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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 1, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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♪ more and more these days young girls are dressing like small grownups. but a new trend is taking that to a whole new level. >> bras for girls as young as 4 years old.
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now a teenager is cashing in on the trend. here's abc's paula faris. >> reporter: it's no secret, lingerie can be pretty racy. 18-year-old megan thinks young girls need a bra that is not so revealing. >> i was shopping for bras with my younger sister margaret and couldn't find anything she could fit in to. >> reporter: so she founded yellowberry and offered comfortable and modest options. it is the latest spring fashion craze for tweens known as the bra cami or bralette. it looks a lot like a sports bra, essentially a half camisole with straps and some stretch. at mainstream stores, the cropped camis are flying off the shelves but with some stores selling them to fit a 4-year-old even this more modest option is sparking debate online. one mom writing, it's inappropriate for her daughter who is 5. there will be no bralette, she says. her father thinks bikinis are
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too much for little girls. >> when you use the word bra it evokes images of a sexually mature woman and that makes us uncomfortable. >> reporter: they say it is nothing more than a fashion statement and say it helps an increasing number of girls who are developing earlier feel less insecure. >> a lot of the fashions started to become off the shoulder or lower back with a bigger arm hole, so i wanted to create something to give the girls a sense of comfort. >> reporter: a style that says girls can be comfortable. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> i'm not sure what i'm missing, 4 year olds wearing bralettes. what's up with that? >> i think this is up to the parent. you are the mom and dad and you determine -- there are a lot of things on the store shelves that i don't buy. you just don't buy it. >> if you are 4 years old you don't need this thing. don't buy it, right. >> don't buy it unless it is part of an outfit, you are trying to create some sort of a
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look, you are layering something. i get the need. >> a fashion accessory. >> sure, but to just have it as some kind of support, she's 4 years old. >> all right. coming up, may is here which means summer movie season is here. >> we are joined by rotten tomatoes editor grae drake. we'll look at what is hot even if the weather is not. and the story for the search for a diamond in the rough thousands of miles away from the baseball diamond. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this f
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♪ welcome back, everyone. it is time now for "insomniac theater." the summer season starts in may, and as the season heats up we wonder what movies will sizzle
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and lure us in to the theater. joining us is the senior editor of rotten tomatoes. you are going to lead the horse and tell us what you think is worth it to get off the couch, out of the backyard and in to the theaters this summer. >> i think we're in for a fantastic summer. i'm super excited, and the first thing that gets me super jazzed is "transformers age of extinction." i'm so psyched because it's the fourth movie in the series. normally a series gets worse as it goes on. that's just statistics, but this is a recast. we have a whole new crew. it's been four years since the last film took place and we have mark wahlberg leading the pack, right. >> i'm excited. >> he finds a semi trailer truck. it happens to be optimist prime. >> so this is a reinvention, this is not a continuation. >> exactly. >> oh, i'm very excited about this. >> and there's also something for really hard-core "transformers" fans in the movie they are excited about.
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dinobots. exactly what they sound like, robot dinosaurs. >> awesome. a little bit of everything for everybody here. >> definitely. and michael bays always delivers action. these movies are super fun and a good excuse to spend a million dollars on popcorn. >> switching gears. we will talk about something else in the theaters. this is something for everybody who's still young at heart. >> we have "malificent." angelina jolie is playing the lead character. she's the villain, right? but she's also angelina jolie, so we'll get a whole different side of "the sleeping beauty" story from her point of view. she's been wronged and that's why she turns out to be so terrible. >> really? >> uh-huh. >> is this something you can take your boyfriend and husband to? >> i think so. i think this one will satisfy everybody, because angelina jolie in s&m gear with her weird little horn, i think the art direction will be beautiful. and she's fantastic and elle fanning is playing sleeping beauty. fantastic performers, you can't go wrong.
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>> that's true, fantastic actors make fantastic movies. switching gears now to a comedy. >> it's the summer of a comedy. seth mcfarland scores huge with his comedy movies. he's responsible for "ted," if you remember the marijuana-smoking teddy bear. right? so "a mill ways to die in the west" is a western straight up. >> really? >> except a lot of people die. >> okay. >> he's got charlize theron in it, liam neeson and i think the movie will be spectacular. because essentially seth mcfarland will be like clint eastwood except pianos will be falling on people in the background. >> so essentially you're telling me that people lying is like people farting and everybody's laughing, right? >> beautifully put. >> this is one to the see even though everyone is dieing. >> for sure. >> i'm in for laughs. one more. >> the final movie i think is
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spectacular is coming from marvel who's already released "captain america, the winter soldier" and that was perfect. it will be "guardians of the galaxy" coming out in august which is a bonkers off the wall plot. it has a talking raccoon. it has a walking tree. >> uh-huh. >> and it has chris pratt from "parks and recreation" as a guy named star lord. >> okay. >> right? and every comic book fan that figured out they were making this asked why because it is not really a well-known comic. >> i have no idea who you are talking about. so yeah. >> it shows how much confidence marvel has in all its comics. i think it will jazz up what is supposed to be the end of summer go out on a high note. we are going out on a high note, i think marvel keeps making spectacular films. "guardians of the galaxy" is going to totally rule. >> i can't thank you enough for being here. i'm not go to ask which is in the best of the four in i'm so excited about these movies. that is the tip of the iceberg but i think those will deliver.
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>> so we have to have you back. i'm here. wonderful. our thanks to grae drake from rotten tomatoes. we will be back with more from "world news now."
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air wick. the craft of fragrance. as a i'm still not going toall the pmake it to mars,o visit. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping.
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yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. all right, "mix" time. this is really interesting video of a mama bear and her cub doing something interesting. it is more proof you can't get away from a bear. no matter what. because check this out. did you know they can rock climb? >> whoa! >> isn't that crazy? >> i didn't know that. >> this is mama with her cubs. don't try this at home. it is an endangered mexican black bear. mama and cub. they are climbing a canyon wall. this happened just in march. >> effortlessly. >> some kayakers shot this. can you believe it, bears can climb? >> look at the size of their claws. humans are using hooks about that size to climb walls. >> so if you thought you were going to escape bears by scaling the rock face, no such thing. >> there is no escaping the bear. >> no. >> you don't play dead, you get
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big and don't run, right? >> yes. certain bears, black or brown. one you sort of back up from and go okay. and the other you make noise and beat your chest and throw rocks. >> make sure you know which is which. >> grizzly bears you don't throw rocks at. you walk away slowly from them. i need to show you this next video because it's absolutely hilarious. i'm going to introduce you to a batty winkle. look at this. a couple of pictures of her on twitter and instagram. there she is in a bathing suit and she posted it with a caption that says on my way to steal your man. >> nice. >> here she is with the caption hola amigo. by the way, her cheeky tag line on social media is stealing your man since 1928. and the reason we are telling you about her is because of this fine piece of video right here. batty winkle's latest contribution to social media is a twerking video.
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there you have it. she is 86 years old. did i happen to mention that? >> 86. >> she has 200,000 followers on twitter. >> on the way to steal your man. >> stealing your man since 1928. >> there's a slogan. check it out, an igloo up for sale in the park reserve priced at $300,000. check that out. it is an 80-foot structure erected four decades ago, plywood, 2x6s, never quite completed. 38 acres. on sale, $300,000. no electricity. what do you think? >> no thanks. >> not a fan of the igloo. >> i will go with the $200 million home in connecticut. 30 seconds to show you this but it doesn't matter because it's a cool video. it is a trick shot. check it out. these guys in michigan put it together from jennison high school. over the house. >> no way. no way. >> nothing but net. there you have it. they tried it, by the way, for
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30 minutes before they got
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man: constant tingling in my toes. woman: i had double vision. man: they said, "you have multiple sclerosis." man: i kind of had to get a grasp on reality. man: i had to adapt and change very rapidly. woman: i had to lear how to drive with my hands -- yeah, that was interesting. man: a symptom may cause you not to be able to do that anymore, and at one point, i was able to do any of those. man: since i've been cycling, it's definitely helped my walking. woman: it's a fantastic opportunity to be working together with a common goal of curing ms, and sharing is the key.
