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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 19, 2014 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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line twitter face back and mobile device with our 7 news app. >> next newscast is at 4:30. right now on "jimmy kimmel liv >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- george stephanopoulos, "bachelorette" andi dorfman, and music from charles bradley. with cleto and the cletones. and now, and not a moment too soon, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching.
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what a night. what a night of television. of dance and romance here on abc. earlier we were privileged to witness the beginning of a new season of "the bachelorette." season 10, another journey has begun. you know, christopher columbus went on a journey. lewis & clark. that was a journey. deciding which personal trainer to spend the next three months with, i'm not sure that qualifies as a journey. [ laughter ] i don't know that that meets the minimum journey requirements. but whatever you want to call, it the woman of the hour, or two-hour is a 26-year-old assistant district attorney named andi dorfman. she's the whoun during last season of "the bachelor" told juan pablo off and quit the show, which was mucho bueno. [ cheers and applause ] tonight andi met her suitors, 25 men. this might be my favorite part of the show. when the guys try to make a good first impression. some of them will try pickup lines. some come in costumes. some give her compliments. and some of them keep it simple. they just introduce themselves.
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>> hi. >> hi. >> how are you? >> good. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. i'm andi. >> you look beautiful. >> thank you. how are you? >> good. i'm really happy you're the bachelorette. are you having fun with it so far? >> yeah. >> you want to know my name? >> yeah. >> it's emil. >> emil? >> yeah. emil with an m. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: with an m. might be the worst pneumonic device in the history of themmonic devices. surprisingly emil did not make the cut. they could have been emil and andi. another one is josh b. i love when they use the last initial. it's like they're third graders at summer camp. and this josh b. you know, i've seen these guys cry when they get eliminated. i've seen them curse. i've seen them shrug their shoulders and move on. josh b. probably gave the most
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brutally honest assessment of what happened to him of any bachelor contestant yet. >> i came here looking for a wife and all of a sudden there's -- whatever. it's embarrassing is what it is. showed up, said oh, this is great. sure, let's give it a try. let's embarrass the [ bleep ] out of myself for one night, to do absolutely nothing, accomplish nothing, and then i'm going to call my parents tomorrow and be like yeah, that sucked. i'm coming home. i'm going to face reality. i'm embarrassed as [ bleep ]. cool. it is what it is. i'm going to go home, enjoy myself, take some vacations and -- this is -- this is stupid. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: can't disagree with that. and right now the friend who put you up to this is at home
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laughing his ass off. [ laughter ] you know, there's something very important that has to happen. in fact, we're already late with it. the bachelorette needs to be sworn in to make this official. there are only three people who can do it. the host of "the bachelor," chris harrison. he can do it. oprah. she can do anything. [ laughter ] and me. i have been ordained by this network and by the state of california to do this. so if you would, say hello to the bachelorette, andi dorfman. andi, come on out. [ cheers and applause ] good to see you. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: now, andi, i'm going to ask you to please place your right hand on this copy of "people" magazine. [ laughter ] andi, do you solemnly swear to date 25 men simultaneously as millions of americans watch you on national television, so help you god? >> i do. >> jimmy: do you promise to use the word "amazing" a lot? >> oh, i definitely do. >> jimmy: do you promise not to
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trick anyone by holding out a rose and yelling psych and pulling it back? >> i don't know if i can promise that. >> jimmy: do you promise to give emil a second chance? >> why not? >> jimmy: just give emil a try. you might like it. by the power invested in me by abc, i pronounce you andi the bachelorette. congratulations. you may now make out in a hot tub. guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] you'll like that. it's a wheelbarrow full of purell. andi, we will see you later. guillermo, keep your hands off andi. guillermo wears that in his hair, by the way. [ applause ] haven't seen anyone break their tailbone trying to catch a magazine before. but it just happened here. yeah. he's okay. [ laughter ] you all right?
