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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 24, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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kumasi: now 6:00 oakland teachers planning to strike this morning. what we know about the demands in classes are scheduled to go on as normal. reggie: one step closer to approval. the bill he's pushing in response to the high gas prices we paid last year. kumasi: black panther like you have never seen it before. the special screening happening this weekend in san francisco. >> good morning. kumasi: happy friday everyone. it is a nice weekend finally. drew: sunshine is in the extended forecast. we have dries guys out there but frost advisory is in effect for the north bay this morning and
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also sunday morning for chilly temperatures in the 30's. most of us working up to temperatures in the low and mid 40's. breezy close to the coast and it will be a breezy afternoon later today. partly cloudy skies and expecting a lot of sunshine today. it is a breezy afternoon with the below average temperatures. take a look at the we can forecast, it is looking gorgeous come in a few minutes. reggie: this morning teachers with the oakland unified school district planning a wildcat strike. it is over the ongoing contract negotiations. abc 7 live the teachers are picketing in over an hour. reporter: yes, it is one of those sites. we know come 7:30 a.m. educators from at least 14 different oakland unified middle and high schools are expected to walk out and take part in this wildcat strike. this over contract negotiations
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and that distinction, a wildcat strike, means the walkout has not been authorized by the union. the oakland education association. teachers are striking over what they say is bad faith bargaining by the district. they say the district has repeatedly canceled negotiation sessions. those expected out today are opposed to cuts to workers in the other district. the group claiming the move illuminated a central position for student support is the academic systems and rick -- when asked for, the school district said classes will continued as scheduled. picketing is expected from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at three different locations. skyline high is one of the locations and from here there is going to be rally at city hall followed by a march 20 u.s. id offices. we are following it all this morning from oakland. kumasi: thank you. thousands of students in
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southern california will be going back to school today after workers spent three days picketing for better work conditions. union workers within the los angeles unified district demanding higher pay come up more stopping, and more hours for part-time workers. many picketing say it is tough to qualify for benefits. >> i recently got sick where i had to pay out of pocket because i do not have health insurance. kumasi: union workers are still fighting for a 30% raise. the district has offered a 23% raise along with a 3% cash bonus but union workers state that increase will be spread out over time and they also say it is not enough. los angeles mayor acknowledge that workers are underpaid but says she also wants to be fiscally responsible. >> i keep my fingers cross that we will come to some type of agreement soon but right now will be premature to say that is ready to happen. kumasi: the three day impacting childcare for more than 400,000 families.
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reggie: community members and police in oakland will hold an emergency meeting after eight businesses were burglarized overnight. tens of thousands of dollars worth of items were stolen. the businesses hit her on or near a stretch of 8th street. one of the restaurants was lounge chinatown it record say there are now afraid for their safety. -- where workers say they are now afraid for their safety. surveillance video shows at least six people break into the restaurant. one person holding a gun. minutes later a person through a cash register or a save on the ground while others stole alcohol. at lounge chinatown alone $36,000 worth of items were stolen. >> it is outrageous and disappointing when we see these things that people would come to chinatown and destroy our businesses. oakland chinatown
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provement council says it will add more nighttimsenno arrests n these cases. kumasi: home depot it employee arrested accused of stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise. some of the items were recovered. it is mostly power tolls. investigators say the suspects fell -- stashed items as heat the home. when they raided the house they seized about $90,000 in cash. surveillance video led investigators to be suspect. reggie: we are learning new details of a police chase that ended is he a daily crash in rodeo. police say they were supposed to eat a suspect wanted for stealing a car. -- they were pursuing a suspect wanted for stealing a car. the mom was killed in the crash. the twins were taken to children's hospital in oakland. we do not know what their condition is. the suspected car thief was not
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heard. and has been arrested. public safety is something we are always monitoring in a fact-based weight using our ab -- abc 7 tracker. you can see how different forms of crime breakdown over neighborhood and compared to other cities. this is either front page of your website kumasi: all the recent storms can be a and to a request to the water. reggie: what tiktok ceo says it is doing to protect american users and how lawmakers are responding. drew: we do expect a breezy but bright afternoon on the way later on today. when the gusting 20-40 miles per hour. the dry weather continues into the weekend. on the shelf like a porcelain doll. but one out of two women over 50
