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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 12, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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can make your day. logo scratches on good morning, america. continuing fallout after the collapse of silicon valley bank now in the hands of the fdic. startups suffering. >> the reality is that there's literally no cash available. >> and concerns about the impact on other regional banks. plus, what happens monday morning. massive flooding. more than 8,500 california residents forced from their homes in monterey bay, while a levee breach on this river leads to more evacuations and water rescues. plus, hollywood's surprise power outage that threatened preps for the oscars. blistering comments. former vice president mike
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pence's strongest attack yet on donald trump's role in the january 6th insurrection. pipeline project. a source confirming to abc news the biden administration will green light a plan for new drilling in alaska. the moves by environmentalists to stop it. toxic red tide. the flare-up in florida, the algae leading to health complaints as spring break gets under way. baggage claims. frontier airlines allegedly compensating staff for charging passengers at the gate for oversized carry-ons. the airline responding this morning. selection sunday. who's in line for the top seeds? who's on the bubble? and the likely sleeper teams as we look ahead to march madness. and oscar night. the rising stars who could take home hollywood's biggest prize. will the multiverse win multiple
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awards? moving on. how hollywood hopes to get past that infamous slap on stage. >> i can't do things like this. >> and before they were famous. the best supporting actress nominees who paid their dues with bit parts. "ma" brings it all to you from hollywood this morning. good morning, america. hope you're not hurting too much with that lost hour of sleep. thankfully it's our husbands dealing with the kids this morning. >> love you. >> yes. that's of course, due to the return of daylight saving time. there is something though to look forward to today. we are just hours away from the oscars, and whit and linsey are with us from l.a. again this morning. whit's got the bow tie, yeah. >> look at him all dapper. >> this thing spins actually, too. i've got the button in my pocket. good morning, guys. we're so excited here. linsey davis, ladies and gentlemen with the money green on the champagne carpet.
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>> make you look even more dapper. >> i'm just driving your limousine after this. good morning, everybody. we're so excited for everything here. of course, everything building up to the 95th academy awards, and coming up, we'll have expert analysis on the top categories. >> i was asking whit for his expert analysis. he's keeping it close to the vest. >> i was nervous about giving that away just yet. >> it's not necessarily about who you think. i think it's about who will win, and i think "everything everywhere all at once" will win, but that's just my -- >> i'm with you on that, but there are some others that i like. >> keeping it neutral. we're also digging into the archives to look at the nominees before they were stars. but before we get to all that, we have some news we have to get to this morning, guys. beginning with the new concerns following the collapse of the 16th largest bank in the u.s., silicon valley bank experiencing a bank run, a stock price plunge, and a government-ordere. all of it happening fast, and sparking concern about the
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impact on other regional banks. abc's elizabeth schulze joins us with the latest. good morning to you, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning. two days after that second biggest bank failure in american history, the question today is if it will trickle across the broader economy. this morning, fallout from the stunning collapse of silicon valley bank. in southern california, dozens o customers seen lining up at one location of another regional bank, first republic, to withdraw their funds. some investors now concerned about the health of first republic which also operates in silicon valley. the bank seeking to calm any worries as its stock plunged this past week, saying its deposit base is strong and very well diversified and its investment portfolio is stable. the ripple effects of silicon valley bank's failure hitting companies and small business owners. e-commerce platform, etsy, notifying sellers of delays
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of process in payments due to the bank collapse, raising concern for sellers like amanda nielsen. >> i'm just kind of in holding pattern. there's nothing i can do about it unfortunately. >> reporter: etsy saying payments are expected within the next several business days. >> unfortunately some of my customers are linked to that platform. i can't write them and say, by the way, this is where i am now. >> reporter: it was a swift downfall for the bank popular among venture capitalists and start-ups such as shopify, ziprecruiter, and pinterest. on wednesday night, it announced it would boost its balance sheet. that announcement spooking investors and depositors who raced to withdraw funds. within hours, panic and a bank run. by friday morning, the fdic stepped in taking full control of the bank. the ceo says his start-up's cash is locked in with silicon valley bank, worried about making payroll.
