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tv   ABC 7 News at 5PM  ABC  March 9, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> the strop and frisk policies in new york reduced the level of gun violence. however, it also heightened the tension. reporter: the issue of stop and frisk is a community concern and also an-chief jordan has addressed in the past. he has said directly he and his officers will not engage in racial profiling of any kind, including but not limited to stop and frisk. there will be another town hall before the end of march. >> ama: place in hayward are searching for two men accused of crashing and stolen car and then running away with an injured tile. witnesses call the chp just after noon to report a driver at vallejo street clashed -- crashed into one car. witnesses say the driver and a male passenger got out of the car and ran away in opposite directions. one was carrying an injured
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child. just minutes from that scene, man was shot to death. he was found in the backyard in hayward. police reports multiple gunshot fired in the area. crews arrest the victim at the hospital where he died. >> no suspects at this time. we are searching the area. we have a lot of businesses around here that have video capability so we're searching all that. and trying to gather as much information as we can. >> ama: sheriff deputies are working with the coroner's office to identify the victim. the believe he lived in the area. a suspected robber was injured after taking police on a chase north of voolt vallejo in american canyon. the man claimed to have a gun when he stole a tv from wal-mart this morning, and then led the officers on a chase which ended here. the suspect slammed his truck
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into the back of one of the patrol cars and another officer rammed into him to stop him. they tased the man and arrested him, and police recovered the television. another milestone in the completion of the new east span of the bay bridge today. crews began pouring concrete this morning on the last piece of the eastbound bridge deck. the work took place on the eastern most section of the new bridge known as the oakland touchdown. it covers the equivalent of three football feels. >> concrete takes two or four hours to set, strong enough for people to walk on, but seven dies properly cure, and then after a week then they can start taking down the treasure supports around the structure. >> ama: he work will allow eastbound traffic to use the new bridge several months earlier than originally planned. the new east span is scheduled to open on labor day weekend. we have new details on the
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vatican's preparations to ereact new pope. front runners are emerging, here's more from rome. reporter: the top of the chimney now installed on the roof of the sistine chapel. the focal point for millions of catholics around the world, who starting tuesday will be watching, waiting. for white smoke. signaling a new pope had been elected. inside the sistine chapel the finishing touches being put in player, including the two cast iron stoves where all 115 cardinals' ballots will be hurricane. the vote can taking place in absolute secrecy. >> there's locked in. no communication, no internet, no cell phones no cable tv, nothing. not even mail gets through. and the idea is to totally isolate them so they can make the decision on their open, without being influenced from the outside. reporter: with the start of the con clive three days away, the
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cardinals are narrowing their options, figuring out who will get their vote. while no front runner has emerged some it italians predict some possible candidates. after six days of general congress dre gage meet, cardinals heard 133 speeches, focusing on everything from expectations to the new pope to the inner workings, and today we learned pope benedict xvi's fisherman's ring has been defaced as the cardinals gather to elect his successor. >> tomorrow the cardinals will celebrate mass here in rome. >> ama: here's a look at how the conclave process works. the cardinals will be sworn to secrecy, the chapel swept for listening devices to prevent electronic communication the conclave begins with a special mass on tuesday. the cardinals well cast ballots
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in order of seniority and they're not allowed to vote for themselves. up to four votes will be taken daily until the two-thirds major yet is reached. after the decision is reached, the ballots will be burned. stay with abc7 news for continuing coverage on the papal conclave to select the successor of pope emarry tis benedict xvi. >> a really rough day at work for one truck driver. he ended up on the edge and was able to walk away after getting stuck in a precarious spot. that story is next. and making a statement without saying a word. the protests in support of two gay men who say they were kicked out of a northern california mall. >> leigh: i'm leigh glaser. yes, lots of sunshine today. temperatures warming nicely. some folks in the 70s. going to do it again tomorrow, and just look out for n
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>> ama: you might have to look twice to realize what you're seeing there. a dump truck dangling over an interstate overpass in ohio. the cab was caught on the judge the rest of the truck went over. nobody was hurt. the bridge was badly damaged. a lot of disappointed people tonight after berkeley's world famouses she chez panisse cancelled all regs vacations because of a fire.
