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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 14, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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making news in america this morning -- developing right now. thousands are forced to evacuate after a wind-whipped wildfire quickly gets out of control. and the weather today could make for an even worse fire threat. war of words. karl rove makes remarks about hillary clinton's health, kicking off a political firestorm that has both sides firing back. breaking overnight, justin bieber under investigation for attempted robbery. what we learned about the pop star's latest trouble with the law. caught on camera. a scary scene for a motorcycle driver after finding himself in the path of an suv. good wednesday morning. we do begin with high heat and
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gusty winds fueling wildfires that forced evacuations in southern california. >> firefighters worked overnight to put out hot spots. the dry conditions stoked the blaze that snaked through canyons and threatened several large homes in san diego. abc's tahman bradley has the latest. >> reporter: overnight, firefighters gained the upper hand on two wildfires burning in california. this one near san diego scorched more than 800 acres, pushing dangerously close to homes. thousands were evacuated. but this morning, residents are starting to return. >> all residents are good to go back to their residences in the evacuated areas. >> reporter: in santa barbara county, the winds calmed down after sunset, allowing firefighters to begin to surround that 700-acre blaze. a small air force was brought in to drop retardant. near both fires, it was a tense day. evacuation calls went out to homes, businesses and schools. >> they got like a message from the principal. and she said we all had to leave because there was fire.
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and we all got evacuated on buses. >> my sister got everybody out. and then, we came back for the dogs and a couple of things. >> reporter: both blazes were fueled by extremely dry conditions, summer-like temperatures and heavy winds. conditions are expected to remain the same for the rest of the week, raising fears of more fires. >> we're at a high state of readiness. we've extended our operating hours for firefighters. >> reporter: this dehydrated hiker caught in the heat had to be rescued by a helicopter. it's not just california. fires are raging across the southwest. in prescott, arizona, firefighters scrambled through the forest and dozens evacuated. and in texas, more than 90 homes burned in a blaze. tahman bradley, abc news, washington. those fire crews won't get any help from the weather today. >> the unseasonable spring heat wave gripping much of the west shows no signs of letting up just yet. accuweather's jim dickey has all the details. good morning, jim. >> good morning, john and diana. temperatures continue to soar here today along the west coast.
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many spots going to challenge records once again. that includes fresno, likely climbing well into the triple digits. l.a. likely breaking a new record. that goes for san diego, too, all the way north to san francisco, near 90 degrees. now, with this also, the santa ana winds continue. high fire danger continues, extremely dry in these areas with gusty winds. and any fire that does form will be able to spread quickly. john and diana, back to you. >> jim, thank you. health officials in florida are keeping an eye on hospital workers and others who came into contact with the man who is now diagnosed with the mers virus. and the search is on for hundreds of people who may have been exposed during the patient's journey from saudi arabia. the cdc sent a warning to airports around the country, telling passengers to wash their hands, not to touch their face. breaking news in the oscar pistorius murder case. the judge is delaying the trial, sending the athlete for psychiatric evaluation. prosecutors asked for the test, after claiming lawyers were preparing for a defense based on
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mental condition. a psychiatrist testified that pistorius' anxiety could have led to the shooting. pistorius admits he killed his girlfriend by mistake last year, fearing there was an intruder in his home. the judge says she will offer a timeline next week. but it will delay the trial for at least one more month. in turkey, right now, rescuers are racing to reach more than 200 miners trapped in an underground mine. an explosion and fire at the mine has already killed at least 200 of the workers. and there are fears that the death toll will rise sharply. the accident happened during a shift change, which meant that there were more workers at the mine than usual. the u.s. is flying manned and unmanned missions over nigeria this morning, searching for hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped one month ago. surveillance planes are focused on a remote rugged area about the size of new england for any sign of the missing girls. also this morning, nigerian government officials are in talks with boko haram, the extremist group behind that kidnapping.
