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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 10, 2023 7:00am-8:59am PST

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the conductor. tar. i think that's all of them. jobina: no need. [laughter] good morning, america for ours viewers in the west. a state of emergency as california is slammed with another storm. happening now, endless winter. strong storms pummeling california with relentless rain. high winds up to 100 miles an hour, and even more snow in the mountains raising fears of roof collapses and avalanches as a cross-country storm brings a blast of snow from the midwest to the northeast. ginger and our team are tracking it all. new legal trouble for donald trump, invited to testify before a grand jury in new york investigating his role in the hush money payment to stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. what it means about a possible
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indictment. george santos under fire again. the embattled congressman's former roommate reportedly accusing santos of masterminding a credit card fraud operation. what he told the fbi. deadly rampage. at least seven people killed and a dozen wounded after a mass shooti we're live on the scene. the stunning image after four americans were kidnapped. two of them killed. five alleged members of a cartel tied up and left with an apology note. what authorities are saying. we're on the scene. new twist in the alec baldwin case. his lawyers say the state destroyed the gun that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins on the "rust" set. dan abrams with what it could mean for the case. health alert. the fda's new rule for
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mammograms. what providers must tell women. dr. ashton is live. and ai and breast cancer detection. how the groundbreaking technology is being used in early detection. consumer alert. yeti recalling almost 2 million coolers and cases. d prg brk. ♪ake you right into the danr♪> adoscar zone. lara is live from hollywood taking you behind the scenes before heading backstage sunday night. is angela bassett a lock for a first win from a marvel movie? will michelle yeoh make history? and will "top gun: maverick" land best picture? your oscar weekend takes off right now. danger zone ♪you right into the- good morning, america. a little "highway to the danger," little "top gun" reference there. want to thank you for being with us on this very busy friday. we have a lot of news to get to including the economy. >> that is right, michael.
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there is a new jobs report this morning, expected to tell us how women are driving hiring, and how we may see another hike in interest rates, making credit cards more expensive. >> markets will watch that one. we begin with the latest storm to hit california. it could trigger flooding. the governor has declared a state of emergency. rob marciano starts us off. good morning, rob. >> reporter: hey, good morning, george. this storm is so different from the barrage of storms we had last month. those were cold. this is an atmospheric river. heavy rain, high levels, and wind gusting to 80 miles an hour. they're trying to mitigate all this water flow, and 16,000 cubic feet per second. this while flash flooding is happening along the coast this morning. overnight, cars slipping, stalling and sliding all over northern california roads. drivers jumping into action trying to help others get back on the road.
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interstate 5 shut down due to road conditions and the heavy snowfall. this, as california's on edge with massive rain coming in threatening more flooding and landslides after record-breaking snow. you can see snow continuing to in santa cruz county. rain pouring down as deputies go door to door looking for any residents still home. fld.iene sanasis injft a ee in san bernardino firefighters coming together to help clear roofs after nearly eight feet of snow piled up since the end of february. in big bear roofs collapsing. some leaking, leaving residents wet and worried. >> when you hear your house creaking and popping, making the same sounds that the house across the street made before it started coming down, it's not an encouraging feeling. >> reporter: well, they're heaviest rain and snow is coming
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into southern california where they're still investigating 12 storm-related fatalities. we're looking for two to three times more of melting this morning as the snow continues to melt. michael? >> all right, rob, thank you so much for that. the heavy rain on top of feet of snow is creating a dangerous situation in the mountains. mola lenghi is in lake tahoe with that for us this morning. good morning, mola. >> reporter: well, good morning, michael. yeah, after weeks of getting pounded by snow, now it is heavy rain and creating that threat of roofs collapsing. you see this roof right here, it's got about three, four feet of snow on it. we've seen other roofs of homes and businesses with anywhere t o ofs coll already. not b clr owffenough. risk of a roof avalanche where all of this snow and ice come sliding down off of a roof onto unsuspecting people below.
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now the combination we're seeing right now of snow and rain is particularly dangerous because this snow is soaking up all of this rainfall, soaking it up, absorbing it, creating more weight on this roof, increasing that risk for collapse or avalanche, rebecca. >> got to stay safe. all right, mola. thank you. >> got to stay safe out there. mola, thank you. there is the storm in the west and another big one sweeping across the country and ginger is tracking both of them. nice to see you, ginger. >> nice to see you. good morning. it is not just california feeling the winter this morning. look at milwaukee, wisconsin, they've had up to nine inches of super heavy wet, dense snow. it is not just milwaukee. the north side of chicago waking up with that and detroit getting it at this very moment throughout much of the state of michigan. that will keep pushing east to us late tonight and early tomorrow so let's look at all the advisories. it's not just the precipitation out west, it's the wind. nevada, utah, wyoming, all with wind advisory. we're talking 60, 70-mile-per-hour and that storm out there in california is going to move across for this weekend even producing blizzard
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conditions in parts of the northern plains. here's what it will leave behind, 3 to 6 inches anywhere in white. george? >> ginger, thanks very much. we get the latest on former president trump, investigators have offered him the chance to appear before the grand jury next week, a strong indication that an indictment could soon follow. senior investigative reporter aaron katersky is tracking the case. good morning, aaron. >> george, good morning to you. seven years after donald trump paid off a porn actress, this long-running investigation may finally be nearing a conclusion. sources tell abc news the manhattan district attorney's office has informed former president trump of his right to testify before the grand jury that has been hearing evidence about his role in the $130,000 in hush money paid to stormy daniels and whether trump's company properly accounted for it. targets of investigations in new york are required to be given the chance to tell their side of the story, and we're told the invitation to trump came in recent days. he blasted this case calling it, simply insane, and insisting he did absolutely nothing wrong.