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>> so here i am and i'm trying to make decisions according to what's going to happen for my company, for my team, for my employees. >> and let's bring in abc's ale alexis christ conversation. first, i have a question for you, elizabeth. other banks such as first republic now seem to be on high alert. what's the potential ripple effect of svb's collapse on these other banks and the economy in general? >> reporter: well, eva, the banking sector has been spooked by this collapse, and we are especially seeing that in big drops in the stock prices of some regional banks like first republic, but when it comes to the banks that many of us use for day-to-day services like chase or bank of america, we're not seeing a big plunge in those valuations at this point, and that speaks to the fact that many investors and regulators see the risk from silicon valley bank as contained, as a problem for the bank itself, compared to
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the broader economy, eva. >> and alexis, this is the biggest bank collapse since the 2008 financial crisis. what makes this different, and how concerned should americans be? >> there are key differences between then and now. the 2008 crisis was broad based. we had large and small banks engaging in risky business, giving mortgages to home buyers who couldn't afford them. when the housing market collapsed, these banks were left with huge losses which triggered the great recession. silicon valley bank though appears to be company-specific. it catered to tech startups that came under pressure as interest rates rose rapidly, and their venture capital dried up and that caused its clients to withdraw their money from the bank. silicon valley bank's downfall was also tied to a recent plunge of the value of bonds that it bought when interest rates were low. our banking system, as a whole, is in a very much stronger position today than it was over a decade ago, and that's thanks to bank reforms and regulations that were put in place after the financial crisis. >> elizabeth, svb's collapse seems so sudden. what are the lessons for regulators as they monitor this fallout?
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>> reporter: there is no doubt that regulators are rehashing how this collapse happened in two days and if they could have spotted this risk any sooner. one of the questions that investors are wondering is if the federal government might step in and make all of the deposits whole, eva. >> elizabeth schulze, alexis christoforous, thank you to both of you. we will have more on the bank collapse coming up on "this week." plus, martha raddatz has a joint interview with the chairman committees in the house and the senate mike turner and mark warner as congress considers plans to rein in tiktok. janai? now to the weather disaster in california. that state being pummelled by the latest string of winter storms. rob marciano is in folsom, california, outside sacramento with the latest after the flooding is causing widespread damage. rob, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, janai. just when we got a brief break in the heavy rain yesterday, swollen rivers breached levees, forced more
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we even had a severe thunderstorm yesterday with funnel clouds reported. this on a day when we were hoping to see more quiet action in this very battered state. this morning, massive flooding in monterey county. thousands evacuating. the california national guard on the ground. a 100-foot wide levee breach forcing people from their homes. watch as firefighters navigate flooded streets by boat, checking submerged vehicles. dozens of families left stuck on this bridge waiting for transport to nearby shelters. in portions of highway 1 in big sur forced to shut down after this rock slide damaged the road. first responders conducting over 90 rescues over the weekend. officials confirming no injuries or deaths reported in monterey county. >> we are not done yet. we are dealing with rain and wind events that i can only describe as a supersoaker saturation event. >> reporter: and in the mountains, snow piling up, leaving dangerous conditions on the roads. in mammoth lakes, residents walking between massive walls of
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snow, and in lake tahoe, several roofs collapsing under the weight of the snow. >> people who have been here for a very long time have said this is more snow than they have ever seen. >> reporter: tahoe's emerald bay freezing over for what's believed to be the first time since the early '90s. and in hollywood, an unexpected power outage threatening preparations for sunday's academy awards, darkening the tcl chinese theater. power coming back on after a short while. it's unclear if recent rains are to blame. and in nevada, the governor expanding his disaster declaration as severe storms and heavy rain brings flooding to the northern parts of that state. authorities struggling to manage all this water. you're looking at the spillway from the folsom dam. that water rate is 30,000 cubic feet per second. the reservoir itself serves and protects sacramento, just downstream. they're trying to mitigate flood risk there as another atmospheric river event sets up tuesday. guys? >> just an incredible image behind you there, rob. thank you for that update. from the west now to
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washington where a source confirms to abc news that the biden administration will approve an $8 billion plan for new drilling on alaska's north slope. the white house saying the decision hasn't been made yet. abc's ike ejiochi joins us now live from washington where that move would be sure to anger environmentalists. ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, janai. a source tells us the administration is expected to move forward with this project, but the white house saying there is no final decision. it's one of the most consequential climate decisions of the biden administration. the willow project, an enormous $8 billion drilling mission, would take place in the north slope of alaska, drilling on one of the largest undisturbed plot of public land in the united states. the project is expected to pump out 600 million barrels of crude oil over a 30-year period and could generate between $8 billion and $17 billion in revenue for the federal government and for the state of alaska. experts also say the willow project could create as many as 2,500 jobs.
