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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 5, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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>> are you volunteering? >> anything for tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the new details just coming in after another train derailment in ohio. the second in just a month. new video showing the moment 28 cars from a massive 212-car train lifted up off of the tracks, four of them tankers. residents describe hearing a loud bang. serious questions now for the rail industry and for norfolk southern, the same train company involved in that toxic derailment in east palestine. residents there are still reporting symptoms, headaches, coughs, and anxiety. what a new study indicates about higher than normal levels of a potentially hazardous chemical and what officials said before the cameras late today. alex presha standing by in ohio. millions across the country under winter weather alerts. more snow hitting the mountains of california.
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frustration and fatigue building as food and other supplies are running low for families trapped by as much as 12 feet of snow. the national guard going door to door, checking on residents, offering relief. demarco morgan from the san bernardino mountain and rob marciano with the forecast. the race for 2024 kicking into gear. former president donald trump making his pitch for the nomination, telling followers i am your retribution, promising to stay in the race despite multiple criminal probes. ron desantis on the road teasing a possible run, and a former republican governor who is staying out. elizabeth schulze at the white house. the battle for bakhmut intensifies. video circulating online shows a bridge being blown up. urainian troops hoping to stop the russians from taken the key city. james longman on the ground in ukraine. chris rock speaks out nearly a year later, finally responding publicly to that infamous oscars slap. and what he's now saying about
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the personal lives of will smith and his wife jada. the fallout from that horrific train crash in greece. protesters clashing with police in athens. the news just coming in about charges against the station master. the major fire at a refugee camp in bangladesh. thousands who had fled the violence in myanmar now without shelter again. and america strong tonight, remembering activist judy heumann, the mother of the disability rights movement. >> from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." good evening. it's great to have you with us on this sunday night. i'm whit johnson. we're following new developments on a second train derailment in ohio in just over a month. another norfolk southern train going off the tracks near a highway in springfield saturday evening. that's about 80 miles northeast of cincinnati. terrifying dashcam video capturing the moment the train derailed. officials with norfolk southern
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say no hazardous materials were involved this time and no injuries have been reported. this drone video showing the aftermath, 28 of the train's 212 cars toppled off the tracks, including four tankers which were empty. the crash knocked out power to more than 1500 residents living nearby. all of this as the cleanup continues in east palestine after that norfolk southern derailment in february. toxic chemicals released into the air, soil, and water. residents reporting symptoms of headaches, coughing, fatigue, and skin irritation. and tonight, what a new study indicates about higher than normal levels of a potentially hazardous chemical. abc's alex presha leading us off tonight from ohio. >> reporter: tonight, new dashcam video shows the moment a norfolk southern train derailed in springfield, ohio, smashing into a pole, metal flying, cars careening off the tracks. >> i hear a loud bang. once the car started coming off and going sideways and collapsing on each other, it was
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just time to go. >> reporter: late today, authorities said 28 of the 212 cars derailed, including four empty tankers with residual amounts of diesel exhaust fluid and common industrial products. but they say no hazardous materials, during saturday night's accident, spilled. >> looking at the data from hazmat and ohio epa, we're loking at clean air, clean soil, and clean water for our residents. >> reporter: on "this week," ohio democratic senator sherrod brown said he's not satisfied with the rail company's response. >> this train was over 200 cars, which is 50 more cars than the east palestine train. so, the railroad's got a lot of questions they've got to answer and they really haven't done it very well yet. >> reporter: it's the state's third train derailment this year, including that massive toxic spill in east palestine. where new results of independent air testing by carnegie mellon and texas a&m universities show indicate elevated levels of acrolein, which can cause skin, respiratory, and mucous membrane irritation.
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>> our data, and epa data show that there is a need for further follow-up to make sure that concentrations of various pollutants including acrolein are going down to a level where they would be sort of not potentially harmful to people's health. >> reporter: the ohio department of public health says the most common symptoms people are reporting are headaches, followed by anxiety, coughing, fatigue and skin irritation. >> we ended up having to go to the hospital because my -- my chest was hurting so bad that i was kind of getting my heart scared. mounting frustration in that community. alex presha joining us now from springfield, and alex, you have now covered both of these train derailments and there are key differences you're noticing between the two scenes. >> reporter: the biggest difference is smell. we were about a mile and a half from that derailment in east palestine and there was still a very strong smell of chemicals. here, it's nothing like that. and whit, something else to note tonight. there are no injuries reported in this derailment.