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okay. oh, by the way, i'm going to make my prediction as to who andi will pick later tonight. you know, over the past five seasons of "the bachelor" and "the bachelorette" i've correctly guessed 83% of the finalists. we figured it out today. and have picked the winner three times. before the beginning of the season. this is my superpower, folks. [ laughter ] speaking of predictions, tonight was night one of the two-night finale of "dancing with the stars." we are down to the final three couples. before the season started my cousin sal and i went in and we bet $1,000 on amy purdy. she's the olympian snowboarding champion. she has two prosthetic legs. they told me betting $1,000 on a legless person was ridiculous, they called me a fal, they called me an imbecile, they called me gay. but i'm happy to report that not only is amy my 10-1 long shot, those are the odds i got, in the final three. she is now the favorite to win. and that is why they call me
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"nostra-dance-mus." thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i will collect my portion of that $10,000. let me tell you something. if you think watching celebrities you've never heard of dance is boring, try betting on it. makes it a lot more interesting. [ laughter ] really does. last night in las vegas they had the billboard music awards. it aired here on abc. the big performance of the night was given by none other than michael jackson performed. there's a new michael jackson album. i think it's made up of demos he never released because they weren't that good. but this t. came out last week and they made a hologram of michael jackson to do a song called "slave to the rhythm." ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ ooh yeah, that's not him. it's a hologram. which it's pretty amazing. you know, it looks so real tito asked it for money. [ laughter ] tito jackson.
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[ applause ] you know, in the past they made holograms out of tupac, i think was the first one. eazy-e. ol' dirty bastard. and now michael jackson. they wanted to show they can do it with a white person also. [ applause ] i don't know. why would they only make holograms for dead performers? i would love to have my own hologram. it could do the show. i'd sit home in my underwear and rock. there were some other notable moments last night. plobl my favorite was when kim kardashian's little sister kendall jenner introduced an australian band called five seconds of summer. i should say attempted to introduce an australian band called five seconds of summer. >> please welcome kendall jenner. >> the band about to rock the billboard awards comes from down under, but the direction they're heading is straight up. recently they made their debut on the billboard 200 number 2. this summer -- and now we
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welcome one -- guys, i'm the worst reader. they're only getting bigger. take a look. >> she really travoltaed that one. they're calling that the second most embarrassing thing a kardashian has done on camera. [ laughter ] [ applause ] when i go to -- i like she said -- she said guys, i'm the worst reader. it's especially entertaining because she and her sister supposedly co-wrote a novel that's coming out next month. [ laughter ] and she just partnered with amazon for this. >> introducing the newest e-reader from amazon. the kendall. the kendall combines the sleek portability of the kindle you love with the illiteracy of a very young child. browse the kendall library for all your favorite titles. dick moby. [ laughter ]
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the great graspy. som towymt er. pride and jamba juice. shakespeare's ham omelet. and the lunchbox of notre dame. kendall. the worst reader. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it's like a kindle. but different. on saturday in baltimore they had the 139th running of the preakness. this is a horse race. and the horse that won, california chrome, won the kentucky derby, won this one too. which means he's in position to win the triple crown p only 11 horses in history have won the triple crown. california chrome is a very impressive horse. and not just for his racing abilities. this is when they brought the horse out before the race. >> here's chrome. >> like a king surveying his kingdom when he watches the other horses. >> i don't know if you noticed but -- and that was before he won.