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now alaska lawmakers, as well as the oil industry, have been lobbying for president biden to reapprove the project saying it will help keep oil prices low, by boosting domestic production, especially as russia's war in ukraine affects global oil prices. but critics and environmentalists are furious and frustrated about the project's expected carbon footprint. according to the interior department, the project could produce upwards of 9.2 million metric tons of carbon pollution each year. environmentalists have started a petition asking for the project to stop. that now has 3 million signatures. janai? >> we will see what happens. ike, thank you. now to the shocking killing of a podcaster and her husband in their home in washington state. the suspect, an alleged stalker. abc's demarco morgan joins us now with the latest on the shocking case. demarco, good morning. >> reporter: janai, good morning to you. talk about a tragic story.
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authorities say it was just a week ago the victim put in an order of protection, saying she feared for her life. in the end, it would be too late. this morning, new details about a murder involving a podcast host and her husband found dead in their washington state home. >> we have an active hostage situation. the shooter is not detained. >> reporter: police say this man, 38-year-old ramin khodakaramrezaei, stalked this woman, zohreh sadeghi, for months after listening to her podcast about gaining employment in the tech industry. the two communicated back and forth through a chat app. then at some point, things started to take an eerie turn when he contacted her more than 100 times in a single day, according to authorities. sadeghi writing, these delusions make me fear for my life and the lives of my loved ones. abc news has learned that just a week before her death, she filed for an order of protection against the suspect citing a disturbing pattern of behavior. police say the suspect who was a long haul truck driver drove all the way from texas to washington
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state, and his next stop, the victim's house. according to police, he shot and killed the podcaster and her husband before appearing to take his own life. a neighbor says their security camera caught the commotion overnight. >> it was blood-curdling to hear. you know, i'm not sure i should have gone back and listened to it or not. >> reporter: zohreh's mother was inside the house, but managed to escape and call 911. >> this is the absolute worst outcome, you know, for a stalking case. >> reporter: authorities say they had a tough time trying to l locate that suspect because he was a long haul truck driver. he drove from texas to washington state. eva? >> just an absolutely terrifying story. thank you, demarco. well, in florida, residents of the state's southwest coast have been complaining of burning eyes and breathing problems. the area seeing a flare-up of the red tide algae. dead fish have been washing ashore. a park supervisor saying 1,000
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pounds of fish have been found on beaches in st. pete beach this month alone. time now for a check of the weather and somara theodore is tracking a new round of storms. good morning. >> good morning. that's right. we have been seeing this wintry weather, but we're entering spring. severe weather season is kicking off. we're in arkansas, downed trees. they saw golf ball-sized hail on the road. it was a very dangerous condition. that line of severe storms is now actually making its way down into areas like mobile by lunchtime. then it will head to tallahassee by about 4:00. e cknd.d see storms ling we are seeing elevated risk for large hail and damaging winds. as far as the tornado threat, isolated but still there. if you take a look from coast to coast, we have about 30 states with different alerts and we have to talk about that because california is gearing up for another round of moisture from that atmospheric river that
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waking up to a level 1 system and pretty good downpours. chance of a thunderstorm anywhere from 51 hundredths to about a quarter of an inch today. flood watch is already going up for our atmospheric river late tomorrow night. there is a look at the rest of the afternoon. spotty showers, upper 50's to near 60's. then we look at the activity increasing over the next 24 to 36 hours. all right. so we're gearing up for the oscars, guys. the good news is all that rain we've seen in california, they get a little bit of a reprieve. tonight, the temperatures will be in the mid-60s and things look good for the champagne carpet. >> yeah. >> prosecco plush. plush prosecco. >> is that why you wore the gold this morning? >> yes, cheers. >> love it. >> thanks, somara. now to the road to gold as we count down to the hours until tonight's academy awards. linsey and whit are in los angeles on that champagne
