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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  August 27, 2022 1:06am-1:41am PDT

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>> that's "nightline" for this evening. catch our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here, same time monday. thanks for the company, america. have a good and safe weekend.
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re, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day
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to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep ovnumber 360® smart bed. it. senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. don't miss our labor day weekend special. save 50% on sleep number 360® limited edition smart bed. ends labor day. dan: in oakland police are on
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the scene of an incident that left three people dead. the investigation is underway on martin luther king jr. way. officers arrived to find multiple vehicles involved in a crash, and two gunshot victims. investigators found a bicyclist struck by one of the vehicles. the police chief went to the scene tonight. >> we know there was an initial shooting and there was a second shooting, and then we know after the second shooting, the vehicle which the individual who had been shot was inside of fled the scene. that is the vehicle that appears to have struck the bicyclist. dan: all three victims were pronounced dead. none have been identified by police but chief armstrong says all three victims were men. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. dion: i'm dion lim.
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a call for the end to the violence in another part of the city. a piece gathering and vigil was held in little saigon. their message comes after the wake of a shooting last weekend that killed a dentist. earlier this month a grandmother was shot in her home while sleeping, and an uber driver was killed last month in an attempted robbery. dan: in fremont, a man was the victim of a profanity laced tirade inside a taco bell. >> i did not see the point of trying to engage somebody who wants to pick a fight. dan: in that video a man takes aim as a resident's religion, appearance and more. we spoke with the victim, let me warn you, you may find the video disturbing. reporter: what should have been a quick trip to this taco bell turned into a traumatizing experience for a longtime
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resident on the receiving end of this unprovoked verbal attack. >> [beep] reporter: nearly eight and half minutes of video recorded sunday night, the man stealing anti-hindu speech. >> it was vile. reporter: after receiving his food order, he stayed in the restaurant and recorded in silence, worried that if he walked to his car, the man would follow. >> look at this nasty [beep] >> i did not see a point in engaging with a person who wanted to pick a fight. he was so close to my face, spitting everywhere. reporter: he recognized the way the man recognized hindi words. in the last few minutes of the attack, he may have revealed his motivation. >> toward the end of the video
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he said the late prime ministers name. then i realized he may be indian. reporter: behavior he says aligns with a movement in india. >> that group was deemed a terrorist organization in india. >> your people were the ones to put your head down. reporter: he set a supervisor made the call to 911, although he shares criticism over workers not stepping into deescalate. we reached out to talk about for a response but have not heard back. reporter: the police chief later addressed the community, saying, we take hate incidents and crimes seriously, adding these incidents are despicable. he tdu religion teaches the whole population your brethren and everyone is equal. >> in that sense that gentlemen
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is the same. reporter: this so-called off night now seen by thousands, including his 13-year-old son who was waiting for food. he arrived for our interview with his taco bell order. >> i do not want his vision to change. i said i and pick itil wgo up. reporter: abc 7 news. dan: the person who shot a man on a part train is loose tonight , the shooting happened at the fruitvale station before 1:30 this afternoon, but they did not learn after it until the train pulled away. the victim was taken off the train with life-threatening injuries. the shooter ran off at fruitvale's. police say the shooting does not appear to be random. >> based on the video we received, we are confident this
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was not a random attack. it appears to be a targeted attack. dan: investigators say some of the video they have comes from surveillance in the train car where the shooting took laced. -- took place. dion: the justice apartment is releasing a redacted version of the affidavit of the search for former president trump's home. it sheds light on why federal agents began their investigation. reporter: the 38 page affidavit is heavily redacted but we have a snapshot of what led the justice department to search former president trump's mar-a-lago home. the document reveals well before the search trump had been found to have taken highly classified information, including some from clandestine human sources, secrets obtained from foreign agents and spies. that material found in 15 boxes trump's team turned over
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january, including 184 classified documents, 92 secret, and 25 top-secret mixed in with other records. >> the fbi would never have gotten the search warrant approved unless they had an immense amount of information. reporter: the fbi outlines how the agency determined more classified documents were still inside mar-a-lago, but those details are almost completely blacked out. the document shows a warning that the fbi said -- sent to trump's lawyers, saying they could compromise national security. >> given that the documents deal with spies and secrets from allies, the fbi and the intelligence community are urgently working on a damage assessment. reporter: trump maintains he cooperated with government officials, repeating that friday despite the release of evidence appearing to show his team
