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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  May 19, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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for watching. we appreciate your time. welcome to "world news" tonight. caught in the act. the u.s. charges five chinese spies with stealing american inventions and costing u.s. jobs. pierre thomas one on one with the head of the fbi. burger alert. a recall of 2 million pounds of ground beef. dr. richard besser tells us what can make it dangerous for your family. real money. how to save $2600 on doctor bills and you can too. >> that's real money! and by a nose. another big win for the champion they call the people's horse. the nasal strips can stay. so, does he smell victory for the triple crown?
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good evening to you on this monday night as we begin this week together. the united states is making a unprecedented charge against another country, the chinese, charging a team of chinese spies with stealing american inventions and costing a lot of miles an hour jobs. the director of the fbi spoke to pierre thomas today, saying the chinese say, why build it, if you can just steal it. >> reporter: these are the faces of five chinese government spies, indicted today by the justice department, accused of spying on american companies, causing thousands of americans to lose their jobs. >> this is a case alleging economic espionage by members of the chinese military. >> reporter: five alleged military spies, computers hackers with unit 61398 worked out of this office building in shanghai.
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their alleged target -- the u.s. energy and metals industry. chinese hackers penetrated computers at u.s. steel, alcoa, westinghouse, allegheny technologies, and solar world. the stolen information, invaluable. for example, by alleged by hacking u.s. steel, the chinese styes learned to manufacture the steel more cheaply, and u.s. steel saw profits plunge and they cost production and lay off workers. >> these victims are tired. >> reporter: in an interview with abc news, the director of the fbi says it's a threat. >> there are two corporations in the u.s. those who have been hack bid the cheese nose and those who don't know they have been hacked by the chinese. the amount is staggering. >> reporter: he pointed to a different case today. even american homes are at risk
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to hackers. 100 people arrested in 18 countries arrested with software called blackshades, spy on personal computer, able to spy on them with web cams. miss teen usa was a victim. her private nude photos stolen. >> some people think, why build when i can take? it's faster to build something you have built yourself. it does damage for our country to try to development good ideas. >> reporter: the chinese says the charges are bogus. the fbi director told me, he has evidence they did it. if they ever leave china, they better be look, over their shoulder. >> thank you so much, pierre. a big headline about the hamburgers we all buy at restaurants across america. a major recall, 1.8 million pounds of ground beef because of
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e coli. abc chief medical cal director dr. richard besser on what you should do the next time you order a burger. >> reporter: it is the strain of e. coli that worries health experts the most. and tonight, it's believed to be in ground beef in restaurants across the nation. beyond making you sick to your stomach -- >> this is an infection that can be followed by an illness with bleeding and kidney failure that can be fatal. >> reporter: tonight, those 1.8 million pounds of the beef recalled. all of it from wolvering packing company in detroit. so far, 11 people have been sickened across four states. biggest threat on the menu? hamburgers. that's because americans often eat them medium rare and rare. not cooked through sufficiently to kill e coli on the inside of the burger. with steaks, the e coli lives on the outside, very likely killed off when it's cooked. each year, 95,000 americans get sickened with this strain of e coli. it was responsible for one of the most notorious outbreak, including jack in the box in the 1990s.
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sickening more than 700 people, killing four children. i spoke to the cdc tonight. they said kit take up to ten days to get sick before getting sick from eating something from the strain. the best advice, never order your burger anything other than well done. even medium is not enough. >> even medium? >> it's not worth it. >> all right, thank you, rich. california, ravaged by fire and drought. and tonight in some community, people asked to rethink the way they are using water in their daily lives. cecilia vega is there. >> reporter: after days of battling a raging inferno -- firefighters finally containing nearly all the wildfires that last week raged across california. 200 fires in one week. in san diego alone, 27,000 acres burned, 44 homes destroyed but
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those brave crews saving countless more. this photo of exhausted firefighters going viral -- a selfie a smiling tim bergon sent to his wife. but fire season is just getting started. >> we're in a very serious fire season, more serious than we have seen before. >> reporter: fueling those flames, california's two and a half year long drought. cities, now taking drastic measures to save water. in pleasanton, california, residents forced to cut water use by 25%. every day, the average california home uses 70 of these five gallon water cooler jugs. in order to avoid stiff fines they would need to use almost 18 fewer jugs a day. that means, to cut back, they'll be taking more showers. a ten minute shower uses just 15 gallons of water. the average bath, up to 50. and while cooler temperatures are giving california a break, rivers and lakes are at record lows. this creek here, bone dry.