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the fire destroyed the front porch dining area. the cause what a faulty electrical box. at first the owner said the restaurant could open as early as next week but has now pushed back the date. >> supporterred held a rally today at a mall near sacramento after a bay area okay couple was kicked out for kissing and holding hands. nearly 300 people showed up. last saturday two east bay men say they were kissing when a security guard came up and asked them to leave. the mall's management says the couple was never asked to leave but were talked to by security after they displayed, quote, overly sexual affection. >> a love of frisbee has evolved into an effort to fight cancer. a man who beat the disease has come up with an ultimate way to help others. plus... >> getting rid of unwanted guns on the spot.
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this brought u brought out hundreds of people. >> springlike weather is coming our way. leigh glaser will let us know when after the break. now here's a look at what is ahead on world news at 5:30. >> coming up tonight right here, not again. two planes colliding on the tarmac of a major american art. the major supermarket chain with the new plan. they're going to reveal something about the food you're putting on the dinner table. another family photo nightmare. parents took photos of their children and turn them
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>> ama: today solano county held the first-ever countywide gun buyback program. we were there as hundreds of county residents sold unwanted firearms. reporter: it was ring response to the call to action. get unwanted guns off the streets of the county. cars lined up at the fairgrounds as early as 7:30 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. event. officers started the buyback an hour early. >> with all the gun violence going on, not just in solano county but everywhere, it's just compels me to turn my gun in and get rid of it. didn't want my gun to end up in the wrong hands. >> raymond can appreciate that sentiment. his son, matt, was just 22 when he was mistaken for someone else and shot in the head in 2008. garcia was fairfield's youngest elected city official. the gun used to kill hem was purchased illegally from a garage sale. the nonprofit organization in his memory was the sponsor of
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the gun buyback. >> had there been a gun buyback in prior to matt's death, maybe we wouldn't be grieving the loss of him today. >> the guns were disassembled and destroyed on the spot. the sheriff's department had $80,000 set aside for today's buyback. sellers got 100 tuesday for hand guns and shot guns and 200 for assault rifles. >> we received some donations and we also used money from our prior seizures to fund this program. reporter: money was paid in the form of cash and gift cards to area stores can but for some getting rid of the firearms was priceless. >> i know that guns don't kill people, people kill people, but just to know my gun is off the streets makes me feel better. >> in vallejo, abc7 news. >> ama: fundraiser held today in san francisco will impact the fight against cancer across the
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country. this is the huck cancer ultimate frisbee tournament. it costs $50 to take part. the competition was the idea of eric erin diagnosed with a brain tumor four years ago. >> you need something that keeps you going, and for all these cancers, we all need it. we all need it. and an event like this gets more people to connect to it. >> ama: today's event raised nearly $50,000 to benefit research through the livestrong foundation. it was great day to have the fundraiser-leigh glaser has the forecast. >> leigh: certainly was. lots of sunshine. clouds moved out and we warmed up nicely. some folks in the 70s. right now live doppler 7hd not picking up any returns. let's get to a beautiful shot right now from the high definition east bay camera. by the way, sunset today is at 6:12. tomorrow, because of the time change overnight it will be at
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7:13. so remember tonight is the night before you go to bed, move the clocks forward one hour. it is 58 right now in san francisco. san carlos, 54. santa cruz, 63. beautiful shot from the rooftop cam toward thursday embarcadero. santa rosa, 69. check out fair feel right now. 70 degrees. union city 60. so here's a look at our forecast highlights, and it does include some clear sky overnight. it will be cool inland. remember, as i just mentioned, spring forward tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m. set the clocks ahead one exphowr get ready for wormer days -- warmer days next week. here's the lows, mid-to upper 30s, so chilly the and clear sky. look for temperatures in the 40s, and this is going to be high pressure that continues to build in. we saw the effects today. not in the way of cloud cover, and temperatures warmed up as
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much as six degrees, and get ready for warmer days ahead. in fact temperatures next week, many locations, mid-70s. here's a look at the highs tomorrow. morgan hill, 70. 70, los gatos. 68, san jose, riff city, 66. palo alto, 68. we'll floor clear sky . in downtown dan francisco, 64. north bay, 72. oakland tomorrow, just a nice day, with 68 degrees there union city, 67. interior beast -- east bay. 72. pleasanton 70. sunset tomorrow is 7:13, enjoy it. as we head into monday, check out tuesday, wednesday, feels like spring. going to with temperatures in the mid-70s. inland was around 70 degrees near the bay, and 60s at the coast, and by the way abc7 has
