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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  May 13, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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long the coastline. high temperatures ranging between 96 and 102 degrees inland numerous high 90s around the bay, warm nights can be expected in the hills and risk of heat related illness is considerable. now, a live view of santa cruz beach again, looking at today's record breaking high temperatures. richmond, oakland, san francisco, sfo. moffett field. monterey, all record high temperatures for this date. and most of them back in 1976. and as you can see from our mount tam cam, tomorrow will be our third consecutive spare the air day. temperatures have been rising. our air quality has been declining. poorest air quality inland east bay and santa clara valley. a further look at this heat wave later. >> thank you we'll see you later on.
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people saw temperatures that weren't that unusual but what is unusual about spring heat wave is where it's hot. places where people just aren't used to it. nick? >> today, we saw temperatures similar to those in livermore, take a look behind me. when we have temperatures like this, we have to pay attention to those most at risk. let's face it. kids love to play. high temperatures put them at risk. it's up to make sure they stay hydrated. >> we can't let us know when they're hot. they just want to play and play we try to keep them cooled off,
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out here. >> sun and fun go hand in hand. you can limit your exposure. those working outside can only do so much. >> we just try to start early and take off early. >> and to play it safe, water. because he says if you get sick from heat, you can't work. >> not too hot. >> we can't stop. >> i can't deal with it. >> heat related illness can hit seniors hard and cast the medication can place them at higher risk, making need for cooler spaces and constant high duration essential. >> we encourage them to drink liquid. >> healthy, happy seniors a. a tune we can all sing to.
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>> warm weather made this a gruelling day in the amgen tour in california. two difficult climbs any time of the year but especially in 90 degree heat. laura? >> this is the most gruelling time. they have 4.5 miles to summit by far hardest part. this is how the top riders in the world bared the mountain and the heat. they neared the summit. last four and a half miles of a gruelling climb.
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>> worriry about them in the heat? they know what they're doing. >> it's the same route they have taken hours before. >> is it too hot? >> no. when you get out and go down, it's nice and cool going down. >> many told us this event they won't miss. >> is it warm enough for you? >> well, it's a hot spot. so kind of. >> air conditioning. >> how are you staying cool? and this helps a lot. >> race officials have plenty of water to make sure everyone stays well and safe. a number of wildfires in this heat. 20,000 people have been evacuated because of this fire
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near rancho bernardo. it has spread across more than 700 acres and only about 5% contained. in santa barbara county a brush fire near lompoc is threatening homes tonight. temperatures are in the 90s. stay with us for weather coverage and down load abc7 news weather app to track the temperatures. >> we're learning what may have led to last week's crash of a vintage crash of a vintage plane this, is video of the deadly accident. a preliminary report from national transportation safety board found the pilot making a second attempt in an upside down stunt. he was supposed to be 20 feet off the ground but was too high on the first try. a 77-year-old died on the second
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attempt. >> patrol is looking for teenagers who threw water bottles at cars. it happened on highway 12. it stopped after a sek was identified. chp says two boys were responsible for what happened and asked the district attorney to file felony charges against him. >> twitter announced a bay to help needy families. abc7 news explains it's from those that feel the company should do to help >> the organization that put off that road swing is pretty old. back in the day it required a good sturdy clip board and pencil. oh, how things changed
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>> every person needs a computer and access to technology to make it into today's society. >> you might notice people here from a much younger company. twitter is sharing. >> it's first time a technology company made a commitment of creating a space for a population for homeless families and children. >> it may be helping kids jump around but they want to help them learn to sit still as learning for a bright future. >> it's almost like locking doors to the library. >> so twitter building a neighborhood nest. a partnership and parents can learn new skills >> i see kids learning coding. >> wyatt has no problem with that. >> they'd be able to work as twitter as engineers or full time employees? >> that would be a dream come
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true for kids and homeless adults outside twitter headquarters. advocates long wished twitter would do more. now, a step they say isn't the last. >> twitter doesn't just want to be a resident, we want to be a neighbor and be neighborly. >> in san francisco, abc7 news >> there are few things moving as a home coming especially men and women who surf our country. today a group came back and wayne freedman is live with the story >> reporter: we have covered all kinds of home comings. today a joyous home coming. one look outside of the terminal today to see there is something
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special happening. >> we want to appreciate it and welcomed. >> hardly alone. >> it will be worth it. about 15 minutes. >> we've just been told the plane hasn't landed yet. >> when are you getting married? >> yet to be determined. >> so she waited for her fiancee z robin for her son. >> he left home in july. and got to afghanistan. so firgs week in august. >> they came >> they came to greet california national guard quarter master company. fathers, sons, mothers and daughters brothers, sisters. uncles and aunts. nieces and nephews, friends, neighbors, and one big tangled
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screaming weeping mass. every soldier who left home in july returned. safe and sound. finally. valerie making a fuss over her fiancee. >> i am just happy to see him. >> this is a lot. >> as long as suns and now daughters have gone to war there have been home comings like this. painted and photographed. but to fully appreciate a moment like this, one must live it. from both sides. wayne freedman abc7 news >> welcome home. >> well, still ahead here tonight before and after, a remarkable come back at one of
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the biggest reservoirs a community prayers answered. >> plus local farmers attempting water saving technology. what they're doing to get through the drought. >> in washington, d.c. investigating online marketplace for guns, drugs and hitmen. la d the ready for you alerield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's!
