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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 19, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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making news in america this morning, spreading concerns. another american diagnosed with the deadly mers virus, but there's something different about this case that's concerning doctors. taking aim. hillary clinton hasn't even announced a presidential bid, but the gop is already on the attack with the former first lady's health taking center stage. we're live in washington with the details. surprise swimmer. a couple finds a big, bad pool crasher taking a late night dip in their backyard. star-studded, a wrap of the billboard music awards where the king of pop makes a return and the introduction fail that's getting all the buzz. >> now we welcome -- good monday morning, everyone.
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we begin with the first case of mers transmitted on u.s. soil. federal health officials believe an illinois man picked up the virus after shaking hands with an indiana man. >> now, centers for disease control investigators are trying to figure out how to keep the potentially deadly virus from spreading any further. an unidentified illinois businessman is believed to be the first mers infection transmitted right here in the u.s. at first he tested negative but a follow-up test showed his body fought off the potentially fatal disease. >> every single case is different. it is a spectrum of possibilities and we're trying to learn as much as we can. >> reporter: public health investigators are keeping an eye on this patient's for examples and family in close contact while he was infected. they say he probably caught mers during two business meetings with the man they're calling patient number 1, a health professional who worked in saudi arabia with mers patients and brought the disease stateside last month. >> this virus is more easily transmissible than we thought initially. >> reporter: investigators say the two only shook hands.
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the illinois man was told to stay home, wear a mask and avoid contact with his family. the virus has killed more than 160 people, all of them in the middle east. there's growing fear that mers is going to spread from the saudi arabia peninsula very soon. >> travel season to the peninsula is about to kick off. we've got pilgrimage holidays and ramadan coming up at the end of june. >> reporter: everyone who shared a flight with patient number 1 from indiana has been tested. they're working to find passengers in 39 states who shared flights with patient number 2, who flew from saudi arabia and was hospitalized in orlando. no other passengers have had symptoms. while the cdc is encouraged by the case of the illinois man who tested positive without getting sick, health investigators remain cautious. >> until you can be certain that that's the norm, that people can get this and have no problem whatsoever, they're going to be all over it and check every single case. >> reporter: test results will show if the illinois man transmitted the virus to anyone else. now, doctors say it takes between two days and two weeks to develop the disease.
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so anyone who came in contact with the man from illinois would be sick by now. investigators say at least 47 homes were destroyed during last week's outbreak of nearly a dozen wildfires in san diego county. people are now returning to their neighborhoods to find out just how close those flames came to their doorsteps. for many it is a devastating discovery, though they are thankful for what really matters. >> we have our loved ones, and our friends are still here and, you know, our animals, and that's what's more important. these are all just things that be replaced. >> governor jerry brown says california is gearing up for what could be one of the worst wildfire seasons in history. he says the state has set aside $600 million, but that might not be enough. and now to some politics. republicans once again going after hillary clinton and their concerns about her health. abc's tahman bradley joins us now from washington with all the details. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning, diana. it seems like we've traveled through time to the middle of the presidential campaign. hillary clinton is taking the kind of fire usually reserved for a party's nominee.