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this morning on "world news now," frightening fires, fears of hurricane-force winds today blowing dangerous flames in to southern california neighborhoods. flooding downpours. the rain keeps falling at a rapid rate across a huge area of the east. the rescues and damage of the slow-motion storm system. ready to buy. the los angeles clippers scandal and the celebrities and athletes anxious to purchase the team. could oprah winfrey be part owner? accidental success. farrell williams' mega hit "happy." the singer reveals somebody else was set to record the song instead. secrets revealed from the music world on this thursday, may 1st. ♪
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good thursday morning, everyone. we begin with the extreme heat and winds in southern california and the battle to contain the wildfire. >> crews working through the night trying to create a line around the flames. so far more than 1100 acres have burned. weather conditions are expected to remain difficult. here's abc's mary bruce. >> reporter: billowing smoke and bright flames leaping through the foothills, fueled by blistering 90-degree heat and surging 80 mile an hour winds. >> every time you think it is just going to go by, it doesn't. these houses last time, the backyards burned on these houses so we know it is really and can happen. >> reporter: the wind-whipped wildfire tearing across hundreds of acres, threatening homes in the suburbs east of los angeles. conditions so dangerous more than 1600 homeowners were forced to evacuate. >> you get that adrenaline rush where you know you have to pack up all your belongings and
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potentially have to stay somewhere else for a while. but the thought goes through your head, i'm going to lose it all but it is material stuff. as long as everybody's okay, that's what really matters. >> reporter: schools were also shut down. parents and students rushing to get out of the smoky air. >> it's kind of scary because it's too close to home. >> reporter: this dad received a worrying text message. >> hey, dad. we are evacuating school because of the fire. >> reporter: the fight against the blaze complicated by the hurricane-like winds so fierce that helicopters and aircraft, normally used in a fire like this are grounded. >> it's too windy to have aircraft in the air. about 30 miles an hour is the ceiling they will allow aircraft to take off and we are well above that. so when we have a break in the weather consistently, we can bring those resources in. >> reporter: until then, crews are battling steep terrain to reach the fire from the ground. a heat wave and drought have made the area vulnerable and it doesn't look like the winds will let up any time soon. john and diana. >> mary, thank you. now to our other developing story this morning. rain and too much of it. pensacola, florida, is drying
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out after setting a single day record for rainfall. nearly two feet of rain fell there from tuesday in to yesterday. the flooding that resulted from it destroyed roads and inundated neighborhoods. hundreds of people called for help, but the high water made them extremely difficult to get to. one rescuer you see there carried a baby to safety through the flooding. >> we have been getting people out of cars. people driving through the puddles, they get trapped. we try to get to them. we have had guys swimming to them. >> it seems incredible to think the same storm system that flooded the florida panhandle spawned the deadly tornadoes in oklahoma and arkansas. at least 37 people were killed in that destruction. things didn't get better as the system moved north. the heavy rain was too much for a street in baltimore that collapsed cars along with dirt and debris, slid down onto a set of train tracks. people living closest to the crops are evacuated and are spending the night elsewhere. the train tracks owned by csx which sighs all traffic through that area has now been halted.
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here in new york, all that rain too much for drain systems in a lot of neighborhoods, plenty of cars and homes flooded. luckily, no injuries being reported. mudslides close to the busiest commuter railways. they expect problems for the morning rush. here's a look at your weather today. heavy rain along the east coast especially during the morning hours. showers across the upper midwest and great lakes,ics maryland with snow in minnesota. another scorcher in the west, strong santa ana winds in southern california are going to keep the fire danger high. >> 70s in the east, warmer in florida and 50s in the midwest. but record-setting 80s and 90s out west. new this morning, toronto mayor rob ford is getting help for substance abuse. ford released a statement last night admitting he has a problem with alcohol saying he is taking a leave from his re-election campaign and from his duties as mayor to seek help. that came after newspapers including the "globe and mail" showed videos and photos of the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine. the images were recorded on
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friday reportedly in the basement of his sister's home. workers making the federal minimum wage will have to wait for a raise. republicans in the senate have blocked a bill which would have gradually raised the wage to $10.10 an hour. the defeat is certain to be a major campaign issue going in to fall elections. here's abc's karen travers. >> reporter: it wasn't an unexpected result, but it was still a significant defeat for president obama. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: the senate failed to move forward on a bill that would have raised the federal minimum wage from 7.25 an hour to 10.10 an hour. only one republican, senator bob corker, voted to continue debate. senate majorly leader harry reid said the issue highlights differences between fellow democrats and republicans. >> they are fighting for the billionaires and we're fighting for the people who are struggling to make a living. >> reporter: but the consensus among senate republicans is that raising the minimum wage would hurt small businesses. >> raising the minimum wage by 40% will not grow the economy.
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it will not create jobs. it will do the opposite. >> reporter: this is a big issue for president obama. at the white house, he said senate republicans failed working americans. >> by preventing even a vote on this bill, they prevented a raise for 28 million hard-working americans. >> reporter: democrats want this debate front and center heading indo this fall's midterm elections. an abc news "washington post" poll from january found two-thirds of americans support raising the minimum wage. and recent polling shows americans by a whopping 31 points say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports raising the wage. republicans say democrats are using the issue to make them look bad because they see the president's low approval ratings and they have their eye on the november election. but democrats say they will keep bringing this issue up for a vote again and again, even if
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they keep failing. >> all right, karen travers, thank you. the bailout of general motors has cost american taxpayers more than $11 billion, a billion more than initially estimated. that loss includes more than $800 million the u.s. treasury wrote off last month ending its involvement with gm. the bush and obama administrations collectively distributed $50 billion in emergency aid to gm to help that company survive the economic crisis. the dow is opening in record territory this morning. stocks closed at an all-time high yesterday. hitting 16,580, slightly topping the number set in november. the federal reserve said it would reduce the bond-buying programs but plans to keep the benchmark interest rate at near zero. topping the health headlines this morning, a warning about the uv lights used in the popular gel manicures. researchers looked at 17 ultraviolet lamps from commercial nail salons and tested them for uva radiation, a type of light known to cause dna damage. they found that after about 10 to 12 visits, there maybe enough
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cumulative exposure to cause skin damage. a 10-year-old texas boy is getting treatment after being bitten by a rabid skunk. this happened in the dallas area convention center where the skunk wandered through an open door. untreated rabies can be fatal but after getting a series of shots the child is expected to be just fine. >> the boy was attending a reptile and exotic animal convention when the skunk which was not part of the convention bit him. he will need a round of six painful shots. look at that poor boy. he is too shy to talk to the reporters. >> that's his second round of shots he is getting right now, and his mom said she was more worried about the snakes at the convention center than she was a random skunk. >> who would think, right? >> poor little guy. hopefully he will be okay. wildlife officials in harrisburg, pennsylvania, hoping for a mother-child reunion. a 4-month-old bear cub showed up on the doorstep of a hair salon on tuesday. oh, my gosh, that's so cute. the owners gathered him up in a towel, named him boo-boo and then took him to a local and mall hospital. >> they said the cub took to the
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bottle so well it means he was probably still nursing. people in the area say they have seen the mama bear and her two cubs this season. game officials are now trying to find this mom to reunite her with her cub. and they are hoping that happened because it's so rare and usual for the mama bear to be separated from her baby bears. >> check out boo-boo. >> he is so adorable. they are feeding him. obviously they want to keep him alive and well but don't want to be too dependent on human hands. they are trying to keep him in a wildlife state and eventually they want to reunite him with his mama bear. and if they can't find mama bear they will make sure he is well enough and strong enough before they release him in to the wild. >> look at those eyes. >> so adorable. coming up in "the skinny," zac efron's personal approach to some very embarrassing public problems. and later, real-life inspiration from the baseball field to the silver screen. add a "mad man" superstar and it could be a winning hollywood
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combination. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: world news now" weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. w weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. o weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. rl weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. d weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. ne weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. w w weather brought to you by lysol, someone cleaning thefor me. lysol. start healthing.
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tonight the los angeles clippers will try to focus on basketball as they play game six of their series in the first round of the western conference
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playoffs. >> the guys have been through a lot but they are getting worldwide support. now some famous faces are hoping to lead the team to better days. here's abc's ryan smith. >> reporter: the l.a. clippers are suddenly the hottest property in sports. oprah winfrey says she is quote in discussions with music mogul david geffen and software billionaire larry ellison to make a joint bid for the clippers. magic johnson denies he wants the team but floyd mayweather says he does. >> me and my team do want to buy the clippers and we can afford the clippers. >> reporter: but before any of that happens, 75% of nba team owners must vote to force disgraced clippers boss donald sterling to sell. abc news called all 29 team owners to ask how they would vote. they all told them the nba asked them to stay silent. only one of the them, vivek ranadive from the sacramento kings, said he would vote to oust sterling. >> these teams really belong to
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the fans and players. we owners are simply custodians. so i fully expect that commissioner silver will get the support that he seeks. >> reporter: lebron james, basketball's biggest star, turned up the pressure on the owners. >> no matter how long it takes, no matter how much money it costs, we need to get him out of there, whoever is associated with him. he doesn't belong in our league. >> reporter: sterling has been in seclusion while the women in his life bask in the attention. his wife shelly cheering on the clippers. and v.stiviano had some bizarre comments of her own. >> one day i will become the president of the united states of america and i will change the legislation and laws. >> reporter: earlier she roller skated away from reporters still wearing that visor. so what happens next? the nba said there is no time frame for a vote to remove sterling from ownership. in the meantime, the nba also telling us that league officials will meet today to discuss the next steps and to move the process forward. ryan smith, abc news, los angeles.
