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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  March 9, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PST

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since her "sex and the city" days says she's kicking her fashionable shoes to the curb. we'll tell you why coming up. and today, the big day, barbie's birthday. a major holiday for a guy that has taken collecting barbies to an extreme. no, this is not an episode of hoarders. this man has over 2,000 barbies. he's going to give us a tour of his shrine coming up. >> wait until you hear how much he spends to maintain this collection. we begin with the wild weekend weather. more storms battering several states. blizzard warnings and homes literally falling into the ocean. our meteorologist ginger zee has been following it all from just outside boston in randolph, massachusetts. good morning, ginger. >> reporter: good morning, guys. if you're waking up in miami or new orleans and you have never seen two feet of snow, this is what it looks like. it goes up to the knee. a lot of people are waking up to scenes like this. including marion, who took this in massachusetts. her deck before and after.
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you can see the snow totals there. new jersey ending up with more than nine inches in some places. this was a big snow. but it was also a huge wind event. take a look. march roaring in. >> this is the worst. how's that? wow! >> reporter: a second home toppled on plum island in massachusetts. the first still teetering after the entire coast was abused with wind and waves. snow kept falling and falling and falling. >> we don't want any more snow. >> reporter: you're done? >> done. >> reporter: more than a foot in boston. two from connecticut to parts of massachusetts. the beast started in part in minneapolis. we have already had a solid half foot of light, fluffy snow. now it moves to the east, gets wetter, and causes a lot more in the way of travel troubles. and as it pushed east to d.c., so did we. we're here in shenandoah national park. every once in awhile, you'll hear a tree crack or pop in the woods.
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and you can see why. the weight of the snow is so heavy, you can imagine what that's doing to power lines. from virginia. look at this huge tree. it snapped. popped. i'm sure a loot of folks heard it. all the way to scituate, mass. the waves are really huge out there. a very angry ocean. you can see the winds pushing all the ocean. behind it all, a fast melt. with a surge of warm air billowing up and over that area just hit. but today, there's still some time to enjoy the spring snow. in connecticut, a sign they're ready for these spring flowers to become a reality. so you ready to see how much warmup we're talking? let's get into the 50s. that's right, the 50s, right here, where i'm standing, by monday. the work week starts out for philadelphia, parts of d.c., close to 60 degrees. you see all those numbers, very spring-like in comparison, for sure. then a new winter storm. denver could get up to a foot of snow. warnings from the southwest to parts of minneapolis and the northern plains. i'll have so much more coming up in the nation's weather. for now, back to dan.
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>> what a week you have had tracking the storm. every step of the way. thanks for your reporting this morning. we'll get back to you in a few minutes. to the vatican, where this morning, they installed a chimney on the top of the sistine chapel. even in this era of modern communications, the cardinals will use this chimney to signal to the world when they have chosen a new pope. the secret conclave starts on tuesday. unusually, there's no front-runner at this time. david wright is in rome once again. david, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. that chimney is everyone's favorite tradition of the conclave. the conclave set to begin on tuesday. the 25th papal conclave to take place inside the sistine chapel. the first one, in case you were wondering, 1492. the borgias won that one. the chimney connected to a stove where the ballots are burned if the vote is inconclusive. if the vote is inconclusive, black smoke comes out. if it's to confirm the election of a new pope, white smoke comes out. it will signal to the faithful
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that a new leader of the roman catholic church has been chosen. a new tradition this year -- they've installed a faraday cage, a mesh to prevent wireless signals. an electronic cone of silence. it has the added benefit to protect the cardinals in case lightning should strike. kind of a bonus there. as you say, this year, no clear consensus as they head into the conclave. no front-runners. we'll all be watching the smoke signals. dan? >> thank you, david. the lack of a front-runner could mean this is a longer conclave than usual. last time around, it was over in about a day. so we'll see what happens this time. it all starts on tuesday. abc news will be covering it all with diane sawyer leading our team in rome. a lot of other news overnight. let's go to ron claiborne for that. good morning, ron. >> thank you, dan and bianna. good morning, everyone. we begin with a deadly bombing in the capital of afghanistan,
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timed to coin side with the new u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel's first visit to that war-torn country. at least nine civilians were killed by a suicide bomber this morning. muhammad lila joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, ron. this explosion was loud, powerful, and the taliban say it was a direct message to the secretary of defense. [ sirens blaring ] the attack happened this morning, sending nearby coalition military bases into lockdown. i saw dead bodies, this eyewitness says. wounded people lying everywhere. then people started shooting randomly and we managed to escape. it happened outside the afghan ministry of defense complex. barely a mile away from the coalition base where u.s. secretary of defense chuck hagel was in a private briefing. the taliban are claiming responsibility, saying in a statement, this attack was a message to him. afghan officials say the suicide bomber was on a bicycle when he detonated.
