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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 6, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose
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when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪
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♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm not gonna give up they are survivors in every sense of the word. one year ago today, amanda berry, michelle knight and gina dejesus emerged from captivity held for years by a man whose deprevity was almost beyond comprehension. >> this morning we open the "world news now" vault to may 6th, 2013 when the girls were discovered.
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>> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> that's the voice of amanda berry calling 911. the last time anyone in her family heard that voice she was a day shy of turning 17. tonight she is 27 years old and free. thanks in part to police, she got an ovation on this street and thanks in large part to a passing neighbor named charles ramsey. >> i look and see this girl and she's going nuts on the door. i was like what's your problem? if you are stuck open the door. she said i can't he has it locked. >> and i looked and it is only enough to reach your hand out and grab the mail and close the door. naturally going to pry it open. that didn't work. we had to kick out the bottom. luckily that door was aluminum. it was cheap. she climbed out with her daughter. >> inside the home they found dejesus who went missing from
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this neighborhood nine years ago and found michelle knight who went missing in 2000. but since she was 20 at the time didn't get as much attention. police will only say they have three hispanic men in custody, ages 50 to 54. our sources tell us they are brothers. the middle brother's name, ariel castro. according to his neighbor, he lived a life far above suspicion. >> i have been here a year. i barbecued with this dude. we eat ribs and what not and listen to salsa music. see where i am coming from. >> you have no indication. >> not a clue that that girl was in that house or anybody else was in there against their will. >> unbelievable. since that day all three women moved on with their lives bonding with family again. >> ariel castro killed himself in prison last summer. his first captive, michelle knight has a book out today and she's talked to cnn's anderson cooper last night about the first few days in captivity. >> there's a day that i screamed
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until i had no voice. still nobody heard me. and when he hears you scream heç shoves a sock or cloth down your throat until you choke on it. >> did you think that this would at some point end? that it wouldn't go on, that he would let you go? did he promise he would let you go? >> no, he told me he'd never let me go. >> he said that from the beginning? >> yes. he said you don't have a family that cares about you. if i kill you right now, nobody would even care. >> michelle is living on her own. she just recorded a song. she even took up boxing. >> the others are also talking on the first an verse ary of their release. amanda said she has grown, strong and so much to live for. >> gina says she is enjoying to learn new technology and learning to drive. they will be in washington, d.c. tonight for the hope awards which honor people fighting to protect kids from victimization. >> amazing how these women are
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striving after going through a traumatic event in their lives. >> they've come a long way in a year. amazing that that guy who got arrested for all of that is gone, committing suicide in prison. >> the girls and their representatives said when that happened it was almost better that that happened because there was never a concern that he would ever, even on a fluke be able to come out and do anything else to them. >> we'll be right back.
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♪ give you my dirty little secret ♪ ♪ dirty little secret >> can you keep a secret? there's more to a menu than meets the eye. >> some the best known restaurants have secret menus where you can get secret items. here's abc's nick watt.
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>> reporter: i'm at starbucks for my morning fix. >> can i get a cake batter frappichino? >> that's four shots and white chocolate syrup. i'm ordering off the secret menu. you didn't know that? >> can i have a captain crunch frappichino. >> it's what all the cool kids are doing at starbucks and ç beyond and posting their orders online, #secretmenu. >> it is something that people don't know about and some customers are drawn to that idea. >> reporter: many restaurants are allowing customers to customize and spread secret recipes and denying all knowledge. chipotle said we don't have a secret menu so i tried to order secret creations spreading online. >> can i get a -- we'll have one of those, too. >> that's a burrito wrapped inside of a cheese quesadilla. >> it was delicious. i mean, there was extra confusion with my accent but whatever this is is great. >> it is basic consumer behavior, psychology. it might seem more appealing to people.
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that is of course until it gets too popular and then they move on to something else. >> reporter: i'm drinking candy floss and twix frappuccinos on national tv. i'm a 40-year-old guy wearing a coat and tie. it's official, these drinks are no longer secret. they're no longer cool. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> all right. we have some of the secrets. >> check it out. >> jordan, come out here and help us out. >> tell us what these are. these are from the upper west side starbucks. what do we have. >> this is the twix frappichino. >> that sounds good. >> this is the -- this is the infamous. >> this is called liquid cocaine. not as dangerous as the name implies but it has four shots of espresso. >> that's hard core, man. that's hard core. >> this is what i'm interested in, this concoction. >> the sour gummy bear refresher. it is supposed to taste like a gummy bear.
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it doesn't have coffee. >> this is cake batter frapp? >> yes. >> i want the captain crunch next time, buddy. >> okay. uh-huh! anytime you want it. > the captain crunch next time,ed but. >> i okay. > the captain crunch time,ed but. >> i okay. time,ed but. >> i okay. i the captain crunch next time,ed but. >> i okay. time,ed but. >> i okay. w the captain crunch time,ed but. >> i okay. a theo cfo the ctainc nt time, > i okay.o cf1 o next time,ed but >> i okay. , but. >> i okay. but. her hard-earned money. >> i okay. of americans just liu >> i okay. p>> i okyokay.
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available. entityn if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now
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and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. welcome in to the mix. we will share with you a viral video as we continue to enjoy you're delicious secret menu items. a viral video about viral videos and the negative impact that being on your phone, smartphones, can be, all kinds of dohickeys we have now can be to your relationship. take a look. it is brilliantly done. >> being alone isn't a problem. you can read a book, paint picture, do exercise, awake and putting your time to good use. when you are in public and start to feel alone put your hands behind the head step away from the phone. you don't need your contact list, talk to one another, learn to coexist. i can't stand to hear the silence.
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>> there you have it. his name is gary turk. he is reciting a poem about the negative impact of social media. of real-life interactions. it is five minutes long. it's a love story with a little twist in the end and especially he says stop watching this video and live life the real way and makes a good point. >> kids go out and play. run in the backyard. toss a ball around, something.ç >> we have seen a lot of twins reunited, separated at birth they get reunited. always great stories. you missed your mouth on that one. are you okay? >> i'm wired. >> any way, this is particularly good. not as good as you stabbing yourself with a straw. these are 78-year-old -- these are sisters who were separated at birth, 78 years ago. who finally reunited. anne hunt and elizabeth hamill reunited for the first time in fullerton, california. it's unbelievable. hunt lives in england. pamela in oregon. they were both born in england in 1936. it's a long story but after 78
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years, these sisters are reunited. is that crazy. >> so sweet. mom had to give up one for adoption, right. >> she had to give one up. and the other had a curvature of the spine. she knew it would be hard to adopt her. she decided to keep her. >> wow, that's a great story. we are switching to something that is cool. check this out. it's half helicopter, half airplane. it's just a prototype but a full-scale prototype. it is a company that is calling it the s-2. essentially it takes off like a helicopter. it just needs a launch pad. doesn't need a landing strip or anything. once it is up, all of those little propellers that you see fold in so it flies like a airplane. >> pretty awesome. >> can i show you the alleged dumb criminal of the day? >> love these. >> dunwoody, georgia, damon tobias exum, 37 years old, he is charged with being drunk, slammed in to a patrol car. then the police pull him over and the first thing, he hands
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this morning on "world news now" with, disturbing developments. this morning on "world news now" with, disturbing developments. hundreds of girls kidnapped from a school who maybe forced in to slavery. the abductors, latest threat and worldwide outcry. public prayer, the legal battle that went from a small city hall to the biggest court in the country. the supreme court decision and what it means. amazing survival. her car crashed down an embankment and she was stuck there for six days with no food or water. her rescue and recovery. fantastic fashionistas. a-list celebrities go all out to dazzle at new york's annual met gala last night, the stunners and bummers that you just have to see. that's coming up in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 6th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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good tuesday morning. we begin with the hundreds of girls who are being held captive by militants in nigeria. >> the white house says it is doing what it can to help free the captive girls and the fbi is standing by for further orders. with more on all of this, abc's karen travers. >> reporter: the crime is so horrific, so brazen, more than 300 teenage girls kidnapped from their school on april 15th. by boko haram. islamic extremists believe that western education is sin. and the leader of those kidnappers, the group loosely affiliated with al qaeda, delivering a chilling warning. i took your girls. they are our slaves. i will sell them in the market. some of them have reportedly been sold off as brides in a massive human trafficking operation. 53 girls managed to escape. nigeria's president said his administration is doing everything possible to find the 276 still missing.
