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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 26, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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oral arguments begin in less than an hour at 7:00 our time. abc7 news reporter joined us live from washington, dc, with a preview of what is at stake. >> in a few minutes, spectators will file into the historic chamber for two cases over two some days taking on the meaning of marriage. >> today for the first time, nine justices on the nation before highest court will join the debate over same-sex marriage. in the spotlight, california's proposition 8, which defines marriage as only between one plan and one woman. this is by far the biggest case the supreme court has ever had when it comes to discrimination against homosexuals. >> crowds began forming outside the court on thursday, braving cold and snow for a chance to hear the arguments. the question is whether discrimination against gays should be treated as
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discrimination against women or racial minorities. supporters of traditional marriage say this serves vital social interests and endorsed by voters in 28 at the same time. >> we should not allow the federal judiciary to destroy the vote of the people especially on something as old and good as marriage. >> opponents, led by two california couples, say prop 8 sigma tieses gays and their marriages would do no harm. >> everyone we know and love has this right and we don't. it is time for to us have a chance at that happiness. >> this comes amid a sea change in public opinion. half of all americans now support same-sex marriage which is legal in nine states and the district of columbia. still, 30 states explicitly ban same-sex marriage if their constitution. >> the justices are insulatessed from public opinion but they are not deaf. >> tomorrow, in a separate case the justices will consider whether married gay couples
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deserve the same federal tax and entitlement benefits of their peers both decided by the end of june. kristen? >> can you describe what will happen today inside the courts? court watchers may want to know what to look at or which way the justices are leaning? >> that is right, when the justices file in shortly they spend an hour questioning the lawyers on both sides of the case giving them a grilling with all eyes on justice kennedy, considered the swing just first on the court right now, the swing vote, deeply divided court. people will look how his sympathies lie when three is questions. experts say this morning that it is very difficult to tell from the questioning just which way the court will go. we will have to wait until june. >> that is when a ruling is expected. thank you from washington, dc. abc7 news reporter is in washington claiming one of the
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co-voted seats in the courtroom for media for two days of hearing today and tomorrow and will have reports again at 4:00 on abc7 news. >> we are noting breaks news from 4:30, crews are on the scene of a fire burning in alameda that broke out on park street just before 2:30. these are flames from early this morning, and it destroyed part of a three-story build asking firefighters have the blaze uncontrol and half a dozen people have been displaced by this fire and the red cross is working with the people to put them up. here is a live look at the scene at the height of this fire, every firefighter on duty in alameda was leader and all 30 of them, stay with abc7 news, firefighters gave us an update of what is lady and the resources that it takes to fight the fires. >> new this morning, the devil's
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slide tunnels are open to traffic marking a new time for san mateo county commuters. abc7 news reporter amy hollyfield is live from the tunnel with what you drivers can expect this morning. >> good morning, here they are, this is the northbound tunnel, you can see it is open with cars coming through without any problem and they are headed to pacifica, coming from half moon bay. look over here, here is the sign in case there is any doubt letting people know they are open but it comes with a warning, they want people to take it slow as they test drive the tunnels for the first time. here is video we shot moments ago, this is what your drive will look like, a mad rush overnight to get this open on time with paving and striping and they made their kid line and hoping to have it open this morning for the commute. though made it. these are the first tunnel caltran has built in 50 years.