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reggie: the recent storms give me an end to the call for 15% water use reduction in santa clara county. the county is moving out of drought conditions for the first time in three years. as a result they will both soon on the plans to end its emergency drought declaration. despite the approval -- improvement of the drought that you see is still pushing for continued conservation. >> draws a going to be more frequent and more severe because of climate change and we know that the next drought is always looming so it is important to keep up water conservation even when we are not in drought. reggie: more than 50% of the county's water is important. some areas for the county gets the water is still in drought. you can track the drought available on our website
6:10 am drew: you can quiet across california. a couple of snow showers doodling across tahoe this morning. we will find a nice week if you're going to the mountains. a tropic setting up across the west coast. tracker showing you upper 40's to their 50's degrees by 10:00 a.m. several layers with you this morning because we are slow to warm as the day goes on. we'll have a lot of sunshine and temperatures into the mid and upper 50's later on today. bright and breezy and the wind picks up this afternoon gusting 20-40 miles per hour but we are dry today and temperatures little bit below average for this time of year. looking at the other day forecast me was buying to the weekend, we have eight dry we can in the month of march. sunshine both saturday and sunday before next week. we talk about that storm coming up. let's check on traffic this
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morning. >> even though lights came on at 5:34 a.m. it is not piped in this area. traffic has been light throughout your morning commute. a wind advisory this morning. i live look at walnut creek as we show you 680. you're looking at an hour two minutes commute for your ride. highway 1 along 289, nine minutes. all green pretty much everywhere which is very good news. reggie: campus for sale. the bay area university listing his property despite pleas from the city of oakland created also, permitting fair invaders. testing new gaze from -- gaetz from stopping people from skipping out on payments. feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let the light shine through.
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kumasi: welcome back. we are talking about the government crackdown on a takes on this morning. lawmakers spent hours pressing the ceo answers as they consider a nationwide band. jobina: the ceo of tough questions from congress on how the app protects u.s. users data and how i can stop potential efforts by the chinese government to weaponize the platform. he spent five hours trying to assure congress the app is committed to protect or use. in a rare show of bipartisanship , united in their skepticism of tiktok. >> is a commitment to our users we keep this free from any manipulation. i see no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they never asked us. we have never provided. >> i find that preposterous.
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jobina: the ceo told lawmakers the app plans to protect its 150 million american users by firewall link off their data from unwanted foreign influence but that firewall would not be ready to launch until sometime later this year. the white house as called for tiktok chinese parent company to sell its u.s. operations or sell its shares rather and beijing is opposing that. the bipartisan support in the senate that would regulate or even ban foreign-made technology because by the end for tiktok and can be detrimental for businesses who use the app for outreach. we will follow this closely. reggie: former president trump says he deserves immunity from the civil lawsuits which blame him from the capitol attack on january 6, 2021. yesterday trump's lawyer told judges there was no incitement in trump speech for a mob of a supportive stop the capital.
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the court filing comes two weeks after the said trump is not protected from the lawsuits because of allegations -- i can say she's he excited riots. -- because he invited riots. 24-year-old riley williams of pennsylvania was convicted of impeding an officer, civil disorder, and disorderly conduct on capitol grounds. just as the permanent accuser are directing the mob to push against police officers during the attack. kumasi: a bill that can penalize oil companies for price gouging past the critical checkpoint. state senators voted to approve the proposal. it will allow state regulators to set a price caps on oil companies and penalize them without cap his past. >> if that transparency costs are oil companies if they might otherwise minute delay prices to refrain from doing so
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that is a benefit to california consumers and if that occurs, do not need a penalty. kumasi: the california energy commission would be able to collect data from oil refineries to see if a price gouging penalty is even necessary. the bill now has to be to the senate. reggie: bart is taking the first step to new dates. the new gates will b station wide in 2026. they will cut down to the vacantly on fare evasion be technologically advanced. kumasi: one of the most sought-after beers in the world is going back on cell. limited release will be available in santa rosa and windsor if you want to brave those typically long lines. the company pushed the release back to late march to make production easier. reggie: is the honor of the ecological new year, starbucks
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is teaming up with astrology to create starbucks our signs. kumasi: this website picks a customer best. drink depending on their zodiac sign. it aims to help identify a beverage that acts as a expression of your planet roller. some drink flavors include ice much, strawberry cream frappuccino. users also get their horoscope. you get a sprinkle colored. you get a spring flower. reggie: you get to spring up to the cashier. that is cute. kumasi: that is something. are you excited about spring yet? reggie: you're trying to get me excited about spring. yesterday see the house i was like the sun. i'm not used to it being in the house again.