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[ sirens blaring ] killing at least nine afghan civilians, including children. the explosion so strong, this blast-proof wall littered with holes from shrapnel. hagel is on his first official visit to afghanistan as secretary of defense. just yesterday, he offered this reminder of the dangers that still exist. >> we're still at war. i think most americans, the congress, the media, understand that. >> reporter: there are still 68,000 american troops in afghanistan. even as the military draws down those numbers gradually, today's attack is another reminder that this war is far from over. ron? >> muhammad lila, thanks for that. osama bin laden's son-in-law will remain behind bars in new york city. sulaiman abu ghaith, a former al qaeda spokesman, pleaded not guilty in federal court of -- on
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charges of conspiring to kill americans. he's already provided important new intelligence about the terror group. no date set for his trial. and former olympic hero oscar pistorius could be facing more legal trouble soon. the lawyer for the family of model reeva steenkamp is considering a civil suit. he shot and killed his model girlfriend in his home on valentine's day. he's been charged with premeditated murder. he says it was an accident. south dakota is the first state with a law to allow teachers to carry guns in classrooms. the bill was signed into law on friday. each district will decide now if their teachers can be armed at school. several other states have laws allowing teachers to carry weapons but none has a law specifically authorizing them to do so. whole foods will become the first national grocery chain to require all genetically modified foods to be labeled as such. the labels are a response to consumer demand and must be in place within the next five years. the fda says there's no difference between organic and genetically modified foods.
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and finally, while will are no good ways to lose a game, any sporting event. but some are worse than others. check this one out. three seconds left in the basketball game, a player from hugo high school in oklahoma hits the layup at the buzzer. to win the game. the problem is, he won the game for the other team. >> oh! >> oh! >> giving them a one-point victory. when all he had to do was let time expire! >> no way? >> that counts? >> that counts all right. >> oh, no, poor guy. >> that is bad. this will probably destroy the guy's life. >> let's hope not. >> ron, ron. >> well maybe not destroy his life. >> it's all about the comeback. >> he'll be unhappy for awhile. >> ron's statements do not necessarily reflect the views of abc news. we should say that. >> we should have a ticker. >> they should run that constantly under my face. when the tsa said they were going to allow small knives on planes, it raised eyebrows. now, though, people are actually taking action, including an angry coalition of pilots, air marshals and flight attendants. can they make a difference here? david kerley is as reagan
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national airport. outside washington. david, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. more calls for the tsa to leave the policy on knives as is. the pressure is growing on this agency. this morning, delta has become the first airline to join the call to keep knives off planes. in a letter, the ceo of america's largest carrier tells the head of tsa, quote, we must object. and after talking to flight attendants, share their leg legitimate concerns. they were first and loud in the condemnation of the tsa plan. >> they're angry, they're outraged about this. >> oh, my god, this is a hijacking. >> reporter: they're joined by the union for the air marshals and some pilots. in asking the tsa to rescind its plan to allow small pocket knives back on aircraft. the head of the tsa says he wants his officers to concentrate on what can be catastrophic on a plane,