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>> we'll get them out. >> reporter: the anguished parents of the missing are desperate for the government to do more. >> the hope of finding our daughter lies in the hands of the government and the security men. because on our own we cannot do anything. >> they should bring the girls back. it's then that we will have rest of mind. and support the government in anything they do. >> reporter: nigeria's president appealed directly to president obama for help.ç the hashtag bringbackourgirls has gone viral around the world. former secretary of state hillary clinton and celebrities like amy poehler and mary j. blige have taken to twitter to bring attention to the kidnappings. in a videotape released yesterday, the leader of the extremist group threatened to sell the missing girls and abduct more. john and diana. >> karen travers, thank you for that. we know the reason the air
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traffic control system in southern california malfunctioned last week. a u-2 spy plane, the faa says airport computers were not able to process the spy plane's flight plan and the software became overwhelmed. hundreds of planes across the nation headed for southern california were ordered not to take off as an air traffic control facility had to be rebooted. a small plane towing an advertising banner developed engine trouble and crashed into a house north of denver. no one home at the time. although the plane caught fire, the pilot was uninjured. he found a garden hose and tried to put out the flames but had to back off when it was too hot. the pilot was aiming for a nearby field. he was unable to reach it. three base jumpers will be in a new york city court for jumping off the new world trade center building last september. they released this video clip from the helmet cam of one of them who landed in a park along the river. earlier they released a video of another jumper who landed on a highway with relatively little traffic since it was 3:00 a.m. they face burglary and other charges.
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now to that all-important vote from the supreme court about the role of religion in american public life. by a close vote, the justices ruled that local council meetings can be opened by a christian prayer. abc's jim avila reports from the court. >> reporter: across the country, government meetings from city councils. >> let's join our hearts together in prayer. >> reporter: american business starts with a prayer. >> almighty god. >> reporter: the supreme court said go ahead, call on god, even by your religion's name for the almighty, be it jesus, jehovah, or allah. we have your back. >> the court said we don't want to get in the business of trying to censor or parse the content of particular prayers. >> reporter: the supreme court got the case after complaints from greece, new york, an upstate town of 97,000 with 30 christian churches, one buddhist temple and no synagogues. so nearly all of the city council prayers mentioned jesus, offending two residents. one of them jewish.
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>> as a minority faith, i felt uncomfortable having christian prayer time after time after time recited and feeling that i was not -- i was an outsider. >> reporter: but the court ruled that adult citizens can tolerate and perhaps appreciate a ceremonial prayer delivered by a person of a different faith. so by a 5-4 vote, the court ruled that as long as the prayer doesn't condemn others or proselytize, pray on. while some may hope it leads toç prayer in school or religious symbols on government grounds, experts say it is narrow, only guaranteeing the freedom to pray outloud and in public at government meetings, even for those that don't want to hear it. jim avila, abc news, the supreme court. >> the legal case against a teenager accused in last month's stabbing attack near pittsburgh has been delayed again.
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a judge delayed the hearing for alex hribal for a second time. the hearing is set for next month. students at the school where the attack took place will be using clear backpacks for the rest of the year. >> during the school day, students will need to carry these bags, which are clear and our goal is to bring an added sense of safety and security. >> 1,500 clear backpacks were paid for by a local car dealership. the fr strong slogan is a reference to the school. two students remain hospitalized. a colorado woman is recovering after running off the road and surviving six days in her wrecked car with no food or water. a passerby spotted kristen hopkins' chevy over an embankment in denver. when firefighters arrived, they were surprised to find her alive, conscious and coherent. hopkins was critically injured and dehydrated, but scribbled please help on her umbrella and stick it out of her window. >> what her drive was, we don't know but something kept her hanging on and fighting.
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>> hopkins is a 43-year-old mother of four. doctors had to amputate her feet and she's expected to make a full recovery. >> what a story. deadly wildfire blazing across oklahoma is 75% contained this morning. one man was killed, six homes completely destroyed. there was a hidden danger lurking in one of the houses. the fire caused bullets to explode. a firefighter was injured when hit by flying shrapnel. >> as we went to make entry in the structure, that's when the ammunition started to cook off. i took two to the chest and one to the head. >> some evacuated residents were allowed to return home to survey the damage. firefighters are facing more tough conditions with expect temperatures expected to hit triple-digits. let's take a look at your weather. the dangerous fire conditions, the heat and gusty winds will stay in place for the southern plains and northern texas. dry across much of the country except for a band of rain across the northern stretches from south dakota to ohio. showers over virginia and coastal north carolina. >> temperatures could hit records in oklahoma and kansas
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again today. hot across the southwest. seasonal most everywhere else. probably as soon as pot became legal something like this was inevitable and we think you will agree once you see what we are talking about. >> we have all heard of the munchies following smoking. well, now there is a food truck for that. it debuted in denver last month. the official name is the samich truck. oddly, it's also known simply as the food truck. >> the company running it says it offers four-star quality food infused with thc. the main ingredient found in cannabis. sounds awesome, in colorado. >> munchies is not to munch on stuff that has more cannabis in it. ç >> unless you are, looking for a little bit of a higher high. i don't know. i have no idea how this stuff works, john. please inform me. >> somebody told me once. >> why have a little when you can have a lot? >> why have a little when you can have a lot. interesting point.
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>> very good point. >> where are those frappichinos from before? >> interesting point. i will stick to my frappichinos. >> there you go. coming up, "the skinny," two perfect scores and one difficult elimination from "dancing with the stars." and sprucing up your home to sell. the quick and easy makeovers you can do to cash in. don't miss our expert advice. you're watching "world news now." ♪ if that's moving up than i'm moving out ♪ ♪ i'm moving out >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by mega red omega-3 krill oil. red omega-3 krill oil.
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she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money,
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your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge.
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♪ of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance.
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♪ i'm moving out >> this is the time of the year when a lot of people are planning to move out. spring is the busiest time for buying and selling houses. >> with so much competition out there, how do you make sure yours is the house that gets the best offer? our friend paula faris went to atlanta to help a family transform their home. >> reporter: marla and chris' home sweet home isn't so sweet. how many people have seen your home? >> we had dozens of people come in. >> reporter: their atlanta three-bedroom home hit the market four months ago for a competitive $170,000. but so far -- >> no offers, is that frustrating? >> it is disheartening. >> the feedback is great house, needs upgrades. >> help you find a perfect home. this is "buying and selling." >> reporter: so real money teamed up with the stars of
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hgtv's "buying and selling," drew and jonathan scott to help figure out why this house isn't selling and turn these digs into a buyer's dream. step number one, the brothers say cut out the clutter. >> i call it the ick factor. every time a buyer walks the house and they are like, i don't like that, ick, they write off the house and walk away. even though it isn't adding hard value it is adding value to the mind of buyers. >> reporter: step two, paint. >> you can't underestimate the power of paint. >> how much does it cost? >> it costs next to nothing. >> reporter: the brothers say for $30 worth of paint you can add thousands of dallass to your home. you be the judge. look at the living room paint color before and after. >> now it looks like a brand new space. >> oh, wow. >> wow. >> step three replace old fixtures like busted lights to make the whole room feel new.ç in the kitchen update your faucet, paint cabinets and replace hardware. >> what kind of return on the investment do you think they can get? >> instantly, i would say the
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kitchen alone here as raised the value by 20 grand. >> wow. >> reporter: step four, light up a room with brighter bulbs and new lighting. >> you can make a room feel bigger, brighter, more inviting if you have proper lighting. >> reporter: step five if you are going to invest in one big renovation, pick new counter tops or floors. those have the two biggest returns. with a budget of $13,000, the brothers were able to sell the home for $30,000 more than their initial list price. our family not only got more than the asking price, they had four offers in four days. john and diana? >> paula, thank you very much. good tips there. >> they really are. it's things you never think. like you don't think to clean up the clutter in a corner or take off the pictures on the mantle or paint a fireplace. >> did you see how much brighter an appealing that room looked just from the white? >> if you have done some of that stuff, and your house looks a little drab, throw some pillows with pops of color and it will do the trick and it is $30 at
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any store you can get that stuff. when we come back, the stars were shining for one of the biggest events of the year. >> the galley, coming up "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. ♪
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♪ skinny so skinny
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welcome back. "the skinny" time. we start with abc's "dancing with the stars." first of all, some perfection in the ballroom last night. >> oh, yeah, amy purdy and charlie white along with their partners received perfect scores. unfortunately, though, someone has to go home and when the time came it was with danica mckellar and her partner val who were shown the door. >> it has been an amazing time. i learned so much. val is an incredible teacher and choreographer. it's been a blast. i've got on the play so many cool characters. it's been a blast. it has been really cool. a lot of fun. >> no mirror ball trophy for them. the five pairs remaining get serious. next week it is time for the semifinals. when you hear the phrase anyone who is anyone is there they are probably talking about the met gala. a fund-raiser for the metropolitan museum costume institute here in new york. >> it is a parade of the stars. "vogue" editor in chief and fashion leader anna wintour sets the dress code based on one designer's work and this year
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was charles james, a designer who blazed trails in the '30s, '40s and '50s and was known for his sexy sophisticated ball gowns. >> let's get a closer look at some of the most cool and creative styles. check her out on the left lapid da luongo wearing prada there. cool looking. almost looks super heroesque. >> is that on the creative side? >> yeah. everything on the show is kind of -- >> weird side. >> i think that is sort of the point. >> i think the three of them are on every one of those sides. that is monáe in the middle. it is a beautiful red cape. not sure what it is doing for her figure. >> once again supposed to be out there. it is the met gala. and sara jessica parker, she wore some oscar de la renta. >> another group of girls. these are classics.