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its cause is still under investigation. whit. >> alex presha for us. thank you. turning now to the weather and another ferocious storm slamming california. abc news obtained this dramatic video of the rescue of an older man stranded in the mountains of san bernardino. volunteers handing out ready to eat meals to residents trapped under more than 12 feet of snow, in desperate need of food and other supplies. demarco morgan is back in san bernardino tonight. >> reporter: tonight, another brutal snowstorm hammering california, as residents are still digging out from historic snow falls from the last storm. >> this is how we have to get people out of the snow. >> reporter: this rescue of an elderly man caught on cell phone video obtained by abc news. the situation in the san bernardino mountains dire. some residents still stranded under more than 12 feet of snow and facing food and gas shortages. wind gusts up to 55 mph, hampering efforts by crews frantically trying to clear away
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tons of snow. this is a street here in the valley of enchantment community. it has yet to be plowed. many of the cars as you can see still buried making it very difficult just to navigate your way through. but perhaps the worst for the mobile home park, several of its structures roofs collapsed leaving more than two dozen homeless. danielle sager and her grandmother shelly stead had no other choice but to stay put. >> my mom and stepdad went down the mountain to get supplies and they can't get back up. >> reporter: that was two days ago. >> a lot of places up here have lost power, trees falling, branches, that kind of thing. >> reporter: in the sierra nevada mountains, blizzard conditions and near zero visibility causing dangerous road conditions. accidents and spin outs along i-80, forcing it to shut down parts of the interstate. this semi crashing into this suv. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab saying their season snow total is now over 46 feet with 2-4 feet more expected this
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week. search and rescue teams are still going door to door at this hour trying to make sure everyone has been accounted for. as of this morning the county sheriff's department says at least 20 people put in requests to be transported off the mountain. that request has been granted. whit. >> certainly encouraging news there. demarco, thank you. and ten million people under winter weather alerts. let's get right to our senior abc news meteorologist rob marciano. rob, time this out for us. >> reporter: whit, the heaviest snow for california will come tonight and through tomorrow, maybe a break midweek. then more storms coming. a winter storm warning up for much of the sierra, three feet coming. avalanche mitigate there. in the wasatch and the rockies where they have advisories up. also a lot of wind with this, acros the high plains a red flag warning for parts of the texas panhandle and wind alerts back through flagstaff and a piece of energy from yesterday's system is now in the upper plains. places like miilnnnsisin.
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for a little bit of light snow monday night into tuesday morning. the tuesday morning rush across i-95 metro could be on the slick side. >> our thanks to you tonight. to politics now and the race for 2024 is kicking into gear. republicans in an identity battle over the party's future. former president trump facing multiple investigations, vowing to stay in the race even if he is indicted. and the former governor deciding not to run and what he said about how a crowded field could impact the election. abc's elizabeth schulze at the white house tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a battle for the future of the republican party, as the race for the presidential nomination begins to take shape. >> i am your warrior, i am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. >> reporter: speaking at the conservative political action conference overnight, former president trump telling a group of reporters he will stay in the campaign even if he's indicted
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as he faces state and federal investigations over his finances, classified documents, and the january 6th capitol attack. >> absolutely, i wouldn't think about leaving. >> one of the biggest challenges expected to come from ron desantis on his book tour in california tonight. >> your governor is very concerned about what we're doing in florida so i figured we have to come by. >> reporter: with stops planned this week in key states iowa and nevada. >> we have a big problem with the federal establishment in washington. >> former maryland mayor larry hogan says he won't seek the nomination, warning a crowded field could help trump win. >> i didn't want to have a pileup of a bunch of people fighting. the more of them you have, the less chance you have for somebody rising up. >> reporter: other possible gop hopefuls disagree. >> i think more voices right now in opposition or providing an alternative to donald trump is the best thing and the right direction. >> reporter: while president
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biden has yet to announce he's running again, his team has started to enlist top democratic allies to help with the campaign. the first lady has said pretty much all that's left to figure out is a time and a place for the announcement. whit. >> elizabeth reporting from the white house, thank you. now to the war in ukraine and the strategic city of bakhmut on the brink. russia closing in leaving ukrainian forces vulnerable to attacks from three sides of the city. a uk intelligence report says two key bridges have been destroyed, squeezing ukrainian supply routes. the city has been at the center of some of the most deadly fighting for both sides. abc's james longman in ukraine again tonight. >> reporter: all eyes on bakhmut tonight. block after block in the city in ruins. ukrainian troops have battled fiercely for more than a monh to retain it, but a british intelligence report says russian forces have now made it to the northern suburbs and in this video circulating online, two key bridges have been destroyed in the last 36 hours.