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explosives, especially liquid explosives. >> i don't think people appreciate the potential destructive capabilities of the liquids. >> drop the knife. drop the knife. >> reporter: some security experts are torn. >> tsa should be focusing on the highest end of the threat spectrum for sure. i'm not sure i would have jumped to allowing knives on planes. >> reporter: the groups who are now fighting are planning to go to congress to ask for help. >> i don't think this policy can go into effect on april 25th. and you know what? we're going to spend every single day between now and then making sure that it doesn't. >> reporter: i asked the tsa about the growing backlash. it says, the agency director, john pistol stands behind his decision. the plan will go into effect at the end of next month. >> it's a controversial one. david, thank you. the other surprising headline out of washington. much better than expected jobs report. 236,000 jobs added last month, some 70,000 more than had been predicted. that helped bring down the
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unemployment rate to 7.7%, the lowest it's been since december, 2008. on wall street, the dow jones broke the all-time high for a fourth straight day. is this a blip or a sign of better days ahead? friday's whiplashing headlines, the unemployment rate at the lowest point in four years sent the stock market to yet another record high. from construction sites to health care, it's clear that the country is building, healing, and hiring. >> i saw a great increase of job activity. as long as people feel good, they keep spending. >> reporter: factories across the nation added 14,000 workers in february. hooray for hollywood as the film industry added 21,000 jobs. construction is leading the way. with builders adding 48,000 jobs. a clear sign that the housing market recovery is having major impact. in february, doug smith, a
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builder from virginia, hired seven new workers and sold 50 new homes. >> that makes this the best january for us since 2005. >> reporter: which were built with nails from the maze nail company in illinois, who also had good news to share. >> we hired three new factory associates. >> reporter: retail and technology sectors are also seeing job growth. the question is, will it continue to sizzle or fizzle? >> companies have done without. cut all they can cut. now they actually need people to come back to fill true demand. they're not just guessing things will be better tomorrow. >> reporter: some experts say there is reason to worry. recent tax increases and self-imposed budget cuts can put a damper on the trend. for now, if you're wondering now how to land a prized position, according to top economists we reached out to, here are three tips to keep in mind. don't be afraid to tell everyone you know or meet that you're looking for work. many people find jobs through personal connections. two, think outside your comfort zone when applying for a job. chances are you have more skills than you know.
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and be prepared to move. jobs may be available across town or in another town. so just three tips that can help so many millions of americans still looking for jobs. >> good advice. all right, bianna. one of the things i love about this job is that we cover a wide variety of topics. from the surging economy to a stumbling justin bieber. he's having a week from hell over in london. its included a 19th birthday gone wrong, a fan revolt of sorts, a health scare, and this fight with the paparazzi. despite it all, he was back on stage last night. so what did he have to say to his fans? lama hasan has it all. from london. good morning, lama. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. i think it's safe to call it justin bieber's nightmare tour of britain. from the moment he set foot on british soil, bieber just hasn't been able to catch a break. things going from bad to worse, until last night. he showed his tenacity and loyalty to his british legion of fans. >> [ bleep ] did you say?
