 50's today, a little bit on the cool side from palo alto and, otherwise, low 60's for antioch and 57 in san francisco, and warmer in the north bay, and 63 napa and santa rosa and overnight lows tonight under partly cloudy skies and mid-30's to low 30's in the north bay and, remember, we spring forward
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saturday night and upper 60's for the warmest location, and 70's on sunday, so we lose an hour of sleep and look at that, mid-70's and we could see 80's down by monterey into next week. >> thanks, the situation is unfolding in oakland and back to westbound 24 right at college, early this morning, big rig lost its load of rebars, and a motorcycle hit it, and you can see on map it is purple so that means that traffic is stopped and c.h.p. obviously is on the scene with caltrain -- caltran trying to get this cleaned up. it will affect the westbound commute, westbound 24, that is the latest there. we still have a bart delay, eastbound direction at 15-minute delay because of early mechanical equipment problems. we will look at the bay bridge backup with metering lights on and a minor backup, but, so far it is friday lite as the sky is
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getting light, it is sluggish. a few brake lights on the san mateo bridge up to the high-rise but you still looking at a good ride between hayward and foster city area at this hour. >> next, ladies, that is us, get ready to celebrate, why we can call today our day. new video in this morning of justin bieber moments before he fainted during a concert. what his people are saying this morning about the stars' back stage collapse. >> tgif or maybe tgiff because it is fun friday, with my special co-host, and we will have a lot of fun so tune in
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[ male announcer ] if you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be lergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ [ female announcer ] we always make our kraft singles with milk, and no artificial flavors, so you can be sure there's no single thing better for your grilled cheese. ♪
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>> good morning, everyone, welcome back, it is 6:24 on this beautiful friday morning. this is the view from the east bay hills, you can see the sun is coming up, a few clouds in the sky, but dry this morning for the first time in a couple of days. it looks like it will stay that way for the weekend so that is good news but not good for the rain totals. lisa will fill you in on details in a few minutes. >> not great news for justin bieber this week. officials in london say he will
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be back on stage tonight although he fainted back stage last night. in is new video from last night's performance, he stopped during a song and bent over with his hands on his knees and walk off the stage. a spokesman said he feigned from shortness of breath. he was given oxygen and took a 20-minute break and ignored doctors' ordered and finished the concert and then driven to the hospital where he posted this picture. >> he tweeted "thanks for everyone pulling me through tonight, best fans in the world." >> what a trooper. >> and joy is leaving "the view." she has co-hosted the view for 17 years and the 70-year-old says it seemed like the right time to leave and wants to focus on other projects which could include writing a play and returning to stand up comedy with the last appearance in august. "the view" appears at 10:00 p.m.
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on weekdays. >> today is women's day, for political and social accomplishments with thousands of events to mark the occasion. and as far as the state of women in the world. women earn more money, running countries and outlive men on the average of five 10 years but are still paid 10 percent to 30 percent less than men and they are only 21 women c.e.o.'s in the fortune 500 so in honor of national women's day, we asked mike and tom to stay home. >> it is the all girl show this morning. >> straight ahead, the bay area gun debate is heating up begin and we will tell you who is trying to ensure that one bay area city does not host any gun shows in the future. >> an early morning fire at world renowned chez panisse,
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with the latest on the extent of the damage and what fire officials say may have saved the restaurant from being damaged entirely and alice waters, just arrived to survey the damage. >> partly to mostly clear conditions this morning with the rain ending and temperatures are cool today the we talking mid-50's at our coast, to the lower 60's in our warmest locates with a warming trend for the weekend and beyond with that for you after the break. >> we go live, now, to the abc7 news traffic center to the bay bridge toll plaza and metering lights are on but you can see a minor backup here, friday lite, and we have an update on the situation westbound 24 in oakland with early metal debris and a new accident in
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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> happy friday at 6:30. we made it through the week. it feels great. we are following our breaking news from berkeley. the chez panisse has had a fire. but, first the dry conditions. >> the rain is over. good morning, everyone, you can see live doppler 7 hd and the national weather service radar and the rain shifted south and an the bay, today, at the coast it is cool, and temperatures in the low 50's and we are now in the low 40's but no rain. you will see sunshine and numbers around the bay. in the mid-40's and hold on to cloud cover and fog in livermore
