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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 22, 2013 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. for the things you can't wash, freshen them with febreze. febreze eliminates odors and leaves a light, fresh scent.
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febreze, breathe happy. ♪ help is on its way ♪ all right, a terrifying ordeal for a young girl home alone when intruders break in.
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>> she managed to hide, but it was a 911 operator who kept her calm and focused during an unforgettable ordeal. more from abc's amy robach. >> reporter: she shows us where she hid when intruders burst into her house, crouching in her parents' closet when she called 911. >> he's inside the house. >> he's inside? >> he's inside the house. >> reporter: the woman on the other end of the phone -- >> 911 emergency. >> reporter: 12 year veteran dispatcher angie rivera. >> where are you? >> in the bedroom? >> in my parents closet. >> anybody expected home. >> no, my parents are both at work. >> yes, we are on the way, we also have a helicopter on the way too. >> reporter: angie knew having a calm voice of reassurance could mean the difference between life and death. >> we are trained to stay calm to get her the help she needs. let her know she's not alone. >> reporter: over the phone, angie could hear the intruders
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closing in on the girl. >> do you still hear him upstairs yes or no. >> yes. >> bring the, bring the bucket over here. >> okay. don't talk. >> reporter: instead of talk angie asked her to tap, yes or no answers on the phone. >> some where, something hit me to just keep her quiet to keep me quiet. i tried to whisper as much as i could. then the tapping of the phone came in. >> when you are talking to a child you really, i don't know the mother in me comes out. >> reporter: minutes later the burglars fled the house caught by police in the driveway. angie stayed on the phone until the end. >> you are doing a great job just stay there. >> reporter: the girl said angie gave her the strength to get through the most frightening moment of her life. >> i was really happy with her. she helped me. i think she helped me a lot. if i was on the phone with some body i would have freaked out. >> reporter: angie's lesson for us all, when you are in a crisis staying calm can save your life. angie added the way to stay calm during a terrifying ordeal is to trust the operator on the
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other end to know help is on the way and to believe that you will survive. amy robach, abc news, new york. >> what a story. that was a good one. special kid. and operator. >> that's the kind of thing that you can really use at home. if you ever find yourself in a situation. tap on the phone. she probably didn't even think that is -- are you okay? yes, no, whatever it is. one tap, two taps. we need to, this might be something that is going to be introduced and used probably every time there is an emergency. it should be. >> did it on the fly. >> did it on the fly. smart lady. >> the mayor need to bring them to city hall and give them the key. >> absolutely. up next, up and coming restaurants have both barrels pointing at an american icon. we will tell you about a food fight among eateries known for their spicy fare. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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>> you turn to the news for different reasons. to have the show give you something you can apply to your real life. >> it was great. we didn't think "world news" would teach us to make money. >> $700 is no chokjoke. >> great to know there is a news program that is looking out for our families. we know when they go to sleep, it is because of help we got from abc news. >> that is a game changer. >> we are the godwin family. that's our abc news story. ♪ i keep it straight my love it is a particular eatery. >> the scenery is becoming even more important than the food. which makes it our "favorite story of the day."
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alex perez with a report. >> reporter: it is on. >> hey, guys, welcome to hooters. >> hi, welcome. >> reporter: the breastaurants are at war. as many food franchises are fighting to stay afloat, it's a post-recession boom for these establishments. restaurants with added sex appeal. more than a billion dollar industry. places like twin peaks, the tilted kilt, cans and many more are in a fight to knock the king hooters off its throne. during the height of the recession hooters led the pack bringing in almost $1 billion a year. now with the competition catching on to the winning formula, hooters sales declined by nearly 3.5% last year. hooters should be very scared. their category can only grow so
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much. tilted kilt if you will, and the others are stealing hooters customers. >> reporter: twin peaks which had seven locations in 2008 now has 31 across the country. and they plan to open two more a month through the end of the year. some people in recession were closing down their restaurants. >> and we got their real estate. >> reporter: the company says the main attractions keep people coming in big cold mugs of beer and ample portions. >> welcome. >> reporter: tilted kilt wants a piece of the market too. the arizona based restaurant has 80 locations nationwide and 12 more on the way. the appeal for many is in the price, the average meal costs $12. the average check is $19 a person. hooters didn't want to talk on camera, but in a statement says "the restaurant model that others have dubbed breastaurants is a moniker too shallow to describe hooters.
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shallow or not, the other restaurants have no qualms embracing the term. when you hear breastaurant what do you think? >> why not? >> reporter: with the breastaurant battle far from over, expect to see these chains puffing up their chests elbowing to get into a top spot. >> so wrong but so right. >> john is overcome. >> i didn't hear a word of it. i will read the chat points. you rest. keep watching. keep watching. apparently a condition of employment of the girls its they're required to sign a form that says they acknowledge that hooters concept is based on female sex appeal and that the job environment is one of joking and innuendo based on female sex appeal. wow. >> by the way, tilted kilt makes hooters look tame. >> kind of crazy. >> where are these tilted kilts? >> i will find the address for you, john i don't think he's coming here monday. you, john i don't think he's coming here monday. ription sleed
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approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ um, hello. these ugly stains are ruining my good looks and style. and good luck using that cleaner. excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it. you need lime-a-way. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. it's 4 times more effective at removing lime scale than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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of your home, your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. it penetrates deep within your carpet, removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. the resolve easy clean system. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. all right, time for "the mix." this one is a doosie.
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>> yes. >> the moment all men dread. i would think most men out there have had this happen at least once. >> okay. >> i know i have, maybe more like ten times in my life. >> yikes. >> catching your manhood in a zipper by accident. >> ew! >> exactly. [ screaming ] like a real quick like recoil. a horrible thing. listen to this, full extent of the problem revealed after a new study showed 17,616 people ended up in u.s. emergency rooms after their twigs and berries got caught up in the past ten years. ow. it is over. never made it to the emergency room. got startled for sure. >> your turn. >> have you ever been on a date, think, hmm, i could use freshening of the breath. now a t2t. tongue to teeth. put it on your tongue. rub it around. it is coated with toothpaste. nice and fresh. and you're done.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> very nice. >> very nice indeed.) 3 days ofg >> very nice.
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to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men
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with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful this morning on "world news now" -- presidential push. president obama's strong message
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to both israelis and palestinians who are pleading for peace. after a ceremony filled visit to the mideast, will the president leave israel today with any major accomplishments? it's friday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> get one up top. >> happy friday. yes. >> we are happy about that. let's get to it. good morning, everybody. president turning his attention to the arab ally today. the latest in a live report from jerusalem. that is shortly. another major story that we are following, the police pursuit and high-stakes shootout that may have ended the manhunt for the gunman wanted in the killing of a colorado prison chief. there are startling new reports about the possible suspect out this morning. also ahead, he looked like an airline pilot and boarded an airplane flight. police say he was a fake. the big trouble this guy is facing. sounds a lot like the movie "catch me if you can." the real-life drama for
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superstar rihanna, why she did not feel safe even in her own home. coming up in "the skinny." >> the president wraps up his middle east trip later today. meeting with king abdulla of jordan. >> yesterday he took his case for peace to israel's young people. abc's alex marquardt is joining us from jerusalem. alex, good morning. the president is spending time with the israelis, but what did he accomplish on the west bank? >> reporter: good morning, diana. just after the president's meeting with mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authority, abbas said he had renewed confidence the united states will help remove obstacles to achieving peace. now those are kind words, there is really no doubt that president obama left palestinians feeling very frustrated. he didn't call for a freeze on israeli settlement building which is the main demand that palestinians have in order to go back to the negotiating table. he didn't as far as we saw in public offer any new steps to bringing palestinians closer to statehood.