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stonewalling the national archives for months. president biden not commenting but telling reporters it depends on the circumstances whether it is ever appropriate to take classified documents home. >> i have some with me, i read them and lock them back up. dan: on monday, nasa will send its most powerful rocket ever into space in an attempt to alternately send humans back to the moon. this historic launch would not be possible without the research and technology from mt. view's research center. we caught up with a member of the artemis one launch team. reporter: on monday a momentous step in the history of space travel, the apollo mission was called one small step for man, and artemis one will be another giant leap for mankind. >> artemis one is a flight test of the first systems since the apollo program to bring humans
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back to the moon. reporter: nasa will launch the most powerful rocket into space. artemis one will orbit the moon before returning to earth hotter and faster than ever before, 25,000 mph. the orion space capsule with a mannequin on board, the only capsule specifically designed for humans. they will establish a moon base where humans will stay, an ambitious goal. >> i followed the history of it for my whole life. i have been a space nerd, so i understand it happened and what it takes, but to be a part of the first steps back, it is humbling. it is an honor to be part of it. reporter: they put nearly two decades into testing and planning to make monday's
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historic launch a reality. the bay area center contributed in many ways including the development of the thermal protection system, one of the key pieces to make a sustainable trip for humans. >> to get to this point and fly this test and see the systems working for the mission we designed them for, it is incredible. i have to remember to enjoy it and look up from the hard work it takes to make it happen. reporter: inspections and tests will happen during and after the mission which will travel one point 3 million miles over 42 days. artemis ii could be the next manned mission back to the moon in two years. dan: the launch window opens at 5:33 a.m. pacific time. dion: in the south bay, popular fast food chain, in and out burgers, is proposing a new location in san jose.
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according to our media partners at "the mercury news" it would be on stevens creek all of our. it would take -- stevens creek all of hard. -- boulevard. the area would accommodate over 100 customers and 30 cars in the drive through. it is unknown if and when the proposal would go through evaluation. dan: a big weekend in the south bay, there is pride at comic-con. reporter: a conqueror boy is being called a prodigy. >> summer is almost over and it will feel like the seasons are changing. the forecast is coming up. dion: here is a look at what is coming up on "jimmy kimmel live." >> this suit is a rental. >> i am rolling up to your house tomorrow.
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i'm bringing back my spicy chicken strips. while i'm at it, my most popular former employee, mark hamill. well, what's my motivation? to not get fired again... i can work with that. actors! spicy chicken strips and me, mark hamill, back for a limited time. after my car accident, spicy chicken strips and me, mark hamill, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could've made. atat t bararnefirmrm, to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you u mit bebe sprisised ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ this is the gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. the bar in the handle removes unseen dirt and debris ahead of the blades,
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one prilosec otc in the morning blocks excess acid production for a full 24 hours. unlike pepcid, which stops working after 9. 24 hour protection. prilosec otc one pill, 24 hours, zero heartburn. my 100% all-white-meat spicy chicken strips are back. look at them sitting there. just sitting there. can't believe we hired a director for this. spicy chicken strips starting at $5.49 are back at jack in the box. light to move forward with clearing out part of a homeless encampment in west oakland. the property is packed with trash and abandoned vehicles. there have been 200 fires there in the last two years.
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ing order allowing the city and caltrans to move forward clearing themore than 2d to be relocated. officials have to come up with a plan for the belongings that would not result in those items being destroyed. dion: it is a big weekend full of fun in the south bay. 20,000 people are expected to celebrate the lgbtq community at the silicon valley pride festival. it is the second in person festival, and will have activities and entertainment and fun for the family. the festival kicks off saturday afternoon in san jose. local businesses look forward to representing pride and the economic boost. >> we have been struggling for quite some time. these past few weeks with san jose jazz and now silicon valley pride, downtown is turning a
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corner. dion: the san jose downtown association supported pride for over three decades. the pride festival kicks off saturday at 6:00 p.m. and that parade is sunday at 10:30 a.m. we expect cosplay and more at silicon this weekend. you can meet your favorite heroes from star trek and "back to the future." there will be demonstrations and contests that you do not want to miss. tickets are on sale. it takes place saturday and sunday at san jose's convention center. dan: this year marks the 80th anniversary of president roosevelt executive order to put japanese americans into internment camps in world war ii. tonight on the peninsula, a new film exploring the impact of the unjust incarceration on families for generations.