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the last time they build a tunnel was in the east bay. this goes between half moon bay and pacifica and takes you right through a mountain side and you will avoid the dangerous stretch of highway. this is a lot of pride in the two communities that these two tunnels are here and there is a lot of joy. today, i suspect, there will be probably a lot of test driving. it is open if you want to try it out. come on down, traffic is not too bad right now. it is going quite smoothly this morning. reporting live just outside of pacifica, for abc7 news. >> 6:07, up next, something to do with the way we thing of ourselves, a continuing problem facing democrats and republicans at the ballot box here in the golden state. >> is the bay area trying to bring the green cars to the masses in california? >> and looking at the
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embarcardero and the bay bridge with clouds. we will have traffic and weather
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>> good tuesday morning, live doppler 7 hd tracking a weak system moving into the central valley with plenty of clouds and temperatures are warmer this morning with mist and drizzle at the cost but by the afternoon, the skies will clear partly, and we have partly cloudy afternoon for east day and it will be
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breezy from time to time with numbers in the mid-60's for oakland to concord and livermore, and remain warmer with upper 60's and the cloud cover hangs on to the coast for most of the day with temperatures there, just in the mid-50's with that sea breeze, maybe some showers in the higher elevations tomorrow and it looks like a quick warm up for friday. sue? >> good morning, we go back to fremont now, with a couple of situations happening. first we go southbound 680, rather, 880, this is five cars involved in an accident here. it is in the commute lane so you can see slow traffic there. northbound at the parkway, this has been cleared off to the shoulder after an early four car accident and southbound 680 at mission, there were cars that hit concrete there and they now are off to the shoulder but you may find slowing there. no metering lights yet but minor backup at the bay bridge and sluggish on the upper deck into san francisco. >> the two major political
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parties are losing their grip on california voters. those who call themselves democrats and republicans are finding less company. new numbers from the secretary of state show that democrats now make up over 43 percent of california voters down 1 percent from 2011 with the decline bigger if republicans, just 28 percent of californians call themselves "republicans," down from 30 percent two years ago. 20 percent of california voters are registered to vote with any party preference, or they say they have no preference and that is the same number from 2011. >> speculation building inside the nfl and one player may be about did do something no player has ever done before. >> and a c.e.o. takes to twitter to make an announcement, the instant impact the announce president had on
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>> santa clara, san francisco, east bay, and all the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> at 6:15, happening right now we are waiting for the start of the proposition 8 hearing at the supreme court in washington, dc. here is a look outside the court with oral arguments underway at 7:00 our time. again, this is for the california ban on same-sex marriage. right now, support others of same-sex marriage appear to be holding a rally with lots of speakers. as the supreme court is really to hear arguments on proposition 8 and defense of marriage act, there is word a gay player in the nfl could soon come out. cbs report as gay player is considering coming out in the next few months. if that happens, he will be the
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first athlete, pro at least to do so while playing actively for major american sports team. the player feels now is the time for an openly gay athlete to speak about their sexuality. however, the player is fearful he will suffer harm from fans. sources are not saying yet who this person may be. >> new this morning, a deadly attack on afghan police headquarters building in the eastern part of the didn't. eight suicide bombers killed five police officers and wounding four others. one attacker detonate add car bomb, and three others blew themselves up inside the compound, and four were killed in an hour-long shoot out with officers before they could get inside. >> back here in the bay area, investors do not mind getting stocks in less than 140 characters with shares of tesla had a tweet "really exciting tesla motors announcement on thursday and putting my money