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what'd you say? >> reporter: just hours after he popped off at a photographer in london, shouting expletives, he went on a twitter tirade. saying not going to let them get the best of me again. gonna get focused on this show tonight. adrenaline is high now. gonna put it on the stage. he bounced back doing what he does best. >> pop stars have missteps. it's about how they recover. this is just a hiccup. it's all in his power, really, to kind of get back on track. >> reporter: boy, did he get back on track. wowing the audience at a sold-out concert. one of the dancers tweeting, our last show in london was definitely the best. way to go out with a bang. and bieber fever was everywhere outside the venue. how excited are you about -- [ screaming ] >> i can't wait to see justin bieber. >> i know. >> reporter: it has been one hell of a week for the biebster. cell phone videos showed him
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woozy. he stopped dancing. he was rushed backstage where he was given oxygen by emergency workers. after the concert, he was hospitalized. tweeting shirtless pictures from his hospital bed. earlier in the week, he was greeted with a chorus of boos after angering his fans by showing up two hours late on opening night. on his birthday, the 19-year-old tweeted it was the worst birthday after his underage friends were turned away from a club. and, of course, he was snapped sporting a gas mask around london town and wearing almost nothing. ah, the perils of being a young pop star. >> a lot of great stars have started young, michael jackson, stevie wonder. he has more number one albums for the age of 19 than anyone, ever. he's at a level of performance of giving his fans what they want that is, to some extent, unprecedented. >> reporter: don't worry, your fans will have your back.
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♪ baby baby baby oh >> reporter: my ears are still ringing from talking to the screaming fans. but on a serious note, after the concert last night, he was still feeling a little unwell. tweeting still a little short of breath tonight, but what an incredible show. next up, portugal. let's hope for smooth sailing from now on. >> we wish him the best. a lot of pressure on him. all right, lama, thank you. now for a check of the weather and to ginger zee who is in massachusetts. hey, ginger. >> i'm still a belieber. gotta say it. and if you believe it or not, we have another snowstorm to talk about. it drops snow in california, 8 to 12 inches, from grapevine. big bear got 8 inches, too. then the low drops into arizona and phoenix had hail. damage from the winds. and as you watch the video, a lot of rain. record daily rainfall. over three-quarters of an inch. 0.84 inches.
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in case you were wondering. let's look at where that storm is today. it drops snow on denver, to the north and east. and through the weekend, brings ice and snow to the northern plains. the next graphic, how much snow falls. just to give you an idea of what happens in denver, they get a lot of snow in march. this is not out of the ordinary. a lot of snow for your weekend. moving on to the severe weather. very important from dallas to san antonio, chances of tornadoes, isolated. damaging wind and hail. warmer in the south. that will billow to the northeast soon.
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>> i've been standing in so much of this stuff lately. it was nice someone reminded me it could be art-like. let's look at wisconsin. kids made some art out of icicles and snow. and of course, just one snowflake, in indiana, always looks so brilliant. i'll have a whole lot more coming up in the next half hour. for now, let's head back into the warm studio. >> thank you, ginger. >> she likes to remind us of that. thank you, ginger. big news, everybody. today, barbie's birthday. the world's most famous doll made her debut on this day in 1959. >> she's beloved by millions. perhaps no one has more affection for her than this guy you're about to meet. linzie janis is here with more. this is kind of incredible. >> reporter: it is. talk about living the dream. this guy is waking up this morning probably feeling like one of his barbie princesses. the attention and glamour of the
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media all clamoring for a look into his world. this over-the-top shrine to she who is plastic and fantastic is not the barbie dream home you longed for as a child. >> welcome to my barbie collection. >> reporter: it's the real-life home of this grownup. >> barbie's not just for little girls. it's for everybody. >> reporter: the self-styled barbie man is fast becoming the envy of every young girl in america. >> this is where all the dolls are held. >> reporter: after this video profile of 41-year-old stanley became an online sensation. >> this is the first barbie i've purchased. >> reporter: now he's relishing the chance to show off the fruits of 16 years of collecting. >> there's 2,000 barbies in this room alone. people walk into my museum, their jaws just drop. >> reporter: even though the rooms of stanley's florida home are lined wall to wall with barbies and memorabilia, he knows each of them by name. >> happy holiday barbie. she's called the pink splendor. >> reporter: and a deal when he sees one. >> i got her for, like, four