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so while the israelis appear to be very happy with the president's visit, the palestinians are certainly feeling today like they got very little if anything out of this trip. >> alex, how much attention did that rocket attack from gaza draw yesterday in the israeli media? beyond that what's next for u.s. relations with israel? >> it got huge headlines yesterday, obviously, because the president was here. this is something that the israelis are pretty used to seeing. and for the israelis who are rather pessimistic about peace, it really underscored the point that they don't feel that peace is achievable. but by and large the review of the president's trip are glowing in the israeli press. this is a man who many israelis were suspicious of, not sure of his support for israel. in the next few days, you will see israelis saying they put their fears to rest with his actions and words over the past three days. >> alex, so much to get to on the president's visit. hard to imagine he will be able to get to all of the issues,
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what is left on the table as the president leaves israel? >> well there was no real banner accomplishment here, diplomatic accomplishment i should say. so the work really continues on the major issues that they discussed. a highly symbolic trip. i think the president's goal of highlighting the u.s.-israel relationship was accomplished and quite well. but the main issue they discussed, syria, iran, the peace process, work on those very much continues. so we expect to see secretary of state john kerry here more often than his predecessor in the coming weeks and months trying to jump-start peace talks. israel will continue to ask the u.s. to exert heavy pressure on iran to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. and as we watched syria descend further into the chaos in their two-year civil war, i can imagine israel and the u.s. will keep talking a lot about how to contain the fallout from that war. so there is still quite a bit left on the table. >> abc's alex marquardt live
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from jerusalem. thank you. >> stay with abc news as we follow the president's every move in the mideast. live updates on "america this morning" and "good morning america" with the latest on this historic visit. new details about a suspect in the murder of colorado's prison chief killed in texas in a shootout there. he has been tentatively identified as evan spencer ebel, an ex-con that belonged to a white supremacist gang. police in texas say when they tried to pull over ebel's car he suddenly accelerated and put a gun out his window. >> he came by me, running 100 miles an hour had his left arm out the window. he was just shooting. >> colorado investigators immediately headed to texas working to determine whether ebel was linked to the slaying and shooting death of a pizza deliveryman. a bizarre story from philadelphia, a man arrested for impersonating a pilot. 61-year-old felipe gernard boarded a flight wednesday night
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wearing a shirt and carried a bag that said air france. he became irate when he was told he couldn't sit in first-class. he got on the plane and sat in the cockpit jump seat right behind the pilot. >> it is concerning because we don't know what his designs were. he could be anything from just wanting to take a look at the cockpit to some other criminal designs. >> there is more. after he was taken off of the plane, police found an air france i.d. card that had been changed to match his name. he is now under arrest and will be charged in federal court this morning. >> my goodness. >> a new york man set free after 23 years in prison for a crime prosecutors say he did not commit. david renta released into the arms of friends and family by a judge yesterday. recent review by the district attorney's office cast doubt on witness testimony. prosecutors say detectives mishandled the investigation. friends of the rabbi who was killed are still seeking justice. >> i am overwhelmed. it is interesting. i would just like to say thank
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you to every one of you who supported me today on this. >> the support is not the word. it doesn't do much. it doesn't do much. where is the killer? who is killer? who botched the case? never any physical evidence linking renta to the crime. jurors relied on eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence. >> wow. police in arlington, virginia, outside washington, d.c. are asking the public to help identify some daring robbery suspects. they released this surveillance video showing four subjects entering a jewelry boutique tuesday morning. one used a hammer to break into a glass display case. they got away with 23 rolex watches worth almost $610,000. their identities though remain a mystery. from washington state, drug searching police dogs are being trained to ignore marijuana. the change comes after voters legalize the possession of small amounts of pot last november. prosecutors say the drug dogs alert for marijuana is no longer enough evidence for a search warrant.
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and so police say they are desensitizing the dogs to the smell of the drug. to business headlines it is time to make or break for time to make or break for blackberry, the company's z-10 smartphone goes on sale in the u.s. today. first at at&t, next week at verizon, once the definitive mobile device. it has been eclipsed by apple's iphone and google's android. analysts say it will be tough for blackberry to regain their former prominence. the taste will be the same, but pepsi's bottles are going to get a new look. the first redesign for its plastic bottles in 16 years. a little blockier and easier to hold. new bottles go into production next month. it will take a while to convert all those bottling plants. pepsi has been losing market share to coca-cola in recent years. let's take a check of the friday weather. it will feel a lot like winter in most of the nation. atlanta rain, snowy mix. and there will be rain from little rock to new orleans. blustery air around washington, d.c. >> temperatures in the
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northeast, 10 degrees colder. new york in the mid 40s. denver in the 60s. will see 40s today. pleasant and warm in the southwest. listen to this one, we mention the drug sniffing dogs earlier. well this is a dog story of a totally different scent. this one involves dogs and dog poop. just going to say it. >> more and more apartment complexes it seems are signing up with a company called poop prints. >> say what? >> yeah, poop prints. >> it takes dna samples from a -- you guessed it -- dog's droppings. and then if some waste is found around the complex its owners can be identified by building managers. >> the poop police. my goodness. the company says it is about making a better living environment. some dog owners say another example of big brother. no one wants to step in that. no one wants to see that around their apartment complex. that does seem extreme to me. >> you apparently have to register your dog's poop beforehand. so they know who it belongs to. and also, one owner brings up a good point. what if your dog has diarrhea. sorry if you are eating at this hour of the night. it is kind of hard to pick it
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up. kind of slippery and will probably get everywhere. what's the penalty here aside from a fine? do they detain your dog? >> i don't know. >> detain you? >> i know, right. maybe they make you get rid of your dog. i can't imagine -- a fine? >> maybe like repeat offender the dog gets crated, hauled off. poor fido. >> we have to get to the bottom of this. maybe somebody owns the lab, analyzes the poop. get rich off this. follow the money. >> you broke the story. >> whatever. making the stuff up. >> come to john, any story, you get to the bottom of the story. >> well, yeah. right? it sounds possible -- plausible any way. coming up, rumors about a new co-host on abc's show "the view. " >> is it you? >> is it me? >> it's not me. the aggressive innovative treatment that may zap tumors when medicines fail. why patients and doctors are amazed by this. you are watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" with brought to you by lunesta. love. n -- lunesta. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there,
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on the wings of lunesta. has a subtle, yet invigorating scent, and can take 10 years to bloom. so at air wick, we waited. crafted by our expert perfumers for your home. air wick cactus flower and warm breeze is part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance.
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>> amazing medical news to tell you about this morning. an experimental treatment for cancer is being called a potential breakthrough. >> sure is. the genetic treatment appears to stop cancer cells in their tracks. abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser has more. >> reporter: david aponte was
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out of options, he was being treated for leukemia, a rare and often fatal disease in adults. when chemotherapy failed, doctors turned to an experimental treatment. robin roberts went to visit him in december. >> i think i am on the right road. i think i am on the right road. >> reporter: doctors took out millions of david's disease fighting white blood cells. then used a retro virus which is great to getting into human immune systems to turn the cells into targeted cancer fighters. david's cells went back in and destroyed the cancer. acting like a living drug. the first patient to have similar treatment was 7-year-old emma whitehead. she is in complete remission. >> she has a ton of energy. she is doing wonderful right now. >> reporter: researchers report on the safety of the treatment in five more patients. >> what we saw just blew us away. the cancers went away in a matter of weeks, even days. >> reporter: days? >> days in one case.
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>> reporter: that one case was david. the treatment almost killed him. but after eight days in a coma, not a trace of cancer. he went on to have a bone marrow transplant. >> i will take every day that i can. >> make it count. >> you got it. >> reporter: while fewer than 3,000 patients have the leukemia treated in the study. the approach has a much broader reach. >> it offers hope it can work in bigger tumors such as colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. >> reporter: i need to caution this was a small safety study. they're continuing to enroll patients in that study and plan on doing a longer study to look at long term benefits and risks. for now, this is promising research but still is early days. dr. richard besser, abc news, new york. >> how exciting is that? >> i keep saying we are right around the corner. from figuring it out. >> wouldn't that be great, wouldn't that be phenomenal? >> interesting how the man almost died from the treatment. i am not a doctor. i heard about this. they call it shake and bake, your blood pressure drops and get a tremendous fever, your
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body realizes that it has to attack this, invader in your body. your fever shoots through the roof. the idea is to keep you alive so you get through it. if you get on the other side of it he is cured. >> he is cured in days. the longest it took with the study, the longest, to become cured of this completely 59 days. complete remission. that's incredible. >> very promising indeed. coming up, why we will see a lot more of emma watson. >> a sex tape scandal this one involves one of the jonas brothers. go figure. >> what? >> next in "the skinny." >> what? >> next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news no
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♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to this friday edition of "the skinny." we start with kind of like a crazy guy obsessed with rihanna. >> okay. >> so this guy, sedland borrow, was arrested last month he broke into a mansion thought was rihanna's. it was not. he apparently took a couple personal items slept in the bed. kind of a little bit of a weirdo. >> little bit? >> just a touch. rihanna scored a three year restraining order against this guy. he must stay 100 yards away from her. he has to do that until 2016. so, the judge, obviously in this case realized he is a little bit of a whacko. he needs to stay away from rihanna. i am sure rihanna is more than relieved that a crazy person is no longer in her home.