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a travel nightmare for thousands of people trying to get into and out of chicago. more than 1,100 flights were canceled at o'hare and midway airports yesterday, after an electrical problem caused smoke to fill a regional radar center. and comptrollers had to be evacuated for several hours. some passengers were stuck in long lines, trying to rebook. and incoming flights had to be diverted. now, to the political brawl going on between hillary clinton's camp and political strategist karl rove. it stems from comments that rove made about clinton's health which are being answered aggressively. this all started on monday, when rove reportedly told a conference that clinton had, quote, brain damage. and that, if she runs for president, voters have a right to know what happened when she suffered a fall in december 2012. rove seems to be wanting those comments back. but he's maintaining the crux of his statement to "the washington post." saying, this is a serious health episode. she would not be human if it didn't enter into her calculations. clinton's camp is pushing back. her spokesman saying, of rove
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and the gop, they are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. even president obama's spokesman came to clinton's defense. mockingly pointing out that rove has been wrong in the past. >> dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president won re-election, including the state of ohio. so, we'll leave it at that. >> reporter: as for the december 2012 incident, we know that hillary clinton was at home, recovering from a stomach bug when she fainted, fell and suffered a concussion. during a follow-up exam, doctors discovered a blood clot in a vein behind her right ear. she was treated with blood thinners during a brief hospital stay. clinton hasn't said whether she's going to run for president. she's preparing for a book tour next month. a federal judge struck down idaho's ban on same-sex marriage, clearing the way for gay and lesbian couples to get married as soon as friday. the judge ruled the ban is unconstitutional because it wrongly stigmatizes same-sex couples. idaho's governor is vowing to
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appeal the case. high-profile execution in texas is on hold. robert james campbell would have been the first person in the country to be put to death since the botched execution in oklahoma. but just hours before he was to enter the death chamber, a federal appeals court stepped in. now, campbell's attorneys will argue he is not mentally competent for execution because he has an i.q. of 69. in a special white house ceremony president obama awarded the medal of honor to kyle white for his heroic acts in afghanistan. during an ambush by taliban fighters, white risked his own life to save his fellow soldiers. he dodged enemy fire to drag them to safety. white says the award belongs to his platoon. he is only the seventh living recipient of the top military award for valor in iraq or afghanistan. well, we've already heard about that heat wave in the west. but here's how the forecast is shaping up elsewhere across the nation. stormy conditions all day from the gulf coast, stretching north to the great lakes. but dry everywhere else. >> scorching, summer-like temperatures throughout the west, reaching into the 90s in some spots. 80s along the mid-atlantic coast.
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mostly 50s and 60s in the northern tier. all right. coming up -- justin bieber in trouble once again. breaking details on the attempted robbery investigation involving the pop star. plus, swept away. a bouncy house flies into the air with children onboard. an update on their condition and the dramatic pictures. and tv station scare. a man rams his truck into a building, sending employees scrambling for safety.