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another great weather resource for you followed at live doppler 7 hd, follow us on twitter for the latest conditions, rain or shine, video forecasts, weather alerts, poweroutage information. >> ama: feets like spring and baseball. >> mike: world baseball classic good full swing, today with canada and mexico. these two teams had a disagreement which escal
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>> mike: sharking hosting st. louis in a matinee. st. louis gave them the blues scoring one more in overtime for the victory. >> patrick marleau setting the tone early. ouch. second period, sharks on the power play. owen for the point second goal of the year. 3-1 sharks. but the blues come fighting back. sobotka again, his first career hat trick. ties the deem. neimi pulled. overtime, 72 seconds in. st. louis completes the comeback. the blues, three unanswered goals, come away -- from behind to win it 4-3. >> no loss is easy. a 3-1 lead at home, playing a
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solid game, and then to give it bam to them, it's a tough pill 0 to swallow. >> stuff like that is disappointing. >> mike: be careful. going to play themselves out of the playoffs. heading to phoenix, world baseball classic group d, which we're all interested in, which includes team u.s.a. today canada and mexico faced off. it got ugly. not the kind of representation for your country. dustin morneau, 4-5, three rbi. this one in the eighth and canada is up 8-3. then the wheels came off. both teams were given warnings, and then leon drills sew soas toni in the back. it was a pushing and shoving match. hay makers thrown, chaos in the field and in the stands, water bottles thrown at the players and coaches. this is as wild we have seen a
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baseball year in we'res. canada wins 10-3. team u.s.a. faces italy tonight at 6:00 p.m. cactus league action. giants and got crushed. the royals are 12-1. the giants pitcher gave up eight. in the only positive for the giants-brandon's fourth home run of the spring. >> the a's lose. >> let's tee it up in south florida. there was your a's and ranger's score. tee i it up in south florida and look who is book. tiger woods leading wire-to-wire, he's a machine. phil mickelson is in third. tiger finding success on the same hole. his approach gets the bounce, rolls to within a foot of the cup. would tap that in for birdie.
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grandma -- graeme mcdowell. chips this eagle in. on 16th, four back. tiger, 24 birdies in this tournament. shot 5-under 67, huge birdie putt on 18. giving them momentum coming into sunday's final round. >> see if tiger can hold up on sunday. >> ama: well, barbie turns 54 and looks great. ahead, meet one of barbie's biggest fans and see
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>> ama: coming up in half hour at 6:00... >> i can see that the guy was trying to rip a gun out from the cop's holster. >> ama: the good samaritan that helped rescue a police officer. and a princess for a day. the program that is making a difference for some needy teens who are hoping to go to the prom. join us at 6:00. a big happy birthday is in order for an icon making 54 look good. barbie made her debut on this day in 1959 and is not just for girls. stanley, the barbie man, lives in tampa and has 2,000 of the dolls. not to mention the airplane. he says he likes to have beautiful things around him. that does it for this edition of abc7 news at 5:00.
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world news is next. this is "world news" tonight -- not again. two planes, too close for comfort. a wing and a rudder colliding. passengers onboard. and we ask tonight, how did this happen again? at a major american airport? getting ready for those smoke signals. that will reveal that the new pope has been picked. the final touches under way at the vatican, as they try to avoid those mixed signals before. signals before. getting black smoke. >> our correspondent at the vatican tonight. what's for dinner tonight? what a major supermarket chain now says that it would reveal about the food you're putting on the dinner table. and your family photos. who really has the right to look at them and turn you in? the bathtub photos and the parents for a time lost custody of their children.
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tonight, taking on walmart and the photo lab that sounded the alarm. >> it was a nightmare. it was unbelievable. good evening. and thanks for joining us here on a saturday night. we do begin with that collision at new york's jfk airport, two jets full of passengers, the wing of one jet slicing through the rudder of the other jet. the arriving air india jet that hit it, the right wing, the very tip sheered off and sticking up in the air. with a number of these tarmac collisions mounting, we asked tonight, how does this keep happening putting so many passengers at risk? so, we lead off tonight with abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: it was an early morning scare. 6:15 a.m., this jetblue airbus was preparing for departure, 150 pass


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