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but we do know she is on again with her boyfriend chris brown. there goes that. "the view," replacement for joy behar, leaving the show. jenny mccarthy the latest rumor. >> really? that could be fun. >> yes, indeed. >> certainly is nice to look at. does a great job on the new year's rockin' eve thing. really good at that. >> pretty lady. >> very pretty. she says i will be helping them while they look. she told that to "extra." helping. since she has her own vh1 show. won't be permanently sitting next to barbara walters and company here on abc. she says, she will be helping them out. behar will exit the daytime show in august when her contract expires. the mystery goes on. jenny helping out. >> no way of knowing. emma watson earlier this week kind of said she was upset about the fact that someone would think to say she may be one of the stars in ""fifty shades of grey" the movie.
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now she is apparently baring it all for a good cause. so she is in a book with several other actresses where she is doing a little risque shot there, for a book, by james houston's new book called "natural beauty" to benefit eco-minded group, global green usa. >> when you say bare it all. not like -- not "playboy." >> very artistic. >> not like -- >> very artistic. very interesting the same girl who said i will absolutely not be doing anything that is sexual, sexually charged, you know is now naked at a photo shoot. maybe semi naked. >> she has grown up. >> a good cause. gorgeous. >> really a cutie pie. some times doesn't translate when you are young and cute, you don't become older and cute. she is great. >> she certainly did. >> kelly osbourne, given a clean bill of health from her doctor. suffered a seizure back on march 7th. spent five days in the hospital. well, apparently, she has returned home and got the clean bill of health from the doctors. told that to a spokesperson to e news, in a statement tuesday. she is on the mend. she stepped out for the first
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time, from the hospital, revealed she has been cleared to go back to work. as for what it was all about. there was no conclusive result according to her. she did tweet her fans, osbourne, said, thank you to doctors, nurses, and staff at cedar sinai for fixing me to go home. nice to be in bed. wrote that to her 2.8 million followers. good news there. of course, daughter of sharon and ozzie osbourne. >> ozzie osbourne. >> both of the kids have had health issues. weren't sure what it was. she lost a significant amount of weight. we thought that is what it was related to. but it's not. nice to know she is healthy. last piece of juicy stuff here, joe jonas. from jonas brothers fame. >> this is juicy. yes. >> apparently may be in a sex tape. he says this isn't true. according to tmz. raunchy sex tape out there with his swiss model, but he says, nada, totally, no such tape exists. so, we'll have to see it. let us know. >> absolutely. we'll see. l see. we'll see. it begins with your skin... revealed by venus
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for a confident glow the whole world will notice. venus & olay -- gently exfoliates with 5 blades. plus olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness. only from venus & olay. any venus cartridge fits any venus handle. that's the beauty of venus. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid
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approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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♪ finally this half hour, at last, it's friday. it's here. definitely time to scream and shout. >> no doubt about it. a busy week in the world of news. here is our "friday rewind." >> i want to apologize to you. i had no intention to do anything like that. i'm sorry to put you guys through this. i just -- >> he made eye contact when he pulled the gun on me. that was the most eye contact i had with him. he looked me dead in the eye. >> what likely happened? two potential problems. >> one could have been human error. the second could have been some kind of mechanical failure. >> the world is probably going to have a bit of a wake-up call when the pope starts speaking abut hot button issues.
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>> to deny the opportunity to any of our daughters and sons, solely on the basis of who they are and who they love is to deny them the chance to live up to their own god-given potential. >> the tobacco companies as we know target children. go to neighborhoods where the -- the bottom end of the economic ladder. and they believe that those people are more susceptible to ads. >> i reaffirmed to president perez, as i will throughout my visit, that in this work the state of israel will have no greater friend than the united states. >> so much for the groundhog, huh? i think he got that one wrong. >> we're tired of it. ♪ bow down [ bleep ] ♪ bow down [ bleep ] >> i think hearing her use that word in the song is less expected than if rihanna or lady gaga used it. >> now, katie don't get me wrong. we have our commonalities. you like sports. i like sports.
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you like fine dining. i like fine dining. you are on the cover of "sports illustrated." i read "sports illustrated." >> i think this is the happiest moment that i am going back to my school. >> a lot of good, hard-hitting stuff we told you about in that piece. you should also know that today is national goof-off day. so we are going to do a little goofing off. this guy apparently knows how to juggle. >> with paper. >> i created this. he will make it happen. >> give me three tangerines, i can do it. paper not so much. >> keep going. i'll do it. i'll do it. >> hard, you need mass. >> not bad. >> we
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this morning on "world news
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now" -- cash crisis. imagine a financial problem so deep no one's credit card will work and atms are running out of money. >> a disaster in bankrupt cyprus where lawmakers consider a new government bailout plan today. it's friday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good friday morning. we'll get to the latest developments in cyprus with the financial crisis so deep it threatens markets here in the u.s. and in europe. another major economic headline this morning, could be a big turn around in the real estate market. what is driving up demand and prices after a major long term slump? is it time to sell? we will tell you about it. >> losing weight and not feeling great. one woman's journey to a slimmer self was bittersweet. many dieters can learn from this woman's struggle. later, grab your brackets after last night's key ncaa games.
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it is time to see which basketball teams are advancing. march madness at its finest. >> we are still doing pretty good. >> we're doing pretty good so far. >> we are alive and well. >> we are going to be using the word "we," we basically almost picked the same thing. we did by accident. >> totally by accident. he was in his office. i was in my office. >> we had three of the four final fours. >> which means if we go far we, only have to fight for the last one. that one is different. >> exactly. first we want to get to this, globing worries stemming from the financial crisis in the mediterranean nation of cyprus. >> stocks sliding across asia, this morning and the major reason for the dow's 90-point skid yesterday. abc's nick schifrin is in cyprus where worry and anger is rampant. >> reporter: cyprus is nearly broke and the social fabric is beginning to tear. bank workers worry about their future blocked access to parliament. lawmakers had to be lifted over barricade. outside the banks, the lines are long, customers worried. >> you don't have cash now.
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you can't do anything. >> reporter: the banks haven't opened for seven days. cyprus is becoming a cash society. yet it is hard to get cash. >> no accounts, no card, no nothing. >> reporter: what will they do? >> good knows. suicide. >> reporter: increasingly this is happening. what happened? >> there is no money. i couldn't get any money out. and then, my card won't come out. >> reporter: that is the nightmare that so many are facing. you had a problem at this bank as well. we walked with her to the next atm. psychologically how much impact does this have? >> well, you are so insecure. >> reporter: luckily she got cash. does it feel like a relief? >> of course it does. of course it does. unfortunately, our lives depend on money these days don't they. >> reporter: her life and her daughter's. like so many young cypriots she lost her job and she moved back home.
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>> i think this is going to be a very big shock and people will be left with -- nothing. >> reporter: the politicians need to secure a $20 billion loan to save the country. if there is no bailout by monday, these banks may never reopen. nick schifrin, abc news, cyprus. former president of france in legal trouble over campaign contributions from a big time donor. prosecutors say nicolas sarkozy illegally took donations from france's richest woman, before the 2007 election victory. the woman is the heir to the l'oreal cosmetics fortune and is 90 years old. on capitol hill the new budget deal passed by congress continues the requirement for six-day mail delivery. but some lawmakers and postal officials say plan to cut saturday service to save the money should proceed. others say a provision in the bill mandates six days a week. >> more signs the housing market
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is coming back. sales of previously occupied homes rose again last month. selling at the fastest pace there in more than three years. and home prices are up almost 12% in a year. as abc's steve osunsami reports, more people are starting to put their homes on the market and for good reason. >> reporter: what a turn around. it took only ten days to sell this beautiful home in the middle of atlanta. there were four offers. it sold for $10,000 above asking. >> do you like this house? >> nathan and christine mayberry have been searching for a single family home in a good school district and say there are no homes to buy. for now in a cramped condo they just sold in four short days. >> the surprise is the shortage, really. i think the tables have turned now. >> reporter: on the internet realtors like michael neville have been screaming about this for months. >> we honestly have no inventory in the marketplace. >> reporter: a map of atlanta, look at all the homes for sale three years ago. now today.