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drew: it is not feel li yet. reggie: no, i do not believe it yet. kumasi: we will get there. drew: it is called. never met someone who is obsessed with spring equinox. reggie: she is leaving in a spring mentality. it is nice. drew: i want to be in it. it is a reality. we are in a fantasy thinking it is not happening. no issues with weather as you are trying to take to the skies today and impact over the weekend california is quiet after just a wet winter this past couple of months. es in '' and frost advisory in effect for parts of the north bay. we expect we went to pick up later this afternoon. as a bright, dry, but breezy day. temperatures staying below average thanks to the wind.
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tonight it is a blend of stars and clouds and more frost advisories will pop up as i spots dip into the 30's. anything you have plan outside tomorrow or even sunday, you are good to go. we are little bit warmer tomorrow. 60's under sunny skies. sunday almost a duplicate advert to or two will become for the weekend -- we are 242 for the weekend but changes do arrive next week. our next atmospheric is to arrive monday. tuesday morning commute is likely a messy one again with rain and wind and we will get snow in the sierra. as a coal storm benny snell levels will be low and that -- it is a snow storm snow levels will be low. we are expecting more than a inch of rain in spots early next week. beautiful looking weekend. enjoy. chilly start but we get bright
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skies. early next week the level two and wet and windy on the storm impact. reggie: good morning america is coming up at 7:00 a.m.. >> we are live in miami and setting up potential record heat that goes through florida but also big storms are rumbling the golf. there is breaking. we are all over it. u.s. launching precision strikes into syria retaliating for a drone attack by iranian backed forces that killed an american contractor and injured six. the ceo of tiktok grilled on capitol hill focusing on privacy concerns the chinese backed company. what is the fallout if there is a potential ban we found a mother of two that saves a thousand dollars a month on our grocery bills. we're going to dive into her tips and pass them along to help you do that. that is our f
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drew: take a look at the forecast. it is breezy but sunny today. we get a dry weekend all month long every weekend. we've had rain in the forecast. it is our only dry weekend for the month of march without warmer spot is in the low 60's over the weekend. if you're thinking to traveling to tahoe, no issues. on sunday we get but nothing accumulating create overnight lows chilly. monday we cloud up but we stay dry. the storm approaches us to get us more snow on tuesday. tuesday likely have winter storm warnings in effect. kumasi: in north bay a landmark is sinking. it has been a fixture on the waterfront for decades now but the storm on tuesday damaged it and now it is taking on water. the house vote has b
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since the 70's and now it is four feet underwater. caretakers they are using pumps and divers but they cannot seem to raise it. >> is going to have to be demoed. it is sad. >> it is an end of an era. it last 50 plus years. kumasi: the taj mahal house but has his own instagram page. sale despite city leaders in border trustees to keep it as an educational facility. last year announced it will close after the 2023 spring semester because a decline in enrollment, high cost, and demand restitution old financial aid. the disc can continue studies at dominican university -- students can continue studies at dominican university. the catholic university has been around for 150 years. it was some be able to pay with
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your palm at panera. -- you will soon be able to pay with your palm at panera. it serves as a contactless payment method for people who are signed up for his loyalty program by panera. the first launch will be in st. louis before expanding to other locations. panera is the first national restaurant to use amazon one. thousands of people in stockton want the city to be featured in an upcoming fantastic four film because stockton is the birthplace of comic books a petition to make it happens received more than 3000 signatures. the pushes led to visit stockton a nonprofit that promotes and markets the city. body says in san francisco will get to see the movie black panther like never before. the san francisco symphony is holding two screenings
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accompanied by a live orchestra. the shows are tonight and tomorrow night starting at 7:30 p.m. and if you get a ticket you also get to come to this free q&a one hour before the show. the conductor of the concert and the movie soundtrack. disney's the parent company of the marvel. i saw this in l.a. when they did it for the first time you will love it. the music helps you experience the film in a different way. check it out. next at 630 p.m., opening day for the giants is two weeks away. the changes you will see. a surprising site on the streets of sole so, south korea. zoo officials are saying about his getaway. as we had to break a live look outside. we will be right back.