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>> by the way, there are sports economists who say the team could sell for as much as a billion dollars. someone with a lot of money or a group of people with a lot of money need to step in here. >> oprah winfrey's name thrown out there. she has a net worth of $2.9 billion. david geffen, 2.6 billion, and larry ellison, $50 billion. >> bid in 2010, $600 million bid to have a controlling stake in the team. that was rejected by sterling. so it's going to be interesting to see what's going to happen, but the bottom line, it seems to be that everybody wants donald out. >> i think that's pretty much unanimous. >> i think so so, too. when we come back, why the popular song "happy" almost had a very different sound. plus, brand new this morning, the trailer for the latest "teenager mutan ninja
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♪ skinny so skinny >> "the skinny" time. ♪ skinny so skinny >> "the skinny" time. farrell was not the first to record the phenomenal hit "happy." >> ceelo green actually recorded the song before him. farrell says the powers that be decided green should concentrate on his album and not that song. but he says green harbors no bitterness about missing out on a huge hit. pretty huge hit.
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>> can you imagine? i am sure the ceelo green version would sound great, but i can't imagine anyone else singing it. >> i can't hear it any other way. >> i'm glad he got it because he -- learned about him. he is a journeyman. been out there for a long time and now he is a star. he deserves it. there are more disappointed miley cyrus fans out there, this time across the pond. >> the singer postponed two shows scheduled for this week in amsterdam and belgium. symptoms from an allergic reaction she suffered from earlier this month have supposedly returned and she's under doctor's care. >> cyrus had to reschedule several u.s. concerts for her sold out tour. no word if the entire european tour is in jeopardy. all right. the "teenage human ninja turtles" about to climb out of the sewers again. a new movie in the work and the filmmakers released this trailer them turtles come to the rescue of a city that is in the hands
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of the evil shredder and the evil foot clan. >> and they team up with the fearless reporter april o'neill played by megan fox. she's pretty good in roles like this. instead of the actors wearing funky costumes they get the better treatment, much better. i don't know if it is much better. i like the old-school, costumy, teenage mutant ninja turtles. >> i never saw the old one. >> it is good. >> it is good. >> yeah. zac efron said he is getting help for alcohol and drugs. in a hollywood reporter interview, efron said, quote, it's a never-ending struggle. and he just joined aa and just started therapy. >> efron talks about what it is like to be successful so young and have mistakes play out so publicly. he said he is in a good place now and efron's co-star with seth rogen in the movie "neighbors" is coming out over the weekend. next up, former child star mary kate olson and her fiance
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olivier sarkozy are living large in new york city. >> wow, oh, wow. they recently got engaged and purchased a new mega townhouse on the east side of midtown manhattan. included in it. >> holy mackerel. >> 8,000 square feet of space, a ballroom with 22-foot ceilings. >> folks, if you don't live in new york, you can't imagine how massive that is relatively speaking. the private balcony overlooking an outlet street. they paid $13.5 million. the original asking price was 3 million more than that. i guess it was a bargain. >> wow! incredible. >> diana, who's your favorite disney princess? >> has to be ariel. >> ariel. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm thinking i'm a jasmine fan. we now know which is the most popular. of the five most likely the little mermaid was fifth, followed by anna from "frozen," snow white after that, the runner up cinderella and most popular is elsa from "frozen."
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rankings from merchandise on sale from ebay. you didn't see "frozen" yet, did you? >> i don't know if she can be better than ariel, though. ♪ now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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♪ a new movie is about trying to find a diamond in the rough. it's about the search for a baseball superstar in a country where most people have never played the game. >> abc's bob woodruff has a look at the story behind the movie and the star who is bringing it to life. >> you can't play someone who has never picked up a baseball. it's insane. >> reporter: insane? maybe, but this idea of jamie bernstein actually worked. now it's a movie from our parent company disney called "million dollar arm." >> i'm j.b. bernstein. >> reporter: bernstein played by "mad men's" jon hamm. >> we can deliver to major league baseball the first indian ballplayer. that's a billion new fans. >> reporter: the concept was almost like an "american idol." >> million dollar arm.
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>> reporter: to find the next baseball star in india, a country where cricket is really the king. >> there's literally over 100 million men who grow up playing cricket and that's it. >> reporter: 37,000 hopefuls. among them, some very bizarre techniques. >> impressed with his unique pitching action. >> the first time he threw a baseball ever, he stood there for about 30 seconds frozen, and we're all like, what's this guy doing? and he lets it go. we're like oh, my gosh. is that right, 82 with that motion? >> reporter: despite his unusual style, that arm, dubbed the flamingo won this man the rinku singh contest. back then, i did get a chance to play catch with him and the runner up dinesh patel. all right. did you ever see one of these in television or in pictures? >> no. >> reporter: you never saw this before? >> no. >> reporter: even so, both of them were drafted by the pittsburgh pirates playing for
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their minor league team, and this helping train the actors who trained them on the big screen. >> just believing in the american dream. this is my buddy here. >> reporter: rinku will get another tryout, hopefully to play for the majors sometime this year but he has given up throwing like a flamingo. bob woodruff, abc news, new york. >> that is just the craziest story. >> listen to this. they had never seen baseball or played baseball before. apparently they found a trainer, his name is tom house, played by bill baxton in the movie. he trained them in eight months and after arriving in the u.s. eight months later they were drafted by the pirates, eight months. everybody out there who has a 5, 6, 7-year-old and can't figure fought they are going to be stars of baseball, get them to this guy. >> like they said, 100 million men. a couple of them are bound to be superstars. it's just a numbers game. >> wow. >> this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for
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two decades.
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hmm. [cell phone beeps] hey! [police whistle blows] [horns honking] woman: hey! [bicycle bell rings] turn here. there. excuse me. uh. uh. [indistinct announcement on p.a. system] so, same time next week? well, of course. announcer: put away a few bucks. feel like a million bucks. for free tips to help you save, go to ♪ feed the pig
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good morning. i'm john muller. >> i'm diana perez. here's the top headlines we are following this morning on "world news now." millions of people up and down the east coast are dealing with flooding this morning as a powerful storm system finally moves away. the same system that dumped two feet of rain in some areas caused deadly tornados earlier this week in oklahoma and in arkansas. we have full details coming up. high winds and high temperatures continue to hamper efforts to control a wildfire burning east of los angeles. about 1100 acres have burned. residents were briefly evacuated. a train carrying crude oil derailed in lynchburg, virginia. sparking a mass maive fire and spilling oil into the river. no one was hurt and the fire was allowed to burp out. it's the latest in a string of accidents involving oil trains. think canadian newspaper
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"the globe and mail" has released pictures and video that show toronto mayor rob ford smoking crack cocaine for at least the second time. after they were published ford announced he is seeking immediate help for substance abuse. those are some of the top stories on this thursday, may 1st. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> may 1st. >> i know. >> it seems like it should be sunny and warm and the east coast is buried in cold and rain. >> it also seems like it should be february 1st. like this year just got started. >> i'm still waiting for the warmup. >> what's going on? >> what's going on? >> i'm getting old and the years are going too quickly. >> join the club. we begin this half hour with all the rain and flooding we mentioned in the headlines. >> here's a look at the latest radar. plenty of rain from the southeast to new england and around the great lakes. >> this video taken by a drone flying over one of the many neighborhoods in florida. this is pensacola. the city is coming off the
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single rainiest day ever recorded. abc's gio benitez has seen firsthand some of the damage the flood left behind. >> reporter: relentless rain is pounding the east coast. it's a deluge. just outside of washington, d.c. water rescues. this man drove on to this bridge and was trapped. a water rescue team getting him to safety in this inflatable raft. it's the same system that brought devastating tornados to 14 states and claimed at least 37 lives. in pensacola, florida, nearly two feet of rain turned streets in to muddy cliffs. in one neighborhood, geysers of mud, trucks washed away, roads lined with abandoned cars, firefighters taking this 5-month-old baby from a flooded house and reuniting the child with the mother. >> we have been getting people out of cars. people driving through the puddles. they get trapped. we get out there. we try to get to them.