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bucks. the lady thought it was a reproduction. i played right along. played right along. >> reporter: decked out in chic designer outfits and custom planes and convertibles. ♪ barbie silver vette >> reporter: even for a gal who is used to having it all -- ♪ barbie girl >> reporter: -- this barbie man's dolls are nothing short of spoiled. >> anything that i find that has the b-a-r-b-i-e to it, i'm buying it. >> reporter: for stanley, this cultural icon is more than just an obsession. >> you're always in a good mood because you always have beauty around you. >> reporter: his collection is worth tens of thousands of dollars. how does he afford it? he runs his own cleaning company. and the best part, guys? stanley's found someone who shares his passion. his partner collects ken dolls. he has 1,000. >> oh, wow. you can't make this stuff up. dan expressed interest in the pink jacket. >> yeah, think that's a good look. >> think that would look good on
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you. >> thank you, i appreciate it. let's change the subject and tell you what is coming up on the broadcast. thank you, ladies, we appreciate that. we're going talk about ashley judd and her new role. is the hollywood actress ready to make a run for politics? why this race would be epic. >> you had time to share with her a few months ago. and the "modern family" drama. after claims of abuse, the young star of the hit sitcom talks for the first time about living a more normal life now that she's living away from her mother. and sarah jessica parker was once known for her designer shoes on "sex and the city." find out why her love affair with heels may be over. ♪ girls run the world start with the best. use only natural ingredients. make something original. genuine. real. so peel it open.
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stir it up. and raise a cup to the real.
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ooh. hello, lover. >> ah, sarah jessica parker made some of the biggest designers in high fashion and high heels household names on "sex and the city." while her character may have been addicted to shoes, parker says she's kicking the habit, sort of. we'll tell you why she's giving her feet a break. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. apparently -- no, i know this, too. high heels can be a hazard to your health. >> though i did see one bianna golodryga working out in stilettos on "good morning america." >> the things we do for work. >> it was inspirational. good morning, everybody. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, march 9th. coming up, "modern family" star ariel winter with some candid talk on the feud with her mother. she talked about her body insecurities, why her mom was not very supportive, and her new life with her big sister who is now her guardian. >> she seems to be much happier
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now. and the first lady is some what of a fashion icon since moving into the white house. but apparently not everyone is impressed. one top fashion designer is sounding off. wait until you hear what she's said. not very nice. >> not nice at all. let's start with ashley judd. the hollywood star poised to take a big leap into politics. here are her vital stats. she's 44 years old. her mom and sister famous as the singing duo, the judds. ashley has starred in 20 films and is a fixture at kentucky wildcat college basketball games. now, abc news has learned that judd appears very likely to run for senate in kentucky against one of the most powerful republicans in america. so the question this morning, can she win? >> ashley? >> thank you. >> reporter: ashley judd, famous for getting herself into tight situations in movies likes "kiss the girls." >> somebody help me. >> reporter: -- is now contemplating a dive into the most treacherous arena yet. politics. she's actively considering
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running for senate in kentucky, against mitch mcconnell, the senate republican leader. >> ashley judd looks like she's all systems go for running for senate in kentucky. she's acting like a candidate in waiting. she's talking to folks in washington and in kentucky about it. >> reporter: it would be a bruting race. but there's no question, ashley judd is pretty tough, as i found when i interviewed her last year. >> i can wear the t-shirt that says, i do my own stunts. >> reporter: nice. >> no! >> reporter: do you think you have learned enough about fighting now that you could mess somebody up for real if you had to? >> i absolutely know i could. now you tush -- turn. >> reporter: she showed me how to throw a hollywood punch. so you hit me, for the record. >> i did. i did. >> reporter: so why would judd who was once one of the highest paid actresses in hollywood, though herself into what would surely be a knock-down, drag-out political fight? she largely walked away from acting in the early part of the last decade after being treated for severe depression, the
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result, she said, of a turbulent childhood, during which she says she was abused by a family member and deeply lonely as her mom and sister were away pursuing their music career. >> i said i'm so tired of holding in all this pain. >> reporter: after treatment, she threw herself into charity work around the world, got an advanced degree at harvard, became an active obama supporter, and eventually dipped her toe back into acting, starring in the abc drama "missing." >> i am not cia, i am a mother, looking for her son! >> reporter: during the filming of that show, she insisted that her two dogs and five cats on the set. are you saying if you didn't have the animals there, you couldn't do the job? >> no, i could do the job. it just adds to quality of life. >> reporter: her idiosyncrasies are already becoming rich fodder for republicans that are running preemptive attack ads, pointing out she doesn't live in kentucky. >> and it just clicked. tennessee is home. and it just clicked -- >> kentucky. >> reporter: could she win?