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but informing trump of his right to testify is a sign that charges, criminal charges, may be coming. george, that would be a first for an american president. >> you still have the grand jury in georgia as well and special prosecutor in washington. aaron, thanks. michael? now to the latest on senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who is in the hospital recovering from a concussion after a fall at a washington, d.c. hotel. our chief washington correspondent jon karl has more. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, michael. senator mcconnell remains at that washington hospital this morning undergoing treatment and recovery for his fall wednesday. in a written statement his office said he suffered a concussion and that, quote, he is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days of observation and treatment. the leader is grateful to the medical professionals for their care and for his colleagues for
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their warm wishes. in a briefing to republican senators latest, mcconnell's chief of staff said that the senator is alert, he is talking and he's expected to make a full recovery. at 81 years old, mcconnell is the fourth oldest senator. back in 2019 he suffered another fall, broke his shoulder back then and spent several weeks working from home. among those wishing mcconnell well is president biden. president biden said that he spoke to his family and that, quote, i think he's going to be all right. back to you. >> we hope he recovers quickly. jon, thanks very much. new to new trouble for embattled congressman george santos. a former roommate contacted the fbi accusing santos of organizing an atm fraud scheme. senior congressional correspondent rachel scott has the latest. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. congressman george santos has been accused of fabricating almost every detail of his life, but now a former roommate reportedly said he was the mastermind behind a credit card scheme. this morning, congressman george santos battling even more allegations. this time a credit card fraud operation that landed a former roommate in federal prison and later deported to his home country. in a sworn statement, that
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roommate, gustavo ribeiro trelha, said he was taught how to steal data from victims' accounts. the statement obtained by "politico" says santos provided the equipment and they split the profits 50/50. trelha was arrested in 2017 in seattle telling "politico" he never implicated santos because he feared the now house republican would retaliate against his friends who were undocumented. abc news has not confirmed the report but say santos was interviewed by secret service agents in 2017 and that he lived at the same address listed on packaging found in trelha's hotel room. in audio obtained by santos is heard in the courtroom
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saying he was a family friend who was there to help trelha. santos came twice to visit him in jail. >> what do you do for work? >> i'm an aspiring politician and i work for goldman sachs. >> you work for goldman sachs in new york? >> yes. >> reporter: santos never worked for goldman sachs, but he used that lie during his congressional campaign. multiple federal and state investigations are looking at other potential financial crimes. congressman santos has admitted to lying about parts of his resume and background. he says he has never broken the law, and he calls this latest round of allegations categorically false, george. >> rachel, the presidential campaign trail, the key state of iowa, florida governor ron desantis heading there? >> reporter: yes, in just a few hours florida governor desantis will hold his first event in iowa. it comes as sources tell abc news he has privately indicated to allies that he does intend to run for president in 2024. we are told no firm decision has been made yet, but that announcement would likely come after the florida legislative session ends in may. the race for 2024 heating up
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with republican candidate nikki haley in iowa today and then former president donald trump. > you say heating up. it looks pretty cold in iowa. >> reporter: trying to warm up. >> we'll see you in a little bit, rachel. thank you. rebecca? we turn now to the deadly shooting at a jehovah's witness center in germany. a gunman opening fire and ki sev people. marcus m mburwithhe lest g to you, rcus. this ithe doorod through to interrupt that vicious attack on innocent people and we have learned this morning that the victims range in ages from 30 to 60 years old. this morning, seven people are dead and several wounded after a mass shooting at a jehovah's witness center in northern germany. police saying the gunman who took his own life at the scene acted alone and is a former member of the congregation. those killed include four men,
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two women and an unborn child. terrorism is not considered a motive. the chaos started around 9:00 p.m. thursday night after a city alert of shots fired. a special police force happened shooting happened.when the - and quickly entered the building to evacuate people potentially preventing more casualties. hamburg police say investigations into the background to the crime are ongoing. and people are coming to the scene and leaving flowers and trying to do something to honor the people who lost their lives here. and we heard from authorities that they responded to the calls here within four minutes. and, michael, an official during a news conference said they never thought something like this would happen in this city, and now it has. >> unfortunately it has. tragic. thank you so much. really appreciate it, marcus. now to a new report following multiple derailments of norfolk southern rail
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company's trains and we're learning about defective wheels on certain railcars. abc transportation correspondent gio benitez has the details. good morning, gio. >> reporter: hey, michael, good morning. yeah, the company says it found those defective loose wheels after another derailment this past weekend, and now it says other companies use the same ones. this morning, a new alert about defective wheels that could cause train derailments. the association of american railroads saying defective wheels were involved in that norfolk southern train crash snday in springfield, ohio. an ntsb official also saying the wheels could be linked to this derailment just yesterday in alabama. norfolk southern now saying it's worked urgently to inform the rest of the railroad industry as norfolk southern is not the only user of these cars. norfolk southern's ceo testifying on capitol hill yesterday, alan shaw, pressed about paying for long-term damage like diminished property values and health care costs.
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>> will you commit to ensuring that these families, these innocent families, do not lose their life savings in their homes and small businesses? the right thing to do is to say, yes, we will. >> senator, i'm committed to doing what's right for the community and we're going to be there -- >> no. we are not hearing the right things today. the families want to know long term will they just be left behind? >> reporter: norfolk southern tells abc news it is now inspecting other cars in its network. rebecca, they all appear to be coming, the company says, from one specific manufacturer. >> well, we hope we found the source of that problem. all right, gio, thank you. we turn now to the economy and the new jobs report set to be released this morning with wall street on edge. the dow falling 543 points yesterday. consumers are also feeling stretched as they face that stubborn inflation and elizabeth schulze has more on that. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca.
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the jobs market has been defying expectations with the unemployment rate at a five-decade low. this morning's report is expected to show another strong month of hiring. analysts predict 225,000 jobs were added to the economy in february. one reason the jobs market has been resilient, more women are now returning to the workforce after staying on the sidelines during the pandemic. a key point to watch today is wages. if wage growth speeds up, that could mean that more americans as it tries to cool down inflation. the fed is making clear that inflation is still too high with the average american household still paying about $400 more every month for the same goods and services than at this time last year. so the fed is now going to turn its attention to next week's inflation report. this shows that the jobs market is hot and might have to raise rates more aggressively. guys?
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>> it's a balancing act. you got to get the prices down but you don't want to lose jobs. elizabeth, thank you. over to you, michael. we go from money to march madness set to tip off with selection sunday this weekend. but before that, teams are vying for automatic bids to the ncaa tournament with make or break games. the best athlete in our building, will reeve, has more for us. take it away, will. >> best athlete not at the desk. good morning, michael. we are mere days away from the madness, march madness. the ncaa tournament tipping off next week. a bunch of teams have to get in which brings us to conference championship weekend. this is cinderella season. we love an upset at the buzzer. look at the big names as we look ahead to march madness including last year's champion kansas whose coach bill self is away from the team with an undisclosed illness. houston, ucla, expect to see the dukes and kentuckys of the world in the mix, but likely not preseason number one, north carolina. they would be the first e women's tournaments are ss the
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under way this weekend. over half of that tournament field is set. the big question there, can anyone beat dawn staley's gamecocks? selection sunday days away for the men and women. we'll know who is in, who's out and we make our bracket. >> that was the closest you ever came to a humble brag. the second best athlete in the -- >> i didn't know what to say honestly. >> george is the best, we all know that. coming up, everybody, we have new developments in the case of the americans killed in mexico. the alleged response by a drug cartel. alec baldwin's attorneys say the gun in the "rust" case was destroyed. dan abrams here. over to ginger. we have a damaging wind threat coming up this weekend, but your local weather is next in 30 seconds.
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drew: i am abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. scattered showers today. mostly cloudy temperatures in the mid to upper 50's. be careful this morning. a lot of standing water on our roads. overnight we will have scattered showers and temperatures in the upper 30's to mid 40's. accuweather forecast, scattered showers over the weekend that a stronger storm coming our way on tuesday. it's our road to the oscars. lara is live in hollywood counting down for us. stay there. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ can you hear me calling ♪
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all i had to do was answer a couple questions and got a real offer in seconds. then, they just picked up the car and paid me right on the spot. sell your car at carvana dot com today. she wrote a new book. hmm. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning, reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. there are evacuations underway in parts of santa cruz county, including in the felton grove community because of the area's proximity to the san lorenzo river, also in santa cruz county, a culvert collapsed, forcing footing and socal. a cover is a tunnel that carries a stream or open drain under a road. so this happened under main street where the bates river runs. firefighters are they're assessing the flooding and possible damage left behind. hundreds of homes in that area could be impacted by sea. good morning, reggie. good morning, everyone. we're looking at the east shore freeway. it's busy as usual. we've got a lot of standing water, flooding and hydro planning around the bay area.