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charlize theron and sean penn, her man of the hour. >> and idina menzel wearing donna karan there. >> beautiful. taylor swift. she always looks so elegant, even for her young age. oscar de la renta once again. there you have it. next we have interesting looks. they have all been interesting so far, but this is interesting even though secretly we want to say we don't like it. >> about right. kristin stewart is wearing chanel. i don't know. whatever. >> kristin dunst, i'm not going to try to say what she is wearing, what's the name, the death star. >> death star, yeah. >> death star inspired. >> i'm not sure how i feel about that. >> maggie gyllenhaal. >> that one i like. i would rock that. >> looks like star trek from the william shatner 1960s series. i like it. >> a couple more interesting, air quotes, if you don't mind. grace is wearing the red and white kind of look. i like it. nicole richie wearing donna karan. check out her hair. >> @u a1ñ that's the thing apparently.
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>> mary kate and ashley. there you have them wearing their usual burlap sacks. >> neil patrick harris, couples category here, husband david burtka. >> what, what, what? >> hard to comment on dude's outfits. what are the tails? >> what are the tails? with the white in the back there. >> i'm not so digging the tails. >> the short pants like flood level pants as we used to say in grade school. >> and white michael jackson socks. >> i'm telling you. >> interesting. beyonce and jay-z of course both looking stunning as usual. my goodness. >> all right johnny depp here in ralph lauren. >> he is wearing -- look at his shoes. >> he has the cane and with amber hurd. >> and kim and kanye looking dashing i must say. >> absolutely, positively. >> social media having fun with the fashions for sure. >> katie holmes according to social media stole her look from belle out of "beauty and the beast" and i agree. >> some of the celebs had fashion going head to toe literally. >> we want to show you erykah
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badu on the red carpet. all of her hair probably in her hat. more celeb news right after this.
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of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh!
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anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ kc ] you're probably right. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better
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than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time. ♪ skinny so skinny we start with a scary morning for one of country's rising stars. scotty mccreery and friends were victims of a home invasion style robbery in the wee hours of monday morning. >> the home is not far from north carolina state where m mccreery is finishing his sophomore year. the thieves made off with cash, electronic items and wallets. thankfully no one was hurt. >> getting hot in here. feel it? >> i have to admit. here's maybe why. check it out. whoa, whoa, whoa. that's j-lo on the cover of her upcoming album. no need to describe the outfit there, my goodness. we can tell you the album will be called "aka."
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>> she's pretty hot. >> she never ages. she looks 21. >> she's amazing. we don't know what the music sounds like, but if it is as hot as the picture, it will do just fine. aka goes on sale june 17th. we could be hearing something new from adele soon. >> the british pop star turned 26 yesterday and tweeted a cryptic message that has everyone guessing. it says bye-bye 25 see you later again this year. her first albums were named 19 and 21 for her age at the time. is an album titled "25" on the way, question mark? fans can't wait to hear her belt out new tune. she had surgery in 2011 on her vocal chords and gave birth to a baby boy 18 months ago. because we don't see enough of the kardashians. >> very true. >> we want to share a picture that khloe instagramed. >> of course. this is clokhloe's waist. it is small, very small. the caption on the photo intrigued us.
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she said i love my waist trainer. >> waist trainer? >> that's a thing. we did a little digging. it is apparently a corsethat promises to reduce your waistline by six inches. john, stop acting -- >> i don't know about the insanely thin waist -- >> you have shown me your waist trainer before. >> oh, all right. it's true. it's out there. i'm going to embrace it. all right. a long overduhoner for hollywood icon sally fields. she finally has a star on the walk of fame. her career started here on abc with gidget when she was 17. >> she's also in the latest "spider-man" flick, which means she's been on the big and small screens for 50 years. congratulations to her. i must say, i'm surprised it has taken this long for her to get a star. >> i know, all the things she has done. >> what happened there? did it slip through the cracks. congratulations she has one now. >> props to my waist trainer, by the way. see you in a little bit. >> this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades.
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good morning. i'm diana perez. >> i'm john muller. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." a colorado woman recovering after she survived six days in her crashed car at the bottom of an embankment. she had no food or water for the whole time. we'll get the full story in just a moment. the u.s. is leading international efforts to help free 200 schoolgirls kidnapped in nigeria. the alleged kidnapper is threatening to sell the captives on the open market. he also warns there will be more attacks on more schools. an unexpected danger for a firefighter battling a deadly wildfire in oklahoma. he was trying to save a house when the flames set off ammunition inside. he was hit by bullet fragments but he is expected to be okay. >> a-listers were in new york last night for the most fashionable event of the big apple's social calendar, the met gala. those are some of the top stories on this tuesday, april
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6th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. we begin this half hour with that incredible story of survival. it comes out of colorado. a woman stuck helplessly in her car after a crash. >> she somehow managed to hold on for six days with no food, no water until someone finally found her. abc's mollie hunter has more on her harrowing ordeal. >> reporter: she had the will to survive. trapped inside of her wrecked car for nearly a week, kristin hopkins was discovered critically wounded but alive. >> her drive was -- we don't know, but there was something there that kept her hanging on and fighting. >> reporter: on april 29th, the 43-year-old single mother of four was reported missing. five days later, someone spotted her, a man who stopped to snap a picture. following that lead on may 4th, her bright red chevy was found 140 feet down this ravine. >> as he was preparing to break
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the window to gain access to the patient, she put her hand against the window. and that's when he said, she's alive. >> reporter: no food, no water but breathing. >> she would write a note on the umbrella. it was red and white and she would write on the white portion of the umbrella. and managed to get it out of the vehicle and open it. >> one message read need doctor hurt and bleeding. barely conscious, emergency personnel airlifted hopkins to the hospital. she suffered numerous internal and external injuries and underwent surgery. >> kristin will be undergoing surgery here at saint anthony's to amputate both of her feet. >> reporter: she remains in critical condition. police are asking that man, that man who stopped at the side of the road and spotted her body to come forward so that her family can say thank you. john and diana. >> thank you. also in colorado, a small plane towing an advertising banner developed engine trouble
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and crashed into a house in a denver suburb. fortunately, no one as at home at the time and the pilot was able to walk away without injuries. he found a garden hose and tried to put out the flames but had to back off when the burning fuel got too hot.ç the pilot was aiming to land at a nearby field but couldn't get there. a major traffic headache in southern california, the main highway to las vegas, interstate 15, is closed in both directions because of a bridge fire, and it could remain that way for up to two days. you can just imagine. traffic is backed up for miles and the morning commute is definitely going to be a tough one. the eight acrobats hurt in the circus accident in rhode island are doing better this morning. the two women that were critically injured have been upgraded to serious condition. and now investigators have a clue as to what might have caused the accident. here's abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: it's a shocking sight. eight women hanging only from their hair. twirling high above a circus crowd. federal officials investigating how it could go so horribly
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wrong. watch again. this is the ringling brothers legends show in providence, rhode island, on sunday. just as the curtain drops, 4,000 people in the audience would see this happen. those eight women falling more than three stories. the giant contraption that held them aloft crashing on top of them. >> the crane was heavy because it took ten guys -- you could see them struggling to lift it from off top of the girls. >> reporter: watching this closeup as the cable breaks free. investigators have zeroed in on the metal piece called a carabiner holding the apparatus up. >> the carabiner failed. it was a single piece of equipment that failed. >> reporter: remember, these performers are working without a net. watch this rehearsal video. ten rotations in five seconds. experts say a head of human hair is strong enough to support 12 tons. >> nobody saw a net under the performers.