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mitch mcconnell is deeply unpopular. but judd's past statements in support of obama and against coal, a major employer in kentucky, will certainly haunt her. >> going into it, you have to consider her an underdog, as any democrat would be against mitch mcconnell, especially with the record of public statements she has. it is going to be hard to overcome. >> judd does have major advantages. she'll be able to raise a ton of money. she has incredible name recognition. if she gets into the race, political analysts say, it will be epic. mitch mcconnell is a very powerful man. >> as we learned, she'll be able to handle all of the mud-slinging, doing her own stunts. >> she's tough. she's tough. a lot of other news overnight. once again, ron claiborne. in the new, the taliban is claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing in afghanistan this morning that killed nine civilians. the group says the attack was a message to u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel who is there on his first official visit. at the vatican, a chimney
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has been installed on the sistine chapel. smoke from the chimney will signal when the cardinals have selected a new pope. the conclave begins on tuesday. and los angeles is hoping to become the second city, after london, to host three olympic games. the mayor of los angeles has sent a letter to the u.s. olympic committee officially putting his city in the running for the 2024 summer games. and finally, police escorts are not just for important people like justin bieber. they're for beavers in oregon. this one got help going back to a creek. we believe that's where it was going, actually. after getting lost in traffic. officers decided to escort the beaver, not the bieber, instead of corralling it because it was pretty mellow. >> it looked very mellow. >> taking his time. >> slow-moving. maybe tranquilized. we don't know. we'll look into it. brian ross will check it out and get back to you. time now for the weather and ginger zee in randolph, massachusetts, with the weather. ginger? >> ron is on fire this morning.
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let's go ahead -- go right into the second part of the storm. we talked about the severe weather. now there's the rainfall. up to an inch in some places. you can see all the color-coding there to give you an idea of who is going to get a lot of rain today. in the northeast, we told you it would be warmer. but how warm? a look at what the saturday weather looks like. 40s in there. i'll take it. then we go to the south. the southwest had the rain, the snow in some places. a whole lot nicer there, too. not as windy and nasty. >> this weather report brought to you by neutrogena cosmetics. let's head back into the studio. >> all right, ginger, thank you. coming up on "good morning america," real life is nothing
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like a "modern family" episode for sitcom star ariel winter. for the first time, she opens up about her mother, body issues, and getting a new start at just 15 years old. also, sarah jessica parker made running in high heels look easy. is she paying for it now? find out why she may be giving up some of her pumps. coming up on "gma" after this quick break. find out why she may be giving up some of her pumps. brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ and wesley & ashley are looking for a brand new smartphone. let's go. we've got a samsung galaxy sii on t-mobile monthly4g for only $299 with no annual contract.
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♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller doesn't mean i'm lonely ♪ it turns out that "modern family" star ariel winter's life is nothing like what she plays on the hit abc show. after a public battle with her mom, her older sister has custody of the 15-year-old actress. >> she's opening up for the first time about how she's turning her life around. tanya rivero is here with more. hey, tanya. >> good morning, guys. this is the very first time we're hearing from ariel winter herself. spooes she's speaking out about the dark days with her mom, her new life, and the desire to put the ugly days behind her. >> hi, i'm disgusted.