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hillary clinton may not officially be running for president, but republicans are sharpening their attacks. gop insiders say if she runs in 2016, she'll have to answer questions about her health and age. >> i'm not a doctor. what i do know is that the issue is going to come up as it does for any person running for president. >> reporter: back in december 2012, clinton suffered a concussion caused by a fall and doctors discovered a blood clot in her head. republican consultant karl rove suggested the former secretary of state suffered a brain injury. >> she is going to have to cough up these medical records. she'll be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. >> reporter: during a busy week in public giving speeches and attending museum openings, clinton shrugged off rove's comments. she let her husband respond. >> now they say she's really got brain damage. >> do you think that -- >> if she does, then i must be in really tough shape because she's still quicker than i am. >> reporter: and then there's benghazi. republicans are raising more questions about the attack on the u.s. consulate there and
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clinton's handling of the incident as secretary of state. >> she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the state department did or didn't do. i don't think we've heard the last of it yet. >> reporter: republicans say they will likely call clinton to testify before a benghazi special committee. most republicans believe they should go after clinton on benghazi, but the party is more divided about attacking her age and health. prominent conservative bill kristol admonished rove. keep in mind, john and diana, that ronald reagan was 69 when elected president. >> all right. abc's tahman bradley live for us in washington this morning. thank you. well, searchers are returning to daytona beach this morning to look for a swimmer who may have been caught in some dangerous rip currents. lifeguards say they saw a man in trouble last night, but he vanished before they could reach him. no one has been reported missing so it's not clear if the man made it back to shore. rip currents were strong about 50 swimmers had to be rescued in daytona yesterday alone. thousands of people have been forced from their home in the balkans in the worst flooding in the last 120 years. one town boats delivered water
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to residents that were trapped on rooftops. three months' worth of rain fell on that region in three days causing thousands of mudslides. at least two dozen people have died. well, new this morning south korea's president issues a tearful apology to her country for the ferry disaster. it was president parker geun-hye and her first televised address since the ferry sank leaving more than 300 dead or missing. she vowed to disband the nation's coast guard and improve safety standards. cargo overloading may have contributed to that disaster. back here at home, fbi agents along with police are working on a home in minnesota where a 13-year-old girl lived when she went missing back in 1989. amy sue pagnac disappeared from a gas station while her stepfather went to use the restroom. she hasn't been seen since. law enforcement started searching that home yesterday and they expect to be there for several days. well, a cargo ship that was at the international space station for a month is now back on earth. an astronaut used the station's big robot arm to release the
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so-called spacex dragon and five hours later it was in the pacific near baja's coast and it carried equipment and science experiments for nasa back to earth. all right, time now for the nation's weather back here on earth. rain will be limited to the country's upper tier from new england to the pacific northwest with thunderstorms over the upper midwest and mountain snow up into western montana and wyoming. >> and temperatures will be cool in the northeast and mild in the south. 80s across most of the midwest and mild along the west coast. all right, still ahead, a multibillion dollar deal that is seen as a game changer when it comes to using the internet and watching tv. and finally found, a young girl abducted five years ago is reunited with her family. where she was found and the man now under arrest. plus, fighting a fire is always dangerous, but something inside this blaze had firefighters ducking for cover.
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for colon cancer? d i don't have any symptoms.
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[female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms, especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives!
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welcome back. there's another media megamerger in the works. at&t has agreed to buy directv for nearly $49 billion. the deal would make at&t the nation's second biggest pay tv provider behind comcast as it moves into new markets like video and airline data service but regulators worry about the industry becoming increasingly controlled by just a few corporate giants. well, heading into the long memorial day weekend, drivers will find lower prices at the pump. the average price for a gallon of regular, that is, has dropped about 3 1/2 cents in the u.s. over the past two weeks. the decrease comes after gas prices had climbed nearly 43 cents between february and may.
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kraft is recalling more than a million case of its cottage cheese products. some ingredients used in knudsen cottage cheese, breakstone's cottage cheese, simply kraft cottage and daily chef cottage cheese were not stored in proper temperature standards. the sell dates are between may 9th and may 23rd. federal officials say they'll do their part to help keep coffee prices in check. a fungus called coffee rust has already caused more than a billion dollars in damage to crops across latin america. so today the government is set to announce a $5 million partnership with texas a&m scientists who will try eliminating that fungus. and at the weekend box office, "godzilla" clobbered the competition in its debut taking in $93.2 million. "neighbors" was a distant second earning 26 million in its second week, and "the amazing spider-man 2" took the third spot with 17 million. all right. when we come back, late night dip. a woman finds an unwelcome visitor in her swimming pool. >> yikes. and california chrome
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shining bright with a win at the preakness, but an equipment issue could keep the horse from making an historic triple crown bid. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums!
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get the best protection made for kids' wet skin. ♪ hey, hey wet skin kids. neutrogena. number-one dermatologist recommended suncare. ♪ hey all right. this is almost like a scene out of a scary movie. more than 20,000 bees swarming a student's car in new hampshire, england shortly after he parked it. the bees, believe it or not, were pretty timid. a local beekeeper managed to locate the queen, loaded her into a basket, and the rest of the bees followed. >> yikes. >> can you imagine being a beekeeper? >> no. >> no. i think i would rather jump out of a plane than have to tangle with those bees. >> yikes. all right. back here at home, here's a look at your morning road conditions. showers will slicken roads across new england and across upstate new york. showers and thunderstorms will trigger wet driving conditions from the great lakes and upper midwest into the pacific northwest and down into northern california. if you are flying, airport delays are possible in minneapolis. all right back to the news.