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we have had our guys actually swimming to them. >> reporter: this house lopsided. a waterfall forming between the street and the yard. in alabama, an elderly woman in mobile, carried by firefighters after her car was stuck in a flooded street. another woman, killed after driving her car through high water. these violent storms packed with lightning. at one point, more than 1,000 strikes per minute and there was so much rain here in pensacola that this road just collapsed. you see the truck right there? there was a woman inside at the time. amazingly she got out okay. gio benitez, abc news. pensacola. we're getting an up close look at the sheer force behind one of those deadly twisters that gio mentioned. this is what an ef-3 tornado looks like. surveillance video inside a mississippi car dealership shows the twister whipping up winds topping 136 miles an hour. shattering glass and damaging more than 150 cars. workers and customers had to run for cover. but there were no serious
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injuries. the opposite story on the west coast. high temperatures and winds help to spark a wildfire not far from los angeles. this morning fire crews are aided by bulldozers working to create a line around the flames. abc's david wright is on the fire line. >> reporter: 90-degree heat and winds nearly 90 miles an hour turning these suburbs east of l.a. into a convention oven. >> looks pretty big right now. >> reporter: the conditions so treacherous more than 1600 homeowners briefly had to evacuate. >> they are like grab as much as you can because they might come and evacuate everybody. >> reporter: schools closed, too. some parents got worrying text messages from their kids. >> hey, dad, we are vacating school because of the fire and that's all. >> kind of scary because it's too close to home. >> reporter: authorities have now lifted the mandatory evacuation orders, but the helicopters and aircraft that would normally be used to battle this blaze are still grounded. >> it's too windy to have aircraft in the air. about 30 miles an hour is about the ceiling they will allow aircraft to take off, and we are well above that.
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when we have a break in the weather consistently we can bring those resources in. >> reporter: instead firefighters have been struggling over steep terrain to get to the fire. these winds are at hurricane strength in some of the canyons and there's no sign they'll let up. in fact, red flag warnings are expected to continue through thursday. david wright, abc news, at the etiwanda fire in california. >> along with those red flag warnings, southern california can expect record heat. >> the latest on the conditions in california and on the rainstorms in the east. we go to accu-weather's jim dickey. good morning, jim. >> good morning, john and diana. the same area of low pressure we have been dealing with all week spins across the nation's mid section impacting the weather across the eastern half of the country keeping soaking rain in place along the eastern seaboard. the west, though, staying dry and mild. temperatures soaring once again. but in the east, the moisture continues to be filtered up the east coast. flooding continues to be a major concern with more heavy thunderstorms for florida and along the west coast,
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temperatures soaring, shattering records across the board. john and diana, back to you. >> jim, thank you. the midwest is also feeling the affects of the extreme weather. kansas is dealing with one of the windiest and driest starts of the year since the dust bowl in the 1930s. classes in stanton county were cancelled because of the blowing dust. meteorologists say much of the dirt this year has been blowing in from eastern colorado where it's even drier. scientists say that mount saint helen's is coming back to life. sensors in the volcano in washington state show the pressure is growing in the magma reservoir five miles beneath the surface and it's showing minor earthquake activity. mount saint helen's last erupted six years ago and looks like it is recharging for the next one. a montana teacher at the center of a controversial rape case faces more prison time. stacey rambold served one month for the attack on a 14-year-old student who later killed herself. the judge sentenced rambold and sparked outrage when he commented that the victim was
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quote, older than her chronological age, suggesting somehow she bore some responsibility. now the montana supreme court said rambold must serve at least two years. parents in massachusetts are on edge after a strange abduction. a 9-year-old boy got in a car after school because the driver looked like a friend of his father's. the man drove him around for 25 minutes and told him to get out of the car. the boy was unharmed and he found a police station. the school administrators are now being questioned about their pickup procedures. >> we have school employees on the street where the pickup takes place and the students then walk to their parents' car. >> police fear the driver was conducting a dry run for a future abduction. they released a sketch of the suspect. >> that is scary. another legal scrape for heisman trophy winner jamison winston. he is being cited for shoplifting. the 20-year-old florida state quarterback walked out of tallahassee supermarket with $32 worth of crab legs and crawfish.
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his attorney said the athlete simply forgot to pay. he took responsibility for what he called a terrible mistake. winston has been accused of rape last year. that case was dropped for lack of evidence. a who's who of billionaires. entertainers and others are lining up just in case they get a chance to buy the clippers. the team could be wrestled away from donald sterling, following his lifetime ban for racist remarks. oprah leads the list along with david geffen and oracle ceo larry ellison, boxer floyd mayweather also wants in. >> me and my team do want to buy the clippers, and he can afford the clippers. >> all the franchise is considered such a hot property because of the location in l.a. and the fact that it will be signing a new tv deal in two years. the clippers are trying to advance to the second round of the nba playoffs tonight. meanwhile, l.a.'s other basketball team the lakers need a new coach after mike
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d'antoni's resignation. he stepped down the after two seasons at the helm of the legendary franchise. during that time the lakers lost 20 more games than they won. not a good record. >> not a good record. from the lighter side of sports, an unusual delay to a college softball game in oregon. going just fine until a dog invaded the field. >> it took a glove off of one of the player's hand but soon let it go in the outfield and took another glove and ran around for a while with it. >> he wants the gloves. someone on the first baseline got the glove back. the owner got his dog back. everyone had a good laugh and the game continued. >> that is too cute. i think he just wanted to play. >> check him out. that is a pit bull, folks. these are tough dogs. >> he's a cutie pie. don't put that sound up when you talk about pitbulls. it will give the wrong impression. we love dogs and he is adorable. >> my favorite dog, for real. coming up the loch ness monster, big foot, chills and surprises later in "throwback thursday." and ahead, separating fact from fiction. how facial expressions reveal if you are hurting or pretending.
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but first, the extremely intelligent teenager who had his pick of all the ivy league schools. find out where he is headed to college and why. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" brought to you by mr. clean liquid muscle. >> announcer: "world news now" brought to you by mr. clean liquid muscle. like his newest invention, liquid muscle, that lifts and cleans tough grease with less scrubbing. it's a liquid gel, so it's less watery and cleans more. and its cap stops by itself so almost nothing's wasted. ♪ no matter where he went or who he helped, people couldn't thank him enough. new mr. clean liquid muscle. when it comes to clean, there's only one mr.
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kwasi enin, the medical school senior who got into all eight ivy league schools now announces where he plans to go. >> this is "our favorite story of the day." where's he headed? abc's josh haskell has the answer. >> reporter: when you are wanted by the best universities in the country, all eight ivy leagues it's okay to hold a news conference to announce your decision. >> i'm excited and proud to announce this fall i will be a member of the yale university class of 2018. >> reporter: meet 17-year-old kwasi enin of long island, new york, who says a visit to yale last week sealed the deal. >> everyone there was so friendly and inviting and the residence of the college system is wonderful for each student and i believe their deep appreciation and love for music like i have was critical in deciding for me deciding to go there. >> reporter: enin's parents immigrated from ghana in the '80s making him a first generation america but even with straight a's and scoring in the
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99 percentile on the s.a.t. his parents say they were surprised that he got into all eight. >> we weren't expecting it but we were very impressed. and so proud and so excited about all that he has achieved. >> reporter: as for enin's plans after he graduates from jail? >> i hope someday after i attend college, i can enter medical school, graduate and become a successful doctor. >> reporter: kwasi enin has a 14-year-old sister. when asked about her plans for college, his parents say they encourage her to follow in her brother's footsteps and do better. only problem, there's no plans to add a ninth university to the list of ivy leagues. josh haskell, abc news, new york. >> he's such an impressive guy, right? >> wow! >> let's talk about the schools he rejected. >> here they are. he passed over, harvard, princeton, brown, cornell,
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dartmouth, columbia and the university of pennsylvania. >> passed them over. >> sorry. not going to come. when i was accepted in to all eight ivy leagues, i passed over all of them. >> community college. >> i went to hofstra university. a couple of steps over community college. it's a great school. >> my sister went to hofstra. >> there you go. how about you? >> i went to nyu. i wanted to live in new york city. >> only reason. >> and they gave me a lot of money too, for real. all things mysterious on this "throwback thursday." >> what happened on this week in 1993 that sparked a frenzy to find a monster? you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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all right. we are venturing into the spooky side for "throwback thursday."