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[ laughter ] mrs. california chrome is a very lucky mare. godzilla had a big weekend at the box office. "godzilla" made $93 million this weekend here in the united states. and that's on top of $103 million it made internationally. it's yet another in a string of successes for hollywood's current strategy of never, ever having an original idea again. [ laughter ] needless to say, warner brothers, they were already working on a "godzilla" sequel. in this one godzilla organizes a dance competition to save the local community rec center. [ laughter ] since america has "godzilla" on the brain, i thought it would be fun to use that as a topic for a round of lie witness news. so we went out on hollywood boulevard this afternoon and insinuated that "godzilla" is based on an actual event. we asked people this question. we asked, considering godzilla is based on a true story of the giant lizard attack on tokyo that killed more than 100,000 people in 1954, do you think it's wrong that hollywood glamorizes this for
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entertainment? i will admit, not too many people bit on this one. but some of them did. a few of them actually did believe that godzilla happened. and here they are in a special godzilla-themed edition of "lie witness news." ♪ >> considering godzilla's based on the true story of the giant lizard attack on tokyo that killed more than 100,000 people in 1954, do you think it is wrong of hollywood to glamorize this event for entertainment value? >> i think it is. i mean, if it affects the people that were affected and then there's the people that, you know, passed away during that time. so it's kind of like they're glamorizing their death instead of making a really cool action movie it's more so kind of disrespectful to the people, you know, that had died and their families. so. >> do you think it is wrong that hollywood glamorizes this event for entertainment purposes? >> yes. because it's a travesty. it portrays death, sadness, loss. hollywood glamorizes a lot of
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things that just shouldn't be because maybe what really happened isn't properly portrayed and it can probably disrespect some folks out there. so. >> do you support the bill before congress that would allocate $600 million to equip the u.s. navy with anti-reptile capabilities? >> yes. >> how come? >> because anything that we can do to protect our nation we've got to do. >> do you feel like a godzilla attack again a real possibility? >> ask the man upstairs. >> do you believe these creatures are caused by global warming? >> actually, i do. like global warming, pollution. you know, we don't know. there are so many mysteries under the sea. the loch ness monster. big animals. i think it's bigfoot. yeah. things like that. they all exist. but we just can't see it. the human eye can't see it. >> considering "godzilla" is based on the true story of a giant lizard attack in tokyo where more than 100,000 people died in 1954, do you think it is
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wrong that hollywood glamorizes this event for entertainment value? >> uh. is godzilla real? >> yeah. >> oh. then i guess so. because like if he hurt a lot of people like why would he want to do that? and why would they want to make it seem like real and stuff? and like nice. >> are you worried about a godzilla attack? >> aren't they extinct? >> there was an attack in cloverfield in 2008. >> i feel -- is godzilla like a dinosaur? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good news -- oh, wait. look at that. can we give her a microphone? what happened? you know there's no godzilla, right? >> yeah. now i do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but you realize the funny thing is yeah, there really was a godzilla. you did know that, right?
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>> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, there's no godzilla. there was never a godzilla. >> i googled it. >> jimmy: oh, you did google it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what words did you type into the phone? >> is godzilla real? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and did siri say "what the hell is wrong with you?" [ laughter ] so just for the record, godzilla is or is not real? >> godzilla is not real. >> jimmy: all right. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] tonight on the show the bachelorette. she is real. andi is here. and we have music from charles bradley. we'll be right back with george stephanopoulos. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by fruit of the loom and their new reinvented boxer briefs. head to to pick up your own pair and make the change. fruit of the loom. start happening. verizon has always set out to provide you
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with the most powerful and reliable network experience. and now for the next advancement. introducing verizon xlte. with 2x the 4g lte bandwidth and faster peak speeds in cities coast-to-coast, there's more space for everyone to stream and share more, today, tomorrow, and far into the future. this is xlte. for best results, use verizon. kellogg's® cereal and milk. (cereal and milk)♪ it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. shouldn't breakfast always be k-e-double l-o-double good?