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that's put ukrainian supply lines in jeopardy and brought the possibility of a ukrainian withdrawal even closer. the mercenaries russia paid to fight its wars are in need of a win after more than a year with little success. a battleground visit. but putin's forces have been significantly degraded in this fight and the towns and cities beyond bakhmut are more heavily fortified. the real prize for russia, control of the entire donbas, is nowhere close. speculation is growing over western plans to provide kyiv with fighter jets. there are two ukrainian pilots currently in tucson arizona for what a u.s. official calls a familiarization event. no comment on whether the u.s. could provide f-16s in the future but officials are keen to stres these pilots are not flying u.s. hardware. >> james longman, thank you. back here at home nearly one year after that infamous oscars
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slap, chris rock was on stage in baltimore delivering his long awaited response. he threw plenty of verbal punches aimed at will smith and his wife jada and their marriage. his stand-up routine delivered live on netflix. >> will smith practices selective outrage. >> reporter: the public and entertainment world still reacting to chris rock's stand-up comedy routine, selective outrage, where he addressed the infamous oscar slap from will smith almost a year ago. >> people always say, words hurt. anybody that says words hurt has never been punched in the face. >> reporter: the 58-year-old legendary comedian debuting netflix's latest streaming feature, live programming. rock performing in front of a full crowd. netflix broadcasting the comedian's first full public response since smith slapped him at last year's academy awards. >> wow, wow.
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>> reporter: after rock joked about the short hairstyle worn by smith's wife, jada pinkett, the actress says it was a result of the medical condition alopecia, but rock claims he didn't know that. the comedian touching on several issues like racism, abortion, and wokeness, before ending the set about smith, suggesting smith's response to his joke about jada pinkett was more about problems in their relationship. >> we all have been cheated on, everybody in here has been cheated on. she hurt him way more than he hurt me. okay. >> reporter: whit, since the slap, smith has repeatedly apologized about the incident. even releasing a social media video for all to see, but so far, there's been no word on whether will or jada pinkett smith has had any response to rock's stand-up special. >> ike, thank you. overseas now to greece and protests in athens over that deadly train crash descending into chaos and violence. the station manager accused of
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causing the disaster behind bars tonight. charged with negligent homicide. the prime minister also apologizing as protesters blame the government for decades of neglect. here's abc's lama hasan. >> reporter: anger erupting on the streets of the greek capital athens over the country's deadliest train crash last week. demonstrators clashing with police outside the parliament, hurling volleys of molotov cocktails. police responding with tear gas and stun grenades, trying to push them back. it began as a peaceful protest, 12,000 strong, with calls from students, rail workers and public sector employees marching and releasing black balloons to remember the 57 victims, demanding accountability for the crash. blamed on tragic human error, igniting nationwide outrage. a fringe group breaking away, making their frustration at the government heard. many in greece point the finger at the government for lack of funding and out of date equipment. tonight, the greek prime
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minister releasing a statement on facebook, asking for forgiveness, saying, we cannot, we do not want to, and we must not hide behind the human error. tonight, a candle lit vigil for the victims in the town of larissa where the collision took place. tonight, we're learning that the 59-year-old station master has been charged with negligent homicide and jailed pending a trial. >> lama hasan, our thanks to you tonight. president biden in selma, alabama, to mark the anniversary of bloody sunday, a seminole moment in the civil rights movement. 58 years ago, white police officers brutally beat black protesters as they tried to cross the edmund pettus bridge in a push for voting rights. the president joining others today in a commemorative walk across that bridge. the city is also recovering from a powerful tornado that struck back in january. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. the dramatic new images from turkey of the moment a building collapses weeks after that massive earthquake.