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>> it was this week 81 years ago the first modern sighting of the loch ness monster took place. the news broke in the local newspaper. a local couple said they saw an enormous animal in the water. the newspaper made the editorial decision to call it a monster and thus, a legend was born. >> that claim touched off a cottage industry of hoaxes. >> this is one of one of the most famous photos claiming to capture the loch ness monster or nessie. a surgeon said he saw something moving in the water and took a picture. >> for decades experts debated whether it was real at the age of 90 a man confessed to being involved in the plot faked the photo, it was a toy submarine bought at woolworth, outfitted with a sea serpent's head. looks a lot like this. i thought it was a guy coming out of the water with his hand up. another elusive creature, big foot or sasquatch. >> big foot, a large hairy ape-like creature had the most
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famous alleged sighting back in 1967 and it was as we say today, caught on camera. >> it is called the paterson film and the man who shot it said he had an encounter but scientists say it is probably a man in an ape suit. what do you think? >> man in an ape suit. >> definitely big foot. and ufos there have been a lot of ufo sightings throughout the years and several witnesses and photographed by many people at once. this happened back in march of 1997. thousands of people from nevada from phoenix to tucson saw the formation of lights passing over the state. witnesses say the formation was as large as a mile long and was silently gliding overhead. the u.s. air force said what people were actually seeing were flares dropped during a training exercise. witnesses remain unconvinced. >> they look like flares to me. >> another well-known ufo incident happened in roswell, new mexico in 1947. >> in this case, some say a ufo crashed and the u.s. government recovered aliens from the
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wreckage. the government said it was a surveillance balloon and started with a press release. the pr guy for the army wrote a flying disk was recovered by a nearby ranch and that sparked a mystery and conspiracy theory that persists to this day. >> there are even so-called documentaries that show what they say are the bodies of aliens. creepy. >> that's definitely real. >> that's a little creepy. >> weekly world news. remember that? >> yes. >> what would our spooky segment be without diana's favorite topic, ghosts? she's actually very afraid. >> i am. there's been some of the most famous -- stomach, stop it, famous, almost as famous as -- the lady of raynham hall in england achieved immortality, so to speak. a photographer from country life magazine was photographing a staircase when this lovely lady happened to show up. legend has it she was lady dorothy walpole and she had been locked up in that home by her jealous husband. one of the most haunted places in the country is
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bachelor's grove cemetery in illinois. this photo taken in 1991 during an investigation by researchers was only after they developed the picture. they say the woman appeared. >> i can't. dozens of sightings have been reported including the ghost of a woman carrying a baby. monks, even the ghost of a dog. >> dog ghosts. >> what is a dog coming back for? i don't like it. >> she's really scared for real. finally, who needs a scary movie when you have three men and a baby. >> apparently the ghost of a boy who committed suicide during one of the scenes shows up in one of the scenes of the movie. check it out. you can see as they walk a boy is standing behind the curtain. spooky. well, turns out it is an urban legend. it's actually a cardboard cut out left on the set. that scared me. >> now that we are totally creeped out. you are totally creeped out. i am a little bit.
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i don't like those ghosts. >> we'll be right back. >> i got to go. ♪ innovative cc cream from nice 'n easy. our advanced treatment helps keep highlights and lowlights shiny and luminous. cc cream, find it in every box of nice 'n easy. the most natural shade of you.
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you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ kc ] you're probably right. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time.
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♪ all right. how well can you read a face? unless you are a computer, turns out not so well. >> a new study has surprising results about how humans spot lies. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: here's a simple test researchers gave to people and a computer. is this man in pain or faking it? what about this woman? real or fake? the answers in a moment. who won? the computer or the humans? >> the computer was a lot better at it. >> reporter: humans were right half of the time and unbelievably the computer's success rate 85%.
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we recreated the experiment. my arm is in a bucket of ice water. here i'm in real pain and on the right i'm faking it. but what are the signs of genuine agony? it is all about how we move the muscles. >> there's a corrugated muscle right between the brows. there's another muscle here which it raises the lip. you wrinkle the nose and this tightening around the eyes. >> reporter: with real pain, muscle movement is more random, variable and fleeting. >> it turned out that fakers were opening and closing their mouths too consistently. >> reporter: a computer is much better at detecting and deciphering the patterns of pain than we are. >> we are evaluating whether a system like this can be used in a clinical setting. >> reporter: doctors may no longer need to ask on a scale of one to ten how sore is it and maybe one day we will know, real pain or tantrum?
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>> with kids, can we do better at estimating their pain intensity levels so that their pain can be better managed? >> reporter: this technology may one day replace the polygraph as a lie detector and perhaps could be used at airport security. remember the guy we showed you, he was faking and the woman she was genuinely in pain and i got it wrong. i'm only human and apparently computers are now better at reading our expressions than we are. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> it's the crinkle right here. zh you think it's the crinkle? >> this is the pain right here. if you go, ah! >> you have to get the crinkle going. >> that's what they said. >> is that's what they said? >> yeah. >> now we don't need a computer anymore. >> let me see the crinkle. a little bit of squish. better, better. >> did i get it? >> that's it for this half hour.
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this morning on "world news now," extreme conditions from the system pounding down from a vicious storm system covering half of the country from widespread damage to risky rescues. >> the water was rushing through and pushed the car in to the middle of the street and got flooded. as hurricane-force winds spread dangerous fires in california, accu-weather tracks it all. parental pressure. girls as young as 4 years old who say it is time to wear a bra. >> when you use the word bra it evokes images of a sexual mature woman. >> the debate over these new undergarments made especially for very young girls. and movie madness, the hollywood summer blockbusters ready for release from the new "transformers" film to disney's star-studded film
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"malificen." "malificent." it is thursday may 1st. >> announcer: from abc news. this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good thursday morning, everybody. we will start with that extreme weather from the gulf coast to new england. millions of us dealing with rainstorms or what's been left behind. >> here's video taken from a drone flying over a flooded neighborhood in pensacola, florida. some parts of the area received two feet of rain in the last couple of days. >> here's what it looks like right now soaking the most populated part of the country. our coverage beginning now with abc's ashley bridges. >> reporter: violent storms and drenching rains from the southern to new england. nearly two feet of rain in just 24 hours in florida. look at what happened to this house. a waterfall formed between the street and the yard. geysers sprang up in the muddy water. more than 300 calls for emergency help. >> the water was rushing through and pushed the car all the way
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in to the middle of the street and got flooded. >> reporter: a road collapsed in baltimore sending ten cars in to a ravine. all of this rain after a rash of tornados earlier this week. even with so much loss, each day the people back in arkansas find more things to be thankful for, things that were saved from the storm. like a gold band from a husband serving overseas. >> i didn't think we were going to find mine, his, a lot of the stuff that we found, i didn't think we were going to find. >> reporter: and a smile flashed by a 4-year-old survivor for the man who saved her from death amidst this destruction. >> she's quiet but she did give me a smile, so i knew she still had that little drive, she's always had in her, that little spunk. >> reporter: last night the national weather service rated the tornado here an ef-4. that means it was spinning
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between 166 and 200 miles per hour. john and diana? >> thank you. in southern california, many residents forced out of their homes by fire have now been allowed back in. the people in some neighborhoods of rancho cucamunga were urged to leave if they felt threatened. crews are working through the night. winds were too gusty to fly special aircraft to battle the flames. >> every time you think it is going to go by it doesn't. the houses last time, the backyards on these houses so it is real and can happen. >> the flames erupted in the san bernardino national forest. within hours, 1,000 acres of brush had burned. firefighters today will face record heat with santa ana winds in california. >> while downpours drench the eastern half of the country, our coverage continues with meteorologist jim dickey, good morning, jim. >> good morning. still dealing with the same area of low pressure we have been dealing with all week across the east. we will keep significant
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rainfall in place along the eastern seaboard. drying out from the i-95 corridor inland. spotty showers there. along the coast watch for continued flooding. a very different story across the west with temperatures soaring here, we're talking 80s and 90s. many spots setting new records including seattle, portland, 96 in l.a. breaking the record of 89 but that's mainly a function of the santa ana winds bringing the warm air out of the deserts. gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour. that will cause power outages adding to the extreme fire danger across the region. john and diana, back to you. in virginia, a train carrying crude oil derailed in downtown lynchburg and sparked a massive fire. thick, black smoke could be seen for miles. the area was evacuated and the firefighters let it burn out. three tanker cars spilled an unknown amount of water. there have been eight train
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accidents in the last year. a computer failure at an air traffic control center snarled traffic yesterday afternoon. this is the scene at the tarmac at l.a.x., third busiest airport in the country. all departures canceled there. dozens of planes were diverted to other airports. now to the ongoing mystery behind the disappearance of malaysian flight 370. the malaysian government is releasing a preliminary report on the investigation. the boeing 777 was going from kuala lumpur to beijing when it vanished nearly two months ago with 239 people on board. investigators believe it went down in the indian ocean nearly two months ago but no debris has been found. a newly released e-mail from the white house puts the white house back on the defensive over the benghazi consulate attack. it appears to shed new light on the obama administration's role in crafting a response to the 2012 attack which left four americans dead, including u.s. ambassador chris stevens. more now from abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: 18 months after the terrorist attack in benghazi,
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libya that killed four americans newly released e-mails say the white house blamed the attack on an e-mail to deflect attention to policies. interviews days after the attacks saying she should quote, underscore these protests are rooted in an zernt internet video and not a broader failure of policy. and that's what she said. >> and reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated. >> reporter: the white house has long insisted rice's talking points came from the intelligence communities but the e-mail is written by a top political aide and the cia director told congress the intelligence community didn't agree with what rice said. >> when she talked about the video, my reaction is that is not something that the analysts have attributed this attack to. >> reporter: the white house insists she didn't change the story at all but released in response to a lawsuit demanding
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all benghazi related e-mails. >> why were you holding back this information? why was the e-mail not turned over to the congress? this is directly relevant. why did you hold it back? >> john, again -- >> why did it take a court case. >> i can say it again and again and i know you can keep asking again and again. this document was not about benghazi. >> that's right. the white house said they didn't initially release the e-mail because it was about broader unrest in the arab world and not specifically about benghazi. officials also acknowledge they eventually corrected the record, acknowledging that there were no protests in benghazi before the attack, but this latest revelation has republicans demanding another investigation. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. new this morning toronto mayor rob ford getting help for substance abuse. ford released a statement last night admitting he has a problem with alcohol and saying he is taking leave from his
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re-election campaign and his duties as major to seek help. that news came after newspapers including "the globe and mail" showed new photos and video of the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine. the image is reportedly from last friday in the basement of his sister's home. >> again, this is new video of a new incident of him reportedly smoking crack. >> good he is getting professional help. >> finally. >> finally getting the help that basically the whole world probably knows he's needed for a while now and good. >> he is stepping away from his campaign. that doesn't mean he is no longer running for mayor. he is still running for mayor and wants to run for re-election with that vote happening october 27th, but at this point city council has stripped him of his powers as mayor, so it's not like he's giving up a whole lot by taking this leave, because he is not doing much. i think the main deal is he is walking away from his campaign and what it may mean for his re-election. >> i think the whole world realizes he's a good guy. his heart is good but he has some demons. let's hope he works it all out. >> yes, absolutely. oh, boy.