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connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. welcome back. if you're going to check the progress of your 401(k) today, you'll probably like what you see. that's because the dow closed at
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a new record high yesterday. while the s&p 500 crossed the 1900 mark for the first time before pulling back. the nasdaq was the only major average to lose ground, though. and the red sink continues at sony. the electronics giant reported a loss of just over $1 billion for the latest quarter. "the wall street journal" says top executives will take a 50% pay cut and forgo their bonuses. if you thought you had a rough time traveling by air in the first quarter of the year, the government says you're not alone. 64,000 flights were canceled. that is the most in 20 years. better luck next year. meantime, student loan giant sallie mae has agreed to pay about $100 million in fines to federal regulators. that money goes to settle allegations that sallie mae was charging military members with excessive interest rates. the troops could get that money back. these are boone times for winemakers and sellers across america. the u.s. has become the world's
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biggest wine market. consumption rose slightly here last year while falling nearly 7% in france, which dropped it to second place. and facebook founder mark zuckerberg is making another milestone. marking another milestone. he is celebrating his 30th birthday. the harvard dropout is one of the richest people in the world with a reported net worth of $31 billion. that, by the way, is more than $1 billion bucks for each candle on his cake. >> wow. >> a small part of me that hates him. >> exactly. that is so wrong. when we come back, slapped in cuffs and put in a police car. why did alec baldwin get arrested? underwater scare. a scuba session turns ugly when one diver appears to attack another. you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin
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delays possible in new orleans, memphis, detroit and atlanta. all right. back to the news now. beleaguered pop star, justin bieber, is in trouble with the law once again. >> the los angeles police department investigating bieber for attempted robbery, stemming from an incident at a miniature golf park. bieber and his crew had gotten into a scuffle with some other people. he noticed a woman reaching for her phone. he demanded she turn it over so he could erased the pictures she might have taken. when she refused, he grabbed it out of her purse. two kindergartners in upstate new york were seriously hurt when the bounce house they were playing in, that was staked to the ground, by the way, suddenly took off. a gust of wind took the house 20 feet high with the boys still inside. one child fell out on to the street below. the other one fell out and hit a car. >> he was somewhere around here. and his little arms and legs were going. and he hit his head off the back of my car. and his eyes were rolling.
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we were really scared. >> a girl was also inside but fell out just after liftoff. the consumer product safety commission estimates the number of injuries last year at 5,000. a driver claiming to be god rammed a stolen truck through the front door of wmar, driving all the way into the lobby. the man barricaded himself into the station for five hours. all of the employees escaped unharmed. but they were shaken up. >> the first thing that went through my mind, this isn't happening. the second thing that went through my mind, this isn't happening. and the third thing that went through my mind, this is happening. this is real. >> the suspect was arrested in an edit room where he was watching tv coverage of the scene. he was taken in for mental evaluation. a scuba diver is filing for attempted murder charges after an attack off hawaii. a man swam up to her and ripped away her air supply.
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but she was able to survive, thanks to the help of a co-worker. umberger believes her attacker may have been reef fishing without a permit, which is illegal. and she knows who he is and she wants him prosecuted. the good news about this next story is nobody was seriously injured. but we do want to warn you, the pictures of this incident are really tough to look at. a motorcyclist slammed into an suv, it happens. that happened in kansas city, missouri, at an intersection. he went flying off the bike, on to the hood of the suv. amazingly, he was able to stand up and walk around. he escaped all serious injury. >> wow. >> wow. new evidence this morning about the sharp increase in the use of antidepressants over the last decade and a half. the cdc numbers show the use is up four-fold during that time span. the study shows that women are more likely to take them than men. magic johnson is responding to a shot from clippers owner, donald sterling, whose racist
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comments have earned him a ban from the nba. sterling brought up the star's hiv status. and called him an unfit role model for children. johnson says he found sterling shockingly ignorant. >> he's living in the stone ages. he can't make those comments about african-americans or latinos. he just can't do it. >> sterling's comments won him a quick and stinging rebuke from nba commissioner, adam silver. who said owners were working quickly to force sterling out of the league completely. if you were watching yesterday, you know we mentioned that the two teams could move on to the nhl conference finals with a win last night. >> the rangers and the blackhawks did just that. as for the nba, we go to our colleagues at espn. >> good morning, america. we're excited. he's stan. i'm neil. this is bristol, the "sportscenter" set. >> clippers and thunder. controversy in oklahoma city. series tied at 2-2 games.