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. earlier tonight you saw her with 25 of her potential soulmates. she is the bachelorette. her name is andi dorfman. and she is here with us. and then we'll have music from a man who started his career as a james brown impersonator under the name black velvet. now he's himself. this is his album. it's called "victim of love." charles bradley from the at&t stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, johnny knoxville will be here, dave salmoni will be stop by with wild animals, we'll have music from timeflies. and later this week, adam sandler, magic johnson, elle fanning, silicon valley's tj miller, and music from lykke li and little dragon too. so join us for that. our first guest tonight may sound like an imaginary character from sesame street, but he is very, very real. he is the co-anchor of "good morning america" and the host of
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"this week with george stephanopoulos." please welcome george stephanopoulos. [ cheers and applause ] good to see you. i'm glad you're here. you're always in new york. >> that's where i live. >> jimmy: rarely able to come out here. >> i wait too long. >> jimmy: what are you doing sneer. >> i came here to see angelina jolie. she's got this new movie out called "maleficent." i talked to her right before the show. >> jimmy: you flew out to interview her. >> and to see you. >> jimmy: but more to see her. >> yeah. more to see her. >> jimmy: now that barbara walters has retired there's a vacuum that must be filled. >> i did not ask her if she was a tree. >> jimmy: you did not. do you know barbara, by the way? >> i know barbara very well. i've worked with her for a long time. we celebrated her all last week. >> jimmy: do you know her well enough to have been invited to her -- did she have a party or anything? >> i was at the big party.
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this is not a retirement party. it was kind of a farewell a bien tot party. but this party was unbelievable. >> in what way? >> just everybody -- >> sex? >> not that i saw. but you never know. ask her the next time she comes on. everybody in the world was there. and there's one person, though, when they walk into a room at least in new york, it stops everything. woody allen. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> woody allen came to see her. >> jimmy: he came to a party? >> he came to a party. and it was actually a great moment. you had woody allen and alec baldwin there commiserating over who knows what. >> jimmy: that's quite a pairing. that's something else. barbara, do you find her intimidating at all? >> i have this -- i've worked with barbara for a long time, and i love her. but especially when we first started working together i would always get into trouble with things i would say. you know, like i did one interview and i talked about how growing up as a boy i loved watching her on the "today"
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show. i get a note. don't remind people how old i am. [ laughter ] she came to our wedding. ali and i got married about 13 years ago. and she brought a gift. and i was honest. i said i couldn't figure out what it was. it was this metal thing. and i actually went up and i asked her, what is this? and she just -- she smiled and she looked at me and said i'm glad you like it. the next day i go home, there's a cashmere blanket delivered by barbara walters saying i hope you like this better. >> jimmy: wow. i like the idea that she's carrying gifts into the wedding, by the way. this is a big metal pot. >> but the worst one ever was you remember latrell sprewell, golden state warriors, got into all this tha trouble, anger problems? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i was talking about that on my show on sunday. and i was saying you know what's going to happen, latrell sprewell's going to go apologize. three days later he's going to show up on barbara walters and start crying. and before i am off the air the phone is ringing. you are not to make fun of me on
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the air. >> jimmy: wow. really? >> what's great about her is -- first of all, she cares about everything. and you know, she says what's on her mind and then moves on and is great friends. >> jimmy: do you think there's any chance she could have said the words latrell sprewell? [ laughter ] >> actually, you're right. she probably can't. >> jimmy: your phone's probably ringing right now. you're in a lot of trouble. [ laughter ] your former boss, president clinton, was here -- >> i saw. >> jimmy: -- a few weeks ago. >> you got some big news out of him. >> jimmy: yeah. because the thing i'm genuinely interested in, i know people think it's a joke, but if i was the president, which probably won't happen. let's be honest. >> you never know. you're old enough. >> jimmy: i am old enough. but that's the only qualification i have. but the first thing i'd do is i'd dig into the ufo files. i'd want to know if they know anything, if they've been holding anything back from us. >> and you got him to confirm that. >> jimmy: and sure enough, he did do that. you were there at that time. >> i was there. and it is true. >> jimmy: oh, you were aware of the fact that he did do that. >> that he asked for this.
