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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 14, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> building a better bay area. forward. fiing solutions. this is abc7 news. there is an e wefr a s earlye verysleto vehlee >> itely could've been worse. >> we are just working around the clock to make sure that our customers are safely restored. >> itout there. hundreds of thousands of people across the bay area are without power tonight as powerful winds continued cause widespread problems from downed trees to power outages and even issues on the roads and public transportation. >> we are on storm watch tonight, as we continue to monitor the impacts of the wind and residual storm damage. >> we have team
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tracking weather-related evacuations in san francisco and a student injured in the south bay by a falling tree. plus a water rescue in the north by. >> let's begin with our meteorologist for the latest. meteorologist: the damage is done from the winds but we are not through with those damaging winds. gusts, 21 mph at not as high as they were, but still 59 mph winds in the oakland hills. winds remained gusty at 6 p.m., still over 30 mph at 7 p.m. tonight. the high wind warning remains in effect until 11 p.m. tonight, 50-70 mph, leading to more damage. flags are still blowing in the wind as you can see from the richmond san rafael bridge. close to 90 mph winds. 74 mph at sfo. rose speak, 73 mph, concord, 55 mph winds.
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you can see some residual showers across the santa cruz mountains. summit wrote, across 17 -- summit road, across 17, a slippery roadway. on the impact scale, the winds are still funneling through. hour-by-hour, the showers will remain very scattered in nature. flooding is still possible across the entire region. we do have flood advisory's in ar of the bay area including sonoma county where a flood warning remains in effect as creeks are still going over. a flood warning for the san lorenzo river md pajaro rivers. the full look at the forecast, coming up in a few minutes. >> in san francisco, reports of falling glass triggered a -- triggered evacuations. our reported joins us now with the latest. reporter: this is a very unusual
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event that the building management has never dealt with. the san francisco fire department rarely deals with this kind of event. this happened right after about 2:20 p.m. in the afternoon, a window blew out on the 42nd floor. another window, i am told, cracked due to the very windy conditions. most of the glass shards fell on the ground. what they did was immediately close the streets, cordoned off this entire area around the bank of america building. fortunately, no one was injured. the people inside the building and surrounding buildings were told to shelter-in-place, because the last thing they want is for all these people to evacuate while glass is fallen from above. let's listen to jonathan baxter from the san francisco fire department. >> one window did break out of its frame and fell to the ground. another one is cracked. this is something that is
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unusual but we are also experiencing highly unusual weather. >> you would think that these windows are super fortified. >> again, i'm not an expert on the windows. but we do have building management who are experts on their buildings. they are stating that this is highly unusual. and for the fire department, this is a very unusual response for us. reporter: will be safe for people to leave once the wind subsides. they have come down quite a bit. many of these buildings also have a back entrance, so that may be another option for people to leave. but right now, this area is closed. a very scary moment for many people out here. live in downtown san francisco, leanne melendez, abc7 news. >> the wind has been relentless on the peninsula. a little girl who was sitting
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inside a classroom was hurt, when the wind blew a big redwood tree onto the elementary school. lauren martinez is live there right now, lauren? reporter: what a scare for the students and staff member here at oak avenue elementary school. crews have already started the cleanup process. you can still see pieces of the tree. you can see the huge root and pieces of the path where the tree fell and the classroom with the roof. crews have already put plywood over the damaged part of the roof. we know that a staff member from the district said this happened during lunchtime. the students were in second and third grade. one girl had a minor head injury and was taken to stanford medical center. she is expected to be at school later this week. >> i did check in with the teacher and she happened to be in the classroom at that time, so was able to support the students. just checking in with her after, too. she's doing ok.
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obviously shaken up, but she's doing ok. she said she wanted to be here to support the kids and she will be in here tomorrow. reporter: as far as the wind, take a look at this huge tree down on the corner of truman and kingston court, around the corner from this elementary school. parents who live in the area say the wind has just not let up throughout the day. back here at the school, a staff member tells me they will have mental health therapists here to support their kids, in case they need it. but overall, they are thankful they had this outcome. lauren martinez, abc7 news. >> in the north bay, flooded roads are a big concern, with many too deep to drive through. an anchor even helped call for help for some people today, she joins us now, liz, good evening. >> yeah, it's really been a wild day for us here in the north bay, with downed trees, mudslides, and flooding. a half mile down the road from
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here, we saw someone tried to drive through floodwaters and got stuck, we called the fire department and rescue crews had to come help them get out. on armstrong woods road today, a dramatic rescue as three people got trapped trying to drive through these floodwaters. >> we thought we could get through and we can't. my advice, don't ever go through water ever. reporter: have only just had taken her own advice. instead as the waters reached, or group took the gamble, ignoring the warning signs and driving right in. within a few yards, the vans told -- van stalled. geraldo sanchez and his were watching nearby. >> people trying to go through the battle. reporter: that was a treacherous drive getting into burnsville. this, the biggest of many mudslides on river road. what's it been like being out here? >> wet, crazy, long days.