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a discussion with those behind the documentary called "80 years later." it was held in san bruno which was the side of a detention center that held 8000 japanese americans on their way to internment camps. the sold-out screening benefited local nonprofits working to preserve the memory of the internment story. for more information, go to dion: a bowling prodigy after taking up the sport a couple months ago. he is five years old and cactuses every day. -- practices every day. he is gaining quite a following. reporter: he may only be four feet tall, but that has not stopped him from making a name for himself in the bowling world. the five-year-old took up the sport in june but bowls games
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around 170-200. >> i like getting strikes. reporter: his mother says she does not know where his skills come from. neither she nor his father are bowlers. >> we did the kids bowl for free, and it turned out he is really good. reporter: he bowled multiple spares and strikes, sometimes getting three in a row. his skills have grabbed the attention of other bowlers. >> they call him the natural. somehow he knows what he is doing. reporter: to give you an idea of how amazing he is, he normally bowls with a 12 pound all, a quarter of his body weight. he has gained several mentors over the summer. >> when you find somebody this young, he inspires you wanting
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to give him a helping hand. reporter: no one knows what is coming next, but his mom will support his dreams no matter where they lead. >> i told him as long as he is having fun, we will come back. reporter: k abc 7 news. sandhya: his technique is interesting but it is working. and practice makes perfect. dan: sandhya patel is here. we are hoping for more of this great weather. sandhya: i would not have it any other way. a live picture from the exploratorium camera. if you like cooler weather, you will be happy with the weekend weather. area of low pressure is moving down toward vancouver and parts of canada, portland, seattle. we will be under the influence
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of this trough, and as we are under that influence, we will notice the winds picking up and temperatures coming down. live doppler 7, we have a marine push and the marine layer has deepened to 1500 feet. half moon bay, visibility is down to one mile. be careful because it becomes dense. mostly 50's and 60's unless you are out towards brentwood. as you look at the forecast for the festival in chinatown, it will be nice but grab a sweater or a jacket. a cool morning, make some sunshine and clouds on sunday, breezy. palo alto, festival of the arts will be bright and mild, 50's to mid 60's. festa italiana, upper 50's to
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mid 60's. silicon valley pride festival, you can expect mild, sunny conditions. at night it will be comfortable but dressed in layers. as you look at the overcast conditions, good air quality saturday and sunday. from the golden gate bridge camera, there is fog but visibility will fluctuate. dense fog and drizzle in the morning. summer heat returns next week. tomorrow morning, breezy. tomorrow afternoon, winds picking up. be ready with drizzle and clouds in the morning, not clearing the coast tomorrow afternoon. morning numbers in the 50's and 60's. watch out for damp roadways. 80's in san jose. on the peninsula moon
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bay. downtown san francisco, 66. 82, santa rosa. 70, oakland. east bay and inland, 82, concit will be gusty and cooler tomorrow, below average sunday, then the warming begins next week with hotter conditions inland, mid 90's. mid 60's, coast does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days. la la la la la. if you haven't tried dawn powerwash dish spray, what are you waiting for?
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it's dawn's fastest and easiest way to clean everyday dishes. you just spray, wipe and rinse. it cleans five times faster to actually break down grease on contact. so spray your dishes clean... with dawn powerwash dish spray. now you can save big on supersonic wifi from xfinity. can it handle all of my devices? all that. and it comes with a 2-year rate guarantee. what?! ok! no annual contract. no equipment fees. oh, and a free streaming box. i like streaming. it's all just $50 a month when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. will you add a motorcycle? no. did you say yes?! the new xfinity supersonic bundle. it's kind of a big deal hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now.
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started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. international dog day was the perfect time to introduce its new agent. teddy is a three-year-old french bulldog. dan: his owner works for the bureau, and his owner built him his own office. teddy looking very intimidating. dion: baseball's leading homerun hitter is in the bay area this weekend. dan: larry beil is here. larry: the pride of the central
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valley is here with the yankees taking on the a's. all rise avoiding triggers, but still get migraine attacks? qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. qulipta gets right to work. keeps attacks away over time. qulipta is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. ask your doctor about qulipta.
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the giants made their first trip to minnesota in 17 years, and based on game one of their series with the twins, they could have waited longer. marvel superhero day at the ballpark. hulk smash. so does carlos correa, a two run bomb. that was just the beginning. to the third, twins up 6-0. gary sanchez, two run jack. giants looking really bleak, and they lose, 9-0.