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where my mouth is in a major way." following the tweet, the electron car company shares closed up 2.5 percent to $37.54. several hours later, there was another tweet saying the announcement would be delayed until next week to make sure this would be no distraction with the end of the upcoming quarter. >> and now, time for a look at the forecast for us. >> you have been busy. >> we have new systems that continue to visit you, the first one pushed on through yesterday and the remnants brought a few light showers to the peninsula and south bay, pore like mist and drizzle and plenty of clouds and because of the cloud cover we are warmer, a look from the roof camera, you can see we do have low clouds and, also, some clearing, so this morning in san francisco it is pretty mild and even in the north bay where we have the fog, half mile
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visibility in santa rosa at 42 and 48 in livermore and los gatos is at 45. the numbers are pretty mild, with the low clouds and the bay bridge this morning, and featuring the gray out there but when the sun comes up at 7:05. it is 48 in san jose and frisk in santa cruz. later on this morning, we will be partly cloudy again and the cloud cover continues each and every day with the possibility of rain showers on thursday but that is pretty much in the higher elevation and a lot of it will help evaporate before it hits the ground. right now, the satellite is showing a weakness that pushed on law and we are in between systems but with enough low level moisture in the clouds continuing to pump through we will see temperatures held down and the sea breeze kicking up from time to time. through the afternoon, notice we will see sun, higher elevations, could see a sprinkle right
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through wednesday, starting out with the low clouds and by the afternoon, once again, we will clear on out but the santa cruz mountains could have a sprinkle and the better chance comes our way later in the day open thursday, and you can see the wave pushing up through the in the bay with a few showers in the east bay. what we will see will be light if we see anything at all with temperatures in the mid-60's for present and 65 in san jose and 63 in the north bay and 67 half moon bay and we will be back in dry conditions tomorrow with a chance of showers on thursday and warmer on friday and here comes a chance of rain on saturday and it looks wet for eater. sue? >> good morning. celebrating the brand new tunnel at devil's slide tunnel, you can see the headlights coming through with cars making their way and it is a wonderful way to get to the coast, now, or into pacifica and traffic is light. that was a long time in the making. back to fremont, better news now, with three split accidents there this morning and right now
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southbound 880 with five cars all moved off to the shoulder, so you can see the red light of slow traffic remains and taking a look at eastbound, road work than picked up, and just about five minutes ago, westbound, look at the slow line of traffic, which is typical from antioch to lis'burg and -- pittsburg and it looks good from pittsburg into concord. >> and a tv show is now part of a real life criminal investigation. >> cleaning pet hair is a real chore but the right vacuum can make it easier and we ( ♪ ) for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the days when you get a sudden call from the school, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready.
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when you have children's motrin on hand, you're ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer than children's motrin. be ready with children's motrin. meet the getaways. they live at and they just want to help you get a great deal on your rental car. just click on the alamo deal retriever℠. and get our best deal, customized for you. because everyone loves a little getaway... alamo. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete.
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>> good morning at 6:23. this is a live look at the embarcardero in san francisco looking across the bay with clouds out there and some of them just might drip a little bit on you this morning. we will check with our meteorologist and talk about the forecast coming up. >> they stop at the san francisco city border. they will be here, though. attention, watch out for smileers. a top secret script from a final season of a show was shown. a man accused was in court in new mexico yesterday. police say the 29-year-old suspect broke into an actor's car and stole a bag containing an ipad and a tv script.
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producers from the hit series will not confirm if any scripts were, in fact, stolen. >> upright or canister? bag or bagless? the choices for vacuums can be overwhelming. >> which model is right for your home? consumer reports is partnered exclusively with 7 on your side to find out. here is michael finney. >> hello, everyone, keeping floors and carpets clean is a job in and of itself and if you have a pet that shed as lot you have a bigger challenge. consumer reports' tests show some advantage i'ms do a good job picking up pet hair and others...they let the fur fly. >> she would not trade her dog for anything. but shedding air: she could live without. >> dog air is everywhere. but we put up with it. >> you do not have to say experts at consumer reports. testers recently evacuated more