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but you know, he didn't tell you what was inside. >> jimmy: he indicated that there wasn't much of interest inside. do you know what was inside? >> well, godzilla is real. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you'll look it up again on your phone later. [ laughter ] wow. that is a shocker. i know that must be a very stressful job, to be -- >> pretty stressful job. it's really great, though. once in a lifetime privilege. >> sure. yeah. is it something you would ever consider doing again in any capacity? >> my guess is it's not going to happen. but there's just nothing like it because every single day you learn so much about the world. godzilla excepted. and you have a chance to do something about it. so there's really nothing like it. >> jimmy: is it fun? >> there are days when it's fun. it's really stressful. but sure, it's fun to do good work. >> jimmy: it is fun. but do you guys cut loose ever
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in the white house? >> al gore cut loose a little bit. >> jimmy: what? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what's cutting loose for him? like undoing his tie? [ laughter ] >> on turkey pardon day he wanted to show everybody how to hypnotize a chicken. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> oh, yes. >> jimmy: you can -- on farms you can hypnotize a chicken. al gore knows how to hypnotize a chicken? >> al gore knows how to hypnotize a chicken. >> jimmy: but you can't hypnotize a turkey. they're unhypnotizable. you end up with no eyeballs. >> then the turkey can't get pardoned. >> jimmy: and no one took him up on that? >> no. >> jimmy: do you ever get into situations where the president yells at you? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: sflel. >> yeah. the storm passes too. but it's part of doing your job. if you're doing your job well you're going to get yelled at once in a while. >> jimmy: you actually get yelled at, huh? >> and he's kind of a big guy. he'll bear down on you. >> jimmy: do you apologize, scurry out, promise never to do it again? [ laughter ] has he ever brought you to tears? >> no. no. close. >> jimmy: really?
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close? wow. [ laughter ] >> well, sure. you know, it's stressful times. >> jimmy: yeah. i guess so. >> he didn't make you cry. >> jimmy: not really. but he didn't yell at me. but i figure like i probably would cry if he yelled at me. i cry if guillermo yells at me. very easy that way. we're going to take a break here. george stephanopoulos is here with us. he has many things to share. we'll be right back. >> portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by fruit of the loom and their new reinvented boxer briefs. head to to pick up your own pair and make the change. fruit of the loom. start happy.
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two years in a row. >> jimmy: we're back with george stephanopoul stephanopoulos, who made the -- how long aufr worked at the white house did you start working at "good morning america"? >> i worked at abc right away, but i didn't start at "good morning america" for a little
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while. >> jimmy: that's a very different job, obviously. >> we need to bring this crowd down to "gma" every morning. these guys really -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i have good news. because one of the kids from the crowd brought me a kansas state lottery ticket. [ laughter ] and when i win this thing, we're flying everyone to new york. how about that? [ cheers and applause ] so you started doing -- you start broadcasting in kind of a somewhat casual setting, but also a setting that requires knowledge, requires you to be very fast on your feet, requires you to talk about a number of different subjects. >> whatever comes up, yeah. >> jimmy: and it's funny. like on sundays, this sunday you're talking about hillary clinton. >> a lot of hillary. >> jimmy: whether she will -- and it's funny you asking these people what they think when you probably know more than any of them. i mean, you probably -- >> i mean, no one knows for sure. i think she probably doesn't know for sure if she's running,
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but it's really looking like there's an awful good shot. >> jimmy: it seems -- >> yeah. something would have to happen. >> jimmy: yeah. something weird. and when the baby comes. you know what happens to a sitcom when there's a baby. her popularity's going to go through -- >> a grandma. absolutely. >> jimmy: -- the roof when she becomes grandma. you have to daughters, right? how old are your daughters? >> they are 11 and almost 9. >> jimmy: 11 and 9. and you're probably at work before they even get -- >> that's one of the things i feel most guilty about, is that's the time when everybody's getting ready for school. my wife's got to do it all by herself. and you know, kids can be a little crazy in the morning. but the truth is i've had to learn how to be a dad while i'm on the air. >> jimmy: how do you do that? >> text. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. texting through the whole show. and you know, trying to do it through the commercial breaks. you know, one minute it will be leave your sister's hair alone. leave your sister's hair alone. good morning, america. [ laughter ] you do not hate your mom. coming up an epic night on "dancing with the stars." [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: really? >> that's every morning 7:20 to 7:40. >> jimmy: you can save yourself a lot of time and just start yelling at them through the television set. [ laughter ] one thing i want to do with you because this is something i've been thinking about and i'm happy that you're here to do this for the first time. >> wow. >> jimmy: i feel like everyone has a sandwich that they make themselves and that they love. and so i've asked you if you would demonstrate your best sandwich. >> i would love to do that. >> jimmy: so we're going to take a break, and when we come back, ladies and gentlemen, george is going to make a sandwich. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. globalizing your world. plan. sure, you get 10 gigs of data to share with unlimited talk and text. and for a family of four, that's $160 dollars a month. sounds great. sounds like a slam dunk. oh you a basketball fan?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: look at this. the bachelorette is coming up and also music from charles bradley. and interestingly, on your show oftentimes you will have people prepare things. >> we cook all the time. >> jimmy: you are going to make something for us here tonight. >> i am. this is one of my favorite sandwiches but it's also a little in honor of you. your italian heritage. >> jimmy: yes. >> and i know you're a great cook. and i love what you guys have done because these are good ingredients. a good loaf of bread. >> jimmy: you have to have good ingredients, right? be very careful. >> i'll do my best. >> jimmy: you want me to cut for you while you arrange things? >> i can do it. >> jimmy: okay.
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hate to see george stephanopoulos lose a thumb. [ laughter ] >> we start out, take the italian french bread, put a little oil down there. >> jimmy: a little extra virgin olive oil. >> a little extra virgin olive oil. prosciutto. >> jimmy: nice. >> layer that in there. >> jimmy: how often do you make a sandwich like this? >> not a lot. but i like to eat it as often as i can. >> jimmy: you make sandwiches for the kids? >> yeah. that's a lot of peanut butter. some provolone. >> jimmy: i like peanut butter and quesadillas. not really a supporter of the square-shaped provolone. but i don't know what's going on there. [ laughter ] >> i'll fold it. >> jimmy: don't worry about it. it's fine. >> some salami. >> jimmy: little bit of salami. wow, you're not kidding around. >> no, this is going to be a good sandwich. a little more. >> jimmy: that's a lot of basil. >> it's not basil. it's arugula. >> jimmy: strange-looking arugula. >> some salt and pepper mix. >> jimmy: it is arugula. >> fold it over.
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cut it in half. >> jimmy: simple as that. >> simple as that. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: nicely put together. it's got balance. it's got everything you could possibly -- i'm talking with my mouth full. >> you can heat it up if you want. >> jimmy: there you go. that is george stephanopoulos's best sandwich. and it's a pretty good sandwich. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: george stephanopoulos, everybody. we're going to take a break. we'll be right back with andi dorfman. but first i'm going to do this commercial with food in my mouth which is very professional. big news from the world of undergarments. the new fruit of the loom boxer briefs have been redesigned and now have no -- they stay in place right where you want them. here with more is guillermo. >> hi. i'm guillermo. to prove the new boxing briefs made me feel so confident i feel like i can do anything. >> today guillermo is attempting to set the world record for highest jump into a pair of
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underwear. godspeed, guillermo. ♪ beyond the sheer athleticism there's a beauty that's unmatched in this sport. a grace in watching guillermo jump up, down, up, down. it's mesmerizing. i don't know how he thought he's going to fit into the underwear with that angle. at this rate he's not going to beat guilfoy loom, the founder and record holder of this sport. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! i did it! >> congratulations! for setting a new world record for jumping into a pair of underpants. two feet six inches. >> start happy with fruit of the loom boxer briefs with no
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>> jimmy: our next guest is an assistant district attorney looking for love. i know that sounds like a tv show. and it actually is. you can watch her monday nights on "the bachelorette." please welcome andi dorfman. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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cuts right now. it's george stephanopoulos's fault. how are you doing? >> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. >> good. >> jimmy: i want you to know, i'm not sure if you're aware of this but i think bachelor and bachelorette fans are very excited you were chosen. because they hated that juan pablo. [ cheers and applause ] you see that? they would murder him if he was here tonight. >> you can't say murder in front of me. >> jimmy: what are you going to do? you're not even in the office anymore. but you called him a name. and you left the show. >> i did. >> jimmy: and people liked that. they said you had spunk. and you became the bachelorette. and now you have a harem of your own to choose from. [ laughter ] and to say it's okay every time they get mad, right? >> i hear it all the time.