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is that standard, that there wouldn't be a net under there? >> this act is not performed with a net. they are attached by their hair. they've performed this act over 150 times. >> reporter: one of them whitney neves a third generation circus performer. her father by phone from brazil. >> she's okay. she's doing okay. only has a broken arm. and some fractures of the neck and back, too. >> reporter: he told us his daughter is of the circus and he expects she'll soon be back under the big top. gio benitez, abc news, providence, rhode island. topping our health headlines this morning an old disease is making a comeback. for the first time the world health organization has declared the spread of polio an international public health emergency. experts say it could get worse in the next few months and unravel a 30-year effort to merely eradicate the disease. polio outbreaks cropped up in ten countries including asia, africa and the middle east. and the fda is questioning whether aspirin should be used to ward off a first heart attack
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or stroke. fda officials say studies do not support a daily aspirin regimen as a preventative measure for people who have never had cardiovascular problems. a west virginia woman found a miracle donor.ç cindy faced an uncertain future until she met jacqueline. she's a total stranger. she offered her own kidneys. she didn't think much about it until the tests came back and she was a perfect match. they had been brought together in an unusual way after she faced a long wait on the transplant list. >> they told me it could be five years, maybe even ten. it depends on my condition, blood type and all of that. my son didn't like that idea. he said he put an ad on craigslist. >> can you yo believe, that craigslist. >> both woman were at the church over the weekend for a spaghetti dinner to pay for medications. the transplant surgery is planned for june. craigslist. >> her son, by the way, is the hero in this.
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it is incredible what social media will do these days. >> it's incredible that people will actually be so generous. this is a stranger, a complete stranger. she founded it online. she said, i'll give you my kidney. pretty awesome. moving on to this. efforts to make school lunches healthier are having mixed results. kids are throwing away fruits and veggies and turning up their noses at whole grains. now administrators are asking congress to roll back the healthy requirements. the new federal standards have been phased in over the last two school years with more changes coming this year. airlines are taking in less money from baggage fees than they did two years ago but they're making up for it by adding charges for a slew of extras including getting a decent seat. government figures show airlines raised $3.3 billion from baggage fees last year. that's down 4% from 2012. an expedition to bring back gold from a steam ship that sank off the coast of south carolina
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in 1857 showing big results. it started just days ago and it recovered almost 1,000 ounces of gold. it all went down on board the "ss central america," it sank after bringing back gold. 425 people died in the wreck. it is the first since the early 1990s. here's a look at your weather now. take a look at the dangerous fire conditions and heat and gusty winds. they will stay in place, by the way, in southern plains and in north carolina. temperatures, though, could hit records in oklahoma and kansas once again today. hot across the southwest. seasonal most everywhere else. we never had anything close to this in our backyards when we were growing up. that's why it's "our favorite story of the day." it takes us to san francisco. >> a tour guide by the name of will pemble built a 180-foot long roller coaster. for who? for his two kids. it took him about 300 hours of
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work over a six-month period to build. >> that's so cool. >> supplies costs $3,500. that's the cost of making your dreams come true than he's glad he did it. >> that is just amazing. >> how do you learn to build a roller coaster. >> where do you buy supplies? >> no kidding. you know çwhat, if you go onli, you can do anything these days. >> you keep talking about how you will do brain surgery. >> i'm convinced i could do brain surgery with google if i had the right equipment. i'm being a little facetious but not much. i'm sure you could study plans. >> my theory he went to the disney/great adventure, six flags yard sale is out the window. you don't think that's what happened, he went to a yard sale for other amusement parks? yeah, i'll take that. >> they were taking down the old roller coaster. never know. nice looking roller coaster whether it is used or new. >> really cool. coming up, do you have what it takes to be the voice of moviefone? get ready to audition. also ahead, a poor kid from panama who helped the yankees
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win four championships. what we didn't know about mariano rivera. he's sharing his life story. getting revenge on husbands that cheat. don't get mad at your spouse, get even. social media ready to help you do that. you are watching "world news now." smosh ♪ maybe next time he'll think before he cheats ♪ ♪ i might have saved a little trouble for the next girl ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airwick scented oils. oils. airwick scented oils. nuggle fre, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a buicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower.
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♪ ♪ before he cheats.
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♪ maybe next time he'll think before he cheats ♪ carrie underwood sings about men taking revenge who step out. >> now before smashing his headlights or keying his car, women are turning to the internet to get revenge. we are up all "nightline" with abc's linsey davis. >> i'm really sorry about it. i really am. >> reporter: dana scott's tears and apologies were not enough for the woman that claims dana almost ruined her marriage by having a year and a half affair with her husband. >> if dana can't handle the humiliation of this she shouldn't have slept with someone else's husband. >> reporter: if hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, the social media age invented a new way to fan the flames. it's called she's a three years after, she says her affair with a married man ended dana scott found her name and location plastered on the site. >> i remember thinking, okay, he's married but kind of flirty.
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at some point, he tried to kiss me. that's when he told me he was actually, you know, separated. and they were talking divorce. >> did you think he was going to leave her for you? >> that is what he told me. >> this is your punishment. you want to do the crime, do the time. >> this is the woman behind she's a she goes by an alias.ç air elle -- ariella alexander. she says it is place for wives and girlfriends to publicly flog the other women for sleeping with their husband. >> it can follow you the rest of your life. you appear on google. everyone knows what you have done. if one woman thinks that, hey, i don't want to be a part of this. >> the site which has a quarter of a million likes on facebook posts the names, pictures and often torrid details about these accused home wreckers and their alleged adulteress ways. the site has gotten a flurry of
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media attention. some calling it slut shaming, pitting women against women. but she sees it differently. >> if women love women so much they wouldn't sleep with other women's husbands. at the end of the day it is about respect. as a woman, i'm not going to sleep with someone else's husband. >> about a year into the affair, dana got pregnant. dana had the baby while he stayed with his wife and since then she's been harassed by his wife for years. >> are you a home wrecker? >> no. i'm not a home wrecker. he is a home wrker. the home was already wrecked before i was in the picture. >> dana began to receive vicious messages online, many from strangers. >> strangers are the worst. they are ones like oh, she should die. kill her. calling my son a bastard when they don't have an idea what is going on. what i don't understand is why i'm getting the brunt of this when he's the one married to her.
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he made a vow to her under god. i want to move on with my life. >> dana's former lover and his wife declined comment when contacted by abc news. for "nightline," i'm linsey davis in fort hood, texas. >> i happen to think it is twisted logic and i absolutely don't agree. >> two wrongs don't make a right. >> what's the point of that? i totally understand that you are upset at the lady that did this to you and whatever, whatever, but she didn't do anything to you. your husband did it to you. take it out on him. >> by the way, there's a brother's site. he's a home >> there you go. that makes more sense to me. >> equal opportunity. >> absolutely. coming up, a legend's next chapter. mariano rivera talks about his amazing career and what's ahead. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" cont
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♪ with mariano closing you know who's winning ♪ >> interesting song. mariano rivera considered the greatest closer in baseball history. he will be part of the landscape of yankees stadium forever. the street just outside the stadium has been named for the pitcher as he helped unveil the sign for rivera avenue. >> it's a big honor for one of the team's biggest talents. rivera is one of the most admired pro athletes in the nation. he sat down with our robin roberts to talk about what's most important in his life. ♪ >> reporter: in baseball, the closer is the guy that comes in at the end of the game to close it out. shut down the opponent and get the win. ♪ in the history of baseball, no one has done that better than the great mariano rivera. >> strike three. ball game over.
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>> reporter: for mariano rivera his life and legacy have been first and foremost about faith. it is a remarkable story and he lays it out in his memoir "the closer." the final game. andy pettitte. derek jeter, going out there. when you saw them coming out to get you, what was going through your mind? >> wow, this is it. it hit me like a ton of bricks. this is it. i was strong for the whole year. at that moment i couldn't hold it no more. >> how's this for drama? >> reporter: the teammates who had been his family helping him say good-bye but his real family waiting at home with open arms. and the person that's been with you every step of your journey, clara. >> clara. >> reporter: you met in kindergarten? >> actually, we were in first grade.