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than 100 vacuums including uprights and canisters and bag and bagless. >> pet owners want to know two things. how well it sucks up hair? how much goes into the vacuum rather than stuck in the brush? >> testers go to great lengths. first they measure exactly five grams of pet hair and spread it over a piece of we carpet. they use a weighted roller. next, testers weigh the vacuum. they vacuum for 14 strokes. now the vacuum gets weighed again. testers know exactly how much hair is picked up. they also checked the carpet for any hair left behind. >> we measure how much hair is stuck to the brush. manually clean the brush is not fun. more expensive vacuums like this $500 could not pull in the hair. in the end the best deals is this $130hoover, a bagless
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upright with impressive cleaning and superb pet hair pickup. pet owners like this woman do not have to put up with a hairy household. >> emptying this is a messy fair, so consumer reports recommended a kenmore progressive upright that costs $200 and is available at sears. >> just getting word of breaking news, an earthquake hit mexico with details coming up. >> supporters of same-sex marriage here in the bay area are coming together today as the supreme court gets ready to hear arguments on proposition 8. >> a fire in a three-story build ing in downtown alameda with the roof collapsing and holes in the floor. i will tell you about the new battle that firefighters are
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facing more than four hours after the fire firsting mid when abc7 news returns. >> plenty of clouds and 40's and 50's but most of the clouds are scattered out with a high of 66 in napa and upper 60's in morgan hill and still, rain in the seven day. i will show you that in a few minutes. >> in the traffic center, we will look at the bay bridge with metering lights on and you can find traffic bunched to the macarthur maze and sluggish on the upper deck, other than this, we had a flurry of activity in the fremont area, we will give you an update on what is happening there and the rest of the tuesday morning commute when we come
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>> abc7 news starts right now with live breaking news. >> breaking news is from mexico in the last five minutes we learned of a 5.8 earthquake or 5.9 earthquake that hit oaxaca, mexico near the coast. no word of injuries or damage. you the want to say with abc7 news with more information as it becomes available. >> we will check our weather forecast with our meteorologist. lisa? >> we starting off with plenty of clouds and we saw a few areas of mist and drizzle and light showers as a weak weather systems pushing in but otherwise it is a milder start with some of the cloud cover at our coast. numbers in the upper 40's there and mid-50's by noon and partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions in the mid-50's with the sea breeze kicking up and around the bay at the upper 40's or low 50's, not too bad. a little cool. numbers near 60 at noon and 64
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this afternoon in oakland with a mix of clouds and sun, so, pretty nice afternoon, and as we head inland, less in the way of cloud cover numbers in the mid-to-upper 40's near upper 50's to 60 at lunch time and by the afternoon we are talking about democrats near 66, 67 for concord and livermore this afternoon. looking relatively dry throughout most of the week with some exceptions. we will talk about that. sue? >> it is picking up on the san mateo bridge from the hayward side of things toward foster city you can see the tail lights headed westbound and at least you moving and looking at 17-minute drive. and walnut creek and south 680 is looking busy with brake lights at the turn and toward 24 and other than that, southbound 680 is a good ride to 580 and this is southbound 101, that is looking good, and update in fremont, several early accidents now all cleared at the shoulder
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and southbound is going, as well and slow traffic back to highway 84. kristen and eric? >> 6:32. we are continuing to follow breaking news we first brought you at 4:30, near fires on the scene of a big fire in a three-story building and abc7 news reporter joins us with a look at the damage. >> i just got word in the last minute that residents in neighboring apartment buildings are now being led back into their apartments after being awake all night because their apartment fortunately was not affected budget i fire. a family of six was just escorted by a firefighter and they said we are going home, going to bed. the alameda firefighters are still here on the corner park and san jose making sure that the fire is out. the roof has collapsed. they are also starting to destroy portions of the wall to be sure there is not any fire hiding inside the wall.
