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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 8, 2023 1:41am-2:01am PST

1:41 am
morning mom. good morning. how did you sleep? better thank you glad. okay you're weak system works outside the body to draw urine away, helping to keep skin dry and control system is a non invasive option for management of moderate to severe urinary incontinence, helping to reduce the need for multiple changes at night or trips to the bathroom. now staying dry can be one less thing to lose. sleep over. simply call 805 116319 to order now and find out why nine out of 10, caregivers and users would recommend the pair wick system. for more information and to order call 805 116319. 5116319 alright team. we got a big project coming up starts with ordering promotional products. i'm on it. imprint makes it easy to get the logo
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celebration of holy in india. the hindu festival of colors celebrates the arrival of spring and includes people taking to the streets to drench each other with colored powder and water. the powders have their roots in a love story from hindu mythology. fiancee of a tv reporter killed last month while covering a shooting near orlando . so she's planning to have his baby dylan lions sperm was harvested shortly after his death in case he fights says she hopes to undergo in vitro fertilization. at some point lyons mother is the one who came up with the idea because she knew how much they wanted to have kids. fight, said quote. this is the thing that's keeping me going at the moment to know that i continue can continue his legacy and continue what we wanted by fu's. 26 said she's currently working through her grief, and she will wait until she's emotionally and physically ready to get pregnant. the shortage of a lifesaving asthma medication is now being compounded by the recent shutdown of a pharmaceutical company. abc s. leno. maui's has the details. this morning,
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growing concern about a shortage of one of the most common asthma medications albuterol sudden my chest starts hurting, and i just physically cannot take a breath it's been on the fda is drug shortage list since october, but the recent shutdown of a major manufacturer could make finding albuterol even harder, illinois based acorn operating co. announced last month it was closing all its locations as it filed for bankruptcy pharmacies are now scrambling to keep albuterol stocked. we're checking secondary and tertiary vendors if our primary vendor doesn't have it, so it's just creating a little bit more. leg work on our part, the impact could be great with 25 million americans are about one in 12, currently with asthma and more than 4100 deaths in the u. s per year. do anything i could to get this medication can cause loss of breath, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing and could
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lead to asthma attacks. when it gets to that point, i need that medication. i take my inhaler immediately. medications like albuterol used in inhalers and nebulizer, keep the condition under control and could be life saving. top experts in the field have previously said patients could use an expired inhaler for partial effectiveness. but of course you should first consult your doctor about your own condition. but this is a big deal. so many of us have asthma . i've carried this around with me since i was a child, and you're always taught to look at the expiration date. and so you're kind of unlearning that now is they're trying to figure out how to keep it stocked scary. very scary, especially for those who are young kids. kids are impacted by asthma. thank you. okay coming up oscar underdogs, including the obstacles and actor managed to overcome to land his first nomination. you're watching world news now. these bills are crazy. she
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superglue can easily lift over three tons. get the new flex superglue because it works. world news now continues after this from our abc stations. how prepared is your family if a hurricane shows up at your doorstep? or flood or blizzard. you can't just turn away a natural disaster. that's why it's important to go to ready dot gov slash plan now has the tools and tips. you need to make an emergency plan with your family disaster comes knocking. let's go ready to help keep your family safe. it's just a pizza. make a plan today. attention, please. it's time to kick back with the conners show to watch a lot of work on myself this year, and i'm gonna be positive. feels wrong makes me kind of sweaty, but i'm gonna do
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it. as vital as ever got a job on your own. that's unusual in this family, not like court mandated or anything. first rate comedy ensemble. not going to touch me. no, you big baby! i'm not gonna touch you. connors tonight on abc stream on who? you? you just got con erred. this sunday. salute the people who bring magic to life. enjoy moment. j sunday on abc. time you're looking live at the red carpet tent on hollywood boulevard just four days until oscar sunday and this morning. we're learning about some of this year's most celebrated underdogs back with more. hey liz. hey, andrew. i think we can sometimes feel like the oscars are just so hollywood and that it's a bunch of rich people