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he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at!
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breaking news now out of contra costa county. a car crashed into a power pole, sparking a small fire. kerker pass road is closeed and causing a big traffic back up. >> yes. it appears crews have put out
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the fire now they're just mopping up and ceiling with a power pole issue. no one was hurt in this crash. about 1700 people are stuck. >> and people without electricity don't have care conditioning. >> right. >> it's not good. >> one of california's largest reservoirs made a come back after reaching a historic low water mark this winter but before we get too excited about how flush we are, remember, george warren points out from folsom lake we're in a severe drought. it's not even summer yet. >> consider being volume just months ago is remarkable. january 3rd. beals point today water has gone up. it's nice to see water here
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>> christmas eve. folsom point, today. >> what do you think? >> cool. >> by the last week of 2013, receding water exposed old gold rush town of mormon island flooded by the core of engineers. >> it's eerie to be honest. >> the boat slips sat firmly in the mud. water is 68 feet higher when it reached a record low for this time of the year. >> it was very dramatic early on. we weren't sure if they're going to have any season at all. >> today there is three and a half times more water than at the low point the couple that came here with their mosque to pray for rain returned today. >> the prayer is answered? >> everybody was praying.
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so everybody's prayers are answered. >> in fresno area, bureau of reclamation says it will have to start draining water to supply farmers downstream with the water that they're going to need this summer. it's the first time in the 75 year history of the project that they've had to do that. farmers in gilroy adopting new technology to help save water. we're live at sheri's farm to show what they're doing with crops there. david? >> other forms of irrigation here in santa clara county. that is why a new initiative is underway. you still see sprinklers spray crops >> there is a lot of pressure on us down here. growers are aware of it.
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this mike and his wife grow heirloom tomatoes seedlings have been in the ground for a week. sensors being installed. data will be accessible starting in a week and on demand throughout the season. jennifer is the executive director of the farm bureau. >> i think low hanging fruit has been gotten. people are on efficient systems and know how to use them. audits help them hone in on water use and production systems >> in the past it's been a combination of intertuition and experience. and weather conditions >> a lot of the crops now,
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particularly road crops are small. so you don't need to apply as much water. so in some respect it's easier in the season than later. >> they hope to cut back by 10% to 15% this year. one acre is what they use in a full year >> anything that can help us be better stee wards of the land and growers we'll look at it. >> in gilroy, abc7 news. >> just looks hot there. >> brutal. >> going to be more brutal tomorrow. still quite warm. you might call it hot now. here is a live view from our camera. looking towards mount diablo.
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oakland, 81. 74 half moon bay. here is a live view looking towards golden gate. it's 87 in santa rosa. 85 napa. and looking at golden gate, these are the features. so heat advisory remains in affect until tomorrow night. record highs likely tomorrow expected. triple digits inland. coastal cooling agains on thursday. this is for our south-facing beaches. so bare that in mind. satellite radar high pressure still a dominant feature, heat peaks tomorrow so highest
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temperatures in this forecast will be reached tomorrow. winds continue to flow off shore, which carries hot air out to the coastal areas by afternoon, we'll have an on shore sea breeze starting some locations around the bay that will be hot tomorrow, start to cool down into afternoon and tomorrow. but that won't be enough to keep triple digits. average high about 75 degrees but up to 101 tomorrow, down to 94 thursday. 84 friday. over the weekend cooling. clear skies, mild into low 60s in spots. that is almost like daytime highs in san francisco.