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they are checking for hot spots also in the floors. we will take you to the video of the call at 2:40 this morning, a video from soon after that, the three story building is so badly damaged but the crews do not now how or where it ignited. one resident was very upset, he did not want to go on camera. he called 9-1-1 and awoke to the fire and described banging above his second floor apartment and he looked out the window and saw smoke pouring from the floor above him. every firefighter in the alameda fire department, 24 in total, responded. here is what they found when they arrived minutes later. >> heavy fire on the roof. we made an aggressive attack for an hour, we fought fire, still unable to get certain locations and we had to go defensive. we are self-hours into this and we are working on going back interior starting to light the area and look if safety concerns because the roof has come in witholds in the floors and we
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will start work in the interior and take the 409 spots out. >> the fire chief says residents of six apartments in the corner building are displaced and the red cross is here to help them and one apartment in this building is a total loss. again, neighboring apartments were not affected and they share walls with the building. those families, again, are just now let back if their home to go to sleep. possibly they could go straight to work. firefighters are still here making sure that the fire is completely out and working to determine the cause of this fire. >> thank you. from san jose, a one alarm fire displaced 21 people in an apartment building breaking out before midnight. firefighters brought the flames under control in 15 minutes, and two units were damaged and no word, yet, on a cause. >> in less than 3 minutes, the supreme court will hear arguments in the first of two
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landmark cases on same-sex marriage. here is a live look from outside the uss supreme court where at 7:00 our time, less than half an hour, justices will hear arguments on prop 8. people gathered outside with speeches being made. in the last hour we heard from a couple from berkeley, one of two couples behind the lawsuit to overturn the ban. >> we look forward to a day when we can celebrate our marriage with our now children and all of the children in california and across the country who can feel included and as good as everyone else. >> after prop 8 was passed by voters in 2008 lower courts ruled it unconstitutional for denying equal rights. polls show half americans now support same-sex marriage. tomorrow, the justices will take under the federal defense of marriage act which defines
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marriage as between one man and one woman. >> the court has a long list of options in this case including the justices could overturn prop 8 making the pan on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. they could uphold prop 8 permitsing the ban on same-sex marriage to remain in place in dozens of states including california. they could strike down prop 8 because the people defending it do not have the right to do so which would allow same-sex marriages to resume this california. the court takes up a separate issue, the defense of marriage act on wednesday. a ruling is expected in both in june. >> supporters of same-sex marriage will gather today at the federal courthouse in san francisco. last night, several thousand people marched in support, one of the large of the rallies in years in was tremendous. the march want through market street to city hall where the rallying cries of manyers was louder. today's rally starts at 4:00.
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abc7 news reporter is in washington, dc, with one of the coveted seats in the courtroom for two days of hearing in the supreme court today and tomorrow. her live reports continue tonight right here on abc7 news. >> as the high court considers the legality of gay marriage, katie couric asks, what is being gay in america mean today focusing on several families who faced extreme odds living gay and lesbians in communities that do not easily] save their lifestyles. >> starting today the morning commute is very different for some bay area drivers. we are live at the historic project now open to traffic. >> but, first, a dog snatched from a bart train leads to a frantic search. police reveal how they finally tracked down woman's best friend. >> a live look outside for you, bay bridge toll plaza, with traffic backing up and metering lights are on with some clouds
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and we have traffic and weather together next as
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>> waking up to coastal clouds you you can see from the camera. san francisco is looking nice but we have clouds along the shoreline. otherwise the clouds will scatter and you will need the jack secret foe a cool afternoon but right now it is mild in hayward at 50. 45 in los gatos. the temperatures in the bay under partly cloudy sky in the mid-60's over the east bay and inland east bay is warmer in the upper 60's and the mid-50's but we should also see the clouds clear out of the shoreline. another partly cloudy afternoon tomorrow, best chance of showers comes in open thursday and warmer for friday. >> if your travels take you eastbound, tonightly this is the reverse commute, we have a
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problem with a hit-and-run accident which has been cleared from the lanes but it is still. the westbound come mute is slow, at 35 miles per hour into the concord area, and westbound 580, very slow from tracy up and over the altamont pass and eastbound road work is still there with three right lanes blocked until 11:00 this morning and drive times at 580, 37 minutes to the dublin/pleasanton area and highway four westbound into concord sluggish from antioch and the 80 commute is not too bad into the macarthur maze from highway 4 and under 20 minutes. >> tremendous relief this morning for a san bruno woman who was searching if her stolen dog. the woman was reunited with archie yesterday. she was riding bart with arrestally and she fell asleep and someone snatched thing do. archie is trained to help her