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chp giving us some road closures. this one has been happening since last night. 5 80 both directions through oakland . take 8 80 also highway 84 between mission boulevard and pleasant and send all road that is completely shut down. 1, 52 and watson ville is closed 1 13 in the area of dixon and 1 21 in sonoma county, north of highway 1, 16. thank you see, we're
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ev lease bonus or 4.99% apr on a new volvo electric vehicle. (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family,
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because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. it tastes real. - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) we'll take you outside of san jose. this morning live look at 87 marine is still falling in the south bay right now are atmospheric river is on its way out live doppler. seven. scattered showers light in nature from the peninsula to the south bay. the heaviest of the rain has moved out. so have a lot of left over standing water with flood advisories. in effect. it's a level three strong storm for the next 90 minutes after nine a.m. the rain
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is out of here. conditions calm down temperatures in the fifties . reggie drew. thank you for assuming us on our abc seven bay area at abc, seven and seven. and continues for everyone
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eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. i am queen of the most powerful nation in the world! and my entire family is gone. have i not given everything? >> welcome back to "gma" with the powerful angela bassett in "black panther: wakanda forever." she's already made oscars history as marvel's first acting nominee. will she take home the gold? that's the big question. we'll break down all the races with lara live from hollywood as we kick off oscars weekend. we're looking forward to that. we're following a lot of headlines right now. there is a state of emergency in california as it was slammed with another storm bringing winds of up to 100 miles an
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hour. more snow in the mountains, and in lower elevations, heavy rain can trigger floods. this comes as a cross-country storm is bringing snow from the midwest to the northeast and ginger is tracking it all. we have a consumer alert. yeti is recalling almost 2 million soft coolers and gear cases. the main pockets have magnet lined enclosures which could fail and release the mag knnetsd it serves as a choking hazard. we have more information on the models affected. spring may seem like a long ways off but a reminder that time springs forward this weekend. daylight saving time begins at 2:00 a.m. sunday so prepare to lose one hour of sleep. i am sorry to be the bearer of that bad news, guys. the good news is we are closer to later sunsets and long summer days. >> not entirely bad news. >> there you go. >> later sunsets, when you go to bed early, doesn't matter. [ laughter ] but, you know, we're going to turn now to new developments in the kidnapping and killings
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of those americans in mexico. five alleged cartel members are now in custody after authorities say they were turned in with an apology note. matt rivers is in mexico city with the latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, michael. not only were these cartel members handed over to authorities, but it may have been their own cartel leadership that turned them in. this morning a stunning image, five men tied up near a truck in mexico, blamed for the kidnapping of four americans allegedly turned over by the powerful drug cartel they belong to. a handwritten note on the truck's windshield claiming to be from the gulf cartel saying, quote, we have decided to deliver those involved and directly responsible. the images obtained by abc news from a source close to the investigation also include this photo of guns, ammunition and body armor found in that truck. the men blamed for this horrific abduction caught on camera a week ago that left two americans dead.ce finthem at the same spo
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matamoros where the kidnapping took place. the men now in custody, though authorities not confirming whether these five were involved. multiple mexican law enforcement sources tell abc news the cartel note is believed to be legitimate. neither abc news, nor u.s. officials, have been able to verify the authenticity. >> the cartel has been known to police itself when necessary. it's not of any surprise. they're under a lot of pressure to put this behind them and try to distance themself as best they can. >> reporter: now new details emerging about the americans' trip before they crossed into mexico for a cosmetic procedure. a fifth person traveling with them, sheryl orange, left behind in texas because she didn't have the proper i.d. speaking out to cnn overnight. >> she had asked me to join her, to accompany her and we began the road trip. i didn't have proper identification, so i couldn't
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join her to cross the border, which left me back at the hotel. >> reporter: the group then going on without her, seen here live streaming from mexico shortly before they were kidnapped. >> they said that they were returning in 15 minutes, 15 minute has gone by, they were not there. i called the cops immediately. >> reporter: four days later after an urgent search officials finding latavia mcgee and eric james williams alive inside this wooden shack just outside of town. the bodies of their friends, shaeed woodard and zindell brown at the same location. investigators also locating five vehicles, including a stolen lamborghini and ambulance used to transport the victims in matamoros. and overnight the bodies of woodard and brown brought back to the united states. woodard's father remembering him on the day he would have turned 34. >> that was my youngest child. you know, he was my baby, you know, and for him to be taken from me like that, it was -- it
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was very, very hurtful. a parent never expects to lose a child. >> reporter: now, investigators are still looking into whether these five men are, in fact, responsible for this kidnapping or if this is some sort of elaborate scheme designed to try to take some of the heat off the cartel. guys, mexican officials expected to speak about this case later today. >> matt, thanks very much. coming up breaking medical news, the fda approved a nasal spray for migraines. dr. ashton will be here to talk about it. alec baldwin's lawyers claim the gun in the "rust" shooting was destroyed. dan abrams here to talk about what it could mean for the case. . dan abrams here to talk about what it could mean for the case. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living.
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now to the latest on the alec baldwin "rust" case. his attorneys claim new mexico authorities destroyed the gun that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins. kayna whitworth has the story. good morning, kayna. >> reporter: yeah, george, good morning. it was a shocking statement. baldwin's attorney essentially saying that a key piece of evidence against baldwin couldn't be used, but this morning, the santa fe district attorney's office firing back, saying that gun still very much exists. this morning, a stunning twist in the criminal case against alec baldwin. his attorneys telling a judge that the new mexico government destroyed the gun that killed cinematographer halyna hutchins on the set of "rust." >> i think i should tell the court that the firearm in this case that's the great subject of it was destroyed by the state,
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so that's obviously an issue, and we'll have to see that firearm or what's left of it. >> reporter: a source close to baldwin's defense team tells abc news the destruction of the gun is very problematic, calling it a key piece of evidence leading to the involuntary manslaughter charges against baldwin. yet a spokeswoman for the new mexico first judicial district attorney says the gun still exists and can, in fact, be used as evidence, speculating that perhaps baldwin's team was referencing a 2022 fbi report that the internal components of the gun were damaged during testing. it comes just weeks after gutierrez-reed won a legal - victory after prosecutors downgraded the charges by dropping a gun enhancement charge that carried a maximum sentence of up to five years in prison. you see here video of baldwin firing blanks on the set one week before the fatal shooting.
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baldwin insisting he never pulled the trigger during the deadly incident in a 2021 interview with george stephanopoulos. >> so you never pulled the trigger? >> no, no, no, no. i would never point a gun at anyone and pull a trigger at them. that was the training i had. you don't point a gun at someone and pull the trigger. >> reporter: but fbi testing concluding the gun could not have fired without someone pulling the trigger, something baldwin's attorney claims is being misconstrued because of the poor condition of the gun. baldwin pleaded not guilty. his preliminary hearing set to start in early may. george? >> kayna, thanks very much. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. pretty startling claim by baldwin's defense. i guess it comes down to the definition of destroyed. >> it's a lawyer's argument. it seems it was at any time, quote, unquote, destroyed, but damaged in the context of the investigation, and that happens a lot. when the authorities are testing evidence, for example, if you're looking for blood on a shirt, you may look at a little piece and you could end up damaging or
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destroying the entire piece as part of the testing process. here it seems there was some damage to the weapon, but it does still exist. >> baldwin's lawyers have already had one of the charges thrown out, and they have a hearing coming up. >> this hearing is a mini trial. this is going to be where a judge is going to decide with witnesses, potentially dozens of witnesses, whether there's enough evidence to send this to trial, and it is not a slam dunk. so i think that that's going to be a very important hearing here. most would expect as is usually forward to trial.ase moves - but baldwin has some serious arguments here in the hope that a judge says, nope, not moving forward. >> what else are you looking for rightnow? >> there's another hearing before that where baldwin's team will try to have the prosecutor disqualified basically saying this is a sitting republican legislator who is also serving as the special prosecutor. that is a violation of new mexico law. it comes down to the technical definition of what a special prosecutor is but that hearing is going to happen even before the preliminary hearing. >> dan abrams, thanks very much. rebecca?
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coming up, lara is with chris connelly live in l.a. with everything you need to know about the oscar races and the groundbreaking first we could see on sunday night. hi, guys. we'll be right back. hi, guys. we'll be right back. irst, it wa. now, i can't imagine my life without them. man: that coach changed our son. on the field and off. boy: when the season started, i still thought about dad. but i could start focusing on the things he taught me. woman 2: at first, i didn't know anyone. i didn't know where to sit at lunch, anything really. but that season... that season changed everything. all: (chanting) who's lookin' clean, if you know what i mean? say what, what... (cheering) ( ♪ ) (cheering)
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(cheering) ( ♪ ) ♪ meet with an expert who'll do them for you. so you can do... ...not taxes. ♪ ♪ ♪ ...not taxes. introducing a revolutionary automatic drip coffee machine. brewed fresh. hot or iced. truebrew by de'longhi. perfetto. de'longhi. coffee, from bean to cup. so cozy.