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and upper 50's with afternoon highs in the lower 60's and inland, yes, starting out cool. you do have some fog, upper 40's and to the nearly 60 degree temperature at noon. the warming trend is set for the weekend, and the upcoming work week. we will talk about that later. >> we have an update better news at west 24, at college in oakland area, with an early big rig that lost a load of metal debris, with a motorcycle hitting it and it is now in the clearing sames and remark is getting by with caltran on the scene there getting the mess cleaned up. you are still seeing delays. new accident westbound 80 in the richmond area, there was a roll of carpet on the roadways and someone swerved to try and miss it and the damage is done. you can see by the red line the traffic is very slow moving toward the richmond area. we still have a bart delay out
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there, at 15 minutes, east bay direction from daly city. katie and kristen? >> we are following breaking news from berkeley where crews have knocked down a fire at chose collection. it appears it was savinged by a single sprinkler. kira klapper? >> good morning, to you. berkeley fire officials tell me that if it were not for the single sprinkler the restaurant could be completely destroyed and we do have new video of the destruction to just the front of the restaurant. and the last few minutes we have alice wars arriving and talking to berkeley fire officials and then going inside quickly to survey the damage herself. you can sigh there -- see there is extensive damage to the front exterior and just a small portion of the front, but it did not suffer much smoke damage.
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the early fire ignited before low the restaurant in a basement as crews call it and it did not spread into the main dining room. to food lovers across the bay area and across the country it would be devastating and the acting fire chief feels the same way. >> chez panisse is one of our most famous restaurants for the city of berkeley and i was hoping that the damage want too extensive. >> neighboring buildings also were saved as crews were able to keep the fire from spreading just at 3:00 this morning, but a lost questions remain, the restaurant employees left at 1:30 and the fire ignited an hour and a half later and no one was inside, and no indication of how it starts, and fire crews will. on the scene investigating the causes and they are also sticking and to make sure the fire does not reignite and damage this award-winning restaurant. reporting live in beforeally for
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abc7 news. >> san jose police have made an arrest in the murder of a man reported missing two weeks ago, and what is bizarre is where they found his body. the man vanished from the senior apartments on february 18. police checked his apartment then but did thought find him. the investigation brought them back to the apartment yesterday and that is when they found his body. he was stabbed. police are not release the nail of the person in custody but they are confident they have the right person the. >> the city of santa cruz begins the process of healing after saying good by to two police officers killed in the line of duty. thousands gathered for the emotional memorial yesterday. officers, and friends and families and dignitaries filled the help pavilion to honor and celebrate the lives of the two santa cruz officers. detective elizabeth butler was remembered for her work and her
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dedication as a mother of two young sons. detective sergeant butch baker leaves behind a family, his childhood sweeter and their three children. >> former defense secretary panetta says the military may have looked the other way in a case of the troubled former soldier who killed the two santa cruz officers. the former santa cruz area congressman was a guest speaker at the memorial yesterday and panetta left the pentagon acknowledged that gunman goulet may have fallen through the cracks while serving in the military. >> many of their friends, their relatives, their buddies, their superiors, looked the other way and at some point someone pays a price. >> goulet shot sergeant baker and detective butler to death while trying to interview him. the sexual assault suspect was
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killed if a shootout with police. a scholarship fund has been established in on of the officers. santa cruz businesses have committed $125,000. if you would like to make a donation we have a link on our website, under oh see it on tv. >> all charges have been dropped against a schoolteacher accuses of abusing autistic students with nine counts of abuse based on statements by classroom aides would say she slapped, kicked and withhold food from two five-year-olds. the prosecution agrees there are inconsistencies in the accusations and the charges have been dropped for lack of credible evidence. >> this morning, san francisco assembly man will unveil a bill that could effectively kill gun shows at the palace which is on state-owned property straddling the county line and require supervisors from both counties to approve any gun show permit that is almost impossible, a