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we grew up together. >> reporter: clara is the pastor at their church refuge of hope in new rochelle, new york. you have gone from saving games to saving souls. is that how you feel? >> that's how i feel. >> reporter: $3 million went in to restoring the church. a place where they intend to give back to the community. >> where two or three are gathered in my name, there am iç there am i with them. >> reporter: he will always be great mariano rivera, new york yankee, but in his heart he will always be mariano rivera, humble servant to help others. >> much like robin, his talent is matched by his inner greatness inside as well. >> this is amazing. check this out. he writes in his book he had an impoverished panamanian childhood. he dropped out of the school in a ninth grade, he was chased out
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of a nightclub by a wielding man and he was sure he was going to die in shark infested waters after his father's fishing boat sank off the gulf of panama. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. innovative cc cream from nice 'n easy. our advanced treatment helps keep highlights and lowlights shiny and luminous. cc cream, find it in every box of nice 'n easy. the most natural shade of you. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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♪ talk dirty to me ♪ talk dirty to me all right. if you grew up in the '90s you definitely remember the days of moviefone. that ingenious intention that allowed you to call a number and find out what time a movie was showing. >> it was pre-smartphone but moviefone is alive and well and looking for a new voice. abc's nick watt has more. >> reporter: back in my youth when costner was the prince of seas and beverly hills cop was the funniest thing in theaters, many a date night began with
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these legendary words. >> hello, and welcome to moviefone. >> reporter: and movie phone is launching the search for a new voice. it could be you. >> you you could be 18 or 80. the key is to find someone who is compelling and powerful and resonates. >> reporter: the original moviefone, a guy named russ, a guy with a mullet, became a pop cultural colossus. >> hello and welcome to moviefone. >> it peaked in the mid-90s with 3 million callers a week. >> say the name of the movie you would like to see now. >> reporter: an icon who went the way of the rotary dial, vhs and vinyl. the phone line closed replaced by an app and their website. >> the new moviefone gives you the easiest way to find premium content wherever it is, whether it's in theater, tv, or through a streaming service. >> reporter: but they need a new
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man or woman to be the face and the voice. >> simply text star to 265265 for more details. oh, i can't believe i tried the voice. >> reporter: nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> tougher for nick. he had to do the american accent. >> i know. >> impersonation in a different accent. >> hello and welcome to moviefone. >> back in 1989. >> so did you. >> how did i become that guy? man, oh, man. >> i remember the story. you tried out for the voice of moviefone. >> and they said no.ç >> but you can be an usher instead. >> called 777-film. >> and film -- let me see my phone. oh, i don't have my phone. isn't this crazy, none of my phones will tell me whether it's abc, 123. >> can't even do that anymore. >> i can't do the that anymore. >> need the office phone. >> i need my rotary phone.
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this morning on "world news now" cruel threat. hundreds of schoolgirls this morning on "world news now" cruel threat. hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped in africa. the kidnaper now warns those girls will be sold as slaves. >> the girls are alarmed. they're nervous. they're not sure what's going on. as hollywood celebrities and the former secretary of state use social media to fight for the girls' freedom. dangerous drought.ç a deadly scene as oklahoma goes up in flames. the heartbreak as homes burn down in a flash. >> i fought like hell. this is my life. i mean, look at it. can you tell me what was in my home? >> why this could be the worst fire season in years. and going undercover to expose your favorite restaurants secret menus from mexican food to coffee concoctions.
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you're in for a treat. it is tuesday, may 6th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the latest on the more than 200 girls kidnapped by militants in nigeria. the u.s. is helping to lead an international effort to free the captives. >> this comes as their alleged abductor threatens to capture more girls. here's abc's martha raddatz. >> reporter: it's the face of evil, the leader of the smiling with that taunting, chilling warning, "i look your girls. they are our slaves. i will sell them in the market." the girls, 15 to 18 years old, were taken at bedtime. the best and brightest, students in a nation with little education, away at boarding school when the gunman stormed in, loading the girls on to trucks. anguished parents of the missing are speaking out. "we cannot sleep" said this
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mother, "thinking of our daughter and the other girls and wondering what they are going through." it's the work of boko haram which means western education is a sin. loosely affiliated with al qaeda, they're responsible for dozens of massacres, including the slaughter of about 50 teenage school boys earlier this year. these girls are among some 50 who did manage to escape. this reporter spoke to one. >> the girls are alarmed. they're nervous. they're not sure what's going on. these men are dragging them out of bed and taking them outside and putting them into big trucks. >> reporter: the girl said she made a break for it while the terrorist caravan was stopped, sprinting into the woods, running all the next day, finally reuniting with her family. all of this because she wanted to go to school. >> they are heros.
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for braving a dangerous climate to a tent school, they were trying to take revenge on the fact these girls wanted to do better for themselves. >> reporter: the nigerian president promised the girls would be found, but promises mean little to the desperate marchers in the streets and little to quiet the wave of online support building across the globe. over the past week, the hashtag bringbackourgirls has been used more than 800,000 times, including by hillary clinton and a string of well-known names calling for action. >> if the nigerians ask, the u.s. could possibly provide intelligence, including overhead satellite imagery. the terror group is likely ç hiding out in extremely remote areas of nigeria, but the u.s. is vowing to help in any way it can. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. >> sickening story. >> by the way, the terror group is citing an ancient jihadi custom of enslaving women captured, quote, captured, in a holy war and then these women can be used as sex slaves. >> just horrible.
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a lot of criticism toward the nigerian government from people saying they are not doing enough. they're being a little too complacent. they have to be as outraged as everyone else seems to be. >> too many girls. they are too young. >> one is too many. >> one is too many and this is an entire school. it's too mm. i think everybody needs to start stepping in. >> you better believe it. >> moving on to this, more violence in ukraine as an emotionally charged holiday grows near. pro-russian millias clash with government troops yesterday once again, killing as many as ten rebels and four soldiers. meanwhile, the government set up road blocks around the capital of kiev searching for weapons. friday is victory day, a holiday marking the soviet victory over the nazis. which has become a celebration of russian nationalism. testimony resumes at the murder trial of oscar pistorius as more defense witnesses take the stand. a neighbor and friend of pistorius testified about his emotional state. just after he shot his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the testimony was meant to reinforce the defense's theory
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that pistorius mistakenly shoot steenkamp thinking she was an intruder. stepped up security at a college in georgia after two campus shoot innings two days. in the second incident, a college student was left with a life-threatening wound to the head. the suspect is in custody. police are still searching for two men fired shots at a dormitory on sunday injuring one student. a missouri man is breathing easier after serving nearly a year behind bars. cornelius mike anderson spent 13 years free from prison because of a clerical error. during those years he asked about serving his time but the order never came. that is until last year when the state realized his mistake and now his debt is paid. >> he's awesome. awesome. awesome father. >> he will have the best night's sleep he ever had in his own bed. >> yesterday, a judge gave anderson credit for the years he went on with his life as a business owner, family man and church volunteer. deadly wildfire burning near oklahoma city since sunday is 75% contained after destroying homes there and forcing hundreds to evacuate.
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crews battling wind-driven flames with unexpected danger. the fire setting off ammunition in one of the houses there. a firefighter was hit by shrapnel and exploding bullets. we have more. >> reporter: in searing 98 degree heat, blackhawk helicopters drop water on stubborn hot spots near the town of guthrie, north of oklahoma city. 36 homes have been lost here. many battled the flames with whatever they could. >> i fought like hell. this is my life. i mean, look at it. can you tell me what was in my homes? ç >> reporter: the fire claimed the life of a 56-year-old man who was warned to leave his home, but refused. this fire kicked up sunday afternoon. a controlled burn on someone's property that quickly got out of control. >> it is very scary. you just have to leave it in god's hands and if it burns, it burns. >> firefighters have worked many
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miracles here. ask scott ward. >> 15 feet away. i thought for sure it was going to be gone. >> see the home peeking through the burned out trees? that's his dream home, weeks from completion. especially designed for one of his 8-year-old twin boys who's in a wheelchair. >> firefighters saying everything is still there. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: parts of oklahoma are more parched than they were during the dust bowl. from here the historic drought stretches south into texas and west to california. it's shaping up to be a brutal wildfire season. california has already seen twice the number of fires it does in an average year, and nationwide wildfires have consumed more than twice as many acres this year compared to last. on this particular blaze here in oklahoma, the fire chief now believes they do have the upper hand on this one. so much so he allowed people to come back to their homes, although, as you can see behind me, some people did not have much to come home to. ryan owens, abc news, guthrie, oklahoma.