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deal with anxiety she suffered since surviving a plane crash. police identified archie through a microchristian and criminal charges are pending in the case. >> do not be jealous, he is not old enough to buy a drink but thanks to his genius and an area company's deep millionaire, he is about to be very well-known. trading is underway on wall street with the dow up 70 points. we will check with jane king live at the new york stock exchange. >> first, drivers have a reason to celebrate this morning in san mateo at the new devil's slide tunnel with what t
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>> santa rosa, berkeley, and slow and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> new this morning, after years of planning and construction, the new devil's slide tunnel are open to traffic this morning in san mateo county. the very first morning commute with the tunnels is going on right now. abc7 news reporter reporter went inside the tunnel. >> look behind me, history in the making, some of the very first cars to come through these tunnels opened up overnight. the drive so far is going smooth. look at that, cars coming throughout without problems. here is what it looks like on the inside of the $439 million tunnels. you can see what it looks like, we had no problems to report. we go through easy, with in problems as you get through here. look at this picture you will see in case there is any doubt,
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they do have lit up signs to let you know the tunnels are open. it comes with a warning. they would like you to go through carefully and give room for error. everyone is thrilled they are here because now they don't have to go through the trip that is so dangerous. you are nice and protected and everyone is happen and we have heard some honking as people go through for the first time. >> 6:46. this morning we are learning more of the british teen who got a multimillion dollar deal with yahoo selling an app to yahoo summarizing news stories for small screens and is worth $30 million but yahoo will not confirm that. part of the c.e.o.'s of thes to
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attract new engineers focusing on services for smartphones and tablets. he taught himself to write software at 12 and both an app when he was 15 so that is $2 million for every year he was alive until he wrote the app. >> is he old enough to control his own bank account? >> good question. >> the job market here is still tough for college graduates. >> news in housing is getter better and better. now live to the new york stock exchange. we have a report out saying that residential real estate prices increased in january the most since the heydays of 2006. the home price index claim 8 percent compared to a year ago and the shadow inventory of distressed homes fell 18 percent in january compared to a year ago and down 28 percent from the height when housing was in the big slump. the markets this morning are slightly positive crass the
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board with the dow up 80 points and silicon valley index is looking like this, higher, as well. news on the job market is not fantastic. economists saying unlike in the 1990's robots and other technology are reducing the demand for graduates with advance skills so as the economy recovers many with college degrees are struggling to find work. there is hope for people with degrees in accounting and i.t. and marketing and finance, and from michigan state, they say hirings from there is expected to increase for 2013 compared to last year. those who da not perform well in math in first grade have trouble always cashing up. those who lag behind in first grade who were the same who troubled with mat as an adult. early programs can help.
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>> a quick update on the earthquake we told you about in mexico that happened half an hour ago, first they reported it as 5.8 but now, it has been downgraded to 5.5 earthquake and there was an after shock of 5.1 earthquake a few minutes later but no reports of damage or injury but the buildings in mexico city did sway, but it is okay right now. >> now the weather forecast, looking to lisa. >> clear now but we had a few sprinkles. the coast is looking at a gray start with scattered clouds and temperatures with the cloud cover are mild, in the 40's to 50 for hayward and 47 and by the delta, and 42 in santa rosa. visibility is reduced to half a mile in the bay bridge and the clouds are here. they will scatter out for another partly cloudy afternoon
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and 49 in slow and 45 around santa cruz. the highlights and the forecast scale for the cloudy intervals from time to time, but, over ail, partly cloudy today with a better chance of rain coming in on thursday and for the holiday weekend, which includes easter, it could be wet. satellite picture is a weak system moved through yesterday and it rung out a little bit of hour and behind it, with the moisture piling up over the higher elevations, we could wring out a few light sprinkles from the higher elevation today and tomorrow and the next couple of days, the bulk of the activity will be dry and we could see a few higher elevations or could get precipitation but by tomorrow afternoon with the high clouds it clears out and it is not until thursday we see maybe a better chance of showers in the north and east pay, back home, talking again mid-60's in santa clara and 62 along the peninsula, and san francisco, again, a cool 59 but 65 in santa
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rosa and 63 in hayward, and over the hills, it will be in the mid-60's if concord and 67 in pleasanton and a shower on thursday and better chance this weekend. >> we have a couple of accidents to report to you, we will go, first, headed back to the concord area and this is westbound, blocking a lane of traffic, and look at the line of red, it is bumper to bumper and a grind from antioch to the concord area at this point and westbound 580 at grant line we had a hit-and-run not blocking a lane of traffic with a slow, slow crawl into livermore area and mass transit is a great way to go and remember, bart late at night after 10:00 p.m. you could be expensing delays due to transbay tube maintenance just a head's inon that and everything is on time. >> 6:52. >> five things to know before you go.