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how many rooms are in there? should we go check it out? yeah. we get to stay here all weekend! when you stay at a vrbo... i call doing the door code! ...the host doesn't stay with you. it looks exactly like the picture. because without privacy in your vacation home... it's a full log cabin guys. isn't really a vacation... we can snuggle up by the fire. it? wow, oh my- [birds chirping] (anisa) we got a flat tire. we pull over, it's super dark. we were able to reach out to our family members to let them know that we were safe. (dr. kitt) the network came through. (vo) #1 in j.d. power awards for network quality. 30 times in a row. does your phone run on verizon? ( ♪ ) hey, steph. watcha doing? just got an online offer on my car from carmax. it's 100% real and good for seven days. cool. it's probably 'cause i just won my fourth championship. (rings clicking) steph, you know i've won four rings too. look, just got my offer.
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i'm feeling really good about this one. well, i'm getting an online offer on my car too. just gotta hit "get started" with my finger that has two college national championship rings. well played, sue. well played. we are back now we are back now with our countdown to the oscars. lara and chris connelly are in hollywood with what we can
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expect on sunday from which races are the tightest to who could make history. it is great it see both of you. the big stairs, the big golden guys. how are you doing? good morning, lara. >> reporter: good morning to you, rebecca. yes, we are here. i mean, this is the spot, the champagne carpet is laid out. work is being done already this morning behind the scenes. producers are at work literally around the clock and everybody is making their picks. who will take it home? "everything everywhere all at once," will it win everything? this is the guy who seems to know everything. >> oh, sure. >> i find that you have a very good finger on the pulse. >> well, let's put it this way, there are front-runners and audience favorites vying to win and all of it going to make for an intoxicating night brew as we count down the hours tonight on sunday. ♪ my baby love me ♪ ♪ i found a new place ♪ ♪ it's down at the end of lonely street ♪ ♪ called heartbreak hotel ♪
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>> reporter: tight races will have pulses racing sunday night. will "elvis'" austin butler outdo "the whale's" brendan fraser and "the banshees of inisherin" colin farrell in a best actor free for all? >> there was another attack on one of our outreach facilities. >> reporter: can marvel's first acting nominee, regal angela bassett from "black panther: wakanda forever" withstand a late charge in supporting actress from jamie lee curtis in "everything everywhere all at once"? >> for a laundromat owner, a karaoke machine can constitute a business expense. >> or will it be gaga? ♪ but don't you let go of my hand ♪ >> reporter: or rihanna -- ♪ lift me up ♪
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>> reporter: and will "everything everywhere all at once" michelle yeoh prepares to make history as an asian nominee in best actress, although she's facing a little last-minute controversy? after sharing this now deleted post exploring nominations' lack of diversity and mentioning the two previous oscar wins of rival cate blanchett, negative references to other nominees is an academy no-no. >> there doesn't seem to be any malice behind it. she immediately took it down. it was up for about two to three hours, which were the final two to three hours of final voting, so we don't expect any implications. >> reporter: there may not be anything standing in the way of "everything everywhere all at once," which could be the first science fiction best picture in oscar's 95 years. and this year's ten nominees make it the highest grossing best picture category ever. for the first time that includes two sequels, "avatar: the way of water" and "top gun: the way of water" -- no, "top gun: maverick."
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>> i want to talk to you about "top gun: maverick." they didn't win anything major in the award season leading up to this, but is there a world where they could sneak in the film? >> absolutely, it's totally got a chance. if we would see tom cruise holding an oscar, that would be incredible. if they had an award for best producer, tom cruise might win. he fought to get the movie made. this is one of the most popular movies of the whole year. >> so much fun to watch. thanks for your insight. >> reporter: rebecca, back to you. >> we love that highway to the danger zone. you sat down with the producers and got the behind-the-scenes scoop and you will be right back with that in our next half hour. coming up, we have more of our oscars pre-party. wolfgang puck and what he's serving at the governors ball. . wolfgang puck and what he's serving at the governors ball. . okay i did it. is he looking at my hairline? my joint pain isn't too bad. well, it wasn't this morning. i hope i can get through this.
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is plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis making you rethink your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. otezla is also proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain in psoriatic arthritis. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over 8 years. i'm so glad i made it through the day. ♪ don't hesitate. ask your doctor about otezla today.
7:52 am
with golo, i've lost 13 inches in my waist. they're outta here. don't hesitate. you eat normal food. you're not eating diet food. i'm doing something good for me finally. (announcer) go to to lose weight and get healthier. (vo) some people say the metaverse will only be virtual. but firefighters entering a burning house... will one day save time when lives are on the line.
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visualizing a patient's most recent scan... will help speed up decision making in the er. and while the woolly mammoth is still extinct... that doesn't mean students can't take field trips to visit them. the metaverse may be virtual, but the impact will be real. ♪ ♪ it's a lovely day today ♪ ♪ and whatever you've got to do ♪ ♪ i'd be so happy to be... ♪ whatever the morning brings, sip your sunshine! with 100% orange juice and no added sugar, tropicana. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ your avocado toast. ew. ew. when the only thing your eight-year-old will eat is waffles... matters where you stay. -yum. -enjoy. thank you.
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hampton by hilton. hilton. for the stay. late saturday into the late saturday into the ozarks you have a tornado threat, little rock is included there. saturday night through early sunday. then on sunday jackson over to columbus, georgia, in the damaging wind primarily but, of course, you could see a spinup tornado too. keeping an eye on that and the heat that's been blasting south florida. they had their earliest back-to-back 90-degree days in miami and got three of them so blasted that. coming up how ai technology is helping doctors detect breast cancer. and lori bergamotto here with "the right stuff" bringing the hair tools that will help you get red carpet ready. plus, two co-stars that starred in "encino man." think you know who it is coming up in "binge this." ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) affordable design. endless possibilities.
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building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's see what traffic looks like. ooh it's still a mess. reggie because of the roads, flooding, hydro planing all of that still out there still closed 5 80 both directions through oakland. go over and take 8 80 instead. and now in the back up eastbound westbound. we both have an accident, right near highway 13 on 5 85 80 west through dublin. there is an accident. hacienda as well. drew we'll take it to santa cruz alive. look at it still stormy out there and parts of the region live doppler seven over the past couple of hours. the heaviest rain was earlier this morning right now, which is isolated, scattered light showers. we still have a lot of flood advisories in effect, all areas shaded in green, meaning. we have a lot of water that's still standing on our roads. see
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are havi issues will wait for xt couple of hou level threfo next hour after nine with temperatures in the mid and upper fifties. reggie thank you for staying with us on the abc seven bay area at abc, seven and seven continues for everyone else. it's g m for just $15 a month? it's because we sublet our ads. ♪ this is now a jack in the box commercial and this is the new mint mobile shake. that's right, we even sublet their name. really, everything's for sale.
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"the doctor will see you now." that's right, we even sublet their name. but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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my mint mobile shake. oreo cookie pieces, cool mint, creamy whipped cream, and a sweet cherry on top. what's not to like? i guess that it's only here for a limited time.