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in oakland, the average home selling in 14 days. in saint louis, real estate agent, kate burmeister going door to door. begging families in good neighborhoods to sell. >> here is information about the neighborhood. do you know anybody looking to buy or sell now? >> no. >> reporter: what type of house are people looking for? >> it's not necessarily a style. it is the functionally of the space. usually over 2,000 square feet. three bed rooms, two baths minimum. and then, some form of additional flex space. which is either a basement, could be, could be a loft space, or just a bonus sun room. >> steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> this is truly great news. i mean you talk about consumer confidence and when the economy is really, really going to kick into high gear. people lost money, value in their homes. when they feel their investment they are living in is worth that money that they lost they're going to start spending again. >> yeah, the time that you
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really start to see if the economy is actually growing or not. this is good news for me. we are trying to sell our house in connecticut. if you want a house in connecticut. call. >> good luck on that one. harvard researchers say skip the salt and you will live longer. the study links excessive sodium consumption to 2.3 million deaths. many deaths are premature. one in ten american deaths may be linked to health problems from salty diets. the latest study sold many prepackaged foods sold to toddlers contain too much salt. tell you what, i never really was a salt junkie. the older i get the more i love the salt. >> yeah. >> i love it. >> the worse it is for you. unfortunately. >> i know. although the second part of the study, toddlers lot of prepackaged food for them. it's true. >> so salty, yes. i have taken to making my food for my kid. >> good for you. i did the same thing. >> mash it up. >> or put it in the blender. read it, salt content on a lot of things is 40% the daily intake. if i feed him, feed him two jars all day long.
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>> you are doing the right thing. >> thank you, thank you for that. vote of confidence. it's what i need. an early spring snowstorm led to a huge chain reaction accident near a big city in canada. hundreds of trucks and cars piled up near edmonton in the snowy mess. 100 people were injured. only one of those injuries was serious. the accident forced long detours off the main highway between edmonton and calgary. in southern california, a landslide forced a stretch of the pacific coast highway to be closed for 11 hours yesterday. it left one house precariously close to falling off of the hillside. but get this, engineers believe that a homeowner left a hose running for too long, and that saturated soil caused the slide. heavy equipment cleared the road in time for the rush hour. and no one was hurt. that is scary. all right, this will put a smile on your face. sure sign of spring overseas. thousand of people made their way through tokyo parks to celebrate the arrival of japan's cherry blossoms. beautiful sights. scientists say the blooms are
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ten days earlier than usual. the second earliest time since record began in 1953. 15 days earlier than last year. what about signs of spring in the u.s. -- let's find out. here's abc's weather editor sam champion. >> reporter: winter was warmer than average for most of the country. but now that spring is officially here, it seems more like winter than winter did. look at the signs. washington, d.c.'s cherry blossoms usually a sight to behold by now. now, on hold. maple syrup should be flowing right now. look, the taps are frozen. and at this winery in minnesota, after one of the wettest winters on record, snow covers the vine yards, delaying wine production. what to expect for the rest of the season? noaa released its spring outlook. despite the cold much of the country is feeling now, get ready for spring heat. with above average temperatures in most of the country, while below normal temperature thousands linger in the pacific northwest. don't expect extreme drought in the southwest to improve. drought conditions will get worse from florida to texas, noaa says, and from one extreme
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to another, river flooding along the mississippi, missouri and ohio rivers expected to be worse this year than last. to another. with areas like fargo, north dakota expecting one of the worst flood seasons ever. there is some good news in this spring outlook, for the southeast. with the last few wet weeks they start this spring with no drought problems at all. but 51% of this nation is in drought, either moderate or exceptional. it is mostly the west. with this outlook they're likely to stay there. sam champion, abc news, new york. >> he is in central park. normally, there is activity on the leaves. starting. >> i see it. it's coming. slow. >> stark. slow. >> maybe. >> i hope so. all right, today's weather. talk about it. still feels like winter just about everywhere. a messy commute in atlanta, nashville. rain/snowy mix there. rain/snow for denver as well. seattle will see showers. snow in fargo.
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>> temperatures in the southwest, phoenix in the mid 80s. colder than usual in minneapolis below the freezing mark. speaking of weather. a prosecutor in ohio is taking a hard line when it comes to delayed arrival of spring like temperatures. mike moser of butler county, ohio wants to indict punxsutawney phil. that's right. >> love it. indict him. >> indict him. >> arrest him. he says with temperatures in the teens that phil was come fleetly wrong about the prediction. >> take him to court! >> about spring's arrival. moser has been seeking the death penalty. >> exactly what we need! kidding. kidding of course before animal rights people call us. >> don't take this too seriously. moser says he knows his stand will eventually soften as time goes by. and ultimately his indictment of phil will be set aside. >> of course, staten island chuck, can't remember what he predicted? >> the same thing. they always get it wrong. >> put him behind bars, i want a photo-op, i want to see punxsutawney phil behind bars. >> maybe time to change the
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animal. we need a dog, or maybe something else, and it shouldn't be the shadow. this is me saying -- if the dog chases his tail, we have six more weeks. my favorite part of the article, he says -- punxsutawney phil can't tell the difference between his back side and a hole in the ground. >> i love it. i love it. phil taking a beating. >> poor phil. >> poor phil. that's libel. >> phil is going to counter sue. >> why do we decide a groundhog is going to tell us if we get spring or not. it's our fault. then we hold him to it. >> because it is charming. charming. >> we hold them to it. the worst part. coming up, we'll talk about march madness. something we can agree on. the brackets. we'll get an update and get yours ready. later on, arnold palmer is quenching america's thirst and cashing in big time long after his pro golf days. this is success you have to see to believe. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i love to play >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by resolve high traffic foam. by resolve high traffic foam.
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so many people losing weight or being thin is a route to happiness. one woman's experience was the exact opposite. >> she lost nearly 200 pound. as abc's abbie boudreau reports she discovered that self-esteem comes from the inside. >> reporter: at 308 pounds, jen larson dreamed about getting skinny. >> i fantasized about it. yeah, the fairy tale of weight loss. you lose the weight and you're beautiful and you're happy. >> reporter: in her pursuit of happiness, she lost a staggering
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180 pounds. larson says she has battled weight problems since childhood and tried just about every diet. but when nothing worked, she turned to barriatric surgery. >> i saw the before and after photos. i leapt into it. i had tunnel vision. all i could see was me being thin. >> reporter: that's exactly what happened. did you find yourself more obsessed with your weight when you were thin? >> absolutely. being thin didn't make me happy. i was looking in the mirror hating what i see. how is this even possible? >> reporter: dr. bethenny marshall says many people believe losing weight will solve their problems. >> obese people live with the fairy tale or illusion that if they lost the weight their lives would be better. but what happens is when they lose the buffer they feel that people are scrutinizing them. >> reporter: in her new book "stranger here" larson says she was finally forced to face her real issues. >> i had to deal with my real psychological struggles. >> reporter: you have
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depression? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: larson says she doesn't regret having the surgery and hopes others will look beyond their body size to find true happiness. >> i want to not have my goal be a size and a number. i want my goal to be strong and to run a marathon and to be comfortable in my skin. >> reporter: are you happy now? >> i am. i am pretty happy. >> reporter: abbie boudreau, abc news, salt lake city, utah. >> a tough lesson. for a lot of people. >> got beautiful outside. the inside is the same. an amazing stat, american medical association reporting people who have had the surgery couple years later some of them develop alcohol problems that they didn't have before. almost like they're compensating with something else. >> wow. >> yeah, right. >> a scary study. to think one of the outcomes of you losing weight and feeling better about yourself. number one, you don't feel better and two you have problems with alcohol. >> possibly. up next, highlights from yesterday's ncaa tournament
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games. >> that's right. plus we'll check the status of our very own brackets. you will want to stay with us. you're watching "world news now." we'll be right back. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after th
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♪ ♪ >> it is time for march madness update. we can start with the major upset. let's hear it this morning for the harvard crimson! >> can you believe it? the ivy leaguers answered every surge last night from the new mexico lobos. we have a lot of facebook people saying we didn't pick them. that was our mistake. so, ha! harvard is the march madness darling right now. they won 68-62. they will face arizona tomorrow. >> pretty amazing. harvard, a 14 seed. as was davidson. 9-point lead against marquette. 6:30 to go.