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a mother and daughter have reunited in florida almost five years after the girl was abducted by her father. >> cara cox was just 8 when in 2009 she vanished during a court ordered visit with her dad near orlando. acting on a tip, authorities found them living in the remote mountains of mexico. they were flown back to florida where cara's mom and police had never given up hope. >> we have gotten tips over the years of possible sightings, for instance, in california a couple of times, but once again, those tips just never panned out. >> cara's dad was arrested. she turns 13 today and will be spending her birthday with her mom for the first time in five years. all right. on the west coast firefighters responding to a garbage fire burning out of control near san diego found themselves in the line of gunfire. that came from the ammunition that was stored in the garage. luckily no one was seriously hurt but one firefighter was reportedly hit on the nose by a shell casing. no word on the cause of the fire or whether charges will be filed against the homeowner.
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well, in florida, a bradenton couple woke up very early in the morning to find a surprise guest using their swimming pool. that pool crasher turned out to be an 8'3 1/2" alligator. the homeowner says she only had one thought as she stepped outside to investigate. >> can i get back to the door without it seeing me or realizing i'm bait? >> and he was just swimming around in circles. he tried to get up here for awhile. i think he was a little intimidated with everybody watching too. >> he didn't like the crowd. well, the gator was able to get in through a section of the screen that needed repairing. it was eventually rounded up by the sheriff's department trapper and taken to a gator farm. >> i'd be watching from inside the house on that one. all right. the question swirling around horse racing this morning is will california chrome be running for the triple crown in the belmont stakes? he won the preakness on saturday wearing a nasal strip just as he wore while winning the kentucky derby, but nasal strips have been banned on new york tracks including belmont.
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if a special request isn't granted, california chrome might not be allowed to wear it and that means his owners might keep him out of the june 7th race altogether. and here's the unluckiest golfer from the weekend's pga event in texas. this shot bounces into and straight back out of the hole. >> it doesn't count? >> no, it does not. >> oh. >> and it's from 63 yards away. it was an amazing shot. he still birdied the hole so not all that bad but, man. >> pretty bad. in and out is pretty bad. >> yeah. that's a shame. all right. here we go. the playoffs in both nhl and the nba are down to just four teams now. >> in hockey the rangers and canadiens continue their series tonight, and in hoops the thunder and the spurs continue theirs. as for the playoff contenders that played yesterday, here's our guy at espn. hi there and good morning, america. welcome to "sportscenter." i'm steve levy. the pacers looked like they might self-destruct in their first two playoff series but on sunday in round three against lebron and the heat
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the pacers played like title contenders. here we go. this is what indy wanted. they got it, the home court. paul george and pacers did their thing. second quarter, pacers up 4. lance stephenson crossing up dwyane wade. those two battle. pacers up 10 at the half. third quarter, lebron picks clean the pass all alone ahead of the play and does that. lebron had 25. heat was still down 11. now to the fourth. here's stephenson. puts it on the floor to drive. and the kickout to george for three. george had 24. pacers up 14. less than three minutes left. here's david west. oh, the pump fake. gets it to go and jams it with a left hand. all five pacer starters finished in double figures. game two back in indy tuesday night, espn. the pacers win game one. defending champion chicago blackhawks hosting game one in the nhl's western conference final against the l.a. kings. this is a rematch of last year's western conference final. nick leddy's shot deflected home by brandon saad.
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the blackhawks had a 1-0 lead. then three-on-one, chicago. johnny oduya to jonathan toews and beats jonathan quick. a lot of johnnys involved. you get the idea. game two wednesday in chicago. the blackhawks win game one of that series. for more, check out our live edition of "sportscenter," 9:00 a.m. eastern time over on espn. all right. now to a pretty smooth move. we're going to show you this one happened at saturday's tax rangers game. it's our "play of the day." >> a foul ball down the third base line. a coach tosses the ball to a youngster. about to happen, but that little guy, he's already got a ball, and that's the one he hands over to a young woman sitting behind him. >> you know what he's going for. that really pretty girl behind me that i'm pretending i haven't noticed yet. >> yes. >> check it out. >> he's turning a little red, i think. yeah, the woman seated on the aisle seems to notice sleight of hand. you can see her mouth as she
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words, "he kept it." even though she seems flattered by the lovely gesture. up next, it's "the pulse" where we have all the billboard highlights and low lights. who is accused of a bad lip-sync and the fumble of the teleprompter that everybody is talking about. and great white fight. a scuba diver forced to fend off a pretty giant predator. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than
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her minimum payment on time each month. tracy got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. makes everything algood even better...ilk from the bowls of cereal you make... to all the delicious recipes you bake. because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds.