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>> reporter: she plays brainy, snarky teen alex dunphy on "modern family." >> if you were thinking, you wouldn't have seattle as the capital of washington. >> reporter: the 15-year-old had fame, critical acclaim, and fortune, which played a part in her real-life family drama. with support from her tv family, winter made it through troubled times, as allegations of an abusive mother made headlines on tmz. >> i just want to see my daughter, i love her very much. >> reporter: she's speaking out. in this month's "teen vogue." i had body insecurities. when i was younger. i still do. mine were heightened at the time because my mother was not very supportive. and didn't have many friends. it was all about work. >> in hollywood, we have a term for these mothers, they're called momagers. these are mothers who are also the managers. instead of treating them like a child, they treat them like a cash cow. running to auditions, yelling at them about their weight. >> reporter: court documents filed by winter's older sister,
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claim their mother berated ariel about her work, her appearance, and deprived her of food. all of which workman vehemently denied. control of winter's finances were granted to her father. and custody to her older sister. but winter says life with her big sis, brother-in-law, and niece is a huge improvement. my life is definitely more normal and that will help me grow up like i'm supposed to. it's just a different experience for me pause i have more of family life. i'm really happy. happy and productive. a blossoming triple threat. she's beginning dance classes and just released a taylor swift cover on youtube. ♪ you were trouble when you walked in ♪ >> i'm having fun with what i'm doing. i love the projects i'm working on. i love being here. this is superexciting. i don't know, i'm just having fun. i'm lucky. really lucky girl. >> great to see her happy. after being home-schooled since second grade, she's thrilled to be starting a regular school, where she plans to try out for the cheerleading team.
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she says she's always wanted to go to a school dance, so she hopes someone will invite her to the prom. >> aw, i bet someone will. >> i think so. coming up on "good morning america," michelle obama's style, slammed. this is very unusual. one top fashion designer and her shocking critique of the first lady's fashion. as we said, it's very unusual. we'll tell you about it coming up in "pop news." tell you about it coming up in "pop news." t coming up in "pop news. that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections,
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i've got nine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. [ dad ] well, it's a hundred and forty-one million miles from the sun, so pretty far. why is it red? because...its surface is made of iron oxide. why do they call it mars? well, it was named after the roman god of war. you're so smart, dad. ♪ did i ever tell you about jupiter? ♪ did i ever tell you about jupiter? are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries.
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i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. ♪ into the suuuun.... ♪
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♪ all right, time for "pop news." our entertainment reporter and host of "on the red carpet," rachel smith, actually with us here in new york, what we prefer. >> how we like it best.
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>> thank you, same here. >> not a hologram. >> pardon? >> the real person here. >> exactly. i'm here in the flesh. could this be the end of an era? sarah jessica parker is taking off her heels. >> no! >> sort of. i know, right? she tells a magazine she's over wearing high heels. which i can relate. that is, unless they're really, really nice ones. parker ran around in beautiful shoes for years while playing carrie bradshaw. the dealbreaker, in the role of "i don't know how she does it." she says she wore cheap shoes to get into character, twisted her ankle, took a couple of spills. she onhas permanent foot damage. now she'll stick to manolo blahniks and maybe vuittons. doctor's orders. >> can i get a prescription for that? since we're talking fashion, top designer vivienne westwood never one to hold back on the runway. the same seemingly true in her
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interviews. the british designer slamming first lady michelle obama's sense of style, calling it, quote, dreadful. dreadful. in an interview this week with "the new york times." if there could be a possible silver lining, she did say mrs. obama was a nice-looking lady. she's criticized kate middleton on her eyeliner. and the lack of repetitious looks in her wardrobe. >> i disagree. >> i do, too. on every point. >> try decaffeinated. >> exactly, right? so i joined fans of the popular '90s series "boy meets world" excited since the series, "girl meets world" was announced last year. one of the stars of both shows, danielle fishel, playing of course, topanga, she is the cover girl on "maxim" looking exceptionally grown up. >> wow. >> from her "boy meets world" days. >> you think? >> yeah. on the new show, she's playing the mom. those are sexy pics, yeah. >> she's all grown up. >> indeed. this is a funny video.