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golden eagles surged won it on a lay-up, marquette wins. 59-58. they face butler next. >> oh, yeah. >> couple big wins for teams from the pac 12. first up, the streaking oregon ducks, they carried over their conference title winning form into yesterday's game against oklahoma state. and the ducks they made it look easy. oregon wins, 68-55. next up for them -- a showdown with saint louis. >> also from the pac 12, california golden bears, held unlv without a basket for 11 minutes in the second half. yesterday, wasn't enough. running red, surged. they came up short. cal wins it 64-61. they take on syracuse which destroyed montana last night by 47 points. it brings us to how we did our picks. we have our brackets. and -- i'm licking my chops here. >> i would like to report that i am 13-3 in yesterday's games. >> 13 and 3. that is pretty awesome.
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>> woo! just a reminder, quick reminder -- my final four, duke, gonzaga, michigan, butler. >> i went 8-8. you trounced me on points. as i understand these brackets to be. however, my final four alive, duke. gonzaga, kansas, butler. i could still get the winner. you are doing much better in the games than i am. who knew? >> duke/albany today. and kansas begins play today against western -- >> get a hoop. do a one-on-one. >> yes. >> get it going. >> in my heels. >> ceilings are high enough. she is tall. what are you 5'10"? >> 5'11." >> i am 6'1." i have this much on you. >> i was on my basketball team, sish sixth grade. and my nickname was "butter fingers." >> i'm definitely not scared. butter fingers? i had hey hard time keeping a hold of the ball. one of the highest paid athletes, hasn't played in decades. arnold palmer, banking big bucks. you're watching "world news now". >> we'll be right back. arnold palmer, banking big bucks. >> we'll be right back. so what do you smell?
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♪ >> all right. pro golfer hasn't played in a quarter century at the top of his game, talking arnold palmer the legend. still one of the highest paid athletes in america. >> all because of what he likes to drink. abc's darren ravell explains. >> reporter: a seven-time major champion. arnold palmer with that unmistakable swing and charm. >> arne's army is hanging on every stroke of their hero arnold palmer. >> reporter: at 83, 25 years after his last tournament win, palm ear name is bigger than ever, in fact in 2012, palmer earned more than any other golfer except tiger woods and phil mickelson. a cool $36 million. that's partly because one of the
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fastest growing beverages in the united states is the combination of two classics, iced tea and lemonade. that palmer himself popularized after ordering the concoction in a diner in the 1960s. >> i had a big class of iced tea. i shared a little lemonade on it. mixed it up. wow was it good. a lady at the table heard me do that. and she said, "i want a palmer." >> reporter: palmer didn't make any money off his namesake drink until recently when he teamed with arizona beverages. the arnold palmer brand did $200 million in sales in the u.s. last year. don fotagio, arizona's chairman. >> we make it taste good. >> reporter: now some of palmer's biggest customers are in the young crowd who know him mostly as a face on a can. >> at our school. >> i have no idea who he is. >> reporter: when we caught up with palmer this week we asked him to make us an arnold palmer. what is the secret ratio again? >> well, i am going to keep it secret.
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all the iced tea. little percent of the lemonade. >> reporter: 35% lemonade here. close? >> too close. >> reporter: darren ravell, abc news, orlando. >> reporter: cheers? >> fantastic. >> couldn't happen to a nicer guy, arnold palmer. the king. >> the drink made by the master himself. there you go. >> i have mixed lemonade and iced tea before. never knew. have you seen the drink? look at that. >> do you do that when you are out on the golf course looking like arnold palmer? >> yes. >> you look very aristocratic there. >> i do, don't i. >> have a lemonade, tah-tah. >> very, very good. if you haven't had it. give it a try. they do it right. the arnold palmer. delicious. >> announcer: more americans choose abc news to
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this morning on "world news now" -- what may be a dramatic end in the search for a killer
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who shot colorado's top prison chief at his front door. after a high-speed police pursuit and a deadly shootout we are learning disturbing details about a suspect shot and killed this friday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good friday morning. we are going to get to the chilling new details and possible motive in that colorado prison chief's death. it is our top story. >> the high-profile crime happens as parents of newtown students join the vice president is to make new demands and relive what happened at their children's elementary school in december. >> this morning, brave and tough, two words that describe a former wrestler who used his might to free his mother from her burning home. does he kid himself a hero though? speaking of heroes, a 911 operator who knew how to communicate with a girl in great danger on the phone without using words. what a lifesaver.
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the only suspect in the murder of colorado's prison chief has apparently been killed in a texas shootout. >> tentatively identified as evan spencer ebel, an ex-con, reports say he may have belonged to a white supremacist group that ordered ebel to hit the prison chief without being taken out alive. good morning, brandi. >> reporter: good morning, this could be a big break in the tom clements case along with another colorado murder investigation. a 27-year-old pizza delivery man was killed near denver this week. authorities tell abc news, a domino's pizza uniform was found in the back of that black cadillac involved in the shootout. the manhunt for tom clements' killer in colorado may have ended in the brutal crash and shootout near decatur, texas. >> could be related to the prison murder in colorado. >> reporter: deputies pulled over this crumpled cadillac with colorado plates thursday.
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and say the driver opened fire. hitting a deputy in his bulletproof vest. after a high-speed chase, the suspect then crashed into an 18-wheeler and tried to flee. when he was shot in another gun battle. >> he wasn't planning on being taken alive. >> reporter: the boxy two door car matches the description of a vehicle seen tuesday in this colorado neighborhood where clements was shot and killed in his door way after someone rang the doorbell. >> it appears at this point in time that mr. clements was, obviously, the target. >> reporter: clements was the head of colorado state prison system and oversaw inmates leading detectives to investigate revenge as a possible motive. >> we can't rule anything out. >> reporter: colorado detectives are traveling to texas to see if the gunman is their suspect. but the shooter has no i.d. and can't be questioned. >> he is basically legally deceased. however he is on machines for potential organ harvesting.
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>> reporter: brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. when the senate takes up gun control legislation next month it will include an expansion of federal background checks for gun buyers. the announcement by majority leader harry reid. families who lost loved ones in the newtown school shooting met in new york with vice president biden together they're calling for more firearm restrictions. >> i ask everybody to stand up and speak out. >> we ask you to try to gain your new perspective by thinking about the unthinkable which is unfortunately our reality. >> opponents of gun control including nra say background checks can easily be side stepped. >> yoko ono adding her voice to the debate. john lennon's wife. she tweeted out a picture of the glasses that he was wearing, there they are, bloodied glasses. this would have been their 44th wedding anniversary.
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and with those glasses she tweeted out, over 1,057,000 have been killed by guns in the usa since john lennon was shot and killed on december 8, 1980. >> that is a powerful tweet. >> staggering numbers. she also said her and their son, john, after 33 years, still miss john of course. >> we all do. well, we're learning this morning about a near diplomatic disaster during the bush administration. during the united nations conference in new york in 2006. a secret service agent's shotgun discharged just as iranian president ahmadinejad was getting into his limousine. the agent apologized profusely. ahmadinejad though just shot him a look as he got into the limo. an outspoken supporter of syria's president is dead after a suicide bomb ripped through a mosque in the heart of damascus. dozens of people were killed. the preacher is the most senior religious figure killed in the civil war. his death a major blow to syria's embattled president. the country's main rebel group insists, though, it is not responsible.
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president obama wraps up his visit to israel later today and meets with the king of jordan one of the u.s. top allies in the region. president obama took his case for peace directly to the israeli people. abc's john karl is traveling with the president. >> reporter: even as president obama came to the holyland to talk peace rockets fired into a gaza strip hit in a town in israel. with rockets flying and peace talks going nowhere, the president by passed mideast leaders and instead talked directly to the next generation. 600 israeli college students. >> part of the reason i like talking to young people is because no matter how great the challenges are, their idealism, their energy, their ambition, always gives me hope. >> reporter: he told the young israelis to put themselves in the shoes of young palestinians. >> look at the world through their eyes. it is not fair that a palestinian child cannot grow up
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in a state of their own. >> reporter: for now israel has lessened the blows of deadly terror attacks in part by building a massive wall that separates the palestinian territories from the rest of the holyland. but it has also angered palestinians by dividing their communities. the wall is imposing and it cuts right through the heart of bethlehem. we are a mile from a church of the nativity. on the other side of the wall, jerusalem. but the president said security measures alone are not enough. >> no wall is high enough or iron dome is strong enough or perfect enough to stop every enemy that is intent on doing so from inflicting harm. >> reporter: he said there is only one way to achieve real security. >> the only way for israel to endure and thrive as a jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable palestine. that is true. >> reporter: the president has spent hours and hours in private
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meetings with political leaders on this trip. but one of his top advisers said that peace can't be achieved through closed door meetings because the people themselves have to be personally invested in it. jonathan carl, abc news, jerusalem. in southern california, a former professional wrestling star being saluted as a hero for saving his mother's life. the guy with the prominent muscles here, chris the masterpiece masters, on tuesday night, his mom's house was burning with her inside. masters pulled a tree out of the ground then used it to break the window. then he pulled his mother out, masters now goes by his real name. >> i just look at it look who wouldn't do the same thing for their mom, you know what i mean? i don't feel like a hero, necessarily. there was no other option, get her out of there. >> the fire was set by a neighbor who was upset after the landlord asked him to move out. he pleaded not guilty to arson charges. >> pulled a tree out of the ground. >> uproot a tree. >> do what you got to do.