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carpet. janai here has her prosecco on. >> or as whit likes to call it oat milk. >> oat milk, yeah. not quite as elegant. >> this was surprising to me. jamie lee curtis is in this category. she's been in hollywood all this time. first nomination for her. >> yes. >> first-time acting nominees are leading the way, and almost all of them, in fact, have never been nominated before. >> for more on this, and the last-minute look at the favorites here, let's go to abc's will ganss. will, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, whit and linsey. you look amazing. many are calling this the most competitive oscars race in years. will it be michelle or cate, brendan on the oat milk carpet? let's look at every film fan's favorite day of the year.
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overnight, workers adding the final touches to the dolby theater and in a year when hollywood is really into exploring the multiverse -- >> thank you for coming. >> reporter: -- we find ourselves in a universe where the red carpet is champagne colored. the 95th academy awards is the year of the underdog. barry keoghan, nominated for "banshees of inisherin," grew up in 13 different foster homes over the span of seven years. >> so for the kids that are dreaming to be someone, from the area that i came from, this is for yous. >> reporter: in fact, of the 20 acting nominees, 16 of them are first-timers which will translate to emotional speeches tonight. >> get to your feet and go to the light. good things will happen. >> reporter: brendan fraser and austin butler locked in a dead heat for best actor. >> wear your crystals if you have them today because austin's going to win. >> reporter: while "wakanda's" queen has been an awards season favorite -- ♪ angela bassett ♪ >> reporter: -- a shocking momentum shift has "banshees of
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inisherin's" kerry condon as the odds on favorite of winning beu and while the most nomhe a oe" ie one to beafor pictu >> w -- it's the superstar sequels fans are rooting for at home. >> "top gun" is pretty much fun gun. >> reporter: "top gun: maverick" soaring to 3.8 billion mentions on tiktok. >> the skills that tom is putting on display in "top gun," and so many of his movies, that's a product of, you know, thousands of hours' practice. >> reporter: and "avatar: the way of water" mentioned 9.5 billion times. >> even the people who didn't like this movie have to admit it was visually stunning. >> reporter: other things to expect tonight, a ke huy kwan comeback. "the indiana jones" child actor should win all these decades
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later. as we look ahead to tonight's red carpet fashion, experts say to expect sequins, sparkle, and show-stopping silhouettes which is where you come in, whit. >> you got the sparkle going on this morning, will. we're loving it. >> thank you. i said i would bring hollywood here. >> razzle-dazzle. okay. thank you. >> doing it. thank you, will. now no one, of course, is sure exactly who's going to win the oscar until their name is read. >> exactly, and oscar night has a history of upsets and joining us now with a look at some potential surprises is movie expert and tiktok star juju green. juju, good morning. welcome to you. >> how's it going? thanks for having me. >> it's good. it's good. let's talk about best picture. "everything everywhere all at once" getting a lot of attention. but could another movie perhaps shock some people? >> well, i think "banshees of inisherin" is like that number two. a lot of people are looking at that as an original story, and i think it's like a "drake & josh" episode put in a more premium light. >> okay. >> also "on the western front" won the bafta, so you could see that sneak in as the dark force. >> what do you think as far as
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dark horses as far as actor and actress goes? any surprises there? >> we talked about brendan fraser, the best actor category, there's brendan fraser and austin butler. you could say they're going back and forth with this. i think austin butler, if he was to win, it would be a giant upset to brendan's big comeback story. that would be there. best actress, a lot of people are really rooting for cate blanchett to win. she's been sweeping the award season. however, michelle yeoh has a lot of support and i feel like the academy has been feeling that a lot. they might give her this award, and it's the crowning jewel of the "everything everywhere all at once" cast. >> all those performances were so incredible. i don't know how you pick on that. >> it's really hard. >> cate already has two. this would be the first one for michelle. >> yeah. >> that might factor in there. >> it's all about story-telling when it comes to, like, giving out the oscar and i think michelle yeoh has a beautiful story and i think she would be one of the first asian actresses to win the best actress award. >> first southeastern asian. she sure would. juju, thank you so much.