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and the major fire at the world's largest refugee camp in bangladesh, leaving thousands without a place to stay. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor
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and the aftershocks that followed. in bangladesh, thousands are once again homeless after a massive fire tore through a crowded refugee camp for rohingya muslims. the blaze is now under control, and no casualties have been reported. the cramped and squalid camps are vulnerable to fires. it's believed to be the world's largest refugee camp. most of the refugees fled a military-led crackdown in myanmar in 2017. when we come back, the new atm scam. what you should know to keep your money safe. and the devastating impact of another incident with a lithium ion battery sparking a major fire in the bronx. tment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. [dad]
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♪ ♪ to the index now and dramatic images tonight from right here in new york. fire officials releasing this video showing a fire exploding in a commercial building in the bronx. officials say the source was a lithium ion battery on a scooter. more than 200 firefighters battled the flames for several hours. five people including four firefighters were hurt. the ntsb and the faa say they will investigate a fatal plane crash on long island. ring camera video shows the moment the single-engine plane went down in a wooded area and burst into a fireball. at least one person died, two others onboard were seriously hurt. the plane going down near a residential area as it was trying to land at a nearby airport. and important warning about a new atm scam. this story first reported by our san francisco station. thieves are targeting customers trying to use the machine.
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first disabling the atm so it can't accept cards, but its tap function will still work. what some customers don't realize is that the tap function does not close immediately unless you log out. so someone can make withdrawals from your account right after you leave. when we come back, america strong. remembering a tireless advocate who inspired the world with her words. if this were the real covid-19, i would be in real trouble. 'cause i have asthma. and i have depression. i have diabetes. and i struggle with my weight. for us, covid is a whole different ballgame. in fact, you could be one of almost 200 million americans with a high risk factor that makes covid... even riskier. which is why you need to be ready, and have a plan. other risk factors including heart disease or being inactive... even being over 50
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after developing polio as a toddler, she lost the use of her legs and used a wheelchair to get around. facing discrimination from an early age, as she revealed in this ted talk. >> when i was 5 years old, and my mother was taking me to school to enroll, she pushed my wheelchair to the school in walking distance to our house, pulled the wheelchair up the steps into the school, and we were greeted by the principal, not really greeted. but the principal said, no, i couldn't come to that school because it wasn't accessible. i didn't actually get to go to school in a real building until i was 9 years old. and then i was in classes only with disabled children. >> after gaining the right to go to school, judy spent the rest of her life advocating for others with disabilities. she was instrumental in lobbying congress to pass key legislation like the americans with disabilities act in 1990. and internationally renowned fighter for equality,
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empowerment, and justice. >> i encourage those of you who at moments in your life where you're facing discrimination and you're deciding whether to move forward, fight back, go for it. >> and judy, with this advice for the graduates of nyu just last year. >> we simply can no longer take it for granted that what affects others won't also impact us all. there are myriad issues that will require us to come together. creating communities that are more resilient, equitable, and inclusive. >> judy heumann passing away at the age of 75. an extraordinary life and legacy. i'm whit johnson in new york. have a great night.
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>> next on abc 7 news. in storm system is approaching now. spencer has the timeline and what to expect during this bout of wintry weather. a fallen tree killed a hiker today in the south bay. the desperate effort to save her life. >> when i was at the top of the mountain this morning, i could barely see where i was going. >> tahoe white out. so much snow it shut down a major freeway and ski resorts. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> you are watching abc 7 news, live on abc 7, hulu live, and wherever you stream. this shifts
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battling some spots as another storm system heads our way. thank you for joining us. today certainly has been a day of weather extremes in the bay area so let's get to abc 7 news anchor liz kreutz with a look. >> wild weather sunday around the bay area highlighted by lots of hail. around 10:00 this morning ice pepper to windshields and homes in san ramon. decks were sprinkled with small pieces of ice. the hail quickly melted into puddles. early this morning streets, cars and streets turned ic. this is how it looked new your clairemont avenue and grizzly point. highway 24 was slick. hail made it risky for drivers on the roads. we saw lightning in san francisco. this is from highway 101 where there was also flooding overnight.