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requirement that could not be met for show organizers. the last gun show at the palace in january had a record town out coming days after the sandy hook elementary school shootings in connecticut. >> the rain may have come and gone where you live but it left a lasting mark at san jose university leaking rain water coming through the event at the event center and the basketball game was canceled. the san jose state spartans and players from the university of texas, san antonio were in pre-game warmups. san jose state is scheduled to close out the regular season tomorrow against texas state. >> we did get some rain and we are happy about the snow but we want more, right? >> coming up next, google has new job cuts. >> change is coming to the students in one bay area city, what the difficult is doing to protect young athletes on-and-off the field. >> a look outside showing a beautiful sunrise in the bay area and the rain is gone,
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showers are just about am gone but we will have traffic and weather next as the abc7 news
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>> good morning, live doppler 7 hd shows it is quiet and the rain has moved out. where is it? in southern california where we are looking at cool conditions as the area of low pressure sinks to the south and spreads the rain and snow. back home, we are cool today. actually, where we should be for this time of year at 57 in san francisco with upper 50's in san jose and lower 60's around the bay and tomorrow, warmer, mid-and-upper 60's and the 70's by end of the weekend and next week. >> cleaning up as it continues in oakland land area and westbound 24 at college avenue, early big rig lost a load of rebar coming out of the tunnel you can see a bid of red
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remaining because of the slowing and there was an injury accident involved with a motorcycle in that area but in the clearing stage. a roll of carpet on westbound 80 someone swerved to miss it and this caused an accident. traffic is backed up according to our abc7 news app showing it is backed up to hilltop moving ween because of the accident in richmond. >> thank you. student athletes in a bay area city will soon have special protections against concussions. starting in the fall, kid would play sports at all santa rosa schools are supervised by athletic trainers. the press democrat reports they will be sonoma state students getting masters degree in athletic training and they will be given baseline cognitive tests to help the trainerss' evaluate injuries.
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the changes remain approved at the end of last month. >> mcdonald's buys extra green at the base of the golden archs. now a look at the big board, the dow jones industrial average is up 59, under 59 points and we will go live to the new york stock exchange ahead. >> developing news from the east bay, which we brought to you first, a major crime sweep happening right now in oakland happening right now in oakland with detailsys of walking
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to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment
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have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful >> benicia, san ramon, san mateo and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> good morning. we are looking at a clear live doppler 7 hd with the rain spreading in southern california. if you have weekend plans for
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the southland you will be running into snow and rain. the big picture shows our area of low prepare sinks south out of the bay area so as the high pressure builds today it will be cool and we are talking upper 50's to mid-50's at the coast and we are getting set for a warming trend with the 70's not far off. kristen? >> it is now 6:45. apple puts off a streaming radio service after getting static from record labels. the ax is swing at google. bloomburg reporter joins us live from the new york stock exchange. >> good morning. a source telling bloomberg that google is cutting 1,200 jobs. this is happening at the motorola unit. you may remember google has cut 4,000 jobs or 20 percent of the staff from that unit that it bought last year. one good thing, though, for u.s.-based employees, the majority of the cuts are happening outside the united
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states. the motorola gave google a bunch of patents to step up the competition against apple. jobs are a major theme in terms of trading today. we got a report this morning from the labor department very upbeat with job growth stronger than forecast and the unemployment rate is falling to the lowest since december of 2008 at 7.7 percent. take a look, we are higher across the board and could be if it holds a fourth straight record day for the dow. we will also look at the bloomberg silicon valley index because that is riding the waves as well. >> now, mcdonald's, the stock is higher, with global sales of the chain falling last month but less-than-expected fall and in the united states limited fish mcbites and the hot and spicy mcchicken in the value category, those helped to support the sales as consumers look to save money.