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much more ahead from l.a. including how the academy is hoping to move on after the will smith on-stage slap of chris rock last year. also ahead here, how they got here. the small parts of the best supporting actress nominees before reaching the big night. partial response: that's when your antidepressant helps, but it's only part of what you need. and you're still left masking how you really feel inside. it's not your fault. many people still experience depression symptoms, even on an antidepressant. but together with your doctor, there are things you can do,
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7:27 am building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc. seven news. good morning, everybody. i'm loose kreuz place are searching for the person responsible for shooting and ansffics fctim as c ts morni wis. the while he and the woman he was
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with were robbed. at last check . the victim is in critical but stable condition. police are asking residents at the twin creek apartments to check their surveillance cameras for any video that might help them find the suspect. and lisa arjun. good morning to you listen to check out the forecast. good morning to you. we had our later sunrise and later sunset on the way and also the moderate rain this morning as we go in closer to southern marin county mill valley here, san francisco. we've had pockets of heavy rain out towards castro valley, san lorenzo. lighter rain dublin level one system today about 1 to 2/10 list. alright lisa. thank you. and thank
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♪ ♪ dance, dance. well, welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. that, of course, is the song "naatu naatu" that will not only be performed on the oscars stage, but is also a favorite to win for best original song. whit was actually stretching here in the break. >> we were trying. >> he's ready. he's ready to do it. come on, whit. whit, you ready? >> the song is from the indian film "rrr." it's the first indian song to ever be nominated for an oscar. "naatu naatu" already won this year's golden globe award and critics choice award for best original song. you can't help but move your feet right now. >> if you guys have enough time, make the tiktok. make the tiktok. >> we're going to work on this.
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>> we'll be looking for it. thanks guys. let's look at the other big stories we're following on this sunday morning. happening right now, former vice president mike pence saying donald trump was wrong and endangered his family and everyone at the capitol during the january 6th insurrection. pence also telling the crowd at the annual white tie gridiron dinner saturday night in washington that history will hold donald trump accountable. also right now, frontier airlines coming under fire for allegedly compensating staff for charging passengers extra. the budget carrier admitting to paying staff what they called an incentive fee up to $10 after they charged passengers a surcharge at the gate for large carry-on bags. that could amount to $100 extra. frontier says the incentive is basically a sales commission like other retailers offer to their team members.
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and american skier mikaela shiffrin is now the sport's all-time winningest athlete. shiffrin breaking the record for most world cup wins, dominating the slalom at the competition this week. this is her 87th top finish. the previous record of 86 stood for more than four decades which means this one will probably stand for a long time. let's get back to whit and linsey, all glitzed up in hollywood. >> yes, indeed. okay. we start this half hour with a look at the moment from the oscars that we are still talking about one year later, and come.bly will be for years to - >> yeah, i don't think that's dying down any time soon. will smith, of course, giving that infamous slap to comedian chris rock for making comments about smith's wife. chris connelly taking a look at the fallout. >> reporter: it might have been the craziest hour in oscar history. one year ago, a sentence from chris rock on stage set it off. >> jada, i love you. "g.i. jane 2," can't wait to see it. >> reporter: seconds later, will smith, jada pinkett smith's husband leapt on stage. >> wow.