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records set or tied in san jose. and santa cruise. upper 80s on the coast and pacifica. downtown a high of 92 tomorrow. a record high for the date in san francisco. we may see records in san rafael. lots of mid-90s there and in the east bay as well. that would be a record high in both locations inland east bay, numerous triple digits expected livermore, 101 a record high for tomorrow's date. here is the accu-weather forecast. notice we'll get a bit of monthederation in heat on thursday, then cooler in areas on friday. by weekend, temperatures will be back down into 70s inland and around the bay. and that is going to be a welcome temperature range. absolutely. >> we need it. >> yes. >> thank you. >> still ahead tonight we're going to follow up on the hook up truck. >> yes.
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now, making plans to roll into cities around the country. that story next. blach
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from europe tonight a landmark ruling. europe's highest court said people have the right to ask google ask other big search engines to stop displaying link that's contain outdated or incorrect information about them. a man from spain complained a long settled debt came up when
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his name was searched it's unclear how it will affect internet searchs in the united states. >> some green utility boxes around san francisco will be soon getting a new look. supervisors passed a proposal giving city and residents more control over where companies place the boxes, and what those boxes will look like. the law requires utilities to allow art work on their boxes and plant and maintain greening near them and imposes strict standards for graffiti removal, requiring companies to try to get future boxes on private property. >> the woman behind so called hook up truck reported to you wants to broaden her horizons and now looking for sponsors in new york city, miami and los angeles emmerson came up with idea as a mobile meeting room of sorts. people can go ask enjoy a bit of intimacy in the back of a big box truck the he can made it's debut in oakland two weeks ago. emmerson would not allow us into
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the room and a visit on the night was free but emmerson plans to charge people in the future. >> yeah. >> all right. >> well, more still to come tonight bringing you magic johnson's response to the comments made about him by clippers owner donald sterling. >> good news for a change on the state budget. california's coffers are flashed can cash. >> and exploring the dark net the dark side of the internet and a government program kee
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magic johnson says he believes clippers owner needs to apologize again following his most-recent racially charged remarks, sterling banned from the nba because of racist comments made in a recording that went public last month. last night, sterling went on cnn to apoll skriez but made more comments, and criticized johnson as a poor role model for inner
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city youth. johnson responded by saying he is not sure why he keeps getting dragged into the discussion. >> magic johnson should not have been included in the conversation very nothing to do with this. since you put me in it again and want to try to disrespect me, the work i've done in the minority community, that really make miez upset. and my competitive spirit comes out because i've done this great work. all of the kids we've sent to college i have 150 kids on scholarships right now. >> the commissioner says they're working as fast as possible. >> governor governor brown's revision to the state budget would have california spending $107.8 billion and sedz the plan would pay down $11 billion in
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debt, increase payments to medical, and provide more money to respond to the drought and shore up the teacher's pension system. >> this is where we have lots stuff here, we'll handle it. >> the legislature has until midnight on june 15th to pass. >> if you're looking for an illegal weapon or drugs... you don't have to look far. it can be found on what is called the dark net. u.s. government is making it possible to use the dark net. and research on the story, i discussed it with my 12-year-old
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son z how to hire a hit man this, is real. we should know who is out there. i met a student just south of gilroy who describes himself as an an arcist. he agreed to show me how he uses the dark net. >> we're there. >> and pulled up this history for psychedelic drugs. lsd and he says dark net is like freedom. >> i try not to get things on the street. it's dangerous to get stuff on the street. >> dozens of marketplaces have all sorts of drugs, illegal ones and other that's usually require a prescription, and guns here is an ak 47.