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reggie: remembering paying tribute to the popular radio personality. kumasi: an emergency meeting with police concerns from one oakland neighborhood after a blitz of burglaries in one night. reggie: california biggest street food party returned to 90. vendors coming together to celebrate the diversity of the food world. that is a sign of spring. kumasi: i love it. good morning. happy friday. drew: anything today, tomorro and send at it you have to do outside you will be good to go. live doppler 7 this morning. it is quiet. a frost advisory in effect for the north bay. chilly temperatures out there. 30's in are called to right now. most of us waking up to the 40's with a breeze because of the coast.
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we are expecting a breezy afternoon on the way. look at this picture from the camera is shaking a bit but we have clear skies. expect a lot of sunshine today. breezy this afternoon. temperatures below average at the 50's. review the weekend forecast coming up. reggie: skin our teachers in oakland are planning what is known as a wildcat ongoing negotiations with the school district. we of the schools are planning to strike today. reporter: teachers taking part in this wildcat strike say for them this demonstration is a reflection and representation of escalating frustration and that strike is expected to start a 7:30 this morning. when that happens we are expecting to see educators from at least 14 oakland unified middle and high schools. it is over contract negotiations and teachers will be stopping
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worked and processed think what they say is bad faith bargaining by the district. they say the district has repeatedly canceled negotiation sessions. when asked to comment, the school districts said classes will continue as scheduled. picketing is expected from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. at threes sites. followed by an 11:00 a.m. at oscar greta plaza at city hall and a march 2 u.s. offices of all caps strike means that teachers have planned this without authorization from the union. it is the oakland education association. we will be here for all of that development all morning long. kumasi: this chinatown community will be gathering for an emergency meeting with police after tens of thousands of dollars worth of items were stolen from at least eight businesses early yesterday
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morning. abc 7 reported joining us live in the newsroom. reporter: this morning it is still no arrest but police say there has been a recent spike in commercial burglaries city wide and as you can imagine, this has business owners in oakland chinatown very concerned. you can see these on surveillance video using both colors, even a saw -- cutters and even i saw to break into the businesses. eight businesses were trashed early thursday morning and ever let were broken windows and ransacked by thieves who took whatever they could. >> disappointing when we see these things people would actually come to chinatown and destroy our businesses. >> i so need -- i still need survive so still come in. reporter: the employee works at
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lounge chinatown and you can see at least six people try to get inside the new restaurant. they spent more than 10 minutes trying to break the lock. then they eventually rushed inside and one person you can see with a gun drawn. one person throws a cash register or save in the middle of the floor. $36,000 worth of stuff was stolen from lounge chinatown alone. the meeting between chinatown community members and police going on at 10:00 this morning. i volunteer security crew that patrols the area overnight and the initial thought is to add another patrol crew overnight to help out. kumasi: a really sad fans of longtime bay area radio personality jv. his body was found at pier 39 it was a night almost a month after he vanished. his radio cohost struggled to speak as a place that news. >> his picture on the site just
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reminds you of better times. >> when he was healthy and happy. that is how i'm going to continue to remember him. kumasi: jeff vandergrift or jv started his own radio show and in is three decades and eventually became the highest rated morning show in san francisco radio history. >> the show is pretty awesome. a member of the doghouse back in the day and listening to it as a kid, laughing all the time. kumasi: in 2021, with the struggle with lyme disease. he was 55 years old. there are plenty of resources out there if you or someone you know is dealing with mental health issues. you can find our useful list at action if is there something more urgent you may be dealing with you can call the national suicide and crisis hotline by dialing 988.