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a new study links mandatory health care coverage to the significant drop in the number of deaths in massachusetts. the death rate fell by 3% during the first four years of the law and 4.5% from preventible and treatable conditions including heart disease and cancer. the steepest decline was among the poor and previously uninsured people but the study did not analyze costs. the head of target gregg steinhafel is the latest casualty of the massive data breach uncovered during the holiday season. target's ceo has resigned after 35 years with the company, 6 as ceo. hackers got ahold of personal information from 70 million customers. the board said steinhafel held himself personally accountable. out of a job this morning is first lady michelle obama's brother craig robinson. fired by oregon state, after six seasons as head basketball coach, his team finished no better that's fifth in their conference and never made the ncaa tournament.
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he will be paid $4.2 million he is owed on his contract. in the nba playoffs a great night for the visiting teams. starting with the l.a. clippers taking on the oklahoma city thunder. l.a. seemed to leave all the distractions back home because they destroyed okc. clippers stars chris paul and blake griffin combined for 55 points. l.a. takes game one of the series, 122-105. early last night, it was washington wizards opening their round two series in indiana. washington hit ten three-point shots and played tough defense to win a second round game for the first time since 1982. so far in this year's playoffs the wizards are undefeated on the road. they beat indiana, 102-96. game two in both series is tomorrow night.ç let's drop down to the high school ranks for this rather impressive fete of athleticism. this one comes to us down in texas. >> check this out. this is gary hanes. he launches a long pass in the air and check this out. he is sprinting after it. does he catch it? does he catch it? yeah, he does. he unleashes the ball and catches it at the end.
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>> 50 yards later. he caught it. he plays wide receiver for his high school and might not be a surprise that he led the team in catches, yards and touchdowns and should be probably a quarterback as well. looking forward to his senior season. that is impressive. wow. >> p.s., he says he's working on his speed. >> i think he's kind of fast. he can probably go 25 yards and get under it, 50 not so much. >> i think i can throw it straight up and catch it and that might be as to up. >> we will work on it. coming up next, what could be the future of air travel and requires no runway? and later, going undercover to your favorite restaurants to reveal food and drink on secret menus, your lunch break may never be the same. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i'll give you my dirty little secret ♪ >> announcer: world news now" weather brought to you by tide plus febreeze. ou by tide plus febreeze. abby.
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mom! my llama smells like you. oh, kiss llama for mommy! i use tide plus febreze in the wash. it keeps their clothes and stuffed animals smelling fresher for longer. plus the smell reminds them of me. how many more sleeps until you're back? [ chuckles ] just one more! aw, that many? [ female announcer ] tide plus febreze. that's my tide plus. [ female announcer ] tide plus febreze. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life.
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this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose
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when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪
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♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm not gonna give up they are survivors in every sense of the word. one year ago today, amanda berry, michelle knight and gina dejesus emerged from captivity held for years by a man whose deprevity was almost beyond comprehension. >> this morning we open the "world news now" vault to may 6th, 2013 when the girls were
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discovered. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. >> that's the voice of amanda berry calling 911. the last time anyone in her family heard that voice she was a day shy of turning 17. tonight she is 27 years old and free. thanks in part to police, she got an ovation on this cleveland street and thanks, in large part, to a passing neighbor named charles ramsey. >> i look and see this girl and she's going nuts on the door. i was like what's your problem? if you are stuck open the door. she said i can't he has it locked. >> and i looked and it is only enough to reach your hand out ç and grab the mail and close the door. naturally going to pry it open. that didn't work. we had to kick out the bottom. luckily that door was aluminum. it was cheap. she climbed out with her daughter. >> inside the home they found dejesus who went missing from this neighborhood nine years ago
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and found michelle knight who went missing in 2000. but since she was 20 at the time didn't get as much attention. police will only say they have three hispanic men in custody, ages 50 to 54. our sources tell us they are brothers. the middle brother's name, ariel castro. according to his neighbor, he lived a life far above suspicion. >> i have been here a year. you see where i'm coming from? i barbecued with this dude. we eat ribs and what not and listen to salsa music. you see where i'm coming from? and you had no indication -- >> not a clue that that girl was in that house or anybody else was in there against their will. >> unbelievable. since that day all three women moved on with their lives bonding with family again. >> ariel castro killed himself in prison last summer. his first captive, michelle knight has a book out today and she's talked to cnn's anderson cooper last night about the first few days in captivity.
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>> there's a day that i screamed until i had no voice. still nobody heard me. and when he hears you scream he shoves a sock or cloth down your throat until you choke on it. >> did you think that this would at some point end? that it wouldn't go on, that he would let you go? did he promise he would let you go? >> no, he told me he'd never let me go. >> he said that from the beginning? >> yes. he said you don't have a family that cares about you. if i kill you right now, nobody would even care. >> michelle is living on her own. she just recorded a song. she even took up boxing. >> the others are also talking on the first anniversary of their release. amanda said she has grown, strong and so much to live for. >> gina says she is enjoying to learn new technology and learning to drive. they will be in washington, d.c. tonight for the hope awards which honor people fighting to protect kids from victimization.
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>> amazing how these women are striving after going through a traumatic event in their lives. >> they've come a long way in a year. amazing that that guy who got arrested for all of that is gone, committing suicide in prison. >> the girls and their representatives said when that happened it was almost better that that happened because there was never a concern that he would ever, even on a fluke be able to come out and do anything else to them. >> we'll be right back. most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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♪ give you my dirty little secret ♪ ♪ give you my dirty little secret ♪ ♪ dirty little secret can you keep a secret? there's more to a menu than meets the eye. >> some of the best known restaurants have secret menus where you can get secret items. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: i'm at starbucks for my morning fix. >> can i get a cake batter
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frappuccino and a liquid cocaine, please? >> that's four shots and white chocolate syrup. i'm ordering off the secret menu. you didn't know that? >> can i have a captain crunch frappichino. >> it's what all the cool kids are doing at starbucks and beyond and posting their orders online, #secretmenu. >> it is something that people don't know about and some customers are drawn to that idea. >> reporter: many restaurants are allowing customers to customize and spread secret recipes and denying all knowledge. chipotle said we don't have a secret menu so i tried to order secret creations spreading online. >> can i get a burrito-dilla? we'll have one of those, too. >> that's a burrito wrapped inside of a cheese quesadilla. >> it was delicious. i mean, there was extra confusion with my accent but whatever this is is great. >> it is basic consumer behavior, psychology.
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it might seem more appealing to people. that is of course until it gets too popular and then they move on to something else. >> reporter: i'm drinking candy floss and twix frappuccinos on national tv. i'm a 40-year-old guy wearing a coat and tie. it's official, these drinks are no longer secret. they're no longer cool. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> all right. we have some of the secrets. >> check it out. >> jordan, come out here and help us out. >> tell us what these are. these are from the upper west side starbucks. not far from the studio. what do we have. >> this one first. >> this is the twix frappichino. >> that sounds good. >> this is the -- this is the infamous. >> this is called liquid cocaine. not as dangerous as the name ç implies but it has four shots of espresso. >> that's all you. >> that's hard core, man. that's hard core. >> this is what i'm interested in, this concoction. >> the sour gummy bear refresher. it is supposed to taste like a gummy bear. it doesn't have coffee.
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>> this is cake batter frapp? >> this is the cake batter frapp. >> i want the captain crunch next time, buddy. >> okay. anytime you want it. > the captain crunch next time,ed but. >> i okay. > the captain crunch time,ed but. >> i okay. time,ed but. >> i okay. i the captain crunch next time,ed but. >> i okay. time,ed but. >> i okay. w the captain crunch time,ed but. >> i okay. a theo cfo the ctainc nt time, > i okay.o cf1 o next time,ed but >> i okay. , but. >> i okay. but. her hard-earned money. >> i okay. of americans just liu >> i okay. p>> i okyokay.
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available. entityn if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now
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and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e
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♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. >> welcome in to the mix. we will share with you a viral video as we continue to enjoy you're delicious secret menu items. >> starbucks, exactly what we need at this hour of the night. >> a viral video about viral videos and the negative impact that being on your phone, smartphones, can be, all kinds of dohickeys we have now can be to your relationship. take a look. it is brilliantly done. >> being alone isn't a problem. you can read a book, paint picture, do exercise, awake and putting your time to good use. when you are in public and start to feel alone put your hands behind your head, step away from the phone. you don't need your contact list, talk to one another, learn to coexist. i can't stand to hear the silence. >> there you have it. his name is gary turk.