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♪ good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. a state of emergency. strong storms pummeling california with relentless rain, high winds up to 100 miles an hour and even more snow in the mountains raising fears of roof collapses and avalanches as a cross-country storm brings a blast of snow from the midwest to the northeast. ginger is tracking it all. artificial intelligence in breast cancer detection. how the ground breaking technology is being used with early detection to help save lives. why it may only be the
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beginning. get red carpet ready with "the right stuff" bringing you the hottest hair tools. lori bergamotto has the products for luscious locks that look better than ever. ♪ i'm ready ♪ with just two days until the oscars we're sitting down with the producers of this year's ceremony sharing their secrets ahead of the big show. plus, celebrity chef wolfgang puck joins us live getting his infamous treats ready for the oscars after party. and we're predicting the "a" list styles from angela to austin, michelle to plus, if you're not ready, we're here to help you ace your oscars party as we say, good morning, america. ♪ am i ready ♪ good morning, america. all coming up on sunday night, the oscars, lara is ready in hollywood. hey, lara. >> reporter: hey, george, yeah, we are so excited here. we're getting the inside scoop this morning on all things oscar night from what producers predict will be the most talked about moments ofthe night to the parties, the food and for
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that, who else, we need to have wolfgang puck here. he is opening up the menu. we'll taste the food for the governors ball where the winners will go right after the ceremony, oscars in hand to nosh on these coated. wolfie sent some to you guys in new york to enjoy and think about your acceptance speech. >> such a cute little guy, thank you, and thanks to wolfgang. i always wonder if anyone does eat. the food looks amazing. here. usually have the food - it's pretty good. >> big eats. straight from michael's mouth to your ears. also, we have some major medical news. the fda approving a nasal spray for migraines that will affect a lot of people and dr. jen is here live. but first we have the latest storm to hit california bringing more snow to the mountains and flooding to lower elevation areas. ginger is tracking that for us. hey, ginger. >> hey, michael, we will be drying out by oscar sunday, but
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it is anything but that, especially in northern california. that's where the bulk of this storm is hitting, already look at these pictures from redding, interstate 5 shut down for a time. over five inches of snow already. then rain took over so that onslaught of rain and wind, this picture from san mateo county, south bay area, up to 65-mile-per-hour gusts. sausalito on the north bay also saw 65-mile-per-hour winds. you got a bunch of alerts but flood watches is what we're primarily concerned with. this is the heavy stuff for today through tonight into early tomorrow and we could look for an additional 2 to 5 inches of rain. what we're concerned about are the mudslides. a lot of places with a bit of snow in the foothills now add it's going to melt together and combine. it could be very messy. unfortunately, this storm is not the last of it. this really strong pattern is going to stick around all the way through late next week at least. a lot of rain on the way, george, and something they're calling roofalanche.
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that was actually in the warning. worried about snow falling off and hitting people. >> ginger, thanks very much. we get the latest on former president trump. new york prosecutors investigating his role in the hush money payment to stormy daniels have offered him the chance to appear before the grand jury next week, a strong indication an indictment could soon follow. senior investigative reporter aaron katersky is tracking the case. aaron, good morning. >> george, good morning to you. for years prosecutors in manhattan have been investigating donald trump's $10,000 hush payment to stormy daniels and this morning, a sign that investigation is closer to a conclusion. sources tell abc news the manhattan district attorney's office has offered former president trump the chance to testify before the grand jury that is hearing evidence about his role in the payment and whether trump's company properly accounted for it. targets of investigations in new york are required to be given the opportunity to tell their side of the story and we're told notice was given to trump in recent days. trump says he has done absolutely nothing wrong and calls the possibility of an indictment insane.
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but informing trump of his right to testify is a sign criminal charges may be coming and, george, those may not be the only ones, because there are open investigations in georgia and by a special counsel in washington, d.c. george? >> right, aaron. not likely trump will appear before that grand jury. thanks very much. rebecca? all right, george, we turn now to a "gma" health alert with one in eight women likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, the fda is issuing a new rule requiring mammogram facilities to inform women if they have dense breast tissue. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here to break it down. dr. ashton, so good to see you on this one. why is it so important? what does it change for women? >> so, rebecca, file this one under the category of better late than never, and for a lot of women, this won't change anything because they'relrdy breast tissue. but half of women over the age of 40 do have this entity on their mammograms which means they have a lot of white tissue. it can't be detected on self-exam and then it can make it harder for a mammogram to
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detect breast cancer because on a mammogram a tumor looks white. so it's like looking for a snowball in a snowstorm basically. >> so what do women need to do when they talk to their doctors and when they go through the process of mammograms and their health care regimen? >> you know, i think it's important, we've said it before. there's no such thing as one size fits all. so you have to talk about what can reduce risk and what can increase early detection. in terms of reducing risk limiting alcohol, exercising, keeping your body weight in a healthy range, all have been shown to lower your risk. when you talk about increasing detection, you have to talk to your health care provider about when to start screening and with what imaging modality. mammogram being really the gold standard, but also using possibly mri or ultrasound. then if you have a history of certain types of cancers in your family, genetic testing for about 10% of women is really important as well.
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>> as so many of us do here. dr. ashton, there's this other big medical headline that just cme out this morning, the fda has just approved the first nasal spray for migraines. that's going to impact a lot of people as well. >> oh, it sure is, rebecca, and i'm actually one of them. this would be sold under the brand name zavzpret. it is a nasal spray and would be the first in the class of migraine medication. now fda approved. it can work as quickly as 15 to 30 minutes, very well tolerated in clinical trials and possibly expected to be in pharmacies by this summer. so that will be good news for people. you will need a prescription, of course. >> 15 to 30 minutes, that is important help when you are dealing with a migraine. >> oh, yeah, sure is, rebecca. >> dr. ashton, thanks so much for joining us. michael? well, this morning we are remembering the life and legacy of the first president of the navajo nation. peterson zah served as chair
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before being elected president in 1990 on the nation's largest tribal reservation and made his mark on education in the reservation and at arizona state university. his passion was inspiring students, especially tribal youth, to attend college. peterson zah passed away after a long illness. he was 85 years old. coming up in our "gma morning menu," our series, the tech effect looks at how artificial intelligence is helping doctors detect breast cancer. we're counting down to the oscars, the producers are sharing secrets about the show. plus, style expert ade samuel is here with what we'll see on the red carpet from hollywood's biggest style icons. and lori bergamotto is here. >> that's right, i am here. i went to the pros, "gma's" amazing hair and make-up artists to find out what the best tools are to get your glam on.
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all that coming up right here on "gma." with bank of america. see cousin jimmy over there? his girlfriend just caught the bouquet so... he might need a little more help saving. for that engagement ring... the groom's parents. you think they're looking at photos of their handsome boy? they're not! she just saw how much they spent on ballroom dance classes... won't be needing those anymore. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. ♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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8:12 am
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8:13 am
and welcome back to "gma" with our cover story. it's part of our tech effect series and rebecca, you're looking at the impact of a1 in our lives. >> yeah, we keep hearing ai -- >> ai. [ laughter ] i don't know what i was thinking. >> you saved me. thank you. [ laughter ] a1? where did that come from?
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>> it will change your world, michael. and we're hearing more and more about this technology and this morning, it could be used to help save lives and now detect breast cancer. ♪ do you love me ♪ >> reporter: from boston dynamics to chatgpt, the era of artificial intelligence or ai is here to stay. the groundbreaking technology now being used in breast cancer detection. >> it's really changed the paradigm. it's changed the value of the mammogram itself and that's really exciting. >> reporter: while early detection is key, some estimates suggest screening mammograms miss about cancers. to reduce that number, doctors are now using ai called computer assisted detection or c.a.d. in more and more breast imaging centers across the u.s. >> the major advantage to ai is it speeds up the reading of the mammogram so a radiologist can see more over a certain period of time. >> reporter: studies also find that c.a.k. can find cancels that may have been missed by
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humans, and that's not all. it helps review images, assess breast density, flag high-risk mammograms and can even tell a technologist a mammogram needs to be redone. and while the u.s. is on the front lines of ai research, overseas hungary is becoming a major testing ground. >> we save more lives with the help of ai. i mean, it's fantastic, a good feeling. >> reporter: yet mixing medicine and ai is not without its problems. ai in breast cancer screenings can be associated with high false positive rates. >> machine learning is very good for what you've taught it. machines, when they see something that they have no experience with, they're not very good at identifying it. >> reporter: one recent study finding humans and ai working together are capable of detecting 2.6 more breast cancers with fewer false alarms. so for now, the future looks bright. >> the tools of ai are going to advance breast cancer detection, risk assessment cancer prevention, not just detecting early but actual preventing
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cancers. >> some very helpful news for families. ai and breast cancer detection is never used without the partnership of a medical doctor and the way most breast cancer is missed is by missing an annual mammogram. roughly half the people who should getting annual mammograms are not and that's where they're missing most breast cancers. let's get back to lara for more on the oscars. >> reporter: rebecca, thank you so much much. we're here in los angeles. crews hard at work getting the champagne carpet ready. backstage producers working around the clock to make sure everything runs smoothly on oscars sunday. this guy, chris connelly, sat down with the executive producers with a preview of what's to come. he's back now with all the details. >> indeed i am. plenty of live tv experience at the academy awards helm this year. producers tell us we examine expect a cast that will showcase all of the category's capacity for filmmaking magic. oscars executive producers and show runners, ricky kirshner and glenn weiss know a thing or two about live tv.