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a new surfing sensation down under. meet zorro, the piglet. he's been hanging ten since he was three weeks old. wow, catching those waves. he rides the board with his owner because he can. he can't hold balance well. he's a good swimmer. a good sport. they're going to continue to do that until he's too big. and a pop extra today. going through twitter yesterday, something caught our eye. two gorgeous ladies. check this out. our own bianna hanging out with salma hayek. at the u.n. >> superstars. >> at the avon awards. what a day. >> can't tell who is more beautiful in that picture. >> speaking out against violence against women at the united nations. something she's a huge proponent for. >> thank you, rachel. we'll be right back. . we'll be right back. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips
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and wesley & ashley are looking for a brand new smartphone. let's go. we've got a samsung galaxy sii on t-mobile monthly4g for only $299 with no annual contract. nice! [ earl ] see for yourself. get the samsung galaxy s ii on t-mobile's nationwide 4g network. walmart. nationwide 4g network. the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf., and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy. we've shared what we've learned,
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so we can all produce energy more safely. bp's also committed to america. we support nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger.
7:53 am
okay, thanks for watching abc news. we're always online on
7:54 am on yahoo!. watch "world news" with david muir later on. good-bye to ginger. out in massachusetts. covering the storm for us. she'll be back in the studio tomorrow. have a great day. reat day. good morning, i'm katie marzullo. law enforcement agencies are holding a gun buy-back in vallejo. the goal is to get unwanted guns off the streets. participants will be paid hundred dollars for handguns, shotguns and rifles in working condition and $200 for assault weapons.
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put your guns in the trunk for the buy back. event is from 10:00 to 3:00. >> high school girls that can't afford to buy a prom dress are lining up to pick one out at free. it's at market and church streets. there are more than 4,000 dresses for girls to choose from all colors and sizes. any girl with a valid of i.d. can shop for a dress. the doors open in about 30 minutes and groups of shoppers will be let in every half-hour and they will be given away also tomorrow and next saturday. let's check in with lisa argen. >> lisa: this is a view from mount tam where we have clear skies. numbers struggling to make it out of the 30s this morning. elsewhere, mid 40s in livermore. look at the blue skies downtown, 48 in union city and we're talking about high pressure that was offshore. it's billion in. so that means a warming trend for the weekend and into next
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week. so still a couple of upper 50s at the coast but look for 65 in oakland. 67 in san jose. maybe a couple of 70s out by the delta and santa rosa and on even warmer tomorrow. >> katie: next at 8:00, a terrifying incident, find out where in the bay area this happened and hear from another woman. plus google's high-tech glasses
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>> katie: good morning, happy saturday. it is 8:00 a.m. let's check with the weather. >> good morning to you. from emeryville camera, 44 degrees, one of the warmer locations and we're looking at a lot of sunshine. today we're warming up. in fact the winds we had yesterday really backing off and that will allow the temperatures to come up through the 50s quickly and stop there at the coast. so upper 50s to the upper 60s and there could be a few locations around 70. nine days away from spring and feeling like a spring forecast. i'll explain coming up. >> katie: we have breaking news in the north bay where a police chase has come to a dramatic conclusion. it apparently begin with an
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armed robbery at a walmart store. live in american canyon with the details. >> reporter: good morning to you. i'm told a man with a gun stole a tv from walmart and led police on a high-speed chase through this mobile home park and take a look at this. he tore through someone's front yard in his truck right before police crashed in to him and took him into a police custody. the armed man took police on a chase through the park. he took a couple of laps in the park and rammed a patrol car and another officer rammed into him in order to stop him. i'm told they had to taze him and got him into custody. two neighbors say what they found feel away from their homes. >> the police car is trying to block the road. the truck just accelerates, hits the police ca


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