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reggie: repair work continues on interstate 580 at livermore. two pounds remain closely today -- two eastbound lanes remain close all because this retaining wall gave way from the recent rain. the erosion cause a crack on the freeway which led to the closure. pge customers are still in the dark following tuesday storm. they tell us they are frustrated with the communication they are getting from the utility company. >> we got a phone because that's at your power has been restored and it was not restored. >> they thought they were down the. supervisor symptom to another location now we are waiting for another crew to come out. why would they leave it the job is not done yet? it is crazy. reggie: both of those people live in oakland. they say another reason a few homes may be in the dark our neighbors have power is just
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because of the location. >> we cap just beat the way they are situated -- it can just be the way they are situated on the circuit so they may get power from different places. it really can vary. as a case-by-case basis. reggie: pge says it is working on improvements for insulators. people who live in the flooded rubbish town are allowed to go back home after they were evacuated two weeks ago. the central coast for some of the hardest hit by the recent storms. they are also some of the nation's largest producers of lettuce, broccoli, strawberries. a food economist tells us this could reduce supply across the country, but would not lead to a high-priced jump because production is still available in other locations. meanwhile board member with an april farmworkers family says farmers are in trouble. >> this is a catastrophe. the drought had an impact on
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hours available and now with this flooding, it is going to decrease the amount of employment opportunities for farmworkers. reggie: last week the organization gave food and other resources to hundreds of people in watsonville. kumasi: we are taking a live look this morning. the reported seeing one of the best combines from the pandemic compared to other airports across the country. sfo received an award 2023 american annual conference this year. is reorganizing the airport success after developing new airlines and destinations. as it fought to bounce back from covid-19 and welcomed his first new domestic carrier in 15 years, breeze airways along with multiple international carriers. reggie: is peanut butter and liquid? tsa says it is. kumasi: you are looking the stock exchange.
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we are down hundred 75 points at another update on the market is next. reggie: prepare for player -- repairing for parenthood. how father to be is getting ready for their arrival. stay with us on the abc streaming app at 7:00. we are alive every weekday from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. if you download the app now, you can stream as this morning. drew: we take you to the tower this morning. it is a quiet start. we are dry and partly cloudy skies out there. we have a dry pattern that a subtle over the next couple of days to the weekend. live doppler 7 along with satellite. a couple of showers who are north were made to our north. california is pretty quiet today. a child has developed along the west coast and that will keep temperatures below average for this time of year but bring us a windy afternoon on the way. by 4 p.m. tracker showing the
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wind 20-40 miles per hour out of the northwest and that will keep temperatures on the cool side. we are slow to warm as the day goes on. by 10 a.m. today, upper 40's near 50 degrees and later this afternoon we maxed out in mid to upper 50's for a high. it is a bright day, breezy day, but we are dry. 56 in the city today. we finally this month. the only what we had in march. saturday and sunday, and lots of sunshine. chilly stars in the morning but the afternoon is quite comfortable in the 50's and 60's. we are tracking our next atmospheric river set to arrive next week. we show you the details coming up. jobina: good morning. we are finally seeing super commuter in the red. tracy to dublin 48 minutes. if you move through napa and multicar crash that us be
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reported on state route 12. your speeds are going to be around nine miles per hour and it is starting to cause minor back along 29. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we do have metering lights on. you can see the backup is not bad. a wind advisory in for that bridge and the san mateo bridge this morning.