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reporter: in santa rosa, crews were clearing this giant tree that toppled overnight. >> at the same time there were two flashes. reporter: he is from england and says he is not phased by the recent weather. >> i grew up in manchester, this is tuesday. [laughter] reporter: but it was no ordinary afternoon. crews are bringing out their inflatable rescue boats to try to get those passengers in the van. many suited up and waded into the waters for rescues. how was it getting rescue just now? >> good. reporter: bentley, with a smile on his face, and adventure that could have gone very wrong. you are these people were pretty lucky? >> yes. it could've been worse. if there is a road sign that says don't go through or there is flood water, please avoid the area.
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>> not long the rescue, we heard another person drove through the same waters and also got stuck and had to get rescued. people continue to do this despite the warnings. not only is it dangerous but also takes up a lot of resources for our first responders. back here in g winds are starting to pick up. a flood warning is in effect for the next 20 minutes. >> liz, thank you. exceptionally gusty winds really made a mess of the roads and freeways today all across the peninsula. tree crews had their hands full trying to clear away the debris. susan fawn joins us tonight by bunker hill drive in san mateo. reporter: what a wet and wilf and windy day. everywhere we went today, you could really feel the wind shaking our live van.
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standing outside, it was a challenge to try to stand up straight. for the photographer here with me, he says he's never seen or photographed so many downed trees in a single day. have own cause tayds just before noon, we got here to el camino and cambridge, a massive 60 foot tree could not withstand the gusty winds. a 40 foot branch came crashing down, blocking lanes of traffic, utility lines got yanked down, too. crews spent a long time rerouting traffic around the mess. things got a little tricky on southbound 280 by trousdale drive, a high wind advisory was in effect for the area. drivers battled the elements and had to maneuver around this wild and eucalyptus tree. all the debris for scars to use the shoulder of the freeway and traffic slowed to a crawl. it was one of two trees that toppled on the stretch of 280 today in the area.
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here's another fallen tree that partially blocked the offramp on trousdale drive. in saint carlos, more trees came down, all the rain this season has just saturated the ground. two different trees toppled, blocking a section of northbound el camino real, across the street from this office. >> it is actually winded. reporter: the back entrance here, now blocked, because the wind took down the business' awning. >> fortunately no one was injured or parked back there. reporter: all across the region, the wet weather and spray had a lot of people coming -- had a lot of people coming and going. but it was the wind that made its mark. here's a look from the crystal springs dam. the waves, whipping across the reservoir. at this school, two trees came down on the playground and the school field, as first responders worked to secure the area. many are just grateful no one
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was hurt and the school was not damaged. we got so many photographs today of trees down on cars, homes. most of them were in b urlingame and saint carlos. it was a day with the wet weather. back to you. >> pg&e's power outage map is a jumbled mess. there are 296,000 customers without power in the bay area. that is 20,000 more since the last update about two hours ago. the south bay remains the hardest hit area with 131,000 customers without power followed by the east bay with nearly 92,000. the utility's they preped the storm, bringing in crews from around the region. >> heavy winds toppled a walmart truck. the chp announced eastbound
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lanes to the end of this bridge are shut down. the truck is currently blocking two lanes and crews are working to clear the area. officials tell people to expect major delays and nearby areas. a wind advisory is in effect for the richmond san raphael and the golden gate bridge. >> if you are heading to bart or waiting for someone to get home, do not be surprised if it takes more time. the agency says it is experiencing major delays due to track issues, things like downed trees or debris blown onto the tracks. a train hit a tree between concord and pleasant hill station around 3:45 p.m. there is limited service retina. service was suspended between richmond and north berkeley around 4 p.m. due to a power outage. >> here's a live look at sfo. a ground dealer program is in effect because of the wind. they implement a ground stop earlier and many flights are still behind. some have been waiting as long as four hours for their flight to take off.
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>> investigators have made an arrest in a deadly shooting in gilroy that started with a car theft confrontation early this morning on pheasant drive. when officers arrived, they found a 33-year-old man who had been shot in the chest. he died in the hospital. he was shot when he confronted someone stealing his car. the shooter drove off in the man's car. hours later, there was a chase that ended with the arrest of a suspect in the shooting. >> a suspect was arrested in connection to yesterday's starting on san francisco's green bus. a 15-year-old boy is recovering at a hospital after he was stabbed during a fight in that bus that happened near 4:30 p.m. one of the four miners involved in the attack was arrested. officers say the motive and details will be kept private
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since they are minors. >> several san francisco supervisors have expressed their commitment to reparations for the black community. the reparations advisory board presented a draft report today with more than 100 recommendations. there's a potential one-time lump sum payment of $5 million to those who qualify. there could also be policy changes to address the wealth gap, infant mortality rates, and massive incarceration -- mass incarceration. >> residents evacuated, wanting answers from local soccer is the best. but her moderate to severe eczema could make it hard for her. my skin was so itchy. and my outfit was uncomfortable.
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for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. >> in monterey county, thousands are displaced from their homes after this weekend's love a breach that flooded the pajaro community. >> the evacuees still don't know when they are able to return home. doug fontes has the latest. reporter: it's been a hard series of days. >> it's been really hard. we all have kids. we can't get clothing for them.
