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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 20, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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making news in america this morning -- massive recall. concerns mounting this morning for nearly 2 million pounds of ground beef, possibly contaminated with bacteria. what you should know before eating your next burger. breaking right now -- a hollywood actor in handcuffs after his wife was found dead overnight at their house. what we learned about the investigation just moments ago. costly mishap. a multimillion-dollar yacht now at the bottom of a marina. how it ended up like this. ballroom battle. a surprising semifinal round as another couple is sent home, setting up an exciting showdown tonight, as one couple will win the mirrorball trophy. good tuesday morning,
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everyone. we begin with a major consumer alert about ground beef which may be contaminated with e. coli. >> the recalled meat was sold only to restaurants. but it is an important reminder about the danger of undercooked burgers. abc's tahman bradley has the details. >> reporter: this beef recall comes only days before millions throw burgers on the grill for memorial day. the 1.8 million pounds of ground beef suspected of e. coli contamination, all come from here, wolverine packing company in detroit. at least 11 people across 4 states have been sickened. it's a strain of e. coli that worries the health experts the most. >> this is a particular strain, just by its nature, tends to get into the bloodstream. and it can cause other organs to be affected, specifically the kidneys, immune system. >> reporter: each year, 95,000 people get sickened by the strain, with hamburgers causing the largest number of cases. americans often eat their burgers medium rare and rare, not cooked sufficiently to kill e. coli.
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the most serious cases are in young children. >> most people will get relatively sick from it. they'll get diarrhea, abdominal cramps, feel pretty unhealthy. fever. some even have some blood in their stool. >> reporter: the tainted beef is believed to have been shipped across the country. the usda says the recalled products were sent to distributors in michigan, missouri, massachusetts and ohio. health officials in those states are checking restaurants to make sure customers are not served the contaminated meat. >> we go to the restaurants. we look for everything. we think it's there. but where was the meat? was it properly refrigerated? was there good hand washing technique? >> reporter: so far, no deaths have been reported. but it can take up to ten days after eating something contaminated to become sick. and, john and diana, for now, doctors say, the best advice is ordering the burger well done. >> all right. too bad i like it medium rare. tahman bradley, reporting live. thank you very much. breaking overnight. another hollywood star in trouble. actor michael jayce has been detained by los angeles police
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in connection with the shooting death of his wife. he starred in fx police drama "the shield." he's being questioned overnight. his wife, april, was found dead from gunshot wounds last night in their los angeles home. police say it may be a domestic-related incident. in addition to "the shield," jayce also appeared in a number of other shows, including "southland," "burn notice" and "the mentalist." new, this morning, some alarming moments at several u.s. airports including one very close call. a federal report says two jets at newark airport last month nearly collided. a united 737 from san francisco coming in for a landing got within 200 feet of an express jet flight taking off. there were no injuries or damage. but the cause of that incident is now under investigation. and in tampa, security breach disrupted airport operations yesterday. a man climbed a fence and wandered on to a secondary runway. he was quickly arrested and charged with trespassing. he has a history of mental illness. two flights were delayed for about ten minutes before normal operations resumed. and the problem was much more serious at an airport near phoenix.
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the crew of an allegiant airlines flight smelled smoke when the plane was taxiing for takeoff. the passengers and crew were evacuated using slides. six passengers suffered only minor injuries. there's no word on what caused that smell. everyone was put aboard a new plane several hours later. new overnight, the chinese are denying they ever engaged in cyber theft. this comes after five chinese military officers were indicted by the u.s. for spying on american companies. the justice department says the cyber theft cost those companies, including alcoa and westinghouse, millions of dollars and caused thousands of americans to lose their jobs. >> the range of trade secrets and other sensitive business information stolen in this case is significant and demands an aggressive response. in some cases, they stole trade secrets that would have been beneficial to chinese companies at the time that they were stolen. >> in another cyber security case, 100 people have been arrested for developing a malicious software called black shades.