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>> the only news
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>> good morning, everyone, 6:54 on this tuesday. a live look from point tamalpais and what do you see? low clouds covering parts of san francisco and the east bay. >> as we are ready to hand things off to "good morning america" here are five things to know. number one, the supreme court is minutes away, now, from hearing oral arguments on two landmark cases involving gay marriage. today's hearing on prop 8 starts at 7:00. justices are considering the constitutional of california's ban on same-sex marriage. today, they will take up the fell defense of marriage act. >> supporters of same-sex marriage rights rally this afternoon in san francisco and they will gather at 4:00 at the federal courthouse. yesterday, several thousand people turned out for a march and rally at city hall. >> number three, fire crews in alameda are investigating the cause of a fire that destroyed
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part of a three-story apartment building this morning breaking out on park street near san jose avenue before 2:30. the red cross is helping half a dozen people displaced by the fire. >> after decades in the making the new tunnels of highway one between pacifica and half moon bay are open for traffic this morning. the drivers can now bypass the steep winding portion of coastal highway known as devil's slide which is vulnerable to rock-slide related closures. >> the search is underway for a person who stole a scar with --r with a baby in it. gabriella quintera, 11 months olds was brought home safe a few hours after the amber alert. >> and now the forecast? >> maybe a few sprinkles but by and large just clouds at the coast. you can see this shot from san francisco, with the cloud cover, we mild, low-to-upper 40's and
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even around 50, and this afternoon, look for cloudy conditions and mid-60's in the east bay and warmer with upper 60's and the coast is holding on to the clouds by noontime and you, too, should see more sunshine, with upper 50's. we got a little rain that could be visited us for the weekend. >> you can see metering lights are on and it is jam packed in the macarthur maze, also sluggish on the upper deck and we will take a live shot of 80 at powell treaty in the emeryville area you can see the cars are topped on the shoulder blocking the on-ramp to westbound 80, that is a stall and a little bit further to the east of that, westbound 80, at albany, we have a car off to the shoulder there with an accident and that is partly blocking the lane, as wealth, due to a bumper in the roadway so we have debris and problems moving into the macarthur maze at this point. aa rough morning out there. >> abc7 news continues in 25
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minutes with news, weather, and traffic. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. captioned by, closed captioning (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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good morning, america. and breaking this morning, a stunning reversal for amanda knox as her acquittal on murder
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charges is overturned by an italian court. she has just responded. calling the ruling painful, saying the prosecution is unfounded and unfair. will she be forced to return to italy? her attorney joins us live. and breaking now, america's top court weighs gay marriage this morning in one of the highest profile cases ever to face the nine justices. guaranteed seats to watch the hearing reportedly going for $6,000. the entire nation watching, we're live at the supreme court. extortion plot caught on tape. the founders of the country's most popular mall jewelry store chain victims of a multimillion dollar blackmail scheme. the surprising person now under arrest. ♪ hello ♪ hello ♪ at a place called vertigo and death-defying stunts. 3,000 feet up over rio. the american daredevils balancing, dangling even sitting cross-legged in midair. how do they do it?
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♪ feel good morning, america. great to have the whole gang back this morning. welcome back, josh. let's go right to that courthouse in rome, italy. the news broke at 5:00 this morning. a new trial for amanda knox. it stunned her and her family. remember, she was acquitted almost 18 months ago of murder. this legal nightmare began six years ago. >> and as you said, it's continuing. her attorney ted simon will join us live in just a moment. he was the one who broke the news to amanda this morning. let's get right to abc's lama hasan with the breaking developments. lama? >> reporter: good morning to you, robin. what a dramatic day. italy's highest criminal court has ordered a retrial in the gays


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