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>> got to do it. on a lighter sweeter note. we can tell easter is getting close now that peeps have officially taken over the nation. >> peeps are a big deal maybe nowhere bigger than river falls, wisconsin where the public library is hosting the third annual peep contest, the locals of all ages all featuring peeps on display. >> people peeps, peopling peeps, peacocks, feathers, real feathers. art is being judged on or originality, all over appearance and now, of course, the use of peeps. now we want to peep your peeps, pose them into works of art. take pictures post them on can't wait to see what you come up with and share them. please, oh, please, keep it clean. >> good idea. good warning. >> peeps have taken on a life of their own. i got them in my easter basket since i was this big. got to be honest, to me, they're sort of, they bring color to the easter basket. i am about the chocolate.
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my daughter likes the peeps. this is not an assignment i would be able to carry out. peeps obliterated if i come near them. >> you look them? >> i inhale them. i can't get enough peeps. in my old age i send my husband to local walgreen's. to buy me peeps, just randomly. >> i don't do jellybeans. it is all about the bunny. give me the chocolate. >> that's not terrible. >> peeps for the ear of your bunny. >> take them. coming up, a hand-free dental hygiene. brushing your teeth with no hands. >> that's interesting. using big breasted women to sell hamburgers. can it boost a restaurant's bottom line? ♪ you are watching "world news now." we'll talk about it. >> announcer: "world news now"
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weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. your vacuum doesn't always pick up
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what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to remove three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. given way to sleeping. tossing and turning have where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before.
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do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there, on the wings of lunesta. for the things you can't wash, freshen them with febreze. febreze eliminates odors and leaves a light, fresh scent.
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febreze, breathe happy. ♪ help is on its way ♪ all right, a terrifying ordeal for a young girl home alone when intruders break in. >> she managed to hide, but it
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was a 911 operator who kept her calm and focused during an unforgettable ordeal. more from abc's amy robach. >> reporter: the 15-year-old shows us where she hid when intruders burst into her house, crouching in her parents' closet when she called 911. >> he's inside the house. >> he's inside? >> he's inside the house. >> reporter: the woman on the other end of the phone -- >> 911 emergency. >> reporter: 12 year veteran dispatcher angie rivera. >> where are you? upstairs in the bedroom? >> in my parents' closet. >> anybody expected home? >> no, my parents are both at work. >> yes, we are on the way, we also have a helicopter on the way too. >> reporter: angie knew having a calm voice of reassurance could mean the difference between life and death. >> we are trained to stay calm to get her the help she needs. let her know she's not alone. >> reporter: over the phone, angie could hear the intruders closing in on the girl. >> do you still hear him upstairs yes or no. >> yes.
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>> bring the, bring the bucket over here. >> okay. don't talk. >> reporter: instead of talking, angie asked her to tap yes or no answers on the phone. >> some where, something hit me to just keep her quiet to keep me quiet. i tried to whisper as much as i could. then the tapping of the phone came in. >> when you are talking to a child you really, i don't know the mother in me comes out. >> reporter: minutes later the burglars fled the house caught by police in the driveway. angie stayed on the phone until the end. >> you are doing a great job just stay there. >> reporter: the girl said angie gave her the strength to get through the most frightening moment of her life. >> i was really happy with her. she helped me. i think she helped me a lot. if i was on the phone with some body i would have freaked out. >> reporter: angie's lesson for us all, when you are in a crisis staying calm can save your life. angie added the way to stay calm during a terrifying ordeal is to trust the operator on the other end to know help is on the way and to believe that you will survive.
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amy robach, abc news, new york. >> what a story. that was a good one. special kid. and operator. >> that's the kind of thing that you can really use at home. if you ever find yourself in a situation. tap on the phone. she probably didn't even think that is -- are you okay? yes, no, whatever it is. one tap, two taps. we need to, this might be something that is going to be introduced and used probably every time there is an emergency. it should be. >> did it on the fly. >> did it on the fly. smart lady. >> the mayor needs to bring them to the city hall and give them the key. >> absolutely. up next, up and coming restaurants have both barrels pointing at an american icon. we will tell you about a food fight among eateries known for their spicy fare. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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>> you turn to the news for different reasons. to have the show give you something you can apply to your real life. >> it was great. we didn't think "world news" would teach us to make money. >> $700 is no chokjoke. >> great to know there is a news program that is looking out for our families. we know when they go to sleep, it is because of help we got from abc news. >> that is a game changer. >> we are the godw ♪ there is an interesting side dish in many restaurants these days and it involves a particular genre of eatery. >> the scenery is becoming even more important than the food. which makes it our "favorite story of the day." at least mine, anyway. alex perez with a report.
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>> reporter: it is on. >> hey, guys, welcome to hooters. >> hi, welcome. >> reporter: the breastaurants are at war. as many food franchises are fighting to stay afloat, it's a post-recession boom for these establishments. restaurants with added sex appeal. more than a billion dollar industry. places like twin peaks, the tilted kilt, cans and many more are in a fight to knock the king hooters off its throne. during the height of the recession hooters led the pack bringing in almost $1 billion a year. now with the competition catching on to the winning formula, hooters sales declined by nearly 3.5% last year. hooters should be very scared. their category can only grow so
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much. tilted kilt if you will, and the others are stealing hooters customers. >> reporter: twin peaks which had seven locations in 2008 now has 31 across the country. and they plan to open two more a month through the end of the year. some people in recession were closing down their restaurants. >> and we got their real estate. >> reporter: the company says the main attractions keep people coming in big cold mugs of beer and ample portions. >> welcome. >> reporter: tilted kilt wants a piece of the market too. the arizona based restaurant has 80 locations nationwide and 12 more on the way. the appeal for many is in the price, the average meal costs $12. the average check is $19 a person. hooters didn't want to talk on camera, but in a statement says "the restaurant model that others have dubbed breastaurants is a moniker too shallow to describe hooters. shallow or not, the other restaurants have no qualms
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embracing the term. when you hear breastaurant what do you think? >> why not? >> reporter: with the breastaurant battle far from over, expect to see these chains puffing up their chests elbowing to get into a top spot. i'm alax perez, in chicago. >> so wrong but so right. >> john is overcome. >> i didn't hear a word of it. i will read the chat points. you rest. keep watching. keep watching. apparently a condition of employment of the girls its they're required to sign a form that says they acknowledge that hooters concept is based on female sex appeal and that the job environment is one of joking and innuendo based on female sex appeal. wow. >> by the way, tilted kilt makes hooters look tame. >> kind of crazy. >> where are these tilted kilts? >> i will find the address for you, john i don't think he's coming here monday. ss for you, john i don't think he's coming here monday. you, john i don't think he's coming here monday. ription sleed
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approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ um, hello. these ugly stains are ruining my good looks and style. and good luck using that cleaner. excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it. you need lime-a-way. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. it's 4 times more effective at removing lime scale than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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of your home, your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. it penetrates deep within your carpet, removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. the resolve easy clean system. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. all right, time for "the mix."
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this one is a doosie. >> yes. >> the moment all men dread. i would think most men out there have had this happen at least once. >> okay. >> i know i have, maybe more like ten times in my life. >> yikes. >> catching your manhood in a zipper by accident. >> ew! >> exactly. [ screaming ] like a real quick like recoil. a horrible thing. listen to this, full extent of the problem revealed after a new study showed 17,616 people ended up in u.s. emergency rooms after their twigs and berries got caught up in the past ten years. ow. it is over. never made it to the emergency room. got startled for sure. >> your turn. >> have you ever been on a date, think, hmm, i could use freshening of the breath. now a t2t. tongue to teeth. disposable toothbrush you put on your tongue. rub it around. it is coated with toothpaste. nice and fresh. and you're done.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> very nice. >> very nice indeed.