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moving on to this now, the unfortunate fate for a mannequin in houston. >> you see the mannequin there. three would-be robbers walk in. they get spooked and retreat. two with guns drawn. >> the guy with the rifle fires shooting the mannequin in the aqua blue outfit. it hits the floor and the men run off. >> no one injured, nothing stolen but police call them dangerous because they were firing randomly. >> we need more managers like that. >> good mannequin. there you go. coming up in the mix, just when you have seen everything, somebody is twerking. a new technique from an 86-year-old getting in the groove. wow, but first bra-like undergarments marketed for girls as young as 4 years old. the pressure on parents to buy them. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airwick national park scents. the silver lotus is so rare... it only grows in one place on earth,
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channel islands national park in california. now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information
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♪ more and more these days young girls are dressing like small grownups. but a new trend is taking that to a whole new level. >> bras for girls as young as 4 years old. now a teenager is cashing in on the trend.
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here's abc's paula faris. >> reporter: it's no secret, lingerie can be pretty racy. 18-year-old megan thinks young girls need a bra that is not so revealing. >> i was shopping for bras with my younger sister margaret and couldn't find anything she could fit in to. >> reporter: so she founded yellowberry, a company for girls ages 11 to 15 and offered comfortable and modest options. it is the latest spring fashion craze for tweens known as the bra cami or bralette. it looks a lot like a sports bra, essentially a half camisole with straps and some stretch. at mainstream stores, the cropped camis are flying off the shelves but with some stores selling them to fit a 4-year-old even this more modest option is sparking debate online. one mom writing, it's inappropriate for her daughter who is 5. there will be no bralette, she says. her father thinks bikinis are too much for little girls.
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>> when you use the word bra it evokes images of a sexually mature woman and that makes us uncomfortable. >> reporter: they say it is nothing more than a fashion statement and say it helps an increasing number of girls who are developing earlier feel less insecure. >> a lot of the fashions started to become off the shoulder or lower back with a bigger arm hole, so i wanted to create something to give the girls a sense of comfort. >> reporter: a style that says girls can be comfortable with. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> i'm not sure what i'm missing, 4 year olds wearing bralettes. what's up with that? >> i think this is up to the parent. you are the mom and dad and you determine -- there are a lot of things on the store shelves that i don't buy. you just don't buy it. >> you put it out there like you need this thing, but if you are 4 years old, you don't need this thing. don't buy it, right? >> don't buy it unless it is part of an outfit, you are trying to create some sort of a
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look, you are layering something. i get the need. >> a fashion accessory. >> sure, but to just have it as some kind of support, she's 4 years old. >> all right. coming up, may is here which means summer movie season is here. and ahead in our next half hour, the new movie to show the diamond in the rough thousands of miles away
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welcome back, everyone. it is time now for "insomniac theater." summer blockbuster edition, believe it or not. the summer season starts in may, and as the season heats up we wonder what movies will sizzle and lure us in to the theater. joining me for a look ahead is
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drae gray, senior editor of rotten tomatoes. you are going to lead the horse and tell us what you think is worth it to get off the couch, out of the backyard and in to the theaters this summer. >> i think we're in for a fantastic summer. i'm super excited, and the first thing that gets me super jazzed is "transformers age of extinction." i'm so psyched because it's the fourth movie in the series. normally a series gets worse as it goes on. that's just statistics, but this one has been recast. we have a whole new crew. it's been four years since the last film took place and we have mark wahlberg leading the pack, right. >> i'm excited. >> he finds a semi trailer truck. it happens to be optimist prime. >> so this is a reinvention, this is not a continuation. >> exactly. >> oh, i'm very excited about this. >> and there's also something for really hard-core "transformers" fans in the movie they are excited about. dinobots. exactly what they sound like, robot dinosaurs.
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>> awesome. a little bit of everything for everybody here. >> definitely. and michael bays always delivers action. these movies are super fun and a good excuse to spend a million dollars on popcorn. >> switching gears. we will talk about something else in the theaters. this is something for everybody who's still young at heart. >> we have "malificent." angelina jolie is playing the lead character. she's the villain, right? but she's also angelina jolie, so we'll get a whole different side of "the sleeping beauty" story from her point of view. she's been wronged and that's why she turns out to be so terrible. >> really? >> uh-huh. >> is this something you can take your boyfriend and husband to? >> i think so. i think this one will satisfy everybody, because angelina jolie in s&m gear with her weird little horn, i think the art direction will be beautiful. and she's fantastic and elle
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fanning is playing sleeping beauty. fantastic performers, you can't go wrong. >> that's true, fantastic actors make fantastic movies. switching gears now to a comedy. >> it's the summer of a comedy. seth mcfarland scores huge with his comedy movies. he's responsible for "ted," if you remember the marijuana-smoking teddy bear. right? so "a mill ways to die in the west" is a western straight up. >> really? >> except a lot of people die. >> okay. >> he's got charlize theron in it, liam neeson and i think the movie will be spectacular. because essentially seth mcfarland will be like clint eastwood except pianos will be falling on people in the background. >> so essentially you're telling me that people lying is like people farting and everybody's laughing, right? >> beautifully put. >> this is one to the see even though everyone is dieing. >> for sure. >> i'm in for laughs. one more. >> the final movie i think is spectacular is coming from marvel who's already released
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"captain america, the winter soldier" and that was perfect. it will be "guardians of the galaxy" coming out in august which is a bonkers off the wall plot. it has a talking raccoon. it has a walking tree. >> uh-huh. >> and it has chris pratt from "parks and recreation" as a guy named star lord. >> okay. >> right? and every comic book fan that figured out they were making this asked why because it is not really a well-known comic. >> i have no idea who you are talking about. so yeah. >> it shows how much confidence marvel has in all its comics. i think it will jazz up what is supposed to be the end of summer go out on a high note. i think marvel keeps making spectacular films. "guardians of the galaxy" is going to totally rule. >> i can't thank you enough for being here. i'm not go to ask which is in the best of the four in i'm so excited about these movies. >> we didn't even -- this is the
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type of the iceberg, but i think those will deliver. >> so we have to have you back. i'm here. wonderful. our thanks to grae drake from rotten tomatoes. we will be back with more from "world news now."
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air wick. the craft of fragrance. as a i'm still not going toall the pmake it to mars,o visit. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping.
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yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. all right, "mix" time. all right, "mix" time. this is really interesting video of a mama bear and her cub doing something interesting. it is more proof you can't get away from a bear. no matter what. because check this out. did you know they can rock climb? >> whoa! >> isn't that crazy? >> i didn't know that. >> this is mama with her cubs. don't try this at home. it is an endangered mexican black bear. mama and cub. they are climbing a canyon wall. this happened just in march. >> effortlessly. >> some kayakers shot this. can you believe it, bears can climb? >> look at the size of their claws. humans are using hooks about that size to climb walls. >> so if you thought you were going to escape bears by scaling the rock face, no such thing.