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♪ go crazy ♪ kirshner did prince's super bowl halftime show. >> there's a >> weiss was there when there was a mistake. and the slap amid their under wrap surprises they say keeping the excitement high inside the dolby will be a big key. helping that, the comedic host jimmy kimmel. >> what we want to do is have a fun and funny show but not at anybody's expense. jimmy has been great about that. >> i knew i would screw this show up. i really did. >> what makes a great oscar moment, ricky? >> a lot of times it's a great speech. >> reporter: kirshner knows. he produced the tonys the night "hamilton" won it all after mass shooting. >> love is love is love is love is love is love is love. cannot be killed or swept aside.
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>> we didn't write love is love is love for lin-manuel miranda. that became the moment. ♪ >> reporter: from naatu naatu to "lift me up," anticipation has been building for the nominated songs. >> this is the life. ♪ this is the life ♪ >> a lot will evoke the movie. that's what we do on live tv. >> glenn weiss. >> reporter: he once did something else on live tv at the 2018 emmys, he proposed. >> you wonder why i don't like to call you my girlfriend because i want to call you my wife. [ cheers and applause ] will you marry me? >> will we see anything like that this year? >> no, because i'm married. ♪ time to come alive ♪ ♪ the oscars sunday night ♪ >> reporter: while there's nothing like a happy ending -- >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. ♪ can't stop the feeling ♪ >> reporter: these two know the
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oscars need a great beginning and they think they've got one. >> you'll see what we think is one of the best openings of an the rest of the evening is just going to fly right by. [ cheers and applause ] >> and look for that opening to make a statement, they say, that the movies are made by a community of storytellers with each and every category getting its due during the show. lara? >> chris, thank you so much. hey, would you look who else is in town for this weekend's festivities, mr. whit johnson. >> they let me in. >> in the house. so happy to have you. >> good to see you. >> exciting for you. it's your first oscars. >> my first one, you have 25 years you've been doing this. >> yes, which is hard. >> i'm a total rookie. very excited. i got my tuxedo. been watching the movies. putting in some serious hours. >> is there like a movie or story as you've been studying for this big assignment that has really grabbed you? >> well, i mean, there are so many people. i love the comeback stories of this oscars season and ke huy quan is my favorite really to win and i hope he does because
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this is my generation. i grew up on him, "goonies," "indiana jones." >> i know those movies too. >> look, if anybody has been watching some of his acceptance speeches so far golden globe, s.a.g. award, so inspirational and talking about never giving up. so i'm cheering for him along with many others. i'm excited by our coverage. we have days and hours worth of coverage coming up throughout the weekend and exclusive interviews behind the scenes and need to make sure we don't spill anything on the champagne carpet. >> enjoy every second and just understand you will not be sleeping. >> i'm already preparing for that. >> just know that. whit will be there for "gma3" and doing "on the red carpet live." there will be no sleep. we're starting at eastern, 10:00 pacific. preshow coverage will stream on abc newslive throughout the day
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until the start of the big show. so much to look forward to. ginger, for now, though, we throw it back to you. >> good luck, whit. have so much fun out there. it does not look oscarsy in milwaukee. they have the heavy wet snow and the road is mess. some tree branches down, more than 40,000 without power. travers city, michigan, snow moving there to detroit and more where that came from. this weekend, saturday, blizzard conditions for parts of the northern plains. wisconsin going to get hit again and in the northeast we're getting the one overnight, three to six inches in the deeper white color back west of there, 6 to 12 inches. drew: i am abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma with your accuweather forecast. scattered showers today. mostly cloudy temperatures in the mid to upper 50's. be careful this morning. a lot of standing water on our roads. overnight we will have scattered showers and temperatures in the upper 30's to mid 40's. accuweather forecast, scattered showers over the weekend that a stronger storm coming our way on
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tuesday. ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ♪ ♪ oh, oh, the right stuff ♪ it is new kids on the block, and you know what that means. it is time for "the right stuff" spotlighting the top trends to shop. this morning lifestyle correspondent lori bergamotto is here with a special oscars edition helping us get red carpet ready with tons of hair tools. go right to these products by scanning the qr code on your screen. so good to see you. > so good to see you as well. >> get us started. >> so "gma," we went to the "gma" hair pros. you know they know the real deal. merilyn mitchell, a stylist here swears by this slopehill blow dryer. let's see. >> it's now my new favorite because it's lightweight on my wrist, when you turn it on it's not as loud but very powerful. three temperature levels and comes with three attachments. >> love that. >> right?
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it's mini but mighty. i might have you turn it on, rebecca, if you will. >> yes, please. >> you can see how quiet it is. really light weight. under one pound. merilyn says she can do a blow dry with this between -- medium to long hair in under 20 minutes. now, this is under $150. we know there are a lot of blow dryers up there upwards of 500. this is the best you'll get for this price. so definitely check that one out. >> feels great. merilyn knows what she is talking about always. >> what doely does. >> here is a flat iron that petula, who has been doing robin's hair for nearly 20 years, loves. >> i've been styling robin's hair for over 18 years and i've been using the babyliss curling iron. you can straighten the you can curl the hair. it's an iron you should always
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have when you're on the go and temperature gauge is on the inside and you can turn it up high or turn it low. >> i love her. this is -- she's the queen of the flat iron, petula. so if she loves this, you have to know it's good and what she loves about this, it goes up to 450 degrees which means you only have to do one pass through the hair. people hear flat iron and think it might be damaging. not with this. your hair will stay straighter and be healthier. this is under $100, so if petula says it, you got to get it. >> she said it's on the go too and she's always on the go with robin. >> easily can pack that up. >> now we're talking about stylist gregg or loves a curl. so let's see what he had to say. >> check out this iron. i love it because it's traditional that is used with the clip for ringlets, the regular type of curls we all see and use. but if you pop this off, you then have a wand to do that beachy type of flat moving wave that's like really hot right now. >> gregg knows a beachy wave.
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>> oh, it is a universal law that, if gregg tells you something about a curl, you must heed his advice. >> absolutely. >> this is an incredible find. you'll love this. this is from conair. they did it with an influencer, tayshia adams who everybody loves. it heats up in 30 seconds and the clip comes off like you're getting two irons in one. >> 30 bucks. >> $30. it is incredible and is powerful because it heats up so hot you can see you can get that beachy wave and do so many different things with it. you'll want to check it out. >> what's this one? >> this is like the secret weapon of the "gma" hair team, deana is going to tell us about it. >> i love it because it creates a lot of volume but doesn't have any damages effect from teasing. it's kind of like a crimper but has a grid-like pattern that you would use it underneath your part line at the root to give you a lot of volume for whatever desired hairstyle you're going
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for. >> aww. >> i'll put my money where my mouth is and show everybody a before picture of me. before i came in this morning, it's a little rough, guys. sorry. >> oh, no. >> this is the after. deana used it on me. you can see how it boosted volume. it took her no time at all. this is really incredible. it prevents all of that teasing damage. it's called the voloom and it's good for all different hair types. and so for under $150, it's the thing that get if you want instant volume. >> all right, instant volume, instant glamour. thank you, lori. thank you to our incredible "gma" hairstylists. remember, you can shop these products by using the qr code. >> different hair types, i'm in. >> looks like michael strahan -- >> you need the code, michael. >> do you recognize who this is?