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he is reciting a poem about the negative impact of social media. of real-life interactions of being on your phones, computers, smart tablets. it is five minutes long. it's a love story with a little twist in the end and especially he says stop watching this video and live life the real way and makes a good point. >> kids go out and play. run in the backyard. toss a ball around, something. >> we have seen a lot of twins reunited, separated at birth they get reunited. always great stories. you missed your mouth on that one. are you okay? >> i'm wired. >> any way, this is particularly good. not as good as you stabbing yourself with a straw. these are 78-year-old -- these are sisters who were separated at birth, 78 years ago. who finally reunited. anne hunt and elizabeth hamill reunited for the first time in fullerton, california. it's unbelievable. hunt lives in england. pamela in oregon. they were both born in england in 1936. it's a long story but after 78
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years, these sisters are reunited. is that crazy. >> so sweet. mom had to give up one for adoption, right. >> she had to give one up. and the other had a curvature of the spine. she knew it would be hard to adopt her. she decided to keep her. >> wow, that's a great story. we are switching to something that is cool. check this out. it's half helicopter, half airplane. it's just a prototype but a full-scale prototype. it is a company that is calling it the s-2. essentially it takes off like a helicopter. it just needs a launch pad. doesn't need a landing strip or anything. once it is up, all of those little propellers that you see fold in so it flies like a airplane. >> pretty awesome. >> can i show you the alleged dumb criminal of the day? >> love these. ç >> dunwoody, georgia, damon tobias exum, 37 years old, he is charged with being drunk, slammed into a patrol car. then the police pull him over and the first thing, he hands the officer a beer.
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this morning on "world news now" with, disturbing developments. hundreds of girls kidnapped from a school who maybe forced in to slavery. the abductors, latest threat and worldwide outcry. public prayer, the legal battle that went from a small city hall to the biggest court in the country. the supreme court decision and what it means. amazing survival. her car crashed down an embankment and she was stuck there for six days with no food or water. her rescue and recovery. fantastic fashionistas. a-list celebrities go all out to dazzle at new york's annual met gala last night, the stunners ç and bummers that you just have to see. that's coming up in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 6th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez.
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good tuesday morning. we begin with the hundreds of girls who are being held captive by militants in nigeria. >> the white house says it is doing what it can to help free the captive girls and the fbi is standing by for further orders. with more on all of this, abc's karen travers. >> reporter: the crime is so horrific, so brazen, more than 300 teenage girls kidnapped from their school on april 15th. by boko haram. islamic extremists believe that western education is a sin. and the leader of those kidnappers, the group loosely affiliated with al qaeda, delivering a chilling warning. "i took your girls. they are our slaves. i will sell them in the market." some of them have reportedly been sold off as brides in a massive human trafficking operation. 53 girls managed to escape. nigeria's president said his administration is doing everything possible to find the 276 still missing.
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>> we'll get them out. >> reporter: the anguished parents of the missing are desperate for the government to do more. >> the hope of finding our daughter lies in the hands of the government and the security men. because on our own we cannot do anything. >> they should bring the girls back. it's then that we will have rest of mind. and support the government in anything they do. >> reporter: nigeria's president appealed directly to president obama for help. the hashtag bringbackourgirls has gone viral around the world. former secretary of state hillary clinton and celebrities like amy poehler and mary j. blige have taken to twitter to bring attention to the kidnappings. in a videotape released yesterday, the leader of the extremist group threatened to sell the missing girls and
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abduct more. john and diana. >> karen travers, thank you for that. we know the reason the air traffic control system in southern california malfunctioned last week. a u-2 spy plane, the faa says airport computers were not able to process the spy plane's flight plan and the software became overwhelmed. hundreds of planes across the nation headed for southern california were ordered not to take off as an air traffic control facility had to be rebooted. a small plane towing an advertising banner developed engine trouble and crashed into a house north of denver. no one home at the time. although the plane caught fire, the pilot was uninjured. he found a garden hose and tried to put out the flames but had to back off when the burning fuel just got too hot. the pilot was aiming for a nearby field. he was unable to reach it. three base jumpers will be in a new york city court for jumping off the new world trade center building last september.ç they released this video clip from the helmet cam of one of them who landed in a park along the river. earlier they released a video of another jumper who landed on a highway with relatively little traffic since it was 3:00 a.m. they face burglary and other charges.
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now to that all-important vote from the supreme court about the role of religion in american public life. by a close vote, the justices ruled that local council meetings can be opened by a christian prayer. abc's jim avila reports from the court. >> reporter: across the country, government meetings from city councils. >> let's join our hearts together in prayer. >> reporter: american business starts with a prayer. >> almighty god. >> reporter: the supreme court said go ahead, call on god, even by your religion's name for the almighty, be it jesus, jehovah, or allah. we have your back. >> the court said we don't want to get in the business of trying to censor or parse the content of particular prayers. >> reporter: the supreme court got the case after complaints from greece, new york, an upstate town of 97,000 with 30 christian churches, one buddhist temple and no synagogues. so nearly all of the city council prayers mentioned jesus, offending two residents.
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one of them jewish. >> as a minority faith, i felt uncomfortable having christian prayer time after time after time recited and feeling that i was not -- i was an outsider. >> reporter: but the court ruled that adult citizens can tolerate and perhaps appreciate a ceremonial prayer delivered by a person of a different faith. so by a 5-4 vote, the court ruled that as long as the prayer doesn't condemn others or proselytize, pray on. while some may hope it leads to prayer in school or religious symbols on government grounds, experts say it is narrow, only guaranteeing the freedom to pray out loud and in public at government meetings, even for those that don't want to hear it. jim avila, abc news, the supreme court. >> the legal case against a teenager accused in last month's stabbing attack near pittsburgh has been delayed again. a judge delayed the hearing for alex hribal for a second time.
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the hearing is set for next month. students at the school where the attack took place will be using clear backpacks for the rest of the year. >> during the school day, students will need to carry these bags, which are clear and our goal is to bring an added sense of safety and security. >> 1,500 clear backpacks were paid for by a local car dealership. the fr strong slogan is a reference to the school. franklin regional. two students remain hospitalized. a colorado woman is recovering after running off the road and surviving six days in her wrecked car with no food or water. a passerby spotted kristen hopkins' chevy over an embankment in denver. when firefighters arrived, they were surprised to find her alive, conscious and coherent. hopkins was critically injured ç and dehydrated, but scribbled pleas for help on her umbrella and stick it out of her window. >> what her drive was, we don't know but something kept her hanging on and fighting.
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>> hopkins is a 43-year-old mother of four. doctors had to amputate her feet and she's expected to make a full recovery. >> what a story. deadly wildfire blazing across oklahoma is 75% contained this morning. one man was killed, six homes completely destroyed. there was a hidden danger lurking in one of the houses. the fire caused bullets to explode. a firefighter was injured when hit by flying shrapnel. >> as we went to make entry in the structure, that's when the ammunition started to cook off. i took two to the chest and one to the head. >> some evacuated residents were allowed to return home to survey the damage. firefighters are facing more tough conditions today with temperatures expected to hit triple digits. let's take a look at your weather. the dangerous fire conditions, the heat and gusty winds will stay in place for the southern plains and northern texas. dry across much of the country except for a band of rain across the northern stretches from south dakota to ohio. showers over virginia and coastal north carolina. >> temperatures could hit
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records in oklahoma and kansas again today. hot across the southwest. seasonal most everywhere else. probably as soon as pot became legal something like this was inevitable and we think you will agree once you see what we are talking about. >> we have all heard of the munchies following smoking. well, now there is a food truck for that. it debuted in denver last month. the official name is the samich truck. oddly, it's also known simply as the food truck. >> the company running it says it offers four-star quality food infused with thc. the main ingredient found in cannabis. sounds awesome, in colorado. >> munchies is not to munch on stuff that has more cannabis in it. >> unless you are, looking for a little bit of a higher high. i don't know. i have no idea how this stuff works, john. please inform me. >> somebody told me once. >> why have a little when you can have a lot? >> why have a little when you can have a lot. interesting point. >> very good point.
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>> where are those frappichinos from before? >> interesting point. i will stick to my frappichinos. >> there you go. coming up, "the skinny," two perfect scores and one difficult elimination from "dancing with the stars." and sprucing up your home to sell. the quick and easy makeovers you can do to cash in. don't miss our expert advice. you're watching "world news now." ♪ if that's moving up then i'm moving out ♪ ♪ i'm moving out >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by mega red omega-3 krill oil. red omega-3 krill oil.
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she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money,
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your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge.
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♪ of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance.