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this morning on "world news now" -- presidential push. president obama's strong message
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to both israelis and palestinians who are pleading for peace. after a ceremony filled visit to the mideast, will the president leave israel today with any major accomplishments? it's friday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> get one up top. >> happy friday. yes. >> we are happy about that. let's get to it. good morning, everybody. president turning his attention to the arab ally today. the latest in a live report from jerusalem. that is shortly. another major story that we are following, the police pursuit and high-stakes shootout that may have ended the manhunt for the gunman wanted in the killing of a colorado prison chief. there are startling new reports about the possible suspect out this morning. also ahead, he looked like an airline pilot and boarded an airplane flight. police say he was a fake. the big trouble this guy is facing.
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sounds a lot like the movie "catch me if you can." the real-life drama for superstar rihanna, why she did not feel safe even in her own home. coming up in "the skinny." >> the president wraps up his middle east trip later today. meeting with king abdulla of jordan. >> yesterday he took his case for peace to israel's young people. abc's alex marquardt is joining us from jerusalem. alex, good morning. the president is spending time with the israelis, but what did he accomplish on the west bank? >> reporter: good morning, diana. just after the president's meeting with mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authority, abbas said he had renewed confidence the united states will help remove obstacles to achieving peace. now those are kind words, there is really no doubt that president obama left palestinians feeling very frustrated. he didn't call for a freeze on israeli settlement building which is the main demand that palestinians have in order to go back to the negotiating table. he didn't as far as we saw in
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public offer any new steps to bringing palestinians closer to statehood. so while the israelis appear to be very happy with the president's visit, the palestinians are certainly feeling today like they got very little if anything out of this trip. >> alex, how much attention did that rocket attack from gaza draw yesterday in the israeli media? beyond that what's next for u.s. relations with israel? >> it got huge headlines yesterday, obviously, because the president was here. this is something that the israelis are pretty used to seeing. and for the israelis who are rather pessimistic about peace, it really underscored the point that they don't feel that peace is achievable. but by and large the review of the president's trip are glowing in the israeli press. this is a man who many israelis were suspicious of, not sure of his support for israel. in the next few days, you will see israelis saying they put their fears to rest with his actions and words over the past three days. >> alex, so much to get to on
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the president's visit. hard to imagine he will be able to get to all of the issues, what is left on the table as the president leaves israel? >> well there was no real banner accomplishment here, diplomatic accomplishment i should say. so the work really continues on the major issues that they discussed. a highly symbolic trip. i think the president's goal of highlighting the u.s.-israel relationship was accomplished and quite well. but the main issue they discussed, syria, iran, the peace process, work on those very much continues. so we expect to see secretary of state john kerry here more often than his predecessor in the coming weeks and months trying to jump-start peace talks. israel will continue to ask the u.s. to exert heavy pressure on iran to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. and as we watched syria descend further into the chaos in their two-year civil war, i can imagine israel and the u.s. will keep talking a lot about how to contain the fallout from that war. so there is still quite a bit left on the table. >> abc's alex marquardt live from jerusalem.
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thank you. >> stay with abc news as we follow the president's every move in the mideast. live updates on "america this morning" and "good morning america" with the latest on this historic visit. new details about a suspect in the murder of colorado's prison chief killed in texas in a shootout there. he has been tentatively identified as evan spencer ebel, an ex-con that belonged to a white supremacist gang. police in texas say when they tried to pull over ebel's car he suddenly accelerated and put a gun out his window. >> he came by me, running 100 miles an hour had his left arm out the window. he was just shooting. >> colorado investigators immediately headed to texas working to determine whether ebel was linked to the slaying and shooting death of a pizza deliveryman. a bizarre story from philadelphia, a man arrested for impersonating a pilot. 61-year-old felipe gernard boarded a flight wednesday night wearing a shirt and carried a bag that said air france.
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he became irate when he was told he couldn't sit in first-class. he got on the plane and sat in the cockpit jump seat right behind the pilot. >> it is concerning because we don't know what his designs were. he could be anything from just wanting to take a look at the cockpit to some other criminal designs. >> there is more. after he was taken off of the plane, police found an air france i.d. card that had been changed to match his name. he is now under arrest and will be charged in federal court this morning. >> my goodness. >> a new york man set free after 23 years in prison for a crime prosecutors say he did not commit. david renta released into the arms of friends and family by a judge yesterday. recent review by the district attorney's office cast doubt on witness testimony. prosecutors say detectives mishandled the investigation. friends of the rabbi who was killed are still seeking justice. >> i am overwhelmed. it is interesting. i would just like to say thank
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you to every one of you who supported me today on this. >> the support is not the word. it doesn't do much. it doesn't do much. where is the killer? who is killer? who botched the case? >> never any physical evidence linking renta to the crime. jurors relied on eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence. >> wow. police in arlington, virginia, outside washington, d.c., are asking the public to help identify some daring robbery suspects. they released this surveillance video showing four subjects entering a jewelry boutique tuesday morning. one used a hammer to break into a glass display case. they got away with 23 rolex watches worth almost $610,000. their identities though remain a mystery. from washington state, drug searching police dogs are being trained to ignore marijuana. the change comes after voters legalize the possession of small amounts of pot last november. prosecutors say the drug dogs alert for marijuana is no longer enough evidence for a search warrant. and so police say they are
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desensitizing the dogs to the smell of the drug. to business headlines it is time to make or break for blackberry, the company's z-10 smartphone goes on sale in the u.s. today. first at at&t, next week at verizon, once the definitive mobile business device, but it has been eclipsed by apple's iphone and google's android. analysts say it will be tough for blackberry to regain their former prominence. the taste will be the same, but pepsi's bottles are going to get a new look. the first redesign for its plastic bottles in 16 years. a little blockier and easier to hold. new bottles go into production next month. it will take a while to convert all those bottling plants. pepsi has been losing market share to coca-cola in recent years. let's take a check of the friday weather. it will feel a lot like winter in most of the nation. atlanta rain, snowy mix. and there will be rain from little rock to new orleans. blustery air around washington, d.c. >> temperatures in the northeast, 10 degrees colder.
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new york in the mid 40s. denver in the 60s. will see 40s today. pleasant and warm in the southwest. listen to this one, we mention the drug sniffing dogs earlier. well this is a dog story of a totally different scent. this one involves dogs and dog poop. just going to say it. >> more and more apartment complexes it seems are signing up with a company called poop prints. >> say what? >> yeah, poop prints. >> it takes dna samples from a -- you guessed it -- dog's droppings. and then if some waste is found around the complex its owners can be identified by building managers. >> the poop police. my goodness. the company says it is about making a better living environment. some dog owners say another example of big brother. no one wants to step in that. no one wants to see that around their apartment complex. that does seem extreme to me. >> you apparently have to register your dog's poop beforehand. so they know who it belongs to. and also, one owner brings up a good point. what if your dog has diarrhea. sorry if you are eating at this hour of the night. it is kind of hard to pick it up.
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kind of slippery and will probably get everywhere. what's the penalty here aside from a fine? do they detain your dog? >> i don't know. >> detain you? >> i know, right. maybe they make you get rid of your dog. i can't imagine -- a fine? >> maybe like repeat offender the dog gets crated, hauled off. poor fido. >> we have to get to the bottom of this. maybe somebody owns the lab, analyzes the poop. get rich off this. follow the money. >> you broke the story. >> whatever. making the stuff up. >> come to john, any story, you get to the bottom of the story. >> well, yeah. right? it sounds possible -- plausible any way. coming up, rumors about a new co-host on abc's show "the view." >>is it you? >> is it me? >> is it me? the aggressive innovative treatment that may zap tumors when medicines fail. why patients and doctors are amazed by this. you are watching "world news now."
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>> announcer: "world news now" with brought to you by lunesta. love. n -- lunesta. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as $15 at there's a land of restful sleep, we can help you go there,
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on the wings of lunesta. has a subtle, yet invigorating scent, and can take 10 years to bloom. so at air wick, we waited. crafted by our expert perfumers for your home. air wick cactus flower and warm breeze is part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance.
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>> amazing medical news to tell you about this morning. an experimental treatment for cancer is being called a potential breakthrough. >> sure is. the genetic treatment appears to stop cancer cells in their tracks. abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser has more.