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apple is tuning out apple radio at least for now. a bunch of sources are telling us apple is delaying the start of online radio service that would compete with pandora because talks with music labels on terms for using their music have stalled. the sources say that apple hopes to get the ad supported radio service up and running by year's end. that is business news live at the new york stock exchange. >> in this morning, the vatican says cardinals will vote today on when to hold a conclave to elect the next pope possibly around 10:00 a.m. our time after the cardinals meet in the afternoon session. the vatican says it is likely the conclave will start monday, tuesday, or wednesday of next week, and the last cardinal who will participate in the election process arrived yesterday. cardinals have been discussing the problems of the church, and they have been get dog know each other better and finding out who has the best qualities to be the next pope. >> happening now, a state funeral for president chavez is scheduled to get underway in
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venezuela this morning. some 33 heads of government are scheduled to attend. meanwhile the nation's acting president says chavez' bomb -- embalmed body will be permanently displayed so his people always have it. tens of thousands have filed past the cass -- casket. he died on tuesday after a two-year battle with cancer. >> police in south africa say the former detective in the murder case against oscar pistorius has resigned from the police force. the decision by the detective botha followed criticism for the bungling of the investigation into oscar pistorius' shooting of his girlfriend and it was revealed that he faces attempted murder charges for 2011 case where he fired at a vehicle. oscar pistorius was released on bail after a week-long hearing two weeks ago. >> the t.s.a. is refusing to
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confirm a report that agents failed to detect an explosive device hidden inent pas during an airport test. according to the new york post an undercover t.s.a. inspector, not a passenger, stuff an i.e.d. in his apartments and got past two security screenings and the inspector board add commercial flight after undergoing a patdown. mechanic member will have -- ama more will have a full report at 7:00. the forest service has new money saving philosophy: let it bun. after coming in $400 million over budget after last year's busy fire season, the forest service may for longer attack every wildfire that breaks out. science and expertise have led to more emphasis open prefire planning and managemented burns. critics have argued that the agency wasted money and endangered firefighters by battling fires in remote areas that posed little or no danger. >> we are a little worried that
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the hills could go brown early this season. >> that is right. but we just started march and harsh can be awfully cool, but, unfortunatelies we are going to go dry this week but it is cool to start the weekend. nothing too warm and you will need the jacket but not the raincoat or umbrella. live doppler 7 hd is clear with a few showers early along the coast and all the activity here in southern california and, in fact, this area of low pressure spinning up showers all the way north and mountain snow in parts of bay. here is the view from mount tamalpais, a few clouds around but temperatures have dropped into the mid-30's and 37 in fairfield and three mile visibility in livermore at 43 and 45 in union city and san francisco is nice and sunny right now with temperatures here cool with a sea breeze and we are looking at 47 in oakland and
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santa cruz is 44. starting out cooler where we had the clearing early this evening, so a couple of degrees cooler this morning from napa and santa cruz, and elsewhere, holding on to the clouds and fog great livermore, so, you may not notice -- may notice a warmer spot. we will have 50's and 60's and the coolest numbers at the coast and the warming friend the second half of the weekend is a couple of systems to public out of the bay area and this is the first one, so we are still under the influence of some of the clouds and then there is another weak system that will allow for the numbers to stay cool tomorrow but, then, as high pressure builds in strongly we will see a warmer second half of the weekend so, 50's with the rain showers from los angeles, snow in yosemite and back home you are going to see upper 50's back home and oakland in the upper 50's and 59 in morgan hill. we have more sunshine tomorrow,