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♪ i'm moving out >> this is the time of the year when a lot of people are planning to move out. spring is the busiest time for buying and selling houses. >> with so much competition out there, how do you make sure yours is the house that gets the best offer? our friend paula faris went to atlanta to help a family transform their home. >> reporter: marla and chris' home sweet home isn't so sweet. how many people have seen your home? >> we had dozens of people come in. >> reporter: their atlanta three-bedroom home hit the market four months ago for a competitive $170,000. but so far -- >> no offers, is that frustrating? >> it is disheartening. >> the feedback is great house, needs upgrades. >> help you find a perfect home. this is "buying and selling." >> reporter: so real money teamed up with the stars of hgtv's "buying and selling,"
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twin brothers and real estate experts, drew and jonathan scott, to help figure out why this house isn't selling and turn these digs into a buyer's dream. step number one, the brothers say cut out the clutter. >> i call it the ick factor. every time a buyer walks the house and they are like, i don't like that, ick, they write off the house and walk away. even though it isn't adding hard value it is adding value to the mind of buyers. >> reporter: step two, paint. >> you can't underestimate the power of paint. >> how much does it cost? >> it costs next to nothing. >> reporter: the brothers say for $30 worth of paint you can add thousands of dollars to your home. you be the judge. look at the living room paint color before and after. >> now it looks like a brand new space. >> oh, wow. >> wow. >> step three replace old fixtures like busted lights to make the whole room feel new. in the kitchen update your faucet, paint cabinets and replace hardware. >> what kind of return on the investment do you think they can get? >> instantly, i would say the
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kitchen alone here has raised the value by about 20 grand. >> wow. >> reporter: step four, light up a room with brighter bulbs and new lighting. >> you can make a room feel bigger, brighter, more inviting if you have proper lighting. >> reporter: step five if you are going to invest in one big renovation, pick new counter tops or floors. those have the two biggest returns. with a budget of $13,000, the brothers were able to sell the home for $30,000 more than their initial list price. our family not only got more than the asking price, they had four offers in four days. john and diana? >> paula, thank you very much. good tips there. >> they really are. it's things you never think. like you don't think to clean up the clutter in a corner or take off the pictures on the mantle or paint a fireplace. >> did you see how much brighteç and appealing that room looked just from the white? >> if you have done some of that stuff, and your house looks a little drab, throw some pillows with pops of color and it will do the trick and it is $30 at any store you can get that
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stuff. when we come back, the stars were shining for one of the hottest social events of the year. >> we have a fashion show from the red carpet from the met gala, coming up next in "the skinny."
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♪ skinny so skinny
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welcome back. "the skinny" time. we start with abc's "dancing with the stars." first of all, some perfection in the ballroom last night. >> oh, yeah, amy purdy and charlie white along with their partners received perfect scores. unfortunately, though, someone has to go home and when the time came it was with danica mckellar and her partner val who were shown the door. >> it has been an amazing time. i learned so much. val is an incredible teacher and choreographer. it's been a blast. i've gotten to play so many cool characters. it's been a blast. it has been really cool. a lot of fun. >> no mirror ball trophy for them. the five pairs remaining get serious. next week it is time for the semifinals. when you hear the phrase anyone who is anyone is there they are probably talking about the annual met gala, aç fund-raiser for the metropolitan museum costume institute here in new york. >> it is a parade of the stars. "vogue" editor in chief and fashion leader anna wintour sets the dress code based on one designer's work and this year
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was charles james, a designer who blazed trails in the '30s, '40s and '50s and was known for his sexy, yet sophisticated ball gowns. >> let's get a closer look at some of the most cool and creative styles. check her out on the left lupita nyong'o wearing prada there. pretty cool looking. there you go. it almost looks super hero-esque. >> is that on the creative side? >> yeah. >> the cool side, the weird side? >> i think that's sort of the point. >> i think the three of them are on every one of those sides. that is monáe in the middle. it is a beautiful red cape. not sure what it is doing for her figure. >> once again supposed to be out there. it is the met gala. and sara jessica parker, she wore some oscar de la renta. >> another group of girls. these are classics. charlize theron and sean penn, her man of the hour. >> and idina menzel wearing donna karan there.
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>> beautiful. taylor swift. she always looks so elegant, even for her young age. oscar de la renta once again. there you have it. next we have interesting looks. they have all been interesting so far, but this is interesting even though secretly we want to say we don't like it. >> that's about right. kristin stewart is wearing chanel. i don't know. whatever. >> kristin dunst, i'm not going to try to say what she is wearing, what's the name, the death star. >> death star, yeah. >> death star inspired. >> i'm not sure how i feel about that. >> maggie gyllenhaal. >> that one i like. i would rock that. >> looks like star trek from the william shatner 1960s series. i like it. >> a couple more interesting, air quotes, if you don't mind. grace is wearing the red and white kind of look. i like it. nicole richie wearing donna karan. check out her hair by the way. >> oh, purple. that's the thing apparently.
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>> mary kate and ashley. there you have them wearing their usual burlap sacks. >> neil patrick harris, couples category here, husband david burtka. >> what, what, what? >> hard to comment on dude's outfits. what are the tails? >> what are the tails? with the white in the back there. >> i'm not so digging the tails. >> the short pants like flood level pants as we used to say in grade school. >> and white michael jackson socks. >> i'm telling you. >> interesting. beyonce and jay-z of course both looking stunning as usual. my goodness. >> all right johnny depp here in ralph lauren. >> he is wearing -- look at his shoes. >> he has the cane and he's with amber hurd. >> and kim and kanye looking quite dashing, i might say.ç >> absolutely, positively. >> social media having fun with the fashions for sure. >> katie holmes according to social media stole her look from belle out of "beauty and the beast" and i agree. >> some of the celebs had fashion going head to toe
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literally. >> we want to show you erykah badu on the red carpet. all of her hair probably in her hat. more celeb news right after this.
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of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh!
3:54 am
anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. you would need like a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ kc ] you're probably right. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. 1 pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better
3:55 am
than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. beyond clean and shine. every time. ♪ skinny so skinny we start with a scary morning for one of country's rising stars. scotty mccreery and friends were victims of a home invasion style robbery in the wee hours of monday morning. >> the home is not far from north carolina state where mccreery is finishing his sophomore year. the thieves made off with cash, electronic items and wallets. thankfully no one was hurt. >> getting hot in here. feel it? >> a little bit. i can feel, it i have to admit. here's maybe why. check it out. whoa, whoa, whoa. that's j-lo on the cover of her upcoming album. no need to describe the outfit there, my goodness.
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we can tell you the album will be called "aka." >> she's pretty hot. >> she never ages. she looks 21. >> she's amazing. we don't know what the music sounds like, but if it is as hot as the picture, it will do just fine. aka goes on sale june 17th. we could be hearing something new from adele soon. >> the british pop star turned 26 yesterday and tweeted a cryptic message that has everyone guessing. it says bye-bye 25 see you later again this year. her first albums were named 19 and 21 for her age at the time. is an album titled "25" on the way, question mark? >> very interesting. fans can't wait to hear her belt out new tune. she took time off to have surgery on her vocal chords in 2011 and gave birth to a baby boy 18 months ago. because we don't see enough of the kardashians. >> very true. >> we want to share a picture that khloe instagramed. >> of course. this is khloe's waist. it is small, very small. the caption on the photo intrigued us. she said i love my waist trainer. >> waist trainer?
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>> yes, that is a thing. we did a little digging. it is apparently a corset that promises to reduce your waistline by six inches. john, stop acting -- >> i don't know about the insanely thin waist. >> you have shown me your waist trainer before. >> oh, all right. it's true. it's out there. i'm going to embrace it. all right. for a long overdue honor for hollywood icon sally fields. she finally has a star on the walk of fame. her career started here on abc with "gidget" when she was 17. >> she's also in the latest "spider-man" flick, which means she's been on the big and small screens for 50 years. congratulations to her. i must say, i'm surprised it has taken this long for her to get a star. >> i know, all the things she has done. >> what happened there? did it slip through the cracks. congratulations she has one now. >> props to my waist trainer, by the way.ç see you in a little bit. >> this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. i want to le.bout a unique group of people.
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4:00 am
making news in america this morning, kidnapped and held for ransom. hundreds of schoolgirls have been abducted. this morning, the american military on standby as we learn more about the man taking responsibility. a freeway shut down after a bridge catches fire. new video just in. and a major traffic mess is expected to make between two big cities. survival story. a woman spends days in her car after crashing down an embankme embankment. glitz, glamour and gowns. why did jay z get down on one knee on the red carpet.


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