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>> reporter: david aponte was out of options, he was being treated for leukemia, a rare and often fatal disease in adults. when chemotherapy failed, doctors turned to an experimental treatment. robin roberts went to visit him in december. >> i think i am on the right road. i think i am on the right road. >> reporter: doctors took out millions of david's disease fighting white blood cells. then used a retro virus which is great to getting into human immune systems to turn the cells into targeted cancer fighters. david's cells went back in and destroyed the cancer. acting like a living drug. the first patient to have similar treatment was 7-year-old emma whitehead. she is in complete remission. >> she has a ton of energy. she is doing wonderful right now. >> reporter: researchers report on the safety of the treatment in five more patients. >> what we saw just blew us away. the cancers went away in a matter of weeks, even days. >> reporter: days? >> days in one case. >> reporter: that one case was
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david. the treatment almost killed him. but after eight days in a coma, not a trace of cancer. he went on to have a bone marrow transplant. >> i will take every day that i can. >> make it count. >> you got it. >> reporter: while fewer than 3,000 patients have the leukemia treated in the study. the approach has a much broader reach. >> it offers hope it can work in bigger tumors such as colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. >> reporter: i need to caution this was a small safety study. they're continuing to enroll patients in that study and plan on doing a longer study to look at long-term benefits and risks. for now, this is promising research but still is early days. dr. richard besser, abc news, new york. >> how exciting is that? >> i keep saying we are right around the corner. from figuring it out. >> wouldn't that be great, wouldn't that be phenomenal? >> interesting how the man almost died from the treatment. i am not a doctor. i heard about this. they call it shake and bake, your blood pressure drops and get a tremendous fever, your body realizes that it has to attack this, invader in your body. your fever shoots through the
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roof. the idea is to keep you alive so you get through it. if you get on the other side of it he is cured. >> he is cured in days. the longest it took with the study, the longest, to become cured of this completely 59 days. complete remission. that's incredible. >> very promising indeed. coming up, why we will see a lot more of emma watson. >> a sex tape scandal this one involves one of the jonas brothers. go figure. >> what? >> next in "the skinny."
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♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to this friday edition of "the skinny." we start with kind of like a crazy guy obsessed with rihanna. >> okay. >> so this guy, sedland borrow, was arrested last month he broke into a mansion thought was rihanna's. it was not. he apparently took a couple personal items slept in the bed. kind of a little bit of a weirdo. >> little bit? >> just a touch. rihanna scored a three year restraining order against this guy. he must stay 100 yards away from her. he has to do that until 2016. so, the judge, obviously in this case realized he is a little bit of a whacko. he needs to stay away from rihanna. i am sure rihanna is more than
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relieved that a crazy person is no longer in her home. but we do know she is on again with her boyfriend chris brown. there goes that. "the view," replacement for joy behar, leaving the show. jenny mccarthy the latest rumor. >> really? that could be fun. >> yes, indeed. >> certainly is nice to look at. does a great job on the new year's rockin' eve thing. really good at that. >> pretty lady. >> very pretty. she says i will be helping them while they look. she told that to "extra." helping. since she has her own vh1 show. won't be permanently sitting next to barbara walters and company here on abc. she says, she will be helping them out. behar will exit the daytime show in august when her contract expires. the mystery goes on. jenny helping out. >> no way of knowing. emma watson earlier this week kind of said she was upset about the fact that someone would think to say she may be one of the stars in "fifty shades of grey" the movie. now she is apparently baring it all for a good cause. so she is in a book with several other actresses where she is
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doing a little risque shot there, for a book, by james houston's new book called "natural beauty" to benefit eco-minded group, global green usa. >> when you say bare it all. not like -- not "playboy." >> very artistic. >> not like -- >> very artistic. very interesting the same girl who said i will absolutely not be doing anything that is sexual, sexually charged, you know is now naked at a photo shoot. maybe semi naked. >> she has grown up. >> a good cause. gorgeous. >> really a cutie pie. sometimes it doesn't translate when you are young and cute, you don't become older and cute. she is great. >> she certainly did. >> kelly osbourne, given a clean bill of health from her doctor. suffered a seizure back on march 7th. spent five days in the hospital. well, apparently, she has returned home and got the clean bill of health from the doctors. told that to a spokesperson to e news, in a statement tuesday. she is on the mend. she stepped out for the first time, from the hospital, revealed she has been cleared to go back to work.
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as for what it was all about. there was no conclusive result according to her. she did tweet her fans, osbourne, said, thank you to doctors, nurses, and staff at cedar sinai for fixing me to go home. nice to be in bed. wrote that to her 2.8 million followers. good news there. of course, daughter of sharon and ozzie osbourne. >> ozzie osbourne. >> both of the kids have had health issues. weren't sure what it was. she lost a significant amount of weight. we thought that is what it was related to. but it's not. nice to know she is healthy. last piece of juicy stuff here, joe jonas. from jonas brothers fame. >> this is juicy. yes. >> apparently may be in a sex tape. he says this isn't true. according to tmz. raunchy sex tape out there with his swiss model, but he says, nada, totally, no such tape exists. so, we'll have to see it. let us know. >> absolutely. we'll see. l see. we'll see. it begins with your skin... revealed by venus
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for a confident glow the whole world will notice. venus & olay -- gently exfoliates with 5 blades. plus olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness. only from venus & olay. any venus cartridge fits any venus handle. that's the beauty of venus. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid
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approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ ♪
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finally this half hour, at last, it's friday. it's here. definitely time to scream and shout. >> no doubt about it. a busy week in the world of news. here is our "friday rewind." >> i want to apologize to you. i had no intention to do anything like that. i'm sorry to put you guys through this. i just -- >> he made eye contact when he pulled the gun on me. that was the most eye contact i had with him. he looked me dead in the eye. >> what likely happened? two potential problems. >> one could have been human error. the second could have been some kind of mechanical failure. >> the world is probably going to have a bit of a wake-up call when the pope starts speaking abut hot button issues. >> to deny the opportunity to
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any of our daughters and sons, solely on the basis of who they are and who they love is to deny them the chance to live up to their own god-given potential. >> the tobacco companies as we know target children. go to neighborhoods where the -- the bottom end of the economic ladder. and they believe that those people are more susceptible to ads. >> i reaffirmed to president perez, as i will throughout my visit, that in this work the state of israel will have no greater friend than the united states. >> so much for the groundhog, huh? i think he got that one wrong. >> we're tired of it. ♪ bow down [ bleep ] ♪ bow down [ bleep ] >> i think hearing her use that word in the song is less expected than if rihanna or lady gaga used it. >> now, katie don't get me wrong. we have our commonalities.
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you like sports. i like sports. you like fine dining. i like fine dining. you are on the cover of "sports illustrated." i read "sports illustrated." >> i think this is the happiest moment that i am going back to my school. >> a lot of good, hard-hitting stuff we told you about in that piece. you should also know that today is national goof-off day. so we are going to do a little goofing off. this guy apparently knows how to juggle. >> with paper. >> i created this. he will make it happen. >> give me three tangerines, i can do it. paper not so much. >> keep going. i'll do it. i'll do it
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this morning, breaking news. a marine base on lockdown
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overnight, and we have the latest. plus, new images from the holyland, the president making some final stops this morning, and the reviews of the visit are in. we're live in jerusalem. a two-day manhunt may be over. the killer of a state official in colorado seems to have been found shot by police in texas after a violent crash. don't mess with the masterpiece. a wrestling star coming to the rescue when a neighbor threatens his own home. march madness in full effect, including a late night stunner. a number three seed going down. and good friday morning to you. we begin with breaking news this morning from the sprawling marine base in quantico, virginia. >> three marines are dead after a shooting incident and devin dwyer has details. devin. devin, you there? >> reporter: good morning, john
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and diana. that's right, a marine corps spokesman just told us that the all-clear has been given after an overnight incident with the alleged gunman found dead. now, this incident took place on marine corps base, a sprawling facility just south of washington that sits on nearly 100 square miles right near the potomac river. here's what we know so far, three marines are dead in this. two of them were found inside a barracks, the shooter who was also a marine died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. they believe he was a staff member of the officer candidate school at the base and gunfire broke out late last night, just about 11:00 p.m. local time when another marine was wounded, taken to a hospital and later declared dead. the base had been on lockdown. that lockdown has now been lifted and officials say they expect to conduct a full investigation starting later today. john and diana. >> all right, devin, thank you. we will of course be following


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