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bill a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc. seven news. good morning. i'm joe bean affords an from abc seven mornings. we are following breaking news out of oakland. right now we have confirmed that one person has died in a roof collapse and we will have an update on the air at 11 a.m. and on abc seven news .com and in the meantime, let's check in with sue hall for look at traffic still 65 incidents on the chp traffic log. that is a ton and we still have this road closure. it's mostly flood. being accidents due to speeding through the water. this freeway closure is due to flooding. 5 80 still closed both directions through oakland in an accident in the backup near 13, 8 eighties. your alternate and that is even jammed and we've got a sigalert west 5 80 through dublin with a multi car
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accident. thank you. sue. meteorologist
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they area. good morning live is coming up. our pre oscar celebration rolls on. we'll chat with f. murray abraham and will play more oscar games. that's at nine on abc seven shortly. ryan we are still tracking some rain out there wet on one on one in the south bay live look at live doppler seven. some showers in the santa cruz mountains in the south bay as well, but our atmospheric river is coming to
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an end. we saw flood advisories in effect. a lot of water on roads. cloudy day job, dana thank you. drew. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. as always, you can find the news ♪ i'm living my best life ♪ ♪ wake up for the sunrise ♪ welcome back, everybody. it is time for "binge this," oscars flashback edition. we're looking back at the biggest moments from the careers of this year's nominees to give you ideas of what to watch this weekend before the big night, and here we go. we'll start with a pick for those of you with a sweet tooth, cate blanchett nominated for "tar." she already has two oscars but back in 1994 she popped up in a cookie commercial in her native australia.
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take a look. >> you know the deal. three wishes. >> three, huh? all right. i want a packet of tim tams that never runs out. >> a packet of tim tam r ns o. , she't 25 in that ad for tim tams whict and i hope hungry because -- come on out, billy. bring out some tim tams. >> oh, wow. >> george, i come bearing gifts. >> i'll try one of those. >> let me know what you think. save one for me. don't get greedy. and, rebecca, got to put the tim tam down. >> pretty good. >> i got to talk to you. >> good timing. >> ke huy quan, he is a favorite to win the oscar for best supporting actor for "everything everywhere all at once." and you've got one for the adventure seeker. what you got? >> that is right, michael. we are flashing way back to his big screen debut as short round in 1984's "indiana jones and the temple of doom." this is the second installment in spielberg's adventure saga
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also starring harrison ford and you can stream that and all the indiana jones movies to be ready for the new installment "indiana jones and the dial of destiny." and check this out, ryan created this poster for his dream series "the sales of short round" and while there's no indication that it's happening, fans of ke huy quan can certainly dream, guys. >> i tell you what, i love "indiana jones." love him. and, you know, george, we got another early project from ke that features a performance by brendan fraser. >> brendan is in for "the whale" but he and ke starred in "encino man" back in the '90s. pauly shore was in it. here's what he had to say to them. >> you know what, what's up, "gma," pauly shore. what up? i'm excited for my two co-stars from "encino man" both nominated for an oscar.
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quite remarkable. an insane story. these guys, what a comeback. it's almost like they were in "encino man" and dethawed them and they're coming back to life. anyways, i'm going to binge-watch the movie this weekend, "encino man," simultaneously watching to see who will take home the award. congratulations, guys. good luck. >> that is a flashback. that was great. good to see pauly shore there. >> i can picture you on the weekend, fireplace going, cozy blanket watching "encino man." i can see it. i can see it. [ laughter ] now we've got one for the martial arts buff. michelle yeoh is up for best actress for "everything everywhere all at once," but, rebecca, she's been fearless on screen for years. >> oh, yes, love michelle yeoh throughout her career. she's had an incredible one and we all loved her in "crouching tiger, hidden dragon." but we're throwing it back to
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early in her career. check her out in "supercop" in 1992. that is all her. no stunt double. jackie chan said he had to create harder stunts for himself so that he wouldn't be out done by michelle. >> that is a big compliment because jackie chan does all of his own stunts and does everything, so, michelle, we'll keep an eye out for you. we've got a bonus binge for the bookworm. there are times you're watching the oscars and you know there are some inside jokes you just don't get. happens to me all the time. our friend zibby owens from the podcast "moms don't have time to read books," she has the answer. >> to get your oscar flashback check out michael schulman's new book "oscar wars" a history of hollywood in gold, sweat and tears which includes all the behind the scenes drama, escapades, information and more you always wish you had heard about. >> i got to get those books and get it to you before the weekend. as a matter of fact, better get it to you by today. that's going to be good. keep up with everything.
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how were the tim tams? >> they're really good, yeah. >> rebecca, i've been watching you over there. save me one, like i said. i know what i'll be checking out before the big show. i'm going to check out michael's book "oscar wars" because it is in book stores now. got to get you a copy. coming up, the top celebrity styles from awards season and what you might see on oscar sunday. thank you for listening to all of that.
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♪ ♪ feeling good like i should ♪
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feeling good because we're in the fashion homestretch with the biggest stars getting ready to hit the oscars' champagne carpet. >> celebrity stylist ade samuel has been tracking the trends this awards season and has some bold predictions on what the stars will be wearing sunday. thanks for joining us. you know what, we'll start with angela bassett who happened to show up here and she's nominated for best supporting actress in "black panther: wakanda forever." give us your red carpet roundup of what she's been wearing for the award season so far. >> queen angela has been doing her thing. >> queen angela. >> killing it this season and what i love is that she's been super bold and electrifying. we've seen this yellow jean batiste yellow one she wore. >> stunning. >> stunning. >> then we saw her wear this yellow dress that we see here with this bell sleeve. so i think she'll give us an electrifying twist. >> you say you think she's going to do the thing with a textured look. >> yes.
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>> our model kandis will show it off for us. there you go. >> what i love about this look is the unexpected twist and the fringe gives that homage to texture and detailing and the color, it's so beautiful and bold. so i think we're going to see angela take that risk on sunday and give us something that's surprising. >> and then we've got michelle yeoh, best actress nominee. she's been glamorous, elegant all season long. what are we expecting from her? >> elegance, elegance is michelle's middle name. i love everything that she's been doing especially with armani prive. she gave us this unique twist in this look. this armani prive black dress with the tulle is so beautiful because when you look closely, you don't notice the hand beading details and i think she's going to keep paying this kind of homage to hollywood glamour, this old hollywood glamour and see her doing that for sunday. she's just beyond elegant. >> you know who is beyond
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elegant, our model roshni. come on out. you look absolutely stunning. >> ready for the red carpet. >> this dress to me gives us the golden man at the oscars. that's what you feel like. you look like an oscar and michelle will play off this sequin with surprising lace detail. that shocking effect of elegance, hollywood glam is where we're going to go for sunday and this dress is the perfect example. >> all right. now we'll talk about "elvis" star austin butler. he's been one of the most fashionable men on the red carpet this awards season. tell us about the looks he's been rocking. >> austin butler has been keeping it truly traditional for himself and playing it a little safe. so i'm hoping for oscars he gives us a twist and nod to his character "elvis." we saw him in this black tuxedo from gucci and the chanel look. so hoping for oscars he gives us a fun twist on traditional menswear. >> you're hoping he does
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something a little bold so we'll bring out octavio and there he is right there. >> yes. >> how beautiful is this unique, bold twist to this sequin menswear tuxedo? if you look at the shoe, that's the best part. this lace up gives a little elvis tease and i think that we should have austin do that. the sequin detail plays off of that traditional menswear look and i think it's perfect. >> we got to talk rihanna. she will be performing. we have to talk about -- look at her look, the super bowl look, everything she's been pulling off and she's pregnant. >> rihanna, fashion icon rihanna is amazing. she sets the trend and i'm so excited for her to do that on sunday. she gave us this beautiful look for golden globes. it was custom. what we didn't know she was hiding a beautiful baby bump that we found out during the super bowl. i'm hoping during the oscars she will give us a little supporting the baby bump. >> let's bring out jessi.