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will smith just smacked the [ bleep ] out of me. >> reporter: backstage according to oscar producer will packer, the lapd offered to arrest smith. >> rock just paused a minute, and said, you know, would you like us to take any action? he said, no. >> reporter: less than an hour after his assault on chris rock, he won best actor. >> i want to apologize to the academy. i want to apologize to all my fellow nominees. >> reporter: many noted pinkett smith's baldness, what rock was referring to with "g.i. jane 2" is a result of her condition, alopecia areata. smith posted this apology on instagram the day after the oscars and would resign from the academy. the academy eventually banning smith for ten years while keeping him eligible to be nominated. smith offered a verbal apology, solo in july. >> so i will say to you, chris, i apologize to you.
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my behavior was unacceptable, and i'm here whenever you're ready to talk. >> reporter: on march 4th, chris rock was ready to talk, all right. >> will smith practices selective outrage. people, like, did it hurt? it still hurts. [ laughter ] i got "summertime" ringing in my ears. >> reporter: one year after an on-stage assault on a beloved performer by a beloved performer horrified oscar viewers, it's the words of denzel washington as recalled by will smith that still endure. >> denzel said to me a few minutes ago, he said, at your highest moment, be careful. that's when the devil comes for you. >> reporter: for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> and that incident, of course, still on everyone's minds here this year.
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the academy, we spoke with the ceo and he told us, look, they're preparing for everything. they have a crisis team in place. if anything happens, they want to be able to respond. this is live tv. you never know what's going to happen. >> you never know. >> exactly. time now for a check of the weather with somara theodore. >> good morning. so california's seen everything from heavy snow to a deluge of rain, and now they've got double rainbows and one-inch hail coming down. this is just outside of fresno making it really difficult to drive. the rain is going to continue. a little bit of a break this morning, but we're seeing rain move in on northern california. look what happens today. portland will get very heavy rain. by tuesday we're seeing tons of rain and even snow in the sierra nevadas moving back into california from l.a. to nor cal. if you take a look at rain totals, anywhere from 2 to 6 inches and some spots could get 10 inches of rain, and the sierramountaintops could see 5 feet, again, of snow.
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we're tracking a system that could bring snowfall now to areas of pennsylvania, upstate new york, and that foreast not completely definitive. we could see snow in new york, and that will be something to watch for. what is certain is the snow totals that we're expecting in areas like upstate new york where they could see over a foot of snow monday into wednesday. that's a look at your forecast. let's see what's goi wet streets, gusting wind with isolated thunderstorms today. level 1 system bringing more rain today. and tomorrow. the atmospheric river tomorrow all right, guys. i think we need to take a vote here. are we doing way with daylight sayings or keeping it? this hour, i'm faking it to make it, but it's brutal. >> you know what, i woke up and forgot we lost an hour. >> what? >> i did. >> you're not helping the case today. >> i took my happy behind to bed last night. >> okay, okay yeah. >> let's keep it. >> my little tiny 1-year-old decided she didn't want to go to
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bed last night. i didn't get to go to bed as early as i would have liked. >> poor mama. >> the little ones, they do that to you. i'm voting to keep the extra hour. >> oh, wow. coming up on "good morning america," we can all keep arguing about this this morning. before they were the best supporting actress nominees, our look at the roles that helped them get there. and it's not just movie fans, but sports fans. selection sunday is here. espn bracketologist joe lunardi joins us with bold predictions. this is going to be great. taking the shawl off. ok i did it. is he looking at my hairline? is plaque psoriasis making you rethink your everyday choices? otezla is a pill, not a cream or injection that can help people with plaque psoriasis achieve clearer skin. and no routine blood tests required. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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welcome back to "gma," and a look at the humble beginnings of the women nominated in the best supporting actress category. >> this is the fun part here. they all have a shot at walking away this evening with hollywood's highest honor, but we went digging through the archives and here's a look at the nominees before they were stars. >> i was just hoping that you could explain this. >> reporter: jamie lee curtis plays against type as a grumpy irs inspector in "everything everywhere all at once." >> but i see a story. ait gwing hollywood royalty helped her get a foothold in mid '70s television.