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>> there is no escaping the bear. >> no. >> you don't play dead, you get big and don't run, right? >> yes. certain bears, black or brown. one you sort of back up from and go okay. and the other you make noise and beat your chest and throw rocks. >> make sure you know which is which. >> grizzly bears you don't throw rocks at. you walk away slowly from them. i need to show you this next video because it's absolutely hilarious. i'm going to introduce you to a batty winkle. look at this. a couple of pictures of her on twitter and instagram. there she is in a bathing suit and she posted it with a caption that says on my way to steal your man. >> nice. >> here she is with the caption hola amigo. by the way, her cheeky tag line on social media is stealing your man since 1928. and the reason we are telling you about her is because of this fine piece of video right here. batty winkle's latest contribution to social media is a twerking video. there you have it. she is 86 years old. did i happen to mention that? >> 86.
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>> she has 200,000 followers on twitter. 50,000 on instagram. >> i have your man. >> your man. on the way to stealing your man since 1928. >> there's a slogan. check it out, an igloo up for sale in the park reserve priced at $300,000. check that out. it is an 80-foot structure erected four decades ago, plywood, 2x6s, never quite completed. 38 acres. on sale, $300,000. no electricity. what do you think? >> no thanks. >> not a fan of the igloo. no? not going to happen? >> i will go with the $200 million home in connecticut. 30 seconds to show you this but it doesn't matter because it's a cool video. it is a trick shot. check it out. these guys in michigan put it together from jennison high school. over the house. >> no way. no way. >> nothing but net. there you have it. they tried it, by the way, for 30 minutes before they got it done. it was uploaded recently. 5,000 views already.
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the apartment building where the fire was. when things like this happen, i think you find a new perspective on life. hi. red cross put us in a hotel so we were able to stay together. we're strong and, if we overcame that or if we can overcome that, we can overcome anything, so. [ sniffle ] ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1.
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this morning on "world news now," frightening fires, fears of hurricane-force winds today blowing dangerous flames in to southern california neighborhoods. flooding downpours. the rain keeps falling at a rapid rate across a huge area of the east. the rescues and damage of the slow-motion storm system. ready to buy. the los angeles clippers scandal and the celebrities and athletes anxious to purchase the team. could oprah winfrey be part owner? accidental success. farrell williams' mega hit "happy." the singer reveals somebody else was set to record the song instead. secrets revealed from the music world on this thursday, may 1st. ♪ >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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good thursday morning, everyone. we begin with the extreme heat and winds in southern california and the battle to contain the wildfire. >> crews working through the night trying to create a line around the flames. so far more than 1100 acres have burned. weather conditions are expected to remain difficult. here's abc's mary bruce. >> reporter: billowing smoke and bright flames leaping through the foothills, fueled by blistering 90-degree heat and surging 80 mile an hour winds. >> every time you think it is just going to go by, it doesn't. these houses last time, the backyards burned on these houses so we know it is really and can happen. >> reporter: the wind-whipped wildfire tearing across hundreds of acres, threatening homes in the suburbs east of los angeles. conditions so dangerous more than 1600 homeowners were forced to evacuate. >> you get that adrenaline rush where you know you have to pack up all your belongings and
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potentially have to stay somewhere else for a while. but the thought goes through your head, i'm going to lose it all but it is material stuff. as long as everybody's okay, that's what really matters. >> reporter: schools were also shut down. parents and students rushing to get out of the smoky air. >> it's kind of scary because it's too close to home. >> reporter: this dad received a worrying text message. >> hey, dad. we are evacuating school because of the fire. >> reporter: the fight against the blaze complicated by the hurricane-like winds so fierce that helicopters and aircraft, normally used in a fire like this are grounded. >> it's too windy to have aircraft in the air. about 30 miles an hour is the ceiling they will allow aircraft to take off and we are well above that. so when we have a break in the weather consistently, we can bring those resources in. >> reporter: until then, crews are battling steep terrain to reach the fire from the ground. no word yet on what sparked the fire, but a hate wave and drought have made the area vulnerable and it doesn't look like the winds will let up any
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time soon. john and diana. >> mary, thank you. now to our other developing story this morning. rain and too much of it. pensacola, florida, is drying out after setting a single day record for rainfall. nearly two feet of rain fell there from tuesday in to yesterday. the flooding that resulted from it destroyed roads and inundated neighborhoods. hundreds of people called for help, but the high water made them extremely difficult to get to. one rescuer you see there carried a baby to safety through the flooding. >> we have been getting people out of cars. people driving through the puddles, they get trapped. we get out there, we try to get to them. we have had guys swimming to them. >> it seems incredible to think the same storm system that flooded the florida panhandle spawned the deadly tornadoes in oklahoma and arkansas. at least 37 people were killed in that destruction. things didn't get better as the system moved north. the heavy rain was too much for a street in baltimore that collapsed cars along with dirt and debris, slid down onto a set of train tracks. people living closest to the crops are evacuated and are spending the night elsewhere.
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the train tracks owned by csx which sighs all traffic through that area has now been halted. here in new york, all that rain too much for drain systems in a lot of neighborhoods, plenty of cars and homes flooded. luckily, no injuries being reported. mudslides close to the busiest commuter railways. they expect problems for the morning rush. here's a look at your weather today. heavy rain along the east coast especially during the morning hours. showers across the upper midwest and great lakes,ics maryland with snow in minnesota. another scorcher in the west, strong santa ana winds in southern california are going to keep the fire danger high. >> 70s in the east, warmer in florida and 50s in the midwest. but record-setting 80s and 90s out west. new this morning, toronto mayor rob ford is getting help for substance abuse. ford released a statement last night admitting he has a problem with alcohol saying he is taking a leave from his re-election
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campaign and from his duties as mayor to seek help. that came after newspapers including the "globe and mail" showed videos and photos of the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine. the images were recorded on friday reportedly in the basement of his sister's home. workers making the federal minimum wage will have to wait for a raise. republicans in the senate have blocked a bill which would have gradually raised the wage to $10.10 an hour. the defeat is certain to be a major campaign issue going in to fall elections. here's abc's karen travers. >> reporter: it wasn't an unexpected result, but it was still a significant defeat for president obama. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: the senate failed to move forward on a bill that would have raised the federal minimum wage from 7.25 an hour to 10.10 an hour. only one republican, senator bob corker, voted to continue debate. senate majorly leader harry reid said the issue highlights differences between fellow democrats and republicans.
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>> they are fighting for the billionaires and we're fighting for the people who are struggling to make a living. >> reporter: but the consensus among senate republicans is that raising the minimum wage would hurt small businesses. >> raising the minimum wage by 40% will not grow the economy. it will not create jobs. it will do the opposite. >> reporter: this is a big issue for president obama. at the white house, he said senate republicans failed working americans. >> by preventing even a vote on this bill, they prevented a raise for 28 million hard-working americans. >> reporter: democrats want this debate front and center heading into this fall's midterm election. an abc news "washington post" poll from january found two-thirds of americans support raising the minimum wage. and recent polling shows americans by a whopping 31 points say they are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports raising the wage. republicans say democrats are using the issue to make them look bad because they see the president's low approval ratings and they have their eye on the november election. but democrats say they will keep bringing this issue up for a vote again and again, even if they keep failing.