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it allowed them to take control of people's personal computers and spy on them through their web cameras. escalating violence in libya is forcing a buildup of u.s. troops in italy. the number of american marines and aircraft at the u.s. naval base in sicily has gone up significantly. they're reportedly on standby if americans need to be evacuated from the u.s. embassy in tripoli. the u.s. is also sending a high-level official to help with the political process after the interim parliament came under attack. and tension in a country popular with american tourists now. thailand's army has declared martial law, saying it will restore peace and order across the country. the move follows six months of anti-government demonstrations. troops took over tv stations to announce they were taking charge of security. but the military is denying that a coup is under way. here in new york, there's been a verdict in a major terrorism case. mustafa kamel mustafa, found guilty of 11 charges. he will spend, likely, the rest of his life in prison. prosecutors say mustafa helped orchestrate the violent
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kidnapping of foreigners, including americans in yemen. he is also accused of trying to create a training camp and supporting terrorism. supporters of same-sex marriage are celebrating two legal victories. a federal judge in oregon has struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage. a supreme court appeal is expected. and in utah, another federal judge has ordered the state to grant benefits to more than a thousand gay couples who married last december. there will be solemn ceremonies today in moore, oklahoma, to mark one year since a devastating tornado touched down. two dozen people were killed, including seven children at an elementary school. the governor will be on-hand to help break ground on a new medical center. the old one was destroyed in last year's storm. abc's ginger zee will be live in moore on "good morning america." president obama made an unexpected pit stop on his way to a fund-raiser last night. he dropped in on several little league teams at a washington, d.c. park. he was shaking hands with the young players. even posing for pictures. the president, as you see, was a little overdressed for the ballpark. but that didn't stop him from
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tossing the ball around. a tie at a ballpark? >> he's a lefty. did you know that? >> yes, actually, i did. >> southpaw. didn't know that. it will be a good day for tossing a ball around in most of the country. but not around the sierras, the northern rockies and especially the great lakes. >> and it's also going to be a little hot for playing catch in west texas and the southwest. fairly warm in the center of the country. but there will be short-sleeve temperatures again in the west and the east coast, including that washington park. coming up, motto makeover. why burger king is ditching the decades' old have it your way slogan. and mad mom. a woman confronts a boy accused of bullying her daughter. and investigators say she went too far. plus, be careful where you step. the earth opens up, threatening an entire college stadium.
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did you know that people born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more.
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for the first time in more than 20 years, a major bank is pleading guilty to criminal charges. credit suisse admits helping clients evade u.s. taxes with secret accounts. the swiss bank will pay nearly $3 billion in penalties. attorney general eric holder says this shows that no financial institution is above the law. bring an appetite. but don't bring your guns. that's the request from the chipotle chain after a gun rights demonstration at one of its dallas restaurants this weekend. chipotle says the loaded assault-style weapons upset some customers and gun control advocates petitioned the chain. but it's only a request and not at outright ban. and burger king is changing its slogan. instead of have it your way. it will now be be your way. the fast food chain says the new version projects individuality
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and hopefully will resonate with a pop culture. berger king is also dumping the taste is king slogan. mcdonald's is about to start offering a new option for you child's happy meals. starting on july 4th, low-fat strawberry yogurt will be on the menu. mcdonald's says it has 25% less sugar than the leading kids low-fat yogurt. when we come back, bloodied and dazed. a woman walks miles after a bear attack. how a good samaritan came to her rescue. and rising star. the golfer who just became the youngest player to qualify for the u.s. women's open. ard for y, give them the edge they deserve... new edge, from osteo bi-flex with joint shield helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle,
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and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle. i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for a quote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. welcome to the modern world. moisture without wishit falling flat?hair introducing new dove oxygen moisture. it provides oxygen fused moisture... the moisture your hair needs with 95% more volume. new dove oxygen moisture. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing.
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clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. anwhat does that first raspoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. the most famous street in san francisco could become the most famous detour this summer. a two-block stretch of the incredibly crooked lombard street will be closed for four weekends except for residents. they've been complaining about the tourist traffic. a city agency will vote on that
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closure today. some wet roads in northern california today. thunderstorms could also make driving hazardous in the great lakes region. and all the way east across most of pennsylvania. also, in the upper plains. >> and despite those thunderstorms, we don't expect any major airport delays today. back to the news. beginning with donald sterling. he is seeking a three-month delay before a hearing that could be the beginning of the end of his tenure as owner of the l.a. clippers. >> the nba is expected to reject that request and not delay the hearing, which is now set for june 3rd. that hearing will address the nba's formal charge against sterling which says he has damaged the team with his racist comments. a meeting of league owners will follow that hearing. and if 75% of them vote against sterling, he will be forced to sell the team. a california mom is denying charges that she assaulted an 11-year-old boy accused of bullying her 10-year-old daughter. police say she confronted the boy on the campus of a santa rosa elementary school. she allegedly grabbed him by the throat, shoved him and warned him to leave her daughter alone.