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she was a teenager in her debut role as the woman jack klugman accidentally walks in on on "quincy, md." >> you ought to be locked up. >> so cute. >> reporter: jamie lee's co-star stephanie hsu also braves the multiverse in "everything everywhere all at once." >> hey, evelyn. bagel. >> reporter: her breakout role, playing mei on "the marvelous mrs. maisel," exploring her inter-racial relationship in 1970s new york. >> what's the song about? >> it's the usual stuff. boy meets girl. boy loses girl. girl buys knife with 12-inch blade. >> reporter: kerry condon is nominated for her role in "the banshees of inisherin." >> i tell you this much. you aren't lovely hosts. >> you won't have to put up with us for more than one night. so try eating with your mouth closed. >> reporter: she survived a zombie apocalypse on "the walking dead." >> i can't do things like this.
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let me be with him. >> reporter: hong chau is nominated for her performance as brendan fraser's friend and caretaker in "the whale." >> i really hate you for putting me through this again, you know that? >> reporter: we found her as a chatty waitress on "good luck charlie." >> something about her wanting you guys to have private time and whatnot. >> reporter: the legendary angela bassett is nominated for her role as queen ramonda. >> i warned you about taking my daughter on this mission and you lost her. >> reporter: blink and you'll miss her as a tv reporter in the thriller "fx" and flying the skies as a flight attendant in "kindergarten cop." >> is your wife okay, sir? >> reporter: but our favorite finds were angela's early appearances on daytime soaps, on "guiding light," "search for tomorrow" -- >> you're mad, right?
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>> only dogs get mad. >> i'm from the human services department. >> reporter: -- and back in 1987, one of her first roles on the daytime drama, "ryan's hope." >> you would be lucky to get her name, rank, and serial number if i'm not there. >> don't underestimate me. >> we certainly won't. 30 years since she was last nominated for "what's love got to do with it," playing the iconic tina turner. >> stars don't like it when we dig into the archives, but we love it. it's amazing to see the steps along the way. >> so fun. now, let's send it back to eva and janai. by the way, janai, i'm loving your shine, the oscars golden shimmy there. >> we were texting yesterday and i'm always keeping linsey hip. i told her she gagged the girls with her white tuxedo number. >> i'd never heard that. >> you did it again with the green. go, girl. >> what does it mean, gagging the girls? >> gagged the girls, like, gagged them. it looks good. >> i feel like that's something i can't say on television. coming up on "good morning america" -- >> leave it to you guys. >> -- it's selection sunday.
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we'll talk sports. espn's bracketologist joe lunardi joins us with the teams to watch during march madness. . postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash,
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back now on "gma" with an incredibly busy day. not only is it oscar night of course, and the start of daylight saving time -- parents, good luck -- but it's also selection sunday. >> joining us from bristol, connecticut with his insights on what's to come is espn bracketologist joe lunardi. let's start. we had some conference finals overnight and some that will be going on today. who do you think will be the number one seeds? >> i think the number one seeds are already baked at this point. the committee's been working on it since wednesday, and the
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number one seeds most likely in this order, kansas in the midwest. the jayhawks have been a perennial number one seed, and won the big 12 regular season. alabama playing for the s.e.c. tournament title today. they won the regular season already. they could be number one overall if the committee decides to slip them up a notch this afternoon. houston, number one in the polls, also hosting the final four this year in houston, texas. they will be a one seed regardless of their outcome today in the american final. and finally, purdue playing for the big ten title against penn state in the last game before the brackets are revealed. they won the big ten regular season. >> okay, joe. so which teams do you think are on the bubble this year? >> well, there are quite a few on the bubble this year, and many of them are going to see their bubbles burst. two that i think are worthy, but
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will probably not make it, are vanderbilt out of the southeastern conference. the commodores had a terrific run down the stretch of the regular season. but in the n.e.t. rankings, which stands for ncaa evaluation tool, the commodores are around 80, and no team has ever gotten in that large bid with a number that high. another team with a terrific season may be falling a little short out of the acc is clemson. the tigers were 14-6 in the acc, but played a very weak non-conference schedule, and that is something that the ncaa men's basketball committee pays particular attention to among teams who are fighting for those last few spots. >> well, there is a lot to look forward to, and joe, i appreciate it because you said that you believe missou is going to go all the way. that's a good guess, right? >> no. i think i said i thought the oscars would be better.