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>> all right, karen travers, thank you. the bailout of general motors has cost american taxpayers more than $11 billion, a billion more than initially estimated. that loss includes more than $800 million the u.s. treasury wrote off last month ending its involvement with gm. the bush and obama administrations collectively distributed $50 billion in emergency aid to gm to help that company survive the economic crisis. the dow is opening in record territory this morning. stocks closed at an all-time high yesterday. hitting 16,580, slightly topping the number set in november. the federal reserve said it would reduce the bond-buying programs but plans to keep the benchmark interest rate at near zero. topping the health headlines this morning, a warning about the uv lights used in the popular gel manicures. researchers looked at 17 ultraviolet lamps from commercial nail salons and tested them for uva radiation, a type of light known to cause dna damage. they found that after about 10 to 12 visits, there maybe enough cumulative exposure to cause skin damage. a 10-year-old texas boy is
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getting treatment after being bitten by a rabid skunk. this happened in the dallas area convention center where the skunk wandered through an open door. untreated rabies can be fatal but after getting a series of shots the child is expected to be just fine. >> the boy was attending a reptile and exotic animal convention when the skunk which was not part of the convention bit him. he will need a round of six painful shots. look at that poor boy. he is too shy to talk to the reporters. >> that's his second round of shots he is getting right now, and his mom said she was more worried about the snakes at the convention center than she was a random skunk. >> who would think, right? >> poor little guy. hopefully he will be okay. wildlife officials in harrisburg, pennsylvania, hoping for a mother-child reunion. a 4-month-old bear cub showed up on the doorstep of a hair salon on tuesday. oh, my gosh, that's so cute. the owners gathered him up in a towel, named him boo-boo and then took him to a local animal
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hospital. >> they said the cub took to the bottle so well it means he was probably still nursing. people in the area say they have seen the mama bear and her two cubs this season. game officials are now trying to find this mom to reunite her with her cub. and they are hoping that nothing happened because it's so rare and usual for the mama bear to be separated from her baby bears. >> check out boo-boo. >> he is so adorable. they are feeding him. obviously they want to keep him alive and well but don't want to be too dependent on human hands. they are trying to keep him in a wildlife state and eventually they want to reunite him with his mama bear. and if they can't find mama bear they will make sure he is well enough and strong enough before they release him in to the wild. >> look at those eyes. >> so adorable. coming up in "the skinny," zac efron's personal approach to some very embarrassing public problems. and later, real-life inspiration from the baseball field to the silver screen. add a "mad man" superstar and it could be a winning hollywood combination. you are watching "world news now." ♪
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tonight the los angeles clippers will try to focus on basketball as they play game six of their series in the first round of the nba western
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conference playoffs. >> the guys have been through a lot but they are getting worldwide support. now some famous faces are hoping to lead the team to better days. here's abc's ryan smith. >> reporter: the l.a. clippers are suddenly the hottest property in sports. oprah winfrey says she is quote in discussions with music mogul david geffen and software billionaire larry ellison to make a joint bid for the clippers. magic johnson denies he wants the team but floyd mayweather says he does. >> me and my team do want to buy the clippers and we can afford the clippers. >> reporter: but before any of that happens, 75% of nba team owners must vote to force disgraced clippers boss donald sterling to sell. abc news called all 29 team owners to ask how they would vote. they all told them the nba asked them to stay silent. only one of the them, vivek ranadive from the sacramento
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kings, said he would vote to oust sterling. >> these teams really belong to the fans and players. we owners are simply custodians. so i fully expect that commissioner silver will get the support that he seeks. >> reporter: lebron james, basketball's biggest star, turned up the pressure on the owners. >> no matter how long it takes, no matter how much money it costs, we need to get him out of there, whoever is associated with him. he doesn't belong in our league. >> reporter: sterling has been in seclusion while the women in his life bask in the attention. his wife shelly cheering on the clippers. and v.stiviano had some bizarre comments of her own. >> one day i will become the president of the united states of america and i will change the legislation and laws. >> reporter: earlier she roller skated away from reporters still wearing that visor. so what happens next? the nba said there is no time frame for a vote to remove sterling from ownership. in the meantime, the nba also telling us that league officials will meet today to discuss the next steps and to move the
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process forward. ryan smith, abc news, los angeles. >> by the way, there are sports economists who say the team could sell for as much as a billion dollars. someone with a lot of money or a group of people with a lot of money need to step in here. >> oprah winfrey's name thrown out there. she has a net worth of $2.9 billion. david geffen, 6.2 billion, and larry ellison, 5 billion. >> bid in 2010, $600 million bid to have a controlling stake in the team. that was rejected by sterling. so it's going to be interesting to see what's going to happen, but the bottom line, it seems to be that everybody wants donald out. >> i think that's pretty much unanimous. >> i think so so, too. when we come back, why the popular song "happy" almost had a very different sound. plus, brand new this morning, the trailer for the latest "teenager mutan ninja turtles" movie. "the skinny" is next. >> announcer: "world news now"
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♪ skinny so skinny >> "skinny" time. farrell was not the first to record the phenomenal hit "happy." >> reporter: the singer tells "rolling stone" that ceelo green actually recorded the song before him. farrell says the powers that be decided green should concentrate on his album and not that song. but he says green harbors no bitterness about missing out on a huge hit.
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pretty huge hit. >> can you imagine? i am sure the ceelo green version would sound great, but i can't imagine anyone else singing it. >> i can't hear it any other way. >> i'm glad he got it because he -- learned about him. he is a journeyman. been out there for a long time and now he is a star. he deserves it. there are more disappointed miley cyrus fans out there, this time across the pond. >> the singer postponed two shows scheduled for this week in amsterdam and belgium. symptoms from an allergic reaction she suffered from earlier this month have supposedly returned and she's under doctor's care. >> cyrus had to reschedule several u.s. concerts for her sold out tour. no word if the entire european tour is in jeopardy. all right. the "teenage human ninja turtles" about to climb out of the sewers again. a new movie in the work and the filmmakers released this trailer them turtles come to the rescue of a city that is in the hands of the evil shredder and the
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foot clan. >> and they team up with the fearless reporter april o'neill played by megan fox. she's pretty good in roles like this. instead of the actors wearing funky costumes they get the better treatment, much better. the film debuts august 8. i don't know if it is much better. i like the old-school, costumy, teenage mutant ninja turtles. >> i never saw the old one. >> it is good. >> it is good. >> it's really good, yeah. zac efron said he is getting help for alcohol and drugs. in a hollywood reporter interview, efron said, quote, it's a never-ending struggle. and he just joined aa and just started therapy. >> efron talks about what it is like to be successful so young and have mistakes play out so publicly. he said he is in a good place now and efron's co-star with seth rogen in the movie "neighbors" is coming out over the weekend. next up, former child star mary kate olson and her fiance olivier sarkozy are living large in new york city.
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>> wow, oh, wow. they recently got engaged and purchased a new mega townhouse on the east side of midtown manhattan. included in it. >> holy mackerel. >> 8,000 square feet of space, a ballroom with 22-foot ceilings. >> folks, if you don't live in new york, you can't imagine how massive that is relatively speaking. the private balcony overlooking an outlet street. they paid $13.5 million. the original asking price was 3 million more than that. i guess it was a bargain. >> wow! incredible. >> diana, who's your favorite disney princess? >> has to be ariel. >> ariel. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm thinking i'm a jasmine fan. we now know which is the most popular. of the five most likely the little mermaid was fifth, followed by anna from "frozen," snow white after that, the runner up cinderella and most popular is elsa from "frozen." rankings from merchandise on sale from ebay.
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you didn't see "frozen" yet, did you? >> i don't know if she can be better than ariel, though. ♪ now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options.
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♪ ♪ a new movie is about trying to find a diamond in the rough. it's about the search for a baseball superstar in a country where most people have never played the game. >> abc's bob woodruff has a look at the story behind the movie and the star who is bringing it to life. >> you can't play someone who has never picked up a baseball. it's insane. >> reporter: insane? maybe, but this idea of jamie bernstein actually worked. now it's a movie from our parent company disney called "million dollar arm." >> i'm j.b. bernstein. >> reporter: bernstein played by "mad men's" jon hamm. >> we can deliver to major league baseball the first indian ballplayer. that's a billion new fans.
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>> reporter: the concept was almost like an "american idol." >> million dollar arm. >> reporter: to find the next baseball star in india, a country where cricket is really the king. >> there's literally over 100 million men who grow up playing cricket and that's it. >> reporter: 37,000 hopefuls. among them, some very bizarre techniques. >> impressed with his unique pitching action. >> the first time he threw a baseball ever, he stood there for about 30 seconds frozen, and we're all like, what's this guy doing? and he lets it go. we're like oh, my gosh. is that right, 82 with that motion? >> reporter: despite his unusual style, that arm, dubbed the flamingo won this man the rinku
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singh contest. back then, i did get a chance to play catch with him and the runner up dinesh patel. all right. did you ever see one of these in television or in pictures? >> no. >> reporter: you never saw this before? >> no. >> reporter: even so, both of them were drafted by the pittsburgh pirates playing for their minor league team, and this helping train the actors who trained them on the big screen. >> just believing in the american dream. this is my buddy here. >> reporter: rinku will get another tryout, hopefully to play for the majors sometime this year but he has given up throwing like a flamingo. bob woodruff, abc news, new york. >> that is just the craziest story. >> listen to this. they had never seen baseball or played baseball before. apparently they found a trainer, his name is tom house, played by bill baxton in the movie. he trained them in eight months and after arriving in the u.s. eight months later they were drafted by the pirates, eight months. everybody out there who has a 5, 6, 7-year-old and can't figure figure out whether or not they are going to be stars of baseball, get them to this guy. >> like they said, 100 million men. a couple of them are bound to be superstars. it's just a numbers game. >> wow. >> this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for
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good morning, america. breaking now, that dangerous flooding causes a massive explosion, killing two and injuring hundreds at a florida jail.ucked from the top of a bus. and when the storm will finally move out. raging wildfire. wind-driven flames forcing people from their homes in southern california, as crews work overnight to get the blaze under control. trouble in toronto. this morning, a new video surfaces of embattled mayor, rob ford. what he's saying about the latest crack smoking scandal. and furry thief. this dog is not stealing bases. it's stealing something else on the baseball diamond. good thursday morning. the historic and deadly storm that trigger


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