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and mid-to-upper 60's around the bay and set your clocks ahead. sunday we are warmer and the mid-70's for monday and tuesday with numbers in the 50's at our coat. >> and now, the accident westbound 80 beyond the richmond border, there was a roll of carpet in the lanes and a car hit it and swerved and c.h.p. is issuing a sig-alert while they clean this up. the two left lanes are blocked there, and traffic is backing toward hilltop, and westbound 24 at college, early big rig lot the rebar and that is cleared and it is wide open. we have bart back on time with no mass transit delays and i will show you our app that shows a backup on the signature alert, westbound 80, all the way toward highway 4 with traffic spotters reporting the major accident toward apian way. you can download this free app
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at google play to that gate your commute. >> thank you, it is 6:52. five things to know with you
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>> good morning, at 6:54, a live look from the mount tamalpais camera at the bay, a gorgeous picture as the rain showers have moved out of the way to leave us with a beautiful morning and a dry weekend with another check coming up. >> as we land things off to america mchere are five things to know. breaking news in berkeley where restaurant owner, alice wars is looking at the damage done to her restaurant, chez panisse. it appears a single sprinkler kept the fire from severely damaging the building. >> oakland police teamed up with county and federal authority toss serve search warrants for a
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crime sweep. officials will release details later after they complete it. >> three, in appear hour and a half, san jose police will begin clearing a large homeless camp at the river park, the tent city has grown rapidly since the people were kicked off the state property last month. 100 people are in the camp. >> osama bin laden's son if law will be arraigned in federal court in new york city, with the prosecution saying that he is the senior al qaeda terrorists and faces numerous charges including conspiracy to kill u.s. citizens and officials captured him in turkey in january. >> number five, you can bet a walnut creek gas station is selling extra tickets to the super lottery plus drawing, the shell station sold the winning ticket to the $33 million jackpot on wednesday and that winner has yet to come forward.
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>> i will give you ten bucks do buy some. >> and our meteorologist, lisa? >> we saw the live shots and the sunshine, and a final check at live doppler 7 hd and it is quiet. you can see san francisco is nice and sunny and it should be a nice afternoon but on the cool side, so, 40's as you head out to the bay and 30's in the north bay valley, and, today, expected high temperature ranging from the mid-50's from half moon bay and we will look for 57 in san francisco and low 60's for santa rosa and 60 if livermore and 59 in palo alto so, today, numbers are a couple of degrees below acknowledge and well warm it up throughout the rest of the weekend and into the week ahead. >> good morning, everyone, friday lite at the bay bridge toll plaza. and just now cleared in the richmond area, the early accident with the roll of carpet in the middle of the lanes, a sig-alert lifted but the slow traffic remains all the way
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beyond the richmond parkway, now, and mass transits is on time. here are the drive times, 580 from the central valley, 24 from walnut creek and there is the eat shore commute into the macarthur maze. >> thank you for watching on this international women's day. we continue in 25 minutes with news, weather, and traffic during "good morning america" next.
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good morning, america. breaking this morning -- a quarter of million jobs added. unemployment falling. to 7.7% the lowest level in four years. jobs created at a furious pace in february. breaking this morning -- conspiracy to kill. osama bin laden's son-in-law headed to a new york city court under heavy security after his surprise arrest for plotting terror against american citizens. brian ross has the very latest. brand-new details overnight on that fatal lion attack. the lion apparently let himself out of his cage, blindsiding the intern on her cell phone, breaking her neck with a swipe of his paw. her family speaks out this morning. also, breaking overnight. caught on tape. justin bieber doubles over, stumbles, and faints backstage.
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out of breath, rushed to the hospital, tweeting a photo from his bed. reports on whether he's returning to the stage. and good morning, america. happy friday. robin is off this snowy morning here in new york. check it out. it's really coming down here in times square. we still have some people out there. they're still waving and happy. amy robach in this morning. a lot of news coming in overnight, including reports of an incredible security breach at newark airport. an agent was able to get through two checkpoints with a fake bomb in his pants. we'll have details on that coming up. and we mentioned justin bieber's stunning fainting episode at that major concert. fellow star kelly osbourne suffered a seizure. she was rushed to the hospital after collapsing on the set of her tv show.


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