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i'm still wearing the same clothes i had from saturday. reporter: other evacuees, telling us they are anxious about repairs they no need to be done to their flood damaged homes. >> we need to take the carpets and fix the room, the walls and everything. reporter: as crews worked to stabilize a levy, one main question of many evacuees is why more has not been done to strengthen it, addressed in a press briefing. >> it was determined long time ago that the current levies are not adequate. reporter: they have done as much maintenance as they can with the funding we have been provided and expect more money to be given. as for rebuilding the levy, that may not be done for eight to 10 years. but there is hope that process can be accelerated. >> the conversation is pivoting as we speak amidst this emergency response to how can we remove as many administrative barriers as we can to get this project started? reporter: mark is the executive director of the recently formed pajaro region flood management agency, want to take over
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maintenance and operations. he has costs set up with the white house and key government agencies about getting the project moving faster. >> i'm hopeful this is catching the attention of the army corps and the tremendous amount of support that we've actually been getting from them recently is going to accelerate to the point where we actually can put this project and the ground sooner than we thought and we can complete it sooner than we thought. reporter: as much flooding as there still is, the water has actually receded some. right now there's not a clear picture as to when evacuees can return home. when asked if it would be days or weeks or months, the county would only say that it would not be a matter of days before the residents could return home. zach fontes, abc7 >> let's get a check of the latest conditions out there. >> i'm hoping the winds can die down pretty soon. meteorologist: yeah, ama, i am, too. just a few more hours of windy conditions before
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this changes. the view, still showing your trees blowing around and the wind and rain coming down. while it is not a lot of rain we are expecting, we are still going to see more wind damage and power outages, as winds continued to blow. live doppler seven showing his scattered showers right around the santa cruz mountains and the peninsula. we are seeing that wet whether. as we show you the wider picture, numerous storm reports across the region. as a matter of fact, 62 reports of not only flooding but non-thunderstorm related wind damage. it was drenching rain. a messy commute this morning. almost 4 inches of rain, these are preliminary numbers. over 2 inches in santa rosa. rain shadow effect in livermore, san jose, a quarter to 1 inch of rain.
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we so that last night at 11 p.m.. 50's and 60's for the temperatures. it is a cooler day. it has been raining at lake level. snow falling at the highest elevations. a winter storm warning remains in effect until 5 a.m. tomorrow, an additional 5-10 inches above 6000 feet, 10-20 inches above 8000 feet. it is going to be difficult to impossible travel. still a rainy view from san francisco. gusty winds and showers through tonight. dry and sunnier the next two days, with occasional light showers between friday and sunday. on the impact scale, i am keeping this as a two, a strength storm through tonight primarily because of the strong gusty winds, the potential for more downed trees and outages and flooding concerns that remain not only on the pajaro river, but also up in sonoma county where they are seen creeks and streams rising and continuing to overflow.
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scattered showers in the forecast for this evening. hour-by-hour -- gusty winds, 30-36 mph between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.. winds drop off. tomorrow it will be breezy, but not nearly as windy. 7 p.m. tonight, showers around the east bay and the southbury, the santa cruz mountains through about -- through about 9 p.m. in the gilroy area. temperatures in the 30's and 40's. it starts off breezy near the coast, breezy along the coastline, but not nearly as windy as what we experienced. tomorrow afternoon, mid 50's to mid 60's. you will notice the skies open up for your wednesday. it is going to be a break that is much needed here in in the bay area. dry and calmer for wednesday, milder thursday, a chance of light rain and occasional showers through the weekend, a light level one. into monday, the first day of spring, wet and gusty going into
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tuesday. that system early next week looks stronger than what is ahead for the w
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>> president biden announced a
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new executive order on gun control today, in what he calls the largest gun safety legislation in decades, the order aims to end gun violence on the u.s. it will build on nine actions as part of the executive order. some of those include moving closer to imposing universal background checkss for gun ownership, increasing awareness of red flag laws to stop gun sales to certain people and improving support for survivors of gun violence. he also called on congress to do more beyond the scope of his order. >> let's finish the job, ban assault weapons, ban them again, do it now, enough, do something, do something big. >> legislation follows a mass shooting that and injured nine in january. >> we have much more coverage of the storm damage ahead at 5:30 p.m., including a live report from south lake tahoe. download the abc7 app or head over to abc7news.occom to join
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the dangerous encounter. a russian fighter jet colliding with an unmanned u.s. drone. it happened over the black sea. two russian fighter planes intercepting the american reaper drone in international air space southwest of crimea. the u.s. says one of those jets hitting the drone's propeller, forcing it down. what the white house is saying tonight. what russia is now saying. and martha raddatz with late reporting. two major systems hitting both coasts tonight. in the northeast, this nor'easter. in some places, more than 30 inches of snow. wind gusts hitting 60 miles an hour. a passenger plane off the taxiway in syracuse. and now in the west, the second atmospheric river targeting california. heavy rain tonight and a rare flash flood alert in los angeles.


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