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her attorney said she didn't do it. but defended any actions that may have been taken. >> where in the social contract does it say we must abandon our children to bullies? if the state can't do the job of protecting our children at school, how dare the state then file criminal charges against a parent who does. that's unacceptable. >> it's not clear if the mother targeted the right boy. so far, investigators say they haven't found any evidence to show that he did anything wrong. an alaska woman is recovering after a bear attack. authorities in anchorage say the victim was jogging when the attack occurred. she was seriously injured but she managed to walk two miles in hilly terrain back to where her pickup truck was parked. >> she was able to -- her survival instincts got her to that point. a good samaritan picked her up and took her immediately to the hospital. >> officials say the seven-foot to eight-foot bear was likely defending her two cubs, which prompted that attack. a former college student is accused of making two bomb threats in hopes of cancelling
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the graduation ceremony at quinnipiac university in connecticut. police say danielle shea didn't want her family to find out that she was no longer enrolled in the school and wasn't graduating. the graduation was moved to a different venue. police traced the calls to her phone. she was arrested wearing a cap and gown. the coast guard trying to salvage a brand-new $10 million yacht that capsized at a marina in washington state. this happened just as builders were about to deliver it to the owner. as soon as they put the 90-foot yacht in the water for the first time, it hit some rocks and rolled on its side. the crew was trapped inside as the water rushed in. they had to break a window to escape. now, to southern california where a homeowner got quite a shock. she ran into a coyote, stuck on eight-foot wall, while outside yesterday morning tending to her flowers. they have no idea how the animal got up there. it was hours before it decided to jump off and just run away to safety. >> check him out. you can do it. >> why would it take him that
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long? >> that wasn't so hard after all. a massive sinkhole has opened up on a college football field in tennessee. construction crews working on the stadium at austin p. state university when the hole opened up yesterday. workers had to make it bigger, extending it to 40 by 40 feet, as they search for the stable bedrock. it's not clear how they plan to repair that hole. >> that's a big hole. now, to an incredible girl we have to tell you about this morning. she's a golfer. and at 11 years old, lucy li is the youngest player to ever qualify for the u.s. women's open. she did it yesterday at a qualifying tournament in her native california. li is no stranger to big events. she also won her age group at a kids' competition before the masters this year. kids competition. >> check her out. >> kids play. >> she looks like a kid. but she is a kid. she's 11. >> she's incredible. >> yeah. that's some talent. the new york rangers are now up 2-0 games after beating the canadiens last night in their nhl playoff series. >> as for last night's nba action and some baseball, here's
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our guys over at espn. >> good morning, america. this is the bristol studios, where "sportscenter" is telecast to america. he's stan. i'm neil. i'm wearing levi's. >> you put so much pressure on me now. i really have to deliver this highlight. thunder and spurs, game one. western conference finals. all-san antonio. no surge ibaka for oklahoma city. you saw tony parker get to the rim there. and tim duncan. duncan had 27. the spurs simply dominated in the paint, since oklahoma city didn't have their shot blocker, ibaka. kawhi leonard had a big game off the bench. spurs take game one, 122-105. game two coming up wednesday from san antonio. surge ibaka also out for the reds and nationals. bottom nine. reds up 2-1. chapman in to close. that was the idea. danny espinosa had other ideas. down the left field line. he would eventually score and tie it at 2-2. and by rule, we play extra innings. 10, 11, 12. bottom half, winning run on third. two outs. wilson ramos.
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brandon phillips. that was the top play on "sportscenter." make sure you watch "sportscenter," america. top of the 15th, runner on, one out. todd frazier. you mind if we dance with your dates? it's gone. so are we. reds win, 4-3. >> you see there's nobody there at the end. man, i stayed to the end of that game. what a finish. >> i saw it. you can say the same thing about this segment, right here. that's ending. right now. >> i like the little "animal house" reference. she didn't know what that was. i clued her in and she's laughing. you mind if we dance with your dates? that's a good scene. >> that's great. the end of the school year, that means plenty of rights of passage. one of them is this morning's "play of the day," which happened yesterday at the naval academy. >> that's where the class, ending its first year, worked together to get a class member to the top of the campus monument. the monument covered in grease. the freshmen replaced one hat on top of the monument with
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another. it took nearly 2:20. but they did it. i'm trying to read real slow. there it is. and that, of course, officially ended their first year. >> whoa. >> and the greasy freshmen fall to the ground. >> a lot of sweat going on there. coming up next, it's "the pulse." a high school senior who asked joe biden to the prom and got quite a surprise. and people get fined for all kinds of reasons. but you won't believe why one young man is being forced to fork over hundreds of dollars. this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee.