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you didn't choose your hairline. hot flashes, the flu,
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or that thing when your knee just gives out for no reason. you didn't choose your bad back or this. or... that. you didn't choose depression, melanoma, or lactose intolerance. but with kaiser permanente you can choose your doctor who works with other best-in-class specialists to care for all that is you. kumasi: welcome back. the pentagon says a suspected iranian drone could a u.s. contractor and injured five service members in an attack in syria. video captured ambulances racing to the scene. u.s. responded with an have tried authorized by president biden -- there
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troops in syria. earlier this week we told you but i jobs linked to more deaths and infections and that we are hearing from a patient who says she used one of the eyedrop grants being recalled. jobina: timber is a been recalled and now -- 10 brands have been recalled and now she's doing the company linked to most of the cases. she says she use it for nine months while battling an aggressive infection which she says doctors have trouble treating with antibiotics. they say doctors reports to remove her i to keep the bacteria from spreading. with poor vision in her many eyes she is not legally blind. >> has your life change with your family or with work? >> a lot. 1000%. kumasi: at least three people have died and eight others have
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lost their vision and fort needed and i surgically removed following the use of the contaminated eye drops. the fda says the company did not properly test its products. we have information on which eyedrops have been recalled on our website reggie: a new push to make it easy to cancel free trials and subscriptions. the ftc is proposing a new role click to cancel which means companies will have to make it easy to cancel as it is to sign up. if you sign up online, you will be able to cancel a line is he the same number of steps. before finalizing the role, ftc is in for public feedback. kumasi: starting april 1 anyone who has not paid for hebert -- for a blue checked will have it removed from that social media,. anyone who wants to keep the verified status has to pay for it, it is called twitter blue and it will cost you from eight
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dollars to $11. reggie: a center will/19,000 jobs worldwide in an attempt to cut cause. the professional service company says it will spend 1.2 billion dollars in severance the cut 2.5% of its workforce. the process expected to happen over the next 18 months. the company specializes in tech services and consulting ss more than half of the layoffs in the back office staff. shares climbed as much as eight point 4% following that announcement yesterday. general mills says customers are thinking with his products despite the rising inflation cost. it makes everything from cheerios to cake mix and says higher prices of revenue by 13% in the last fiscal quarter. the demand for packaged food remains the same even as the economy changes. the company says it expects more sales gains in fiscal 2023 by 11%.
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a live look at the new york stock exchange as training is underway. we are down 260 points. kumasi: look at this, it is officially peak cherry blossom season at our nation's capital. the cherry trees are out and beautiful scenery for everyone. the trees were a gift of friendship from japan in 1912 it have been a tourist attraction ever since. 70% of the flowers are currently out. the national cherry blossom festival is underway and ends at the annual parade which is on april 15. reggie: changes coming to oracle park. there are also new food items and drone shows. ahead of the baseball season, the giants have sold nearly 1.5 million tickets. one major change is no backpack policy inside oracle park. they will have storage lockers outside of the stadium for large items in your backpacks. lockers will be available to
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rent two hours before every game. this year's home opener is april 7. i now know they will have crab fries. kumasi: and a true row and a waffle mix together. reggie: sounds like a plan. kumasi: california's largest nighttime street food festival returning for his 13th season, the off the grid through the truck market futures 50 chefs and food creators every friday at fort mason. tonight it will debut featuring a series of rotating chefs. organizers say it celebrates diversity and rising of the food truck seeing. it is open from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. every friday until june 23. do you say almond or almond? reggie: i did not know this was
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a big deal. kumasi: it is a thing. it is a question being asked by the university of california agriculture and national resources. reggie: i'm still confused about this. the almond versus the almond. is that the distinction? someone says am reggie: ament? all right. they're trying to figure out why we pronounce the words and different ways which my whole life i've never was say it that way. this website a project other says they are trying to determine geographic boundaries for certain pronunciations are use. the no l pronunciation is common from long time almond farming families. kumasi: ok.
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reggie: the almond committee wants to pronounce it at their own way, i respect that choice but i'm not here of an l. kumasi: ok. we do not need that word use. reggie: the disrespectful deletion of the l. >> the, tomato thing. reggie: if you are from britain the usa -- then you would say tomato. kumasi: i hope people drew over here. what a time of. the only one that seems to be parts of the caribbean. 'm with you.