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no background check required you can buy a pack of working credit card numbers for $ten. rent a hacker to ruin someone's life z no children under 16, no politicians the college student defends most of it but not exploitation of children. >> i know a group of people dedicated to take down the porn on the dark web. >> it's like the wild west. >> there is nobody supervising anything going on. there is no lone ranger protecting people. >> todd shipley is a cyber crime consultant, allowing us access for a seminar for law enforcement. >> we're going get them into a position over the past year they were picked up in january for
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selling a substance to agents met. 14 men busted in march for their child porn sites on the dark net a famous case is a man arrested in october for running the largest dark net marketplace, silk road. >> shipley says local lease are having a hard time understanding the dark net technology and finding time to monitor all of the activity. >> spending that amount of time is going to be difficult. >> the key to making it possible is a program built by the government. so i team came here to the naval research laboratory to meet one of the founders. it has been down loaded 120 million times just the past year. >> over all, it's two steps
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forward, one step back. >> this lab explained they designed it for a military application. >> suppose someone is in a hotel some wrchlt they need to communicate back to home pace they don't want local isps to know who they work for. >> 5,000 people volunteered computers to act as relays in the tour network. when you log on, the program randomly chooses three of them. >> it uses cartography. >> technology is being used in many ways, including for, and against, the interest of the u.s. government. for example, former cia employee edward snow den used to it leak thousands of pages of documents. on the other hand, iranian opposition used to it field support after a woman was shot and killed during the 2009 election protests.
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still, the state department remains one of the major sponsors of the project. >> the state department is all about democracy, human rights and training labor activists. >> homeland security declined to be interviewed but told us these investigations are new territories we don't want to give too much information to the bad guys but dan and cheryl, bad guys know about tour and the dark net and the good guys just trying to catch up. >> it's wild. >> it is. >> yes. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> coming up here next, importance of early education. >> why it's crucial for kids to use their words.
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bread. but we know you've been thinking about it, too. so we're always trying to make it even better. that's why we added some ingredients
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and took others out, making this our best bread yet. bread is on the rise at subway. anddid you hear about the what's that?le ice cream man?et. he who loves eating monster who loves creamy delicious tillamook ice cream. (whispering) seriously? (door creaks) he's fast. tillamook ice cream, tastes better because it's made better.
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research shows exercising a baby brain has dramatic impact on development. >> bay area council says well educated children will have an affect on california's economy. >> it not every day bay area
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business leaders focus their attention on early childhood education. today a panel of experts talked about the benefits. >> if you invest early in kids and help them, then, all of us are going to benefit. >> he addressed the bay area council today, california has highest population of young children in the nation. groups like first five california have invested millions in early education. satisfying baby asks toddlers need the right amount of growth support. especially those in under served communities. >> they end up not being able to read and dropping out of school.
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>> the council now joined first five california in a campaign called talk, read, and sing. bill boards will go up in june and appear on buses. >> just talk to those behind this campaign say we can close the achievement gap. abc7 news. >> a new method of keeping watt yefr supply flowing in the event of a major earthquake. we'll be right back.
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heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you
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beta breakers runners will not have their usual breather this sunday. the park is a popular hang out but becoming too popular
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here is how crowded it's been. neighbors have been complaining so this sunday, the square will be fenced off. signs warn of the closure. 20% more officers will be on patrol. and nudity is diskurnled. >> how football fans are expected to pay double this season to attend a 49ers game. it charges more for the most popular games. preseason tickets running from 43s $187 each. prime tickets for between sxdz $475. >> san francisco water bills may be going up. the public utilities commission proved increase help pay for
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improvement to the system from the hetch hetchy reservoir near yosemite. tonight a look at an innovative project to keep water moving in the event of a big earthquake. >> from the ground like any other hole in the ground m a construction site. go below, and you'll see why this is special. >> hayward fault runs below and through this area. >> keeping this pipe working in a major earthquake for people in the bay area. >> it shows it survived the earth kwa >> allen overseas the commission showed us around. it's like a giant room surrounding the pipe. and the engineers designed two of the larnlest trains ever manufactured to make sure it
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stays intact. this animation shows how two work together whchlt a quake hits, the pipe will sway and walls will move. new pipes will deliver water to 2.6 million mers. the project paid for by taxpayers they approved a measure in 2002 to repair and replace the water system the system of pipes and dams carries water 167 miles from yosemite across the central valley and into the south bay before going to san francisco. >> the promise is to deliver water within 24 hours of an earthquake. >> work on the project expected to be completed next year.