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celebrating ric people right. but some of this year's nominees are an important reminder why it's important to keep going in the face of seemingly impossible adversity. very one more time. the 30 year old irish actor collecting the hardware this awards season for his work in the benches of in a share i children. very kogan's road to the red carpet has been a long one. as a child, barry and his brother lived in 3 different foster homes over the span of seven years. as a kid. you don't know what's happening. it's only when you get older, you can look back and get perspective on barry's mother passed away when he was just 12 years old. that was on paper. yeah. can i go he's destined to do mess up, you know? yeah i went against her. and now after winning a bafta for the kids that dreaming to be something from from the area that i came from this for you so and now he's an oscar nominee,
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reacting to the news on instagram writing in part, and just a note to little berry told you we would get there. and then there's hong chau nominated for her work in the whale. everybody would say, wow, you've lived such an amazing life. and i say no, no, my parents have lived an amazing life. parents fled vietnam in 1979, her mother pregnant with her. her father shot during the escape but making it to a refugee camp in thailand, where hong was born. i'm just an actor in hollywood like, you know, like, big whoop. i mean, what they did is really amazing. my parents are very resilient people. i think you need a lot of that in this industry. thank you. and of course, kiwi kwan, who found the spotlight at age 12 and indiana jones. wow holy look! goonies a year later struggled to find work as an adult for so many years. i was afraid that i had nothing more to offer, uh, that
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no matter what i did. i would. i would never surpassed what i achieved as a kid. but now with so many wins under his belt, his journey back to the big screen that proves this underdog story isone to watch on oscar sunday, all those at home who are watching who are struggling and waiting to be seen. please keep on going because the spotlight will one day find you. with 16 of the 20 nominees being first timers. it's a breath of fresh air for film fans looking for a real life hollywood happily ever after to root for on oscar sunday, and you can watch the academy awards sunday night at eight p.m. eastern, right here on abc. tiffany had it a few years ago it was talking about her foster care roots. yes and she had lived in a car and you know to see her rise to stardom . it's like it gives you something to root for, you know, at these big award shows absolutely love. this story because it highlights the%
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adversity. sometimes we just see these actors and actresses at the pinnacle between realized the mountain but they declined seem like an overnight success. but they put in the work oscars this sunday on abc coming up. wait, what what? from four imprint like 50. welcome wiles. 300 customer. i love it and 200 team member. oh, yes, certainly. you know, we've got some brand new whom the wow factor with promotional products from four imprint. we specialize in awesome items that are certain to ah and guaranteed to deliver some. yeah from apparel backpacks, drink ware to high tech items. wow. love it. imprint .com and find some wow now imprint for certain. i'm steve. i lost £138 of nine months on goal. oh and taking release solo saved my life. i was way overweight and that's what sent me down the path was i wanted to make sure and live for my kid, plain and simple. this
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having a ball. you know, despite all that, they're still good boys. oh of course, this one in particular. yeah shredded that sofa. how about this next to a stolen alligator returned 20 years later. wait what this alligator, known as t wo was allegedly stolen from a texas zoo more than 20 years ago, either as an egg or a hatchling. the culprit a woman who had worked as a volunteer at the zoo staff member says once authorities discovered the woman had the alligator in her possession, and she was unable to meet the legal obligations to keep it. she returned it to the zoo. i don't know what those legal obligations are. okay, here's the thing. shihezi. she is not off the woman could face up to $1000. in fines and fees. maybe the punishment should be a little harsher, right nature alligator punishment. true um, i'm gonna go rogue and go off script for a second here to a wait. what we just discovered that we have the same birthday. no wait, and it just happened just sitting here without knowing that same day. birthday
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cake will celebrate late. it'll be a belated dual party. okay carrot cake for you, even though it wasn't your birthday cake fan love carrot cake, all right, next to the pelican spotted in the snow at lake tahoe. wait what the white pelican was spotted in the snow in south lake tahoe. looking lost and disoriented. two men captured the big bird and turned it over to lake tahoe wildlife care. the pelican was likely taking an early trip. two it's like pyramid breeding ground east of lake tahoe, and witnesses say it hit a power line. let's say after the bird was treated and fed, it was ready to be returned to the wild. and finally, all that snow in lake tahoe had one guy kayaking down his own roof. wait. what can you believe it? after two days of storms, susie coach er shared this moment that her son took the plunge. it was just enough of a distraction, shoveled piles stares off of their rooftops. ingenuity here. i love this to find something to do fun with all that snow skiing
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2:00 am
♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the crime drama "accused," margo martindale. and, a chat with author sarah ferguson, duchess of york. plus, the competition continues with our oscar countdown games. all next on "live!" and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> ryan: good morning deja vu! good to see you. >> deja: hello,


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