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e fax today. the good news is no one is hurt here. it is the emergency roadway construction on eastbound 580 past nor blip road. you will face a slow down. live look right now at the richmond bridge where it has pink belt up terms of westbound traffic. -- where it has picked up under the westbound traffic. nice and clear for you. drew: temperatures in the 40's. a frost advisory in effect for the north bay. temperatures in are called espys coming in the 30's. a lot of us in the low 40's and breezy along the coast. the window gusting anywhere from 10-50 miles per hour. will get gusty wind this afternoon. the heist today, enjoy the sunshine. it does turn windy this afternoon. temperatures a bit below average for this time of year and tonight is a blend of stars and
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clouds. frost advisors will go into effect for a lot of us. 30's in are called espys but a delightful -- and are called espys but a delightful weekend. our warm cities in 60's. anything outside you have planned, no worries. take a look of a tahoe forecast. no worries if you're going up there. late day flurries but our next impactful storm. bring snow does not arrive until tuesday of next week. here it is on future weather showing our next atmospheric river is set to soak us tuesday morning. the tuesday morning commute is likely going to be messy around the region. we do expect our cities to exceed an inch of rain where find the heaviest rain falling tuesday into wednesday. the accuweather 7-day forecast enjoy the beautiful weekend we tried to the rain returning early next week -- then we track the rain returning early next week.
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to let you know that you are on camera. >> >> i thought you were going for a different style. >> i was in my zone. >> the big change here is chains are required on all major roadways right now. as far as the drivetime, looking at the same three hours 22 minutes. the faster here. -- a little faster here.
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for the ride, more snow. it good to me. -- sounds good to me. kirkwood, three hours 20 eight minutes. the base photos have increased over the last few weeks so you're looking good up there. reggie: there's a conversation going around right now. is it a solid or a liquid. [laughter] >> i'm never in t >> i'm going to do my thing and all of a sudden our producer look to switch it up. >> early like >>. >>-- i really liked it. he has a says inhibitor is a liquid you cannot bring it onto planes. and it takes a contain a. people pushing back saying peanut butter should be considered a liquid.
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i would not have thought it was a liquid. >> if you put in the freezer and you take it, is it ok? >> of the plane. >> we are on the falcon watch for the next few weeks. is our favorite team because falcon annie, our friend, i have now four eggs and they are expected to hatch in a few weeks. apparently already being a good dad, this is the cow falcon instagram account showing this photo of lou and i was confused about what is going on but he is apparently trying to bring food but it is not even born yet. i like a man who is prepared. >> i see it. that is the right thing. that is the meat. that a modestly think going on?
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why is it pause out? >> do you think it is something of the lindsay? >> i was trying to think what is going on in that photo we are not supposed to see for a morning audience. >> no, they posted it like that on the instagram. >> got it. i can relax. >> thus
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before the xfinity 10g network we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? with speeds like this, i can't even dream of what he'll be able to do. get xfinity internet for just $25 a month with no annual contract during our limited time launch celebration. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh?
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what a time to be alive. introducing the next- generation 10g network. only from xfinity. >> u.s. contractor was killed and five service members hurt either a showing strike in syria. by has ordered an airstrike in retaliation. reggie: open teachers holding a strike over ongoing contract negotiations the district says classes will continue as scheduled. kumasi: community members of oakland chinatown and police
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will be holding an emergency meeting it comes after eight witnesses were burglarized early this week. no arrests have been made. reggie: the bay area is a member think longtime radio personality jv. his body was found at pier wednesday night nearly a month after he went missing. he was 55 years old. drew: a bright and breezy day ahead. enjoy the sunshine with temperatures in the 50's and the dry weather continues into the weekend. jobina: traffic has been light this morning. no major plucking issues. kumasi: adam lambert and queen coming to san francisco. tickets go on sale next friday. the show is on wednesday, november 8. reggie: i adam lambert. he was the person doing th concert on gma in central park and you're never sure should i
7:00 am
take a picture or not and he did, he was very sweet. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, america, for our viewers in the west breaking overnight, the u.s. launches air strikes on syria. ♪ >> michael: firing back, u.s. airstrike in syria after deadly attack on american base, iran-backed sources killing including five u.s. service members. martha raddatz with the latest. >> martha: north korea claims they tested nuclear-capable underwater attack drone and say it could create a radio radioactive tsunami. >> severe weather threat, 30 million on alert for tornados this morning stretching from texas to ohio with


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