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she is not hiding a baby bump, but she is a stunning member of our staff looking amazing. >> yes. what i love about this look, the white was elegance. it's so unique. you see at the feather the detailing touch to that. i think rihanna will play with the classic sexy modern look that you do for a golden globe but -- for oscars, excuse me. what's amazing those slits are going to be where she gives us her little baby bump kind of celebration. >> peekaboo. >> little peekaboo moment and love that for her. this dress from colton was just a staple for me for rihanna and hope she wears something that shows the baby bump. >> i bet she will. ade, thank you so much. >> come on back out here. we got to say to our models, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> doing your thing. d carpet live countdown to the oscars" starting at 1:00 p.m.
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eastern, 10:00 pacific to see ade predictions and see ifhey ar the preshow coverage will also stream on abc newslive throughout the day until the start of the 95th academy awards and we will recap all the best looks for oscars after party on monday morning ginger, where is youdrs?is hann moay. isank you, fascon rebe now i've got something for tonight on "20/20." a 25-year-old murder mystery. it started in 1998 when a virginia man chris johnson found his fiance's body in their bedroom closet and called 911. johnson defended his freedom and reputation this past fall in a murder for hire case that he won and he spoke exclusively with ryan smith. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> i thought my girlfriend was missing. i think she's dead. >> reporter: he was immediately the prime suspect. grilled by police for 28 hours over three days. >> admit the truth.
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>> he kept saying over and over again, i don't know what happened. chris says he was exhausted and finally broke down under the pressure and based on the evidence police told him they had said he must have had something to do with it. >> i must have put her in the closet. >> reporter: chris says he was under duress so he gave a false confession. >> that's when i realized they had been lying to me the whole time. >> the light bulb went off for you. >> yes. >> which leads to the big question if chris johnson didn't kill her, who did? >> find out who did it tonight on "20/20" at 9:00, 8:00 central right here on abc. drew: accuweather 7 day scattered showers over the weekend. stronger storm next ♪ you got that yummy yum ♪ i'm here in hollywood
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counting down to the big day, the oscars. after the show, it's off to the parties. first off it's always the governors ball where this man, wolfgang puck, has been in charge of the delicious menu for 29 years and running. congratulations. >> i know. i started when i was 12, so -- >> exactly. it's always so much fun to see what you have on the menu. the new additions. but let's start, wolfie, with the classics. >> i love when you call me wolfie. >> i know. >> it makes me feel good in the morning. >> well, we know each other. this is my 25th oscars believe it or not. so it's been a long time together and in all of that time you've always had some of the ac woere be lreluti ifhe we not on the menu? >> absolutely.thwith truffles, ? smoked smors are s yummy. >> people love them. we make some of our pizzas too
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and mini burgers that are popular. >> you also like to mix things up. you're always keeping it fresh. share with everybody the new additions. >> this year i have my chef from london come and i said, let's do a few english versions and we made some really delicious fish and chips but i spiced them up with somewh wasabi and made som beef wellington. wellington is the most english -- >> gorgeous. >> we had some english trifle and they made some amazing french pastries so if you go up it's going to feel like a pastry store. a lot of fun and what really is surprising this year. >> yeah, this is pretty cool, everybody. >> they made some cigars. look at that. so we're going to light the cigars here. >>hach >>ind if actlllate h l.a. siteels right to have a
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stogie >> you're eating the chocolatosrs. all rs t g >> we give everybody an oscar because i think people come to dinner, they go home with an oscar. they can give it to their kids and that's it. >> everybody wins at your party. that's the governors ball. wolfgang puck and the 120 chefs that make it all happen. you make it look easy. i know it's not. so we thank you so much. i'm going to enjoy the cigar. >> okay. >> you can scan the qr code on your screen to see wolfgang's full menu for this year's governors ball. if you're just tuning in, this is chocolate. and coming up, if you haven't seen all of the
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but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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welcome back to "good morning america." on the road to the oscars out here in los angeles and this morning i am outside the dolby theatre with tiktok star juju green. if you guys have missed this year's best picture nominees, juju has got you covered. he's going to break down everything you need to know about the movies vying for the big award. juju, i love this group of films. >> yes, yes. >> let's start with the blockbusters. they've made a ton of money. >> a couple billion, right? >> yes. "elvis" and -- >> "avatar: the way of water." >> and "top gun." >> one of your favorites. >> i can't help it. i'm rooting for it so hard. do any of these movies have a real shot? >> yeah, i think, you know, when it comes to the blockbusters i think "top gun" has like the best shot out of all of them. i think it was the most crowd pleasing ones. people were talking about it. they're still talking go it since it came out. "avatar: the way of water" has a little bit of a lower chance because the first one was nominated for best picture and was kind of like a moment and
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we rec pf we recognized how great it was but just a moment that came and went. "top gun: maverick," we still love tom cruise. >> not out of the race. you didn't mention "elvis." i feel like there was a lot of momentum for "elvis" early. >> there was a lot of momentum in the best picture race for a little bit but his performance surpassed that. >> you think he has a real shot at best actor? >> i think he does. he's been going up against brendan fraser. it's been a back and forth between the two and rooting for brendan fraser but now i'm getting nervous. >> now that ballots are cast, i want brendan fraser too. let's talk about the long shots. those are the three blockbusters. the long shots are? >> the long shots you have movies like "women talking" and "triangle of sadness," i think "triangle of sadness" will be in a circle of sadness come awards season. >> it's such a great film. >> it's a great movie. it's one of those like movies you see the billboards all over hollywood and say, i might watch that but a lot of people, mainstream audiences choose "top gun" or "avatar: the way of water" over it. same thing with "women talking," you see it around. >> not enough people are talking about it.
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>> one of those movies that you know it's great. good for the soul, but it's almost inaccessible to the, like, general audience. >> quickly we have three movies left. you say these are the ones to watch. >> these are the front-runners right here. they are "the banshees of inisherin," "everything everywhere all at once," that's my favorite. >> i think that's going to win. >> that's my pick to win as well. >> i feel like i'm not with a crystal ball but it's just done so well. >> if the oscars know what's good for them, it's "everything everywhere all at once." i'm joking. >> you do you. >> also "the fabelmans" as well. steven spielberg, when he has his name on something you have to put it to the top. to be honest it's a two-person race between -- amongst the three when it comes to the best -- >> meaning "everything." >> and "the banshees of inisherin," two superoriginal movies and so great. "eryywre all at once" i think should be the one to take home the awards. >> juju, you have, what, 3 point something million followers. >> 3.3 million. >> thank you for your time.
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great to have you here. we
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all the stars. >> backstage moments. >> serious style. >> the red carpet. >> after party. >> good morning, america. you won't want to miss it. >> no one, and i mean no one, does oscar in the morning like "gma." was that good for you guys? ♪ am i ready ♪ big thank you to lara and our whole oscars team in l.a.
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bill a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc. seven news. good morning . i'm joe being a fortune from abc. seven mornings here. sue hall with a look at traffic. hi sue. good morning, and as you know, 5 80 in oakland near 35th has been closed all well since last night. we've got a caltrans gentleman, one guy out there poking around trying to find the drain. they have open eastbound westbound. i hope he finds the drain soon. it's still shut down . drew we've still got issues out there. sue, we are looking at live. poplar seven still have some rain out there scattered, enlightened nature. but in the santa cruz mountains, some moderate showers still falling. scattered light showers in parts of the south bay this morning. we have a lot of standing water like sue just showed you from sky seven. we have standing water in many areas of flood advisories are still up for a big portion of the region will dry out midday today, and some
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light showers turned later this evening. temps in the fifties joanna thank you, jude time now for live with kelly and ryan, and we will be back at 11 for midday >> deja: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" the preoscar celebration. today, award-winning actor, f. murray abraham! plus, jessica chastain, salma hayek, and more with their oscars memories. and we conclude "live's oscar countdown games." play along. all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] and now,erar your p celebration hosts, kelly ripa and ryan seacrest!


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