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>> jimmy: you hear it all the time. >> oh, yeah. that's like the running joke. >> jimmy: and are you enjoying it so far? >> yeah. it's great. it's been really good. great group of guys. you know, can't complain. so it's been awesome. >> jimmy: well, actually, you're done with the season now. >> i just finished. >> jimmy: you just finished. and you're engaged. and congratulations on that. [ cheers and applause ] >> right out the gate. >> jimmy: i know i'm not going to get anywhere with you being an assistant district attorney and all. but did you use your skills, your prosecutorial skills, on the show? >> yeah. i definitely questioned the guys a little more than usual probably. definitely used some interrogation skills. tried to see who was lying, who was there for the right reasons. >> jimmy: i see. do you feel like some of those people were not -- were there to try to maybe become the next bachelor or to sell pants, one of these guys it seems like -- >> i think it's a mixed bag. you get 25 guys on a television show. some of them, you know, want to do their thing and have other
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motives, but i think a lot of them this time were really serious about this and actually wanted to find love. >> jimmy: probably most of them are. who wouldn't be open to finding love, i guess? although it is a somewhat artificial situation. like if you are engaged, for instance. and congratulations, by the way, if you are -- [ laughter ] we don't know if you are. but you might be. you are. oh. i can see in your face that you are. >> i am not saying a word. >> jimmy: you either are or are not engaged to be married. correct? >> one or the other. >> jimmy: that is true. >> one or the other. >> jimmy: all right. so if you are, what would you say to like one of your friends if she said i met a guy two months ago, we're engaged? >> i'd call her crazy. i'd say get out. >> jimmy: you'd say she was nuts, right? >> for sure. >> jimmy: but in this particular situation you find yourself engaged. [ laughter ] and yet you don't see any problem with it, right? it's a weird thing. >> already starting.
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>> jimmy: are you taking the fifth? >> i'm taking the fifth. plaegd the fifth. >> jimmy: i understand. your dad was hard on juan pablo. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did that make an impact on you? >> you know, i don't think he was that hard on him. he was just really reasonable. any dad that has a guy walk into his house and say he's dating three other women should be a little concerned. and i think my dad just kind of handled it the way like any dad would do without a camera there. >> jimmy: i see. and are you like your dad in that way? >> a little bit. item a little more irrational, more emotional than my dad is. he's kind of the steady one. but as far as that goes, kind of calling it like i see it. if someone walked in with my child with three other boyfriends or girlfriends i'm not going to be a happy mama. >> jimmy: did you experience that yourself during the course of this show? >> a little. it's funny, like the tables turned when i had to go to all the hometowns. it wasn't lost upon me that you know, juan pablo was in my home and the way my dad responded. so going into the home towns i'm like oh, gosh, here we go, karma's coming back around. but i was lucky --
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>> jimmy: but all the dads were very happy to see you, i'm sure. [ laughter ] would you like to take a shower? [ laughter ] of all the people you that had on the show tonight, we saw the first episode, which one did you decide was not getting a rose the quickest? >> oh, i don't know. i don't know. the quickest? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean, the anal threw me off. >> jimmy: the anal. anal emil. >> i can't believe they aired that. >> jimmy: yeah. i can't believe he said it. to be honest. i mean, it sounds like the kind of thing he says a lot. >> i guess. i mean -- >> jimmy: yeah, that was a weird way -- there's another guy who stole a lamb frpp from a hotel you. >> yeah. he brings the lamp in. he goes my mom told me never to come empty-handed. he brings this huge floor lamp. i'm like okay. is this supposed to kind of light up -- nothing.