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yankees visiting the a's. check out the fan, one-handed, barehanded, and then he chugs a beer. scoreless in the fifth until aaron judge connects. all rise, the judge with 49 homers to lead baseball. degerrit cole. one of the best pitchers in the game. steven kwon grew up in fremont, made an incredible catch. kwon into the stands to make the catch. he stayed in the game. while the jimmy g. rumors persist, the 49ers will persist with trey lance. he went 7-11, 17-0 loss. >> i'm glad he got some
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experience in the preseason. i wish he got more about i am glad he came out healthy. larry: raiders-patriots, final preseason game. jones picked off, returned for 30 yards. white, keep an eye on him, ricky out of georgia. raters went up 10-0. -- raiders went up 10-0. 23-6, thth
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11:00. dan: ♪♪ >> hey, bay area. it's time to share some amazing stories and feel good. we could all use some inspiration right now, and you've come to the right place. this show is all about good food, good people, and good living. ♪♪ on today's show, mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches...
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custom meats with big flavor... party like a vip... music for the soul... but first, a bee's life. ♪♪ >> who takes care of the babies? >> worker? >> worker bees. who guards the front door? >> worker? >> worker bees. who cares for the queen? >> worker. >> worker bees. who makes the honey? >> worker bees. >> kind of a pattern here, huh? ♪♪ now you can kind of hold it up to the light and kind of look at it. there you go. well, here we do beekeeping classes at carmel valley ranch. we harvest lots of honey. we do all these different experiences, artisan markets, educate the guests about how to keep bees and help them overcome their fear of bees. so, it's actually quite a bit of fun.
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do you know how many eyes a bee has? >> 14? >> 14? that's a pretty good guess, but it's five eyes. i've been beekeeping for about eight years now. it started out as just kind of a hobby, having a couple backyard hives and helping one of my friends remove bees. our course is called a bee's life. we start out kind of talking about the life cycle of a bee, some of the phenomenon that they exhibit, kind of getting over that initial fear, finding out what our guests are interested in learning about. so it'll be like a beekeeping 101 type thing. we'll go through the garden, observe the bees kind of pollinating, talk about some of the cool things that they do. and then we go down to the apiary, suit up, and go open up a beehive and pass bees around amongst each other. and after that, we do honey tasting. the queen has a lot of pheromones. i heard it was around 165-or-so different perfumes that she can release. with about0,00to 6 bees within the hive. bees are critical to the environment because they pollinate flowers. without the help of bees,
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it's kind of hard for them to pass their genetics from one to the other. with our society, we need to have bees because they pollinate our crops. and i heard that about three out of four bites of food that you eat are connected to the honeybee pollination industry. we have about 30 beehives right now -- and expanding. as the bees pollinate our orchard and the flowers here in the garden, that increases our crop yields. and then what we don't use, we feed to the chickens. they produce an egg a day. so, that's awesome. from there, we rake up the manure. it goes under the trees. then the bees pollinate the trees when they're doing better. and the bees are bringing nectar back and making honey. so, we have this little cycle where the feedback loops are going in. we have over 7,000 lavender plants here on property, and the bees really favor lavender. so, once a bee chooses to land on a blossom, it's going to stick to that type of blossom for the rest of the time that that blossom's there. you guys ready to go in? go visit the bees? >> yeah. >> alright, let's go.
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so if you're from hive 2 and you're trying to fly into hive 1, where you're coming empty-handed, the bouncers, the guard bees will kick you out. but if you're from hive 2, but you have pollen or nectar or something to offer, then it's kind of like a bribe. they make an exception, and they'll let you in. and it's like a game of operation here. so, we're trying not to bump this against any of the sides and smoosh any bees. there we go. so, we're gonna take this hive tool, and we're gonna slice away at this capping. once honey's ready -- see how they all made a row? kind of like a snack bar. so, what do you think? is that how you thought a beehive would act? >> no. >> it's kind of a gentle hive, huh? >> very fascinating. >> yeah. what do you say we get out of this hot safety equipment and we go taste some honey? >> yeah. >> sound good? >> yeah. >> right on. let's go. so, the first honey that we're gonna try is raw unadulterated honey. so, this came right out of our beehives. i harvested this probably like


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