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>> much of the work has been completed. 80% are now done. >> amazing. >> yes. >> spencer is back with an update. >> yes. >> you may be sorry to hear what i have to update. the peak of the heat wave has yet to occur. sunny skies outside right now. still warm. tomorrow, state wide highs of 100 in sacramento. 99 in fresno and los angeles. 89 in monterey. here in the bay area, hottest dave in our forecast with numerous locations inland reaching or exceeding 100 degrees notice locations are expected to hit record highs for tomorrow's date. so the heat is really on. and game time game time temperatures, 90 degrees.
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we'll have further cooling friday and into the weekend. >> thank you. >> let's talk about nba basketball. >> the warriors got decisions to make here. their search has taken them to oklahoma city tonight. why are they there pursuing the man on the left? they may be taking other jobs sports is coming up next. things on purpose? youe not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source.
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thank you!
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thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source.
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good evening, firing mark jackson was the easy part. management reportedly flying to oklahoma city to meet with steve kerr working tonight for tnt playoff game, happening to be the number one candidate to take over as knicks head coach the word floated out kerr wanted a five-year, $30 million deal in new york. a lot of money for a guy never coached. there is a growing sense of urgency because other top candidate has just agreed to take over the operations.
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warriors would not give van gundy that much control yet. nba playoffs tonight nba pacers against wizards. 27 points, mvp of the game, 13 of 15 from the field with authority. 31 new york led in the second. can i buy a vowel, please? rangers asked three minutes later. a pass to brad richards rangers take three in a row eliminating the pens
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it's standard for teams to introduce new players after the draft. michael sams have been meeting the media. it's one of the final few selections in the third day of the draft. a lot of people are questioning whether sam will be able to make the roster. >> when you see me, i'm determined to be great and to make this team. and i have every confidence in myself that will make the team. so when i do make it, i put my past on, someone wants to say something, you'll see them making good, big play was the field. >> he's ready. >> with brandon bell out, last night, it was a new guy with
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three rbis. the first start for the giants. and goes splashed down. to homers and chicago 18 can't seem to stay in the majors. he's hoping to make a lasting impression. >> i'm not sure i'm trying to give a competitive at bat. but i'd just like to take like everyone else, i want to be in that big spot. that is what happens. everybody wants to be that kind of guy. you know? >> giants playing bridge tonight. a's and white sox tonight. jose fernandez becoming the latest pitcher to go down. fernandez will have tommy john surgery this season. that is one shy of all of last
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year. stage three of the tour of california, san jose up to mount diablo. a wreck three riders would fall. they survived this climb, unbelievable. 2012, tour de-france winner. with five stages left. abc7 sports brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> i don't like going up to mount diablo in my car, never mind pedalling up there. >> thank you. >> join me tonight at 9:00. it's not a kite. it's a bouncy house going airborne with kids inside you're going to hear from people who saw it happen. >> then at 11:00 if you're
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looking for a new place is it better to rent or buy? the red hot market at 11:00 >> here at abc7 season finale of marvels agents of shield. then, cheryl and i will be here with abc7 news at 11:00. >> from all of us here, thanks for the company. see you at 9:00 and 11:00. star command, i'm of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found!
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luscious locks!great gl! the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! this summer with a disneyland resort room and ticket package you get the time you need to enjoy it all. there's no end in sight! i'm going to need more time.
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this is the "jeopardy!" battle of the decades. let's meet today's semi-finalists -- in 1992, he won the tournament of champions. now living in flagstaff, arizona, here's... he won both the college tournament and tournament of champions in 1989. he now lives in arlington, virginia. here's... and he's won more money on "jeopardy!" than anyone else -- over $3 million. from hollywood, california, please welcome... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. hi, folks, and welcome to the second of our semi-final matches.
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and welcome back to leszek, tom, and brad. we start off with some good news and bad news for you. the good news -- you win this game, you get to come back later in the week to play for a million dollars. the bad news -- you lose the game, you go home. but not empty-handed. you go home with $25,000. a lot at stake. good luck. here we go. the "jeopardy!" round. and the round with these categories today... we want you to give us the cliché we've reworded in... you'll deal with... and finally... these are responses we've never tried to go for in "jeopardy!" history. brad, you start. would it be a cliché to go for avoiding the cliché for $200? not indeed. tom. what are actions speak louder than words?


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