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>> we're losing you. we're losing you, joe. thank you so much. >> in case you're wondering where janai went to college. >> we'll be right back. shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. hey. (whisper yelling) jake from state farm! we have to know. yes. these are state farm pajamas. no, what if we have to talk to somebody about our policy but it's late at night? call us 24/7. great, because what if someone still calls his mom for everything? we'll walk you through everything, at state farm we're there for your “what ifs". yeah mom, everything is great...yeah...i mean not my mom.
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and i understand whit has a question for us all. >> lots of scuttle butt on the carpet here. the big jumbo tie? >> we've switched ties, folks. you see what's happening here? >> whit. >> this is the biggest debate on hollywood boulevard at this very moment because it's the only debate on hollywood boulevard. >> i think it's a no-brainer. what do you guys say? big or the small? >> i think go with the classic. >> size matters. >> okay. well, everybody here is saying to go with the -- the internet says the jumbo butterfly bow tie is in, and the internet is rarely wrong. >> yeah. >> oh, my gosh. that's really classic answer there. >> the big bow tie, whit. it's giving. it's giving.
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>> you guys -- >> it's a no? is this a no from the studio? >> i think they're splitting it. >> you look fantastic either way. >> go big or go home. >> you vote online. you tell whit. ll whit. building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions . this is abc seven news. good morning, everybody. i'm liz kreutz. new video this morning shows flooding in monterey county. thousands of people have been forced to get out of their homes as floods, overtake city streets, buildings and neighborhoods. this happened after a levee broke along the pa harrow river early saturday
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morning. right now, more than 8500 people are waiting for the floods to subside so they can get back home as soon as possible. the monterey county sheriff's office says it has made nearly 90 rescues over the past day in the north bay neighbors are cleaning up from the last storm and are now getting ready for more flooding. their rain hit moran on saturday and roads were very slick in mill valley crane helped clean up a 50 ft oak tree that crashed into a home tree removal. experts say they've been slammed with calls in sonoma county streams are running high with another 3 to 7. inches of rain expected fire officials are warning people to prepare for possible outages and again to never drive through flooded areas. and lisa arjun. good morning to you. let's go check out what we can expect in the coming days. alright list that 3 to 7 inches would be in the highest elevations the santa cruz mountains and that would be associated with the atmospheric river this morning. we're looking at this pretty vigorous line of shower activity light morangurs, and astheonit final 0
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some moderate rain back westward on peninsula cemetery. oh redwood city, see offshore, there is more. some thunderstorms potentially embedded here, with some help, perhaps and up in the north bay along the coast highway one light, spotty rain richmond into oakland. so this level one system today, putting down anywhere a couple hundreds to about a quarter of an inch. possibility of some sunny breaks with a thunderstorm and a flood watch late tomorrow. liz lisa. thank you this week with george stephanopoulos is next. we'll see you at nine. have
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>> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. sudden collapse. >> all our money is in the bank. what are we going to do now? >> silicon valley bank seized by regulators. the largest bank failure in 15 years. >> our banking system is far more resilient than it was in 2008. >> as the shutdown raises concerns at home, u.s. intel chiefs lay out the threats abroad. >> the next few years are critical. a strategic competition with china and russia intensifies. >> this morning, rebecca jarvis reports on the financial fallout. senator mark warner with


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