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almond breeze. almondiciously good! ♪ welcome back, everyone. it's time to check "the pulse," stories you'll be talking about today starting with last night's billboard music awards. >> the festivities live in las vegas jam-packed with performances by some of the biggest names in music, but the showstopper was michael jackson. he was resurrected by technology as a hologram singing with a five-piece band and 16 live dancers.
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unbelievable. >> it was. but a little creepy. >> a little creepy. >> shakira's performance, she's being ripped apart by fans on twitter mocking her very obvious lip-syncing. ♪ >> all right. well, the embarrassingly noticeable delay between what was coming out of her mouth and what was coming out of the speaker. >> yikes. the words omg kendall was trending for most of the night and no surprise. the model and reality star kendall jenner forgot the name of the band she was introducing. >> but the direction i'm heading -- now we welcome one -- guys, i'm the worst reader. um. they're only getting bigger. take a look. >> whoa. that band, by the way, was five seconds of summer. kendall later tweeted that she did not have her contact lenses in. >> yeah, you need your contacts.
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>> i got to remember that if i'm having a bad day with "the pulse." >> yikes. now we head into the deep with a close encounter no one in their right mind would ever want to have. >> a diver captured this as a great white shark got closer and closer and closer during a dive off florida's atlantic coast. it happened in about 90 feet of water, so if anything went wrong, it was almost certain death. >> yeah, he jabbed that shark a couple of times with a spear gun and he eventually shooed that shark away. >> yikes. >> swam away, wow. >> oh boy. well, most of us with new babies pretty much have our hands full 24/7, but some parents apparently have too much time on their hands. >> they started a new online trend treating their little ones like blank canvases. those little angel faces transformed into comical characters. this is a woman who has two babies at home laughing very hard here. >> oh, my gosh. hashtag, by the way, baby eyebrows. it happens to be popping up all over instagram. some more diabolical than others. >> back for tomorrow's "pulse."
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they keep us entertained. they keep us happy. keep them safe. the eight-passenger chevrolet traverse, with the highest possible overall vehicle score for safety. now get 0% financing for up to 60 months or $2,000 in total cash allowance on a 2014 traverse.
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the papi.s. announcer: athe moment babies are born, their brains are forming the connections that determine how they learn...think...and grow. in the sky. [ babbles ] talk and read to your children from day one. this is tomato soup. announcer: their brains are actually developing with your it's free, easy, and something you can do anytime. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> it is 4:28. hope you had a great week. i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. where did summer go in we had flames and hot temperatures and now, mike? >> cool weather and a chance of a thunderstorm. today, tomorrow and wednesday. that is the back story. the cooler weather is front page news today. the clouds are out there. temperatures today are well below average and breezy with 63 to 70 at bay. the coast and san francisco are 58 to 61. the monday morning commute? leyla gulen? >> good morning, everyone, hope you had a great weekend. wish the wind stopped.
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it was annoying. high winds on the san mateo bridge, the cartinez and the altamont pass and the dumbarton bridge so if you drive high sided vehicles be careful. 580, tracy to dublin is 24 minutes. 101 southbound from san rafael to san francisco is 17 minutes. we will look at the east bay extra, in a couple of minutes. >> bay area transportation planners are baffled: congestion is as bad as ever during the commute on the bay bridge despite variable tolls, specifically to reduce the backup. matt keller is at the toll plaza with what is going on. >> if the commute starts now it is smooth at at the toll plaza pay $2 less than during the peak hours. that is not snuff to stop people
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from driving from 5:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the morning. $6 toll charged during the peak hours has little to no impact on easing traffic. a number of peak commuters is growing from 9,000 an hour, the limit on what it can handle. 9,000 more cars a week are using the bay bridge compared to before pricing was implemented in 2010. the goal was to encourage the drivers to cross at nonpeak hours. a spokesman said they do not plan on changing the plan. they want that incentive there to get people to drive at preferred times. >> a mother faces child abuse charges after she allegedly assaulted a boy she believes was bullying her daughter.


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