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no punchline. and i was like, okay. anything else? and he's like, i'm going to go inside now. and he leaves me with this lamp. which you didn't see. i had to drag the lamp across the driveway. >> jimmy: if i was the bachelorette, i would have picked that guy. [ laughter ] >> he stayed. >> jimmy: i mean, i'd marry him. [ laughter ] now, what i do every year is i'll pick some finalists. and i'm very good at it. >> this is going to be hard. >> jimmy: to be honest my wife helps me with this. and by help me i mean she tells me the ones to pick. [ laughter ] so we're going to go through these. >> i feel like i'm not going to be able to look you straight in the face with these. >> jimmy: all right. your final four will be -- drum roll? nick v. you gave nick the first impression rose. he's a nice guy. he's got a lot of brothers and sisters. you will feel guilty when you do kick him out, but you will kick him out. chris farmer from iowa.
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you like him. no chance you're moving to a farm in iowa. [ laughter ] marcus. first guy out of the limo. in sports management. you called him hot. and by god, he is. [ laughter ] but he will not make it beyond the final four. and the man you will pick, guaranteed -- >> okay. >> jimmy: josh m. [ cheers and applause ] josh m. you both live in atlanta. you said he's totally your type. and you picked him. >> okay. we'll see. >> jimmy: and you are engaged to josh m. [ laughter ] >> we'll see. >> jimmy: you are going to be andi m. [ laughter ] and you'll get rid of the last -- no offense to your dad, but dorffman's a bad last anytime. >> people ask me. >> jimmy: thank you for being here. congratulations on your engagement. andi dorfman, everybody. the bachelorette.
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monday night 8:00 here on abc. we'll be right back with charles bradley. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. globalizing your world.
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>> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by at&t. globalizing your world. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank george stephanopoulos, andi dorfman, and apologize to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is his album, "victim of love." here with the song "you put the flame on it," charles bradley! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ my life was cold you put the flame on me ♪ ♪ this heart of mine ♪ you wrote your name on it
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♪ with such a style i couldn't look away from it two thousand miles i couldn't look away from it ♪ ♪ you make my heart feel more than i ever felt before i found out it was you all i need is you ♪ ♪ you put the flame on me you put the flame on me ♪ ♪ you put the flame on me you put the flame on me ♪ ♪ when winter was cold you brought this rain to me ♪ ♪ when my heart was crying
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you brought your love to me ♪ ♪ when the road was darkness you shined the light on me now that i've found you baby i'd never turn you away ♪ ♪ you make my heart feel more than i ever felt before ♪ ♪ i found out it was you all i need is you ♪ ♪ you put the flame on me you put the flame on me ♪ ♪ come on, hit it
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♪ you put the flame on me ♪ when my heart was cold ♪ you put the flame on me ♪ when my heart was crying ♪ you put the flame on me ♪ you make me shine like i've never shined before ♪ ♪ you make me whole when i feel cold ♪ ♪ you put the flame on me ♪ ♪ you [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, by day they're students. but by night, you can find them here. a new generation of women and men. >> this is a great way to make money. you go on stage, you perform. >> raking in tuition money by stripping for college. >> my parents. >> plus, big fad diets. from gwyneth paltrow to zooey deschanel, celebrities squaring off gluten. along with millions of other americans. but is it any healthier to go gluten-free? the latest craze feeding a multibillion-dollar industry now facing some tough questions. and


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