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and red flag warnings in seven other states. but the golden states, the brief relief from the hot, dry weather will be over. meaning crews will be back in action soon. cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. >> another emblem of the wild weather. in wyoming, watch as a supercell of thunderstorms powers up, the result of cold air from the rockies colliding with warm air from the desert. and look at the bottom right of your screen, horses are sprinting to safety. and over seas to the balkins. the worst flooding in a century. the scene described as catastrophic. in bosnia, 300 landslides leaving thousands of families homeless. and next, the freak storm that turned brazil into a frozen landscape. and today, hail filled the streets of san paolo. many had never before seen mountains of ice. and back here at home,
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people are speaking out. the woman who had some excitement when she break a barrier and was the first female executive editor of "the new york times." she was fired the last week and in the after math, a furious swirl of speculation about what really happened and what is tough and fair in the workplace. today, for the first time, as we said, since the controversy began, she spoke. abc's mara schiavocampo tells what she said. >> reporter: for trailblazer jill abramson, her first public comments after a very public firing. in a long scheduled commencement speech at wake forest university. >> what's next for me, i don't know. so i'm in exactly the same boat as many of you. >> reporter: mixed emotions for entering unchartered territory. >> and now i'm talking to anyone who has been dumped. you know the sting of losing. when that happens, show what you are made of.
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>> reporter: three years ago, abramson became the first woman to ever lead the times' newsroom, making her one of the most powerful women in media and the world. >> it was the honor of my life to lead the newsroom. >> reporter: newspaper publisher arthur sulzberger jr. said it had nothing to do with the fact she was a woman. but it was an issue with management. an issue she discussed in 2011. >> i can be too brisk with people and you can just read on it my face. >> reporter: still, she graduates, resilience is more important than success. >> it meant more to our father to see us deal with a set back and try to bounce back than to watch how we handle our successes. she what you are made of, he would say. >> reporter: advice for new graduates and herself. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. and now a very different
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clash making headlines tonight. we are talking today about the nba charging donald sterling for his racist comments. it's official. a hearing scheduled for june 3rd. after that, the league could force sterling to sell the los angeles clippers. another headline from the world of sports tonight. an athlete got a big break today. a horse named california chrome got a break today with a little help from something unglamorous on his nose. ryan smith has the story. >> reporter: today, this cinderella story, heading for history. >> california chrome has won the preakness! >> reporter: the new york racing association clearing the way for california chrome to wear this nasal strip in the belmont stakes, opening the door for him to sweep the triple crown. his owners had hinted he wouldn't race without the strip, similar to what people use at night to breathe easier. without it, the passages in his nose constrict and not enough
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air gets through when he inhales. but when you apply the strip, watch as his passages open, allowing more oxygen in, fueling his muscles. today, new york changed policy, ruling any horse who wants to wear one can. did the equine nasal strips give a competitive advantage? >> it hasn't been proven that anyone who wears a nasal strip is going to win a race. they've been using them for 15 years. new york was the last track not to allow them. >> reporter: california chrome was never expected to amount to much. he cost his owners just over $10,000. one of his challengers at belmont, intense holiday, cost nearly 38 times more, a whopping 380 grand. what's his secret? we asked one of his trainers. >> his attitude and he never getting riled up about much. he is just a really cool horse. >> his owners, steve coburn and perry martin, are first time breeders with day jobs. they company name "dap racing" stands for "dumb ass partners."
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a nod to a groomer who once said they were dumb for buying california chrome. there is even a donkey on their silks. >> go for your dream. never give up on your dream because they do come true. i'm living proof of that. >> reporter: now, the so-called people's horse hoping to defy the odds yet again. california chrome will arrive here in belmont park tomorrow morning cloaked in security. he will remain here until the belmont stakes. if he wins on this track, he are be the 12th horse in history to win racing's ultimate prize and the first to do so in 36 years. diane? >> everyone excited. thanks so much. up next, talk about excitement. real money. imagine visiting your doctor without leaving your home and cutting your bills in half? the real house call tonight. and michael jackson, you saw him back on stage singing and dancing? tonight we take you beyond the
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scenes to show you the tricks that bring superstars back in the spotlight. i found this out at the free dr.scholl's foot mapping center. in less than two minutes, i got my foot map and my custom number. i'm a 440. i'm a 210. 340. that number matched the dr.scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with just the right support to help relieve stress on my feet. i'm a believer. go to for locations and save $10 if ...hey breathing's hard... know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate.
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next, our real money team is back saving you a lot of money on your doctor bill. americans on average spend up to $200 for each doctor visit. imagine being able to visit your doctor without leaving home and cutting the cost in half. abc's paula faris with a way to keep the money in your pocket. >> reporter: with three boys, this family says their home away from home is often the doctor's office. >> we have a stack of medical bills and it overwhelms me. >> reporter: for the boys, $90 each visit. $100 for mom and dad. and the costs are adding up. >> is there a better way? >> reporter: according to our health care advocate, there is. it's a brand new lie tech service called telemedicine. the doctors perform medical exams and even prescribe medicine.