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afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums!
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hey, razor. check this out. listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. we can save big on killer hotels with priceline express deals. somewhere with a fitness center? hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. i'm cool. hey, isn't that razor's old lady? not anymore. priceline savings without the bidding. time, now, to check "the pulse," starting with the dream date that was not to be. the high school senior who had her heart set on the vice president. >> 17-year-old talia maselli,
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said she asked vice president biden to escort her to prom because he is, quote, the most delightful man in america. well, the 71-year-old veep declined, citing his busy schedule. but he gave talia something she will never forget. >> i thought it was a practical joke. he gave me a corsage and that letter. and said that the secret service told him to bring it to me. >> biden's handwritten note said he was flattered by the invitation. and she was pretty satisfied with the corsage. she ended up skipping the prom, though, altogether. >> that's too bad. >> oh, no. let's go to the battle in the ballroom. three couples remaining after last night's semifinal round on "dancing with the stars." james maslow and partner peta murgatroyd, sent home. they had a 29-point sexy tango during which they shared a kiss. but they got to go home anyway. >> james and peta will be on the sidelines to watch the three remaining couples. meryl and maks, candace cameron bure and mark ballas, and amy purdy and derek hough. all of the dancing drama, tonight, starting at 8:00, 7:00
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central. and a teen in michigan says he's learned a lot from his expensive run-in with the law. 19-year-old colin anderson and some friends were hanging out at a park when one of them was ticketed for skateboarding. >> anderson's response to the ticket included some language we can't repeat here on television. and the statement there earned him a ticket for cursing. >> i tried to ask him what i did wrong. and he's like, you can't use that kind of language down here. i was like, well, i wasn't really around anybody. >> it's a violation of the city ordinance for language or conduct that causes breach of the peace. >> anderson decided to fight the ticket. he's already lost. >> that's right. he's paid $80 of the $200. and he has another ten days to pay the rest. >> a lot of newspapers to deliver or lawns to cut or whatever it is at that age. >> maybe he can go to the same park and ask little kids to give him a dollar. >> lemonade stand, maybe? >> yeah, why not? >> who knows? >> all right. see you in a little bit.
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live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good morning on in tuesday. it is 4:28. thank you for waking up with us. i am kristen sze. >> i am eric thomas. will this do for an umbrella? >> umbrella? only isolated chance of shower but mostly in the high country. if you want to carry one just in case but it lose hike it will be isolated like yesterday. live doppler 7 hd shows how quiet is it this morning. we are breezy looking from the camera to the ferry building. that will be the case today. breezy temperatures. at or below average. 70 to 75 inland and up to 72 around the bay and 58 to 64 from the coast to san francisco. leyla gulen? >> good morning, everyone, happy tuesday. the breezes persist. c.h.p. issued another high wind advisory for the amount pass,
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the bay bridge and benicia and car fin necessary bridge so the high wind advisories you in place. be careful if you drive a high-sided vehicle. in berkeley headed along the westbound direction along 80 at powell we have lanes blocked off until 5:00 this morning. at the maze, right up to the bay bridge we have a couple of lanes blocked pushing to treasure island wrapping up at 5:00. >> abc7 news begins with breaking news. arson investigators in san jose are at the scene of a car fire on a drive after two cars were fully engulfed the car fires are out. flames did not spreato the garage because of the firefighters' quick work. no reports of injury. >> san francisco officials have to choose between tourist and those would live along the most crooked street in the world.
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residents want lombard street closed to cars this morning. amy hollyfield? >> people who live here want tourists but they need order. they say sometimes gridlock on the crooked street is so bad it traps residents in their homes. transportation officials say the backup can be so bad through city streets it reaches to van ness which impacts public transportation. the proposal is to shut down the street to cars for periods of time this summer. just to see how it works. residents think it is a great idea. what do the tourists say? >> a shame they are thinking of closing it. like taking away the cable cars, disasterous. >> when they bought the houses it was an acceptance of this. why close it? they should have thought of that


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