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fourth quarter. 14 seconds to go. russell westbrook, steals it from chris paul. reggie jackson had the ball go out of bounds. whose ball is it? the officials say it's the oklahoma city's ball. the refuse was inconclusionive. doc rivers didn't like it. russell westbrook, fouls him. had three free throws. put yourself in a position like that. and you have to get a shot up for the final second. he doesn't. thunder come back to win 105-104. they scored the last eight points of the game. oh, yeah? i got this. not as good as what you just did. game five of the wizards and pacers from indiana. larry bird, close your eyes. the pacers absolutely never showed up. just got humiliated. john wall had 27. marson gortat had 21. 13 of 15. nobody guarded anybody in indiana. we're going to have a game six in washington. >> both game sixes on thursday
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on espn. >> and we're going to have a game six in nhl on wednesday in l.a., which we're not right now. and we're also going to have a game seven in boston, which we're closer to because we're in connecticut, against montreal. a little geography to go with your sports. >> everything you need to know. >> good morning. yeah. >> just what i needed for my morning joe. sports and geography. >> yep. up next in "the pulse," one restaurant's secret discount depends on your child's behavior. and a slithering surprise for a woman who opened her bathroom door.
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there's no dip in that bowl. they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. time to check, "the pulse," beginning with alec baldwin at the center of another confrontation. this time facing off with new york city police. >> baldwin was charged with
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disorderly conduct after police in manhattan stopped him for riding his bicycle against traffic. sources say the actor was arrested after he became unruly and started cursing at officers who had asked him for i.d. >> baldwin went on twitter and ranted, calling new york city a quote, mismatched carnival of stupidity. in february he wrote about a possible move to l.a. no word on whether he's considering that. the latest arrest could land him 15 days in jail. a nice surprise for one family on mother's day. it happened at a japanese restaurant in calgary. >> check out the bill. $5 discount for well behaved kids. it was a well behaved kid, a 1-year-old girl. >> the father who paid the bill, called it a nice affirmation of his wife's hard work as a parent over the last year. happy mother's day. >> yeah. you going to take the two boys the that restaurant? charge you 10 bucks for unruly. >> i have two. >> exactly. a central texas woman got
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the surprise of her life after opening her bathroom door. >> there it was, in all its glory. 12-foot long african rock python wrapping itself around the toilet. the snake was the missing pet of someone who once lived nearby and moved away. >> they left the 12-foot python. yeah. now, a move that no one in the nba that could ever pull off. that's why it's our "play of the day." this comes to us from spain. >> check this guy out on his way to the hoop. it's pretty awesome. whoa. he steps on the rim and the top of the backboard. flips over, and throws the ball through the hoop. >> trampolines aren't allowed in slam dunk contests. even though, a pretty athletic move. i don't know what's so impressive? >> what's so cool about this? except everything. the lords of gravity they call themselves. they're out in spain.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> good wednesday morning at 4:28. thank you for starting your day with us. another scorcher and possibly warmer today than yesterday. first up, we will look at the forecast. mike? >> that is right. we are looking at warmer temperatures today. we have been pointing to wednesday as the hottest day. this is what we have: 99-102 and east bay inland neighborhoods where we have the hottest weather. around the bay, 90 to 98. the coast has no relief at 85 to 88 and rough surf. >> leyla gulen has the traffic. happy hump day. it is wednesday. we are starting off with drive time traffic and it is looking nice over the altamont pass. tracy to dublin and 58023 --
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530, 23 minutes. from san rafael to san francisco is 17 minutes. the bay bridge toll plaza shows traffic is wide open. we have construction that is happening in the westbound lanes. everything is wrapped up by 5:00 than you. richmond police are vetting a high-speed crash that killed a young woman. they are looking into whether the car she was in may have been racing. amy hollyfield is in richmond with more. police are hooking into whether this accident happened because the cars were racing, kristen. they got the call at 9:30 there was a crash that happen on richmond parkway in richmond, a pole and a woman, passengers died.
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two other cars were involved, as well. they did not want to talk on camera. >> we seen the car had crash. the passenger was inside. we seen two other cars which was a charger and the other was a camaro or a corvette, something like that, and the person that came out of the camaro screamed, loud, i killed her, i killed her. >> she says they took off. she said when the car hit the pole power tonight out in the neighbor. police say they do think speed was a factor but they are not saying for sure racing was involved. they heard that possibility exists but they don't have physical evidence to support that. they are looking into that possibility. our other top story?


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