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it's $40 to $50 per use, which is half the doctor's visit. it's backed by many hospitals and backed by medicare and medicaid. >> hi. >> reporter: but for most families they don't know it's an option or figure in the extra costs. >> it costs money to take off work, get the boys in the car, drive down to wait a few hours to get a diagnosis that you might already know about. >> reporter: it's used to treat minor ailments like cold symptoms. which alone account for nearly a quarter of family doctor office visits. bill is trying it out for what he thinks is poison ivy. >> it will be $100 to confirm i have poison ivy that i know i have. >> reporter: taking a picture, up loading it and answering a few questions. and an hour later, he gets a call from his doctor, a prescription and fills it ats had doctor. >> we have a very affordable
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alternative to an emergency room for nonemergent care. >> reporter: he says to say healthy between doctor visits, not instead of them. >> your best care is always going to be your primary care physician with a hands-on exam. >> reporter: in all, it was half what it usually costs to visit the doctor office. and it's estimated they can save more than $2600 a year. >> i'm amazed. i am simply amazed. >> that's real money! >> reporter: now the doctors that we spoke to were highly credentialed. 15 years of experience and up. you can go to our website to learn what to look for in a telemedicine doctor. i have to emphasize, it does not replace your primary physician. it on the acts as a drink. it applies to basic and minor injuries. >> and the poison ivy cured? >> cured, $4 prescription. okay, when we come back -- ♪ she's buying a stairway to
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heaven ♪ >> zeppelin and the new fight over "stairway to heaven" coming up next. church we have meetings. we have activities. and i couldn't do any of that. any time anything brushed up against this rash it would seem like it would set it on fire again. it was the worst pain i ever had. does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better
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the showdown begins. and some of the new words being added to the dictionary tonight, including selfie, baby bump, fracking and turducken. the chicken stuffed in a duck stuffed in a turkey a lot of families eat at thanksgiving. and a picture across the pond from england made us smile today. you will see why. upside down rainbow, nicknamed a smile in the sky. it's a reflection of sun light off ice crystals high up in the atmosphere. rare and wonderful. and high time flies. you ready for this? sir mick jagger tonight celebrating a new milestone. the 78-year-old a great grandfather. his 21-year-old granddaughter gave birth to a baby girl. congratulations from a grandmother. coming up, michael jackson on stage, singing, dancing. everyone asking, how did they do that? we have answers for you coming up.
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that? we with have answers for you coming up. honestly, the off-season isn't really off for me. i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. and finally tonight, you may have seen the impossible performance last night, michael jackson at the billboard music awards. nearly five years after his death. well, we were told it was not a hologram, not an impersonator. so we set out to learn more and who might be coming back next. abc's david wright. >> reporter: a live performance by a dead celebrity. last night at the big board music awards, this brand new michael jackson number stole the show.
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♪ the technical wizards who created it said it's not a hologram. but a virtual human being, an avatar of the king of pop performing alongside real dancers. it's not the first time a superstar has been brought back to life. watch this, celine dion performing with elvis on "american idol." and at the coachella music first festival two years ago, a hologram of tupac rapped with snoop dogg. how does it work? i'm a mere production. let the real david take it away. it's a 19th century magic trick. this digital david is not real. he is just projected on a screen at 45 degrees. i can interact with him or i can make him disappear. could you in theory bring
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anybody back from the dead with this technology? >> absolutely. >> reporter: for now, they will not go into detail how they brought it off. saying only, m.j. would have loved the mystery and the showmanship. david wright, abc news los angeles. we thank you so much for watching tonight. we are always at "nightline" later. and see you here tomorrow night. good night. an undocumented college student heckles the president on immigration policy. why he can now travel overseas, confident he'll allowed back into the bay area. the head of a home seller
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accused of a scheme that led unsuspecting buyers into foreclosure. >> the death of a young man that fell off of this giant rock. >> and an underground cisstern being built in case of an emergency. >> that is exactly what we're talking about here. that is why we're here. >> no regrets then, no regrets now a student who shouted down the president is thankful for a government allowing him to travel in and out of the country as an undocumented immigrant. good evening, everyone. >> that student is getting to go back home to south korea for the first time in 13 years. without worrying he won't be allowed back into the united states. >> a lot of things remain
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unchanged for the young immigration activist since disrupting the speech last year. he is still in this country without papers and he is still very much of an activist for immigration reform but one thing changed. his ability to travel outside of the country, legally the president came to chinatown, invited to stand behind him, a select group of people, then, the unexpected happen. >> i need your help. >> the heckler, a couple rows back, interrupted the president's speech he was a 24-year-old undocumented korean graduate student. he was disappointed mr. obama never mentioned the plight of undocumented immigrants. >> i'm raising up voices of students that are in detention centers >> he came with his parents to this country at